RP :: Volume #31

#20: Bored of Aulition

Sage Palace, inner palace. 圣廷,内殿。 On the table embedding gold/metal mark, the central area has big piece of Gem, brilliant Anomaly. 桌上镶嵌着金纹,中心区域有一大片宝石,绚烂异常 The Sageborn king sits slightly is being higher than some first places, but five duke chairs, have two to empty at this time. 圣裔王坐在略高出一些的首位,而五张公爵椅,此时有两张空着。 Su Xiao, the senior duke, Madame Lunar Wolf presents, but today, will perish to pass from Iron Feathered King already in a day. 苏晓,老公爵,月狼夫人都在座,而今天,距离铁羽王殒逝已过了一天。 Northern Alliance hit, Iron Feathered King perished the same day of passing, Northern Alliance on the breakthrough Seira border defense line, 150,000 polar cavalries pushed directly into, broke through seven defense lines continuously, could not follow to repair and maintain because of the supplies army. 北部联盟打来了,铁羽王殒逝的当天,北部联盟就突破塞拉的边境防线,15万极地骑兵长驱直入,连续冲破七道防线,才因补给部队跟不上而修整。 According to the common sense, this war information, will feed in the Ramsi city in 3 hours, the dukes and Sageborn king will first know, later makes the decision. 按常理来讲,这种战争情报,会在3小时内传回亚兰斯城,公爵们与圣裔王会最先得知,之后做出决策。 May on the same day, the empire high level know nothing, the cause is, the soldier who is responsible for transmitting this combat report just went to the Ramsi city, was assassinated, the soldier who 12 rush to turn is no exception. 可在当天,帝国的高层对此毫不知情,起因是,负责传达这战报的士兵刚到亚兰斯城,就被暗杀,12名分批赶到的士兵无一幸免。 Is interception that who leads, at this time has not investigated clear, does not have the time to investigate, the aftermath of Ramsi city officials, made up for this. 是谁主导的截杀,此时已调查不清,也没时间调查,亚兰斯城官员们的后续处理,弥补了这点。 The empire life and death final time, the officials put down finally greedily, they are refuting the assassination of assassins, sends people the frontline to gain the information, from all sides died 27 waves of people, finally verified the frontline combat report, the attention, did not die 27 people, but died 27 waves of people. 帝国的生死存亡最后时刻,官员们终于放下贪婪,他们硬顶着刺客们的暗杀,派人去前线获取情报,前前后后死了27波人,终于核实了前线的战报,注意,不是死了27个人,而是死了27波人。 Next morning, the combat report arrived at Sage Palace finally, now which has projected on as for Northern Alliance, this is unknown, these cavalries from polar region have crashed in empire, the goal is to intercept the intelligence force. 次日清晨,战报终于到了圣廷,至于北部联盟现在已经打到哪,这就不得而知,那些来自极地的骑兵们已经冲进帝国境内,目的是截杀情报部队。 In me at the appointed time, the situation is this.” “在我到时,情况已经是这样。” Madame Lunar Wolf complexion gloomy opens the mouth, her index finger is shivering, after this is the angry performance. 月狼夫人脸色阴沉的开口,她的食指在颤动,这是愤怒至极后的表现。 Aulition, this matter, you are what attitude.” 亚历山,这件事,你是什么态度。” Aperture that the senior duke eyes do not lift, moreover said the life of Sageborn king, after all looked like in the senior duke, the Seira king only had one, was not Aulition. 老公爵眼也不抬的开口,而且直呼圣裔王的本命,毕竟在老公爵看来,塞拉的王只有一个,并不是亚历山 You decided.” “你们决定。” Sageborn king the Aulition facial expression is lazy. 圣裔王・亚历山神情慵懒。 Good.” “好。” The senior duke looks to Madame Lunar Wolf, after the moment, in his heart sighed one secretly, the line of sight shifts to Su Xiao. 老公爵看向月狼夫人,片刻后,他心中暗叹一声,视线转向苏晓 How saying that the position of my duke also borrowed you to use for several days, at least to the proposition.” “怎么说,我的公爵之位也借你用了几天,至少给个提议。” „.” “哦。” Looks in the Iron Feathered King face, to the proposition.” “看在铁羽王的情面上,给个提议。” First issues the decree of special pardon in the Ramsi city, later you and in Lunar Wolf, arrive at the frontline to supervise combat.” “先在亚兰斯城内发布特赦令,之后你和月狼中的一个,亲临前线督战。” This,” “这样吗,” The senior duke knits the brows the ponder, this and his idea is similar, who goes to the frontline as for him and Madame Lunar Wolf, that also with asking. 老公爵皱眉沉思,这和他的想法大致相同,至于他和月狼夫人谁去前线,那还用问吗。 I and Ramsi coexist.” “我与亚兰斯共存。” Madame Lunar Wolf has not waited for the senior duke to take a stand in a moment. 月狼夫人没等老公爵说话就表态。 Thought, after all by your coveting life and fearing death, impossible goes to the frontline, I have no request, before the Ramsi city falls into enemy hands thoroughly, you give the father to defend in this, at least the frontline supplies cannot break.” “想到了,毕竟以你的贪生怕死,不可能去前线,我没什么要求,在亚兰斯城彻底失守前,你给老子一直守在这,至少前线的补给不能断。” The senior duke stands up from the seat, he must go to the frontline to supervise combat, revives the morale, at least after Seira perishes, he will not shoulder the name of coward duke. 老公爵从座位上站起身,他要去前线督战,重振士气,至少在塞拉灭亡后,他不会背负懦夫公爵之名。 Several retinues go forward, puts on a black armor to the senior duke, on the frontline, must have the frontline appearance. 几名仆从上前,给老公爵穿上一身黑色铠甲,上前线,就要有上前线的样子。 The senior duke just about to leaves, the vision sees to discuss table center Gem accidentally, more looked that this thing he more is angry, the fart with had not said, Sun is very in a flash dazzling. 老公爵刚要离开,目光无意中看到议桌中心处的一颗颗宝石,越看这东西他越生气,屁用没有不说,太阳一晃还很刺眼。 Bang! 砰! A senior duke fist pounds on discussing the table, Gem of center crack, this made his happy, want this after all. 老公爵一拳砸在议桌上,中心处的一颗颗宝石崩裂,这让他的心情舒畅了很多,毕竟早就想这样做。 From beginning to end, Sageborn king Aulition has not spoken, becoming the Sageborn king is not his subjective desire, but was selected by the family, his enough, therefore sits here. 从始至终,圣裔王・亚历山都没怎么说话,成为圣裔王并非他的主观意愿,而是被家族选出,他足够强,所以就坐在这里。 The Sageborn king family, regarded second Iron Feathered King to train him, but the great strength of Iron Feathered King is unable duplicate/restores to carve, that is purest, great strength that the simplest great strength, in the battlefield kills. 圣裔王的家族,原本是将他当成第二个铁羽王所培养,但铁羽王的强大无法复刻,那是最纯粹,最简单的强大,战场上杀出来的强大。 As the Sageborn king, Aulition is actually not stupid, he will at least accept most opinions of Lilin, this can see from empire people's happiness, moreover he stepped ambitious Furious Lion, making the opposite party not dare hurriedly. 作为圣裔王,亚历山其实并不昏庸,至少他会接受黎林的大多数意见,这点从帝国的人民幸福度就能看出,而且他踩住了野心勃勃的怒狮,让对方不敢造次。 Lunar Wolf, you can walk.” 月狼,你可以走了。” Su Xiao opens the mouth suddenly, hears his these words, Madame Lunar Wolf first has the anger of moment, is startled palpitates. 苏晓突然开口,听到他这句话,月狼夫人先是有片刻的愤怒,转而就是惊悸。 Madame Lunar Wolf slightly stiff turning the head, on the face does not dare to believe completely. 月狼夫人略显僵硬的转过头,脸上满是不敢置信。 „Do you want?” “你要?” „......” “……” Su Xiao has not spoken, Madame Lunar Wolf sets out to leave immediately, in her heart all has doubts unties completely, she also the accidental/surprised, why senior duke arrived at the frontline a moment ago, now looks like, that old thing special ran. 苏晓没说话,月狼夫人立即起身离开,她心中的所有疑惑全部解开,她刚才还意外,老公爵为何亲临前线,现在看来,那老东西是特么跑了。 Originally...... you want to kill me.” “原来……你想杀我。” Aulition as if thinks through certain matters, his hand pats the throne arm rest, the magnificent circular sword hilt springs, as this raises the sword slowly, Su Xiao sees this is fighting the sword. 亚历山似乎才想通某些事,他的手一拍王座扶手,华丽的圆形剑柄弹出,随着这把剑缓缓升起,苏晓看到这是把战剑。 Puts in order fighting the length of sword in 1 meter about 3, the handle and hand guard are very brief, the sword blade is sharp, close to the sword blade about six centimeters widths of arm rest, a more upward sword blade is about narrow, to sword sharp place, then looks like the pointed cone. 整把战剑的长度在一米三左右,握柄与护手很简约,剑刃锋利,靠近扶手的剑身约有六公分宽,越向上剑身约窄,到了剑尖处,则是酷似尖锥。 In my life, no achievement, but I am good at using this thing very much.” “我的一生中,没什么作为,不过我很擅长使用这东西。” On Aulition face lazy gradually removes, his originally thinks oneself will die under besieging of polar soldiers, this is his acceptable result. 亚历山脸上的慵懒逐渐褪去,他原本认为自己会死在极地战士们的围攻下,这是他可以接受的结局。 Aulition sleeps frequently, is mainly he felt that person is too senseless, the duke who official who competes for the power mutually, each other battle, on the family that he places the popular hopes and others, these are too boring, is not only bored, is just went to shortly after the Ramsi city, is hiding bloody aura person, what a pity, the opposite party will not seem to slaughter with him. 亚历山之所以经常睡觉,主要是他感觉身边的人都太无趣,互相争夺权力的官员,彼此争斗的公爵,对他寄予众望的家族等,这些都太无聊,唯一不无聊的,是一个刚到亚兰斯城不久,隐藏着身上血气的人,可惜,对方似乎不会与他厮杀。 Many years ago, everyone waits for Aulition, hopes that he can lead Seira to move toward prosperously, but Aulition know, he cannot achieve, that is not, he who he excels when in childhood is very clumsy, the tedious etiquette that brothers and sisters several quarters can learn, he at least needs to practice for a month, actual use is very clumsy. 很多年前,所有人都对亚历山翘首以盼,希望他能带领塞拉走向昌盛,可亚历山自己知道,他做不到,那不是他所擅长的,他在幼时就很笨拙,兄弟姐妹们几刻钟就能学会的繁琐礼仪,他至少要练习一个月,实际使用时还很笨拙。 Especially when dancing ball dancing, he tore a lady's women's clothing, pulls that type, he pledged, oneself is not intentionally, that woman has tried struggling on the way, but to maintain etiquette, the Aulition choice dances the ball dancing with the opposite party, afterward, the woman cries is very sad, Aulition has not seen that woman again. 尤其是在跳交际舞时,他将一名女士的衣裙扯开了,一扯到底那种,他发誓,自己不是故意的,途中那位女士尝试过挣扎,可为了保持礼仪,亚历山选择与对方跳完交际舞,事后,女士哭的很伤心,亚历山再也没见过那位女士。 Facing brothers and sisters' ridicule, Aulition does not have the anger, without feeling inferior, but feels bored, he is always having doubts, why can study these etiquette? 面对兄弟姐妹们的嘲笑,亚历山没有愤怒,没有自卑,只是感觉到无聊,他始终在疑惑,就是为何要学这些礼仪? Until one day, in the Aulition entire life grasps the sword for the first time, he smiled, shows the smile for the first time. 直到某一天,亚历山生平中第一次握上剑,他笑了,第一次露出笑容。 When the Aulition joyful feeling vanishes, he slightly surprised discovery, oneself brothers and sisters, the birth mother, the uncle and others, pour in the pool of blood, but also living, is only remaining him to cut off the both legs, the father of whole body blood. 亚历山的喜悦感消失时,他略显惊讶的发现,自己的兄弟姐妹,生母,舅舅等,都倒在血泊中,还活着的,只剩他被斩断双腿,满身鲜血的父亲。 Aulition, has your such son, I am very proud.” 亚历山,有你这样的儿子,我很骄傲。” Aulition remembers clearly, this is his father praises him for the first time, in the later time, Aulition obtained a somewhat long war sword, kills all kinds of monsters. 亚历山清楚记得,这是他父亲首次夸奖他,之后的时光中,亚历山得到了一把有些长的战剑,去杀各种各样的怪物。 In Aulition thinks oneself have lived when this joyful slaughtering, his father looks for him, and told him, he will become the Sageborn king, Aulition has believed at first, Sageborn king for the Seira empire murder, therefore he agreed. 就在亚历山认为自己会一直活在这愉悦的杀戮中时,他父亲又找上他,并告诉他,他将成为圣裔王,亚历山最初一直认为,圣裔王是为了塞拉帝国杀人的,所以他同意了。 May Aulition discover in to become Queen Sageborn, the Sageborn king's daily work is sits sleeps, is bored. 可在成为圣裔王后亚历山发现,圣裔王每天的工作就是坐着睡觉,非常无聊。 Several years, more than ten years, after dozens years of enduring patiently, Aulition looked for his father, said idea in the heart. 几年,十几年,几十年的忍耐后,亚历山找上了他的父亲,坦露自己心中的想法。 Finally it can be imagined, the Aulition father is very angry, even wants to win his war sword, for this reason, Aulition and own father theory, are extremely clumsy because of the spoken language, he was scolded stream of abuse by oneself father. 结果可想而知,亚历山的父亲很愤怒,甚至想夺走他的战剑,为此,亚历山和自己的父亲理论一番,因言语上太过笨拙,他被自己的父亲骂道狗血淋头。 Therefore the Aulition choice negotiates with the way that he most excels , the conclusion that Aulition draws is, oneself father was too weak, did not understand that fights with Sageborn Strength. 所以亚历山选择用他最擅长的方式交涉,亚历山得出的结论是,自己的父亲太弱了,根本不懂得用圣裔力量去战斗。 After Aulition murders the father, he left Seira empire, starts to damage Northern Alliance, more than ten years later, was damaged to start by him in Northern Alliance to compel, to prepare ignorant when the bleak region in the soldier encircles him, he returns to the Ramsi city, and butchered conveniently just took office more than ten years of Sageborn kings, sat to the throne on. 亚历山弑父后,他离开了塞拉帝国,开始去祸害北部联盟,十几年后,就在北部联盟被他祸害到开始懵逼,准备在荒凉区域驻兵围剿他时,他又返回亚兰斯城,并顺手宰了刚上任十几年的圣裔王,重新坐到王座上。 The cause is, Aulition heard a story, Ivier old hag named a story that told, the named father as a dragon story, after hearing this story, Aulition somewhat regretted, because he could not find compared with the father to he better person, such person...... will not have again. 起因是,亚历山听闻了一个故事,一名叫伊威尔老太婆所讲述的故事,名为父之龙的故事,听到这故事后,亚历山有些后悔,因为他找不到比父亲对他更好的人,这样的人……不会再有了。 In the Aulition heart has the second mood, guilty, therefore he seals oneself war sword in the throne, completes the expectation of father, what a pity, he does is not good. 亚历山心中产生第二种情绪,愧疚,所以他将自己的战剑封于王座内,去完成父亲的期望,可惜,他做的并不好。
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