The main battlefield, the west side, on a darkdesert near darksaline lake, thisplaceis seemingly desolated, dimly, actuallyundergroundhas the universe, is an undergroundcity of hundreds of thousandspopulation.
主战场,西侧,位于暗盐湖附近的一片幽暗戈壁上,此地看似荒芜、昏暗,其实地下另有乾坤,是一座十几万人口的地下城。At this momentin an undergroundleaningstreet, a form that wears the black robestops the footsteps, resemblingconfirmsunmannedtrack, shesounds a leaf of iron gate.
此刻在地下的一条偏街内,一名身穿黑袍的身影停下脚步,似是确认无人跟踪,她敲响一扇铁门。Brushesone, iron gatesearchingis pulled open, ininsidedarkness, iseyes of beastclan, the viewlooks at the moment, insidebeastclanbangclosesto search the mouth, opens the iron gate.
The black robepersonfollowingbeastclanentersin the darkhouse, a waycorridor, the corridorboth sideshavemanydoors, is openingindoor, in the distinctionstolen goods, is not doing the happymatter, after passing byslaughter house that fishy smellgreets the nostrils, the frontwearsBeastman of work clothesto pausebefore a leaf of iron gate, grips the sandbagbigfist, thump thumpsounds the door.
黑袍人跟着兽族走进黑暗的房屋中,途径一条走廊,走廊两侧有不少房门,一些开着的房门内,不是在鉴别赃物,就是在做欢愉之事,路过一个腥气扑鼻的屠宰场后,前方身穿工作服的兽人停步在一扇铁门前,攥起来沙包大的拳头,咚咚敲响房门。Brushesone, iron gatesearchingis pulled open, seaclanMonster Ladylooksininsideview.
刷拉一声,铁门的探口被拉开,一名海族女妖在里面观瞧。„Opens the door.”
A Beastmanseveralpoints of anti-opens the mouth, insideseaclanMonster Ladydid not mumble the sound, hereis the undergroundcity, is unable the place, the seaclan and beastclancooperates, is not worth the accident/surprise.兽人略带几分不耐的开口,里面的海族女妖嘟哝了声,这里是地下城,无法之地,海族与兽族合作,并不值得意外。
After opening the door, seaclanMonster Ladyis reorganizingbeautiful hair, said: „Persondied, any usefulinformationhas not asked,toldbecause of the Sir, Imade contribution.”
开门后,海族女妖整理着秀发,道:“人死了,什么有用的情报也没问出来,告诉厄格因大人,我尽力了。”„Had not reportedhopes, youput onsolid, delivers to the manor in late wintercitythisperson.”
“原本也没报希望,你穿的严实点,把这个人送到暮冬城的庄园。”Beastmanlifts uplayer upon layerwrappedcorpseopens the mouth, hearshiswords, a seaclanMonster Ladyeye of revealis astonished, asks: „Arrives atthat side the manor? The goodassignment, howyounot to go.”兽人扛起被层层包裹的尸体开口,听闻他的话,海族女妖目露惊异,问道:“到庄园那边?好差事啊,你怎么不去。”„~, youguess that isseesanyone.”
“呵~,你猜是去见谁。”Hearsthisword, seaclanMonster Ladyistroubledimmediately, just about toshirks, the corpsestride that Beastmancarriesleaves.
After tenminutes, a transmissionglimmershinesin the warehouse, pulls downseaclanMonster Lady of hoodto go out of the warehouse, leading the black robepersonto walktoward the frontold castle, justclose to the old castleindozensmeters, seaclanMonster Ladyfelt,as if the eyes of demoneagleare staring ather, thatcallousandsharpgaze, likeinvisiblesharpacupunctureinsoul.
十分钟后,传送阵的微光在仓库内亮起,压低兜帽的海族女妖走出仓库,带领黑袍人向前方的古堡走去,刚靠近古堡几十米内,海族女妖就感觉到,仿佛有一双魔鹰的眼睛在盯着她,那冷酷与犀利的注视,就像一根根无形的尖针刺在灵魂上。Thump thump thump.
咚咚咚。Assounds the door, the gateshoves open, seaclanMonster Ladyjust about tospeaks, swallows back, indoorthat more than 3metershigh, in the mouthis chewinganything, the bigform that the viewhangs down, is showing the eye of redglowbythatpairindistinctly, hangs down the viewto size up, seems thinking, coming the personcanbring the danger, if so, executeson an axeat the scene.
随着敲响房门,门吱嘎一声推开,海族女妖刚要说话,就咽了回去,房门内那三米多高,口中嘴嚼着什么,眼帘低垂的高大身影,正以那双隐约透出红芒的眼睛,低垂着眼帘打量,仿佛在思索,来人会不会带来危险,如果是的话,当场就一斧格杀。„Islaughter the person in room, delivers a guestto comethis.”
The seaclanMonster Ladysinkingsoundopens the mouth, hearsthisword, A' Mu in dooris chewinganythingas before, withoutspeech, has not let the meaning that the personpasses through the gate, bythis time, seaclanMonster Ladyrememberedsuddenly, because offorgotanxiously the importantmatter, hurriedto show the sealemblem.
The A' Muchewingmovementstoppedinstantaneously, this leaningbodymakes the opening, entranceseaclanMonster Ladylooktonearbyblack robeperson, the meaningis, she can only deliver tothis.阿姆的嘴嚼动作停顿了瞬间,这才偏身让开路,门口的海族女妖偏头看向一旁的黑袍人,意思是,她只能送到这了。
After the black robepersonentersold castleone, immediatelyfeltwarmlymany, undershowing the way of A' Mu, totwobuildingsitting rooms, black robeperson, althoughtook a seaton the single-seat sofa, buthas not taken off the hood.
黑袍人走进古堡一层后,马上感到暖和了不少,在阿姆的领路下,到了二楼内厅,黑袍人虽落座在单人沙发上,但并未摘下兜帽。„Does not usesuchcautious, is a person on one's own side.”
“不用这么拘谨,都是自己人。”Su Xiaogives the persononbut actuallyonecup of tea, coming the personto liftto strike an attitudeto take offhand of hood, the delicate fingersgrasps the fist, saying that somewhatclenches jaws: „Whoandyouare... the person on one's own side.”苏晓给来人倒上一杯茶,来人抬起作势摘下兜帽的手一顿,纤指握成拳,有几分咬牙切齿的说道:“谁和你是…自己人。”
The Crowfemaleis staring atSu Xiao, is it may be said that itchyhatefrom inside to outsideto the root.乌鸦女盯着苏晓,可谓由内而外的恨到牙根痒痒。„Initiallyyouchased downmerepeatedly, ‚sparing and not punishing too severely’, but alsosupportedmanyArcane Eternal StarBlack Maple Treeto deliverfree of charge, helpedmebringthreeOriginal Sin ItemtoArcane Eternal Starthat side, wasn't thisalso a person on one's own side?”
“当初你多次追杀我,都‘高抬贵手’,还无偿赞助了不少奥术永恒星的黑枫树产出,又帮我把三件原罪物都带到奥术永恒星那边,这还不是自己人?”„You... nonsense!”
“你…胡说!”Crowfemaleis somewhat excited.乌鸦女的情绪有些激动。„? Said,youhave been helpingArcane Eternal Starworkearnestly?”
“当然。”Broad and level that the Crowfemalereplied.乌鸦女回答的很坦荡。„Ihopeheartfeltly,Arcane Eternal Starare many person who some of your thistypesworkearnestly.”
The Crowfemalejust about tobegins, suddenlythinks, after not can be victoriousoppositethisfellow, shechoosesis not at a disadvantage from the outset, calm, after longbreathes a sigh of relief, asked: „Asksmeto have anything, Ifrom now on, will not meetwithyoursecretagain.”乌鸦女刚要动手,忽然想到,根本打不过对面这家伙后,她选择不吃眼前亏,平心静气,长舒了口气后,问道:“找我有什么事,我今后,不会再和你秘密见面。”Su Xiaotakes out a metalbox that from the tableproliferatessealArte, thatuneven, just likeby the flamehas fired the silvermetalbox, making the Crowfemalesubconsciousdarkfeeling not wonderful, but after considering thatSu XiaohasthreeOriginal Sin Item, inherheartcomfortedseveralpoints, isunlucky, will meetfourthOriginal Sin Item, impossible, absoluteimpossible!苏晓从桌下取出一个遍布封印术式的金属箱,那凹凸不平,犹如被火焰灼烧过的银色金属箱,让乌鸦女下意识暗感不妙,但考虑到苏晓已持有三件原罪物后,她心中宽慰了几分,到底是多倒霉,才会遇到第四件原罪物,不可能,绝对不可能!„ThisisOriginal Sin Item, youbringby all meansit.”
“这是原罪物,你只管把它带回去就可以。”Su Xiao said that alsoputs out not a bigwooden box, placesonit the table , to continue saying: „Completesthis matter, youcantakethiscontract.”苏晓说完,又拿出一个不大的木盒,也将其放在桌上,继续说道:“做完此事,你就可以来取走这份契约。”Today the Crowfemalewill comethis, dreads the fetter of contract, so long asattainsthiscontract, after that shedoes not fearSu Xiaocompletely.
今天乌鸦女会来此,就是忌惮契约的束缚,只要拿到这契约,那之后她就完全不怕苏晓。„Youhave a dream!”
The Crowfemalekillsto cometoSu Xiaosuddenly, just like the blackgravelenergy, floodsin the room.乌鸦女骤然向苏晓袭杀而来,犹如黑色沙砾般的能量,充斥在房间内。
After the moment .
The remnantshadowdashes the windowtogether, by the forest land of rapiditybanginreargarden, justfell to the ground, changes into the elegantshadowto vanishintogethersame place, but the nextsecond, a black smokearrowarrowraids, exceedsherat a quickerspeed.
After peripheral visionglances the black smokearrowarrow, the Crowfemalehearthas one's heart sink with disappointment, shehad been educatedbythisshamelessdemonspiritability.余光瞟到黑烟箭矢后,乌鸦女的心凉了半截,她被这无耻的魔灵能力教育过。
The bigpieceblackgravelenergy, femaleperipheralchanges into the cutting edgeinCrow, to the black smokearrowarrowassault, almostsimultaneously, the black smokearrowarrowdemonspiritualisation, cutting edgespenetratesfromitsplacesall, as the blackfogsurges, allcracksrestoresuch asbeginning.
大片黑色沙砾般的能量,在乌鸦女周边化为锋刃,尽数向黑烟箭矢袭去,几乎同时,黑烟箭矢魔灵化,一道道锋刃从它身上各处穿透而过,但随着黑雾涌动,所有破口都恢复如初。Seesthis, Crowfemalescoffs atonelightly, the eyeschanges intocompletelyjet black, whenperipheralencircles the beastclansoldiers who killto come, thinks the Crowfemalemustfight tooth and nail, a crystalappearsin her hands, was fallenbyheron the ground.
Of bang, the spacedustscraps/condescendscatter, whenthesedustscraps/condescenddissipations, the Crowfemalehas disappeared without a trace, at the same time, in the sitting room in old castle, Su Xiaotakes upunder the table the wooden box in hidden compartment, after opening, discovered that is completely empty, installedinthisinsidecontractparchment, had been stolenby the Crowfemale.
轰的一声,空间尘屑四溅,当这些尘屑消散时,乌鸦女已不知去向,与此同时,古堡的内厅中,苏晓拿起桌下暗格内的木盒,打开后,发现里面已是空空如也,原本装在这里面的契约羊皮纸,已被乌鸦女盗走。Thisisrealcontract, rather thanfake goods, whatis more important, thisCrowfemalewithouttouchingOriginal Sin Item, successfullywithdrew, cansay,thisisboth sidesfightssuccessively, thoroughestonetime that the Crowfemalewins.
这是真的契约,而非冒牌货,更为重要的是,这次乌鸦女在没触碰原罪物的情况下,成功脱身了,可以说,这是双方历次交手中,乌鸦女赢的最彻底的一次。Su Xiaolooks atsilvermetalto seal/conferXiang on table, thisinsideinstalls, at all is not「goldHoly Grail」, butisanothertwoOriginal Sin Item, saidaccurately,waspriestthistimestrips the 「goldHoly Grail」failure.苏晓看着桌上的银色金属封箱,这里面装的,根本不是「黄金圣杯」,而是另外两件原罪物,更准确的说,是神父这次剥离「黄金圣杯」失败了。Notcannotstripforcefully, maybe the price, priest the has godblood, on the way ofthispeelingbyPlunderto「goldHoly Grail」, thisOriginal Sin Item will be very been special, orthisOriginal Sin Item, will not cause the harm of anylevelto the holder.
并非不能强行剥离,可作为代价,神父的所有神血,都会在这剥离途中被掠夺到「黄金圣杯」内,这原罪物很特殊,或者说,这原罪物本身,不会对持有者造成任何层面的损害。Will not swallowall previousholderlike「Devil's Pot」, will not look like「Death Spirit Book」like that so long aslooked at the aboveknowledge, the innermost feelingseven morewill be crazy, bodyalsoas the crazyunceasingdistortion of innermost feelings.
The function of 「goldHoly Grail」is, so long as the holderkills the life, will act according tokills the strong and weak of life, wells up the lostbloodfrominside, moreoverisincomparablypuregodblood, thisis more likeplants the alternativesacrificeto offer.「黄金圣杯」的作用为,只要持有者杀死生灵,就会根据杀死生灵的强弱,从里面涌出神血,而且是无比纯净的神血,这更像是种另类的祭献。Touches「goldHoly Grail」directly, hasfor a long time, will not have the danger, the realriskfrom the outside world, that is, drinks the godblood that in「goldHoly Grail」overflowseach time, the surreptitiousness of hisholderwill transport the potentialto promotesome.
无论是直接触碰「黄金圣杯」,还是长时间持有,都不会有危险,真正的风险来自外界,那就是,每次饮下「黄金圣杯」内溢出的神血,其持有者的诡秘运势会提升一些。Whattransports/fortunes the potentialsurreptitiously? The initial periodis good, is easyto meet the wandering soulandDeath Spiritonekind, whentransports/fortunes the potentialto the certain extentsurreptitiouslystrongly, startsto be easyto meet the evil spirit, Uncanny Thing.
什么是诡秘运势?初期还好,容易遇到游魂、亡灵一类,当诡秘运势强到一定程度,就开始容易遇到恶灵、诡异物等。Iftransported the potentialto the peaksurreptitiously, possiblyin the morningwent outtrips and falls, fellto the spacecrevice, thenastrayed the gap of excursion, turned the headto look, well~, thatwas not the candlefemale, itfloatedtomeprobably~
倘若诡秘运势到了巅峰,可能早上出门摔个跟头,都摔到空间夹缝内,然后误入漂游之间隙,转头一看,咦~,那不是烛女吗,它好像向我飘来了~Right, onceuses「goldHoly Grail」, openedhellDifficultysimply, asuses「goldHoly Grail」unceasingly, ownsurreptitiousnesswill transport the potentialto be stronger, will existstrangelyis also stronger.
没错,一旦使用「黄金圣杯」,简直就是自行开启了地狱难度,随着不断使用「黄金圣杯」,自身的诡秘运势会越强,遇到的诡异存在也越强。In order tocope withtheseexistsstrangely, can only more frequentuse「goldHoly Grail」, drinkinsidegodbloodpromotionstrength, maymorebeso, transports/fortunes the potentialto be strongersurreptitiously, existsstrangelyis also more powerful, the unceasingvicious circle, satisfies thirst by drinking poison.
为了对付这些诡异存在,只能更频繁的使用「黄金圣杯」,饮里面的神血提升实力,可越是如此,诡秘运势越强,遇到的诡异存在也更强大,不断恶性循环,饮鸩止渴。Untilfinally, astrays the gap of excursion, looks atfronthugeFrenzied Growth, this, wasnearlyexistsirresistibly.
直到最后,误入漂游之间隙,看着前方庞大的茂生之狂乱,这,是近乎无法抵抗的存在了。Once the famousbrother, does not know that withwhatwaythisFirst Ordersection, the opinion of candlefemale, Frenzied Growth and former days, has believedinthisbrother, when thisis as badas the limit, hesneezes, opened eyesagain, discovered that the frontpresented a sunspot, thissunspotincreasedsuddenly, thenvanished.
曾有名老哥,不知用什么方式挺过了这一阶段,烛女、茂生之狂乱、旧日之主见了个遍,就在这老哥认为,这已经是糟糕到极限时,他打了个喷嚏,再睁开眼,发现前方出现了个黑点,这黑点突然变大,然后消失。Whenthisbrotheradapted to the darknessinitially, discoveredinownperipheraldarkness, is wandering the numberunclearinextinguishable propertyabyssProliferating Lifeform, hebyabyss channelinspiration that accidental, presentsshortly, fell intoabyssdeep place.
当这老哥初步适应了黑暗时,发现自己周边的黑暗中,漂流着数之不清的不灭特性・深渊滋生物,他是被偶然、短暂出现的深渊通道吸入其中,落入到了深渊的很深处。this morning, Su Xiaodiscovers a matter, isthat sideSpellcasterdoes not know that paidwhatprice, madethreeOriginal Sin Itemcome backunexpectedly, heopened eyes, Death Spirit Bookin the abovefloated, Soul Crownon the nightstand, the nether worldboneabstainedon the table, butImmortal Dew, theneyeswith tearsis squattingon the hanging lamp, trembledmeow the clawfrom that at leastsquatted above half the night.
就在今早,苏晓发现一件事,就是施法者那边不知道付出了什么代价,竟让三件原罪物又回来了,他一睁眼,死灵之书在上方漂浮,灵魂王冠在床头柜上,幽冥骨戒在桌上,而仙露露,则双眼含泪的在吊灯上蹲着,从那哆嗦的喵爪来看,最起码在上面蹲半宿了。Comes backregardingtheseOriginal Sin Item, Su Xiaois not accidental/surprised, in the final analysis, heistheseOriginal Sin Itemholders, theseOriginal Sin Itemare willingto be deliveredbyhim, mainlycannot swallow the resourcesin his, naturallyis willingto be deliveredoccasionally, relations that both sidesalwaysshut outmutually.
对于这些原罪物回来,苏晓毫不意外,归根结底,他才是这些原罪物的持有者,这些原罪物愿意被他送出去,主要是在他这吞不到资源,当然愿意偶尔被送出去,双方始终都是互相嫌弃的关系。Until now, Su Xiaotohas seenOriginal Sin Item that andhas, conducted the record, andsummarizedtheircharacteristics.
一直以来,苏晓对所见过与持有的原罪物,都进行了记录,并总结了它们的特性。Su Xiaoafter「Original Sin Itemwrites downon」writes down the 「goldHoly Grail」characteristics, itreceives.苏晓在「原罪物笔记」上写下「黄金圣杯」的特性后,将其收起。Nowthisaboveincluded「Pot of Abyss」and「Death Spirit Book」and「Soul Crown」 and 「nether worldboneto abstain from」and「collector」and「goldHoly Grail」to amount tosixOriginal Sin Itemcharacteristics.
现在这上面收录了「深渊之罐」、「死灵之书」、「灵魂王冠」、「幽冥骨戒」、「收藏家」、「黄金圣杯」总计六件原罪物的特性。Followingshouldnot includeotheragain, at leastSu Xiaohopes that to the present, heseesnewOriginal Sin Itemafter alleven, should still feel the palpitation.
后续应该不会再收录其他了,至少苏晓是这么希望的,毕竟就算到现在,他看到新的原罪物,依然会感到心悸。Meanwhile, the main battlefieldperipheral zone, oneshallow waterWashang, the bloodstainfloatsin the water surface, wears the blacktight clothestogether, the hairis gripping the form of longponytail, is pouringin the water puddle, herline of sightis strictingandblurringunceasingly, at this moment, shehears the rapidsound of footstepsto be close.
“她在这。”Hearshealermasterthatvigoroussmokethroat, the Crowfemaleknows that thisplansuccess, quick, numerousSpellcaster that catches up withplacesherin the first aidfills up, inhealermasterboth hands the reappearinggreenglimmer, scattersinCrowfemaleperipheral, was actually shoved openby the Crowfemale, herline of sightblurryasking: „Sefeliathatoldwoman, whereGuyathatold manis.”
听到治疗师那浑厚的烟嗓,乌鸦女知道这次的计划成功了,很快,赶来的一众施法者将她安放在急救垫上,治疗师双手中浮现绿色微光,飘散在乌鸦女周边,却被乌鸦女推开,她视线迷糊的问道:“瑟菲莉娅那老女人,还有古亚那老头在哪。”„Inyouat present.”
“就在你眼前。”On the Sefeliaface an originalhappy expressiondisappears, hearshersound, the Crowfemaledeeplyinspires, lets the vitalityactiveseveralpointsforcefully, the visionrestoresclearly, shelooks atSefelia saying: „Markwas attached to hisscabbard, cansucceed, lookedyour.”瑟菲莉娅脸上原本的一丝笑意消失,听到她的声音,乌鸦女深吸了口气,强行让生命力活跃几分,目光恢复清晰,她看着瑟菲莉娅说道:“印记附在他刀鞘上了,能不能成功,就看你们的了。”CrowfemalethisandSu Xiao met with, has not concealednumerousSpellcaster, butafterreceivingsecretcontact, looked forSefeliaandGuyaInstitution Head, explained the situationwithtwo people.乌鸦女这次与苏晓会面,并未隐瞒一众施法者,而是在接到秘密联络后,就去找了瑟菲莉娅与古亚院长,与两人说明情况。„Can complete, youhave not wastedSoul Sirtoyourtrust.”
The Sefeliasincereopens the mouth, hearsthisword, Crowfemalesomewhatintentmoves, probablywas movedbySefelia, starts to speak but hesitates, in additionsheis on the verge of death the appearance that will soon die, making the peopleon the scenechange countenanceall.瑟菲莉娅正色开口,听闻此言,乌鸦女有几分意动,像是被瑟菲莉娅感动了般,欲言又止,外加她濒死到即将死亡的模样,让在场众人无不动容。„To sayanything, said.”
“想说什么,说吧。”Sefeliapatted the Crowfemaleshoulder, thislets the Crowfemale‚move’, herweaksaying: „Whateven ifI said that youcanforgive?”瑟菲莉娅拍了拍乌鸦女的肩膀,这让乌鸦女更‘感动’,她虚弱的说道:“就算我说什么,你们都能原谅?”„Naturally, so long asyouare not a rebel.”
“当然,只要你不是叛徒。”hearsword, the Crowfemalesaidin a low voice: „Inaturallyam not a rebel, but, beforethattwoOriginal Sin Item, after wereIthatExtinguishing Lawhithalf dead, hisstoppergivesme, Idid not have......”
闻言,乌鸦女低声说道:“我当然不是叛徒,不过,之前那两件原罪物,是我被那灭法打了个半死后,他塞给我,我也没……”„Shut up, simplydoes not haveOriginal Sin Item, never havingOriginal Sin Itemto entangleto get upus, from... has.”
“闭嘴,根本没有原罪物,从来没有原罪物缠上过我们,从…没…有。”Sefeliaopens the mouthone word at a time, as can be seen, this has solved the entanglement of Original Sin Item, as forpayinghowprofoundheartprice, only thensheandGuyaInstitution Headknows, in brief, after thistimereturned toArcane Eternal Star, mustsellsomeBlack Maple Treeto delivertootherfaction.瑟菲莉娅一字一顿的开口,可以看出,这是已经解决原罪物的纠缠了,至于付出了多么痛彻心扉的代价,只有她和古亚院长知道,总之,这次回奥术永恒星后,得向其他势力卖些黑枫树产出了。
……Late wintercity, in the old castle in Overlordmanor.
暮冬城,领主庄园的古堡内。Su Xiaositson the seat before window, looks at the snowscape of out of the window, until now, hehas not thought through a matter, whichwas the Crowfemaleinestablished the coordinates, orMarkwait/etc., hethought ofthis, wasbecauseall theseare planning.苏晓坐在窗口前的座椅上,看着窗外的雪景,到现在为止,他都没想通一件事,就是乌鸦女到底在哪设定了坐标,或印记等,他之所以想到这点,是因为这一切都在计划中。CannotinOriginal Sin Item the situationfrompriestthatpeeling, Su XiaostillinviteCrowfemaleto takeOriginal Sin Item, itselfrepresentedmany things, the Crowfemaleadmits defeattemporarilythis, as well asbreaks off conversationsticks out suddenly, againtoseizing the chanceto seize the contractscroll, and finalsevere woundflees, is actually planning, is oppositewithit, if the Crowfemaleadmits defeattodaythoroughly, thatSu Xiao'splancannot be conductedon the contrary.
But who thatis, thatis one of the strongesthuntersowletwill pass on the disciple, the Crowfemalewill be defeated, and evenwas killed, butimpossiblewill admit defeat.
但那是谁啊,那可是最强猎人之一・枭的亲传弟子,乌鸦女会被打败,乃至被杀,但没可能服软。In such situation, the opposite partyabandons the lifeto keep an appointmentas before, can only have very strongsense of purpose, for example, onitem that onSu Xiaoorhas worn, constructs the coordinatesorMark, as the assassinCrowfemale, excels atthisvery much, in additionhasSpellcaster that is not short of moneyto support, is handier.
The goal of doing thisis, oncegrasps the Su Xiao'sreal-timeposition, bent downto killto facilitate, looked like at least inSu Xiaoso, tradingto behimisSpellcaster, this.
这样做的目的是,一旦掌握苏晓的实时位置,伏杀起来就方便了很多,至少在苏晓看来是如此,换做他是施法者,也会这样做。Hasgood that words saying, the excellenthunter, oftenenters the stagein the way of prey, theseSpellcasterwantto striketo killSu Xiao, Su Xiao must executeonesimilarlystronglycertainlySpellcaster, when is the enemymost negligent? When has victory in the hand, whentheythink when alreadythisExtinguishing Lawsurroundsall round, actuallythishuntingjust nowstarts.
有句话说的好,高超的猎手,往往以猎物的方式出场,那些施法者想击杀苏晓,苏晓也同样要格杀一名绝强・施法者,试问,敌人何时最大意?就是胜券在握时,当他们认为已将这灭法团团包围时,其实这场狩猎才刚开始而已。Buthas an issueat present, is the coordinatesorMark that the Crowfemaleleaves behind, whereis at? Su Xiaoinspected the clothing, scabbard, and Sensorbody surface, the resulthas not discoveredanysign, thismakeshimsomewhatsuspect,is difficultto be inadequateCrowfemaleto keep an appointment, wantsto win the contractscrollpurely.
可眼下有个问题,就是乌鸦女留下的坐标或印记,到底在哪?苏晓检查了衣物、刀鞘等,以及感知自己体表,结果没发现任何迹象,这都让他有些怀疑,难不成乌鸦女来赴约,就单纯想夺走契约卷轴。Changing mindonewants is not right, ifthismatterhas not informedSefeliaandGuyaInstitution Head, thenby the Crowfemale'spresentinjury, sheshoulddieis right, at presenthas not receivedto striketo killPrompt, explained that the Crowfemaleobtainedeffectively , and treatment of powerful, that sideobviouslyisplans, near the transmissionend point of spaceitem, is waiting for the Crowfemale.
转念一想又不对,如果这件事没告知瑟菲莉娅与古亚院长,那以乌鸦女现在的伤势,她应该已死才对,眼下没接到击杀提示,说明乌鸦女得到了有效且强力的救治,那边明显是计划好,在空间道具的传送终点附近,等着乌鸦女。Su Xiaocontinuesto inspectthingalong, but the fluctuation of energy, is the spiritsoul energyquantitysensing, allthingsand were the same, nodifference, discoversthis, hepreparesto look forSorceressLiria, although the divination of opposite party, is very likelyalsoin the estimate of Spellcaster, butis also worthtrying.苏晓继续检查随身的物件,可无论是能量波动,还是灵魂能量感测,所有东西都和原本一样,没任何差别,发现这点,他准备去找女巫・莉莉亚,虽说对方的占卜,极有可能也在施法者们的估算中,但也值得试试。„White Night, what are youbusy in that?”
“白夜,你在那忙什么?”Immortal Dewfloats, but alsostretches oneself.仙露露漂浮而起,还伸了个懒腰。„Whatonyourscabbardiswhat? Newdecorative design in a utensil? Yesterdayhad not seen,todayjustprints, is not conspicuous.”
“……”Taking up of Su Xiaodoubtsturns over toDragon Flash in sheath, the careful observationandSensor, on the microinchmirror, anythinghad not discoveredfinallyfinallyas before.苏晓疑惑的拿起归鞘中的斩龙闪,仔细观察与感知,最后都上显微寸镜,结果依旧什么都没发现。
After the moment, Su Xiao, Boubo, A' Mu, Baja, JeelaandImmortal Dewsit in a circlein the tableperipheral, on the tableputsDragon Flash, the Boubocarefulviewis looking, finallyanythinghas not seen.
片刻后,苏晓、布布汪、阿姆、巴哈、棘拉、仙露露围坐在桌周边,桌上放着斩龙闪,布布汪仔细观瞧,结果什么都没看到。„Althoughis not obvious, but haven't youseenthisMark?”
“虽然不明显,但你们没看到这印记?”Immortal DewpattedMark on scabbardwithmeow the claw, Su Xiao, Boubo, A' Mu, BajaandJeela, youhave a look atme, Ihave a look atyou, saweach other confusednessandpuzzled in eye.仙露露用喵爪拍了拍刀鞘上的印记,苏晓、布布汪、阿姆、巴哈、棘拉,你看看我,我看看你,看到了彼此眼中的迷茫与不解。WhyImmortal DewcanseethisMark, isSu Xiaocannot think through, is it possible thatisImmortal Dewhasthiskind of ability? Mayexamine the Immortal Dewmaterial, besidesassistingSkill, notto the detection of Mark.
为何仙露露能看到这印记,是苏晓想不通的,莫非是仙露露有这类能力?可查看仙露露的资料,除了辅助技能外,没有对印记的侦测。Su Xiaolooks forseveralguards, makingthemattemptto look atMark on scabbard, finallycannot see, looks forsmallOverlordGullWei, could not see,citylordsLeesobservedfor quite a while, finallyalsoshakes the head.苏晓找来几名护卫,让他们都尝试看刀鞘上的印记,结果都看不到,找来小领主・古尔薇,同样也看不到,城主・芬里斯观察了半天,最终也摇了摇头。WhenSu Xiao, BouboandBaja, the maidlonggentle voiceopens the mouthto saywith a worried look: „IsferruleshapeMark.”
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