RP :: Volume #41

#15: Second from the bottom

In the small log cabin, Su Xiao receives Black crow abstention, He does not prepare to put on this thing temporarily, puts on this thing to need sometime period for adaptation, should also follow the risk. 小木屋内,苏晓收起【黑鸦戒】,他暂不准备戴上这东西,戴上这东西需要有一段时间的适应期,应该还伴随着风险。 Or with the Adversity Mark related thing, has certain use risk, regarding the Soul Vitality not high person, Adversity Mark, vanishes the light island, old hag wait/etc., is malicious full. 或者说,与厄运号相关的东西,都带有一定使用风险,对于灵魂强度不高的人,厄运号、泯光岛、老太婆等,都是恶意满满。 Looking at it like this, before bought the Adversity Mark being a scapegoat hero, the strength was stronger than the imagination, although Soul Vitality of opposite party could not achieve to put on Black crow abstention Degree, but is not low. 这样看来,之前买去厄运号的背锅侠,实力比想象中更强,对方的灵魂强度虽达不到戴上【黑鸦戒】的程度,但也不低。 Is what reason makes that be a scapegoat the hero tragic death, is the information that Su Xiao wants to know, the opposite party is driving Adversity Mark in marine Slaughter , to promote to be strongest after Adversity Mark, in a while died. 是什么原因让那背锅侠惨死,是苏晓很想知道的情报,对方驶着厄运号在海上屠戮,将厄运号提升到最强后,没过多久就身亡。 After Adversity Mark achieves most mode, exactly will have anything, is issue that Su Xiao wants to know urgently, wants to relieve the curse of Demon Sea, he must first relieve all seals on Adversity Mark, only by doing so, he can touch source of curse. 厄运号达到最状态后,到底会发生什么,是苏晓迫切想知道的问题,想解除魔海的诅咒,他必须先解除厄运号上的所有封印,唯有如此,他才能触及到‘诅咒的本源’。 After a Su Xiao's investigation, he understood Demon Sea cursed why so stubborn and hard to deal with, the simple analogy was, Demon Sea will curse exerts on Adversity Mark, later the Adversity Mark seal, as the matter stands, the strength of curse protection situated in seal. 苏晓的一番探查后,他了解了魔海诅咒为何如此的顽固与难缠,简单的比喻就是,魔海将诅咒施加在了厄运号上,之后又将厄运号封印,这样一来,诅咒之力就位于封印的保护内。 The seal like a bottle, the strength of curse is bottle inside water, eradicates the seal gradually, like little twist-off closure. 封印就像一个瓶子,诅咒之力是瓶子里面的水,逐步破除封印,就像一点点拧开瓶盖。 Becoming the Adversity Mark captain to be cursed, is actually close to the principle of infusion, bottle inside water, injected into captain within the body following below transfer line, therefore became the Adversity Mark captain, will be cursed. 成为厄运号的船长之所以会被诅咒,其实和输液的原理相近,瓶子里面的水,顺着下方的输液管注入到了船长体内,所以成为厄运号的船长,才会被诅咒。 Naturally, these are only the analogies, the actual situation this be more complex. 当然,这些都只是比喻,实际情况要比这复杂很多。 Su Xiao relieves the function in oneself curse, is pointless, him just relieved, the strength of curse will gush out from Adversity Mark, affects on him, turns on the seal gradually is the key point. 苏晓解除作用在自己身上的诅咒,是没意义的,他这边刚解除,诅咒之力就会从厄运号内涌出,重新作用在他身上,逐步打开封印才是重点。 Su Xiao looks all around the situation in small log cabin, peripheral is hanging many strange things, the withered death parrot, the wooden artificial eye, on the wooden frame of not far away is suspending many bottles of cans. 苏晓环顾小木屋内的情况,周边挂着很多稀奇古怪的东西,干瘪的死鹦鹉,木质假眼,不远处的木架上摆着很多瓶瓶罐罐。 „Does the Adversity Mark captain, what you want to carry off from my? Here all things, you can take away, but...... you must leave behind the equal thing, for example your part of souls, hehe hehe.” 厄运号的船长,你想从我这带走什么吗?这里的所有东西,你都可以拿走,不过……你要留下等价的东西,比如你的一部分灵魂,呵呵呵呵呵。” old hag does mute smiling, her words do not crack a joke, in this small log cabin has many good things, although is unable to take away this world, but can also in the marine display tremendous role. 老太婆干哑的笑着,她的话不是开玩笑,这小木屋内有不少好东西,虽无法带离本世界,但也能在海上发挥巨大作用。 What a pity, wants to carry off here thing, needs to leave behind own some souls, this by Void Tree notarization. 可惜,想带走这里的东西,需要留下自身的部分灵魂,这点被虚空之树公证过。 Leaves behind some souls, will inevitably cause the Soul Vitality permanent to reduce, but Adversity Mark, vanishes many dangers of light island, is to Judgement of soul, the transaction of this small log cabin, malicious as strong as explosive table. 留下部分灵魂,势必会导致灵魂强度永久性降低,而厄运号、泯光岛的很多危险,都是对灵魂的判定,这小木屋的交易,恶意强到爆表。 Only can pay my own soul?” “只能付我自己的灵魂?” Naturally.” “当然。” That considers as finished.” “那算了。” Attire small bottle of Su Xiao in the hand returns to the wooden frame on, lifts the step to walk toward the room. 苏晓将手中一个装小瓶子放回到木架上,抬步向房间外走去。 This small log cabin, was named as the black crow room by him temporarily, the reason is, wants in Black crow abstention On inlays the curse stone, must result to look for this old hag, crow group on this old hag with vanishing light island also has a big connection. 这小木屋,暂被他命名为黑鸦屋,原因是,想在【黑鸦戒】上镶诅咒石,必须得来找这老太婆,这老太婆与泯光岛上的鸦群也有不小的关联。 Like this speculation words, how many log cabins if relieves the seals of other, could find and curse the person related person? The Overlord level unit of curse person? 这样推测的话,如果解除其他几间木屋的封印,或许能找到与诅咒人相关的人?诅咒人的首领级单位? Had/Left the black crow room, Su Xiao to vanishing the deep place of light island walks, enters cannot see the end in the black fog. 出了黑鸦屋,苏晓向泯光岛的深处走去,进入看不到尽头的黑雾中。 Just entered the black fog, Su Xiao felt that neighbor had numerous gloomy and cold aura, as the Adversity Mark captain, in his heart did not have the mighty waves, the curse person, recently he was driving the Adversity Mark navigation, in the ship's bottom warehouse was to all curse the person, has been used. 刚走进黑雾,苏晓就感觉到附近有众多阴冷的气息,作为厄运号的船长,他心中毫无波澜,诅咒人而已,最近他驶着厄运号航海,船底仓里全是诅咒人,早就习惯了。 Led the way probably about hundred meters, Su Xiao stops the footsteps, the front distant place very has especially huge and tyrannical aura, that feeling like must swallow all, now can have the danger close to that thing. 前行了大概百米左右,苏晓停下脚步,前方的很远处有一道格外庞大与强横的气息,那感觉就像要吞掉一切,现在靠近那东西会有危险。 Roar!!!” “吼!!!” The black voice spreads to come from the front layer upon layer, all curse people in peripheral black fog disperse. 层层黑色声浪从前方扩散而来,周边黑雾内的所有诅咒人都散开。 The sound that the chains was pulled conveys, judged from this sound, these chains of distant place are very thick, otherwise cannot send out so sinks the thick sound. 哐啷一声,锁链被扯动的声音传来,从这声音判断,远处的那些锁链很粗,否则发不出如此沉厚的声响。 The front thing, very probably is needs Adversity Mark to restore to most mode, can from vanishing the light island summons the opposite party, thus assists to battle, moreover this thing is not obedient, strength explosive table at the same time, extremely difficult control. 前方的东西,很可能是需要厄运号恢复到最状态,才能从泯光岛将对方召唤出,从而协助作战,而且这东西不算听话,战力爆表的同时,也极难控制 Su Xiao walks toward the black fog, the basic situation he has confirmed that so long as solves some following matter, can attack to sink Skeppsholmen. 苏晓向黑雾外走去,基本情况他已经确认过,只要解决接下来的某件事,就可以去进攻沉船岛了。 Returns to the wharf, more than ten cursed the boatman still to bustle about on Adversity Mark, is hitting the corner/horn in bow fixed Angry Shark. 回到码头,十几名诅咒船工依然在厄运号上忙碌着,正在船头固定怒鲨撞角。 Jumps onto the deck, Su Xiao enters in the captain, to him, vanishes light/only the island to be equal to the safe area, places in the Adversity Mark captain, is safer. 跃上甲板,苏晓走进船长室内,对于他来讲,泯光岛就等于安全区,身处厄运号的船长室内,则更加安全。 This is very good, if after enemy combatant is injured, Su Xiao can drive Adversity Mark to return to vanish up the island, then in captain indoor recreation. 这很不错,如果与敌方战斗后受伤,苏晓可以驾驶厄运号返回泯光岛,然后在船长室内休养。 The flame of oil lamp flickers, Su Xiao sits cross-legged on a small wooden bed, takes out Black duck abstention, So long as can adapt to this ring, he can from vanishing the light island summons 15000 black incantation Crow. 油灯的火苗忽明忽暗,苏晓盘坐在一张小木床上,取出【黑鸭戒】,只要能适应这枚指环,他就可以从泯光岛召唤15000只黑咒乌鸦 The black incantation Crow strength is not how clear, but once black incantation Crow is referred to as the soldier class unit, the Warlord title effect can trigger. 黑咒乌鸦的战力如何还不清楚,可一旦黑咒乌鸦被认定为士兵类单位,战争领主的称号效果就能触发。 initial is 15000 black incantation Crow, the addition of Warlord title is: 初始为15000只黑咒乌鸦,战争领主称号的加成为: 1. morale 70 points( 500 soldier class units may triggering). 1.士气70点(500名士兵类单位可触发)。 2. entire True Attribute 20 points, no Luck attribute( 10000 soldier class units may triggering). 2.真实属性20点,无幸运属性(10000名士兵类单位可触发)。 The other three additions, need the soldier class unit to achieve 50,000, 100,000, 300,000, the addition is: 剩余的三种加成,需要士兵类单位达到5万,10万,30万才可以,加成为: 3. one's own side all soldier class units, the HP upper limit promote 45, body defensive power 30 points( 50000 soldier class units may triggering) 3.己方所有士兵类单位,生命值上限提升45,身体防御力30点(50000名士兵类单位可触发) The 4. entire ability rank promotes lv.10, the technique class and Ultimate Skill promotion to reduce( 100000 soldier class units may triggering). 4.全能力等级提升lv.10,技法类、终极能力提升将有所削减(100000名士兵类单位可触发)。 5. blood soul it strength( passive .lv.55): Holds the weapon to supplement being bathed in blood effect, when in addition holds burns the strength of soul, the attack supplements 120 True Damage, and is absorbing the enemy vitality simultaneously, restores itself to lose HP( 300000 soldier class units may triggering). 5.血・魂之力(被动.lv.55):所持武器将附带浴血效果,并加持燃魂之力,攻击时附带120点真实伤害,并在同时摄取敌人生命力,恢复自身已损失生命值(300000名士兵类单位可触发)。 If the Warlord addition, sum total in addition holds in the curse person, and will curse the quantity promotion of person to the certain extent, that seized downloading saying that the first place of ranking, was not the fantasy, although Su Xiao 1 : 00 legend does not have now. 如果战争领主的加成,全额加持在诅咒人身上,并将诅咒人的数量提升到一定程度,那夺下传说度排行榜的首位,并非是幻想,虽然苏晓现在一点传说度都没有。 Su Xiao looked at the eye present rank, 219, second from the bottom, final that my dear friend does not know how to do, unexpectedly lost 3 legend. 苏晓看了眼自己现在的排行,219名,倒数第二,最后的那位仁兄不知是怎么搞的,居然负了三点传说度。 In world Networking Platform, many Contractor have doubts, why legend can also lose, after inquiring knew, originally the first that my dear friend from the bottom, had once joined many faction, finally was removed, had lost/carrying legend situation. 世界联络平台内,有不少契约者都疑惑,传说度为何还能负,询问后得知,原来倒数第一的那位仁兄,曾加入过多个势力,结果都被除名,才出现了负传说度的情况。 The legend ranking first ten competitions are gradually frigid, appears, but the legend ratio, that butchered the legend high person, the Revelation Paradise navel orange is a representative. 传说度排行榜前十名的竞争逐渐惨烈,其中都出现,传说度比不过,那就宰了比自己传说度高的人,天启乐园的甜橙就是代表。 This is very strong with the poisonous younger sister strength, even first Alec, is not willing with its to clash, cannot be victorious, even if won, must pay very deeply grieved price. 这用毒的妹子战力很强,就算是首位的亚历克,也不愿意与其发生冲突,不是打不过,就算赢了,也要付出很惨痛的代价。 Temporarily did not consider the legend ranking the matter, Su Xiao relieves the Black King Armguard clothing effect, puts on the left hand index finger Black crow abstention. 暂不考虑传说度排行榜的事,苏晓解除黑王护臂的穿戴效果,在左手食指戴上【黑鸦戒】。 Thump ~ 咚~ As if invisible fluctuation proliferation, the captain indoor oil lamp of goes out, peripheral jet black piece. 仿佛有一层无形的波动扩散,船长室内的油灯熄灭,周边漆黑一片。 In the darkness, the glimmer appears on the Su Xiao left hand, on his index finger Black crow abstention Gradually changes into the fluid, integrates in the black mark line on his hand, these black mark lines are the Demon Sea curse cause. 黑暗中,微光在苏晓左手上出现,他食指上的【黑鸦戒】逐渐化为流体,融入到他手上的黑色纹线中,这些黑色纹线是魔海诅咒所导致。 When Black crow abstention Completely after vanishing, Su Xiao closes eyes Sensor own left arm, the strength of curse still the social climbing in the body surface, the thing that is similar to the coordinates, combines in the strength of curse, that is Black crow abstention, It actually does not have the fixed shape. 当【黑鸦戒】完全消失后,苏晓闭目感知自己的左臂,诅咒之力依然攀附在体表,一个类似于坐标的东西,混杂在诅咒之力内,这就是【黑鸦戒】,它其实没有固定的形态。 Black crow abstention On can inlay 6 curse stones, every time inlays a curse stone, can make Su Xiao control more black incantation Crow. 【黑鸦戒】上可以镶六颗诅咒石,每镶一颗诅咒石,都能让苏晓操控更多黑咒乌鸦 This has the price, each time in Black crow abstention On inlays a curse stone, Su Xiao Demon Sea curse can intensify a point. 这不是没代价的,每次在【黑鸦戒】上镶一颗诅咒石,苏晓身上的魔海诅咒都会加剧一分。 Now curses has spread to the elbow place, if in Black crow abstention On inlays the full 6 curse stones, at the appointed time, the curse likely spreads to the shoulder place. 现在诅咒已经蔓延到手肘处,如果在【黑鸦戒】上镶满六颗诅咒石,届时,诅咒很可能蔓延到肩膀处。
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