Has a seatby the thronerespectively, istwobigChief Commanderseats, butonlycameoneat this time, plants the view, wasanotherbigChief Commanderis assassinatedby the seaclan.
在王座两侧各有一张座椅,是两位大统帅的座位,只不过此时只来了一位,还有种说法,就是另一位大统帅早就被海族暗杀。Close to the discussingtable of throneby, sevenrelativelyshortseats, abovehasdifferentFamily Emblem, represents the sevenrespected families of beastclan, backward, is a Overlordposition, because ofdiscussing the table is so big, someOverlord, mustsitin the secondrow, and even the thirdrow, followingseveralrows, is the senior official in maincity, or the bigaristocrat of beastclan.
最靠近王座的议桌两侧,有七张相对矮些的座椅,上面有个不同的家徽,代表兽族的七大家族,更向后,则是一张领主位,但因议桌就这么大,有些领主,都要坐在第二排,乃至第三排,更后面的几排,则是主城的高层官员,或是兽族的大贵族。At this timeSu Xiaois sittingin the lastrow, GullWei of adjacent seatglances right and left, sheisgrows in experiencetoday, manypeople in thisfeasthall, sheonlyhave listenedin the biographyor the hearsay.
此时苏晓正坐在最后一排,邻座的古尔薇则左顾右盼,她今天算是长了见识,这宴厅内的不少人,她只在传记或传闻中听过。GullWeieats between -meal snack that on the roadis buying, bringsseveralpoints of curiousasking: „White Night, whywedo not go to the front, aren't weOverlord?”
古尔薇吃着路上买的零食,带着几分好奇的问道:“白夜,我们为什么不去前排,我们不是领主吗?”„tall tree attracts wind, maintains the low key.”
“树大招风,保持低调。”Su Xiaofinishes speaking, discusses the folding doors of hallto be shoved opencompletely, firstistwoteams of imperial guardsentersdiscusses the hall, laterstandstworows, latersurrounded bypeople, together the heightaboutthreemeters, wears the steelfeathercloak, wears the form of royal crown, undersupporting by the arm of tworetinues, entersdiscussesin the hall, hisbeard and hairis all white, the figureis seemingly thin, but the skeletonis very big, makinghiswholeseem like not emaciated, even if gradually old, and facial expressionis gentle, no onedaresto look at each otherwithitas before.苏晓话音刚落,议厅的两扇门被完全推开,先是两队禁军走进议厅,之后站成两排,随后在一众人的簇拥下,一道身高近三米,身披钢羽披风,头戴王冠的身影,在两名仆从的搀扶下,走进议厅内,他的须发皆白,身形看似消瘦,但骨架很大,让他整体看上去并不瘦弱,哪怕垂垂老矣,且神情平和,依旧无人敢与之对视。Undersupporting by the arm of retinue, the skinappearsseveralpoints of grayish whitefeelingking of beaststo take a seat, hecoughsone after several other, the peripheralownhealth/guardhurriesto keep offinall around, resemblesafter the king of beastsdrank the littlemedicament, the peripheralaverage per personNinth Orderpeakstrength, the 「powerhouse」bodyguard, after falls back on the throne, certainly.
在仆从的搀扶下,皮肤显出几分灰白感的兽王落座,他接连干咳几声,周边亲卫赶紧挡在四周,似是在兽王喝了少许药剂后,周边人均九阶巅峰战力,还有名「绝强者」的亲卫队,才退到王座后。Su Xiaosituated inlastrow of seat, the entire journeywitnessesall these, whenbeastWang Gangcomes, hefeelsinconceivable, suchlifemode, why can also live, let aloneundersupporting by the arm of retinue, ontaking a seatthrone, even if can also breatheweakly, by the situation of opposite party, is as oddas the extreme.
After the kings of beaststake a seat, slightlylifts the hand, firstthreerows of Overlordset outone after another, as for the back row, they want to saluteto the king of beastsactually, butdoes not have the qualifications.
兽王落座后,略抬手,前三排的领主们陆续起身,至于更后排,他们倒是想对兽王施礼,怎奈没资格。Peopletake a seat, discuss the front doorclosure of hall, parliamentaryOfficialstart, whydoes not know, atmospheresomeare not right.
一众人都落座,议厅的大门关闭,议会正式开始,可不知为何,气氛却有些不对。„White Nightyouare really insightful, thisatmosphereis quite fearful, wehave not sat in the front rowluckily.”
“白夜你真有眼光,这气氛好可怕,幸好我们没坐前排。”GullWeiopens the mouthin a low voice, suchas she said that the atmosphere of thisparliamentis not right.
古尔薇低声开口,就如她所说的那样,这场议会的氛围不对。„~, White Night?”
“咳~,白夜呢?”BigChief CommanderKainsets outto look all aroundseeking, looked for quite a while, whichobstinatelywithoutfindingSu Xiao, hisheartthump, mused that Su Xiaodoes not have the matterto walktemporarily, thatjokeopenedin a big way.
大统帅・凯恩起身环顾着寻找,找了半天,愣是没找到苏晓在哪,他心中咯噔一声,暗想苏晓不会是临时有事走了吧,那玩笑就开大了。„White NightandWhite Nightyou.”
“这边。”Finallyrow of Su Xiaoliftedstarting, laterin the both sidesmanybeastclanofficialamazedvision, continueshiddenamongthem.
最后排的苏晓抬了下手,之后在两侧多名兽族官员惊诧的目光中,继续隐于他们之间。„Whyyouhidethatto go!”
“你躲那去干吗!”„ImostactOverlord, naturallywantsto be near the bottom.”
“我最多算是代理领主,当然要靠后些。”„You! Yougivemeto come.”
“你!你给我过来。”BigChief Commander the beard that Kainair/Qisets uprightquickly, sevenrespected familieswithnumerousOverlord, although the facial featuresare serious, butthismarvelousaspect and atmosphere, theirreallysomewantto smile, the atmosphere becomes inexplicably cheerful.
大统帅・凯恩气的胡子都快竖起来,七大家族与一众领主虽都面容严肃,但这奇妙的局面与氛围,他们真的有些想笑,气氛变得莫名欢快起来。Underattention of numerousOverlord, Su Xiaofromarrangesfinally, arrives at the thirdrow, thisbigChief Commanderroot that Kainhatesis itchy, in the heartmused,thisisfearedwas snatchedFungal Rug.
“这边。”BigChief CommanderKainaims atanotheris emptying the bigChief Commanderposition.
“……”Su Xiaobringsquiteto feel the speechlessfacial expression, finallytakes a seatin the bigChief Commanderposition, the parliamentstarts, according to the convention, firstismajor events in variousOverlordreportmanors.苏晓带着颇感无语的神情,最终在大统帅位上落座,议会开始,按照惯例,先是各领主汇报封地内的重大事件。
After a halfhour, Su Xiaohearsnearbysnoring soundindistinctly, heleansto look,discovered the king of beastsopened the eyeto fall asleepunexpectedly, whensimilar of numerousOverlordreport, bigChief CommanderKaincoughedlightly, startedto mention the Fungal Rugaspect, whatwas marvelous, the king of beastsjustfinishedsleeping soundlyinthis time, in the eyerestored the appearance.
半小时后,苏晓隐约听到一旁的鼾声,他侧头看去,发现兽王竟睁着眼睛睡着了,当一众领主汇报的差不多,大统帅・凯恩轻咳一声,开始提及菌毯方面,奇妙的是,兽王刚好在此时结束酣睡,眼中恢复神采。„White Night, Iheard,youdevelopedFungal Rugrecently.”
“嗯。”With the Su Xiaoopens the mouth, the discussionaboutFungal Rugstops, regarding the king of beastsordered, to letSu Xiao the Fungal RugsharetootherOverlord, thatwasimpossible, the king of beastswill not saysuchwordsdirectly, from beginning to end, the king of beastsonlysaidthata few words, thisis obviousenough.
随着苏晓开口,关于菌毯的讨论到此为止,至于说兽王下令,让苏晓把菌毯分享给其他领主,那是不可能的,兽王不会直接说出这样的话,从始至终,兽王只说了那么一句话,这已经足够明显了。Discussed the atmosphere in hallto be gradually relaxed, whenjust before the end ofstartednoisy, manyOverlord, ineach otheris chatting, at this moment, the king of beasts on one sidethrone, tochat the tonesaid: „YourthatFungal Rug, looks like the Insect clanproductvery much.”
“……”Su Xiaohas not spoken, since the king of beastsdiscovered, thatsaidmanyagainalsoinsignificant.苏晓没说话,既然兽王发现了,那说再多也无意义。„Todeal with the experience of Yongguang, youalsotook great pains, wantedme saying that yourExtinguishing Lawfactionfirstgeneration of Extinguishing Law, somespiritualissues, wherehadto make the later generationgo toYongguangto be informed and experienced, thatwasinformed and experienced.”
“为了应对去永光的历练,你也是煞费苦心,要我说,你们灭法派系的先代灭法们,精神都有些问题,哪有让后辈去永光历练的,那是历练吗。”Speaking offinally, the king of beastshasseveralpoints of pitylooked atSu Xiaoone, but alsosighed.
说到最后,兽王带着几分恻隐的看了苏晓一眼,还叹了口气。„Thatwas the millennium ago matters, it is saidfirstgeneration of Extinguishing Law, keptintheiralltreasures the Eternal Light Worldtreasure house, have youlistened tothismatter?”
“那得是千年前的事了,据说先代灭法们,把他们所有宝物都留在永光世界的宝库里,你听过这事吗?”„Ievenhave the key.”
“我甚至有钥匙。”Su Xiaoreallydoes not care about the key of Eternal Light Worldtreasure house, has not naturally concealed.苏晓真的不在意永光世界宝库的钥匙,自然也没隐瞒。„Right, butwhyIfelt,inthattreasure houseanythingdoes not have, do not suspect,Marvin WaltzandEleen Gillianthatgroup of people, obtainthismatterdry/does, inthatgroup of people, Ilooked that Axisis credible, butthiscrediblefellow, dyingis also earliest.”
“……”Su Xiaohas not spoken, seesthis, the one sideking of beastswithbecoming emaciatedtosoononlyremains the big hand of skeleton, pattedhisshoulder, said: „DevelopsInsect clanas soon as possible, butdo not hatchfightInsect clanhere, even if one, is not good.”苏晓没说话,见此,一旁兽王用消瘦到快要只剩骨架的大手,拍了拍他的肩膀,道:“尽快发展虫族吧,但别在这里孵化战斗虫族,哪怕是一只,都不行。”King of beastsmoderateopens the mouth.
“嗯。”„Good, the Fungal Rugorigin, Ihelpyoukeep, in society'smatter, is actually this, accords to his needwell, whodid not havesuch1-2secrets.”
The word, the king of beastsliftsaccording to the handinthronearm rest, a section of curling upparchmentfalls, hisownhealth/guardtakes upquietly, unknowingly, stopperto the Su Xiaohand.
The kings of beastsset outundersupporting by the arm of retinue, an numerousownhealth/guardescortedhimto leavediscussed the hall, discussedOverlord in hall, successivelyleft.
兽王在仆从的搀扶下起身,一众亲卫护送他出了议厅,议厅内的领主们,也都陆续离开。Afterperipheralno one, Su Xiaoopens a smallsection of parchment that curls up, abovewrites: ‚Todaynottoforeveraround the city, the seaclan, manybend downto killcertainly.’
在周边无人后,苏晓打开卷起的一小截羊皮纸,上面写着:‘今日勿离永环城,海族、施法,多名绝强伏杀。’Seesthese, Su Xiaohas thought that the general idea of matter, healsowonderedbefore, Spellcastershouldknow that hecamewindseaContinentto be right, hownot to have the sound, nowlooks like, thissuppressesUltimate.
看到这些,苏晓已想到事情的大概,他之前还纳闷,施法者们应该知道他来了风海大陆才对,怎么始终都没动静,现在看来,这是憋大招呢。Candetermine, so long astransmissiontower of Su Xiaowithmaincity, will be stoppedsurely, thenencountersencirclements of a group ofpowerhouseto kill, thatwill betenwill dienotfresh.
可以确定,只要苏晓用主城的传送塔,必定会被截停,然后遭到大群强者的围杀,那将是十死无生。Facing such situation, the Su Xiao'sideais, cantryhimto developmostupdate「Extinguishing Lawtransmission」, thisbases onFiendtransmissionsuperstrengthensupdated version, thistimecantransmit a thingcasually, to the late wintercitythat side, the goalis to attractthistimeencircleskillshisseaclanandSpellcaster, interceptsthistransmission.
面对此等情况,苏晓的想法是,可以试试他开发出最新版的「灭法传送阵」,这是基于恶魔传送阵的超级・加强・升级版,这次可以随便传送点东西,到暮冬城那边,目的就是为了吸引这次围杀他的海族与施法者们,拦截这次传送。Regardingthis「Extinguishing Lawtransmission」, Su Xiaoaredoes not dareto use, under thistimejustletsClanandSpellcasterintercepts, will have a lookto haveanythingto respond.
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