RP :: Volume #32

#52: The nickname of big pirate

When the last batch of sea beasts were sent, Tourte returned 8150 gold coins, the reason was the sea beast is purchased to rise in prices by Su Xiao, average Price from 600 ~ 630 gold coins, rose to 900 gold coins above. 当最后一批海兽被送来时,图尔特退还了8150枚金币,原因是海兽被苏晓收购到涨价了,平均价格从600~630枚金币,涨到900金币以上。 Even so, on these ships has the pirates of sea beast, but also some are not willing to act, this causes turtle island to stop purchasing the sea beast. 就算如此,那些船上有海兽的海盗们,还有些不愿意出手,这导致龟岛停止收购海兽。 The pirates heard the news to look for Su Xiao, attempt make Su Xiao be the fool, Su Xiao also stop purchasing the sea beast, Adversity Mark swallowed 52 sea beasts, is stemming from continually growth mode, now it grows is not the sea beast that Five Mast Boat needed, but was the time. 海盗们闻讯找上苏晓,试图让苏晓当冤大头,苏晓也停止收购海兽,厄运号吞食了52只海兽,正出于持续成长状态,现在它成长为五桅船需要的不是海兽,而是时间。 Above as for Boubo, it ate the sea beast to eat, now is lying down in the captain indoor whistling rests greatly, kicks kicks does not awake. 至于布布,它都吃海兽吃上头了,现在正躺在船长室内呼呼大睡,踢都踢不醒。 Tourte indeed had not asked that the Su Xiao receding tide beast must make anything, but he has detected the reason now, Adversity Mark is increasing, the entire ship living the characteristics are more obvious, from afar, Adversity Mark like a marine monster. 图尔特的确没问苏晓收海兽要做什么,可现在他已经察觉到原因,厄运号正在变大,整艘船活着的特性更明显,从远处看,厄运号如同一只海上怪兽。 The transaction of purchase sea beast is very smooth, that side Black Sea empress will also spread the news, Redbeard agrees with the meeting, place approximately sea area 20 nautical miles away, the time to be next evening. 收购海兽的交易很顺利,黑海女帝那边也传来消息,红胡子同意了会面,地点约在20海里外的一片海域,时间为明天傍晚。 Has the good news, there is a bad news, that is Guang this marine lunatic, knew through some type of channel this news, and sends, will take a stand it also to participate in this marine negotiations. 有好消息,也有坏消息,那就是骨羊这海上疯子,通过某种渠道得知了这消息,并派人来,表态它也会参与到这次海上谈判。 Black Sea empress Agatensi and Su Xiao said when this matter, somewhat is obviously speechless, Guang will make anything, no one can guess to obtain, the fellow does not handle affairs according to the success and failure, how he wants to do, how to do. 黑海女帝・阿加蒂与苏晓说这件事时,明显有些无语,骨羊会做什么,没人能猜得到,那家伙不是根据得失行事,他是想怎么做,就怎么做。 What is worse, the news that three big pirates will soon meet with, passes to the royal family ear of each Kingdom, these royal courts were annoyed. 更加糟糕的是,三位大海盗即将会面的消息,传到各个王国的王室耳中,这些王室被惹毛了。 To come is also, Kingdom and pirate faction well water not interfering with river water, three big pirates meet at present suddenly, how to see that seems like three people to prepare to join up. 想来也是,王国与海盗势力井水不犯河水,眼下三位大海盗突然会面,怎么看都像是三人准备联合起来。 Therefore, the Kingdom side also sent out the representative, calculates the time, now already on road. 因此,王国方也派出了代表,算算时间,现在已经在路上。 10 : 00 pm, turtle island, pirate empress in Agatensi little building. 晚 10 点,龟岛,海盗女帝・阿加蒂的小楼内。 Therefore, altogether eight groups of faction, will arrive in Taha sea area the next evening ‚’?” “所以,一共八伙势力,会在明天傍晚抵达‘塔哈・玛海域’?” Su Xiao puts down the tableware in hand, but opposite of the table, is Black Sea empress Agatensi. 苏晓放下手中的餐具,而在餐桌对面,就是黑海女帝・阿加蒂。 Un, indeed is this.” “嗯,的确是这样。” Agatensi drink/nurse Jin Red Wine in cup, by the chairback, makes contact with the table the both feet, even if she is called Black Sea empress, cannot change the natural disposition of her pirate, counted on that Agatensi turns into the virtuous young woman, complete impossible. 阿加蒂饮尽杯中的红酒,靠在椅背上,将双脚搭上餐桌,就算她被称为黑海女帝,也改变不了她海盗的本性,指望阿加蒂变成淑女,完全不可能 Thensees Redbeard on the next evening inTaha sea area.” “那就明天傍晚在‘塔哈・玛海域’见红胡子。” On the Su Xiao face the reappearing smile, understood that his person knows, he must draw a sword to cut the person. 苏晓脸上浮现笑容,了解他的人都知道,他要拔刀斩人了。 In fact, Su Xiao has not actually prepared to act, in his opinion, Agatensi stupid to the degree of time and place leak of meeting, that big probability is not smoke shell, for attracting other faction attention. 实际上,苏晓其实没准备出手,在他看来,阿加蒂不会蠢到将会面的时间与地点外泄的程度,那大概率是‘烟雾弹’,用于吸引其他势力的注意力。 „Before you look for me, Redbeard... has arrived.” “你来找我之前,红胡子…已经到了。” Agatensi finishes speaking, the somewhat heavy sound of footsteps transmits. 阿加蒂话音刚落,有些沉重的脚步声传来。 Thump, thump and thump...... 咚、咚、咚…… The plank impact noise is close, inside the room secret door was shoved open, the thin white fog flutters from the gate, the candlelight is gloomy immediately, that candlelight will as if be put out continuously momentarily. 木板撞击声接近,房间内侧的暗门被推开,稀薄的白雾从门内飘出,烛光马上暗淡下来,那一缕缕烛火仿佛随时会熄灭。 Wears the pirate hat, wears the black coat, gathers the man of black whiskers to go out from the secret door, his right leg is cut off from the knee place, the thick under thin metal awl substitution of short leg by one, above is inlaying assorted Gem. 一名戴着海盗帽,身披黑色大衣,蓄着黑色络腮胡的男人从暗门内走出,他的右腿从膝盖处断掉,短腿由一根上粗下细的金属锥替代,上面镶着各色宝石 Redbeard is a cripple, 50 years old over, with described strongly he is not appropriate, he stands in that as if will never be repelled, each one step fights steadily forward. 红胡子是个瘸子,五十岁出头,用强壮形容他不贴切,他只是站在那,就仿佛永远不会被打退,每向前一步都是稳扎稳打。 Is called Redbeard, is not his whiskers is the red, because when the homicide person, the blood splashes to the beard on, therefore acquires fame Redbeard. 被称为红胡子,并非是他的络腮胡为红色,而是因为在他杀人时,鲜血溅到胡子上,因此才得名红胡子 Again for example Black Sea kings Agatensi, on Viking Sea, simply does not have Black Sea this place, her war of becoming famous is at night, in the evening the sea is the black, therefore she is called the Black Sea king. 再比如黑海王・阿加蒂,维京之海上,根本没有黑海这地方,她的出名之战是在夜间,晚上大海是黑色的,所以她被称为黑海王。 Redbeard reaches turtle island unexpectedly, this is somewhat inconceivable, but this matter indeed happens now, he not only arrives, follows dozens pirates, the aura of everyone is not weak. 红胡子居然登上龟岛,这有些不可思议,可现在这种事的确发生了,他不仅自己到场,身后还跟着几十名海盗,每个人的气息都不弱。 The table was withdrawn, a famous pirate enters in the room, stands in Black Sea empress Agatensi behind, similarly is more than 30 people. 餐桌被撤走,一名名海盗走进房间内,站在黑海女帝・阿加蒂身后,同样是三十多人。 A wooden chair was put down, after Redbeard takes a seat, he long aspirates, repeatedly the cold air scatters from his beard and clothing. 一张木椅被放下,红胡子落座后,他长长吐了口气,屡屡寒气从他的胡须与衣物上飘散。 I heard that you are looking for me.” “听说,你在找我。” Redbeard is serious in speech and manner, his tolerance and magnanimous leaves the person on one's own side, rather than stranger. 红胡子不苟言笑,他的宽容与大度是留给自己人,而非陌生人。 „......” “……” Su Xiao has not spoken, in this time room, three seats assume the triangle to place, but in Agatensi and Redbeard behind, is various stations one group of pirates, Agatensi that side good, Redbeard behind person, is the future is bad. 苏晓没说话,此时的房间内,三把座椅呈三角形摆放,而在阿加蒂与红胡子身后,则是各站着一群海盗,阿加蒂那边还好,红胡子身后的人,则是来者不善。 Redbeard, I make you ascend the reason of island, you should be clear.” 红胡子,我让你登岛的原因,你应该清楚。” Agatensi opens the mouth, she glanced Redbeard, is only a look, Redbeard behind pirates draw out the Flintlock and knife, Agatensi also refuses to admit being inferior, looks at the appearance, the both sides next quarter possibly starts the internecine strife. 阿加蒂开口,她瞟了眼红胡子,只是一个眼神而已,红胡子身后的海盗们就纷纷拔出燧发枪与刀子,阿加蒂这边也不甘示弱,看模样,双方下一刻就可能开始火拼。 Ka ka ka ~ 咔咔咔~ The slight sound appears, Agatensi and Redbeard frown, the vision shifts to Su Xiao simultaneously. 细微的声响出现,阿加蒂与红胡子都皱起眉头,目光同时转向苏晓 The root hair of dry tree root appearance winds on the Su Xiao's right arm, before he comes, Adversity Mark success Promotion to Five Mast Boat, the volume of ships is not too exaggerating, is only bigger than common Four Mast Boat, is smaller than normal Five Mast Boat. 枯树根模样的根须盘结在苏晓的右臂上,他来之前,厄运号已经成功晋升五桅船,船只的体积不算太夸张,只比寻常四桅船大一些,比正常五桅船小。 When except for Adversity Mark Promotion, Su Xiao strikes kills the sea beast, obtains 5 Legendary treasure box, 1 Mythical treasure box, the harvest is quite good. 除了厄运号晋升,苏晓击杀海兽时,共获得五枚传说级宝箱,一枚史诗级宝箱,收获相当不错。 As for the Boubo situation, that two goods also lie down in the Adversity Mark captain indoor whistling rest greatly. 至于布布汪的情况,那二货还躺在厄运号的船长室内呼呼大睡。 The Adversity Mark strongest ability, relieves the seal in its Promotion to Five Mast Boat that moment, named Awakening the ability appears. 厄运号的最强能力,在它晋升五桅船的那一刻就解除封印,名为‘唤醒’的能力重现于世。 Tick-tock and tick-tock ~ 滴答、滴答~ The sea water drops from the ceiling, on Su Xiao behind wall surface, massive musci plants and shellfish grows in this, a dripping wet arm finds out from the wall, then yes working loose sound, 海水从天棚上滴落,在苏晓身后的墙面上,大量藓类植物与贝类在此生长,一条湿淋淋的手臂从墙内探出,转而就是嘁哩喀喳的挣脱声, A whole body covers entirely the fissure, the skin assumes the black-brown human form monster to work loose from the wall, when it lifts the step leads the way, conveniently on the wall tears off a conch, puts in the mouth to chew, on that sparse and dripping wet hair dropping sea water. 一名全身布满裂痕,皮肤呈黑褐色的人形怪物从墙壁上挣脱,它抬步前行时,顺手在墙上扯下一个海螺,放入口中嘴嚼着,那稀疏且湿淋淋的头发上滴落海水。 This is the Adversity Mark Awakening curse person, they between the life and death, kill their methods to have three types ; first, to cut their heads, and steps on a smashing this head ; second, with superhigh temperature flame incinerator . Moreover the flame must have Saint characteristics ; third, drags them to the land on, or this also curses the fatal weakness of person, is unable to mount the land. 这就是厄运号唤醒的诅咒人,它们处于生与死之间,杀死它们的方法有三种,一是斩下它们的头颅,并将这颗头颅踩个粉碎,二是用超高温火焰焚烧,而且火焰一定要有‘圣特性’,三是将它们拖到陆地上,或者说,这也是诅咒人的致命弱点,无法在登上陆地。 The curse person was cursed by Demon Sea, the land is their forbidden areas. 诅咒人被魔海诅咒,陆地是它们的禁区。 Curse people work loose from the Su Xiao rear wall, stand in Su Xiao behind, but looked that their knows, these things are not very affable. 一名名诅咒人从苏晓后方的墙壁上挣脱,站在苏晓身后,只是看它们一眼就知道,这些东西很不好惹。 The Close Combat ability of curse person probably in the degree of elite pirate, the ability of their true terrifying, is their ‚the undying nature, after destroying their heads, the enemy will withstand the curse of Demon Sea. 诅咒人的近战能力大概在精英海盗的程度,它们真正恐怖的能力,是它们的‘不死性’,在打碎它们的头颅后,敌人会承受魔海的诅咒。 So long as the strength of enemy is not specially strong, will be enslaved by the curse of Demon Sea, becomes the new curse person. 只要敌人的实力不是特别强,就会被魔海的诅咒奴役,成为新的诅咒人。 Adversity Mark can urge 500 curse people simultaneously, after the curse person died, so long as makes Adversity Mark swallow the sea beast, it can summon the new curse person. 厄运号能同时驱使500名诅咒人,在诅咒人死亡后,只要让厄运号吞噬海兽,它就能召唤来新的诅咒人。 Naturally, this has the upper limit, only then once became the person of Adversity Mark sailor, will turn into the curse person, thus was summoned by Adversity Mark, this also represents, the curse person does not emerge out of thin air. 当然,这是有上限的,只有曾成为厄运号水手的人,才会变成诅咒人,从而被厄运号召唤来,这也代表,诅咒人不是凭空出现。 No meeting, Su Xiao stood behind more than 50 curse people, looks at the appearance, if no Su Xiao, these curse people have plunged the front two groups of pirates. 没一会,苏晓身后就站了五十多名诅咒人,看模样,如果不是有苏晓在,这些诅咒人已经扑向前方的两伙海盗们。 Kukulin White Night.” 库库林白夜。” Redbeard lifts the right arm, his behind subordinate receives the weapon. 红胡子抬起右臂,他身后的部下纷纷收起武器。 Terror Island, where is.” 恐怖岛,在哪。” During the Su Xiao speeches, the withered root hair on his arm was shattered, curse people lower to roar to be pulled into the rear wall, the musci and shellfish on wall surface abate at the visible speed. 苏晓说话间,他手臂上的干枯根须破碎,一名名诅咒人低吼着被扯入后方的墙壁内,墙面上的藓类与贝类以肉眼可见的速度消退。 Now, Su Xiao completely has the ability hard resentment Redbeard pirate group, only then in this case, both sides possibly sit down to discuss. 现在,苏晓完全有能力硬怼红胡子海盗团,只有在这种情况下,双方才可能坐下谈。
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