RTW :: Volume #11

#1039: Letter that needs to decide

...... …… Your Majesty, this is this week's financial situation,” Barov receives the report form in hand, excited typical, must, the upward trends of various data compared with anticipated being better, talking into is the sudden growth is not overrated, if before place, this absolutely is a miracle!” 陛下,这就是本周的财务情况,”巴罗夫收起手中的报表,一脸兴奋地道,“总得来说,各项数据的上涨趋势比预期的还要好,说成是猛增都不为过,若放在以前,这绝对是个奇迹!” Yeah, does well,” Roland by sitting on chair, compares the facial expression of opposite party to appear calm. He naturally knows that the miracle in this old minister mouth refers to any-- disregarding the influence that Months of Demons brings, the amplification of population and economy instead surpassed should be the summer and fall two seasons of busy season, as if the heavy snow of out of the window did not exist general. Regarding the person of this time, this report could be called completely subverts the general knowledge. ,干得不错,”罗兰靠坐在椅子上,相比对方的神情要显得淡定许多。他自然知道这位老臣口中的奇迹是指什么——无视邪魔之月带来的影响,人口和经济的增幅反而超过了本应该是旺季的夏秋两季,仿佛窗外的大雪都不存在一般。对于这个时代的人而言,此份报告完全称得上是颠覆常识了。 After all when the cold winter arrives, the activity of people are transferred the consumption by the accumulation, like the hibernation, the economic performance dispirited is the routine matter. Beforehand Border Town was given up directly, did not have including the person, what discussed the trade production? 毕竟当寒冬降临时,人们的活动由积累转为消耗,就像冬眠一样,经济表现不振乃是常事。以前的边陲镇更是直接被放弃,连人都没了,何谈贸易生产? But he is clear, the essence of hibernation is to the compromise of environment, human can emerge from myriad living thing, depends will then be transformation ability-- to the environment disregards the wind direction, never the weary concrete boat to break the heavy snow to seal/confer Jing impediment, the heating system and Medical Institute has solved people the extra worries , the work in workshop will be fearless wind and snow--, when the limit of environment was expanded little, on this day sooner or later will then arrive. 但他却清楚,冬眠的本质不过是对环境的妥协,人类能从万千生物中脱颖而出,靠的便是对环境的改造能力——无视风向、永不疲倦的水泥船打破了大雪封境的阻隔,供暖系统与医疗院解决了人们的后顾之忧,厂房中的工作更是无惧风雪——当环境的限制一点点被拓宽时,这一天便迟早会到来。 Moreover, ascends the throne the establishment of grand ceremony and new Kingdom Capital is also a big key that the data rises: The people always like running toward lively place, this point for several thousand years have not changed. 另外,登基大典和新王都的确立也是数据上扬的一大关键:人们总是爱往热闹的地方跑,这一点数千年来都没有改变过。 Now the broad Scarlet Water River surface has appeared somewhat crowds the-- Neverwinter City manufacture the concrete boat then to break 500 the year ago, its template also developed many modifications from the initial plate transport ship, can through the reservation slot, install the passenger transportation fast, commercial and other hulls, received the favors of many chamber of commerce. In addition opportunity of large-scale population migration, in dock of other cities also presented the form of concrete boat. 如今宽广的赤水河面已显得有些拥挤起来——无冬城制造的水泥船早在年前便突破了500大关,其模板也从最初的平板运输船发展出了多种改型,可以通过预留槽孔,快速加装客运、商用等上层船体,受到了不少商会的青睐。加上大规模人口迁移的商机,以至于其他城市的码头里也出现了水泥船的身影。 After the news that since ascends the throne spreads, every day will have five and 600 people to arrive in Neverwinter City through the inland river, one year ago Barov thinks that 100,000 people are an impracticable goal, but now the Western Region's total population approached 200,000, 90% in Neverwinter place. 自从登基的消息扩散出去后,每天都会有五、600人通过内河抵达无冬城,一年前巴罗夫认为100000人是个难以实现的目标,而现在西境的总人口已接近200000,其中九成都在无冬一地。 This also caused new Kingdom Capital it already not to have the grand city wall with other traditional city entirely different--, did not divide the inside and outside city, but took street one after another as the division, expanded unceasingly outward, was ordinary just like the forests of house constitutions. 这也导致了新王都跟其他传统城市都截然不同——它既没有雄伟的城墙,也不分内外城区,而是以一圈又一圈的街道为划分,不断向外扩张,宛若一栋栋住宅构成的森林一般。 Because the house style is mostly the same except for minor differences, the magnificent construction that in addition carves deficient, Neverwinter City has also encountered denouncing of many person. 由于房屋样式大同小异,加上缺乏精雕细琢的华丽建筑,无冬城也遭到了不少人的诟病。 However these words fall in the Roland ear, has become another showing off. 不过这些话落在罗兰耳里,都成了另一种夸耀。 If not this, Neverwinter can withstand the rapid growth of population? Must know that 200,000 mean other city constant population the sum total, if must encircle with the city wall, in reconstruction several such as cathedral, clock tower and royal palace palace and so on fine construction, feared that cannot spend on for dozens years. 如果不是这样,无冬又怎能承受住人口的迅猛增长?要知道200000意味着其余城市常住人数的总和,如果非要用城墙圈起来,再建上几座诸如大教堂、钟塔、王宫殿堂之类的精致建筑,怕不是得花上好几十年时间。 The population is the foundation of industrialization, opens the guarantees of more factory, is the economical prosperous premise. As for artistic anything, at all not in his consideration range. 人口是工业化的基础,是开设更多工厂的保证,也是经济繁荣的前提。至于美观什么的,根本不在他的考虑范围之内。 Or in his eyes, rows of brave the steam the chimney, be more than splendid palace beautiful. 或者说在他眼中,一排排冒着热气的烟囱,要比富丽堂皇的宫殿美多了。 But the consideration hysteresis quality of news dissemination, next year growth should be more astonishing is. 而考虑到消息传播的滞后性,明年的增长应该会更加惊人才是。 Continues maintains, you will obtain the due reward.” “继续保持下去,你会得到应有的奖励。” Became the hand of your King is best to reward--, moreover these changes came from your wise policy, I obeyed your request to do,” Barov happily felt the beard to say. “成为您的国王之手就已是最好的奖励了——而且这些变化都来自您的英明决策,我只是遵照了您的要求去做而已,”巴罗夫得意地摸着胡子道。 Roland funnily shook the head, „do you have other matters to report?” 罗兰不禁好笑地摇了摇头,“你还有其他事情要汇报吗?” "Ah...... Yes, Your Majesty, ” old Prime Minister takes out two to believe hastily from the bosom, „, although these two letters send to the administrative hall, but I thought only then you can make the resolution.” “啊……是,陛下,”老总管连忙从怀中取出两封信来,“虽然这两份来函都是寄给行政厅的,但我觉得只有您才能做出决断。” Oh? Roland received the letter paper, the name of first sender quite looks familiar, which as if in sees has been same, Cajin Fez?” 哦?罗兰接过信纸,第一封寄件人的名字颇为眼熟,似乎在哪见过一样,“卡金.菲斯?” Mr. Cajin is the old Kingdom Capital play Grandmaster, he once brought theatrical troupe to arrive at Neverwinter City, wants to offer the new opera for your grand ceremony, but you had not agreed at that time.” The Barov reminder said. 卡金先生是旧王都的戏剧大师,他曾带着剧团来到无冬城,想要为您的大典献上新剧,可您当时并未同意。”巴罗夫提醒道。 Roland thought immediately, his first time heard that this name when the female merchant Margery mouth, at that time was inquired about who was the Kingdom Capital most familiar person, he blurted out the name of Magic Hand, finally was very awkward. But before ascending the throne the grand ceremony, the administrative office official truly has also reported this matter to him, but also brought the script like offering valuable advice, but he swept several then to decline the opposite party request. First did not say magic movie that Logia acts the leading role is he arranges for a long time climax, is only this tasteless palace love story, sufficing makes the person doze off. 罗兰顿时想起来了,他第一次听说这个名字还是在女商人玛格丽口中,当时被问及谁是王都最熟悉的人时,他将魔手之名脱口而出,结果好不尴尬。而登基大典前,行政厅官员也确实向他汇报过此事,还像献宝一样拿来了剧本,不过他扫了几眼便回绝了对方请求。先不说洛嘉主演的魔影是他筹备已久的重头戏,光是这乏味的宫廷爱情故事,就够让人打瞌睡的了。 „Before he walks, has left behind such a correspondence, although I thought that does not need to disturb you with this minor matter...... But he after all is famous person, you looked that is......” speaks of behind, the old Prime Minister sound is getting more and more low, is starts to speak but hesitates likely general. “他走之前留下了这么一封信函,虽然我觉得不必用这种小事来打扰您……但他毕竟是久负盛名之人,您看是不是……”说到后面,老总管的声音越来越低,像是欲言又止一般。 Roland also listened to the overtones. 罗兰也听出了弦外之音。 The date on letter was already great distance quick one week, remains to give itself now, the foot obvious opposite party thought through a matter-- Fourth Prince not to appreciate the ability to the traditional play, the beforehand rejection with great speed deepened this impression, the Barov estimate was to fear to make him be sick, towed at this time, to only let him sweeps the letter that a play Grandmaster wrote. 信上的日期距今已相隔快一周,留到现在才交给自己,足可见对方用心良苦——四王子对传统戏剧毫无欣赏能力,之前的火速拒绝更是加深了这一印象,巴罗夫估计是怕令他厌烦,才拖到这个时候,只为让他扫一眼戏剧大师写的信。 Can look, old Prime Minister quite esteems to Cajin Fez. 看得出来,老总管卡金.菲斯颇为推崇。 Or incessantly is he, Margery is also good, Chief Knight, the person who came from old Kingdom Capital, as if has good impression to this play Grandmaster. 或者说不止是他,无论是玛格丽也好,首席骑士也罢,从旧王都来的人,似乎都对这位戏剧大师有着不错的印象 Such being the case, that had a look. 既然如此,那就看看好了。 Roland shrugs, glanced over the letter fast. 罗兰耸耸肩,快速将信浏览了一遍。 Content unexpectedly inquiry about magic movie method of manufacturing. 内容居然是关于魔影制作方法的询问。 Cajin writes in the letter, he looks for the answer to Star Flower Theatrical Group first, but was informed theatrical troupe to be responsible for performing by May, truly what transforms it as the illusion is Witch Union, because the concrete method possibly involves the secret, she is unable to act on own initiative answer. Therefore he wrote an inquiry letter to Witch Union, the result is returned quickly, the reason was in the castle area does not accept passes on the letter. Finally he must look for the administrative hall once more, hopes that can inquire. 卡金在信中写到,他先是向星花剧团寻找答案,但被梅伊告知剧团只是负责表演,真正将其转化为幻境的是女巫联盟,具体方法由于可能涉及机密,她无法擅作回答。于是他又向女巫联盟写了一封询问信,结果很快被退回,理由是城堡区内不接受直传信件。最后他只得再次找上行政厅,希望能够代为提问。 The manner that the opposite party so never says die, made some Roland slightly accident/surprise-- generally speaking, was a leader of profession, when was subverted the attack that came under was bigger, but Cajin between the lines has filled to the hope of magic movie, completely did not have meaning of the setback. 对方如此锲而不舍的态度,令罗兰稍稍有些意外——一般来说,越是一个行业的领头人,在遭到颠覆时受到的打击就越大,但卡金的字里行间充满了对魔影的渴望,全然没有一丝挫折之意。 I knew, after” Roland hesitation moment said, this letter made me reply him to be good.” “我知道了,”罗兰沉吟片刻后说道,“这封信就让我来回复他好了。” But the play or magic movie, are the Neverwinter City media, he does not have the time, not to have the energy to photograph hackneyed stuff the palace love story, might as well explained directly, cancels the thought of opposite party thoroughly. 只不过无论是戏剧还是魔影,都是无冬城的宣传工具,他没有时间、也没有精力去拍摄一部老套的宫廷爱情故事,还不如直接说明,彻底打消掉对方的念头。 Yes, Your Majesty.” Barov released a long breath. “是,陛下。”巴罗夫长出了一口气 That another?” Roland opened the envelope while asked that since sent to the administrative hall, old Prime Minister should beforehand screen. “那另一封呢?”罗兰一边揭开信封一边问道,既然是寄给行政厅的,老总管应该都事先筛选过了。 Is a merchant sends, he says Victor Lothar.” “是一名商人送来的,他自称维克多.洛萨。” This time wasn't sack and popcorn trade requests finally?” Roland said with a smile lightly. “这次终于不是包装袋和爆米花的贸易请求了?”罗兰轻笑道。 Yes, what he wants to purchase is the cotton.” Barov nods. “是,他想要购买的是棉花。”巴罗夫点点头。 Cotton?” The hand of Roland stopped, Neverwinter City does not produce this type of thing.” “棉花?”罗兰的手不由地停了下来,“无冬城不产这种东西。” What therefore he wants has custom-made,” Barov returns saying that to Witch Union Miss Leaf.” “所以他想要的是定制,”巴罗夫回道,“向女巫联盟叶子小姐。”
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