RP :: Volume #31

#43: Source

Su Xiao stands on the tiled roof-peak of porch, Boubo side him, situated in integrating environment mode, as for Baja and A' Mu, then awaits orders in a main entrance hundred meters place, but Bailey, after solving hopes, this Cat has continued to treasure hunt. 苏晓站在门廊的瓦顶上,布布汪就在他身旁,处于融入环境状态,至于巴哈阿姆,则是在正门的百米处待命,而贝妮,解决掉希后,这喵星人已经继续去寻宝。 The matter of hope completely solves, as the matter stands, Su Xiao can place all energy in Main Mission 1, be that as it may, Main Mission 1 degree of hazard, surpasses his estimate. 希的事彻底解决,这样一来,苏晓就能将所有精力都放在主线任务一上,虽说如此,主线任务一的危险程度,也超出他的预估。 The weather fades out, the present time about 6 : 00 pm, returns sometime from the completely black day. 天色渐暗,现在的时间在傍晚6点左右,距离完全黑天还有段时间。 woof ~ “汪~” Boubo shouted the sound lowly, hints it to be responsible, in the front explores the way. 布布汪低叫了声,示意它负责在前方探路。 Stands in the porch, Su Xiao looks all around in Snake of the Depth Residence the scattered ordered pavilion, mostly is 2nd Layer or the 3rd Layer construction, the gable roof, below ground is laying down the ashlar board. 站在门廊上,苏晓环顾渊蛇邸内错落有序的楼阁,大多都是二层三层建筑,人字形屋顶,下方的地面上铺设着方石板。 In Snake of the Depth Residence very quiet , in several hundred pavilions as if nobody left, but in these buildings compartmented, eight rock road, each is the same width, completely back side of the mountain to Snake of the Depth Residence. 渊蛇邸内很安静,几百栋楼阁内似乎都空无一人,而在这些楼隔间,共有八条石路,每一条都是相同的宽度,全部通往渊蛇邸的后山。 To look for Okunami too to be not difficult here, after all Okunami has to endure compared with the build of giant, only if he lies down in somewhere motionlessly, otherwise quick can find. 想在这里寻找到奥波不算太难,毕竟奥波有堪比巨人的体型,除非他躺在某处一动不动,否则很快就能找到。 The Boubo half step runs on the flagging between pavilions, in the both sides fences lives the full moss, this is in Snake of the Depth Residence the moisture is too heavy to cause. 布布汪快步奔跑在楼阁间的石板路上,两侧的围墙上生满苔藓,这是渊蛇邸内湿气太重所导致。 Su Xiao quiet vertical leaps in the pavilions, starts to look for Okunami in the pavilions. 苏晓悄无声息的纵跃在楼阁间,开始在楼阁间寻找奥波。 Just vertical leapt several pavilions, Su Xiao has stopped the footsteps, partly squatted by eaves, but under the pavilion, dozens Skylong Race troops passed through, on the skin that they appeared externally proliferated the mucilage, by source heavy corrosion. 刚纵跃过几栋楼阁,苏晓就停下脚步,半蹲在一处屋檐旁,而在楼阁下方,几十名天巴族结队走过,他们外露的皮肤上遍布粘液,被源重度侵蚀。 Without a doubt, once was discovered, and was constrained by these dozens Skylong Race, Su Xiao must die without doubt, in Snake of the Depth Residence occupied over a thousand Skylong Race. 毋庸置疑,一旦被发现,并被这几十名天巴族拖住,苏晓必死无疑,渊蛇邸内居住了上千名天巴族 According to Su Xiao's speculated, Skylong Race within the body did not have the strength of source, after they drank ‚the water of source, grasped the strength of source, and derives to seep with the drowning ability. 根据苏晓的推测,天巴族体内原本并没有源之力,他们是饮用了‘源之水’后,才掌握了源之力,并衍生出沁与溺能力。 Obtains this Strength at the same time, will be corroded by the source unceasingly, causing the intelligence to be heavy, the Sensor strength significantly reduces. 获得这种力量的同时,也会被源不断侵蚀,导致神智不轻,感知力大幅度降低。 First Defence Town Skylong Race, obviously just drank ‚the water of source shortly, their intelligence are sober, therefore they guard in the frontline. 守村天巴族,明显都是刚饮下‘源之水’不久,他们的神智清醒,所以他们镇守在最前方。 But by source Skylong Race of heavy corrosion, was sent Snake of the Depth Residence, in order to avoid they go crazy or the mutation, will cause the destruction to the rear forever semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate, forever the semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate will be the Skylong Race basis. 而被‘源’重度侵蚀的天巴族,则被送来渊蛇邸,以免他们发狂或异变,对后方的永月城造成破坏,永月城才是天巴族的根本。 If first Defence Town Skylong Race is a soldier, that forever semi-circular protective wall outside the main city gate Skylong Race will be civilians, they have not drunk the water of source, will be the Divine Country main productive forces, the gorgeous clothes robe, the excellent weapon, will be the Skylong Race civilians makes. 如果说前守村天巴族是战士,那永月城的天巴族是平民,他们都没饮用源之水,属于神之国的主要生产力,华美的衣袍,精良的武器等,都是天巴族的平民们制造出。 As for Snake of the Depth Residence Skylong Race, they situated in guarding with monsters, from that four few words that guards a gate Skylong Race, Su Xiao knew, water of source Origin in Snake of the Depth Residence. 至于渊蛇邸天巴族,他们介于守卫与怪物之间,从那四名守门天巴族的只言片语间,苏晓得知,源之水的产地就在渊蛇邸内。 Thinks of these, Su Xiao steps out, so long as looks for Okunami, how he will start to consider to obtain Seventh Order Soul coin, Godcleave With Sky Traveller Exchanges. 想到这些,苏晓加快脚步,只要寻找到奥波,他就会开始考虑如何获得七阶灵魂钱币,将【神裁】与【天行】兑换到手。 A half hour quick in the past, Su Xiao by Lingyin mode, most Snake of the Depth Residence will search, still has not looked for the dozen of Okunami's trail. 半小时很快过去,苏晓凭借灵隐状态,将大半个渊蛇邸搜寻一遍,依然没找打奥波的踪迹。 Su Xiao just jumped onto a roof of 3rd Layer pavilion, spreads the conversation sound on hearing below pavilion. 苏晓刚跃上一栋三层楼阁的房顶,就听到下方的楼阁内传出交谈声。 I... possible, could not insist that was too long.” “我…可能,坚持不了太久。” Insists 2 spring Yi again( the 1. 7 months).” “再坚持二个泉溢(1.七个月)。” impossible, I can tomorrow morning......” 不可能,明早我就会……” How can.” “怎么会。” Seeps the corrosion of drowning is quicker, can become seeps, I am honored very much, begins by you, tonight, on the present, making me before turning into the monster, died as Skylong.” “沁比溺的侵蚀更快,能成为沁,我很荣幸,由你动手吧,就在今晚,就现在,让我在变成怪物之前,作为天巴死去。” I......” “我……” Begins! The source is urging me to continue to go on living, I do not think that... turns into the monster thoroughly.” “动手!源在驱使我继续活下去,我不想…彻底变成怪物。” After pavilion quiet moment, transmits the sharp weapon to pierce the body the sound, quick, Skylong Race that wears the loose clothes robe, carries a corpse to go out of the pavilion, walks toward the back side of the mountain direction, leaves behind one skewer of dark blue bloodstains along the way. 楼阁内安静片刻后,传来利器刺穿皮肉的声音,很快,一名身穿宽松衣袍的天巴族,扛着一具尸体走出楼阁,向后山方向走去,沿途留下一串深蓝色血迹。 Looks Skylong Race that gradually walks away, Su Xiao frowns, why he will not somewhat be able to think through Skylong Race to drink ‚the water of source , in Divine Country, Skylong Race will not simply have the foreign enemy. 看着逐渐走远的天巴族,苏晓皱起眉头,他有些想不通天巴族为何会饮下‘源之水’,要知道,在神之国内,天巴族根本没有外敌。 In Su Xiao prepares to continue in Snake of the Depth Residence looks for Okunami, the Boubo that side spreads the news, it found Okunami, Okunami in the back side of the mountain. 就在苏晓准备继续在渊蛇邸内寻找奥波时,布布汪那边传来消息,它找到奥波了,奥波在后山。 Learns of this news, Su Xiao sets out to the back side of the mountain, compartmented vertical leaps for several minutes after the building, before he arrives in a bamboo grove . 得知这消息,苏晓向后山进发,在楼隔间纵跃几分钟后,他抵达一片竹林前。 Su Xiao just about to enters the bamboo grove, on Sensor, that Skylong Race that before he saw, is carrying a corpse to come from the distance. 苏晓刚要进入竹林,就感知到,之前他看到的那名天巴族,正扛着具尸体从远处走来。 After waiting moment, carries corpse Skylong Race to enter the bamboo grove, latter through the crevices of two mountain ranges, arrives in a slabstone forest. 等待片刻后,扛着尸体的天巴族走进竹林,后通过两座山脉的夹缝,抵达一片石林内。 Su Xiao gradually in the rear area tracks, no meeting, that Skylong Race on the thorough stone forest, before arriving at a deep blue puddle . 苏晓缓步在后方跟踪,没一会,那名天巴族就深入石林,来到一处蔚蓝的水潭前。 The diameter of this puddle about 5 meters, the whole becomes the circular, the surroundings have a sculpture, is the Skylong Race stone carvings. 这水潭的直径在五米左右,整体成圆形,周围有一圈雕塑,都是天巴族的石雕。 Source counter wells up, life and death rotation......” “源逆涌,生死轮转……” That Skylong Race partly kneels before the blue puddle, single-handed according to consanguineous corpse. 那名天巴族半跪在蓝色水潭前,单手按在同族的尸体上。 The blue light corpuscle flutters from the Skylong Race corpse, gradually submerges in the puddle, the corpse starts withered, paleness that finally changes, like rock of decency. 蓝色光粒从天巴族的尸体上飘出,逐渐没入水潭内,尸体开始干枯,最终变的惨白,如同风化的岩石般。 Sees this, Su Xiao knows why Skylong Race must drink the water of source, in that puddle, is the water of source, these Skylong Race are inheriting Strength, or, they in saving the source energy in puddle. 看到这一幕,苏晓知道天巴族为何要饮下源之水,那水潭中的,正是源之水,这些天巴族在传承力量,又或是,他们在积蓄水潭内的源能量。 Facial expression sorrowful Skylong Race knelt a meeting before the puddle. 神情悲痛的天巴族在水潭前跪了一会。 Hiss ~ 嘶~ The ophidia unique spitting core sound transmits, by the energy manifestation black python, crawls completely from the crevice, after it enters the puddle, Black Scale shows the light blue glow. 蛇类特有的吐芯声传来,一条完全由能量形成的黑色蟒蛇,从石缝内爬出,它进入水潭后,身上的黑鳞透出淡淡的蓝芒。 The deep blue of pond water was paler, that energy python crawls the deep pool of source, vanishes in the crevice. 潭水的蔚蓝淡了一些,那条能量蟒蛇爬出源之潭,消失在石缝内。 Kneeing down Skylong Race, witnessed all these, he looked at eye oneself hand, above has proliferated the mucilage, possibly soon, the source energy of his within the body, will integrate the Tannei of source. 单膝跪地的天巴族,目睹了这一切,他看了眼自己的手,上面已经遍布粘液,可能用不了多久,他体内的源能量,就会被融入到源之潭内。 This Skylong Race carries the same clan corpse to leave, just before leaving before, the crevice that but also vanishes to the energy python bows to salute. 这名天巴族扛着自己同族的尸体离开,临走前,还向能量蟒蛇消失的石缝躬身施礼。 Su Xiao stands after the stone column, does not need to guess that he knows, that energy python is Snake of the Depth emits, Snake of the Depth needs the source energy, but Skylong Race, becomes the carrier of shape big source energy voluntarily, takes this to provide the source energy as Snake of the Depth. 苏晓站在石柱后,根本不用猜他就知道,那条能量蟒蛇是渊之蛇所放出,渊之蛇需要源能量,而天巴族,自愿成为状大源能量的载体,以此为渊之蛇提供源能量。 woof ~ “汪~” The Boubo specific use hit Su Xiao lightly, hints Su Xiao to follow it. 布布汪用头轻撞了苏晓一下,示意苏晓跟它走。 The stone forest is not too big, by the circular mountain valley encirclement, no meeting, Su Xiao was seen lies down Okunami who whistling rests in stone forest greatly. 石林不算太大,被圆形山谷环绕在内,没一会,苏晓就看到躺在石林间呼呼大睡的奥波。 Okunami rests is very fragrant, even the saliva class/flow comes out, on that fat gruff face is also laughing foolishly. 奥波睡的很香,连口水都流出来,那胖憨憨的脸上还傻笑着。 Before Su Xiao arrives at Okunami's head, Boubo follows. 苏晓来到奥波的头颅前,布布汪紧随其后。 woof!” “汪!” The Boubo cry, lets sleep soundly Okunami one startled, somewhat vacant opening eyes, immediately, Okunami looks to arrive in oneself Su Xiao. 布布汪的叫声,让酣睡中的奥波一惊,有些茫然的睁开眼,马上,奥波就看到站在自己身旁的苏晓 According to Reincarnation Paradise Prompt, on the Su Xiao face appears the genial smile, in order to avoid again fat giant Okunami runs away in fear. 根据轮回乐园提示,苏晓脸上浮现和善的笑容,以免再把胖巨人・奥波吓跑。 Okunami possibly just awoke, after compelling ignorant instantaneous, gradually eye of reveal panic-stricken color. 奥波可能是刚醒,懵逼了瞬间后,逐渐目露惊恐之色。 Zheng! 铮! The long blade comes out of the sheath, the smile on Su Xiao face vanishes, friendly negotiated fundamentally, no matter used, this crucial nature guided character Okunami, saw that his first response ran. 长刀出鞘,苏晓脸上的笑容消失,友善交涉根本不管用,这关键性引导人物・奥波,见到他的第一反应就是跑。 You dare to escape again, I cut into three segments you.” “你再敢逃,我把你斩成三段。” The Su Xiao change negotiation way, he finishes speaking, Okunami who just wants to set out to escape stops, on that simple and honest big face puzzled moment, finally, Okunami passes one to sit on the ground. 苏晓改变交涉方式,他话音刚落,刚想起身逃的奥波就停下,那憨厚的大脸上纠结片刻,最终,奥波噗通一声坐在地上。 Obviously, after drawing a sword, friendly negotiated is more effective, the negotiation effect got quick results. 显然,拔刀后友善交涉更有效,交涉效果立竿见影。
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