RTW :: Volume #12

#1132: Function of reward

Leaves the receiving callers hall, Simbad is in castle garden medium him. 离开会客大厅,辛巴迪正在城堡庭院中等他。 What kind , does Great Chief have in your diving attire is interested?” Sandpeople asked full of enthusiasm. After one week of being together, among two people has wound ripe much, calculated half friend. Discovered that what the reward of ruins is? explorer title?” “怎么样,大酋长有对你的潜水装束感兴趣吗?”沙民兴致勃勃地问道。经过一周的相处,两人之间熟络了不少,也算成了半个朋友。“发现遗迹的奖励又是什么?探险家的称号吗?” Rex somewhat loses shook the head, he does not plan to purchase the diving attire......” 雷克斯有些失落地摇了摇头,“他不打算购买潜水装束……” This...... The type,” Simbad responded quickly, Kingdom of Greycastle did not need also normally, after the news passed on, the Fjord Chamber of commerce will certainly note your invention. The sea is buried treasure basin, this is you have spoken the words, not?” “这……样啊,”辛巴迪很快反应过来,“不过灰堡王国不需要也正常,等消息传出去后,峡湾商会一定会注意到你的发明的。大海是宝藏盆,这是你自己说过的话,不是么?” He indeed had said such words, Rex thought that since the King of Greycastle decision summoned them, obviously was attaches great importance to this matter especially, then deferred to recruit the provision, can obtain rich granting inevitably. The reward itself, is the explorer title, can attract the massive vision and topics for him, thus the command dives the reputation of attire to resound through the fjord islands. 他的确说过这样的话,雷克斯心想,既然灰堡之王决定召见他们,显然是对此事格外重视,那么按照招募条款,必然能得到丰厚的赏赐。无论是奖赏本身,还是探险家称号,都能为他吸引来大量目光和话题,从而令潜水装束的名声响彻峡湾诸岛。 But...... 可是…… He has smiled bitterly, „the Your Majesty's reward, is a book.” 他苦笑了下,“陛下的奖励,是一本书。” Simbad was shocked, what did you say?” Sandpeople lowers the head slightly, the vision moves to the hand of opposite party in the thing, Is it possible......” 辛巴迪愣住了,“你说什么?”沙民微微低头,目光移动到对方的手中之物上,“难不成……” Is this.” Rex nods reluctantly. The books are not thick, probably also dozens pages, moreover in the title page a character does not have, not to mention fine border and dye printing. Even if it is by the ordinary noble donation, appears quite poor, really does not take the reward of takes action like one. “就是这个。”雷克斯无奈地点点头。书本并不厚,大概也就数十页,而且封面上一个字都没有,更别提精美的镶边与印花了。哪怕它是由普通贵族赠予的,也显得颇为寒酸,实在不像一件拿得出手的奖励。 So rewarded impossible brings the fame, said that perhaps also will have drawn on the ridicule. 如此封赏不可能带来名望,说出去了或许还会招来嘲笑。 Great Chief should not be this......” Simbad stamps the feet saying that linked me to obtain granting of 20 gold royal, you as the sponsor of fishing plan, should obtain compared with me more was!” 大酋长不应该是这样……”辛巴迪跺脚道,“连我都得到了20枚金龙的赏赐,你作为打捞计划的发起者,本应比我得到的更多才是!” The straightforwardness of fjord person made Rex feel warm feeling, but he was clear, was not worth questioning with this matter ruler-- that absolutely had great power because the opposite party has started out has realized the condition that was willing to think for him, was only he still in hesitant. 峡湾人的耿直让雷克斯感到了一丝暖意,不过他心里清楚,绝对不值得用这种事情去质疑一名大权在握的统治者——因为对方已经开出了替他实现愿想的条件,只是他仍在犹豫而已。 At this time personal guard walked, Your Majesty has prepared the residence for you, please come with me.” 这时一名亲卫走了过来,“陛下已为你们准备好了住所,请跟我来吧。” Many thanks.” He bows to say hastily, then hints Simbad to follow oneself-- no matter how, went back to read the content to say in first well again. “多谢。”他连忙躬身道,接着示意辛巴迪跟上自己——不管如何,还是先回去好好看看书里的内容再说。 Goes out of shortly after the castle area, Rex heard one suddenly strangely buzz whining noise. 走出城堡区不久,雷克斯忽然听到了一阵奇怪的嗡鸣声。 Likely a series of stuffy thunder that transmits from the horizon, is clearer. 像是从天边传来的一连串闷雷,却又更加清脆。 He well, following the sound looked gently to the distant place. 他轻轻咦了一声,循声向远方望去。 Saw only in the deep blue sky to present a sunspot of visibling faintly. 只见蔚蓝的天空中出现了一个隐约可见的黑点。 Bird? He just had this idea, denied own guess quickly, this from only feared that several miles, what bird flew to have such momentum? 鸟?他刚冒出这个想法,很快又否定了自己的猜测,这距离只怕有好几里地了,什么鸟飞起来能有如此声势? Sandpeople also noted this phenomenon obviously, his whole body tightened, likely was a soldier of placing on alert. 沙民显然也注意到了这一异象,他浑身都绷紧起来,像是一个进入戒备的战士。 That thing...... Came to us!” “那东西……冲着我们来了!” Enemy?” Rex surprised say/way, in Greycastle Kingdom Capital?” “敌人吗?”雷克斯惊讶道,“在灰堡王都里?” I do not know...... But it is not any birds and so on thing!” “我不知道……但它绝不是什么鸟兽之类的东西!” Puts with ease,” personal guard actually calm say/way that guides, that is the toy that Your Highness Princess Commander likes, although saw at first when will think unbelievable, but you will live for several days to be familiar with here.” “放轻松点,”带路的亲卫却一脸平静道,“那不过是长公主殿下喜爱的玩具罢了,虽然最初看到时会觉得难以置信,但你们在这里多住几天就会习惯的。” Princess...... Toy?” They discovered unexpectedly oneself cannot understand the meaning in opposite party words completely. “公主的……玩具?”两人竟发现自己完全听不懂对方话里的意思。 Your Majesty also once urged Your Highness Tilly try not to leave the test flight field, but she actually thinks that the location too slightly has no way to display heartily, except outside inhabited area, factory district and Vortex Sea, only remained castle area route.” personal guard is unalarmed by strange sights saying that I always thought that she comes to show off the skill to Your Majesty intentionally.” 陛下也曾劝过提莉殿下尽可能不要离开试飞场,可她却认为场地太小没法尽情施展,除开居民区、工厂区与漩涡海外,也就只剩城堡区这条路线了。”亲卫见怪不怪道,“不过我总觉得,她是故意来向陛下炫耀技巧的。” Still is unable to understand. 依然无法理解。 Even if unable to understand, Rex also caught a pride from the facial expression of opposite party. 然而即便无法理解,雷克斯也从对方的神情中捕捉到了一丝自豪。 Does not arrive to count breaths the time, just also in the sunspot of horizon then already close at hand-- in bellow that in that roared approximately, the fjord people saw in this life the most inconceivable scene. 不到数息时间,刚还远在天边的黑点便已经近在眼前——就在那近似咆哮的轰鸣声中,峡湾人看到了这一生中最不可思议的场景。 Grew metal creation of two pairs of long wings to pass over gently and swiftly his top of the head like the strong winds, its shadow also wanted on big dozens times compared with the biggest sea-bird, was only view its physique makes people think heavy incomparable, but exactly was this heavy incomparable iron beast, at this moment actually hovered in the sky. Meanwhile, he still saw a form of female on iron beast, although looks not clearly, but it truly carries the person to fly. 长着两对长翼的金属造物如狂风般掠过他的头顶,其阴影比最大的海鸟还要大上数十倍,光是观其形体就让人觉得沉重无比,但恰恰是这只沉重无比的铁兽,此刻却翱翔于天空之中。同时,他还在铁兽上看到了一名女子的身影,尽管看得并不真切,可它确实是搭载着人在飞行。 model/pattern...... 范…… In Rex mind jumped out this name suddenly. 雷克斯脑海中突然跳出了这个名字。 Wonder Objects Society is not an organization strict association, he and opposite party intercourse are not many, publicly was only confirming that day of flying wing to visit. To be honest, his even a little repugnant model/pattern, because he presumptuously thinks impractically, causing the prestige not high Wonder Objects Society to become more disappointing. 奇物会并不是一个组织严密的协会,他和对方也往来不多,只在公开验证飞翼的那天前去观看过。老实说,他甚至有一点讨厌范,因为他不切实际的妄想,导致声誉本就不高的奇物会变得更加差劲。 But now actually some people in the form that exaggerates, has completed this magnificent feat. 但现在却有人以更夸张的形式,完成了这一壮举。 Looks circles the pair of wings iron beast that regarding the castle, his bottom of heart has raised the dreadful monstrous waves. 看着围绕城堡盘旋的双翼铁兽,他的心底掀起了滔天巨浪。 ...... …… personal guard takes into is called " diplomatic building " the inn two people, leaves behind one I to call Sean, if considered that has momentarily been able to come to the castle area to inform me to answer after”, then turned around to leave. 亲卫将两人带进一栋被称为「外交楼」的旅店,留下一句“我叫肖恩,若考虑好了随时可以来城堡区告知我答复”之后便转身离开了。 Simbad immerses in huge shock as before, his mouth one will talk over Three Gods to bless, one will run up to near the window to look around outward, does not know that is afraid or wants again see that unthinkable creation. 辛巴迪依旧沉浸在巨大的震惊中,他嘴里一会念叨着三神庇佑,一会又跑到窗边向外张望,也不知道是害怕还是想再一次见到那匪夷所思的造物 Rex will close in the bedroom. 雷克斯则将自己关在了卧室中。 He stares in the hand not to have the characteristics books, wants to see the Your Majesty's idea by it likely, enough after the quarter of an hour, he has opened the title page. 他凝视着手中毫无特色的书本,像是想要透过它看到陛下的想法,足足一刻钟后,他才翻开了封面。 In this moment clock, he has come up with various hypotheses, introduced and or is camouflages the books appearance from the ordinary biography and eulogy to the Neverwinter City local conditions and social customs the liberal contract, even was forces the Wonder Objects Society member to send here Neverwinter threat circular-- 在这一刻钟里,他做了各种假设,从普通的传记、颂词到无冬城的风土人情介绍、又或者是伪装成书籍模样的优渥契约,甚至是强迫奇物会成员迁来无冬的威胁通告—— But anything does not have. 但什么都没有。 The first page only writes a few words, the buoyancy law. 第一页只写着一句话,浮力定律。 Plunges object in the fluid at rest to receive a buoyancy, its size was equal to the fluid weight that this object dispels, the direction vertical upward and passes the centroid of dispelling fluid. 浸入静止流体中的物体受到一个浮力,其大小等于该物体所排开的流体重量,方向垂直向上并通过所排开流体的形心。 At first sight is very incoherent, but after is meditating at heart several, Rex stared in a big way the eye gradually. 乍看起来十分拗口,可在心里默念数遍后,雷克斯渐渐瞪大了眼睛。 He turns to the second page fast, unexpectedly is full page full page arithmetic. Is considered probably his understanding ability, each formula has supplemented the detailed illustration, more is looks, he more is then hard to move out of the way the line of sight. 他快速翻到第二页,竟是整版整版的算术式。大概是考虑到了他的理解能力,每个式子都附带了详细的注解,越是看下去,他便越难以挪开视线。 Volume, density and buoyancy...... These concepts are not strange, it may be said that is familiar, but at this moment, him actually looks like first time to see them to be ordinary. 体积、密度、浮力……这些概念并不陌生,可谓是耳熟能详,但在此刻,他却像第一次看到它们一般。 Each words and expressions no longer are the abstract indication, but is smuggling the digit of unit \; An object is sinks floats, has to any degree heavy, took pen in hand to calculate that then knows. 每个词语不再是抽象的表述,而是夹带着单位的数字\;一个物体是沉是浮,具体沉到什么程度,提起笔一算即可知道。 Rex then associated to get up to sell the steel steamship and hot air balloon of-- fjord in an instant they as if becomes in memory clear and clear. 雷克斯刹那间便联想起了卖到峡湾的钢铁大船与氢气球——它们在记忆中仿佛变得真切而清晰起来。 Again in the future, is the submersibles that one type can independently ups and downs. Although devises the chart, but is coordinating the front mathematical formula, without doubt is accepted. 再往后,则是一种能自主沉浮的潜水器。虽说只是构想图,但配合着前面的算式,无疑是行得通的。 But books end several pages, he saw unusual large-scale ships, it not only can go like the ordinary sea boat above the water surface, and can such as the fish in underwater shuttle back and forth generally. In its huge body accommodates several hundred people sufficiently, even if the most fatal storm, does not threaten regarding underwater it. 而书本末尾几页,他更是看到了一种奇特的大型船只,它既能像普通海船一样行驶于水面之上,又能如鱼一般在水下穿梭。它巨大的身躯内足以容纳好几百人,哪怕是最致命的风浪,对于水下的它来说也毫无威胁。 Rex was deterred completely by such tentative plan. 雷克斯完全被这样的设想所震慑住了。 Simultaneously at heart also flood an insipid feeling. 同时心里也泛起了一股索然无味之感。 Was similar he to take a half step when an unknown road with great difficulty, when dancing with joy, others have actually pointed out the entire way. 就仿佛他在一条未知之路上好不容易迈出了一小步,正值欢欣鼓舞之际,别人却已经指出了整条路径。 Associates to that howls, but iron beast, like way Neverwinter City as if also more than one. 联想到那呼啸而过的铁兽,像这样的路径无冬城似乎还不止一条。 He already understood the word reward the meaning. 他已然明白了“奖励”一词的含义。 If rejects the King of Greycastle condition, then relies on the content in this book, he can go to a new situation at the diving fishing enterprise absolutely. But the second stage is the limit that individual can reach, as for the underwater ship of third stage, basic this whole life misses with him. 如果拒绝灰堡之王的条件,那么凭借这本书里的内容,他绝对能在潜水打捞事业上达到一个新的地步。只不过第二阶段便已是个人所能达到的极限,至于第三阶段的潜水船,基本这辈子与他无缘。 If agreed that Your Majesty Roland invitation, this book becomes the most effective method of convincing other people, Wonder Objects Society will also obtain the new student. 倘若同意罗兰陛下邀请的话,这本书则将会成为说服其他人的最有力手段,奇物会也将得到新生。
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