„First, youwant a comprehensionpoint, will be「notarization」and「Judgement」and「rules」thesethreesituations, 「notarization」and「Judgement」will not correspondto violate regulations the judgment and judgement in thisaspect, only then「will first rule」, canweighwhethercontrary.”
“首先,你要理解一点,就是「公证」、「判定」、「裁定」这三种情况,「公证」和「判定」不会对应违规这方面的判断和裁决,只有先「裁定」,才能衡量是否违规。”„Therefore, whatthisdoes haveto distinguish?”
“所以,这有什么区别?”„InAdventure Groupin the notarizationsequence of team, does not have「to rule」thisjudgmentstandard, the notarizationsequence of team, will be「Judgement」rather than「rules」, 「rules」to usein the publicsituation, relativelyprivateAdventure Groupinteam, only then「Judgement」, without「will rule」, but「Judgement」will not involve the contrarycategory, mostwill bewarningyou.”
“额~”ZeLenawas dumbfoundedsuddenly, crossed for severalseconds, shemutteredsaid: „Youalsoveryunderstood.”
泽丽娜一时间哑口无言,过了几秒,她喃喃说道:“你们还挺了解。”„Thatnaturallyunderstood,myBossisHunter, but these expertise, on the other hand, youareBattle angel, haven't youunderstoodthisaspect?”
“这个嘛……”ZeLenalooked at a time, changes the topic saying: „Time, Icannotgo backearly.”
泽丽娜看了眼时间,岔开话题说道:“时间不早了,我得回去了。”ZeLenasets outto walkoutward, at this moment: „Wait.”
泽丽娜起身就向外走,就在这时:“等等。”Su Xiaomakes noise, thismakesZeLenastop the footsteps, sheaspiratesslowly, turns away fromSu Xiaotwittering saying: „Finallymusteliminate a potential informant, tooconvention.”苏晓出声,这让泽丽娜停下脚步,她慢慢吐气,背对苏晓呢喃道:“最终还是要灭口吗,太俗套了。”„......”
“……”Su Xiaothrows toZeLenathistimereward, above various secretaboutthisworld, thisisbook stacksscholar of Old Monstermosttrusted aidewrites, from a 2nd GenerationYuanintermediate stageto various secret of present, byZeLena'sstrength and personal ability, triggers various highincomesandlow-riskmissiondepending onthisin the morning suncity, gainsfullabsolutelynot to have the issue.苏晓将这次的报酬抛给泽丽娜,上面是关于本世界的各类秘辛,这是老怪物手下最心腹的一名书库学者所写,从第二纪元中期到现在的各类秘辛,以泽丽娜的实力与个人能力,凭此在曦光城触发各类高收益、低风险任务,赚个盆满钵满是绝对没问题的。
After ZeLenawalks, Su XiaopaysCaesar40ouncesSpacetime Energyto take the reward, hearrives at the backyard, startsto buildsummoninthis, hasto seal/conferKunxingsealingbecause ofthisworld, hewill summon the summonintensityfromten of foundation, strengthensto28 ~ 30degrees, completesthese, heactivatessummon.
待泽丽娜走后,苏晓付给凯撒40盎司时空之力作为报酬,他来到后院,开始在此布设召唤阵,因这个世界有封困型结界,他将召唤阵的召唤强度从基础的十,加强到28~30的程度,做完这些,他激活召唤阵。In the eveningunder the midnightfourpoints, sleeptenhours of Su Xiaohas opened the eyes, sitsfrom the bedsets out, this timewakes up, is not only becausehas had a good sleep, mode of whole personreaches the peak, because in just now, himfeelshas a familiarfeelingto appear, cannot realize the change, butowntransportingpotential, was the pastsomewhatis different.
当晚下半夜四点,已睡眠十个小时的苏晓睁开双眼,从床上坐起身,这个时间醒来,不仅是因为已经睡好,整个人的状态达到巅峰,也因为就在方才,他感受有一股熟悉的感觉出现,体会不到变化,可自身的运势,就是和以往有些不同。In the jet blackbedroom, the tail blockBoubosnoringsoundcontinuously, after being kickednext, the Boubosnoringsoundstops for 2seconds, lateris louderis more fragrant, whatis more interesting, Boubohas the snoring, Bajaexhalesto make the soundeach time, A' Muisnearby the flexurewaistwound the skin, the woundis restoring is quite itchyoccasionally, theirthreeachieved the symphonyeffectunexpectedly.
“喵~”Drillsfrom the bedding, hitbreathing outBailey, continuation that sticksblurryrests, right, Baileycame back, thistimeithas travelledinnorthernContinent, temporarily resides for severaldays the presenttoDusk City, according toMissBaileysaid,itin the northernContinentancienthighnorthwestern Tajikistandirection, discovers a mausoleum chambervestige, is being explored, the oathmusttreasure hunt.
从被窝里钻出些,打了个哈气的贝妮,迷糊糊的继续睡,没错,贝妮回来了,这次它一直在北大陆旅行,眼下到黄昏城暂住几天,根据贝妮大小姐所说,它在北大陆的古老高塔西北方向,发现一处地宫遗迹,正在探索中,誓要寻宝回来。Su Xiaocontemplates the moment, determined came from the hand of destiny the transportingpotentialpromotion that AshVyse, whichas for the opposite party, shouldreally the bigbook stackslowest level, buffExtinguishing Lawtransports/fortunes the potential, the feeling that someAshVysemomentarilytypesmustat the scenedie a violent death, needsfourSolarscholarto helphimmaintain life.苏晓冥想片刻,确定了来自于命定之手・阿什维斯的运势提升,至于对方在哪,应该实在大书库最底层,增益灭法运势时,阿什维斯随时都有种要当场暴毙的感觉,需要四位太阳学者帮他保命。Su Xiaomeasured, without the choiceconstitutes「Strengthfragment」now, oncealthoughconstitutes the 「StrengthfragmentSoulwill」, canlethisWillpowerattributelarge scalepromotion, thusmakes the 「Deathly Stillness Extinguishing Ember」mightpromote, butwill soon deify the bodydyingwarwith the numerous, ifat this timereallyconstituted the 「StrengthfragmentSoulwill」, transports/fortunes the potential the overdrawingquantity, insteadwill let the fightbad risk.苏晓权衡了下,没选择现在构成「力量碎片」,虽说一旦构成「力量碎片・灵魂意志」,就能让他的意志力属性大幅度提升,从而让「死寂烬灭」的威力有所提升,但即将与众神化身死战,这时要是真的构成了「力量碎片・灵魂意志」,运势的透支量,反而会让战斗更凶险。
The Dusk Citynightis tranquil, can only listen to the moon madnessbeastto roaroutside the city wall, haslarge-scalesealing, at night and bloodnightcannot threatenDusk City, if the long nightarrives, Dusk Cityultragiantdefendssealing unable to withstand.黄昏城的黑夜还算平静,只能听月狂兽在城墙外咆哮,有大型结界在,黑夜与血夜威胁不到黄昏城,不过要是永夜降临,黄昏城的超巨型防御结界就顶不住。
When the horizonrising sunclimbs over the top, the darkness that at nightremainswas evaporated, Su Xiaoembarksto arrive at the Dusk Cityouter cityareaalone, the reason for this is that because ofthistimecopes with the numerousto deify the body, hegoes to the odds of success of deadcityto be higheralone.
The Overlordtrainstops, after Su Xiaoboards, discovered that on the vehicleno one, it seems likeDelonawas taughtbyhersister-in-law, thistimedoes not dareto follow the deadcity, after heestablishes the destination, starts the Overlordtrain.领主列车停下,苏晓上车后,发现车上没人,看来德洛娜是被她嫂子教训了,这次不敢跟着去死城,他设定目的地后,启动领主列车。Is being contemplated, the timepassesquickly, when Su Xiaoopens the eyes, environmentdim outside glass, the deadcitybeforehandappearance, ruinedandsecretlyis coldanddim, in the skyfullis the dark clouds, whatwas different from before, abovecentral areagiantYundong, was occupiedby the richdarkness, occasionallyalsodownwarddroppingdarkliquid.
在冥想中,时间过得很快,苏晓睁开双眼时,车窗外的环境一片昏暗,死城还是之前的模样,破败、暗冷、昏暗,天空中满是黑云,和之前有所不同的是,中心区域上方的巨大云洞,被浓郁的黑暗所占据,偶尔还向下滴落黑暗液质。Su Xiaohas not gone down to the deadcityimmediately, hesitsin the city wall, sees the frontto patrol the darklifeforminair, hetakes out a graycrystal, itscrumb, ejectsseveralscraps, severalattract the marrowinsectto invade, gathers round an unslaked limecrystalto gnaw, bites the darkappearance, the mouthjawopens, swallows the greycrystal.苏晓没立即深入死城,他坐在城墙上,看到前方游弋在空气中的黑暗生物,他取出块灰色晶体,将其捏碎,抛出几小块,几只吸髓虫蜂拥而上,围着一块灰晶啃,一只噬暗出现,口颚张开,吞下灰晶。Nomeeting, the darklifeform of frontairmid-levelretrievable arrow with a string attached to itbecomesmany, dareslike the person who feeding the decorative fishfeeds the darklifeform, wantsto come not many, after Su Xiaoejectsfinally a smallunslaked limecrystal, the darklifeform that the frontpatrolslookstoSu Xiao, fearfulbloody aura that afterinducingto restraintohim, thesedarklifeformtactfuldepartures.
The brokenwind sound/rumorpassed over gently and swiftlyfrom the above, Su Xiaostillsitsnear the city wall, when under the body the city wallstarts the smallscopeto tremble, heknows, time.
破风声从上方掠过,苏晓依然坐在城墙边,不过当身下城墙开始小幅度震颤时,他知道,时机到了。Leapsfrom the tall wall, viabeing similar todeep sea bottomperipheralarea, Su Xiaoentersfullyis the deathcitycentral zone of shatterskeleton, the ground of peripheralcrack, before is, trace of thatfight, in the vanguard, heputs outSilver Moon Blade, has shearedin the hand, the silvermoonlighterupts, twobuffmodein additionholdsuccessfully.
铮~Su Xiaodraws out the long blade of waist, leads the waystep by step, steps into the open-airsacrificial offeringfield that lays downby the whiteflagstoneinhim, inskyYundongsurgesdarkstatic, with the wind sound/rumor, a bighuman formformfalls.苏晓拔出腰间的长刀,一步步前行,就在他踏入由白色石板所铺设的露天祭祀场,上空云洞内涌动的黑暗静止,随着风声,一道高大的人形身影落下。Bang!
The impactspreads, over 15 meters in height, the whole bodyiron greyhairis somewhat sparse, twogreathandsallare the beastclaws, has the numerous of Dukeelklignificationhornto deify the body, fallson the front, itsright handclawbangaccording to the ground, roaredtoSu Xiaoone.
The blackvoicespreadslayer upon layer, Su XiaobecomesKinsleyimmediatelywith the hairstyle.
The enemymeets, startsdirectly, inpreviousfight, only then the Su Xiaoattacknumerousdeify the body, cut its bladewith「Blade of Blades - Flow」, thisSu Xiaoalsodaresto come, obviouslycomes a minute/share of life and death.
正所谓,仇家相见,直接开打,上次的战斗中,只有苏晓攻击众神化身,用「刃道刀·流」斩了它一刀,这次苏晓还敢来,明显是来分生死的。Hasabsolutelyin the Strengthsituation, before the numerousdeify the bodyis single-handedpats, a deafening sound, the landunexpectedlyextraordinarytranquility, mayflicker below, pureStrengthfromSu Xiaounder footeruption.
轰!Blasts outin the Su Xiaounder footlike the magmatic columntogether, tears into shreds the biting coldStrengthwind pressure of Absolute Powerhousesufficiently, passed over gently and swiftlyhisbody, buthas not actually causedanylosses, naturallyso, by the formerflash that thisattackwill affect, heenteredSpace Penetrationmode.
The numerousdeifybodyoneto roar, the peripheralspaceburstsloudly, thisattacks the spacedirectlyphysicalStrength, causesSu Xiaoto be rumbledunexpectedlyfrom the spacegap, hestaggersto withdrawseveralsteps, the wind pressure that the nextquarter, raidsfrom top to bottom, letshisgroundreappearingbigpiecefissure, is the numerousdeifies a bodyclawto pat.
众神化身一声咆哮,周边空间轰然破裂,这直接冲击空间的物理力量,竟导致苏晓从空间间隙内被轰出,他踉跄退后几步,下一刻,从上而下袭来的风压,让他脚下地面浮现大片裂痕,是众神化身一手爪拍来。‚Perfect Block.’
The long bladeblocks the gianthandclaw, the numerousdeify the bodyshakesteps back, Su Xiaoiscrystalline layer on right armexplodes, in within the bodyvitalitysurges, the right armtingles with numbness, butcompared the previoustime to be much better.
长刀挡住巨大手爪,众神化身被震的退后一步,苏晓则是右臂上的晶体层爆裂开,体内气血一阵翻腾,右臂发麻,但相比上次可好多了。Do not look that was the numerousdeifies the bodyto draw back, but the numerousdeify the body to conduct will immediately attacknext time, itsright handmade a fist, kacollapsed the spacecrumbin the hand, the jet blackspacebit the cracksign, was addedto holdinthisheavy blowsbyit, seemed likein the blackspaceenergy that the fistsurface coating a pointshapewas released externally.
When Su Xiao and numerousdeifybodylooking at each other, 「stare at」to triggermaliciously, lets「 the Dominator」abilityactivates, thumpone, by the numerousdeificationas the center, the peripheraltimeforce fieldis slow, timeslowstagnationmakes the numerousdeifybodyfistto slow down, whatis terrifying, the peripheraltimeforce fieldis very unstable, as ifmustbe deified a bodyfistbangto explodeby the numerous.苏晓与众神化身对视,「恶意凝视」触发,让「时・支配者」能力激活,咚的一声,以众神化身为中心,周边的时间力场慢下来,时间缓滞让众神化身这一拳被放慢,恐怖的是,周边时间力场特别不稳定,似乎要被众神化身一拳轰爆。Deathly Stillness Extinguishing Emberappearsin the Su Xiaohand, helifts the muzzle, the enemyunder the influence that the timeslowstagnates, in the good luck, heactivates「very muchultraEmber Extinguishingshoots the 」ability, deducts the trigger.死寂烬灭出现在苏晓手中,他抬起枪口,敌人在时间缓滞的影响下,很好命中,他激活「超・烬灭弹」能力,扣下扳机。Bang!
The colordark grayEmber Extinguishingballdeparts the muzzle, slightlyhas the flight of screw, speedstrangequick of thisEmber Extinguishingball, is almost the Deathly Stillness Extinguishing Embergunshotat the same time, before the Ember Extinguishingballhas arrived at the numerousto deify the head of body .
Of bang, 「ultraEmber Extinguishingshoots the 」hitnumerousto deify the body, the flashis numbon the body, in addition「interruptscharacteristics」surely, causing the numerousto deify the attackdistortion of body, after staggeringforwardonestep, knees downunexpectedlydirectly.
轰的一声,「超・烬灭弹」命中众神化身,一瞬间就身体麻木,加上「必定中断特性」,导致众神化身的攻击变形,向前踉跄一步后,竟直接单膝跪地。Deifies the deathly stillnessenergy that the bodyheadexplodesin the numerous, draws in Deathly Stillness Extinguishing Emberin a flash, constitutes「againultraEmber Extinguishingshoots」, in the wind pressure of biting cold, the lower hem of Su Xiaoblacklongleather clothingwas blownflap flapto make noise, heaims at the numerousto deifyDeathly Stillness Extinguishing Ember of bodyhead, stimulatesagain.
砰!「ultraEmber Extinguishingshoots the 」hitnumerousto deify the head of body, the might of thisspear/gun, after unexpectedlyat the scenelies down, but alsoslides a distance that itrumbles, the Deathly Stillness Extinguishing Embersecondspear/gun, the Strengthfeelingwas too full.「超・烬灭弹」命中众神化身的头颅,这一枪的威力,竟把它轰的当场后躺,还滑行出一段距离,死寂烬灭的第二枪,力量感太足了。
Under the numerousdeify the bodyto blockprofilebonesurfacearmorto proliferate the fissure, not only that onit is also ascending the deathly stillnessability.
众神化身挡住下半边脸的骨质面甲遍布裂痕,不仅如此,它身上还升腾着死寂能力。「Prompt: Ifenemyin 5 seconds, continuouslybytwo「ultraEmber Extinguishingshoots the 」hit, reduces20bodydefensive powers the permanent! 」「提示:如敌人在5秒内,连续被两颗「超・烬灭弹」命中,将永久性降低20身体防御力!」Tradesto beotherenemies, sufferedthesetwospears/guns, possiblydoes not have the opportunityto stand up, the numerousdeify the bodynotinthisranks, itssingle-handedbracetread, refuteslight blueto cut the glowto stand up.
Of bang, the Su Xiaounder footgroundcracks, heverticalleaps, strikes an attitude a bladeto cutto the numerousdeifies the throat of body, properly speaking, tofighting the numerousdeifiesbodyenemy, heshould notjump.
嗡~Peripheralallstatic, only then the numerousdeify the bodyalso to act, itshandclawfrombelowpatsupwardly, thisstrikes, ifhitSu Xiao, will definitely waste the upper airSu Xiao.
周边的一切都静止,只有众神化身还能行动,它的手爪从下的向上拍去,这一击要是命中苏晓,肯定会将苏晓打飞到高空。‚Perfect Block.’
当!!Su Xiao that the whole bodybloodscatters, was deified the bodyto pat the upper airby the numerous, the rapidness of flight, evenwhenleaves behind the hotmark that causeshigh-speedalong the way, inhefliesunder the dark clouds, will soon fall, a dragonroartransmits, Storm Flame DragonTeeceruns out of the dark clouds.
全身鲜血四溅的苏晓,被众神化身拍上高空,飞行之快,甚至在沿途留下高速所导致的火痕,就在他飞到黑云下方,即将落下时,一声龙吼传来,风暴焰龙・狄斯冲出黑云。Unlikeotherflamedragonclans, onTeeceis the blackbluebigfeather, rather thanscale, compared withscale, the physicaldefensive power of dragonZudafeather, althoughis lower, but the flying speedis fast, as well ashasunequalledThunder Resistance.
与其他焰龙族不同,狄斯身上是黑蓝色大羽毛,而非鳞片,相比鳞片,龙族大羽的物理防御力虽低些,但飞行速度快,以及有着无与伦比的雷抗。FallsonStorm Flame DragonTeece conducts the back, Su Xiaogolden colorelectric arcflashesto pass, at this timelooks sky over again, has proliferated the thunder, hedirects the thunderinbyelementaffinity+Soul Vitality.
落在风暴焰龙・狄斯背上,苏晓身上的金色电弧一闪而逝,此时再看上空,已遍布界雷,他在以元素亲和力+灵魂强度引界雷。Inthis time, Earthquake, is wearing the worn-outmetalhoodtogether, the heightachieves the tentacleto be possible and worldgiant of cloud layer, onestep came from the distance, when hisbigfootfalls to the groundloudly, the peripheralregiongroundshocks, is the worldgiantAsh.
正在这时,大地震颤,一道头戴破旧金属头罩,身高达到触手可及云层的世界巨人,从远处一步就走来,他的大脚轰然落地时,周边区域地面震撼,是世界巨人・阿什戈。For many years, inhole of 」「specialabyssbecause ofblackfogisland, worldgiantAsh can only carry the blackfogisland, avoidedhole of 」「specialabysserupting, thiswasheoncepledgedto the good friend, even ifhas been separated byveryfor a long time, butheabided byas before.
多年来,因黑雾岛上的「特异深渊之孔」,世界巨人・阿什戈只能一直扛着黑雾岛,避免「特异深渊之孔」爆发,这是他对好友曾经的承诺,哪怕已相隔很久,但他依旧守约。Su Xiaobeforehandclosedblackfogislandhole of 」 on 「specialabyss, not onlymakesAshcomplete the agreement, has not neededto continueto carry the blackfogisland, atthat time, Su XiaoreceivedseveralPrompt, onewas:苏晓之前关闭了黑雾岛上的「特异深渊之孔」,不仅让阿什戈完成约定,还不用继续扛着黑雾岛,就在那时,苏晓收到几条提示,其中一条为:【Prompt: Youalreadywith the worldgiantAshbecomes the good friend, whenyouto the worldgiant when Ashrequested the help, worldgiantAshwill helpyouunconditionally.】
【提示:你已与世界巨人・阿什戈成为好友,当你向世界巨人・阿什戈请求帮助时,世界巨人・阿什戈将无条件帮助你。】Su Xiaohad confidence that defeats the numerousto deify the reason of body, is notheis self-confident, orcanthroughbeing on siteto erupt the promotionstrength, because of the worldgiantAshassistance.苏晓有把握战胜众神化身的原因,并非他过于自信,或是能通过临场爆发提升实力等,而是因为世界巨人・阿什戈的协助。At this moment, in the skythunderBenyong, Storm Flame Dragonis carryingSu Xiaofrom the worldgiantnearbyAshheadhas flown, worldgiantAshGolyan the warhammer in hand, fights the hammer a hammer headlengthten thousandmetersmetalthis, searchesintotothunderUzumaki that inSu Xiaogathers, causingon the thundersocial climbingthisfighting the hammer.
The social climbing the ultragiantwarhammer of goldenthunder, is poundingloudlyto the deadcity, leaves behindsomegoldenelectric arcsalong the way, this, magnificentlyto the extreme.
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