At present the tenbigcities in fiefdom, eachplacetakes the food and materials of 2000unitsat least, canpassthisCold Winter, is the food and materialdemands of altogether20,000units, butnow the food resources of late wintercitymemory, most not over500units, let alonetootherninebigcities.
眼下封地内的十座大城,每座最起码要2000个单位的粮食物资,才能度过这个凛冬,也就是一共2万个单位的粮食物资需求,可现在暮冬城内存的粮食资源,最多不超500个单位,更别说给其他九座大城。According tobigChief Commander the material that Kaingives, in the otherninebigcities, thattwowith the citylord who the Overlordstewardcolludes with, has the grain of 700unitsrespectively, otherOverlord, only thenless than the food resources of 300units.
根据大统帅・凯恩给的资料,剩余的九座大城中,那两名与领主管家勾结的城主,各有700个单位的粮食,其他领主,则只有不到300个单位的粮食资源。Thissituation, is unable to seek helpfrom the king of beasts, the situation in late wintercityfiefdomso , because has not sent out the regimentto go to the main battlefield, naturallycannot obtainmaincityforeveraround the citygrainration.
此种情况,无法向兽王求助,暮冬城封地的情况之所以如此,是因为没派出军团前往主战场,自然得不到主城・永环城的粮食配给。Whydoes not send out the regimentas for the late wintercity, herehas not paid the salary of beastclansoldiers, goes to battle with the grain of main battlefieldbe also insufficient, thereforecaused the vicious circle.
至于暮冬城为何不派出军团,这边既没有付给兽族士兵们的薪金,出征主战场的粮食也不够,因此就导致了恶性循环。Su Xiaothinksthisis‚the P2Pgame’ , because aftersurprise attackwhitehoofport, hisobtainedspoils of war, there areair-dryingmeats of 600units, the grainclassgrain of more than 200units, the wines of more than 70units, in addition, the energycrystalfat of 50units.苏晓之所以认为这是‘氪金游戏’,是因为在奇袭白蹄港后,他所得的战利品,有600个单位的风干肉类,200多个单位的谷物类粮食,70多个单位的酒类,除此之外,还有50个单位的能量晶脂。Theseenergycrystalfatare very valuable, inmaincitymanymerchants, is willingto trade the crystalfatby various grain, the energycrystalfat of 50units, cantrade various kind of grain of 9000 ~ 10000unitsprobably, moreoverare more than half, is the air-dryingmeats.
这些能量晶脂很值钱,主城内很多商人,愿意以各类粮食换晶脂,50个单位的能量晶脂,大概能换9000~10000个单位的各类粮食,而且其中半数以上,都是风干肉类。Nomeeting, the doorwas sounded, spotfoxclan that hurries backfrom the undergroundcity.
没一会,房门就被敲响,是从地下城赶回来的斑狐族・皮鲁。Giveswith a warehousekey the one portionbill of material, hastilyleaves, processesinthatbatch of spoils of war that the whitehoofportobtains, thesecommoditieswere stored upin the warehouses in threecity area, A' Muandbecause are defendingin that side.
将一份物资清单与一把仓库钥匙交给皮鲁,皮鲁匆匆离开,去处理在白蹄港得到的那批战利品,那些物资都被储存在三城区的仓库内,阿姆与厄格因正在那边守着。Looked at a time, 8 : 00 pm, Su Xiaohas put outcommunication that the beastclanuses, according to the frequency on fiefdommaterialdials, nomeeting, the oppositemeets, thatis built on stiltssmallOverlordsteward who GullWei.
看了眼时间,已经晚 8 点,苏晓拿出兽族使用的通讯器,根据封地资料上的频率拨通,没一会,对面接起,正是那名架空小领主・古尔薇的管家。Is moderate, andtorace the sound of reliablefeeling, transmitsfromcommunication: „Excuse me, iswhich?”
语气平和,且给人种可靠感的声音,从通讯器内传来:“请问,是哪位?”„Will soon go toOverlord of late wintercity.”
“即将去暮冬城的领主。”HeardSu Xiaothiswordsilent, the oppositeseveralseconds, immediatelytonehumblesaying: „OriginallyisMr. White Night, regardingyourarrival, Ifrom the heartwelcome.”
听到苏晓此言,对面沉默了几秒,随即语气谦逊的说道:“原来是白夜先生,对于您的到来,我发自内心的欢迎。”In the tone of stewarddoes not have the slighthostility, person who does not know, but alsothinks that hereallywelcomeSu Xiaoto go to the late wintercity.
管家的语气中没有丝毫敌意,不知道的人,还认为他真的欢迎苏晓去暮冬城。„Steward, theseyearswas laboriousyou.”
“管家,这些年辛苦你了。”„Is indebted the masterbefore death the undeserved kindness, the agent who nowhe, medid not pass awayappointsbeforehim, is more laboriousshould be.”
“承蒙老爷生前错爱,如今他不在了,我作为他去世前任命的代理人,辛苦些是应该的。”Oppositestewardstartsto expose the point, cansay,thisis the fellow who canbear patiently, perhapsbutwasbeforebears patientlywas too long, at present after being in power, chose the tiny stepnot to draw back, bit the Overlordpower that oncehoped to look atstubbornly.
对面管家开始展露锋芒,可以说,这是个很能隐忍的家伙,但或许是之前隐忍了太久,眼下得势后,选择了寸步不退,死死咬住曾经觊望的领主大权。„Steward, youshouldbe on leave, Ihave100,000cable/searchDuo, youwill comearound the cityto be on leaveforever, after the false, will hold an office here, IandKainhave greeted.”
The communicationoppositestewardseems like considering, butin the stewardheartactuallyhas the choice, the late wintercityishisdomain, externalHuman Race, even if powerful, tothere, most is also andheimmobilizesmutually, does not encounteroneto retreat, in the stewardheartis unwilling.
通讯器对面的管家看似在考虑,但管家心中其实早就有了抉择,暮冬城是他的地盘,一个外来的人族而已,哪怕实力强大,到了那里,最多也就是和他互相钳制,不交锋一场就退走,管家心中不甘。„White NightOverlord, is very regrettable, Iam unable to acceptyourgood intent, we, the late wintercitysee.”
“白夜领主,很遗憾,我无法接受你的美意,我们,暮冬城见。”Meanwhile, in the study room in somelate wintercitymansion, puts on the steward of blacksilkpajamas, hangsbroken handcommunication, wear a look ofhappy expressionlooksto the tabletwofamous citylords, said: „It seems like, ourWhite NightOverlordcould not calm down.”
与此同时,暮冬城某栋豪宅的书房内,穿着黑色丝绸睡衣的管家,挂断手中的通讯器,面带笑意的看向桌对面的两名城主,道:“看来,我们的这位白夜领主沉不住气了。”Hearsthisword, in the handdrags the twofamous cities of wine glassmainto smile, threepeopleraise glassandclink glasses, Officialcompositionoffensive and defensive alliance, theyhave prepared, withnewOverlord, conducts onelong the contest of bad risk.
听闻此言,手中拖着酒杯的两名城主都笑了笑,三人举杯、碰杯,正式组成攻守同盟,他们都已准备好,与新来的领主,进行一场漫长又凶险的较量。Butat this moment, foreveraround the cityinhotel room that sixcity area, Su Xiaotemporarily resides.
而此刻,永环城・六城区,苏晓暂住的酒店客房内。Su Xiaoputs downcommunication in hand, nearbyBajaasked: „Does Boss, howprocess?”苏晓放下手中的通讯器,一旁的巴哈问道:“老大,怎么处理?”„Asks, the personarrives.”
“好嘞。”Bajaflies away, butlies downBouboonguest roombed, is stretching oneselfin the lying downposturehitsto breathe out, although the Technological Sidelevels of thesetwogoodscontinueto rise dramatically, butis also getting more and more lazy, nowcansitis not standing, canlie downis not sitting.巴哈飞走,而躺在客房大床上的布布汪,以躺姿伸着懒腰打哈气,这二货的科技侧水平虽持续飙升,但也越来越懒,现在是能坐着就不站着,能躺着就不坐着。
After a halfhour, the doorwas sounded, spotfoxclan after enters the room, the exploratory natureasked: „Sir, theyarrived, wefirstwait, hangtheirappetites, is......”
半小时后,房门被敲响,斑狐族・皮鲁走进房间后,试探性问道:“大人,他们都到了,我们是先等等,吊吊他们的胃口,还是……”„Does not use.”
“不用。”Su Xiaoletsspotfoxclanguides, walkstoward the feasthalls in hotelthreebuildings.苏晓让斑狐族・皮鲁带路,向酒店三楼的宴厅走去。Whenfrontspotfoxclan when opens the door of feasthall, Su Xiaoenters the feasthall, saw that sitsinthathasthreemetershighbarbarianbearclan, stressesthisto roast the beastlegbigmouthto nipsingle-handed, eatenunusualis fragrant, obviously, the citylord in late wintercityfiefdom, andotherbeastclancitiesmainare not quite same.
当前面的斑狐族・皮鲁推开宴厅的门,苏晓走进宴厅时,看到一名坐在那都有三米高的蛮熊族,正单手抓这条烤兽腿大口咬着,吃的非常香,显然,暮冬城封地的城主,与其他兽族城主不太一样。Su Xiaolooked at the eyeto defendbyfeasthallinterior door, because, because ofselecting, indicated that Harveybrings the Overlordteam, wentto the late wintercityfiefdomwhile the deep pooldragoneldest son.苏晓看了眼守在宴厅内门旁的厄格因,厄格因点了下头,表示哈维已经带着领主队,乘渊龙长子向暮冬城封地而去。
After Su Xiaotakes a seat, discovered that eightfamous citiesmainarrive, but alsovariousbelts2 ~ 3trusted aides, inthesecitylordshadbearclan, has the redDwarfclan, has the snakemanclan, there is a wolfclan, at this momentsits in a circlenear the table.苏晓落座后,发现八名城主都到场,还各带了2~3名心腹,这些城主中有蛮熊族,有红矮人族,有蛇人族,也有狼族,此刻都围坐在餐桌边。„You're welcome, finished eatingsaidagain.”
“别客气,吃完再说。”Su Xiaotakes upseafoodsurfaceconveniently, treats as the midnight snackto eat, presents the citylord in eightlate wintercityfiefdom, youhave a look atme, Ihave a look atyou, finallystartsto enjoy the dinner, theyride the transmissiontowerto catch upfrom the late wintercityfiefdom, somehave not had the dinner, naturallycannottoo the smalltalk.苏晓随手拿起一盘海鲜面,当作夜宵吃着,在座八位暮冬城封地的城主,你看看我,我看看你,最终都开始享用晚餐,他们从暮冬城封地乘坐传送塔赶来,有些还没吃晚饭,自然不会太客套。
After eating to the heart's content, Su Xiaoreceivedeightwritten instructions that Bajahands over, letsspotfoxclan, distributestoeachfamous citymainvariousone portion, sitsafterdistancefirstrecentbarbarianbearChengzhudrinksin the lightcup the strong liquor, startsto look in the hand the content of written instructions, hemorelooked, the visionis more serious, becausethisunexpectedlywill beforever the around the citycommoditytransferwritten instructions, maydepend onthiswritten instructions, toassigning the department, receives the food and materials of 1000units.
酒足饭饱后,苏晓接过巴哈递来的八份批文,让斑狐族・皮鲁,分发给每名城主各一份,坐在距离首位最近的蛮熊城主喝光杯中烈酒后,才开始看手中批文的内容,他越看,目光越严肃,因为这竟是永环城的物资调用批文,可凭此批文,到指定部门,领取1000个单位的粮食物资。Whatis most essential, thisdoes not allocate, butis the deposit, hasthat sidegrainin advance, thewritten instructions that thenattains, thisalsorepresents, does not needto wait forlikeallocation, even ifwantsnow, cantakeimmediately.
最关键的是,这不是配发,而是存取,是预先存在那边粮食,然后拿到的这批文,这也代表,无需像配发那样等待,哪怕现在想要,也能立刻去取出来。Seesthisthing, bearChengzhu the line of sightcannot move, bigcity that hemanages, only thenless than the grains of 200units, moreoveris the low-grade merchandisegrain, butat present the 1000unitgrain of thiswritten instructions, 1/3meat, 1/3excellentgrain, surplus1/3, is the seasoning, fat, even the strong liquorhas.
看到这东西,蛮熊城主的视线移不开了,他所管理的大城,只有不到200个单位的粮食库存,而且还都是劣品谷物,可眼下这批文的1000个单位粮食,有三分之一肉食,三分之一精良谷物,剩余三分之一,则是调味料、油脂等,甚至连烈酒都有。ThismakesbearChengzhu the heartbeatspeed upseveralpoints, butis quick, hediscovered that thiswritten instructionslack the most essentialseal, isat presentthisOverlordsealemblem.
这让蛮熊城主的心跳都加快几分,但很快,他发现这批文缺少最关键的一个印章,就是眼前这位领主的印徽。„Everyone, Iwas adjusted the late wintercity, managesthisstretch of fiefdomwithGullWeiOverlordtogether, Iam very satisfied with thisarrangement, butas if there is person, does not prepareto makemego to the late wintercity.”
“各位,我被调到暮冬城,与古尔薇领主一同管理这片封地,我个人对这安排很满意,但似乎有人,不准备让我去暮冬城。”Leaves behindthese words, Su Xiaosets outto leave the table, presentslowering the head of eightfamous citiesmainkeep silent, leaves the feasthallafterSu Xiaoseveralseconds, theyraised the head, since the seatsets out, leading the respectivesubordinateto leavequickly, inthatbothpupil, killsintentto flee.
After Su Xiaoreturns to the guest room in building, goes right to sleep, does not know how longrested, the doorwas sounded, A' Mumustopen the door, Su Xiaolifts the handto prevent, hisbeing barebackedupper body, walksbarefooton the rug, after opening the door, discovered that eightfamous citylordsheaded bybearChengzhu, standsinout of the door, togetheralsohas, because.苏晓回到楼上的客房后,倒头就睡,不知睡了多久,房门被敲响,阿姆要去开门,苏晓抬手阻止,他赤膊上身,光着脚走在地毯上,开门后,发现是以蛮熊城主为首的八名城主,都站在门外,一同的还有厄格因。InbearChengzhu the hand, is holdingboxes that catchsomeblood, seeSu Xiaoto open the door, bearChengzhupromptlyopens the box, andknees down, the severed head in box, showstoSu Xiao, thisimpressivelyis the head of Overlordsteward, stunnedfacial expression on hisface, lifelike that but alsomaintains.
在蛮熊城主手中,抱着个染上些许鲜血的盒子,见苏晓已经开门,蛮熊城主立即把盒子打开,并单膝跪地,将盒子内的首级,展现给苏晓,这赫然是领主管家的头颅,他脸上的错愕神情,还保持的惟妙惟肖。Baja on Su Xiaoshoulderseesthissecretly, hangssaw that the severed head of steward, said: „Makesyourwhole personcome the maincityleave, youdo not come, to be bent on havingonlyto make the headcome.”苏晓肩上的巴哈看到这一幕后,垂眼看管家的首级,说道:“让你整个人来主城休假,你不来,偏要只让脑袋过来。”Su Xiaoturns aroundto walktoward the guest room, Overlord that an numerousknee down, allsets outto follow, to enterin the guest room.苏晓转身向客房里面走去,一众单膝跪地的领主,全都起身跟上,走进客房内。Incorridor, because ofvisionlostlooks at the night scene of out of the window, hefeltat this moment, his SirOverlord, does not seem likelike that‚badstrategy that’ the opposite partysays, thismakeshimgive birth tosection of protruding bones in the occipital region, suddenlyshrank.
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