RP :: Volume #41

#17: Clue

On this time pirate ship has become one piece randomly, the main sail was received, is not the pirates wants to wait for death, in a moment ago, their ships gradually stopped in the sea level, like having anything will put in order a ship to hold in the ship's bottom, eats full wind the main sail, withstand/top the mast to ka ka makes noise, the non- shorten, the main sail will be pulled by the sea breeze. 此时的海盗船上已乱成一片,主帆被收起,不是海盗们想等死,就在刚才,他们的船逐渐停在了海面上,就像有什么东西在船底将整艘船抓住,吃满风的主帆,将桅杆顶到咔咔作响,再不收帆,主帆会被海风扯下来。 The pirates in the deck gather together, in the hand is grasping the clasp knife, eyeful anxious observes the situation peripheral. 海盗们在甲板上聚在一起,手中握着水手刀,满眼紧张的环视周边。 Bang! 砰! The gate of captains cabin was trampled, two forms throw, falls down together, another person double is hand-held the knee, coughs loudly, the black sea water spouts from his oronasals. 船长室的门被踹开,两道身影扑出来,其中一道跌倒在地,另一人双手扶着膝盖,大声干咳,黑色海水从他口鼻间喷出。 A large share black sea water gushes out from the captain, after contacting outside air, these sea water fast evaporate. 一大股黑色海水从船长室内涌出,接触到外面的空气后,这些海水快速蒸发掉。 Ship... captain, this had anything.” “船…船长,这是发生了什么。” Before the helmsman stride on ship rushes, although he has the heart of rebellion, but in this crucial point, making the captain go against in front is a better choice. 船上的舵手大步冲上前,虽然他有颗造反的心,但在这种节骨眼,让船长顶在前面才是更好的选择。 hardship, coughs, Adversity......” “厄,咳咳咳,厄运……” Captain Burke coughs loudly, the tears and nasal mucus are uneven, is not frightens, he just now fell in torrents the sea water that comes to choke. 伯克船长大声干咳,眼泪与鼻涕齐出,不是吓的,他是被方才倾泻而来的海水呛到。 Bang! 轰隆! A loud sound, transmits from numerous pirate, they feel, oneself ship like jumps from the sea level. 一声巨响,从一众海盗脚下传来,他们都感觉到,自己脚下的船就像从海面上跳起来般。 Ka and kā bā...... 咔吧、咔吧…… After clear plank break sound, the pirate ship stabilizes reluctantly, black hits the corner/horn to prick from the hull side, punctures from the above deck, that jet black collision corner/horn is looked like by the skeleton of some huge lifeform is made. 清脆的木板断裂声后,海盗船勉强稳定下来,一根黑色撞角从船体侧下方刺入,从上方的甲板上刺出,那漆黑的撞角就像是由某种巨大生物的骨骼所制成。 Because the pirate ship inclines seriously, all pirates can only hold the broad side or the rigging, in order to avoid falls in entering the sea. 因海盗船严重倾斜,所有海盗只能抓住船舷或帆缆等,以免落入海中。 Creaks ~ 嘎吱~ The plank rubs, nearly pirate ship to putting on the collision corner/horn withdraws, after a pirate ship incline, steadily in sea level. 木板摩擦,近乎将海盗船对穿的撞角退后,海盗船一阵倾斜后,稳在海面上。 The pirates look at each other in blank dismay, they have met many times bad risks in the sea, the present situation meets for the first time, suddenly does not know how to deal. 海盗们面面相觑,他们在海上遇到过很多次凶险,眼下的情况是首次遇到,一时间不知如何应对。 Ka and ka. 咔哒、咔哒。 The hard object pricks the sound of hull, transmits from the pirate hull side, Wenny Vendat hides behind a pirate, swallowed under the saliva, is not she does not want to escape, simply does not have the place to escape in the sea. 硬物刺入船体的声音,从海盗船侧下方传来,温妮・旺达躲在一众海盗后方,咽了下口水,不是她不想逃,在海上根本没地方逃。 Under staring of pirates, skin dies the white hand to grasp on the broad side, on this arm proliferates the balanus and seaweed, the sea water flows off following the seaweed. 在一众海盗们的凝视下,一只皮肤死白的手抓在船舷上,这条手臂上遍布藤壶与海藻,海水顺着海藻流下。 A curse person climbs up the ship, it stands on the broad side, draws out the waist covered in rust and other stains clasp knife, bang, cursed the broad side under human foot to be stave, it broke through together the remnant shadow, stood before a pirate body. 一名诅咒人爬上船,它站在船舷上,拔出腰间锈迹斑斑的水手刀,嘭的一声,诅咒人脚下的船舷破碎,它冲破一道残影,站在一名海盗身前。 The rusty clasp knife pierces the head of this pirate, the silver cuts the mark to flash to pass together, was Captain Burke acted, he as pirate captain, strength compared with elite pirate one section. 锈迹斑驳的水手刀刺穿这名海盗的头颅,一道银色斩痕一闪而逝,是伯克船长出手了,他作为海盗船长,实力比精英海盗强一截。 passes one, the head of curse person falls in the deck, this curse person stood is freezing. 噗通一声,诅咒人的头颅掉落在甲板上,这名诅咒人站在原地不动了。 On this... skill?” “就这点…本事?” Captain Burke looked at the wide blade sickle in eye hand, in the eye a little does not dare to believe that a sense of pride from inside to outside emerged in his heart, did his Burke blade cut the curse person in hearsay unexpectedly?! 伯克船长看了眼自己手中的宽刃弯刀,眼中有点不敢置信,一种由内而外的自豪感在他心中涌现,他伯克居然一刀就斩了传闻中的诅咒人?! Looks the headless corpse that not far away that looks at dumbly, the body of Captain Burke gradually relaxes, the misconception that one type can win, appears in his heart. 看着不远处那呆立的无头尸体,伯克船长的身体逐渐放松下来,一种能赢的错觉,在他心中出现。 The curse person looks at dumbly in same place, its right foot lifts, bang treads in the deck, the entire ship shook, falls the head in deck flies, the curse person holds own head, presses to the neck place, after about moves the nape of the neck, anything did not have. 诅咒人呆立在原地,它的右脚抬起一些,嘭的一声踏在甲板上,整艘船都震了一下,落在甲板上的头颅飞起,诅咒人抓住自己的头颅,向断颈处一按,左右活动脖颈后,什么事都没有了。 In fact, the curse person is not undying, they situated in being born in dying, there is characteristics of living creature, was cut the head, will cause a big damage to them, wants to kill the curse person, satisfies one of the following three points. 实际上,诅咒人并非是不死,它们是介于生于死之间,有活物的特性,被斩下头颅,会对它们造成不小的损伤,想杀死诅咒人,满足以下三点之一就可以。 1. cuts the head of curse person, then steps on his head broken, or creates the huge injury to it, making its within the body the strength of curse scatter. 1.斩下诅咒人的头颅,然后将其头颅踩碎,或是对其造成巨大伤势,让其体内的诅咒之力飘散。 2. with the flame fever of superhigh temperature, but this flame must have certain Saint characteristics. 2.用超高温的火焰烧,但这火焰要有一定的圣特性。 3. makes the curse person mount the land, this caused the curse person dead instantaneously. 3.让诅咒人登上陆地,这回导致诅咒人瞬间死亡。 In the conventional fight, the survivability of curse person, can actually comprehension be is an ability that exceeds the regeneration, they are not undying, but is very difficult to kill, popular is, the curse person while the meat, the output is very high. 常规战斗中,诅咒人的生存力,其实可以理解为是一种超越再生的能力,它们绝非是不死,而是特别难杀,通俗来讲就是,诅咒人在肉得一匹的同时,输出还很高。 Ka and ka. 咔哒、咔哒。 Just now that type of sharp weapon pricks the sound of hull, from transmitting in all directions pirate ship, the sound is very crowded, shortly, curse people have stood on the peripheral broad side, has dozens people fully. 方才那种利器刺入船体的声音,从海盗船的四面八方传来,声音很密集,顷刻间,一名名诅咒人已站在周边的船舷上,足有几十人之多。 Captain, what to do.” “船长,怎么办。” Ended, all ended.” “完了,一切都完了。” Captain, we surrender, I have not wanted dead.” “船长,咱们投降吧,我还不想死。” Shut up.” “都闭嘴。” Captain Burke shouted, he clearly, the surrender was very useless. 伯克船长一声断喝,他很清楚一点,投降根本没用。 In a pirate, Wenny Vendat both afraid and frightened, during is dark she feels, these curse people are look her, or brought by her, she determined at this time a matter, is knowledge in the brain all real! This world imagines the length and breadth, more mysterious than and be also more dangerous than her. 一众海盗中,温妮・旺达既心虚又恐惧,冥冥之中她感觉到,这些诅咒人是来找她的,或者说,是被她引来的,她在这时确定了一件事,就是自己脑中的知识全都是真的!这个世界比她想象中更广袤、更神秘、也更危险。 Smelly woman, these things are you bring.” “臭娘们,这些东西是你引来的。” Captain Burke transfers the line of sight suddenly, the eye that proliferates the blood threads is staring Wenny Vendat. 伯克船长陡然间调转视线,那张遍布血丝的眼睛瞪着温妮・旺达。 „It is not I, is really not.” “不是我,真的不是。” Wenny Vendat withdraws gradually, as far as possible far away from a pirate, without drawing back several steps, she felt oneself hit on anything, that thing is moist and gloomy and cold. 温妮・旺达缓步退后,尽可能远离一众海盗,没退几步,她就感觉自己撞在什么东西上,那东西潮湿且阴冷。 Wenny in the Vendat mouth sends out a moan, leg is a little soft, she has not turned the head, because she had guessed correctly oneself ran upon anything. 温妮・旺达口中发出一声呻吟,腿儿有点软,她没转头,因为她已经猜到自己撞上了什么。 Except for that woman, other kills off.” “除了那女人,其他都杀光。” The sound conveys from the mast together, the pirates have not examined the acoustic source with enough time, curse people from peripheral clash. 一道声音从桅杆上方传来,海盗们还没来得及查看声源,一名名诅咒人就从周边冲来。 The fight ended quickly, the body inserts the Burke ships of three knives to kneel in the deck, is lowering the head, the blood flows out from his mouth and nose, gathers in a small beach before his body. 战斗很快就结束,身上插着三把刀子的伯克船长跪在甲板上,垂着头,鲜血从他的口鼻流出,在他身前汇聚成一小滩。 In deck lying this way and that is lying down twenty corpses, the scene is quite frigid, the intestines of some corpses were towed, but also braves the steam, the nearby has a head to inlay in the main mast, puts to look into the distance to go, was very difficult to find a relatively complete corpse, this curses the killing the enemy way of person. 甲板上横七竖八的躺着二十几具尸体,场面极为惨烈,有些尸体的肠子都被拖出来,还冒着热气,附近有一颗脑袋镶在主桅杆内,放远望去,都很难找到一具相对完整的尸体,这就是诅咒人的杀敌方式。 Vomits ~ “呕~” Wenny Vendat kneels to sit in the corpses, sends out to retch, she has experienced many brutal scenes, but that most is a deceased person, at present this just like the Purgatory scene, she sees for the first time. 温妮・旺达跪坐在尸体间,发出干呕,她经历过不少残酷的场面,但那最多是死人,眼下这宛如炼狱般的景象,她是首次见到。 Bang, four mast steamship broken seas, after the Wenny eye is dizzy a while ago, was lost to the Adversity Mark deck, final scene that she sees, is Captain Burke is torn up the throat by a curse person with becoming dark hook-bladed. 轰隆一声,一艘四桅杆大船破海而出,温妮眼前一阵天旋地转后,被丢到厄运号的甲板上,她看到的最后景象,是伯克船长被一名诅咒人用发黑的钩刃扯破喉咙。 The pirate ship gradually submerges also in the sea, in the Adversity Mark deck, Wenny sits from the deck sets out, one by big axe of sea water serious corrosion horizontally by her nape of the neck. 海盗船逐渐沉没还海中,厄运号的甲板上,温妮从甲板上坐起身,一把被海水严重侵蚀的大斧横在她脖颈旁。 You are Wenny Vendat?” “你是温妮・旺达?” Baja falls on nearby broad side, high and low sizes up Wenny Vendat. 巴哈落在附近的船舷上,上下打量温妮・旺达。 My name was rubs the black silk to raise, was the famous nun, you looked.” “我叫摩黛丝提,是名修女,你看。” Wenny does not know where from pulls out a small Cross Style frame, sees this, Baja puts out small bottle white sandy soil, but also rocked several. 温妮不知从哪掏出一个小十字架,见此,巴哈拿出一小瓶白色沙土,还晃动了几下。 Caught the wrong person? Gan! That anyone, butchered to throw to feed the fish her.” “抓错人了?淦!那个谁,把她宰了扔到海里喂鱼。” I am Wenny Vendat!” “我是温妮・旺达!” Wenny Vendat gave up final struggling, the nun status that she just now finds out, has not played the comforting effect. 温妮・旺达放弃了最后的挣扎,她方才想出的修女身份,没起到安抚效果。 In the meantime, the gate of captains cabin opens, the cold fog scatters, the form goes out from the captain together, finally pauses before the Wenny body. 就在此时,船长室的门自行打开,寒雾飘散,一道身影从船长室内走出,最终停步在温妮身前。 Wenny just about to opens the mouth, felt the hand that is wrapping metal Arm guard, holds her chin, breaks off her mouth, two fingers search into her mouth. 温妮刚要开口,就感觉到一只包裹着金属护臂的手,抓住她的下巴,将她的嘴掰开,有两根手指探入她口中。 Ka, in the Wenny mouth the tooth of rightmost broke off, she has not felt to hurt, this tooth is when she is more than ten years old, that sorceress who teaches her the unusual knowledge installs to her. 咔吧一声,温妮口中最右侧的一颗牙齿被掰断,她没感觉到疼,这颗牙是在她十几岁时,教给她超凡知识的那名女巫给她装上。 I asked, you answered.” “我问,你答。” Su Xiao squats before the Wenny body, the both arms build on the knee, refers to clamps one to emit the glimmer Broken Tooth. 苏晓蹲在温妮身前,双臂搭在膝盖上,指间夹着一颗正放出微光的断齿 But....” “可…可以。” How did you study curse to land on the island?” “你们研究出怎样让诅咒人登岛了吗?” That is impossible, how the fish can live in in the sand, only if.” “那是不可能的,鱼怎么能在沙里活着,除非。” Wenny is almost saying these words that blurted out, why she will not be clear will say like this, was good because of the promptness that she responded, the words told only half stopped. 温妮几乎是脱口而出的说出这句话,她自己都不清楚为何会这样说,好在她反应的及时,话说到一半就停住。 Very good. Was so long in the marine drift, is awfully hungry.” “很好。在海上漂流这么久,饿坏了吧。” Su Xiao wear a look of happy expression looks at Winnie. 苏晓面带笑意的看着薇妮 I had just had the breakfast soon......” “我刚吃过早餐不久……” The Wenny words just told only half, was broken by Su Xiao. 温妮的话刚说到一半,就被苏晓打断。 Baja, gives her to prepare to eat, she was awfully hungry, according to the appetite preparation of A' Mu each meal.” 巴哈,去给她准备些吃的,她饿坏了,按阿姆每餐的食量准备。”
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