RP :: Volume #45

#43: Is hard to choose

In big place storehouse, standard Close Combat weapon pile in all directions is, the brandest-new thing, is the platform scale of not far away. 偌大的地库内,制式近战武器堆的四处都是,最崭新的东西,是不远处的磅秤。 Su Xiao takes up an appearance to look like to cut the sword of saber, the length of this weapon in 1 meter about 5, is typical battlefield Changwu, favors the wide scope wielding cuts, armor piercing. 苏晓拿起一把模样酷似斩马刀的战刀,这武器的长度在一米五左右,是典型的战场长武器,利于大范围挥砍、破甲等。 In the cutting edge of sword has several rips, on the belt tied over the clothing of hilt, is sweat stain and blood stain that cannot wash off, this thing has certainly used in the battlefield. 战刀的刃口上有几处崩口,刀柄的缠带上,是洗不掉的汗渍与血污,这玩意一定在战场上用过。 Overall, this was unable to be used in the fight the sword, the use, several blades on possible collapse drop, to purchase its reason reluctantly only, is its steel products is good, after the smelting, the obtained war industry level steel products, can change hands to sell the good price. 整体看来,这把战刀已无法用于战斗,勉强使用,几刀就可能崩掉,唯一购买它的原因,是它的钢材好,熔炼后,所得的军工级钢材,能倒手卖出不错的价钱。 Su Xiao is unable to have foresight, no one can think, this batch of second-hand weapons can be so, the beforehand bottom line at heart can use on the line, now looks like, he underestimated the greedy degree of family clan union officials. 苏晓无法未卜先知,谁都想不到,这批二手武器会是如此,之前的心里底线是能用就行,现在看来,他低估了眷族同盟官员们的贪婪程度。 Under this grade of situation, the weapon that the family clan soldiers change recently, unexpectedly misses to this degree, Brigadier-General Raise dares to sell these second-hand weapons no wonder outward. 在这等局势下,眷族士兵们在近期内换下的武器,居然差到这种程度,也难怪雷兹准将敢对外售卖这些二手武器。 Even so, Brigadier-General Raise still only sold to the insider, weapon that this type of military draws back, is too sensitive from various, the waist pocket outer space, Brigadier-General Raise this does not prepare to act. 就算如此,雷兹准将也只卖给内部人,这种军方退下来的武器,从多方面来讲都太敏感,要不是腰兜太空,雷兹准将连这都不准备出手。 Does not need the Su Xiao opens the mouth, Caesar has understood, he takes the small-scale micro instrument to go forward, with the sword fragment observation, later puts out the medicine waterdrop together above, observes the oxidizing reaction. 无需苏晓开口,凯撒已心领神会,他拿着小型显微仪器上前,拿一块战刀残片观察,之后又拿出药水滴在上面,观察氧化反应。 „These vampires of union, were they insane? Brigadier-General Raise, you determined that 2 months ago, are your soldiers still using these weapons?” “同盟的那些吸血鬼,他们疯了吗?雷兹准将,你确定在二个月前,贵方的士兵们还在使用这些武器?” A Caesar shocking appearance, this saying spoke the mind of Brigadier-General Raise. 凯撒一副震惊的模样,这话可谓是说到了雷兹准将的心坎了。 These are the pus maggots that in the latrine wriggles, they own pocket rouses by all means......” “那些是屎坑里蠕动的脓蛆,他们只管自己的衣兜鼓起来……” Brigadier-General Raise the words told only half, thinks is not ripe with Su Xiao, Caesar and the others, has not continued, as can be seen, his officials to the union, in the heart the resentment is very big, after all always put on small shoes. 雷兹准将话说到一半,想到与苏晓凯撒等人不熟,就没继续说,可以看出,他对同盟的官员们,心中怨气很大,毕竟总被穿小鞋。 If the wartime, the officials of union will think highly of Brigadier-General Raise, at present already with the Human Race truce, therefore is in the officials hand of family clan union the power is bigger. 如果是战时,同盟的官员们会恭维雷兹准将,眼下已与人族停战,所以是眷族同盟的官员们手中权力更大。 These military...... the scrap copper and iron, you give an estimate.” “这些武……废铜烂铁,你们给个估价。” Brigadier-General Raise, very sorry, we cannot estimate, please do not visit me like this, these moment steel rolling indeed are the scrap copper and iron, by serious that the machinery pollution corrodes , uses the soldiers of these weapons, once multiple thorough pollutant, and these weapon oxidations are serious, even if conducts to melt the molten steel, wants to smelt to the original steel rank, the paid cost is inconceivable.” “雷兹准将,很抱歉,我们不能估价,请不要这样看我,这些矩轧钢的确是废铜烂铁,被机械污染侵蚀的很严重,想必,使用这些武器的战士,曾经多次深入污染物,并且这些武器氧化严重,就算进行熔成钢水,想冶炼到原本的钢材级别,付出的成本难以想象。” Caesar is saying at the same time, shaking the head that but also the whole face regrets, hears word, the complexion of Brigadier-General Raise is ugly, these weapons they used is too long, did not receive the long time to the grey world steel peddlers. 凯撒一边说着,还满脸惋惜的摇头,闻言,雷兹准将的面色难看,这些武器他们用了太久,久到灰色世界的钢材贩子都不收了。 Price is lower......” 价格低一些……” Brigadier-General Raise, my comprehension your mood, will draw near in the winter, many places must spend money, but the business is the business, knows your such friend very much happily, if there is an opportunity, we will cooperate next time again.” “雷兹准将,我理解您的心情,冬天快到了,很多地方都要用钱,但生意就是生意,很高兴认识您这样一位朋友,如果有机会,我们下次再合作。” Caesar signals with the eyes to Baja, Baja and Boubo take the present on vehicle , business inadequate justice and humanity. 凯撒巴哈使了个眼色,巴哈布布汪把车上的礼品都拿下来,正所谓,买卖不成仁义在。 The words saying like this, the Su Xiao present idea removes immediately, do not waste the time in this. 话是这样说,苏晓现在的想法是立即撤,别在这浪费时间。 Su Xiao and the others had/left the storehouse, after boarding, drives to the yard, when got out of trouble the main entrance, was blocked by several family clan soldiers, in which platoon leader is passing in the sentry box, is away from the glass window, can only see that he nodded again and again. 苏晓等人出了地库,上车后向大院外驶去,兜兜转转到了正门时,被几名眷族士兵拦下,其中的小队长正在岗亭内通过,隔着玻璃窗,只能看到他连连点头。 After the moment, Su Xiao knew that what's the matter, Brigadier-General Raise makes them go back, concrete was anything had not said. 片刻后,苏晓得知是怎么回事,雷兹准将让他们回去一趟,具体是什么事没说。 The old route returns, Brigadier-General Raise still before place storehouse, what he is the 3 rd place storehouse, before this storehouse, conservative stern, at this time guards in this soldier withdraws. 原路返回,雷兹准将依然在地库前,不过他所在的是三号地库,这地库之前保守森严,此时把守在这的士兵都撤走。 Brigadier-General Raise has not said anything, hints behind young military officer to open the door, another female officer has left. 雷兹准将没多说什么,示意身后的年轻军官开门,另一名女军官则已离开。 Su Xiao and the others entered in the storehouse, rows about three meters high arms racks exhibit in the place storehouse, on each row of arms rack, is putting one slantingly the heavy cold weapons, in the storehouse is filling a pickling oil flavor. 苏晓等人走进地库内,一排排近三米高的武器架陈列在地库内,每排武器架上,都斜放着一把把沉重的冷兵器,地库内弥漫着一股防锈油的味道。 Su Xiao looks at the boasting paper that on in which weapon entangled, the above title is 0615 endings, representative this is the weapon that June 15 went into storage, did not need to know, this batch of cold weapons just approved shortly. 苏晓看了眼其中一把武器上缠的牛皮纸条,上面的封号是0615结尾,代表这是6月15号入库的武器,不用想都知道,这批冷兵器刚批过来不久。 Used that long old weapon, Brigadier-General Raise this time to strive for a large quantities of heart weapon surely, from now on view, without weapon replace. 用了那么久的旧兵器,雷兹准将这次必定会争取一大批心武器,以免今后再被针对时,没有武器替换。 Although in the heart guesses correctly what's the matter, Su Xiao's complexion actually very ugly, nearby Caesar is walking, the leg was soft, the young military officer holds his, his paralysis on the ground, Niwei is smoking outside the place storehouse, the appearance that a anything has not seen, can only say, average per person movie king. 虽说心中猜出是怎么回事,苏晓的面色却很‘难看’,一旁的凯撒走着走着,腿都软了,要不是年轻军官扶他一把,他都瘫在地上,利・西尼威则在地库外抽着烟,一副什么都没看到的模样,只能说,人均影帝。 „...... Brigadier-General Raise, this this... is not the thing that... can sell, we do not dare to buy......” “雷雷雷……雷兹准将,这这这…可不是…能卖的东西,我们也不敢买……” Caesar seemed frightened the road to walk agily, the young military officer continually does not support by the arm, he already paralysis on the ground. 凯撒仿佛被吓到连路都走不利索,要不是年轻军官搀扶,他已瘫在地上。 The family clan union has the law, sells or purchases the war material, particularly weapon is to be sentenced to the death penalty. 眷族同盟有法律,无论是售卖还是购买军需物资,尤其是武器方面,是要被判处死刑的。 Su Xiao, Caesar and does Niwei, which care about the family clan law? Family race's criminal law books about the war, on that several characters except for the seal, inside content, Su Xiao basically offended. 试问,苏晓凯撒、利・西尼威,哪个是在意眷族法律的?眷族关于战争方面的刑法书籍,除了封皮上那几个字,里面的内容,苏晓基本都触犯了。 Su Xiao three people of this time statements, like smuggling business that walks randomly in grey world, the attitude of showing is, the thing that some approach slightly dares to bump, the too excessive thing does not dare to take over. 苏晓三人此时的表态,像极了游走在灰色世界的走私商,表现出的态度为,一些稍微擦边的东西敢碰,太过分的东西就不敢接手了。 Sees this, the complexion of Brigadier-General Raise sinks, in the heart actually felt relieved, the batch of weapons that if he sells out, by these smuggling business melts, when the high grade steel products sell, so long as him does not give oneself away, does well the stock accounting, will not have the issue. 看到这一幕,雷兹准将的面色一沉,心中却放心了很多,如果他卖掉的这批武器,被这些走私商熔掉,当高等钢材卖,只要他这边不露出马脚,把库存账目弄好,就不会有问题。 These are scrap copper and iron that eliminates ‚’, you estimate.” “这些都是淘汰下来的‘废铜烂铁’,你们估个价。” Brigadier-General Raise put out the flat wine pot, the twist-off closure drank the mouth, expensive watch that revealed that was one of the Caesar this bringing gifts, money-mad will of the people. 雷兹准将拿出扁平的酒壶,拧开瓶盖喝了口,无意间露出的昂贵手表,正是凯撒这次带来的礼物之一,财迷人心。 „This this......” “这这这……” Caesar by scaring, which can also estimate, sees this, supports by the arm his young military officer to narrow the eye, sees this vision, the Caesar breath obstructs. 凯撒被‘吓坏’了,哪还能估价,见此,搀扶着他的年轻军官眯起眼,看到这目光,凯撒呼吸一窒。 Only can say, the Caesar performing skill withstood/top. 只能说,凯撒的演技太顶了。 „...... Discussed the kilogram?” “还是……论公斤?” „Are you cracking a joke? Although these are scrap copper and iron, but also is quite new scrap copper and iron.” “你在开玩笑吗?这些虽然是‘废铜烂铁’,但也是比较新的‘废铜烂铁’。” The young military officer takes over the negotiations, obviously, if from now on has problems, he is a scapegoat. 年轻军官接手谈判,显而易见,今后如果出了问题,他就是背锅。 In the storehouse the grand total has various about 100,000 type cold weapons, regarding fighting the complement of hammer army, this weapon stock are not many. 地库内总计有近10万把各式冷兵器,对于战锤部队的编制人数,这种武器存量不算多。 Like your type of big business, trades with the active ore?” “像你们这种大商,都是用活性矿石交易吧?” The young military officer opens the mouth, follows to nod in his following Caesar again and again, but also is scratching the cold sweat of forehead. 年轻军官开口,跟在他后面的凯撒连连点头,还擦着额头的冷汗。 Regardless of the model, a weapon 1. 3 kilograms active ore, young military officer spoke to pat arms rack every time, supplemented the sentence: Buys 10 to present as a gift 1.” “不论型号,每把武器1.三公斤活性矿石,”年轻军官说话间拍了拍身旁的武器架,又补充了句:“买十赠一。” Listens to these words, the Caesar expression intertwining, seeking help to cast the vision to Su Xiao especially. 听完这番话,凯撒的表情格外‘纠结’,‘求助’般向苏晓投来目光。 Su Xiao maintains composure selected , the meaning is: Buys, does not buy cannot get away today.’ 苏晓不动声色的点了下头,意思是:‘买,不买今天走不了。’ Although in the Su Xiao heart wishes one could to buy 100,000 weapons again, but he cannot display. 苏晓心中虽然恨不得再多买10万把武器,可他不能表现出来。 The situation of family clan union, with a few words can very good explanation, Pride make people blind, before and victory of Human Race, making the family clan officials recognize, the family clan is in the prosperous initial period, at least their generation, will not be encountering with Human Race, but one generation of officials, managed them. 眷族同盟的情况,用一句话就能很好的解释,傲慢使人盲目,之前与人族的战争胜利,让眷族官员们认定,眷族正处于繁荣的初期,至少他们这一代人,不会在与人族交锋了,而一代的官员,管他们死活呢。 Before mentioned the family clan official, was Brigadier-General Raise so why indignant? Is he a just side? It is not because the officials of family clan eat the meat, Brigadier-General Raise has not eaten the soup to one, just opened mouth to want the mouth soup, family clan officials spit his mouth on phlegm, in this case, Brigadier-General Raise can not hate. 之前提及眷族官员,雷兹准将为何那么愤愤不平?他是正义的一方?并不,是因为眷族的官员们吃肉,雷兹准将连汤都没喝到一口,刚张嘴想要来口汤,一名眷族官员就一口痰吐到他嘴里,这种情况下,雷兹准将能不恨吗。 Following of transaction, by Niwei connects with, Su Xiao and Caesar paid the active ore mortgage check of around the city bank, wants to have this thing, must store up the coordinated quantity in the around the city bank the active ore. 交易的后续,由利・西尼威交接,苏晓凯撒则付了环城银行的活性矿石抵押支票,想持有这东西,必须在环城银行储存对等数量的活性矿石。 This is Caesar prepares, detail decision success or failure, several merchant who walks in the gray area, asks the union military officers to trade with a large quantities of active ore directly, this is the matter that multi- idiot can make. 这是凯撒所准备,细节决定成败,几名行走在灰色地带的商人,直接拿一大批活性矿石来找同盟军官交易,这得是多憨批才能做出的事。 Is also improper with the currency that the family clan union issues, mortgages check type to pass the coin hardly, is the best choice, conforms to the style of gray merchant, makes Brigadier-General Raise easier to process following. 用眷族同盟发行的货币也不妥,抵押支票这种硬通币,是最佳的选择,既符合灰色商人的风格,也让雷兹准将更容易处理后续。 After Su Xiao and Caesar deliver to mortgage the check, without keeping and other shipping, hastily leaves, this is very normal, by status that they camouflage now, hurries to leave this, conforms to the choice of status. 苏晓凯撒交付抵押支票后,没留下来等装运,就匆匆离开,这很正常,以他们两人现在所伪装的身份,赶紧离开这,才是符合身份的选择。 The remaining matters, yield profit Niwei processes, he has court prison patrolling judge status, Brigadier-General Raise will not repudiate a debt. 剩下的事,让利・西尼威去处理,他有审判所・监巡法官这一身份,雷兹准将不会赖账。 In the morning, Su Xiao rode in a carriage to rush to Liberty City, later in transmission of warehouse through Liberty City, the transmission returned to the No. 2 warehouse near supreme headquarters on the 1 st. 当天上午,苏晓乘车赶往自由城,之后通过自由城内一号仓库的传送阵,传送回大本营附近的二号仓库。 The soil area, Su Xiao goes out from No. 2 warehouse, gentle breeze, in the sky the blue sky, his is happy, had 100,000 standard cold weapons, the first group of Wild Boar soldiers can arm finally. 边壤区,苏晓从二号仓库内走出,微风拂面,天空中万里无云,他的心情不错,有了10万把制式冷兵器,第一批野猪战士终于可以武装起来。 The present stage grand total has 4057 Wild Boar soldiers, the quantity are not many, but in the Su Xiao hand also has the active ores of 2830 units. 现阶段总计有4057名野猪战士,数量不多,但苏晓手中还有2830个单位的活性矿石。 Saw from very far Su Xiao, before the end wants Serby, was bigger, without the rear mountain wall was high, at present is quickly orthogonal with the mountain range, calculates the time, the end fort should already Promotion to the T0 rank, becomes the fourth unbeaten fort. 距离很远苏晓就看到,末日要塞比之前高大了很多,原本没有后方的山壁高,眼下快与山脉平齐,算算时间,末日要塞应该已晋升到T0级别,也就是成为第四座不败要塞。 Compares Liberty City, the end fort, even if launches, is still smaller than Liberty City on are too many, both's build is not a magnitude, this should be the impact that the evolution nest has. 相比自由城,末日要塞就算展开,也比自由城小上太多,两者的体型不是一个量级,这应该是进化巢所带来的影响。 Su Xiao enters fort one, Reincarnation Paradise Prompt appears. 苏晓走进要塞一层,轮回乐园提示出现。 End fort already Promotion to the T0 level.】 【末日要塞已晋升至T0级。】 【The outside armor defensive power of end fort increases 129 points, constructs HP to promote 170, exterior defends rank 2.】 【末日要塞的外装甲防御力提升129点,建筑生命值提升170,外部防御阶位二。】 Active ore transformation from each day /100 unit, has been raised to each day /1000 unit.】 【活性矿石转化量已从每个自然日/100单位,提升至每个自然日/1000个单位。】 【The promotion because of end fort, the evolution nest has obtained the following promotion.】 【因末日要塞的提升,进化巢已获得以下提升。】 【The evolution nest single most may hold 5000 soldier class units( build cannot go beyond certain category).】 【进化巢单次最多可容纳5000个士兵类单位(体型不可超出一定范畴)。】 【The evolution nest 2 hours, may complete a number of soldier class units each time / summon / the evolution of this world disassimilation beast( are the 3. 5 hours / batch, have reduced to 2 hours / batch).】 【进化巢每次二小时,可完成一批士兵类单位/召唤物/本世界异化兽的进化(原为3.五小时/批,已缩减至二小时/批)。】 Because of the fort equivalent promotion, you may in the following fort reward, choose its two.】 【因要塞等阶提升,你可在以下要塞奖励中,选择其二。】 The 1. end fort obtains new organ Warm Room . 1.末日要塞获得新器官温房 The active ore transformation quantity of 2. end fort promotes 45( promotion to the daily 1450 units). 2.末日要塞的活性矿石转化量提升45(提升至每天1450个单位)。 The 3. evolution nest operating efficiency promotes 50( is 2 hours may complete one raid evolution body to transform presently, after choosing this reward, will reduce to 1 hour / one batch). 3.进化巢工作效率提升50(现为二小时可完成一批次的进化体蜕变,选择此奖励后,将缩减至一小时/一批)。 4. evolution nest unlocking 5 levels of branch of the services layered armor tank to subdue|grams. 4.进化巢解锁五级兵种重装坦克。 ...... ……
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