RP :: Volume #45

#52: This internal strife?

The fight in fort subsides, Su Xiao sits on the center iron chair, in the hand takes Soul Crystal (Perfect), leisure is eating. 要塞内的战斗平息,苏晓坐在中心处的铁椅上,手中拿着颗灵魂结晶(完整),慢条斯理的吃着。 Just now also read different Immortal Dew broken, does not have the sound thoroughly. 方才还碎碎念个不同的仙露露,已经彻底没了声音。 She drifts side Su Xiao, meow the eye first looks at Soul Crystal in Su Xiao hand, later looks to Su Xiao, then switches over in both unceasingly, the next second, the tears gush out from her eye socket, has not fallen to the ground scatters, this tears, essentially are an energy. 她飘浮在苏晓身旁,喵眼先是看着苏晓手中的灵魂结晶,之后又看向苏晓,然后在两者间不断切换,下一秒,泪水从她眼眶内涌出,还未落地就飘散,这泪水,本质上是种能量。 Immortal Dew frightened ignorant, this was not strange, she said that was the light elf, actually she was spirit spiritual form, at this moment saw that Su Xiao just like eating the apple ate Soul Crystal, she can not be afraid, let alone, she very clear awareness, oneself may be more delicious than Soul Crystal. 仙露露吓懵了,这并不奇怪,她自称是光精灵,其实她是灵魂体,此刻看到苏晓宛如吃苹果般吃灵魂结晶,她能不害怕吗,更何况,她很清楚的知道,自己可比灵魂结晶好吃多了。 Su Xiao just killed more than 30 Contractor, bloody aura is just thick, those images and scenes, Immortal Dew can not be afraid. 苏晓刚杀了30多名契约者,身上的血气正浓,此情此景,仙露露能不害怕吗。 I am not delicious.” “我一点也不好吃。” Immortal Dew low voice bb, Su Xiao looked at her one eyes, bit Soul Crystal in hand, Immortal Dew is very absolutely delicious, only the aura has a delicious feeling, if not this aura is very delicious, he is also insufficient to put out Soul Crystal (Perfect) to eat. 仙露露小声bb,苏晓看了她一眼,咔嚓一声咬了口手中的灵魂结晶,仙露露绝对很好吃,单是气息就有种美味感,如果不是这气息很美味,他也不至于拿出颗灵魂结晶(完整)吃。 You... you will not eat me, we are the perfect partners, right, you said anything.” “你…你不会吃掉我吧,我们是完美搭档,对吧,你说点什么呀。” „......” “……” Last scrap Soul Crystal of Su Xiao in the hand throws in the entrance, kā bā and kā bā is chewing, after eating Soul Crystal (Perfect), then looks at Immortal Dew, feeling that does not want to eat. 苏晓将手中最后一小块灵魂结晶抛入口中,咔吧、咔吧的嘴嚼着,吃了颗灵魂结晶(完整)后,再看仙露露,已经没有那么想吃的感觉了。 All have the price, including Devourer this SSS level talent, this Talent (Ability), making Su Xiao have the powerful soul powerful enemy, as well as Mana growth potential. 一切都是有代价的,包括噬灵者这种SSS级天赋,这天赋能力,让苏晓拥有强悍的灵魂强敌,以及法力值成长性。 As the price, he sees or smells the elf and spirit spiritual form kind of existence, the idea of after having to plant the opposite party cut, ate. 作为代价,他看到或闻到精灵、灵魂体一类的存在,会有种将对方斩了之后吃掉的想法。 By Su Xiao's Willpower, can certainly suppress the impulsion that the ability side effect causes, the feeling that but still some wants to eat, like seeing the summer the delicious end that the cooking has before the body. 苏晓的意志力,当然能压制能力副作用所导致的冲动,但依然会有想吃的感觉,就像看到夏把烹饪出的美味端到身前一样。 Is so long Devourer Promotion to the SSS level, Su Xiao as soul Gourmet, has the connoisseurship to the flavors of most souls, the connoisseurship is as follows: 噬灵者晋升到SSS级这么久,苏晓作为‘灵魂美食家’,对大部分灵魂的味道都有鉴赏,鉴赏如下: 1. ghost category of things: Because the spirit soul energy quantity and spiritual energy have been connected, the thought is chaotic, in the heart full is hates and hates, sorrow to lose/die and other mood ghost thing, their spirit soul energy quantities are very filthy, Su Xiao attempts to eat, that flavor, like the eel fish of deterioration, is creamy and ice-cold, making one not want to eat second again. 1.鬼物类:因灵魂能量与精神能量有所关联,思维混乱,心中满是怨恨、憎恶、哀丧等情绪鬼物,它们的灵魂能量很污浊,苏晓尝试吃过一点,那味道,就像变质的鳗鱼肉一样,滑腻、冰冷,让人不想再吃第二次 Edible appraisal:( Can eat, but is unpalatable specially). 食用评价:(可以吃,但特别难吃)。 2. elf class ; This kind exists, many are pure spirit spiritual form, or outside spirit spiritual form wraps the energy( to look like chocolate bean structure), is diverse, the color is diverse, the physique is diverse. 2.精灵类;此类存在,多为纯粹的灵魂体,或是灵魂体外部包裹着能量(酷似巧克力糖豆的结构),种类多样,颜色多样,形体多样。 Edible appraisal:( Can eat, and is very delicious, but after eating, will be affected by the thought of elf, not suitable edible.) 食用评价:(可以吃,并且很好吃,但在吃了之后,会被精灵的意念所影响,不宜食用。) 3. Soul Crystal: Staple food. 3.灵魂结晶:主食。 Edible appraisal:( Can eat, and is very delicious, as staple food, needs to change taste occasionally). 食用评价:(可以吃,并且很好吃,作为主食,需要偶尔换换口味)。 4. Soul Fruit: Rare. 4.灵魂果实:稀有品。 Edible appraisal:( Flavor.) 食用评价:(味道还可以。) 6. soul tree: Rare plant. 6.灵魂树:罕见植物。 Edible appraisal:-( Very delicious, delicious degree and Soul Crystal are close, but is unedible, eating was very difficult digestion, and during digestion, will have various grotesque and gaudy dreams.) 食用评价:--(特别好吃,美味程度与灵魂结晶相近,但不能吃,吃了特别难‘消化’,且在‘消化’期间,会做各种光怪陆离的梦。) The soul of 7. powerhouse. 7.强者之魂。 Edible appraisal:-( Has eaten, obtained conclusion is, is trefa, is more difficult than digestion the tree of soul.) 食用评价:--(吃过一点,得出的结论为,不可食用,比灵魂之树更难‘消化’。) The soul of 8. Ancient god. 8.古神之魂。 Edible appraisal:-( Has eaten, if not place in Reincarnation Paradise, possibly dies a violent death, this thing is absolutely unedible.) 食用评价:--(吃过一点,如果不是身处轮回乐园内,都可能暴毙,这东西绝对不能吃。) ...... …… Su Xiao is reading the booklet in hand, when this is his leisure hobby, Immortal Dew in the above record, estimates the delicacy, after does not prepare to taste and other inscriptions, he gathers the booklet in hand, holds into the bosom. 苏晓看着手中的小册子,这是他闲暇时的爱好,在上面记载上仙露露,预估美味,不准备品尝等字样后,他合起手中的小册子,揣入怀中。 Witnesses all these, Immortal Dew shivers, in her angle of view, in the booklet in Su Xiao hand, seems ascending the light black red haze, this made her be afraid. 目睹这一切,仙露露打了个冷颤,在她的视角中,苏晓手中的小册子上,似乎升腾着淡淡的黑红色烟气,这让她害怕极了。 Su Xiao defends in this alone, and with more than 30 enemy Contractor battles, is sending a signal outward, here only then he alone guards, encircles by all means. 苏晓独自守在这,并与30多名敌方契约者交战,是在对外释放一种信号,这里只有他一个人镇守,只管围过来。 Su Xiao from hopeless, enemy several hundred Contractor will all flood into to the fort , was stopped up in this, this is impossible. 苏晓从没指望过,敌方几百名契约者会全部涌入到要塞内,然后被堵在这里面,这是不可能的。 By the Eighth Order Contractor discrete degree and judgment, they before coming, will conduct the comprehensive detection surely, determined does not have nothing, will gradually advance. 八阶契约者的谨慎程度与判断力,他们在来之前,必定会进行全面的侦查,确定没什么不对后,才会逐步推进。 For example first establishes the rallying point in the , later frontline assembles more than hundred people of attacking a fortified position teams to be located, behind is several hundred strength weak Contractor. 例如先在附近设定聚集点,之后集结出一个百余人的攻坚队位于最前方,更后面则是几百名实力弱一线的契约者们。 More than hundred people of attacking a fortified position teams before, are responsible for encircling kill Su Xiao, following several hundred Contractor, then the guard has what trap one kind, two gangs of people maintain the distance, in order to avoid suddenly arrived Revelation Paradise side Contractor sieges. 百余人的攻坚队在前,负责来围杀苏晓,后面的几百名契约者,则防范有什么陷阱一类,两股人保持距离,以免被突然抵达的天启乐园契约者围困住。 As for is divided into several several hundred Contractor, in the situation of guarantee strength, presses, this seems like that is the best choice, is too actually ideal. 至于将几百名契约者分成几股,在保证战力的情况下,一股股压来,这看似是最好的选择,实则太理想。 Which people first come, which people afterward? Contractor that first tackles, faced with a bigger risk , in this case, who can be willing to clash in the forefront? 哪些人先来,哪些人后来?先来攻坚的契约者,会面临更大风险,试问,这种情况下,谁会愿意冲在最前面? Holy Light Paradise and Watcher Paradise in Contractor this world, they indeed united in one, but everyone had the respective selfishness. 世界内的圣光乐园守望乐园契约者,他们的确团结在了一起,但每个人都有各自的私心。 Hymn and Olandi two leaders, solution the issue in this aspect, this is the non-solution, can fight with all might Eighth Order, no one in the drive because of spoken language, will help others go. 圣诗与奥兰迪两名领袖,也解决不了这方面的问题,这是无解的,能拼杀到八阶,没人会因言语上的激励,去帮他人赴死。 That type saw the pretty woman to reduce on IQ greatly, is willing by the licking dog of beautiful woman use, had been consumed not to have when the low rank, but these because of several words, will be enraged, or was flickered the vanguard, consumed when the low middle rank. 那种见了漂亮女人就智商大减,甘愿被美人利用的舔狗,已在低阶时被消耗没了,而那些因为几句话,就会被激怒,或是被忽悠成前锋的,也在低中阶时消耗一空。 Su Xiao is reading a scarlet card in hand, he strikes to kill enemy more than 30 Contractor, only fell a scarlet card, this scarlet card falling rate/lead, being true makes people confused. 苏晓看着手中的一张猩红卡,他击杀敌方30多名契约者,只掉了一张猩红卡,这猩红卡掉落率,属实让人迷茫。 He estimated in the heart, is it possible that is the scarlet card falling rate/lead that World Snatching War causes reduces? Un, should be this, thinks of these, was slightly happy. 他在心中估测,莫非是世界争夺战导致的猩红卡掉落率降低?嗯,应该是这样,想到这些,心情略好了一些。 Receives the scarlet card in hand, the examination strikes to kill Prompt to discover, oneself altogether has 115 Revelation Paradise meritorious military service. 收起手中的猩红卡,查看击杀提示发现,自己共有115点天启乐园战功。 The meritorious military service must sell to Morey or Moon Apostle as soon as possible, if the invade/ Incursio status exposition, these Revelation Paradise meritorious military service were not taken back, is unable to trade, changed being worth a red cent. 战功要尽快卖给莫雷月使徒,要是入侵者的身份暴露,这些天启乐园战功不是被收回,就是无法交易,变的一文不值。 Meanwhile, west soil area, with the region of family clan territory common border. 与此同时,边壤区西侧,与眷族领土交界的区域。 This place has a small town, the population about several thousand people, but said that here is a small town, this is more like Assembly Ground, regarding a T3 level movement fort, Assembly Ground that gradually constructs. 此地有一座小镇,人口在几千人左右,不过说这里是小镇,这更像是聚集地,一个围绕一座T3级移动要塞,逐渐修建起来的聚集地 Compares the housing of civilians, here major role, provides to a border sentry post commodity. 相比平民的居住,这里更大的作用,是提供给边境岗哨点物资。 Unfortunately, three days ago, this Assembly Ground manager, Captain Geoffrey, when with oneself madame the sex, on the shock in the past, had been inspected by the doctor suddenly, said that Captain Geoffrey because of excited, causes myocardial disease that the heart receives excessively stimulates is the result. 不幸的是,在三天前,这处聚集地的管理者,杰弗里上尉,在与自己夫人过夫妻生活时,突然就休克过去,经医生检查,说杰弗里上尉是因过于兴奋,导致心脏受到过度刺激所致的心肌症。 On border Assembly Ground of some disorderly management, now is more chaotic, the leading teams leader stationed in nearby several sentry post towers, two days ago, arrives at border Assembly Ground to visit. 原本就有些管理混乱的边境聚集地,现在更乱,驻扎在附近几个岗哨塔的领队长,于两天前,都来到边境聚集地探望。 Regarding border line on all gets the team leader, leading under several masters to defend in sentry post tower year to year a everywhere, is really arrives bored explodes, soil area anything did not have, to cross soil area, was the territory of disassimilation beast, they only need pay attention to the beast to jeer whether raided. 对于边境线上的所有领队长而言,带着几名手下常年在一处处岗哨塔内守着,实在是无聊到爆,边壤区什么都没有,过了边壤区,是异化兽的领土,他们只需关注兽嘲是否袭来就可以。 The previous beast tide, raids 2 years ago, according to the convention, 5 years did not need to be worried recently, then, no one wants the chamfering soil area, anything had not said that but also stared easily by the flight class disassimilation beast. 上次兽潮,是在二年前袭来,按照惯例,最近五年都不用担心,如此一来,更没人愿意去边壤区,什么都没有不说,还容易被飞行类异化兽盯上。 The soldiers in each border sentry post tower, daily mission, only then the looking out into the distance front, is in a daze, waited for beast nest to come that day, they sent the signal, can evacuate in the underground walk. 各个边境哨塔的士兵们,每天的任务只有远眺前方,发呆,等兽巢来的那天,他们发完信号,就可以在地下通道撤离。 Therefore, the leading teams leader in several sentry post towers come border Assembly Ground to visit the boss are fake, visits prostitute actually real, these family clan teams leader let alone see the family clan female, now they see female Pighead, feels pretty. 因此,几名岗哨塔的领队长来边境聚集地探望上司是假,来嫖却是真的,这几名眷族队长别说看到眷族女性,现在他们看到雌性猪头人,都感觉眉清目秀。 Does Captain Geoffrey suddenly have the myocardial disease is coincidence? Of course not, although the alert of family clan opposite side soil area is lax, but Su Xiao must determine absolutely safe, thus gains the development the space. 杰弗里上尉突发心肌症是巧合吗?当然不是,眷族对边壤区的戒备虽松懈,可苏晓要确定万无一失,从而获得发展的空间。 In this time border Assembly Ground , on the street of soil road, the pedestrian is continuous, here densely population, lets the person feels crowded at the same time, very much has the life breath. 此时的边境聚集地内,泥土路的街道上,行人川流不息,这里人口密集,让人感觉到拥挤的同时,也很有生活气息。 today, border Assembly Ground came many bystanders, these bystanders is a appearance of junkman, lets in the local person heart disturbed. 在今天,边境聚集地来了很多外人,这些外人都是一副拾荒者的打扮,让本地人心中忐忑。 Condition slightly Captain Geoffrey had guaranteed to here resident, these junkmen will speak the custom very much, but passed by this place to repair and maintain. 病情稍愈的杰弗里上尉已对这里的居民保证,这些拾荒者会很讲规矩,只是路过此地来修整而已。 Right, these several hundred junkman, is Holy Light Paradise and Watcher Paradise several hundred Contractor, was a slippery customer, before rushing to here, has Contractor through with the family clan union's high-level relations, arranged Captain Geoffrey. 没错,这几百名‘拾荒者’,就是圣光乐园守望乐园的几百名契约者,都是老油条了,赶到这里前,早就有契约者通过与眷族同盟高层的关系,打点好杰弗里上尉。 In the small theater in Assembly Ground western street, was blocked by the curtain curtain because of the windows and doors, in small theater light well-illuminated, dozens Contractor scattered sitting in the theater, some sit in the stage edge. 聚集地西街的小剧院内,因门窗被幕帘挡住,小剧院内灯光通亮,几十名契约者稀稀落落的坐在剧院内,有些则坐在舞台边缘。 These Contractor wear vary, is somewhat normal, some have the characteristics very much, in these Contractor, having two groups of people are conspicuous. 这些契约者的穿着各异,有些正常,有些则很有特色,在这些契约者中,有两伙人则显眼。 And one group, having most probably is the female member, is the star long hair plate gets up, wears the woman of white continually clothes long skirt. 其中一伙,有大半都是女性成员,为首是名将长发盘起,身穿白色连衣长裙的女人。 The sleeve cuff and skirt of her women's clothing had the Light Gold mark embroidery along and other positions, this adds one point of Holy Purity aura, but her appearance, making one have the neighbor pretty big sister's natural warm feelings, this person is Holy Light Paradise side time leader, Hymn 她衣裙的袖口、裙沿等位置有淡金色纹绣,这平添一分圣洁气息,而她的样貌,让人有种邻家漂亮大姐姐的天然亲切感,此人是圣光乐园方本次的领袖,圣诗 Hymn not only gentle, and has the warm feelings? Yes, without the words of this character, she will not become Healing System initially, Hymn is so right, 12 that but she summons double blade mad dog is actually not so. 圣诗既温柔、又有亲切感?是的,没有这种性格的话,当初她不会成为治疗系,圣诗是如此没错,可她召出的12名‘双刀疯狗’却不是如此。 And, the gentleness and kindness of Hymn, only give her friend, teammate and family member, to the enemy, looks that the enemy who she can smile is hacked to death. 以及,圣诗的温柔与亲切,只给她的朋友、队友、亲人,对敌人,她会微笑的看着敌人被砍死。 Died in the enemy, classical came, Hymn Position is the wisdom angel, is touches on slightly with the belief god, she summoned 12 mad dogs, was the hymn knight rolls , was the belief group. 在敌人死亡,经典的来了,圣诗职位为智天使,和信仰神系沾边,她召唤出的‘12疯狗’,也就是圣歌骑士团,也是个信仰型的团体。 After the enemy seems like, the time abundant words, Hymn will not only make 12 knights bury the enemy, she also meets the status of by clergy, holds the simple funeral for the enemy, the flow is, 12 knights carry the coffin, to put the coffin to enter the pit, to bury the earth, Hymn read aloud a small section sacred eulogy, if the deceased person can speak, the coffin brother will say: My TM thank you.’ 将敌人看似后,时间充裕的话,圣诗不仅会让12骑士埋葬敌人,她还会以神职人员的身份,为敌人举办简单的葬礼,流程为,12骑士抬棺、放棺入坑、埋土等,圣诗则朗读一小段神圣悼词,如果死人能说话,想必棺材里的老哥会说:‘我TM谢谢你啊。’ Please do not smile, Hymn will be very solemn and respectful with 12 knight entire journey, they do this, because they can promote Strength, because of the issue in belief. 请不要笑,圣诗与12骑士全程会很肃穆,他们这样做,既是因为他们能借此提升力量,也是因为信仰方面的问题。 „ Does Olandi, what matter ask me to have hurriedly? „ “奥兰迪,匆忙找我来有什么事?“ The Hymn gentle voice opens the mouth, more than ten Holy Light Paradise side Contractor stand in her behind, looks serious, although now they and Watcher Paradise side formed an alliance, but after defeating the Revelation Paradise side, is their two sides make war, opposite fellow, in the future is an enemy. 圣诗柔声开口,十几名圣光乐园契约者站在她身后,神情严肃,虽说现在他们与守望乐园方结盟了,但在战胜天启乐园方后,就是他们两方开战的时候,对面的家伙,在将来都是敌人。 Reviews opposite more than ten people, the most conspicuous several people, are barebacked the upper body, their muscle lines especially are obvious. 反观对面的十几人,其中最显眼的几人,都赤膊着上身,他们身上的肌肉线条都格外明显。 Is the man of head wears the swimming cap, the chin place has small beard, although his muscle does not seem like the healthy mister, actually to race tenacious feeling, as if has nothing to overthrow this man. 为首的男人戴着泳帽,下巴处有一条小胡子,他身上的肌肉虽不像是健美先生般,却给人种强韧感,仿佛没什么能打倒都这男人。 This person is Olandi, Watcher Paradise side time leader, his vision has swept on opposite more than ten Holy Light Paradise Contractor, in which younger sister has no feeling, but several male Contractor actually facial colors turn green, does not dare to look at each other with Olandi. 此人名叫奥兰迪,守望乐园方本次的领袖人物,他的目光在对面十几名圣光乐园契约者身上扫过,其中的妹子没什么感觉,可几名男契约者却面色发青,不敢与奥兰迪对视。 Sees this, Olandi lifted the hand to touch under on swimming cap, the corners of the mouth turned upwards the demonic nature curve. 见此,奥兰迪抬手摸了下头上的泳帽,嘴角翘起魔性的弧度。 Olandi, you come this, to let my innocent teammates tonight isn't able to go to sleep safely?” “奥兰迪,你来这,是为了让我无辜的队友们今晚无法安心入眠吗?” Although Hymn is smiling, but obviously already somewhat disgruntled, sees this, Olandi coughs lightly, loud-voiced saying: Sorry, my time, seeks help from you.” 圣诗虽微笑着,可明显是已经有些不悦,见此,奥兰迪轻咳一声,声音洪亮的说道:“抱歉,我这次来,是向你求助。” „... Seeks help from me?” “向我…求助?” Hymn feels in one's heart the doubts, she and Olandi with for one of the time leaders , will not easily reveal seeks help this word. 圣诗心感疑惑,她与奥兰迪同为这次的领袖之一,互相之间,不会轻易吐露求助这个词。 Asked you to save my subordinate, he soon lost blood dead.” “拜托你救我的部下,他快要失血而死。” Loses blood dead?” “失血而死?” In the Hymn heart has doubts, Eighth Order Contractor in the non-combatant situation, because of losing blood dead? Only the high Quality restoration medicament, can solve the bleeding problem. 圣诗心中更疑惑,八阶契约者在非战斗情况下,会因失血而死?单是高品质的恢复药剂,就能解决流血问题。 In the vision of Hymn doubts, wears the furcation numerous antler hats, wears the man of animal skin to walk, he bosom hugs the renowned young boy, this young boy is pale, on the torso is entangling very thick bandage, even, still has the bloodstain leaching. 圣诗疑惑的目光中,一名戴着分叉众多的鹿角帽,身披兽皮的男人走来,他怀中抱着名小男孩,这小男孩的脸色苍白,躯干上缠着很厚的绷带,就算如此,依然有血迹浸出。 Wears the antler hat, wears the animal skin, said that as Druid's man, places on the young boy a sliver of table, this young boy with Su Xiao one post-war, young who escapes by luck. 戴着鹿角帽,身披兽皮,自称为德鲁伊的男人,将小男孩放在一张长条桌上,这小男孩是与苏晓一战后,侥幸逃掉的小佩。 Druid unties small on one's person on all bandages, has not injured and scar of internal organs together, breaks down the young entire chest slantingly, this is scratched by the Blood Spear spear/gun blade. 德鲁伊解开小佩身上的所有绷带,一道没伤及脏器的伤痕,斜垮小佩的整个胸膛,这是被血枪的枪刃所划伤。 Blood Spear Grandmaster Lv.50 Ultimate Skill blood passes( passively), after the enemy Blood Spear injures, in the following 10 seconds, the grand total receives Hunter Agility attribute 2. 3 really will bleed the injury. 血枪宗师・Lv.50终极能力・血逝(被动),敌人被血枪所伤后,将在后续的十秒内,总计受到猎杀者敏捷属性2.三的真实流血伤害。 Bleeding effect that Blood Spear creates, at first sight is not high, otherwise actually, after any ability Digitalization, estimates according to the same step standard enemy, thus calculates the injury value. 血枪造成的流血效果,乍一看不高,实则不然,任何能力数据化后,都是按照同阶标准敌人进行估算,从而计算出伤害数值等。 For example pierces Olandi's chest with Blood Spear, following will only cause several hundred points bleeding damage, that is because of the great strength of Olandi body and spirit. 例如用血枪刺穿奥兰迪的胸膛,后续只会造成几百点的流血伤害,那是因为奥兰迪体魄的强大。 But if pierces young, does not need the following reality to bleed the injury, the piercing injury of this Blood Spear, can over 8000 points, this is because the young stamina attribute is low, his body muscle toughness, the skeleton density is far less than Olandi, the withstood injury is also different. 可如果是刺穿小佩,根本不用后续的真实流血伤害,这一血枪的刺穿伤害,就能超过8000点,这是因为小佩的体力属性低,他的身体肌肉韧性、骨骼密度等都远不如奥兰迪,承受的伤害也就不一样。 This causes, real bleeding effect function after small in one's person, changes outside Dege thorny, using several medicament unable to stop bleeding, sutured the wound forcefully, will cause in the cavity the hematocele, was more troublesome. 这就导致,真实流血效果作用在小佩身上后,变德格外棘手,用了好几种药剂都无法止血,强行缝合伤口,会导致腔内积血,更麻烦。 Hymn fair hand empty according to the small above, the gold/metal green light corpuscle scatters, submerges to the wound. 圣诗白皙的手虚按在小佩上方,金绿色光粒散落,没入到伤口内。 Hiss ~ 嘶~ The blood smoke scatters from the wound, causing the gold/metal green light corpuscle to evaporate, the real bleeding effect is still continuing. 血烟从伤口内飘散出,导致金绿色光粒蒸发掉,真实流血效果依然在继续。 Once the real physique attribute is lower than 180, or is not the real stamina attribute, after the Su Xiao's Blood Spear wound arrives, simply is the nightmare. 一旦真实体质属性低于180,或不是真实体力属性,被苏晓的血枪伤到后,简直是噩梦。 First is the blood that Spear Grandmaster Lv.51 brings passes the effect, awfully, is the Su Xiao bloody aura characteristics, his bloody aura has part is to kill, more absorbs in ancient battlefield. 首先是枪术宗师Lv.51带来的血逝效果,更要命的,是苏晓血气的特性,他的血气有一部分是杀出来的,更多是在古战场所吸收。 Where is ancient battlefield? That was a battlefield that initially Spellcaster and Extinguishing Law battled, besides these two, supported two sides other Void Races, battled there, finally over 90% died in battle in that. 试问,古战场是什么地方?那是当初施法者灭法者交战的一处战场,除了这两者,还有拥护两方的其他虚空种族,在那里交战,最后有九成以上都战死在那。 Has the qualifications to participate in Void Races of this rank war, is the void powerhouses, in addition Spellcaster and Extinguishing Law die in that after everyone died in battle, their blood, bodily energy and spirit soul energy quantity three mix, the in addition ancient battlefield geographical environment, caused the qualitative change, thus constituted a new aura energy, bloody aura. 有资格参与这种级别战争的虚空种族,都是虚空中的强者,外加还有施法者灭法者死在那,所有人战死后,他们的鲜血、身体能量、灵魂能量三者混合,外加古战场的地理环境,导致了质变,从而构成了一种新的气息能量,血气 From ancient battlefield, but after the simple version Devouring Nucleus filtration and purification bloody aura, becomes purely, passes to bleed the injury that brings to display the limit the blood. 来自古战场,但经过简易版吞噬之核过滤、净化的血气,变得更纯粹,将血逝所带来的真实流血伤害发挥到极限。 So long as the stamina attribute is lower than the certain extent, by the Blood Spear wound, even if escapes, there is an extremely high probability because to bleed to perish, with the rank promotion of Blood Spear Grandmaster, this special characteristics will be getting stronger and stronger. 只要体力属性低于一定程度,被血枪伤及者,哪怕逃掉,也有极高概率因真实流血而殒命,随着血枪宗师的等级提升,这种特质会越来越强。 Hymn looks bloody aura that in the small chest wound scatters, her fine eyebrow slightly wrinkle, detected the matter is not simple. 圣诗看着小佩胸膛伤口内飘散出的血气,她的纤眉微皱,察觉到事情并不简单。 „A matter must tell you.” “还有件事要告诉你们。” Olandi opens the mouth, Hymn casts the vision with her behind Contractor. 奥兰迪开口,圣诗与她身后的契约者们都投来目光。 „The guarding point of this enemy side, is the fort that-and-a-half abandon.” “这次敌方的驻守点,是一座半废弃的要塞。” Hears Olandi's words, Hymn said: This I know.” 听闻奥兰迪的话,圣诗道:“这我知道。” Was investigated by us, that wants Cery to only have Revelation Paradise Contractor to guard.” “经我方调查,那要塞里只有一名天启乐园契约者在镇守。” This I also know that is a snare.” “这我也知道,那是圈套。” „It is not.” “并不是。” Olandi spoke, was the corners of the mouth turns upwards, reveals the demonic nature smile of its being in sole possession. 奥兰迪说话间,又是嘴角翘起,露出其独有的魔性笑容。 „?” “哦?” Hymn looks at Olandi, waits for its following information. 圣诗看着奥兰迪,等待其后续的情报。 I have confirmed repeatedly, Revelation Paradise these person of internal strifes.” “我多次确认过,天启乐园的那些人内讧了。” In... internal strife?” “内…内讧了?” A Holy Light Paradise younger sister expression is a little strange, wants to smile, but has not smiled. 一名圣光乐园的妹子表情有点怪异,想笑,但没笑。 Right, the internal strife, that side Revelation Paradise most people, do not want first to become the defensive side, causes one pair two, seizes World Nucleus that person, actually wants to draw support from the place advantage to guard, this also creates, only then he alone defends World Nucleus.” “没错,内讧了,天启乐园那边的大部分人,都不想先成为防守方,导致一对二,夺下世界之核那人,却想要借助地利镇守,这也就造成,只有他一个人守世界之核。” Spoke these words, Orlander's expression is a little strange, this type has not started, enemy on internal strife the situation, makes him be caught off guard. 说完这番话,奥兰德的表情有点怪异,这种还没开打,敌人就内讧了的情况,太让他措手不及。 Listens to Olandi's narration, as well as various information that after seeing him provides, other Contractor also determined, this enemy side indeed was the internal strife. 听完奥兰迪的叙述,以及在看到他提供的各类情报后,其他契约者也都确定,这此敌方的确是内讧了。 Combat Contractor of 670 Revelation Paradise sides, in Liberty City, does not scatter in the war zone mines, how regardless to see, not the intention that goes to that fort to guard. 670名天启乐园方的参战契约者,不是在自由城,就是散落在战区内挖矿,无论怎么看,都没有去那要塞内镇守的意向。 Also without starting, the enemy side was about to surrender, worthily was Revelation Paradise.” “还没开打,敌方就快投降了,不愧是天启乐园。” Throws over Druid of animal skin to open the mouth, opposite several Holy Light Paradise Contractor are chatting, Hymn and Olandi know, this time fortification fight, was basically steady. 披着兽皮的德鲁伊开口,对面的几名圣光乐园契约者谈笑着,圣诗与奥兰迪都知道,这次的攻坚战,基本稳了。 Compares the manner relaxed people, sits washes to have mixed feelings in nearby light, as the traitor within, she does not think actually, she also very despairs. 相比神态轻松的众人,坐在一旁的光沐心情复杂,作为内奸,她其实不想的,她也很绝望。
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