RP :: Volume #36

#7: Raids

Outside Zhu Village, the big piece bamboo grove is green and luxuriant, Su Xiao sits by a creek, matter that the recollection had last night. 竹村外,大片竹林郁郁葱葱,苏晓坐在一条小河旁,回忆昨晚所发生的事。 When the cave, just fought he to judge that the opponent is head of the clan azure zhang (3.33 m), the aura of everyone is in sole possession , the aura between direct descendant relatives will be close, but completely will not be the same. 在山洞内时,刚交手他就判断出对手是族长・青丈,每个人的气息都是独有的,嫡系亲属间的气息可能会相近,但绝不会完全相同。 Moreover, Zhu Village is also very different to the Su Xiao's overall feeling, here as if isolates with the outside world, judged that this , because white clothing youngster item in colored glaze room. 不仅如此,竹村给苏晓的整体感觉也很不同,这里仿佛与外界隔绝,判断出这点,是因为白衣少年・琉房间内的物品 Boubo investigates, in the colored glaze room has one set of clothing, after several gold and unknown metals mix Accessory, as well as one set of armor. 布布汪侦查到,琉的房间内有一套衣物,几件黄金与未知金属混合后的饰品,以及一套铠甲。 Decorations style in these thing and Zhu Village is completely different, particularly that armor, the conservative estimate, the master height of that armor over 2 meters, is very strong, the seal emblem on armor is the kind of dragon shape lifeform that a pair of wings launches, Su Xiao felt that this thing and ancient Long's image looks like very much, flesh wings, vertical stroke pupil and scale tail. 这些东西与竹村内的饰物风格完全不同,尤其是那身铠甲,保守估计,那铠甲的主人身高在二米以上,很强壮,铠甲上的印徽是一只双翼展开的类龙形生物,苏晓感觉这东西与古龙的形象很像,肉翅、竖瞳、鳞尾。 At present is most essential, is clarifies in Zhu Village to hide anything, has anything as if peripheral to observe in Zhu Village, waits for the opportunity to act. 眼下最关键的,是弄清竹村内正隐藏着什么,有什么东西似乎正在竹村周边观察,伺机而动。 In the Su Xiao thinking, Baja flies, brought a news, in Zhu Village had an accident. 正在苏晓思索时,巴哈飞来,带来了一个消息,竹村内出事了。 When Su Xiao returns to Zhu Village, he noticed that dozens villagers are encircling around a courtyard, sees Su Xiao to walk, these villagers block the way, does not make Su Xiao enter in the courtyard. 苏晓返回竹村时,他看到几十名村民正围一个院子周围,看到苏晓走来,这些村民挡住去路,不让苏晓进入院子内。 Makes him come.” “让他进来。” The voice of head of the clan conveys from the crowd, although the villagers some do not hope, but has not defied the head of the clan. 族长的声音从人群内传来,村民们虽有些不愿,但没违抗族长。 Takes Boubo and Baja to enter in the yard, smell of blood floats, this smell of blood is somewhat strange, shows a light sour odor. 带上布布汪巴哈走进小院内,一股血腥味飘来,这血腥味有些怪,透出股淡淡的酸臭味。 A corpse is lying down in the courtyard, the dead shape is pitiful, before this villagers die, has fought, in both hands is grasping -and-a-half meter shortsword respectively. 一具尸体正躺在院子内,死状凄惨,这村民死前战斗过,双手中各握着一把半米长的短刀 Lies down in the corpse of ground is the male, the figure is slim, 30 years old over, do not have the family, are the tailors in village, these are actually unimportant, what making people with amazement is, his internal organs pulled out spatially, the blood hole on chest is the bite mark, the wound peripheral is very irregular. 躺在地上的尸体为男性,身材偏瘦,三十岁出头,无家眷,是村内的裁缝,这些其实都不重要,让人骇然的是,他的脏器被掏空,胸膛上的血洞是咬痕,伤口周边很不规则。 Nearby the wound full is the bloodstain, what are more is the glimmer blue color liquid, Su Xiao squats by the corpse, the hesitant moment, touches the glimmer blue color liquid on corpse with the finger directly. 伤口附近满是血迹,更多的是种荧蓝色液体,苏晓蹲在尸体旁,犹豫片刻,用手指直接触碰尸体上的荧蓝色液体。 Had not been corroded the feeling, does not have energy invade/ Incursio, this glimmer blue color liquid is more like the saliva of some lifeform. 没有被腐蚀感,也没有能量入侵,这荧蓝色液体更像是某种生物的唾液。 After Boubo approaches smells, shouted one lowly, the meaning was, is close to the smell that last night gnawed doorframe that fellow, but also had the difference. 布布汪凑近后闻了闻,低叫一声,意思是,和昨晚啃门框那家伙的气味相近,但也有不同。 Source of strange matter, the Su Xiao's vision looks incessantly to the head of the clan, the head of the clan frowns, after the moment, he shakes the head slightly, vague expression, the strange matter in village, with underground withered moon/month tree irrelevant, that is his secret, never to the secret that the bystander will disclose. 怪事的源头不止一个,苏晓的目光看向族长,族长皱起眉头,片刻后,他略微摇头,隐晦的表示,村内的怪事,和地下的‘枯萎月树’无关,那是属于他的秘密,永远不会对外人透露的秘密。 With your experience, this thing... big?” “以你的经验,这东西…有多大?” The head of the clan opens the mouth in a low voice, looking pensive looks at the ground the corpse. 族长低声开口,若有所思的看着地上的尸体。 About 3 meters in height, the canine in mouth over five centimeters, the high and low two rows of teeth assumes the zigzag to be closed, the human form physique, takes him... it to point at for the Judgement standard, Strength of that thing is very strong, but is not strong, the speed is fast . Moreover the cover is tenacious, acted about 12 : 00 pm last night probably, the fight time ended in 20 seconds.” “身高3米左右,口中的尖牙在五厘米以上,上下两排牙齿呈锯齿状密合,人形体态,以他…它手指为判定标准,那东西的力量很强,但并不强壮,速度快,而且外皮强韧,大概在昨晚12点左右出手,战斗时间在20秒内结束。” Su Xiao's judged initially, lets in the head of the clan heart thump, he had been considering that Su Xiao once made anything. 苏晓的初步判断,让族长心中咯噔一声,他已经在考虑苏晓曾是做什么的。 „The goal of that thing, seems like the internal organs of living creature, or is the energy in internal organs......” “那东西的目的,似乎是活物的脏器,又或者是脏器内的能量……” Was OK, knows that these are enough.” “可以了,知道这些就足够。” The head of the clan interrupted the Su Xiao's words, Su Xiao looked at head of the clan one eyes, some words he had not said, was the thing of attack, possibly waited exasperation. 族长打断苏晓的话,苏晓看了族长一眼,有句话他没说,就是来袭的东西,可能已经等的不耐烦。 The villagers carrying off corpse, buries in the open area outside village, what is strange, the head of the clan orders the villagers first to burn down the corpse, later buries the bone ash. 村民们抬走尸体,在村外的空地上掩埋,奇怪的是,族长命令村民们先把尸体烧掉,之后再将骨灰掩埋。 Returns to the courtyard of head of the clan family/home, the colored glaze is sitting on the stair is in a daze, both eyes are atheistic, obviously is somewhat anxious, correct use both hands are holding the knee. 返回族长家的院子内,琉正坐在台阶上发呆,双目无神,明显是有些不安,正用双手抱着膝盖。 The head of the clan has not come back, he is assembling the villagers to do something, ancient Chinese medical classics matter Su Xiao discovered, the villagers in village, all -round strength is not strong, in this village is only the head of the clan is strong, is close because of the attire design and head of the clan of villagers, will give people in this village the average per person battle strength powerful feeling. 族长没回来,他正调集村民们做某件事,经方才的事苏晓发现,村内的村民,综合实力并不算强,这个村内只是族长强,因村民们的衣着款式与族长相近,才会给人一种本村内人均战力强大的感觉。 However has a fellow named Chib, is different kind, only listens to the name to know, this is a outsider, the physique of this fellow is not strong, every day the waist is hanging two hatchets, the head wears somewhat worn-out foot helmet, villagers of the clothes in Zhu Village are completely different. 不过有个叫沃奇夫的家伙,是其中异类,单是听名字就知道,这是外乡人,这家伙的体格不算壮,每天腰间都挂着两把短柄斧,头上戴着有些破旧的脚盔,穿着打扮与竹村内的村民完全不同。 Chib is very individualistic, he will go hunting sometimes, sometimes to peripheral will divide the bamboo, in the villagers with Zhu Village trades food by this. 沃奇夫很特立独行,他有时会打猎,有时会到周边劈竹子,以此和竹村内的村民们换食物。 Before Su Xiao from saw Chib very much, did not use Sensor, Su Xiao knows that this was a boorish fellow. 之前苏晓距离很远看到了沃奇夫,根本不用去感知,苏晓就知道这是个莽夫。 In the sky as Yin launches as the quick drop, sure enough, when 5 : 00 pm, rainstorm pouring. 天空中阴到快滴下水,果不其然,当天下午五点时,暴雨倾盆。 In Zhu Village quiet , does not have the smoke from kitchen chimneys remote scene tonight, in the darkened sky often resounds the stuffy thunderclap, crash-bang is having rainstorm, two villagers are braving the heavy rain, takes the child half step vanguard in village. 竹村内安静了,今晚没有了炊烟渺渺的景象,昏黑的天空中不时响起闷雷声,哗啦啦下着的暴雨,两名村民顶着大雨,带上村内的孩童快步前行。 In room that Su Xiao is , the door was shoved open, whole body dripping wet A' Mu enters in the room. 苏晓所在的房间内,吱嘎一声,房门被推开,全身湿淋淋的阿姆走进房间内。 Innermost side in the courtyard house, sits cross-legged in the head of the clan of place opens both eyes, after the moment, he closes one's eyes, without investigating A' Mu from. 院落最内侧的房屋中,盘坐在地的族长睁开双目,片刻后,他闭上眼,没追究阿姆是从哪来。 Bang! 轰隆! A lightning cuts the rainy night, at this time is 10 : 00 pm, the pouring rainstorm is small gradually, finally stops. 一道闪电划破雨夜,此时已是晚 10 点,倾盆的暴雨渐小,最终停下。 pā tà and pā tà...... 啪嗒啪嗒…… The big foot that two stain the mud is leading the way, a lightning has delimited, illuminates the peripheral bamboo grove, over a hundred more than three meters high, the whole body skin rough shows the blue form to appear. 两只沾满泥巴的大脚前行着,一道闪电划过,照亮周边的竹林,上百道三米多高,全身皮肤粗糙中透出蓝色的身影出现。 Their clothing are shabby, can see from grand Kuo, these clothing were very loose, the sleeve cuff is spacious, the concrete design because of too could not have distinguished clearly worn-out. 他们身上的衣物已是破旧不堪,从隆阔能看出,这些衣物原本很宽松,袖口宽大,具体的款式因太破旧已经分不清。 „The source, gives back to us.” “把源,还给我们。” At night, in pairs a glimmer blue pupil seems very terrifying. 黑夜中,一双双荧蓝色的眸子显得很恐怖。 Source , their blood.” “源,在,他们的血液中。” Source, only belongs, we.” “源,只属于,我们。” These human form monsters take various type weapons, some are quite crude, is only a wooden club, the tip ties up the half to break the sword. 这些人形怪物拿着各式武器,有些相当简陋,只是一根木棍,尖端绑着半截断剑。 Although crude, but on these weapons full is the dry bloodstain, a clothing is complete the human form monster, at the back of a about three meters great axe, only the axe has the bucket size, that heavy/thick single-bladed ax center, beating blue heart. 虽简陋,可这些武器上满是干涸的血迹,其中一名衣物较完整些的人形怪物,背着把近三米长的巨斧,单是斧头就有水桶大小,那厚重的单刃斧中心处,有一颗正跳动的蓝色心脏。 This is final, the village, kills off, they.” “这是最后的,村庄,杀光,他们。” The monster leader grips behind the long big axe, as soon as he wields this big axe, the clear metal brittle whining noise spreads. 怪物首领握住身后长柄大斧,他一挥这大斧,清脆的金属脆鸣声传开。 Roar!” “吼!” Roared, over a hundred human form monsters flushed, their movements were vigorous, even can vertical leap in the dracenas. 一声咆哮,上百名人形怪物冲了出去,他们的动作非常矫健,甚至能在青竹间纵跃。 Bang. 嘭。 A resounding transmits, a slender arrow arrow cuts the dim light of night, this arrow arrow is about two meters fully, end is the tri-colored glazed pottery feather, the state-of-art metal arrow is tall and slender, the whole assumes the rhombus. 一声脆响传来,一根修长的箭矢划破夜色,这箭矢足有近两米长,尾端是三彩的羽毛,尖端的金属箭细长,整体呈菱形。 Tittered one, the arrow arrow sewed on a forehead of human form monster, he drew back several steps, the big figure partly squatted in the place. 噗嗤一声,箭矢钉在一名人形怪物的额头上,他退了几步,高大的身形半蹲在地。 The roof of Zhu Village edge, a young girl grasps the long bow, is shaken by the bowstring of many material knitting lightly, that arrow was she put a moment ago. 竹村边缘的屋顶,一名少女手持长弓,由多种材料编织的弓弦轻震,刚才那箭就是她放的。 The young girls named the thorn, were last night let that Su Xiao left as soon as possible, at this time she is standing in the first line, because, her village, she wanted to protect, moreover she was very confident to her speed, prepared to fly the enemy kite. 少女名叫棘,就是昨晚让苏晓尽快离开的那位,此时她正站在第一线,因为,她的村子,她要自己来守护,况且她对自身的速度很有信心,准备放敌人风筝。 The thorn extracts an arrow from quivering of waist, builds the bow to draw the string again, at night, her corners of the mouth turn upwards slightly, the self-torture ten years, today, her ability can use finally. 棘从后腰的箭袋内抽出一支箭,再次搭弓拉弦,黑夜中,她的嘴角略微翘起,苦修十年,在今天,她的本领终于能用上。 Bang. 嘭。 The finger of thorn loosens the bowstring, why does not know, she felt that oneself both hands were completely relaxed. 棘的手指松开弓弦,不知为何,她感觉自己的双手完全轻松了。 pā tà, a long bow falls with two interruption arms in the roof, the human form monster that grasps the long big axe, is standing side the thorn visits her, the blood drops following the sharp axe blade. 啪嗒一声,一把长弓与两截断臂掉落在房顶,一名手持长柄大斧的人形怪物,正站在棘身旁看着她,鲜血顺着锋利的斧刃滴落。 „......” “等……” After is dizzy, thorn anything does not know that the monster leader grabs the remnant body of thorn single-handed, the glimmer blue color light corpuscle flutters from the remnant body of thorn, submerges in the big axe in monster leader hand, the heart glimmer of axe center is bluer. 一阵天旋地转后,棘就什么都不知道了,怪物首领单手抓着棘的残躯,荧蓝色光粒从棘的残躯内飘出,没入怪物首领手中的大斧内,斧头中心处的心脏更加荧蓝。 () () Sougou 搜狗
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