RP :: Volume #45

#54: Is this mixed soldier?

From makes a long-range raid the Wild Boar soldier who in all directions comes, causing the land to start to tremble. 从四面八方奔袭而来的野猪战士,导致大地都开始震颤。 If overlooks to see from the sky, after the solar fort launches, the enemy Contractor weight partner, one group is the strength strong storm team, these more than hundred Contractor are headed by Hymn and Olandi. 如若从上空俯瞰能看到,太阳要塞展开后,敌方契约者分两伙,一伙为实力强的强袭队,这百余名契约者圣诗与奥兰迪为首。 Another group is the trail party, this group of Contractor have more than 600 people, Holy Light Paradise and Contractor of Watcher Paradise two sides, account for half about the number respectively, these Contractor, by a man who says Druid leads. 另一伙为殿后队,这伙契约者有六百多人,其中圣光乐园守望乐园两方的契约者,各占半数左右,这些契约者,则由一名自称德鲁伊的男人带领。 Druid's elk corner/horn helmet, and tattered animal skin, making him quite have the wild animal aura, many people believe, Druid is Olandi's subordinate, is not such actually. 德鲁伊的麋鹿角盔,以及身上的破烂兽皮,让他颇有野兽气息,有不少人认为,德鲁伊是奥兰迪的部下,实则并非如此。 Although two people in Adventure Group, a person hold the post of Captain, a person holds the post of Vice-Captain, but two people are the competitive relations, Olandi is in the group liberal side, Druid is the discipline and severity. 两人虽在一个冒险团,一人担任团长,一人担任副团长,但两人是竞争关系,奥兰迪是团中宽宏的一面,德鲁伊是纪律与严苛。 Two Contractor, come in swarms Wild Boar soldiers in all directions surround, and this giant encirclement ring, in fast reduction. 前后两股契约者,被四面八方蜂拥而至的野猪战士们包围,并且这巨大的包围圈,在快速缩小中。 Under the chaotic scene, Hymn and Olandi are very calm, in which Olandi said: I go to the surrounding to keep off.” 混乱的场面下,圣诗与奥兰迪都很冷静,其中的奥兰迪说道:“我去外围挡。” I retain him, even if he is not the leaders of these Wild Boar soldiers, the position absolutely is not low.” “我留住他,他就算不是这些野猪战士的领袖,地位也绝对不低。” During the Hymn speeches, she men and women of more than ten knight appearance appearance runs out behind. 圣诗说话间,她身后十几名骑士模样打扮的男女冲出。 Has the stature tall robust knight to grasp the big shield, there is a stature to be petite, puts on skin armor, grasps the female assassin of dagger, is in violation of emphatically the crossbow, grasps the heavy crossbowman of shield, this is 12 people that the hymn knight rolls, names the mad dog knight group. 这其中有身材高壮的骑士手持大盾,也有身材娇小,穿着皮甲,手持匕首的女刺客,更有背着重弩,手持中盾的重弩手,这是圣歌骑士团的十二人,又名疯狗骑士团。 12 hymn knights clash to Su Xiao, first to the way , their hand shields, heavy crossbows and other weapons, dingdong threw, these 12 knights draw out the double blade before to completely, the incarnation 12 double blade mad dog. 十二名圣歌骑士向苏晓冲来,前冲途中,他们手中的盾牌、重弩等武器,叮叮当当的扔了一路,这十二骑士在前冲中全部拔出双刀,化身十二‘双刀疯狗’。 In them, with the heavy shield knight of shield, at this time the double blade length in hand in 1 meter about 4, the blade had the palm of the hand to be wide fully. 他们之中,原本拿盾的重盾骑士,此时手中的双刀长度在一米四左右,刀刃足有巴掌宽。 Double blade that the knight draws out with light packs, the length in 1 meter about 1, the blade width is normal, female assassin build is petite, in the hand the double blade length about 1 meter, the cutting edge is narrow, but this kind of double blade attacks fast is quicker. 轻装骑士拔出的双刀,长度在一米一左右,刀刃的宽度正常,女刺客这种体型娇小的,手中双刀长度在一米左右,刃口偏窄,但这类双刀的攻速更快。 Three types of double blades, the heavy double blade is the armor piercing wide scope Attack Power quantity suppresses, the medium double blade is the advance attack in close order physical body defensive power reduces, the narrow double blade is the strategic point attack ultra-high eruption injury weakness attacks fiercely. 三种类型的双刀,重双刀是破甲大范围攻击力量压制、中型双刀是突进密集攻击肉体防御力削减,窄双刀是要害攻击超高爆发伤害弱点痛击等。 12 mad dog knight comes to the Su Xiao encirclement, Su Xiao has not withdrawn, he must prevent the enemy to build the perfect defense line. 十二名‘疯狗骑士’向苏晓合围而来,苏晓没撤走,他要阻止敌人布设出完善的防线。 Su Xiao's Shadow Blink ability, after promoting to Lv. MAX, can many long-term usage three times, its price be causes the huge burden to the body, as well as in the later 20 minutes, is unable to use Shadow Blink to conduct the space movement again. 苏晓的龙影闪能力,在提升到Lv.MAX后,能最多连续使用三次,其代价是对身体造成巨大负担,以及在之后的20分钟内,无法再使用龙影闪进行空间移动。 Immediately leaves from the most center of regiment no doubt safely, but if, Contractor of enemy side will by doing so gather in the same place, the manifestation defense line, resists the Wild Boar soldier from raids in all directions. 立即从战团的最中心离开固然安全,可如果这样做,敌方的契约者会聚拢在一起,形成防线,抵御从四面八方袭来的野猪战士。 Su Xiao keeps the regiment center to be different, at present the Contractor gate of enemy side, from peripheral has encircled, surrounds him in the center, has the meaning of capturing the ringleader first. 苏晓留在战团中心则不同,眼下敌方的契约者门,已从周边围来,将他包围在中心,颇有擒贼先擒王的意思。 This choice and right, if Su Xiao died, the Warlord addition vanishes, as well as was cut to kill to command, to the morale of Wild Boar soldier army, will create the destructive attack. 这选择并没错,如果苏晓死了,战争领主的加成消失,以及被斩杀统领,会对野猪战士大军的士气,造成毁灭性打击。 If Su Xiao estimates right, quick, is he most center situated in regiment, peripheral is surrounding enemy Contractor, but in enemy Contractor outside, is the encirclement ring of Wild Boar soldiers, big snare small circle. 如若苏晓估测的没错,很快,就是他位于战团的最中心,周边包围着敌方契约者,而在敌方契约者更外面,则是野猪战士们的包围圈,大圈套小圈。 It seems like that Su Xiao by more than 700 enemy Contractor surrounding, will soon die by Focus Fire, otherwise actually, the enemy side is Eighth Order Contractor, to this situation, will make most appropriate dealing surely. 看似苏晓被700多名敌方契约者包围,即将被集火而死,实则不然,敌方都是八阶契约者,对这种情况,必定会做出最恰当的应对。 They as far as possible the encirclement ring of Wild Boar soldiers swelling, making in the encirclement ring have a bigger range. 他们会尽可能将野猪战士们的包围圈‘胀大’,让包围圈内有更大的范围。 The enemy side will do that avoids being encircled one by one, in the event of that situation, only needs a big might the explosive material or the weapon, numerous Contractor will die a big piece, as can fight with all might Eighth Order Contractor, they can think of this. 敌方之所以会这么做,是避免被围到人挤人,一旦出现那种情况,只需一种大威力的爆炸物或武器,一众契约者就会死一大片,作为能拼杀到八阶契约者,他们都能想到这点。 They want to expand to a big way the encirclement ring, must have Contractor to resist the charge of Wild Boar soldier inevitably, then, can cope with Su Xiao's enemy side Contractor, dozens were very good, making more people cope with Su Xiao, is unable to guarantee that perseveres the range of place, or was broken through the defense line by the Wild Boar soldier. 他们想将包围圈扩到最大,势必要有更多契约者抵御野猪战士的冲锋,如此一来,能对付苏晓的敌方契约者,有几十名就很不错了,让更多人来对付苏晓,就无法保证坚守地的范围,或是被野猪战士冲破防线。 Because assured this, Su Xiao chooses to stay behind, he also has trump card let alone, once the situation is extremely critical, uses to snatch from Morey that...... coughs, taking advantage of Drifting Lure Withdrawal. 正是因为笃定这点,苏晓才选择留下,更何况他还有种杀手锏,一旦情况太过危急,就用从莫雷那抢……咳,借的【漂游之饵】撤走。 Drifting Lure: After the spirit guides 1. 57 seconds, may conduct the space excursion, presents the point of safety 50 km away randomly...... 漂游之饵:精神引导1.57秒后,可进行空间漂游,随机出现在50公里外的安全地点…… The Su Xiao's idea is, supposed that he in the most center of encirclement ring, really cannot support quickly, uses Drifting Lure Withdrawing. 苏晓的想法为,假设他在包围圈的最中心处,真的快撑不住,就用【漂游之饵】脱身。 The under foot has the solar fort, Su Xiao meets the use Drifting Lure Sun's Fury Apollo( hand pinches Instant Explosive)】 Combination technique. 要不是脚下有太阳要塞,苏晓会用处【漂游之饵】【烈阳之怒阿波罗(手捏瞬爆)】的组合技。 Su Xiao has not withdrawn immediately, since to avoid the enemy escapes with the wide scope space item collective, is solar fort that because the under foot has launched. 苏晓没马上撤走,既是为了避免敌人用大范围空间道具集体逃脱,也是因为脚下已展开的太阳要塞。 A very important point, after the tangled warfare starts, regiment center that if all goes well, Su Xiao is , will quickly become very safe, naturally, this security, will be to him, regarding Contractor of enemy side, they, even if will live by luck, this will still be the nightmarish experience. 还有很重要的一点,混战开始后,假如一切顺利,苏晓所在的战团最中心,很快会变得很安全,当然,这个安全,是对他自己而言,对于敌方的契约者们来讲,他们就算侥幸活下来,这也是噩梦般的经历。 Fierce Yang in the sky, Su Xiao stands in the launched fort center, he already by storm to more than hundred enemy Contractor surrounding, at this moment, the gold/metal blue color meow the shadow flutters together from the ground, adds in him, just now hides Immortal Dew under mine pit. 烈阳当空,苏晓站在已展开的要塞中心处,他已被强袭对的百余名敌方契约者包围,就在这时,一道金蓝色喵影从地面飘出,附挂在他身上,是方才藏身到下方矿井内的仙露露 The bellow of shout, the roaring sound and explosion, transmits from the edge of defense circle one after another, depressed hits, have rushed to beyond the defense circle on behalf of the Wild Boar soldiers, hands over the seat of honor with Contractor. 喊声、咆哮声、爆炸的轰鸣声,从防御圈的边缘陆续传来,一声声沉闷的撞击,代表野猪战士们已冲到防御圈外,与契约者们交上手。 Tittered, titters and titters...... 噗嗤、噗嗤、噗嗤…… The spear/gun glow holds continually, the flesh scatters, in a facial expression solemn male person hand the long spear/gun such as the spirit snake, only leaves behind lance point appearances in the air the thorn glow. 枪芒连捅,血肉四溅,一名神情冷峻的男人手中长枪如灵蛇般,只在空气中留下一道道枪尖模样的刺芒。 One about 2 meters in height that 6 the front surface to/clashes, the stature strong Wild Boar soldier footsteps stagger immediately, on its torso was punctured several bowl mouth thick cracks, this makes its body start to be incapable, soon before the inertia that to/clashes knocks down. 迎面冲来的一名身高近2米六,身材蛮壮的野猪战士脚步立即踉跄,它躯干上被刺出几道碗口粗的破洞,这让它的身体开始无力,即将因前冲的惯性扑倒在地。 Seems to be the weak golden light corpuscle to scatter from the wound of this Wild Boar soldier, it feels, the sunlight that the above reflects shines after its body, the severe pain that the injury brings abated, one type has never had the courage surges in its heart. 似有微弱的金色光粒从这野猪战士的伤口内飘散出,它感觉到,上方映下的阳光照耀在它身上后,伤势所带来的剧痛消退了很多,一种从未有过的勇气在它心中激荡。 It spouts a blood, in depending on hand long in 1 meter about 8, the hammer head has the war hammer of bucket size fully, supports the body =. 它哇的一声喷出一口鲜血,凭手中柄长在一米八左右,锤头足有水桶大小的战锤,撑住身躯=。 In this Wild Boar soldier brain intermittent dizziness, it bites to stain the generous molar of blood tightly, brandishes to act full power the war hammer. 这名野猪战士脑中阵阵眩晕,它紧咬沾满鲜血的宽厚槽牙,全力抡出手中的战锤。 tang, the long spear/gun in opposite spear/gun men's hand supports fights the hammer, he just about to counterattacks, the Wild Boar soldier who sees opposite that severe wound, correct use pair of vicious golden color sets upright the pupil to stare itself. 哐嘡一声,对面的枪男用手中的长枪架住战锤,他刚要还击,就看到对面那重伤的野猪战士,正用一双凶狠的金色竖瞳瞪着自己。 This makes the spear/gun male breath obstruct, he does not fear an enemy so, but enemy, if peripheral surrounding comes completely so, that joke opened in a big way. 这让枪男的呼吸一窒,他不怕一名敌人如此,可如果周边包围而来的敌人全部如此,那玩笑就开大了。 From the vision of this Wild Boar soldier, the spear/gun male has two most direct-viewing feelings, this mixed soldier is not right, that look, not only has just like the Insect clan callousness, and frantic of some belief. 从这名野猪战士的目光中,枪男有两种最直观的感觉,这‘杂兵’不对,那眼神,既有宛如虫族般的冷酷,又有些信仰方面的狂热。 Insect clan callous with frantic of belief, as long as touches on slightly, is very thorny soldier class unit, not only this is the strong and weak issue, but is the impact and besieging that fierce does not fear, was too desperate. 虫族的冷酷与信仰的狂热,但凡沾边一个,就是很棘手的士兵类单位,这不仅是强弱问题,而是那悍不畏死的冲击与围攻,实在太让人绝望了。 Therefore , Insect clan callous with frantic of belief, carries one is very thorny alone, the two-in-one words, obviously were a little wrong behavior. 所以说,虫族的冷酷与信仰的狂热,单独拎出一个都很棘手,二合一的话,明显是有点不当人了。 The spear/gun male dreading in heart, in the hand the long spear/gun sweeps at present continually, first selects the front Wild Boar soldier sturdy left arm, later uses the lance point, the abdomen that cuts the opposite party, making the intestines class/flow of opposite party come out, the fishy smell of goldbeater's skin disseminates. 枪男眼下心中的忌惮,手中长枪连扫,先是挑断前方野猪战士粗壮的左臂,之后又用枪尖,划开对方的腹部,让对方的肠子都流出来,肠膜的腥味弥散开。 Believes when the spear/gun male, this suffered him to cause heavy losses one after another Wild Boar soldier who must drop down, discovered that the opposite party on the one hand grasped the intestines that the abdomen flowed unexpectedly, another hand brandished fights the hammer, pounded to him. 就在枪男认为,这挨了他接连重创的野猪战士要倒下时,发现对方竟一手抓住腹部流出来的肠子,另一只手抡起战锤,向他砸来。 The evil customs raid the surface, the spear/gun male cheeks pull out ruthlessly, the idea in heart, this mixed soldier also too TM meat, was this thing really the mixed soldier? 恶风袭面,枪男的脸颊狠狠一抽,心中的想法,这杂兵也太TM肉了吧,这玩意真的是杂兵? In fact, the Wild Boar soldier has this performance, is not worth the accident/surprise, first is their abilities. 实际上,野猪战士有这种表现,不值得意外,首先是它们的自身能力。 Skill 1, rubs long to be tempered by hardships( passive, LV.63): The HP 4600 points, body defensive power 10 points, lose 3 HP every time, may promote 1 point every second of HP to restore the speed, this ability is highest may superimpose to restores 14 HP every second additionally...... 技能一,磨砻淬励(被动,LV.63):生命值4600点,身体防御力十点,每损失三生命值,可提升一点每秒生命值恢复速度,此能力最高可叠加至每秒额外恢复14点生命值…… Skill 3, thick skin( passive, Lv.65): Although the Wild Boar soldier has not obtained the Devil Beast carapace, but they had a more tenacious skin, muscle and skeleton, body defensive power rank 1. 技能三,厚实皮肤(被动,Lv.65):野猪战士虽未获得恶魔兽的甲壳,可它们有了更强韧的皮肤、肌肉、骨骼,身体防御力阶位一。 Except these two abilities, the real stamina attribute of Wild Boar soldier under the Warlord addition, achieved the whirlpools, this is the foundation of survivability, the real stamina attribute is high, the background of survivability will not miss. 除这两种能力,野猪战士的真实体力属性在战争领主的加成下,达到了195点,这是生存力的基础,真实体力属性高,生存力的底子就不会差。 Did this end? It is not, in addition, Warlord other additions, the HP upper limit promotes 45, the body defensive power 30 points, this makes the survivability of Wild Boar soldier go a step further. 这就完了?并不是,除此之外,还有战争领主的其他加成,生命值上限提升45,身体防御力30点,这让野猪战士的生存力更进一步。 The entire ability rank that Warlord brings promotes Lv.10, this makes rub long to be tempered by hardships( passively, LV.63) , to promote Lv.69, is this full level of ability. 还有战争领主所带来的全能力等级提升Lv.10,这让磨砻淬励(被动,LV.63),提升到Lv.69,也就是此能力的满级。 thick skin( passive, Lv.65) the also similar promotion to Lv.69( full level), this ability promoted the 3. 5 injuries to reduce to the Wild Boar soldier additionally. 厚实皮肤(被动,Lv.65)也同样提升至Lv.69(满级),这能力给野猪战士额外提升了3.五的伤害减免。 Su Xiao most starts to know, the Wild Boar soldier is very strange to the fight, even if there is a fight instinct ability, Wild Boar soldiers still impossible on just the battlefield, became the suitable soldier. 苏晓最开始就知道,野猪战士对战斗很陌生,就算有了战斗本能能力,野猪战士们也不可能刚上战场,就成为适合的战士。 Such being the case, crazy pile frank, will not fight, won't that have come under attack? 既然如此,就疯狂堆坦度,不会战斗,那还不会挨打吗? So long as undying, holds in the fight instinct in addition, how gradually can learn to go to more effective killing the enemy. 只要不死,在战斗本能的加持下,逐渐就能学会怎么去更有效的杀敌。 In the battlefield, the Wild Boar soldiers from impact in all directions, were stood perimeter Contractor to block stubbornly. 战场上,野猪战士们从四面八方的冲击,被站成环形防线的契约者们死死挡住。 On the way of the charge, many Wild Boar soldiers were rumbled to kill everywhere the hashed meat, some were burnt down a skeleton quiet, after running several steps, sprinkles in the place, what Contractor kill is Anomaly satisfies a craving. 冲锋途中,很多野猪战士被轰杀成漫天的碎肉,有些则被幽火烧成一副骨骼,奔跑几步后才洒落在地,契约者们杀的是异常过瘾。 Suddenly, composes the perimeter several hundred Contractor, various abilities, prevent to encircling Wild Boar soldier army. 一时间,组成环形防线的几百名契约者,各施本领,阻挡冲围来的野猪战士大军。 Bang, bang and bang...... 砰、砰、砰…… Has the impact noise to spread one after another, although the Wild Boar soldiers will not have fought, but they under the influence of high Willpower Sun belief, become very fierce, since will not fight, draws support from the momentum of the distant place flushing, hits with the body. 接连有撞击声传开,野猪战士们虽还不会战斗,可它们在高意志力太阳信仰的影响下,变得很勇猛,既然不会战斗,就借助从远处冲来的势头,用身体撞。 Running of Wild Boar soldiers, step on to the soil and bits of grass scatter, in the battlefield, because of the hit of Wild Boar soldiers, the dull thumping sound sound is lingering on faintly, the perimeter that Contractor constitute obstructs, even reduced. 一名名野猪战士的奔跑,踩到泥土与草屑四溅,战场上,因野猪战士们的撞击,闷响声不绝于耳,契约者们构成的环形防线为之一窒,甚至都缩小了一些。 But Contractor surely are the fight experts, immediately various abilities are uneven, withstand/top the Wild Boar soldiers. 契约者们必定是战斗老手,当即各类能力齐出,将野猪战士们顶回去。 Do not draw back! The mixed soldier, delivers treasure box.” “别退!杂兵而已,都是送宝箱的。” Mage is shouting loudly, before magical staff in hand refers, explodes under the beam to flicker on a head of hit Wild Boar soldier, bang a sonic boom head, can only say, Mage is indeed strong. 一名法爷高喊着,手中的法杖前指,爆裂射线下一瞬就命中一名野猪战士的脑袋,砰的一声爆头,只能说,法爷的确强。 Although the Wild Boar soldier army successfully besieges the enemy, but just now charges casualty on the way to be many, in addition Contractor discovered, these Wild Boar soldiers look scary, after Close Combat, is the weapon wields randomly. 野猪战士大军虽成功围攻敌人,可方才冲锋途中的死伤不少,外加契约者们发现,这些野猪战士看着唬人,近战后,都是武器乱挥。 Also somewhat intense Contractor, gradually was relaxed, even some people break in the enemy ranks of Wild Boar soldier, wants to come to kill greatly kills especially. 原本还有些紧张的契约者们,心情逐渐放松下来,甚至有人冲入野猪战士的敌阵中,想来个大杀特杀。 A pitiful yell transmits, several Contractor hears sound look when does not know, just now spear/gun male is held by three Wild Boar soldiers. 一声惨叫传来,几名契约者闻声看去,不知何时,方才的枪男已被三名野猪战士抓住。 One looks like to cut the weapon of saber to pierce the spear/gun male abdomen, his two arms with a leg, were held with the big hand by the Wild Boar soldiers of three whole body blood holes, him according to the ground, his fluctuation of energy, represented him just to use the maintaining life ability, at present has been at wit's end. 一把酷似斩马刀的武器刺穿枪男的腹部,他的两条手臂与一条腿,被三名满身血窟窿的野猪战士用大手抓住,将他按在地上,他身上的能量波动,代表他刚使用过保命能力,眼下已无计可施。 The Wild Boar soldiers of three whole body blood holes, the spear/gun male according to the ground, another Wild Boar soldier stand in the spear/gun male top of the head front, both hands grasp are fighting the hammer handle, will fight the hammer to lift up high the top of the head, Sun has reflected from the above. 三名满身血窟窿的野猪战士,把枪男按在地上,另有一名野猪战士站在枪男头顶前方,双手握着战锤柄,将战锤高举过头顶,太阳从上方映下。 This falls to be pressed in the spear/gun male eye of ground, the expression on his face becomes incomparably panic-stricken, the sound starts the transposition startled called out: „......” 这一幕落入到被按在地上的枪男眼中,他脸上的表情变得无比惊恐,声音都开始变调的惊叫道:“等……” Confession.” “忏悔。” After lifting the Wild Boar soldier of hammer said these two characters, full power under a thump wheel. 举锤的野猪战士说出这两个字后,全力一捶轮下。 Bang! 嘭! The brains smuggle the soil to be pounded to scatter, the spear/gun male body, was very incapable by the four limbs that other Wild Boar soldiers held down immediately, the blood spread under his body. 脑髓夹带着泥土被砸到四溅,枪男的身体挺了下,被其他野猪战士按住的四肢当即无力,鲜血在他身下蔓延。 Small Healer in perimeter, the entire journey witnessed all these, why does not know, she has seen many deceased people obviously, but is witnessing this secretly, in her heart presents the sense of fear. 环形防线内的一名小奶妈,全程目睹了这一切,不知为何,她明明已见过很多死人,可在目睹这一幕后,她心中出现恐惧感。 After the flesh and blood flying in all directions near body tangled warfare starts for 2 minutes, Holy Light Paradise and Contractor of Watcher Paradise side discover an issue, is these mixed soldiers, how to feel somewhat difficult to kill? 在血肉横飞的近身混战开始二分钟后,圣光乐园守望乐园方的契约者们都发现一个问题,就是这些杂兵,怎么感觉有些难杀? They discovered, this is not that type of not moving meat, but is under that feeling strikes can strike to kill it, but it is undying, but also fierce throws, the long heavy weapon in hand, brandishes imposing. 他们都发现,这不是那种打不动的肉,而是那种感觉下一击就能击杀它,可它就是不死,还勇猛的扑过来,手中的长柄重武器,抡到虎虎生风。 After tangled warfare 5 minutes, gravity that several hundred Contractor of enemy side realize the matter, these mixed soldier, not only skin coarse meat is thick, anti- hits anti- cuts, their quantities are getting more and more. 混战五分钟后,敌方的几百名契约者们意识到事情的严重性,这些‘杂兵’不仅皮糙肉厚,抗打耐砍,它们的数量还越来越多。 What awfully is, big fellow of several whole body heavy/thick black armor are located in far ultra, by far look, some irresistible feelings, this is the 5 levels of branch of the services of solar fort, the layered armor tank to subdue|grams. 更要命的是,有几只全身厚重黑甲的大家伙位于远超,远远看着,就有种势不可挡的感觉,这是太阳要塞的五级兵种,重装坦克。
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