RP :: Volume #45

#36: Lets loose that to withdraw money Ji!

On the chaotic shitan of family clan territory border, compared with colt build big several Three Tails moon/month fox racing line/traverse, has also left behind the shining white via it place the light corpuscle. 眷族领土边境的乱石滩上,一只比马驹体型还大几圈的三尾月狐奔行而过,途经之处留下莹白的光粒。 In conducting the back of this Three Tails moon/month fox, is small face pallid Moon Apostle, she wears talcum powder white hood pajamas, on the hood also brings the rabbit-ear, to other Contractor, this very wonderful (strange), regarding Moon Apostle, this is the conventional appearance, she meets one to be careless in mission world, does not see the person, naturally is how comfortable how to put on, only if Painting World that situation, she will exchange one-piece dress one kind. 在这三尾月狐的背上,是小脸煞白的月使徒,她穿着一身粉白色兜帽睡衣,兜帽上还带着兔耳,对其他契约者来讲,这很奇葩,对于月使徒而言,这是常规打扮,她在任务世界内会一只苟着,都不见人,当然是怎么舒服怎么穿,除非是画之世界那种情况,她才会换上连衣裙一类。 The wind sound/rumor howls by the Moon Apostle ear, she covers the lower abdomen single-handed, the bloodstain soaks a big piece the clothing abdomen. 风声在月使徒耳旁呼啸而过,她单手捂住小腹,血迹将衣物腹部浸湿一大片。 Three Tails moon/month fox that Moon Apostle rides, rushing to the good speed is extremely quick, although before the running speed compares, in elk that world of sand rides beautiful is worse, but the Three Tails moon/month fox is keener, shifting to the speed is quick, after the enemy pursues is near, the Three Tails moon/month fox can dodge the revolutions to organize. 月使徒骑的三尾月狐,奔行速度极快,虽说奔跑速度相较之前在沙之世界骑的麋鹿・艾丝丽差一些,但三尾月狐更加敏锐,转向速度快,敌人追近后,三尾月狐可以闪转腾挪。 Runs again a bit faster.” “再跑快点。” Rides in the Moon Apostle anxious sound opens the mouth that the Three Tails moon/month fox conducts the back. 骑在三尾月狐背上的月使徒急声开口。 Compliant.” “遵命。” The voice of Three Tails moon/month fox is serious, what a pity it has run up to with every effort quickly. 三尾月狐的声音严肃,可惜它已尽力跑到最快。 Before Moon Apostle, does not ride the Three Tails moon/month fox to travel, she chooses the moon/month lion that can fly, at first, she is also pleased with oneself, her enables mana to fly, gets down the moon/month lion with her collineation until the enemy, she detected, flying in the sky is a living target. 月使徒之前不是骑着三尾月狐跑路,她选择了能飞行的月狮,最初时,她还沾沾自喜,她的使魔能飞,直到敌人将月狮与她一同射下来,她发觉,飞在天空中就是活靶子。 Bang! 轰! Thunders from the distant place transmits, Earthquake, the two forms of distant place were shaken between the soil and crushed stone of splash fly, this is Moon Apostle second strongest three Demonic Servant, day feather Akker, Hachez blesses. 一声轰鸣从远处传来,大地震颤,远处的两道身影在飞溅的泥土与碎石间被震飞,这是月使徒的最强三名使魔之二,天羽・阿库西、黑骑士・佑。 Day feather Akker is Demonic Servant of human shape, the body lives the white feather, she does not have the wing, has strong staying in the air ability, excels at the mid-range fight, as well as as guard. 天羽・阿库西是人类形态的使魔,身上生有白色羽毛,她没有翅膀,却有很强的滞空能力,擅长中距离战斗,以及作为护卫。 Hachez blesses is Close Combat, similarly excels at the guard. 黑骑士・佑则是近战,同样擅长护卫。 Except these two permanent summon, light elf Immortal Dew is also one of the Moon Apostle core Demonic Servant, Immortal Dew adds in Moon Apostle, with Moon Apostle urged together the Three Tails moon/month fox escapes quickly. 除这两名永久性召唤物,光精灵・仙露露也是月使徒的核心使魔之一,仙露露附挂在月使徒身上,与月使徒一同催促三尾月狐快逃。 Bang, a shadow was pounded to fall in the Three Tails moon/month fox racing line/traverse route, raids the impulse that to be excessively strong because of the front, the Three Tails moon/month fox is forced to stop. 轰隆一声,一道黑影被砸落在三尾月狐奔行的路线上,因前方袭来的冲击力过强,三尾月狐被迫停下。 On lord, be careful.” “主上,小心。” Akker who white feather dangles elegantly, before moving sideways to block the Moon Apostle body, her body is sewing several white bone lances, each root in 1 meter about, above proliferates the virulent hangnail. 身上白色羽毛飘逸垂下的阿库西,闪身挡住月使徒身前,她身上钉着几根白色骨矛,每根都在一米长左右,上面遍布恶毒的倒刺。 Draws out these bone lances forcefully, will cause nearby the wound to be opened by the serious notch, and withstands the high disregarding defense injury. 强行拔出这些骨矛,会导致伤口附近被严重豁开,并承受高额的无视防御伤害。 Akker breathing already somewhat loud, nearby Hachez whole body cuts the mark, as for light elf Immortal Dew, does not raise, she also instigates several points compared with Moon Apostle, is hiding in the Moon Apostle hood, eye belt/bring tears. 阿库西的呼吸声已有些粗重,一旁的黑骑士则满身斩痕,至于光精灵・仙露露,不提也罢,她比月使徒还怂几分,正藏在月使徒的兜帽内,眼带泪花。 This fellow born in the year of the dog, pursues to keep.” “这家伙属狗的吗,追个不停。” Moon Apostle that the Three Tails moon/month fox conducts the back is covering the lower abdomen single-handed, is fixing the eyes on the front powerful enemy, she had summoned in this world before tens of thousands months is summon, has tried the human wave attack, what a pity is, is unable to surround the enemy. 三尾月狐背上的月使徒单手捂着小腹,紧盯着前方的强敌,她之前已召唤到这世界内几万只月系召唤物,尝试过人海战术,可惜的是,无法包围住敌人。 Before Moon Apostle emitted several thousand summon, the intention besieges the enemy lethal, but the enemy did not eat this set, attacked depending on own ability to Moon Apostle, by the opposite party powerful strength, the words that Moon Apostle did not run away, will die a violent death in a short time. 之前月使徒放出几千只召唤物,意图将敌人围攻致死,可敌人不吃这一套,凭自身能力突袭到月使徒附近,以对方强悍的实力,月使徒不逃的话,会在短时间内暴毙。 Use maintaining life item, Moon Apostle especially wants to use, but the issue does not have, in Painting World, she used many type of maintaining life items, this kind of item, does not have Soul coin, can buy anytime and anywhere, even if in the maintaining life item sells in many Revelation Paradise, is so. 使用保命道具方面,月使徒特别想用,可问题是没有,在画之世界内,她用了很多种保命道具,这类物品,不是有灵魂钱币,就能随时随地买到的,哪怕在保命道具售卖最多的天启乐园内,也是如此。 This appeared, Moon Apostle escapes in front, that powerful enemy pursues in behind, the summon large unit in behind pursues. 这就出现了,月使徒在前面逃,那名强敌在后面追,召唤物大部队在更后面追。 The human wave attack is not invincible, Moon Apostle has not been in the hiding place let alone, so long as killed her, her summon large unit collapses of itself. 人海战术并非是无敌的,更何况月使徒没在藏身地内,只要杀了她,她的召唤物大部队就不攻自破。 The physique of person and person cannot be generally spoken, the weakness of population tactic is a leader, for example present Moon Apostle, but when Su Xiao with human wave attack, he has a specially big advantage, he does not fear the assassination or the surprise attack. 正所谓,人和人的体质不能一概而论,人数战术的弱点为领袖,就比如现在的月使徒,而苏晓用人海战术时,他有个特别大的优势,他不怕暗杀或突袭。 The enemies attack, spells with the enemy hardly, in any case peripheral is own subordinate, will reenforce continuously, having the assassination will be the sneak attack words, as long as will eat a grain of shelled peanut, will be insufficient to drink this, dares to assassinate Technical Mode. 敌人突袭过来,就和敌人硬拼,反正周边都是自己的部下,增援会源源不断,有暗杀系偷袭的话,但凡吃一粒花生米,也不至于喝成这样,敢来暗杀技法型 Akker, blesses, on you, blocks him.” “阿库西,佑,你们上啊,挡住他。” The Immortal Dew anxious sound opens the mouth of concealed in Moon Apostle hood, her hanging on Moon Apostle, although is the light elf, but she seems like looks like one to be younger than several cat Bailey. 藏在月使徒兜帽内的仙露露急声开口,她正‘挂’在月使徒身上,虽是光精灵,可她看起来更像一只比贝妮小几号的猫。 Rubbish, hangs to me on.” “别废话,挂到我身上来。” Akker wants to scold Immortal Dew several, what a pity did not have the time. 阿库西很想骂仙露露几句,可惜没时间了。 I... I am afraid.” “我…我害怕。” Your fears, attaches on Akker, adds to her holds buff mode.” “你个怕个屁,去附到阿库西身上,给她加持增益状态。” The Moon Apostle opens the mouth, hears word, Immortal Dew clenches teeth, a figure revolution, has added in Akker, situated in passes mode that cannot be attacked, if Akker died, Immortal Dew will be separated from this mode forcefully. 月使徒开口,闻言,仙露露一咬牙,身形一转,已附挂在阿库西身上,处于不可被攻击的透化状态,如果阿库西死了,仙露露会强行脱离这种状态 Blocks Moon Apostle and the others the way, is about one 1.9 meters in height man, although he being barebacked upper body, but there is personal bone armor that the rib constitutes, 3 meters long bone tail drags behind. 挡住月使徒等人去路的,是一名身高1米9左右的男人,他虽赤膊上身,但有肋骨构成的贴身骨甲,一条三米多长的骨尾拖在身后。 This bone tail just like a vertebra, from thick ones to thin ones, the tip has the sword blade bone blade, although bone tail is the spine similar structure, is Anomaly is flexible. 骨尾宛如一根脊椎,由粗到细,尖端有剑刃般的骨刃,骨尾虽是与脊椎骨差不多的结构,却是异常灵活。 This person is called god human bone bone, Watcher Paradise Protector( similar Hunter), strength in the Eighth Order top echelon, but compared with golden Count, Hymn, Olandi and the others the weak frontline. 此人被称为神骸・加骨,守望乐园守护者(类似猎杀者),战力在八阶顶尖梯队,不过要比黄金伯爵、圣诗、奥兰迪等人弱一线。 Even so, present Moon Apostle still certainly not possibly is the opponent of this person, Moon Apostle, once exposed own trail, loses the biggest advantage, a she strongest point is, can be careless is hiding, long-distance direction summon comes out to do the matter. 就算如此,现在的月使徒也绝无可能是此人的对手,月使徒一旦暴露了自身的踪迹,就失去最大优势,她最强的一点是,可以苟在藏身地,远程指挥召唤物出来搞事。 bone tail of additional bone flings, was punctured in the above female moon/month is Demonic Servant is thrown, the bone tail blade flashes continually. The moon/month is Demonic Servant is cut the smashing, the skeleton in within the body blasts out, makes peripheral have blood rain. 加骨的骨尾一甩,被刺在上面女性月系使魔被抛起,骨尾刃连闪。月系使魔被切到粉碎,体内的骨骼炸开,让周边下起一场血雨。 The skeleton fragment dissolves, changes into one white fluid, integrates on animal bones personal bone armor, making it firmer. 骨骼碎片溶解,化为一种白色流体,融入到甲骨身上的贴身骨甲内,让其变得更加坚固。 Bone male, your brain is sick, pursues me to do, World Snatching War has not started.” “骨头男,你脑子有病吗,追我干嘛,世界争夺战还没开打。” „......” “……” The additional bone had not replied, his below profile was blocked by the bone system mask, killing intent of vision is not too strong, has to ponder the feeling, he chases down Moon Apostle, because this is World Snatching War, because of individual interest, he long ago discovered, own psychology becomes twists, oneself got sick, is the fine and lovable thing, after pinches a pulp personally, will have an inexplicable pleased feeling. 加骨没回答,他的下半边脸被骨制面具挡住,目光的杀意不算太强,颇有玩味感,他追杀月使徒,既是因为这是世界争夺战,也是因为个人兴趣,他很久之前就发现,自己的心理变得扭曲,自己病了,越是美好、可爱的东西,在亲手捏个稀巴烂后,会有种莫名的快意感。 The additional bone felt that this is not very good, but he wants to stop but cannot each time, because of this matter, his Captain Olandi had said his many times, and attempts with Strength of philosophy, helping him cure this mental issue, but does not have the effect. 加骨感觉这很不好,可每次他都欲罢不能,因为这事,他的团长奥兰迪说过他很多次,并企图用哲学的力量,帮他治好这心理问题,但却没效果。 God human bone bone looks at Moon Apostle, the idea in heart is, the enemy such lovably, before killing, is very certainly interesting. 神骸・加骨看着月使徒,心中的想法是,敌人长得这么可爱,弄死之前,一定特别有趣。 The additional bone has the laughter, sees this, the Moon Apostle head humming sound, if not this time World Snatching War does not have the Reincarnation Paradise side, she believes certainly, this is the lunatic or the mental illness Reincarnation Paradise side. 加骨发生笑声,看到这一幕,月使徒脑瓜子嗡嗡的,如果不是这次的世界争夺战没有轮回乐园方,她一定会认为,这是轮回乐园方的疯子或神经病。 On, extinguished him.” “上,灭了他。” Before Moon Apostle is single-handed refers , the circular space wormhole appears behind her together, the one after another moon/month is summon runs out, directly soars the bone to go. 月使徒单手前指,一道圆形的空间虫洞在她背后出现,一只只月系召唤物冲出,直奔加骨而去。 additional bone single-handed according to ground, have several meters spur to give birth from the ground fully, summon that will run out of pierce, this has not calculated, several hundred spurs that puncture all blast out, the broken bone flies just like sharp bit a piece by piece horizontally. 加骨单手按在地面上,一根根足有几米长的骨刺从地面生出,将冲出的召唤物们刺穿,这还不算完,刺出的几百根骨刺全都炸开,碎骨宛如一片片锋利的刀片般横飞。 In the broken bone, the Moon Apostle whole body coiling around pure white feather, the light element and black smoke, protect her by this. 碎骨中,月使徒周身盘绕洁白羽毛、光元素、黑烟,以此保护她。 When the explosion subsides, all skeleton fragments gather fast, constitute a more than ten meters high giant skeleton, this skeleton grasps two ultra-large numbers the bone blades, in the eye hole quiet green. 爆炸平息时,所有骨骼碎片快速聚拢,构成一具十几米高的巨型骷髅,这骷髅手持两把超大号的骨刀,眼洞内幽绿。 Sensor to the aura of this giant skeleton, keeps off Akker before Moon Apostle body knows, oneself cannot block this monster, has stronger additional bone let alone. 感知到这巨型骷髅的气息,挡在月使徒身前的阿库西知道,自己挡不住这怪物,更何况还有更强的加骨。 Sees only the giant skeleton to raise the bone blade in hand, striking an attitude to chop, who knows, it opens the lower jaw unexpectedly, the black light beam spouts from its mouth together. 只见巨型骷髅扬起手中的骨刀,作势要劈下,可谁知道,它竟张开下颚,一道黑色光柱从它口中喷出。 This attack is unexpected, Hachez before Moon Apostle body responded quickly, in the wide blade big sword with hand took the black light beam that the shield standard kept off to raid. 这攻击过于出人意料,月使徒身前的黑骑士反应最快,用手中的宽刃大剑作为盾牌格挡袭来的黑色光柱。 Bang! 轰! The Hachez under foot soil splash, he went against the both feet plow tread withdraws, in he resists the attack of giant skeleton with hardship, the additional bone appears side him, the bone tail blade sweeps, superficial. 黑骑士脚下泥土飞溅,他被顶到双脚犁着地面退后,就在他苦苦抵挡巨型骷髅的攻击时,加骨出现在他身边,骨尾刃一扫,轻描淡写。 ~ 啪~ The Hachez head falls, fixes the eyes on looked, in this armor is unexpectedly spatial, the additional bone is not accidental/surprised, his bone tail pricks from the breaking neck place of armor, as if punctured anything, the headless Hachez figure trembles, the whole body armor rust and make decent fast, finally changes into one pile of black salts. 黑骑士头颅落下,定睛一看,这身铠甲内居然是空的,加骨并不意外,他的骨尾从铠甲的断颈处刺入,仿佛刺破了什么东西般,无头的黑骑士身形一颤,全身铠甲快速生锈、风化,最终化为一堆黑灰。 Witnessed that this Moon Apostle grips tightly the fist, Hachez follows her from Fifth Order, until Eighth Order, dies of this place today. 目睹这一幕的月使徒紧握拳头,黑骑士从五阶就跟随她,直到八阶,今天死于此地。 Moon Apostle does not have the clamoring aggressive statement, even has not shown the sad facial expression, although in heart quick crying transposition, but is fighting, cannot display the Confucian to be weak before the enemy. 月使徒没叫嚣狠话,甚至没露出伤心的神情,虽然心中都快哭变调,可在战斗中,不能在敌人面前表现出儒弱。 This is the black armor knight, real waste.” “这是黑甲骑士,真废物。” The additional bone opens the mouth on the way of the vanguard, through spoken language provocation enemy, thus enrages the enemy, making the enemy lose the calm judgment, this method he uses frequently. 加骨在前行途中开口,通过言语挑衅敌人,从而激怒敌人,让敌人失去冷静的判断力,这方法他经常用。 In the line of sight of additional bone, the skeleton head of Moon Apostle top of the head gradually turns into the white, this skeleton head only then he himself can see, when this skeleton head changes into the pure white, he can the instantaneous flash to Moon Apostle behind, One Tail sweep the head of opposite party. 在加骨的视线中,月使徒头顶的骷髅头逐渐变成白色,这骷髅头只有他自己能看到,当这骷髅头化为纯白色时,他就能瞬闪到月使徒背后,一尾扫下对方的头颅。 The additional bone was saying trash words, has not pressed to Moon Apostle immediately near, he had discovered, opposite small rabbit, the fight not line, the escaping aspect absolutely is first, running is too quick. 加骨说着垃圾话,并未立即向月使徒压近,他已发现,对面的小兔子,战斗方面不怎么行,逃跑方面绝对是第一名,跑的实在太快。 Is adding the bone to say when trash words , the sense of crisis from him, later hears the howling sound. 正在加骨说着垃圾话时,危机感从他右侧袭来,之后才传来呼啸声。 The blood burr, the additional bone lifts the arm standard to keep off together immediately, at the same time the raised great-circle bone shield becomes. 一道血芒刺来,加骨当即抬臂格挡,一面中凸的大圆骨盾构成。 Bang!! 轰!! Blasts out transmits, the additional bone both feet plow tread withdraws, because of just now explosion, bloody aura in peripheral spreads. 一声炸开传来,加骨双脚犁着地面退后,因方才的爆炸,血气在周边蔓延开。 On the big bone shield in additional bone hand proliferates the fissure, the central spot is punctured the arm thick hole, the attack of enemy keeps off by his bone armor. 加骨手中的大骨盾上遍布裂痕,中心部位被刺出手臂粗的窟窿,敌人的攻击是被他身上的骨甲所挡下。 After the additional bone jumps leaps, he places in the midair, Blood Spear falls. 加骨纵身后跃,他身处半空中,就有一根血枪落下。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… Consecutively four Blood Spear prick the ground, the additional bone that nearly the hit draws back continually, then, four Blood Spear explode completely, bloody aura in peripheral spreads. 连续四根血枪刺入地面,都险些命中连退的加骨,转而,四根血枪全部爆炸,血气在周边蔓延。 That shouted, the form fell from the sky together, falls to the ground silent, next one flickered vanishes. 呼的一声,一道身影从上空落下,落地无声,下一瞬就消失。 The pupil of additional bone reduces fiercely, whole body blood accelerated flow, only comes the aura of person, makes him know that this is the famous powerful enemy. 加骨的瞳孔剧烈紧缩,全身血液加速流动,单是来人的气息,就让他知道这是名强敌。 The additional bone can have today's strength, naturally is not the generation of timid being afraid of getting into trouble, runs into the same step powerful enemy, he will instead feel one's blood bubbles up to the brim, and fights with all might with the enemy. 加骨能有今天的实力,当然不是胆小怕事之辈,遇到同阶强敌,他反而会感觉到热血沸腾,并与敌人拼杀一场。 Sensor full, the Sensor of additional bone in bloody aura to one person, the opposite party grasps the long blade, several Blood Spear that just now punctures, does not seem like inflexible Skill, that energy control strength, making bone think immediately firearms Grandmaster late revolutions duty, what concrete revolutions was anything, the additional bone was not clear, guesses blindly was Grandmaster Level energy that controlled bloody aura. 感知全开,加骨在血气感知到一人,对方手持长刀,方才刺下的几根血枪,不像是死板的技能,那种能量控制力,让加骨当即想到了枪械宗师后期的转职,具体转的是什么,加骨不清楚,盲猜是种操控血气宗师级能。 Judged from Strength and speed, the additional bone speculated the person developed these two body attributes surely, but the detection failure of Intelligence characteristics detection class equipment, showed that the Intelligence attribute of person is also very high. 力量、速度方面判断,加骨推测来人必定发展了这两种身体属性,而智力特性侦测类装备的侦测失败,说明来人的智力属性也很高。 Except for these, the additional bone can determine, the opposite party hand-held long blade of cannot decorate, that aura, at least is Grandmaster Swordplay. 除了这些,加骨能确定,对方手持的长刀不会摆设,那气息,最起码是宗师刀术 Three branches of the family development, bloody aura Grandmaster Swordplay Grandmaster, is double Grandmaster, after analyzing these, the additional bone wants to know with the foot heel, this person, surely is one pile of passive, passive fierce like tiger, ten Technical Mode, six develop, surplus four are because does not have money, is unable to develop like this. 三属性发展,血气宗师刀术宗师,也就是双宗师,分析出这些后,加骨用脚后跟想都知道,这种人,必定是一堆被动,被动猛如虎,十个技法型,有六个是这么发展,剩余四个是因为没钱,无法这样发展。 After analyzing these, the additional bone determined, can hit. 分析出这些后,加骨确定,可以打。 That shouted, the form in bloody aura ran out, before the surprise attack arrived at the additional bone body, the long blade cut continually, the blade edge was rapid and sharp. 呼的一声,血气内的身影冲出,突袭到加骨身前,长刀连斩,刀锋迅疾且犀利。 When! When! When! 当!当!当! The long blade and bone tail blade connect the junction to strike, sparks/Mars scatters, when a additional bone leaning body, evades killing of Blood Spear, changes into the bone claw single-handed, grasps to the chest that the Su Xiao empty gate opens greatly. 长刀与骨尾刃接连交击,火星四溅,加骨一偏身,躲过一根血枪的射杀时,单手化为骨爪,抓向苏晓空门大开的胸膛。 Bang!!! 嘭!!! Explodes all at once, has not waited to add the bone to grasp puts on the Su Xiao's chest, pulls out his heart, had been trampled the hit abdomen by a Su Xiao foot. 一股气爆炸开,没等加骨抓穿苏晓的胸膛,掏出他的心脏,已被苏晓一脚直踹命中腹部。 Suffered a Su Xiao foot to trample directly, bone armor of additional Bone Abdomen was suddenly stave, under body arched crookedly to just like a prawn, blocked from the profile bone mask to be attacked to sweep broken. 正面挨了苏晓一脚直踹,加骨腹部的骨甲陡然破碎,身体弓曲到宛如一只大虾,遮住下半边脸的骨面具被冲击扫碎。 The back that the additional apophysis draws out breaks through explodes all at once, the whole person runs out of a straight line, is parallel the rearward to fly with the ground, because of the speed vertical and horizontal relationships, his form becomes a dashed line fuzzily. 加骨凸起的脊背冲破一股气爆,整个人冲出一条直线,与地面平行着向后方飞去,因速度条块,他的身影模糊成一条虚线。 Bang! 轰! The impulse that because the additional bone flies, he ground of way was curled up, soil and crushed stone of splash, the shape of indistinct constitution tunnel together. 因为加骨飞出去的冲击力,他所途径的地面被卷起,飞溅的泥土与碎石,隐约构成一道隧道的形状。 additional bone after flying a distance, after the shoulder, gives birth to huge bone, the overall shape of this bone looks like the flesh wings, grasps into the ground ruthlessly, flies the plow to the soil horizontally. 加骨在飞行出一段距离后,肩后生出一条巨大的骨手,这骨手的整体形状酷似肉翅,狠狠抓入地面中,犁到泥土横飞。 When the additional bone stops finally, by sitting when a end of Tugou, he puts out a big blood, can see the internal organs fragment in broken bits. 当加骨终于停下,靠坐在一条土沟的尽头时,他哇的一声吐出一大口鲜血,其中能看到细碎的脏器残片。 This foot, he is not the internal organs is damaged is so simple, the most chest cavity emptied, the rib of break disburses from the flesh of chest and belly section, is very frigid. 这一脚,他已经不是脏器受损那么简单,大半个胸腔都空了,断裂的肋骨从胸腹部的血肉内支出,很惨烈。 additional bone loud is panting for breath, a wisp of thick blood drips following his corners of the mouth, he looks at Su Xiao of distant place, the vision of that doubts seemed asking: ‚Is this foot, the TM person can trample?’ 加骨粗重的喘息着,一缕浓稠的鲜血顺着他嘴角淌下,他看着远处的苏晓,那疑惑的目光仿佛在问:‘这一脚,是TM人能踹出来的?’
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