RP :: Volume #45

#31: impossible, that is I best friend!

Su Xiao coughs lightly, maintaining composure Drifting Lure Holds into the bosom, in nearby Caesar heart grasps the heart flexure liver. 苏晓轻咳一声,不动声色的将【漂游之饵】揣入怀中,一旁的凯撒心中抓心挠肝。 My dear friend, that is......” “我亲爱的朋友,那是……” The Caesar words just exported, Su Xiao has taken out a parchment, gives Caesar. 凯撒的话刚出口,苏晓已取出一张羊皮纸,递给凯撒 After Caesar opens the parchment, receives Prompt, knew that this is named Antiquity Secret Medicine The formula, is the specially ancient and orthodox Alchemy formula, this formula before him has contacted any formula high grade are too more. 凯撒打开羊皮纸后,接到提示,得知这是一种名为【上古秘药】的配方,属于特别古老、正统的炼金配方,这配方比他以前接触过的任何配方都高等太多。 Caesar also coughs lightly usual, the look holds into Alchemist Elixir Formula the bosom, simultaneously shook started that Dirty footbinding cloths, Hopes that Morey little angel puts out what item again. 凯撒也轻咳一声,神色如常的将炼金药剂配方揣入怀中,同时抖了下手中那【恶浊的裹脚布】,期盼莫雷小天使再拿出点什么物品 The Morey little angel present choice are not many, after she hesitant over and over, the aura erupts, throws to Su Xiao, can say, was full power A. 莫雷小天使现在的选择不多,她犹豫再三后,气息爆发,向苏晓扑来,可以说,是全力的A了上来。 After several minutes . 几分钟后。 Thump! 咚! Su Xiao by the fist that crystalline layer wraps, the bang on the lower abdomen of Morey, the back of Morey smashes the ground under body immediately, in the ground blasts out to proliferate the crack endocrater together, the blood of twinkle star splashes from the Morey mouth, the peripheral mist and dust four well up. 苏晓晶体层包裹的拳头,轰在莫雷的小腹上,莫雷的脊背当即砸在身下的地面,地面上炸开一道遍布龟裂的巨坑,星星点点的鲜血从莫雷口中飞溅出,周边烟尘四涌。 This time Morey, was punched HP to fall to 30, following, her difficult crawls from the endocrater, the next second, fights the shoe sole of boots to enlarge in her at present. 此时的莫雷,被揍到生命值滑落到30,以下,她艰难的从巨坑内爬出,下一秒,战靴的鞋底在她眼前放大。 Bang. 嘭。 Morey falls into a darkness at present, she has a feeling, if the opponent to not keep her poor life, extorts Soul coin from this, this can her small head, trample to blasts out the same as the watermelon. 莫雷眼前陷入一片黑暗,她有种感觉,如果对手不是为了留她一条小命,从她这勒索灵魂钱币,这一脚能把她的小脑袋,踹到向西瓜一样炸开。 Blurry within, Morey felt since oneself were carried from the ground, anti- on the shoulder, she only remains a line of sight of strip, sees to carry her person indistinctly, the waist is hanging the long blade, as well as a lock lamp of thumb size, lunar white animal teeth, should be the wolf fang. 迷迷糊糊间,莫雷感觉自己被从地上拎起,抗在肩膀上,她仅剩一小条的视线,隐约看到扛着她的人,腰间挂着长刀,以及一个拇指大小的锁灯,还有一颗月白色的兽牙,应该是狼牙。 Determined that this situation, Morey heavy stupor, before consciousness stupor, her only feeling is the face hurts. 确定这种情况,莫雷沉沉昏迷过去,在意识昏迷前,她唯一的感觉是脸疼。 The choice of Morey, displayed the pinnacle Gou life/command the ability, first a point was, her choice has not reported Su Xiao, after reporting, can drive to withdraw from this world Su Xiao is the unknown, by that time, was the rule competition of Reincarnation Paradise and Revelation Paradise. 莫雷的选择,将苟命本领发挥到了极致,首先一点为,她并未选择举报苏晓,举报后,能不能将苏晓驱退出这世界是未知数,到那时,就是轮回乐园天启乐园的规则比拼。 This need conducts some time, these days, Morey believes, by that person who she reported that certainly will exhaust the method, claimed her poor life, trading to do is Morey, she will also choose does this, was reported that naturally does his him, did not kill hate of difficult solution heart. 这需要一段时间去进行,这段时间内,莫雷相信,被她举报的那个人,一定会用尽手段,夺走她的小命,换做是莫雷自己,她也会选择这样做,都被举报了,当然是干他丫的,不弄死难解心头之恨。 And Morey felt, own revelation father, really may not the resentment Reincarnation Paradise, she long ago have a feeling, Reincarnation Paradise awesome! 并且莫雷感觉,自己的‘天启爸爸’,真的不一定能怼过轮回乐园,她很久之前就有种感觉,轮回乐园牛哔 If makes Morey Reincarnation Paradise Contractor or Hunter, she will not agree absolutely, that side is savage. 如果让莫雷成为轮回乐园契约者猎杀者,她绝对不会同意的,那边过于凶残。 Morey without choice reporting, throws to Su Xiao, must with Su Xiao fighting to the death, this highlight her Gou life/command ability. 莫雷在不选择举报的情况下,向苏晓扑来,要与苏晓‘决一死战’,这就凸显出她苟命的本领。 Morey had determined, Su Xiao is invade/ Incursio, in this case surrenders, once Revelation Paradise conducts the statistical settlement afterward, does not do well her surrender, can by Judgement to become Daizhan. 莫雷已确定,苏晓入侵者,在这种情况下投降,一旦事后天启乐园进行统计性清算,弄不好她的投降,会被判定成怠战。 Therefore the Morey choice fight, cannot be victorious in any case, after being punched half dead, she believes that in Revelation Paradise Judgement, her behavior from surrendering, will turn into the heroic resistance, really will unable to revolt, will choose to bear patiently, un, right, will bear patiently. 所以莫雷选择战斗,反正也打不过,被揍个半死后,她相信在天启乐园判定中,她的行为将从投降,变成英勇的反抗,实在反抗不过,才选择隐忍,嗯,没错,就是隐忍。 How long has not known, when the Morey long revolutions awakes, discovered oneself lie down on the sofa, the body is also covering the blanket, female Pighead, being concerned standing in nearby. 不知过了多久,当莫雷悠悠转醒时,发现自己躺在沙发上,身上还盖着毯子,一名雌性猪头人,正关切的站在附近。 Morey first inspects own clothing, nothing not, in her heart relaxes, this looks all around peripheral, discovered that besides that female Pighead, in the hut does not have the watchman. 莫雷先是检查自己的衣物,没什么不对后,她心中松了口气,这才环顾周边,发现除了那名雌性猪头人外,小屋内没有看守者。 Morey sets upright the index finger before the mouth, makes to ban the hand signal of sound to female Pighead of that wear apron, she raises the blanket on lower part of the body slowly, being soundless walks toward the room, is away from the gate, outside she hears the sound that clamored indistinctly. 莫雷将食指竖在嘴前,对那穿着围裙的雌性猪头人做出禁声的手势,她慢慢掀下身上的毯子,蹑手蹑脚的向房间外走去,隔着门,她隐约听到外面喧哗的声音。 Outside person are many, this makes Morey feel to confuse, where she could not think through Su Xiao to bring her, but this did not hinder her to escape from prison, hit the gate on unlock with ease, she took out one to shake the bombs, after the thumb opened the suspension link, following the crack in a door loses to shake the bombs. 外面的人不少,这让莫雷感到迷惑,她想不通苏晓把她带到了哪里,可这不妨碍她越狱,轻松打开锁上的门,她取出一颗震爆弹,拇指挑开拉环后,顺着门缝丢出震爆弹。 Bang! 砰! The shocking sound wave and glare also spread, the room leaks to call out in alarm with the iron hardware collision sound, Morey runs out from the hut, food comes fragrant, mixes in the steamed meatbun taste, heard she was a little hungry. 冲击性音波与强光同时扩散,房间外传出惊叫与铁器碰撞声,莫雷从小屋内冲出,一股饭香迎面而来,其中还混在着肉包子味,闻的她都有点饿了。 Morey cannot attend to these, she advances outward at the same time, discovered that here is a very big latter kitchen, several hundred people of that types, two meters high steaming rice machine braves the steam fully, more than ten cage steamer tray meat packages are also, in a nearby diameter two meters cauldron, gurgle honk is cooking the meat, the cooking liquor is bright, after this kitchen, these are only the tips of the iceberg. 莫雷顾不得这些,她向外突进的同时,发现这里是一处很大的后厨,足有几百人那种,两米多高的蒸饭机冒着热气,十几笼屉肉包也是,附近直径两米的大锅内,咕嘟嘟炖着肉,汤汁鲜亮,对于这后厨而言,这些只是冰山一角。 Female Pighead that more than ten bring the chef's hat is covering the eyes, some are the line of sight are fuzzy, class/flow that the tears cannot stop. 十几名带着厨师帽的雌性猪头人都捂着双眼,有些则是视线模糊,眼泪止不住的流。 The figure grandiose chef, the whole face compels ignorant, she has not thought how in the post- kitchen to jump out the small powder wool. 身形壮硕的厨师长,满脸懵逼,她没想到,后厨内怎么窜出个小粉毛。 Draws back.” “退开。” Under the chef lady's shout, female Pighead choose to allow to pass through, before this lets, has doubts to Morey very much, she chooses to slide, is detects Su Xiao not in peripheral, opposite party that bloody aura, really good Sensor. 在厨师长女士的喊声下,雌性猪头人们都选择让路,这让前冲中的莫雷很疑惑,她选择溜,是察觉到苏晓没在周边,对方那血气,实在太好感知 Moreover, Morey also wants to know, the metal collar that on her nape of the neck wears is anything, this thing seems like the equipment, Quality is not low. 不仅如此,莫雷还想知道,她脖颈上戴的金属项圈到底是什么,这东西好像是装备,品质不低。 The Morey irresistible running out kitchen, tramples the kitchen about 10 centimeters thick metal front door from side, the breakthrough tight encirclement. 莫雷势不可挡的冲出厨房,从里侧一脚踹开厨房近十公分厚的金属大门,突破重围。 May in the next second, the advance of Morey stop suddenly, she after running out of kitchen, enters in mountain massif space that a piece was dug, here area is very big, accommodates several thousand people not to have the issue, compared with the normal soccer field peripheral auditorium, the area also wants on big some. 可在下一秒,莫雷的突进戛然而止,她在冲出厨房后,进入一片被开掘出的山体空间内,这里的面积很大,容纳几千人都没问题,比正常足球场周边的观众席,面积还要大上一些。 Here central zone, spreads in the ground that the green painted, is drawing the field same white line, another side is hanging several big row of ultra-large number sandbags. 这里的中心地带,涂了绿色地漆的地面上,画着球场一样的白线,另一边则挂着几大排超大号沙袋。 These are actually not the key points, the key point is, in field, sandbag area and other positions, the additive at least 1500 Wild Boar people, their majority are barebacked the upper body, the body does not have the claw scar, is the flesh of some places gnaws off a bulk, later depending on self-recovery strength restoration, 这些其实都不是重点,重点是,球场上、沙袋区等位置,相加至少有1500名野猪人,他们大部分都赤膊着上身,身上不是有爪疤,就是有些地方的血肉被咬掉一大块,之后凭自愈力恢复、 In big location, because Morey just now the natural trampling gate, becomes the needle to fall may hear, Wild Boar people look at Morey, one after nexts are throwing the rubber ball, some hold the sandbag that rocks steadily. 偌大的场地内,因莫雷方才潇洒的踹门,变得针落可闻,野猪人们都看着莫雷,有些一下下抛着皮球,有些则扶稳晃动的沙袋。 Morey gurgle swallowed under the saliva, she can feel, more than 1500 Wild Boar people are not affable, she knows probably why had not guarded before. 莫雷咕嘟一声咽了下口水,她能感觉到,这1500多名野猪人都不好惹,她好像知道,为何之前没有看守了。 Moreover the collar that her nape of the neck wears will stimulate passively, once she attempts to activate imprint, takes item from the imprint storage space, this collar will activate, she does not want to know that is the metal embedding that which torture instrument Master transforms, she only wants to relieve this thing. 而且她脖颈戴的项圈会被动激发,一旦她尝试激活烙印,从烙印的储存空间内取物品,这项圈就会激活,她不想知道是哪个刑具大师改造出的这金属镶嵌,她只想解除掉这东西。 The atmosphere is not even more wonderful, Wild Boar people crossed the initial doubts, composes half surrounding formation spontaneously, in this crisis moment, Morey shouted loudly one: 气氛越发不妙,野猪人们过了最初的疑惑,自发组成半包围队形,就在这危机关头,莫雷高喊一声: Served a meal!” “开饭了!” Hears this shouting loudly, numerous Wild Boar people stare, the subconsciousness believes that after Morey perhaps is, kitchen new person? 听闻这声高喊,一众野猪人都一愣,下意识认为,莫雷或许是后厨新招的人? Worthily is you, just got out of bed travels.” “不愧是你,刚起床就跑路。” The Baja sound conveys, hears word, Morey knows that could not be inescapable. 巴哈的声音传来,闻言,莫雷知道跑不了了。 My.” “等我一下。” Morey selected selected collar on the nape of the neck, after hinting her already could not escape, turn around to return to the kitchen, she when going out, takes more than ten fragrant pork packages. 莫雷点了点自己脖颈上的项圈,示意她已经逃不掉后,反身回到厨房,她在走出时,已拿着十几个香喷喷的大肉包。 Partner four good.” “伙四不错呀。” Morey follows Baja to lead the way at the same time is eating the meat package, one side cheek help/gang sticks out. 莫雷跟着巴哈前行的同时吃着肉包,一侧腮帮隆起。 How is the good meat stuffing, pork stuffing more fragrant good......” “怎么都是牛肉馅的,猪肉馅的更香好嘛……” This saying just exported, Morey stops chewing the movement, she discovered, the peripheral Wild Boar people vision is bad. 这话刚出口,莫雷就停止嘴嚼动作,她发现,周边的野猪人们目光不善。 Baja looks to Morey, said: Your TM is really a talent.” 巴哈看向莫雷,说道:“你TM真是个天才。” After the moment, Baja brings Morey to arrive at the fort most top level, opens the door of commander-in-chief room. 片刻后,巴哈莫雷来到要塞最顶层,推开总指挥室的门。 Before Morey passing through the gate, about looked at the eye to defend in gate both sides Housman and steel tooth, entered in total control, she first saw Su Xiao, after has not discovered Caesar, in her heart long breathes a sigh of relief. 莫雷进门前,左右看了眼守在门两侧的豪斯曼与钢牙,才走进总控制室内,她最先看到苏晓,没发现凯撒后,她心中长舒了口气。 Sits.” “坐。” Su Xiao referred to under opposite seat, Morey just sat down, on the discovery table is suspending various good food, was recent from her, was bear's paws of wash bowl size, she wants to taste. 苏晓指了下对面的座椅,莫雷刚落坐,就发现桌上摆着各类美食,距离她最近的,是一盘脸盆大小的熊掌,她很想尝尝。 The meat package in Morey hand is not suddenly fragrant, what tragedy is, she walks all the way, ate more than ten pork packages, had eaten to the full, fights because of her frequently, therefore is never worried to eat the fat issue, but her stomach pouch is actually not big, this keeps her from enjoying the present good food. 莫雷手中的肉包突然就不香了,更悲剧的是,她走来的一路上,吃了十几个大肉包,已经吃饱了,因她经常战斗,所以从不担心吃胖的问题,可她的胃囊其实不大,这让她无法享用眼前的美食。 With your appetite, A' Mu, did not give you.” “不和你胃口吗,阿姆,交给你了。” Moo.” “哞。” „It is not the disagreement/not with appetite, in brief, ok.” “也不是不和胃口,总之,算了。” Morey looks at A' Mu to eat to the heart's content, looks, was a little hungry, she uses the fork fork to a cold Sea Dragon shrimp, just about to has an action to perform, discovered that the A' Mu vision is bad. 莫雷看着阿姆大快朵颐,看着看着,又有点饿了,她用叉子叉向一只寒海龙虾,刚要有所动作,就发现阿姆的目光不善。 Time limit.” “时限到了。” Su Xiao finishes speaking, he activated on the Morey nape of the neck Endless darkness The collar, making the consciousness of Morey enter in the darkness 1 hour. 苏晓话音刚落,他就激活了莫雷脖颈上的【无尽黑暗】项圈,让莫雷的意识进入黑暗中一小时。 Ka, Endless darkness Opens, the consciousness of Morey was closed Little Black room one hour, linked for 1 second to overflow in the outside world, the Little Black room will make the consciousness feeling time long. 咔哒一声,【无尽黑暗】打开,莫雷的意识被关小黑屋一小时,在外界连一秒都没过,小黑屋会让意识感觉时间变得漫长。 Do not look at Morey is the sand sculpture young girl, but her Willpower is not weak, was only absent-minded, even so, she still detected Endless darkness Collar fearful. 别看莫雷是沙雕少女,可她的意志力并不弱,只是恍惚了下,就算如此,她也察觉到【无尽黑暗】项圈有多可怕。 Endless darkness Falls on the table, Morey detected, her imprint can activate at will, just now is because loses the consciousness, causes the relation between appearance and imprint, thus by that collar involvement. 【无尽黑暗】掉落在桌上,莫雷发觉,她的烙印又可以随意激活,方才是因为失去意识,才导致出现与烙印间的联系,从而被那项圈介入。 To isolate or shut off contact of Morey on revelation imprint with her, Su Xiao confesses cannot achieve, but he can fudge on Morey, for example, once Morey wants to communicate imprint, will first trigger Endless darkness The collar, to consciousness shut in the way of Little Black room, hinders Morey to activate imprint normally. 想隔绝或切断莫雷与她身上天启烙印的联系,苏晓自认做不到,但他可以在莫雷身上动手脚,例如一旦莫雷想沟通烙印,就会先触发【无尽黑暗】项圈,以意识被关进小黑屋的方式,阻碍莫雷正常激活烙印 Su Xiao takes up Endless darkness The collar looked at the eye, an above Prompt lamp one after next twinkle, seems like in the Cooldown stage, is unable to prevent Morey to activate the storage space again, takes out the item to travel. 苏晓拿起【无尽黑暗】项圈看了眼,上面的提示灯一下下闪烁,似乎是进入冷却阶段,无法再防止莫雷激活储存空间,取出道具跑路。 In fact, Endless darkness The collar has not been in the Cooldown stage, with this thing as the consciousness interception, consumption durability is too quick, let alone, the following plan, must give the Morey opportunity to use imprint. 实际上,【无尽黑暗】项圈并没进入冷却阶段,用这东西作为意识拦截,消耗的耐久度太快,更何况,接下来的计划,必须给莫雷机会使用烙印 Baja falls on the Morey shoulder, guards against Morey to take out the item to travel. 巴哈落在莫雷肩膀上,防范莫雷取出道具跑路。 We had found the Moon Apostle position, as her friend, you meets her properly, can avoids her summoning casualty, her summon is very useful.” “我们已经找到月使徒的位置,作为她的朋友,你去接她更妥善,能避免她召唤物的死伤,她的召唤物很有用。” Su Xiao lights cigarette, the dining clip picks a cold Sea Dragon shrimp, places in the dinner plate before Morey body. 苏晓点燃一支烟,用餐夹夹起一只寒海龙虾,放在莫雷身前的餐盘内。 Did not need to deceive me, your impossible found Moon Apostle quickly, moreover I will not betray her, that was I best friend, although she played the game is vegetable/dish bi.” “不用骗我了,你不可能这么快找到月使徒,而且我不会出卖她的,那是我最好的朋友,虽她玩游戏是个菜哔。” Morey looks calm, appearance that is not worried about. 莫雷的神情自若,一副毫不担心的模样。 I am not indeed good, but you can.” “我的确不行,但你可以。” Su Xiao activates contract Strength, Morey feels immediately, oneself lower abdomen place gives off heat, she searches into the hand the clothing, tears off posts contract on her lower abdomen. 苏晓激活契约力量,莫雷马上感觉到,自己小腹处发热,她将手探入衣物内,扯下一张贴在她小腹上的契约 „Your you, despicable!” “你你你,卑鄙!” Morey knows, Su Xiao with the aid of this contract, knew certainly through her Moon Apostle position, this makes Morey burning with impatience, how her can Morey sell the teammate?! Would rather die than to sell the teammate. 莫雷知道,苏晓一定是借助这契约,通过她得知了月使徒的位置,这让莫雷心急如焚,她莫雷怎么能卖队友?!死也不能卖队友。 Although Morey sand sculpture, but she indeed has this conduct, rather death, does not betray friend. 莫雷虽说沙雕了点,可她的确有这种品行,宁愿死,也坚决不出卖朋友 Morey looked on a table Endless darkness The collar, the above six Prompt lamps, have shone five, represents soon can use, the time are not much, she activates imprint quietly, maintaining composure sent to Moon Apostle sealed the mail, the content only has two characters: Escapes quickly.’ 莫雷看了眼桌上【无尽黑暗】项圈,上面的六颗提示灯,已经亮起五颗,代表即将可以使用,时间不多了,她悄然激活烙印,不动声色的给月使徒发了封邮件,内容只有两个字:‘快逃。’ While Morey successfully gives Moon Apostle sends the mail, the contract parchment in her hand is voluntarily stave, as notarization contract, by the mail that Morey sends is the medium, fulfilled the contract new 015 th contract regulations: Connectivity tracking . 莫雷成功给月使徒发出邮件的同时,她手中的契约羊皮纸自行破碎,作为公证过的契约,凭借莫雷所发的邮件为媒介,履行了契约新增的第015条契约条例:联络性追踪 The shatter parchment starts illusory, twists a translucent arrow, aims at some position, position that Moon Apostle is. 破碎的羊皮纸开始虚幻,拧成一支半透明的箭头,指向某个方位,那正是月使徒所在的方位。 Many thanks your help.” “多谢你的帮助。” Hears Su Xiao these words, Morey like the petrification on the seat, she felt that she split. 听闻苏晓这句话,莫雷如同石化在座椅上,她感觉自己裂开了。 Moon Apostle, danger! 月使徒,危!
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