RP :: Volume #45

#39: Backers

Su Xiao observed evolution nest moment , at present comes to see very stably, although this organ occupied the fort 2nd Layer over 90 area, is actually worth very much. 苏晓又观察了进化巢片刻,眼下来看很稳定,虽说这器官占据了要塞二层90以上的面积,却很值得。 Returns to the top commander-in-chief room, Su Xiao looks for four trusted subordinates, is Housman, steel tooth and other Wild Boar people, gives them 11 arranged matters to do. 返回顶层的总指挥室,苏晓找来四名亲信,也就是豪斯曼、钢牙野猪人,给他们一一安排事做。 Side this is Su Xiao comes to the soil area the third day, the end fort after Promotion to the T3 level, the active ore output achieves 100 units every day, to faction of small scale, this is the pen great sum of money, to Su Xiao, this is far from enough. 这是苏晓来边壤区的第三天,末日要塞在晋升到T3级后,活性矿石产量达到100个单位每天,对中小规模的势力而言,这是笔巨款,对苏晓来讲,这远远不够。 He must at the maximum speed, fort Promotion to the T1 level, even the T0 level, only by doing so, can promote the size of evolution nest, picks up the explosive weapon speed by this. 他必须以最快速度,将要塞晋升到T1级,甚至T0级,唯有如此,才能提升进化巢的大小,以此加快爆兵速度。 The present evolution nest, single most may hold 500 soldier units, evolves row of Pighead, takes the 3. 5 hours, the work that entire day does not stand still, can transform 3428 Pighead. 现在的进化巢,单次最多可容纳500名士兵单位,进化一排猪头人,需3.五小时,全天不停歇的工作,能转换3428名猪头人 Transforms the proportion of soldier according to 80 high and low to estimate, is one day can transform more than 2700 Wild Boar soldiers. 转化战士的比例按80上下估测,也就是一天能转化出2700多名野猪战士。 Under Su Xiao must have 300,000 soldier class units, Warlord 5 buff can all trigger, wants through the Warlord title summon ancient times battlebeasts, the subordinate at least to need 400,000 soldier class units. 苏晓麾下要有30万士兵类单位,战争领主的五种增益才能全触发,想通过战争领主称号召唤远古战兽,麾下至少要有40万名士兵类单位。 Displays purely the Warlord title strongly, but also is insufficient to become the final victor, Su Xiao by Pighead as the action of subordinate strength, will definitely enrage the family clan, this moves opposite foundation. 单纯将战争领主称号发挥到最强,还不足以成为最终的胜利者,苏晓猪头人作为麾下战力的举动,必然会激怒眷族,这是动对面的根基。 Family clan three big faction, family clan union and sentry post tower and aurora parliament , under each side has the army, the conservative estimate, under three big faction, little said that supports the soldier respectively 1 million. 眷族三大势力,眷族同盟哨塔极光议会,每一方麾下都有军队,保守估计,三大势力麾下,少说各自拥兵百万。 This number is not exaggerating, the family clan and Human Race conducted a prolonged war, at present Human Race shrinks with the stance of defeated in the place of border region, but military of both sides is still abundant. 这数字一点都不夸张,眷族与人族进行了一场旷日持久的大战,眼下人族以败者的姿态缩在边陲之地,可双方的兵力依旧雄厚。 Was not does not want to hit, is suppressing Ultimate mutually, the development and savings military of breaknecking. 不是不想打了,是在互相憋大招,玩命的发展与积蓄兵力。 Under such situation, family clan three big faction, not only supports the soldier respectively over 1 million, in the military of their three parties, that group of soldiers and military officers who participated and the Human Race war, have not retired, what awfully is, they just when maturity. 此等局势下,眷族三大势力,不仅是各拥兵百万以上,他们三方的军方中,那批参与了和人族大战的士兵与军官,还未退役,更要命的是,他们正值壮年。 The soldiers are fierce, in the military officer is abundance of capable people, at present family clan faction, over 85 family clan military officers have gone to the battlefield, some military officers crawl from the dead crowd. 士兵悍勇,军官中人才济济,眼下眷族阵营,有85以上的眷族军官都上过战场,有些将领更是从死人堆里爬出来的。 Family clan faction is completely two extremes, army Fang Qiang arrives frightening, the official actually corruption becomes second nature, that side the court is fishy. 眷族阵营内部完全是两种极端,军方强到让人胆战心惊,官员却贪腐成性,审判所那边更是乌烟瘴气。 Su Xiao has not acted rashly, was dreading that family clan faction military Strength, his does not accumulate the background, in the morning makes war, most in the evening, the end fort will be extinguished. 苏晓没轻举妄动,就是在忌惮眷族阵营的军方力量,他这不累积出底蕴,上午开战,最多晚上,末日要塞就会被灭。 Makes war to need the capital, at present the daily explosive weapon 2700 Wild Boar soldiers, must in six months, have at least with the qualifications that family clan faction battles against, the attention, is only entitled, not can certainly defeat. 开战需要资本,眼下每天爆兵2700名野猪战士,最起码要在半年后,才有与眷族阵营开战的资格,注意,只是有资格而已,并非一定能战胜。 To promote the explosive weapon quantity, the Promotion fort to, this is alternative barracks. 想提升爆兵数量,晋升要塞是必须的,这就是一种另类的兵营。 Evolves from the T3 level the fort to the T2 level, at least takes the active ores of 260 units, mines, the time that takes 3 days is not can only accumulate enough this resources. 将要塞从T3级进化到T2级,至少要260个单位的活性矿石,单凭挖矿,要三天不到的时间才能攒够这笔资源。 The person does not have the unexpected wealth is not rich, the horse does not have a night of grass is not fat, Su Xiao particularly needs an unexpected wealth now. 正所谓,人无横财不富,马无夜草不肥,苏晓现在特别需要一笔横财。 Where makes this unexpected wealth? This aspect Su Xiao is prepared early, or this is he and Caesar prepares together. 去哪弄这笔横财?这方面苏晓早有准备,或者说,这是他与凯撒一同准备。 To get so far as this unexpected wealth, must go to Liberty City, but before then, first stabilizes to be good the end fort thoroughly. 想弄到这笔横财,要去自由城一趟,不过在这之前,先将末日要塞彻底稳定下来才行。 Su Xiao makes Housman go to batches to call the Wild Boar person, amounts to 3655 Wild Boar people, is divided into eight batch to enter in evolution nest , from Wild Boar person 2 levels of branch of the services, Promotion to can on immediately the battlefield 3 levels of branch of the services Wild Boar soldiers. 苏晓让豪斯曼去一批批召集野猪人,总计3655名野猪人,共分八批进入进化巢内,从野猪人这种二级兵种,晋升到可以立即上战场的三级兵种野猪战士。 Waits for these Wild Boar people to complete the transformation, lets 2638 Pighead coolies again, evolves the short pig person , to promote the minerals the mining efficiency. 等这些野猪人们完成蜕变,再让2638名猪头人苦力,进化成矮猪人,提升矿产的开采效率。 Although has Moon Apostle tens of thousands summon to mine at present, but that in the final analysis is unstable output, once the present camouflage status has problems, or makes war with the Revelation Paradise side ahead of time, Moon Apostle and Morey will travel immediately, does not dare to remain, execution of Revelation Paradise does not crack a joke. 虽说眼下有月使徒的几万召唤物挖矿,可那归根结底是不稳定的产出,一旦现在的伪装身份出问题,或是提前与天启乐园方开战,月使徒莫雷会立即跑路,一刻都不敢多留,天启乐园的处决可不是开玩笑的。 Others have to be inferior oneself have, evolves a large number of short pig people, will make the minerals income very steady, even if future to the most difficult time, the income in this aspect will not break. 别人有不如自己有,进化出数量众多的矮猪人,会让矿产收入变得很稳,哪怕今后到了最艰难的时候,这方面的收入也不会断。 Su Xiao to Housman and steel tooth ordered, to let two people were responsible for supervising and managing Wild Boar people evolution. 苏晓对豪斯曼与钢牙下令,让两人负责监察与管理野猪人们的的进化。 Su Xiao takes Boubo and Baja, walks toward the room, just had/left the room, saw that Dorothy is standing by the gate, both hands wear the black glove, the head has the music earphone, sways from side to side the body along with the rhythm small scope of music. 苏晓带上布布汪巴哈,向房间外走去,刚出房间,就看到多萝西正站在门旁,双手戴着黑手套,头上戴着音乐耳机,伴随着音乐的节奏小幅度扭动身体。 Recently Dorothy besides went out to go hunting with Wild Boar people, usually was basically all right to do, the chef in latter kitchen raised the woman to sue repeatedly, after Dorothy stole food , the kitchen frequently. 最近多萝西除了和野猪人们外出打猎外,平时基本没事做,后厨的厨师长・摩提女士多次投诉,多萝西经常到后厨偷食物。 rubs raises the woman as educated, and cook level outstanding female Pighead, since being the chef, it may be said that fulfills responsibility with all one's heart, several hundred people of latter kitchens manage in good order. 摩提女士作为一名受过教育,且厨艺水平优秀的雌性猪头人,自从担任厨师长后,可谓是尽心尽责,几百人的后厨管理到井井有条。 Knows this matter, Su Xiao has not cared, but makes Baja question, he just started to think, perhaps Dorothy makes disassimilation beast young child one kind, places her the single bedroom situated in fort 3rd Layer to raise, therefore steals food after the kitchen. 得知此事,苏晓并未在意,只是让巴哈去查问,他刚开始以为,多萝西没准是弄回来异化兽幼崽一类,放在她位于要塞三层的单人寝室内养着,所以才在后厨偷食物。 After questioning of Baja, is not such matter, Dorothy stole the thing after the kitchen, was because she was hungry, to uncomfortable stole food hungrily. 后来经巴哈的查问,并不是这么回事,多萝西在后厨偷东西,是因为她饿,饿到难受才去偷食物。 This behavior makes one feel confuses, detected after the matter cannot conceal the truth, Dorothy afraid to say a word saying truth. 这行为让人倍感迷惑,发觉事情瞒不住后,多萝西才吞吞吐吐的道出实情。 Her appetite is since childhood astonishing, in the Liberty City wanderers, because of the appetite issue, she had been dismissed thirty times, afterward discovered, even if not eat to the full also hungry undying, has been enduring, in order to avoid the bystander looks at her with the vision of alternative. 她从小就食量惊人,在自由城闯荡时,因为食量问题,她被开除过30几次,后来发现,哪怕不吃饱也饿不死,就一直忍着,以免外人以另类的眼光看她。 After arriving at the fort, Dorothy must go out to fight, on hungry cannot bear, her each meal, is equivalent to mature Wild Boar person 2. 5 times of capacity for food, with her own original words is, to maintain the formality of virtuous young woman, she had not let loose eating. 来到要塞后,多萝西要出去战斗,就饿的更受不了,她每餐,相当于一名壮年野猪2.五倍的饭量,用她自己的原话是,为了保持淑女的礼节,她都没放开了吃。 Hears this saying, at that time Baja really could not bear say: Saves you to return the virtuous young woman? Formality? When you spoke, first spat the chewing gum of your mouth.’ 听到她这话,当时巴哈实在忍不住开口说道:‘救你还淑女?礼节?你说话时,先把你嘴里的泡泡糖吐了。’ last night, Su Xiao looked for chef raised the woman, making the opposite party arrange the person to make the midnight snack to deliver to the commander-in-chief room, later looked for Dorothy, making the opposite party let loose eating, she did not believe that a 17-18 years old young girl, can eat many things. 在昨晚,苏晓找来厨师长・摩提女士,让对方安排人弄夜宵送到总指挥室,之后把多萝西找来,让对方放开了吃,她不信,一名十七八岁的少女,能吃多少东西。 Until after one hour, after Dorothy eats up a A' Mu eight points of full appetite, Su Xiao discovered the matter is not simple, this special is a rice bucket, the appetite and A' Mu are almost first-level. 直到一小时后,多萝西吃下阿姆八分饱的食量后,苏晓发现了事情并不简单,这特么是个饭桶,食量和阿姆差不多是一级。 But at this point, by Dorothy on wall by the gate, is closing one's eyes, in the music small scope swinging waist with earphone, has not detected slightly, Su Xiao, Boubo, A' Mu and Baja are encircling the half-turn to visit her. 而在此时,靠在门旁墙壁上的多萝西,正闭着眼,随着耳机内的音乐小幅度摆动腰身,丝毫没察觉到,苏晓布布汪阿姆巴哈正围成半圈看着她。 Hey!” “嘿!” Baja shout, Dorothy startled trembling. 巴哈的喊声,把多萝西惊的一哆嗦。 Does... does.” “干…干嘛。” You recently idle bored?” “你最近闲的无聊?” Baja takes a look at Dorothy to open the mouth up and down. 巴哈上下打量着多萝西开口。 Right.” “对啊。” Looks for a matter to do to you, before forgot to tell you, you also had similar.” “给你找点事做,之前忘了告诉你,你还有个同类。” Similar?” “同类?” Right, with Boil-Red with is existence of Devourer.” “对,和沸红同为吞噬者的存在。” When Baja spoke this saying, the smile on face is not even more good. 巴哈说这话时,脸上的笑容越发无良。 What relations this and do I have? Similar on similar.” “这和我有什么关系?同类就同类吧。” Gravity that a Dorothy indifferent appearance, has not detected the matter. 多萝西一副无所谓的模样,还没察觉到事情的严重性。 Un, indeed yes, but Devourer Dark-Yang host, named.” “嗯,的确是,不过吞噬者暗阳的宿主,名叫辛・尤戈。” Heard Baja saying that this name, the Dorothy most recent several seconds have not responded, but hard this surname, making all sorts of recollections well up her heart. 听到巴哈说辛・尤戈这个名字,多萝西前几秒没反应过来,但这个姓氏,让种种回忆涌上她心头。 A clan hard is the hunter family, is the killer family, they become famous by the powerful strength, when the clansman is most prosperous also only then dozens people, majority is a powerhouse, all previous head of the clan, there are several in various time, the strength can arrange to first five. 辛之一族是个猎手家族,也是杀手家族,他们以强悍的战力出名,族人最鼎盛时也只有几十人,其中大部分都是强者,历代族长,有好几位在各时代中,实力能排到前五以内。 Now this for a head of the clan of clan hard, the strength is powerful, if throws the competition of faction scale, the old man is called one of the world strongest three people. 现在这代辛之一族的族长,实力更是强悍,如果抛去势力规模的比拼,那老头子被称为本世界最强的三人之一。 A clan Dorothy and hard has the deep hatred, this matter must from his father Niwei mentioned, his father looked for a famous sweetheart before, the sweetheart was a family member of clan hard. 多萝西与辛之一族有血仇,这件事还要从他父亲利・西尼威说起,他父亲以前找个名情人,那情人是辛之一族的家族成员。 A family member of clan hard was not certainly affable, knows Dawley Niwei to get married, had the wife, immediately rushed to Liberty City, Niwei wife killed, and intention seized also young Dorothy, thus was put on regular status. 辛之一族的家族成员当然不好惹,知道利・西尼威已成家,有了妻子,当即赶往自由城,把利・西尼威的妻子杀了,并意图抓走还年幼的多萝西,从而转正。 Afterward this matter was noisy , a clan hard cannot lose this person, prepared Niwei and Dorothy processed completely, later Niwei backer, that side the aurora parliament acted, this matter was subsides. 后来这件事闹大,辛之一族丢不起这人,准备将利・西尼威与多萝西全部处理掉,之后利・西尼威的靠山,极光议会那边出面,这件事才算平息。 It looks like in Su Xiao, this matter has a questionable point, the aurora parliament, although acts, but is only the statement, that feeling is more like, this gives up beforehand, when the crest of wave passed, aurora parliament by Niwei and Dorothy's corpse, delivers to of that side a clan hard. 苏晓看来,这件事有个疑点,极光议会虽出面,但只是表态而已,那感觉更像是,此事先作罢,等风头过了,极光议会会被利・西尼威和多萝西的尸首,送到辛之一族那边。 Compared with the powerhouse and assassination of a clan famous hard, at that time as courtling Niwei, in aurora parliament that is not anything, the best function, regards the abandoned child, sells of a clan that side favor hard, from now on will facilitate the cooperation. 相比与强者、暗杀而出名的辛之一族,当时作为一个小官员的利・西尼威,在极光议会那不算什么,最好的作用,是当成弃子,卖辛之一族那边个人情,今后方便合作。 Niwei and Dorothy lived in this situation, a scandal of clan that hard, as if turned. 利・西尼威与多萝西就是在这种情况活了下来,那件辛之一族的丑闻,仿佛翻篇了般。 That woman who...... he and kills my mother, has what relations.” “辛・尤戈……他和杀害我母亲的那女人,有什么关系。” Mindless Dorothy, is always hanging down at this time the view, the music earphone that the head has also pulls. 一向没心没肺的多萝西,此时低垂着眼帘,头上戴的音乐耳机也扯下来。 „Under makes me recall , thought that is the blood relation of that woman.” “让我回忆下,哦,想到了,辛・尤戈是那女人的血亲。” The Baja form disappears, then appears, in its claw are many Pendant, after opening renovation that the line falls, reveals inside circular picture, in the picture is a moderate woman with a smile, is Dorothy already mother who passed away. 巴哈的身影消失,转而又出现,它爪中多出一个项坠,打开线坠的翻盖后,露出里面的圆形照片,照片上是名温和笑着的女人,是多萝西已过世的母亲。 Oneself husband was a womanizer outside, looked for a not being able to stir up sweetheart, your mother was really hapless enough, because this matter was killed, Dorothy, this matter considered as finished like this.” “自己丈夫在外面沾花惹草,找了名惹不起的情人,你母亲真够倒霉,因为这事被杀,多萝西,这件事就这样算了吗。” Baja lifts the eagle claw, Dorothy seizes Pendant from the Baja claw, the faint trace steam has scattered from her, Boil-Red has two main characteristics, boils with the blood, obviously, Dorothy boils the system development to . 巴哈抬起鹰爪,多萝西从巴哈爪中夺过项坠,丝丝蒸汽从她身上飘散出,沸红有两种主特性,沸与血,显然,多萝西是向沸体系发展。 „Did Dorothy, you fear? Doesn't dare to look for of a clan hard to retaliate?” “多萝西,你怕了?不敢去找辛之一族报复?” Naturally did not fear, but a head of the clan of clan hard is too strong, present I am not that old man's opponent, I must become am better, a head of the clan of clan hard is the backer of that woman, I must......” “当然不怕,但辛之一族的族长太强,现在的我不是那老头的对手,我要变得更强才行,辛之一族的族长是那女人的靠山,我必须……” „Can you, you not have the backer?” “你必须个屁,你就没有靠山了?” Baja feels not to know whether to laugh or cry. 巴哈感觉啼笑皆非。 This......” “这个……” Dorothy said embarrassedly, she only knows Su Xiao, A' Mu and Baja compared with her strength, specifically as strong as what degree, she is supposing, should not can be a that degree of clan head of the clan hard, otherwise side does not need to come to the soil area to develop. 多萝西没好意思说,她只知道苏晓阿姆巴哈比她实力强,具体强到何种程度,她估摸着,应该达不到辛之一族族长的那种程度,否则也没必要来边壤区发展。 bloody aura, the cold ice and chaotic space peripheral fill the air in Dorothy, withdrawing of her instinct, actually backs in the wall, in this moment, Dorothy felt heartfeltly, her backer strives to excel! 血气、寒冰、混乱的空间在多萝西周边弥漫,她本能的退后,却背靠在墙壁上,在这一刻,多萝西由衷的感觉,她的靠山好强! Su Xiao lifts the step to walk, Dorothy who toward fort underlayer has gotten back one's composure hurries to follow. 苏晓抬步向要塞下层走去,回过神的多萝西赶紧跟上。 Does Su Xiao make Dorothy provoke on own initiative a clan hard? Then adds a side enemy? Naturally no, situation, in the relative surface is seemingly more complex. 苏晓让多萝西主动去招惹辛之一族?然后平添一方敌人?当然不,这其中的情况,比表面上看起来复杂很多。 So long as this gambling starts, how regardless of the process, two to win, these two respectively is a head of the clan of clan Su Xiao and hard. 只要这场博弈开始,无论过程如何,都有两人赢了,这两人分别是苏晓与辛之一族的族长。
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