RTW :: Volume #11

#1041: Scar

Company......” Roland said in a low voice. “公司……”罗兰低声道。 What?” Victor is startled slightly, where, if you to doubt different, I can explain-- again “什么?”维克多微微一怔,“如果您对哪里有疑异的话,我可以再解释一遍—— Does not use,” he beckons with the hand, this truly is an interesting plan, at least does not seem any issue. If implements, your how long can prepare to arrive the fund?” “不用了,”他摆摆手,“这确实是个有趣的计划,至少看上去没什么问题。若要实施的话,你多久能将资金准备到位?” In the Victor eye shone the happy expression immediately, I know that you can certainly understand its-- please I am disrespectful, Your Majesty, if you were also a merchant, achievement absolutely not under any big chamber of commerce!” 维克多眼中顿时亮起了喜色,“我就知道您一定能理解它——请恕我失礼,陛下,假如您也是一名商人的话,成就绝对不会在任何大商会之下!” This analogy seemed like lowered the King status, but put in oneself to excel at the profession the opposite party most peak, was in the noble etiquette expresses highly the way of approval, on being considered as was not covering up flatters. 这种比喻看似拉低了国王的身份,不过将对方置于自己擅长行业的最顶端,是贵族礼仪中表达高度认可的方式,也算得上是一种不加掩饰的奉承了。 This moment Roland at heart actually completely is another idea: Isn't this large-scale industrial corporation of later generation? 此刻罗兰心里却完全是另一种想法:这不就是后世的大型实业公司么? Has the technology to settle down and recruit the manpower, the organization production and marketing and independent profit and loss spontaneously...... He has not thought that will hear the so complete conception in a present age population. Lies in the chamber of commerce biggest difference, this plan will produce and sale merges one, simply could be said as the embryonic form of modern private enterprise. 带着技术落户、自发招募人手、组织生产和营销、自主盈亏……他没想到会在一名当代人口中听到如此完整的构想。和商会最大的区别在于,该计划将生产和销售合并到了一起,简直可以说是近代民营企业的雏形了。 This perhaps is an extremely good turning point. 这或许是一个极好的契机。 In the recent four years, his territory gained the considerable development, but also gradually expose left deficiency-- that is the administrative hall has almost then taken care of all. Any project needs the administrative department to come controlling, from the complement to the appropriation budget, these numerous and diverse work regulations has taken the officials majority of time. Along with the unceasing expansion of project scale, will make the organization even more extremely fat inevitably, the administrative efficiency can also with it reduction. 近四年时间里,他的领地获得了长足的发展,但也渐渐暴露出了不足之处——那便是行政厅几乎包办了一切。任何项目都需要行政部门来把控,从编制人数到调拨预算,这些繁杂的工作章程占用了官员们大部分时间。随着项目规模的不断扩大,势必会令机构愈发臃肿,行政效率也会随之降低。 This can be considered as is state-owned enterprise common failing-- profit and loss, once has nothing to do with the participant, stably then has become all. It has does not count the repayment and by upper-level will decision the merit, can meet the need in the early time fast, later can also be used to attack and capture these risk large strategic projects, but does not represent it to be omnipotent. 这可以算得上是“国企”的通病——盈利和亏损一旦跟参与者无关,稳定便成了一切。它有着不计回报、受上层意志决定的优点,在早期可以快速满足需求,后期也能用于攻克那些风险颇大的战略项目,但并不代表它无所不能。 This is also Roland makes utmost efforts to develop in Neverwinter City the heavy industry and agriculture,-- light industry actually really few consideration reasons besides the working population limited, the administrative hall could not put out that many officials to deal with the industrial type magnified. 这也是罗兰无冬城全力发展重工业与农业,轻工业却甚少顾及的原因之一——除了劳动人口有限以外,行政厅已拿不出那么多官员来应对产业种类的扩大化了。 After all issues the order to be simple, but is the matter of a few words, may probably implement, even if establishes a Steam engine assembly plant, the back needs one set of manpower to support. 毕竟下达命令简单,不过是一句话的事情,可真要实施下去,哪怕是多建立一个蒸汽机组装厂,背后都需要一整套人手来支持。 But now, he had the new choice. 而现在,他有了新选择。 Attracting investments and so on method has not put forth, some people on own initiative have delivered to front of him, truth that Roland naturally easily has not rejected. 招商引资之类的手段还没使出,就有人主动送到了他面前,罗兰自然没有轻易拒绝的道理。 Although this company has the background of foreign aristocratic family, after the profit, definitely will create certain gold royal outflow, so long as its production department in Greycastle, this insufficient were not anything. 虽然这家“公司”有着境外世家的背景,盈利后必然会造成一定的金龙外流,但只要它的生产部门都在灰堡境内,这点不足便算不上什么了。 After reaching the preliminary intention, Roland has delivered to the castle entrance Victor personally, „after you prepared to be appropriate, I think that the new cotton seed should also be able to cultivate. However a little I must explain beforehand, if later has other merchants to plan to imitate you, the administrative hall will also sell to the commodity in their-- market to be richer the seed by the similar price, the price will be more materially beneficial, this truth you should be clearer than me.” 达成初步意向后,罗兰亲自将维克多送到了城堡门口,“等你准备妥当后,我想新的棉花种子应该也能培育出来了。不过有一点我得事先说明,如果以后有其他商人打算效仿你的话,行政厅也会以同样的价格将种子卖给他们——市场上的商品越丰富,价格就会越实惠,这个道理你应该比我更清楚。” Naturally, Your Majesty,” in the Victor eye reveals the self-confident appearance, „the Dawn merchant never dreads the competition. My father always said, from us living since that moment , the competition started.” “当然,陛下,”维克多眼中流露出自信的神采,“晨曦商人从来不畏惧竞争。我的父亲总是说,从我们生下来的那一刻起,竞争就已经开始了。” When he prepares to ask to be excused, Roland also stopped by calling out him suddenly, was right, I also want to ask your question. My minister looks up, you then have six years ago to the record that Longsong Stronghold pays taxes, why? At that time if wanted to save this amount, to you should be the easy matter?” 当他准备告退时,罗兰忽然又叫住了他,“对了,我还想问你一个问题。我的大臣查到,你在六年前便有向长歌要塞缴税的记录,为什么?那个时候若是想要省下这笔金额,对你来说应该是轻而易举之事吧?” Victor nodded, „, but then feudal lord granted, so long as paid taxes in proper amount, he to communicate in the caravan between border region and Longsong provides certain convenience and protection. He indeed has also made-- at that time, this expenditure at least can avoid the threat of wild animal, puzzle that as well as the colleague attacks. I always thought, pays some prices, obtains a stable and ordered rule, to the merchant is actually a good deed. It is a pity that many people rather throw the big wealth to the cargo that on is not worthwhile, is not willing to regard as one of the costs the rule.” 维克多点了点头,“但当时的领主允诺,只要按量缴税,他就会为来往于边陲与长歌间的商队提供一定的便利和保护。他也的确那么做了——在那个时候,这笔花费至少可以免除野兽的威胁,以及同行袭击的困扰。我始终觉得,付出些许代价,来获得一个稳定而有序的规则,对商人来说其实是件好事。遗憾的是,有很多人宁愿将大笔钱财投到不值当的货物上,也不愿意将规则视作成本之一。” Really is an interesting person, looks the back that the merchant is departing, in the Roland heart mused. Has such person to make model the words, Greycastle's private enterprise should also welcome a fast and youthful period of expansion. 果然是个有趣的人,望着商人离去的背影,罗兰心中不禁暗想。有这样的人来做范例的话,灰堡的“民营企业”应该也会迎来一个快速且充满朝气的发展期吧。 When he plans to return to the office, the Nightingale anxious sound has made suddenly a sound in his ear, Your Majesty, Lightning came back, she as if met has troubled-- 就在他打算回办公室时,夜莺焦急的声音忽然在他耳边响了起来,“陛下,闪电回来了,她似乎遇到了麻烦—— What situation?” Roland is busy at asking. “什么情况?”罗兰忙问道。 Also not clear...... I just received the pass on message of Silvie, after she Macy belt comes back, directly has sent to Medical Institute!” “还不清楚……我刚接到希尔维的传讯,她被麦茜带回来后,直接送去了医疗院!” His heart sinks immediately, „was she injured? Now leads me to have a look in the past!” 他的心顿时一沉,“她受伤了?现在就带我过去看看!” Yes,” Nightingale puts out a hand to hold him, then two people together escaped into the dense fog. “是,”夜莺伸手抓住他,接着两人一起遁入了迷雾之中。 ...... …… After rushing to west side city Medical Institute, Roland saw has lain down the little girl on hospital bed. 赶到城市西边的医疗院后,罗兰见到了躺在病床上的小姑娘。 Shoves open the instance of door, worry in his heart was then cancelled many-- Lightning seemed perfect, on the face did not have the obvious scar or the bloodstain, the chest was fluctuating, this means that she will not have anything to obstruct greatly. Even if this detection has encountered the danger, now was also safe. 推开房门的瞬间,他心中的担忧便被打消了不少——闪电看上去完好无损,脸上也没有明显的伤痕或血迹,胸口仍在起伏,这就意味着她并不会有什么大碍。即使此次侦查真遇到了危险,现在也已经安全了。 However he has discovered quickly not the place of suiting. 不过他很快就发现了不对劲之处。 Nana has not completed the relaxed feeling after treatment slightly, but is frowns tightly, lowers the head to size up own both hands, appearance that puzzling. 娜娜瓦丝毫没有完成救治后的轻松感,而是紧皱眉头,低头打量着自己的双手,一副迷惑不解的模样。 Macy lies in the head nervous, is cleaning the Lightning forehead with the hand, saw when Roland also shrank shrinking toward the clothes in the neck, appearance-- that makes the mistake he noted at this time, has the thin perspiration to emit to the square features in unceasingly, in the lips and teeth that opens slightly is sending out the moan, imitates such as immerses in a nightmare. 麦茜更是紧张兮兮地趴在床头,用手擦拭着闪电的额头,见到罗兰时还把脖子往衣服里缩了缩,一副做错了事的模样——这时他才注意到,对方脸上不断有细汗冒出,微微张开的唇齿间正发出浅浅的呻吟,彷如沉浸在一场噩梦之中。 What's the matter?” Roland looks to Nana, where did Lightning injure?” “怎么回事?”罗兰望向娜娜瓦,“闪电到底伤在哪里了?” Latter raised head comes, has referred to own chest slowly. 后者抬起头来,缓缓指了指自己的胸口。 Nightingale.” 夜莺。” Yes.” Nightingale walks up, holds Lightning cautiously, helping her take off that special windproof coat, then little untied the inside lining. In shedding to collar bone, she has cannot help but anchored the hand, Your Majesty, this is-- “是。”夜莺走上前去,小心翼翼地抱起闪电,帮她脱下了那件特殊的防风外套,接着一点点解开内衬。就在褪至锁骨之际,她不由得停住了手,“陛下,这是—— Roland approaches to the hospital bed near, discovers two fingers of places under the Lightning neck neck, the wound of thumb size. Periphery contrast snow white flesh, this scar appears especially striking, the words that just examines carefully, it has not even injured to the myo- level, has broken open the external skin merely, is that type to put, no matter also meets the self-recovery the small wound. 罗兰靠近到病床边,发现在闪电颈脖下方两指处,有一个拇指大小的创口。对比周围雪白的肌肤,这道伤痕显得格外醒目,只不过细看的话,它甚至没有伤到肌层,仅仅是破开了表皮,属于那种放着不管也会自愈的小伤。 Properly speaking, heals such wound, to Nana is the minor matter that suddenly then can complete. 按理说,愈合这样的伤口,对娜娜瓦而言不过是眨眼间便能完成的小事。 But her below a few words make Roland same place. 但她的下一句话却让罗兰愣在原地。 I cannot cure her......” Nana to mutter, in any event actuates magic power, is unable to make the wound vanish, resembled my ability to expire was the same.” “我治不好她……”娜娜瓦喃喃道,“无论如何驱动魔力,都无法让伤口消失,就好像我的能力失效了一样。”
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