RP :: Volume #32

#49: Unexpected

The uneventful sea level, the Adversity Mark cruising speed slows down, Su Xiao stands in the bow deck, is looking at the compass in hand, if the nautical chart has not labelled wrong, turtle island in this nearby sea area. 风平浪静的海面,厄运号的航行速度放缓,苏晓站在船首的甲板上,看着手中的指北针,如果海图没标注错,龟岛就在这附近的海域。 Before several minutes, Adversity Mark adopted a marine undercurrent, under there sea level being correct crosswise Uzumaki, making the above sea water continue to seethe. 几分钟前,厄运号通过了一条海上暗流,那里的海面下有道横向漩涡,让上方的海水持续翻腾。 Considering the drift speed of turtle island is not quick, Su Xiao controls Adversity Mark along the ring-like undercurrent navigation, sure enough, less than one hour, flutters in the marine islands heaves in sight. 考虑到龟岛的漂流速度不快,苏晓操控厄运号沿着环形暗流航行,果不其然,一小时不到,一座飘在海上的岛屿映入眼帘。 Also the pirates said no wonder here is turtle island, from afar, this seems like one to surpass the giant big sea turtle, or this secret relic, by some are only surpassed the giant sea turtle is the embryonic form makes. 也难怪海盗们称这里为龟岛,从远处看,这很像是一只超巨型的大海龟,或者说,这件秘遗物,就是由某只超巨型海龟为雏形制造出。 Adversity Mark bypasses turtle island that the front surface floats, after turtle island can discover, the cruising speed of this island is slow, navigates several meters each hour. 厄运号绕过迎面飘来的龟岛,靠近龟岛后能发现,这座岛的航行速度非常慢,每小时也就航行出几米。 Situated in turtle island behind, is the dense and numerous chains, on each chains is tying up a pirate ship, compared with huge five mast Sailboat and turtle island, small is similar to the hot material box. 位于龟岛后方,是密密麻麻的锁链,每根锁链上都绑着一艘海盗船,庞大的五桅帆船与龟岛相比,小的就如同火材盒。 Just resisted behind turtle island, three boats delimited nearby Adversity Mark, hooked the lock to hang on the Adversity Mark broad side, scarlet | The pirate of arm upper body climbs up Adversity Mark. 刚抵挡龟岛后方,三艘小船就划到厄运号附近,钩锁挂在厄运号的船舷上,一名赤|膊上身的海盗爬上厄运号 This ship......” “这船……” The pierced full Suibian pirate expressed admiration, after all on Adversity Mark did not have the sailor, helmsman and others. 头上扎满碎辫的海盗啧啧称奇,毕竟厄运号上没有水手、舵手等。 1 st visit to Guidao?” “第一次来龟岛?” Ding ~ 叮~ The pirates finish speaking, Su Xiao springs a gold coin. 海盗话音刚落,苏晓就弹出一枚金币。 Custom that we have not given change.” “我们可没有找零的习惯。” Catches the gold coin, the whole body dripping wet pirate grins to smile. 接住金币,全身湿淋淋的海盗咧嘴笑着。 Surplus turns over to you.” “剩余的归你。” Generous.” “慷慨。” The pirates receive the hook lock, leaps Adversity Mark, no meeting, the chains ties up on the bow of Adversity Mark, with turtle island end connected, several frogman roaming to Adversity Mark, takes the somewhat crude tool to clean up the Adversity Mark underwater hull, is mainly cleans up the balanus. 海盗收起钩锁,跃下厄运号,没一会,就有一根锁链绑在厄运号的船首上,与龟岛尾端相连,几名‘水鬼’游到厄运号附近,拿着有些简陋的工具清理厄运号水下的船身,主要是清理藤壶等。 When with the pirate has to do, so long as enough powerful, is more generous does not have the fault, if the strength is weak, that do not reveal wealth. 与海盗打交道时,只要自身足够强大,慷慨些没坏处,如果实力不够强,那就别露富。 Bumper bracket between Adversity Mark and turtle island builds quickly, this is by guarding against turtle island stops the floating line at night, rear Adversity Mark hits in turtle island lightly. 厄运号与龟岛间的缓冲架很快搭建好,这是以防龟岛在夜间停止漂行,后方的厄运号轻撞到龟岛上。 Stepped on the bumper bracket, Su Xiao reaches turtle island, A' Mu and Bailey stays behind looks at the ship, Su Xiao only brought Boubo and Baja. 踩上缓冲架,苏晓登上龟岛,阿姆贝妮留下看船,苏晓只带了布布汪巴哈 Behind turtle island edge is the metal structure, here has a big wharf, is higher than compared with the sea level, in the wharf has many pirates, as well as coolie or slave and others. 龟岛后方的边缘处为金属结构,这里有座不小的码头,比海面高出一些,码头上有很多海贼,以及苦力或奴隶等。 The cargo that various waiting trade piles up in the wharf, in some iron cages is closing the slave, this dealing in slaves merchant is few, Black Sea kings not by slave business, but takes advantage of the marine transportation of sudden and huge profits. 各类等待贩卖的货物堆积在码头上,有些铁笼内关着奴隶,这种贩卖奴隶的商人很少,黑海王不是靠奴隶生意,而是依仗更暴利的海运。 Su Xiao seeks for the moment in the wharf, found a reputation pierced the black kerchief, on the face full is the scar man, on his bronze arm, the Crow tattoo, the Crow tattoo represented the Black Sea king in the sea. 苏晓在码头上寻找片刻,就找到一名头上扎着黑头巾,脸上满是疤痕的男人,在他古铜色的手臂上,有一副乌鸦刺青,乌鸦刺青在海上就代表了黑海王。 You, come.” “你,过来。” Hears Su Xiao these words, that very strong pirate gawked the moment, he somewhat has doubts referred to itself, that meaning clearly is: ‚Are you speaking with me?!’ 听到苏晓这句话,那名很强壮的海盗愣了片刻,他有些疑惑的指了指自己,那意思分明是:‘你是在和我说话?!’ Right, is you.” “没错,就是你。” Eh ~ “额~” The strong pirate has not gotten back one's composure, previous time spoke with him, had been chopped to throw to feed the fish by him. 强壮海盗没怎么回过神,上次这么和他说话的,已经被他剁了扔到海里喂鱼。 Gives Black Sea the king this thing, I you replied in this.” “把这东西交给黑海王,我在这等你回复。” Su Xiao sits on the wooden buttress of wharf edge, ejects Ancient god right arm of Nijidi, as well as a purse. 苏晓坐在码头边缘的木墩上,抛出古神尼加狄的右臂,以及一个钱袋。 These two, yes?” “这两个,都是?” The strong pirate threw the purse in hand, inside has 15 gold coins, this catches up with his working oneself to death less than half year quickly the income. 强壮海盗抛了抛手中的钱袋,里面有15枚金币,这快赶上他卖命小半年的收入。 If you are not avaricious, can give Black Sea the king, but......” “如果你不爱财,可以都交给黑海王,不过……” Su Xiao has not continued, some words do not need to say is so direct. 苏晓没继续说,有些话没必要说的那么直接。 This goes, this goes.” “这就去,这就去。” The half step of strong pirate whole face happy expression leaves, just before leaving that fierce face also smiles to Su Xiao, is friendly and warm by the table. 强壮海盗满脸笑意的快步离开,临走时那张凶恶的脸还对苏晓笑了笑,以表友好与热情。 Obviously, where aimed at situation arrives, not in Su Xiao this appearance, his enough, therefore provokes him to have the cost, very high cost, understood that livelihood, is more astute than and sly pirates the ghost, will not easily provoke Su Xiao. 显然,走到哪都会被针对的情况,没在苏晓这出现,他足够强,所以招惹他是有成本的,很高的成本,懂得生存之道,比鬼还精明与狡猾的海盗们,不会轻易来招惹苏晓 Su Xiao waited for more than 20 minutes, several pirates walk from the distant place half step, is one person of head, is the alone arm old man, on his face has a Crow tattoo. 苏晓等了二十多分钟,几名海盗从远处快步走来,其中为首的一人,是名独臂老头,他脸上有一副乌鸦刺青。 This mister, I am Tourte.” “这位先生,我是图尔特。” The alone arm old man smiles, that wrinkled face looks very genial, actually this is on Viking Sea the renowned great person, insane sea cow Tourte, two of Black Sea king, do not think that his stature is skinny, when he is young, once in sea with an unusual sea beast test of strength, therefore acquiring fame insane sea cow. 独臂老头笑了笑,那张皱巴巴的老脸看起来很和善,实际这是维京之海上声名赫赫的大人物,疯海牛・图尔特,黑海王的二副,不要看他身材干瘦,在他年轻时,曾在海中与一头超凡海兽角力,因此得名疯海牛。 Here invited, Black Sea......” speaking of this, Tourte's words, then meaningful continued saying: Great Black Sea kings already.” “这边请,黑海……”说到这,图尔特的话一顿,转而意味深长的继续说道:“伟大的黑海王已经在等。” Tourte gave the hand signal of invitation, walks in the frontline, walks toward the small town of turtle island, right, in this Castaway Cay has a small town, thus it can be seen it huge. 图尔特做了个请的手势,就走在最前方,向龟岛的小镇走去,没错,这座漂流岛上有一座小镇,由此可见它有多巨大。 Su Xiao walks in the rear area, along the way sees basically is the pirates of all forms, but the goal of his visit to Guidao ; first, inquired that Terror Island position ; second, purchases sea beast. 苏晓走在后方,沿途看到的基本都是形形色色的海盗,而他这次来龟岛的目的,一是来询问恐怖岛的方位,二是来收购海兽。 one after another hunted the sea beast is too slow, Su Xiao currently has greatly the gold coin, therefore shortly after he prepared purchased from the pirate hand just died, or simply also living the sea beast, the pirates had the custom of hunting the sea beast, captured alive a sea beast, that was a big unexpected wealth. 一只只去猎捕海兽太慢了,苏晓现在有大把金币,所以他准备从海盗手中收购刚死不久,或是干脆还活着的海兽,海盗们有猎捕海兽的习惯,生擒一头海兽,那就是一大笔横财。 Obtains the sea beast not only to make Adversity Mark grow stronger, that the main goal is to enhance the Boubo strength while convenient. 得到海兽不仅能让厄运号变强,那只是顺带而已,主要的目的是提升布布汪的实力。 During the thinking, Su Xiao arrives in the small town of turtle island, here is named as spray town/subdues, Name indeed is refinedly fresh, but the situation in small town is not fresh, the merchant, pirate, Yayuan, killer, three most ancient occupations, here occupies two types. 思索间,苏晓抵达龟岛的小镇上,这里被命名为‘浪花镇’,名称的确清新脱俗,可小镇上的情况就没那么清新了,商人、海盗、野鸳、杀手,三种最古老的职业,这里占据两种。 Marches forward for more than ten minutes, before Su Xiao arrives in outer wall light red little building, in the garden is planting various unusual plants, not a big small garden, has saying that the hobby of Black Sea king, is somewhat incompatible with the status of his marine overlord. 行进十多分钟,苏晓抵达一栋外墙浅红的小楼前,庭院内栽种着各类稀有植物,还有个不大的小花园,不得不说,黑海王的爱好,与他海上霸主的身份有些不符。 After Tourte opens little building door, ties up the hand to stand by the gate, said: Sir in two buildings you.” 图尔特推开小楼的门后,就缚手站在门旁,说道:“大人在二楼等你。” Su Xiao just entered little building, Baja keeps off in out of the door, as for Boubo, after integrating the environment, it wants to go to which no one to stop. 苏晓刚走进小楼,巴哈就被挡在门外,至于布布,融入环境后,它想去哪没人能阻拦。 Acts on free will.” “自由行动。” Good.” “好咧。” Baja flies away, said is so, but in fact only then here has the fight, it can arrive in the battlefield in 3 seconds, and finds the opportunity to assassinate the Black Sea king. 巴哈飞走,说是如此,可实际上只有这里发生战斗,它能在3秒内抵达战场,并找机会暗杀黑海王。 Enters in little building, the light delicate fragrance taste sifts the nasal cavity, seems like the flavor of azure orange. 进入小楼内,淡淡的清香味飘入鼻腔,似乎是青橘的味道。 Following the staircase, Su Xiao steps onto 2nd Layer, together by sitting the form on wooden chair heaves in sight, this person leans to Su Xiao, in the hand takes the right arm of Nijidi, the correct use magnifying glass is observing. 顺着楼梯,苏晓走上二层,一道靠坐在木椅上的身影映入眼帘,此人侧对着苏晓,手中拿着尼加狄的右臂,正用放大镜观察着。 Did not need to look, I was the Black Sea king, did not need to ask why I was a woman, inborn was this structure.” “不用找了,我就是黑海王,也不用问我为什么是女人,天生就是这种结构。” The Black Sea kings turn upwards one leg on the other, on the foot is the brown riding boot, after the calf, dangles tails to refer to the thin skin rope. 黑海王翘起二郎腿,脚上是褐色马靴,小腿后垂下一根根尾指细的皮绳。 Black Sea king unexpectedly is a female, this makes Su Xiao somewhat accidental/surprised, after all Black Sea empress is more suitable than she Black Sea king name. 黑海王居然是女性,这让苏晓有些意外,毕竟黑海女帝比黑海王这个称呼更适合她。 Do not ask why I do not say Black Sea empress, these roaming reading poems people were too bothersome, what issue but also there is? Kukulin White Night.” “也别问我为什么不自称黑海女帝,那些游吟诗人太烦了,还有什么问题吗?库库林白夜。” „......” “……” Su Xiao has not spoken, but has towed a wooden chair, after lighting cigarette, sits down. 苏晓没说话,只是拖过一把木椅,点燃一支烟后坐下。 God of Nightmares did Nijidi die? Do you kill?” 梦魇之神尼加狄死了?你杀的?” Black Sea kings Agatensi turns the head to look to Su Xiao, but in her sleeve cuff, is shortsword, with can the slaughter god's monster negotiations, she naturally have to be vigilant. 黑海王・阿加蒂侧首看向苏晓,而在她的袖口内,则是一把短刀,与能屠神的怪物谈判,她当然会有所警惕。 Yes.” “是。” In the Su Xiao mouth puts out the light light smoke, if some bystanders on the scene will discover, deep place pirate supreme headquarters, only then Su Xiao of person, air/Qi the Black Sea kings who the field does not compare to command several thousand pirates Agatensi is weak. 苏晓口中吐出淡淡的青烟,如果有外人在场会发现,深处海盗大本营,只有一个人的苏晓,气场丝毫不比统领几千名海盗的黑海王・阿加蒂弱。 When Su Xiao is at Black king world, is army Captain, hand/subordinate several hundred thousand armies. 苏晓黑王世界时,可是军团长,手下几十万军队。 „, That said to look, you ask me to have what goal.” “呵,那就说说看,你找我有什么目的。” Black Sea kings Agatensi places on the Ancient god arm wooden table, carries the black tea to sip one conveniently lightly. 黑海王・阿加蒂将古神手臂放在身旁的木桌上,顺手端起红茶轻抿一口。 Where Terror Island is.” 恐怖岛在哪。” This can only ask Redbeard, this change, only then he knows where Terror Island is.” “这只能去问红胡子,这此的‘轮替’中,只有他知道恐怖岛在哪。” Agatensi looked at the Su Xiao moment, the fine eyebrow wrinkle is deeper, why does not know, she always felt that Su Xiao harbors evil intentions. 阿加蒂看了苏晓片刻,纤眉就越皱越深,不知为何,她总感觉苏晓不怀好意。 ps:( Wahaha, waste mosquito neck was good to be many, today many thanks the care of fellow reader masters, does not dare to write was too quick, writes to stop from time to time, will frequently rest a meeting, renewal was little too late, tomorrow continues to try hard.) ps:(娃哈哈,废蚊脖子好很多了,多谢各位读者老爷的关心,今天没敢写的太快,写写停停,经常会休息一会,更新有点晚,明天继续努力。)
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