RP :: Volume #41

#27: Unexpected benefit

Late at night, calm, the Adversity Mark main sail has received, stops sets in the sea level. 深夜,无风,厄运号的主帆已收起,停置在海面上。 In the captain, Su Xiao is counting the curse person and black incantation Crow casualty quantity, captures to sink the price of Skeppsholmen not to imagine is so big, may when besieging female Spellcaster Eva, the curse person and black incantation Crow casualty is big. 船长室内,苏晓正在统计诅咒人与黑咒乌鸦的死伤数量,攻下沉船岛的代价没想象中那么大,可在围攻女施法者・艾娃时,诅咒人与黑咒乌鸦的死伤不小。 Splitting Element is Caster Sage the Sefelia time-consuming many years, the manpower synthesizes specifically is used in fight the strength of element, although is not much in view of the Extinguishing Law effect, but the lethality is also astonishing. 黎元素法师贤者瑟菲莉娅耗时多年,才人工合成专门用于战斗的元素之力,虽说针对灭法者的效果不怎么样,但杀伤力也同样惊人。 400 curse people, died in battle originally 103, black incantation Crow died 5180. 原本400名诅咒人,战死103名,黑咒乌鸦死亡5180只。 When fight, black incantation Crow seemingly died, at least 1/5 casualty quantities, is not such actually, their base numbers are big, all gives people this misconception, their actual casualty quantities, 1/10. 战斗时,黑咒乌鸦看似死了很多,至少有五分之一的死伤量,实则并非如此,它们的基数大,所有才给人这种错觉,它们的实际死伤数量,连十分之一都不到。 Black incantation Crow was not used in the fight, but under the Warlord addition, the black incantation Crow survivability is not weak. 原本黑咒乌鸦不是用于战斗,但在战争领主的加成下,黑咒乌鸦的生存力并不弱。 Reviews the curse person, their survivabilities are stronger than several levels black incantation Crow, the casualty quantity actually surpass 1/4, the reason is, the curse person extremely fierce does not fear when the fight. 反观诅咒人,它们的生存力比黑咒乌鸦强出几个层次,死伤数量却超出四分之一,原因是,诅咒人在战斗时太过悍不畏死。 If the ordinary soldier class unit, this is the good deed, may curse the strength of person to be close to the elite unit, fierce does not fear, only the meeting disciple increases the casualty quantity. 如果是普通士兵类单位,这是好事,可诅咒人的实力接近精英单位,过于悍不畏死,只会徒增死伤数量。 About relieving the Adversity Mark Second Order section seal, is imminent, only has the seal that relieves the Second Order section, cursed people's consciousness to be more sober. 关于解除厄运号的第二阶段封印,已是迫在眉睫,唯有解除第二阶段的封印,诅咒人们的意识才能清醒一些。 By that time, cursed people to understand the coordination with each other, and circumvention unnecessary damage, synthesizes the battle efficiency large scale promotion. 到了那时,诅咒人们就懂得互相配合,以及规避不必要的损伤,综合战斗力大幅度提升。 By the present curse person, is insufficient with the duke and western sea king big pirate faction hard resentment completely, even if black incantation Crow is not in addition good. 以现在的诅咒人,完全不足以和公爵、西海王这种大海盗势力硬怼,哪怕加上黑咒乌鸦也不行。 Does not arrive at the critical moment, black incantation Crow cannot enter the war, the Warlord addition can trigger, by the black incantation Crow quantity, once the black incantation Crow casualty are too many, the Warlord addition will be reduced, thus causes to weaken as the curse person strength of fight main force. 不到关键时刻,黑咒乌鸦不能参战,战争领主的加成能触发,是靠黑咒乌鸦的数量,一旦黑咒乌鸦死伤太多,战争领主的加成将受到削减,从而导致作为战斗主力的诅咒人实力减弱。 Only if were fights the last act, Su Xiao will consider that made black incantation Crow break in the regiment, gave the enemy to strike finally. 除非是战斗到了尾声,苏晓才会考虑让黑咒乌鸦冲入战团,给予敌人最后一击。 The curse person on Adversity Mark also remains 297, wants the scale supplement of curse person to 400, to return to vanish up the island, vanishes in the black fog of light island to have lots of curse people. 厄运号上的诅咒人还剩297名,想将诅咒人的规模补充到400名,要回泯光岛,泯光岛的黑雾内有大量诅咒人。 Vanishes light/only in the black fog of island, cursed the person to be black incantation Crow, situated in prohibited mode absolutely, but to Adversity Mark on, they had freedom to a certain extent. 泯光岛的黑雾内,无论是诅咒人还是黑咒乌鸦,都处于绝对封禁状态,而到了厄运号上,它们就有了一定程度上的自由。 At present was unable to supplement that the number of curse person, black incantation Crow can actually supplement. 眼下还无法补充诅咒人的数量,黑咒乌鸦却可以补充。 The black incantation Crow supplement way is, looks to vanish old hag of light island, the opposite party defends the fog person, controls is vanishing all black incantation Crow on light island. 黑咒乌鸦的补充方式为,去找泯光岛的老太婆,对方是守雾人,管束着泯光岛上的所有黑咒乌鸦 Wants in old hag that to supplement that the black incantation Crow quantity, must pay the Demon Sea gold coin, that old hag was also actually stranded to vanish up the island, but the Demon Sea energy in Demon Sea gold coin, not only can relieve the Adversity Mark seal, can help old hag get out of trouble. 想在老太婆那补充黑咒乌鸦的数量,要付出魔海金币,那老太婆其实也被困在泯光岛,而魔海金币内的魔海能量,不仅能解除厄运号的封印,也能帮老太婆脱困。 old hag does not long for the freedom, but must extricate, after being separated to vanish light/only the island, the opposite party will unravel, but this is, the old hag original words that the opposite party longs for are, the fire of her life already burnout in big Uzumaki, what at this time remaining is only pile of remnant ashes, remnant grey does not long for the freedom, only longs for that was blown off by the wind. 老太婆并不是渴望自由,而是要解脱,在脱离泯光岛后,对方会灰飞烟灭,可这就是对方所渴望的,老太婆的原话是,她的生命之火已在大漩涡内燃烬,此时剩下的只是一堆残灰,残灰不渴望自由,只渴望被风吹散。 How as to supplement that the curse person on Adversity Mark, old hag has not concealed, besides her, defends the fog person, in some log cabin that defends the fog person in vanishing the light island by the seal, is controlling the curse person in black fog. 至于如何补充厄运号上的诅咒人,老太婆没隐瞒,除她外,还有一名守雾人,那名守雾人正被封印在泯光岛的某个木屋内,管束着黑雾内的诅咒人。 Su Xiao pays the Demon Sea gold coin, after helping the curse person and black incantation Crow gets out of trouble, these curse people with black incantation Crow with two defend the fog person to have nothing to do, but changes to helps Su Xiao work oneself to death. 苏晓付出魔海金币,帮诅咒人与黑咒乌鸦脱困后,这些诅咒人与黑咒乌鸦就和两位守雾人无关,而是改为帮苏晓卖命。 Why this also cursed the person to be willing to comply with the reason that Captain Adversity Mark ordered, compared jet black black fog, Adversity Mark was their long-awaited places. 这也是为何诅咒人愿意遵从厄运号船长命令的原因,相比漆黑一片的黑雾,厄运号是它们梦寐以求的地方。 Su Xiao has the method not obedient curse to be prohibited in the black fog again, therefore he did not worry that cursed the person whether obeyed the issue of order. 苏晓有方法让不听话的诅咒人重新被封禁回黑雾内,所以他不担心诅咒人是否听从命令的问题。 The Su Xiao's Charm attribute, lets the foundation loyalty of curse person at over 70 : 00, the in addition Adversity Mark addition, the loyalty of curse person fixes at 95 ~ 98 : 00. 苏晓的魅力属性,让诅咒人的基础忠诚度在70点以上,外加厄运号的加成,诅咒人的忠诚度固定在95~98点。 As for reaching 100 full price/value, this does not need to consider, cursing people before death many are the pirates, the loyalty was very rare at over 60 : 00. 至于达到100点满值,这不用去考虑,诅咒人们生前多数都是海盗,忠诚度在60点以上就很难得了。 The number of curse person is unable to supplement temporarily, this is Su Xiao relieves the reason of Adversity Mark Second Order section seal eagerly. 诅咒人的数量暂无法补充,这是苏晓急于解除厄运号二阶段封印的原因。 Seizing Sea king horn ( 1 / 3 )】 After Su Xiao and big pirate sea king also turns into the hostile relationship, the opposite party will walk in recently, this must guard. 夺来【海王犄角】后,苏晓与大海盗・西海王也变成敌对关系,对方在近期内就会找上门,这要防范。 Relieves the Adversity Mark Second Order section seal, at least needs 30000 Demon Sea gold coins, after Su Xiao captures the old castle, obtained a golden skeleton head, this thing is equivalent to 16000 Demon Sea gold coins, later plunders to sink Skeppsholmen, obtained more than 1300 gold coins. 解除厄运号二阶段封印,至少需要30000枚魔海金币,苏晓攻下古堡后,获得了一颗黄金骷髅头,这东西相当于16000枚魔海金币,之后搜刮沉船岛,又得到了1300多枚金币。 Is counted in the Su Xiao hand the original gold coin, wants to relieve the Adversity Mark Second Order section seal, but also misses 12500 Demon Sea gold coins. 算上苏晓手中原有的金币,想解除厄运号二阶段封印,还差12500枚魔海金币。 These Demon Sea gold coins that lack, Su Xiao decided that starts part from Brigadier-General Murray, opposite party tail has not tied, if the opposite party is not willing to leave, makes Boubo take, brings the mental damage compensation while convenient. 缺的这些魔海金币,苏晓决定从默里准将那入手一部分,对方的‘尾款’还没结,如果对方不愿意出,就让布布汪去拿,顺便带上精神损失费。 The surplus parts, the Su Xiao preparation obtains in the quickest way , to continue to loot the pirate island, he do not uphold the justice, the disciplinary punishment pirate and others, because in the pirate island will save a substantial amount of Demon Sea gold coins, like empire faction, does not store in the Demon Sea gold coin the empire bank, lets the silver coin and copper coin that the empire bank distributes has the stable purchasing power. 剩余的部分,苏晓准备以最快的方式获得,继续洗劫海盗岛,他并非是要主持正义,惩戒海盗等,而是因为海盗岛上会存大量魔海金币,不像帝国势力那样,将魔海金币存入帝国银行内,让帝国银行发行的银币与铜币拥有稳定的购买力。 Su Xiao is very curious a matter, which side faction is the Demon Sea gold coin is the casting, the Demon Sea energy in gold coin is extremely pure, purely to unthinkable degree. 苏晓很好奇一件事,就是魔海金币到底是哪方势力所铸造,金币内的魔海能量太过纯净,纯净到匪夷所思的程度。 Temporarily does not consider these, at present waits , when according to the detection of Baja, in the evening, the fleet and duke pirate of group Brigadier-General Murray fights, both sides are seizing to sink Skeppsholmen. 暂不考虑这些,眼下等待就可以,根据巴哈的侦查,傍晚时,默里准将的船队与公爵海盗团交手,双方在夺沉船岛。 This war, the odds of success of Brigadier-General Murray when over 80%, this fellow had prepared for some time, Su Xiao attacks and occupies sinks Skeppsholmen, the fleet of opposite party in peripheral sea area. 这一战,默里准将的胜算在八成以上,这家伙已准备多时,苏晓攻占沉船岛时,对方的船队就在周边海域。 Has not made Su Xiao wait for a long time, when 11 : 00 pm, Baja returned, brings back to a news, Brigadier-General Murray won, the duke was repelled. 没让苏晓久等,晚11点时,巴哈返回,带回一个消息,默里准将胜了,公爵被击退。 Su Xiao goes out from the captain, stands in the bow, Adversity Mark sneaks in the sea, directly soars sinks Skeppsholmen to go. 苏晓从船长室内走出,站在船首,厄运号潜入海中,直奔沉船岛而去。 When Adversity Mark arrives sinks the Skeppsholmen coastal water, several imperial Navy ships from the front welcome, had obviously waited there for some time. 厄运号抵达沉船岛附近海域时,几艘皇家海军的船舰从前方迎来,明显是已经等候多时。 Adversity Mark anchors when sinking in the wharf in Skeppsholmen, this makes imperial Navy in wharf somewhat anxious, the pirate they did not fear, but in facing to curse the person, in the imperial Navy heart in wharf felt weak. 厄运号停泊在沉船岛的码头上,这让码头上的皇家海军们有些紧张,海盗他们不怕,但在面对诅咒人时,码头上的皇家海军们心中发虚。 Small some Navy soldiers after seeing Adversity Mark, the vision becomes especially sharp, they once fought with Adversity Mark, curse people unruly laughing wildly, as well as everywhere Crow quack the cry, as if also the reverberation in their ears, making them recall that the marine war situated in wandering soul sea area. 有一小部分海军士兵在看到厄运号后,目光变得格外犀利,他们曾与厄运号交手,诅咒人们桀骜的狂笑,以及漫天乌鸦嘎嘎的叫声,似乎还回荡在他们耳中,让他们回想起那场位于游魂海域的海上大战。 Brigadier-General Murray and his several trusted subordinates, walk from the wharf small town, these people step onto Adversity Mark following the plank that the Navy soldier puts up, enters in the captain. 默里准将与他的几名亲信,从码头小镇内走来,这几人顺着海军士兵搭起的木板走上厄运号,进入船长室内。 In the captain, Brigadier-General Murray takes a seat, he as before like that calm, as if beforehand naval battle, to him at all is not anything. 船长室内,默里准将落座,他依旧那般从容,仿佛之前的海战,对他而言根本不算什么。 Here imagines compared with me the cleanness, has not at least seen the shellfish parasite on the wall.” “这里比我想象中的干净,至少没在墙壁上看到贝类寄生物。” Brigadier-General Murray the opens the mouth, as can be seen, his is very half jokingly happy, after all just will sink Skeppsholmen to seize. 默里准将半开玩笑着开口,可以看出,他的心情很不错,毕竟刚将沉船岛夺到手中。 According to beforehand agreement, after you attacks and occupies sinks Skeppsholmen, 5000 gold coin rewards, before had paid you 1500, this is remaining 3500.” “按照事先的约定,你攻占沉船岛后,5000金币酬谢,之前已经付给你1500枚,这是剩下的3500枚。” Finishing speaking of Brigadier-General Murray, several Navy soldiers are lifting two iron tanks, enters in the captain, is very unexpected, Brigadier-General Murray observed the agreement unexpectedly. 默里准将的话音刚落,几名海军士兵抬着两个铁箱,走进船长室内,很出人意料,默里准将居然遵守了约定。 I have the business of 50000 gold coin, chatted?” “我有笔50000金币的生意,谈谈吗?” Brigadier-General Murray is smiling, just about to continues to open the mouth, was lifted the hand to break by Su Xiao. 默里准将微笑着,刚要继续开口,就被苏晓抬手打断。 Has no interest.” “没兴趣。” Su Xiao knows that Brigadier-General Murray must say anything, 50000 gold coins cope with the duke pirate group, this seems like that is the bulk bargain, wants to hire the cannon fodder actually. 苏晓知道默里准将要说什么,50000金币对付公爵海盗团,这看似是大买卖,实则是想雇炮灰。 Brigadier-General Murray the hatred of duke will draw completely, the duke not only loses obtains Sea king horn The opportunity, sank Skeppsholmen to lose continually, the former bystanders did not know, but discarded sinks Skeppsholmen, will soon spread in pirate faction. 默里准将这边将公爵的仇恨拉满了,公爵不仅失去获得【海王犄角】的机会,连沉船岛都丢了,前者外人都不知晓,而丢掉沉船岛,用不了多久就会在海盗势力内传开。 The big pirate cares about the face very much, has about sinking Skeppsholmen this matter, even if the duke seizes not submersion Skeppsholmen finally, cannot consider as finished like this, that is showing weakness, at the appointed time, hidden in secretly hyena, will smell smell of blood from the duke, thinks that the duke feared Brigadier-General Murray, hyena will close, this is world of pirate. 大海盗很在意脸面,有关于沉船岛这件事,哪怕公爵最终夺不下沉船岛,也不能就这样算了,那是在示弱,届时,隐藏在暗地里的‘鬣狗’们,会从公爵身上嗅到‘血腥味’,认为公爵怕了默里准将,‘鬣狗’们会一拥而上,这就是海盗的世界 50000 gold coins, I want the life of duke, is not destruction his pirate group, but wants his life.” “50000金币,我要公爵的命,不是覆灭他的海盗团,而是要他一个人的性命。” The view of Brigadier-General Murray is very tactful, in fact, kills the duke to be equal to that makes war with the entire duke pirate group, the big pirate of duke that rank, will not go out alone, the person who must take his life were too many. 默里准将的说法很委婉,实际上,去杀公爵就等于和整个公爵海盗团开战,公爵那种级别的大海盗,根本不会单独外出,要取他性命的人太多了。 Has no interest.” “没兴趣。” Su Xiao will not make war with the duke now on own initiative, another big pirate sea king also waits for him to cope, does not do well, he must with Twin Tower empress makes war. 苏晓现在不会主动与公爵开战,另一名大海盗・西海王还等着他对付,弄不好,他还要和双塔・女帝开战。 Four big pirates, three are hostile with Su Xiao, simultaneously copes with the pressures of three big pirates is too big, by the Adversity Mark present strength, west the pirate of sea king to getting up rolls the odds of success is very low alone. 四名大海盗,已有三名与苏晓敌对,同时对付三名大海盗的压力太大,以厄运号现在的战力,单独对上西海王的海盗团胜算都很低。 Since this, that talked about this, if you changed the idea, looked for me momentarily.” “既然这样,那就谈到这吧,如果你改变想法,随时来找我。” Brigadier-General Murray is somewhat disappointed, leading the person to leave Adversity Mark, quick disappears in the Navy soldier in wharf. 默里准将有些失望,带人离开厄运号,很快就消失在码头上的海军士兵中。 This wears the Duke fox of wig, gave up like this? Boss, this fellow will not be cloudy we.” “这戴着假发的公狐狸,就这样放弃了?老大,这家伙不会在阴咱们吧。” Baja was somewhat worried, Brigadier-General Murray seemingly treats people gentle, actually this is a ruthless role. 巴哈有些担心,默里准将看似待人平和,实则这是个狠角色。 Cannot.” “并不会。” The attitude of Su Xiao not accidental/surprised Brigadier-General Murray, Brigadier-General Murray soon must deal with the retaliation from duke, at this time avoided being hostile with Adversity Mark, was very wise decision, 3500 gold coins that the opposite party put out, was this meaning. 苏晓不意外默里准将的态度,默里准将即将要应对来自公爵的报复,这时避免与厄运号敌对,是很明智的决策,对方拿出的3500枚金币,就是这意思。 Boubo.” 布布。” Stemming from discrete, Su Xiao makes Boubo track Brigadier-General Murray. 出于谨慎,苏晓布布汪去跟踪默里准将。 woof.” “汪。” Boubo integrates in the environment, tracks Brigadier-General Murray, after dozen minutes, Boubo feeds in the news, Brigadier-General Murray is meeting with somebody, from two people talk contents, Boubo discovered that Brigadier-General Murray is very polite to that person, although does not think highly, but during the spoken languages actually divulged that warm feelings, that person is very respectful to Brigadier-General Murray, a feeling extremely flattered appearance. 布布汪融入环境中,去跟踪默里准将,十几分钟后,布布汪传回消息,默里准将在与某个人会面,从两人的谈话内容,布布汪发现默里准将对那人很客气,虽不恭维,但言语间却透漏出亲切感,那个人则对默里准将很恭敬,一副受宠若惊的模样。 Also after auditing a meeting, Boubo knew what's the matter, the honored guest of Brigadier-General Murray, was ‚the God of Wealth that’ the opposite party invited, had this God of Wealth, Brigadier-General Murray was generous, is willing to put out 50000 Demon Sea gold coins, bought the life of duke. 又旁听了一会后,布布汪知晓了是怎么回事,默里准将的这位贵客,是对方请来的‘财神’,正是有这财神在,默里准将才出手阔绰,愿意拿出50000枚魔海金币,买公爵的性命。 In the Adversity Mark captain, Su Xiao is measuring, that God of Wealth background that Brigadier-General Murray invited was very big, be that as it may, this was also the times opportunity. 厄运号的船长室内,苏晓在权衡,默里准将请来的那位财神来头很大,虽说如此,这也是次机会。 Su Xiao decided that please ‚’ chatting of that God of Wealth on to Adversity Mark. 苏晓决定,‘请’那名财神到厄运号上‘谈谈’。
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