RTW :: Volume #11

#1036: new King political power

After taking a seat officially the next day, Roland then held the third plenary sessions in the castle reception room. 正式即位后的次日,罗兰便在城堡会客厅中召开了第三届全体会议。 The conference primary coverage is the division of powers problem that officials most care about. 会议主要内容则是众官员最为关心的权力分配问题。 As near correct station supporting, this is they hopes without doubt for a long time time-- is place feudal lord works for with is the King potency is the entirely different concept, especially most people have worked in City Hall, the centralization idea had the basic understanding to new King " weakens the place and strengthened center " , this promotion then reveals important. This means that they from once obscure individual, became the Kingdom of Greycastle center official, the management also no longer are Western Region place, its influence can say that was stronger than past big noble. 作为正确站边的拥立者,这无疑是他们期盼已久的时刻——为地方领主效力和为国王效力是截然不同的概念,特别是大多数人都在市政厅工作过,对新王「削弱地方、强化中央」的集权理念有了基本的了解,此次晋升便更显重要。这意味着他们将从曾经的无名之辈,一跃成为灰堡王国的中枢官员,管理的也不再是西境一地,其影响力可以说比过去的大贵族还强。 Roland naturally cannot, whatever this type reaching the sky in a single bound the mood inflates continually in his official team, therefore the conference was from the beginning placed the general rule in the forefront, first, I congratulated everybody-- to be invited here to participate in this conference, will become a member in Greycastle upper layer elite. In the future dozens years, you with me together, common government this kingdom.” 罗兰自然不会任由这种“一步登天”的情绪在他的官员队伍里持续膨胀下去,因此会议一开始便将总则摆在了最前面,“首先,我在这里恭喜大家了——能被邀请参与此次会议的,都将成为灰堡上层精英中的一份子。在未来的数十年里,你们将和我一道,共同治理这个王国。” You have spoken discreetly, Your Majesty.” Barov takes the lead in standing up, caresses the chest to bend the waist saying that can work for you, is our being honored! Has anything, asked you to tell freely, the feudal official did not refuse under any circumstances!” “您言重了,陛下。”巴罗夫带头站起身来,抚胸弯腰道,“能为您效力,是我们的荣幸!有任何事情,都请您尽管吩咐,臣在所不辞!” Although was saying the humble refined language, but on the face of old Prime Minister has smiled has stacked pleating, obviously has filled with the anticipation to the road ahead. 虽然说着谦逊之辞,但老总管的脸上已经笑得堆起了褶子,显然对前路充满了期待。 Roland nodded with a smile, after hinting the people sit down, leisurely said, a little I must say in front, reclaims the noble enfeoffing power, to let those who are able generation of it \; But maintains a prosperity of kingdom, depends on it to have many outstanding talented person for its struggle, therefore I do not hope that sees you to turn into another noble.” 罗兰笑着点了点头,示意众人坐下后,才慢条斯理地说道,“不过有一点我要说在前面,收回贵族的分封权,是为了让有能者代之\;而维持一个王国的昌盛,取决于它有多少杰出的人才在为其奋斗,所以我不希望看到你们变成另一种贵族。” This is......” Barov hastily said certainly, nobody can guarantee the descendant also has the similar ability, all positions should according to qualification, but appointed Cai is.” “这是当然……”巴罗夫连忙道,“没人能保证后裔也拥有同样的才能,所有职位都应择优者而任才是。” His words immediately cause one piece to echo the sound. 他的话立刻引起了一片附和声。 Does not know is the misconception, Roland always thought before this group of City Hall officials, had not the small change, flattered was smoother, looked are also many a meaning unclear awe-- this difference to make him have a pleasant sensation to his look faintly. 不知道是不是错觉,罗兰总觉得这帮市政厅官员和之前有了不小的变化,就连拍马屁都顺畅了许多,望向他的眼神中亦多了一份意味不明的敬畏——这种差异让他隐隐产生了种快感。 This probably is also the function of ceremony. 这大概也是仪式的作用。 Not no wonder for this seat, Timothy and Garcia will not hesitate the most kingdom to draw to the flames of war. 不难怪为了这个位子,提费科嘉西亚会不惜将大半个王国拖入到战火之中。 Roland had not been immersed in this mood by oneself is too long, even if supreme King, presides is also vast and bare mainland place of corner, if satisfies this simply, then had not heard with certain hears what the isolated island chief of name does have to distinguish? 只是罗兰并没有让自己在此种情绪中沉浸太久,即使是至高无上的国王,所统辖的也不过是广漠大陆的一块边角之地,如果仅仅满足于此,那么和某些听都没听说过名字的孤岛酋长有什么区别? The world is so big, he wants to have a look. 世界那么大,他想去看看。 You said is the most basic point,” Roland looks all around the hall, in fact, nobody can guarantee that has those who are able also to be competent his position! The solidification of enticement and thought of outside, as well as the desire of inflation, possibly ruins a road ahead of person! Your-- is no exception.” “你说的不过是最基本的一点,”罗兰环顾大厅,“事实上,没人能保证有能者也一直可以胜任他所处的职位!外界的诱惑、思想的固化、以及膨胀的欲望,都可能毁掉一个人的前路!你们——也不例外。” As he enhances the volume, feudal officials lowered the head, for a while the atmosphere does not dare to breathe heavily. 随着他提高音量,众臣们纷纷低下头来,一时大气都不敢喘。 Therefore enters the center is only a start, your abilities and achievements, will obtain a comprehensive evaluating every year, later is to promote or paces back and forth same place, was all decided by it.” Roland paused, naturally, will also have worse result-- for example to know perfectly well that may not be, actually still gives the kingdom to create the loser, will be pared the position, delivers the trial court to handle!” “所以进入中枢只是一个开始,你们的能力和成果,每年都会得到一个综合评定,之后是晋升还是原地徘徊,皆由它来决定。”罗兰顿了顿,“当然,还会有更坏的结果——例如明知不可为,却依然给王国造成损失者,将会被削去职位,送审判厅处置!” Your Majesty......” Barov opens the mouth to ask cautiously, does not know that this evaluation, is written by whom?” 陛下……”巴罗夫小心翼翼地开口问道,“不知这份评定,由谁来撰写?” Is under the charge to me,” Roland looks to him, what question also has?” “由我来负责,”罗兰望向他,“还有什么疑问吗?” Although investigates the person truly is Security Agency Nightingale, but on his name carries out outwardly is more appropriate. 虽说真正的调查人是安全局夜莺,但明面上还是以他的名义执行更加合适。 No, feudal official...... Did not have.” “不,臣……没了。” I know that everybody is thinking anything,” he then said, has arrived with great difficulty this step, should harvests the time of repayment, if must be cautious from now on, but must pay unceasingly diligently, where then becomes the significance of center official. But what I must say, the repayment and above these do not conflict, instead is relational-- of paragenesis, so long as can complete the task that I assign, I did not mind that you go to make a profit for yourselves. This looks like a minute of bread, the bread is bigger, little can also support the full belly that obtains again, but bread smaller words, even if has sole possession of also on a little. As for standing is easier before the person the minute to bread truth, I think that you should know fairly well.” “我知道各位心里在想什么,”他接着说道,“好不容易走到了这一步,本应该是收获回报的时刻,如果今后一直都得如履薄冰,还得不断努力付出,那么成为中枢官员的意义又在哪里。而我要说的是,回报和以上这些并不冲突,反而是共生的关系——只要能完成我交代的任务,我并不介意你们去为自己获利。这就像是分面包,面包越大,得到的再少也能撑饱肚子,而面包越小的话,哪怕独吞也就那么一点。至于站得靠前的人更容易分到面包这个道理,我想你们应该都心中有数。” natural resource that an upper official can obtain is not restricted in outwardly on salary, its personal connection and authority all are more highly effective capital, if cannot see including this point, he does not need this person to continue to treat in City Hall. 一个上层官员能获得的资源远不限于明面上的薪酬,其人脉和权力无一不是更高效的资本,如果连这一点都看不到的话,他也不需要这种人继续待在市政厅中。 The actuation effect of club and radish combination had been confirmed by the river of history, although used is very still jerky, but Roland started to attempt to be familiar with it. 棒子和萝卜组合的驱动效果已经被历史长河验证过,尽管用起来仍十分生涩,但罗兰已经开始尝试熟悉它了。 Before I announced new appointing and dismissing, you can also choose to give up-- withdrawal obtaining a compensation of big gold royal, the quantity many to enough spend freely for a lifetime \; But once the decision remains, must shoulder the responsibility and duty of official. Now, makes the decision!” “在我宣布新的任免之前,你们还可以选择放弃——退出者将得到一大笔金龙的补偿,数量多到足够挥霍一辈子\;可一旦决定留下来,就得背负起官员的责任与义务。现在,做出决定吧!” Nobody sets out, from the beginning complains constantly Minister of Chemistry Cam Schuire that and looks forward to resign earlier, remained silent. Obviously these two years taking part in government experience makes him understand, wants to pull out to take the funds from Barov there, ministry especially important. 没有人起身,哪怕是一开始时叫苦不迭、巴不得早点卸任的化工部长凯莫.斯垂尔,也保持了沉默。显然这两年多的从政经历让他明白,想要从巴罗夫那里掏取经费,部长之职尤为重要 Is very good,” Roland raises the corners of the mouth, that then is appointing and dismissing command!” “很好,”罗兰扬起嘴角,“那么接下来便是各位的任免令!” Compared with past City Hall, the new political power system biggest change also has then integrated in various boundary other cities the management framework. 比起过去的市政厅,新政权体系最大的变化便是将各境其他城镇也纳入了管理框架中。 He has directly selected the modern division method, establishes these big cities as the province, presides surrounding areas the town, village and other inhabited areas . The superintendents in province are the governors, with minister same level \; Each province needs to establish provincial level City Hall, its department is responsible for Neverwinter City Hall. 他直接采用了现代的划分方式,将那些大城市设置为省,统辖周边地区的镇、村等居住地。省的管理者为总督,和部长平级\;每个省都需要建立省级市政厅,其部门对无冬市政厅负责。 This set of transformation has beforehand second-level City Hall to take the background, operates not to be difficult, but the minister work load will increase, corresponds, its authority was also equal to rising first-level. 这一套转化有着之前二级市政厅作为底子,操作起来并不困难,只是部长工作量将会增大许多,相对应的,其权力也相当于上升了一级。 Barov. Promotion that Hermon achieved wishes for the hand of first King, concurrently manages Ministry of Finance at the same time, but also is responsible for coordinating various department work., Was City Hall has trained old Prime Minister of most talented person as the Border Town's first batch of superintendent, this position was being perfunctory that-- four years of previous spoke thoughtlessly to say appropriately, now finally becomes the reality. 巴罗夫.赫蒙则如愿以偿的升任为首位国王之手,兼管财政部的同时,还负责协调各部门工作。作为边陲镇的首批管理者、为市政厅培养了最多人才的老总管,这个职位可谓是再合适不过——四年前一句随口道出的敷衍,如今终于成为现实。 Moreover, besides Kingdom Capital City Hall, army, Security Agency, Witch Union and other outside the compound organizations, Roland also additionally built brand-new most parts: Ministry of General Staff. 另外,除了王都市政厅、军队、安全局女巫联盟等并列机构外,罗兰还增设了一个全新的大部:总参部 From marching the staff officer organization of combat is different from the special service, Ministry of General Staff is also responsible for formulating the foreign policy, those and strategic planning related, is formulated detailed plan-- by this department along with the unceasing expansion of Greycastle strength, as well as the threat of War of Divine Will, from now on and relation between Dawn, Wolf Heart, Eternal Winter and fjord even more will be definitely close, but part, needs a field of vision open organization to assist him to control the general situation. 和专门服务于行军作战的参谋组织不同,总参部也负责制定对外政策,凡是跟“战略计划”有关的,都由该部门来制定详细方案——随着灰堡力量的不断扩张,以及神意之战的威胁,今后和晨曦狼心永冬、峡湾之间的联系必然会愈发密切,而这一部分,需要有一个视野开阔的机构来辅佐他掌控大局。 Holds the post of the ministry, is Pearl of the Northern Lands Edith Kant. 担任部长之职的,正是北地珍珠伊蒂丝.康德
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