RP :: Volume #30

#23: Azure Steel

Baja circles above the main hall, observes Sothoth every action and every movement, but A' Mu stands in same place, its this time mission is very simple, by cutting was OK. 巴哈盘旋在大殿上方,观察索托斯的一举一动,而阿姆则站在原地,它这次的任务很简单,挨砍就可以了。 Preliminary fight, Sothoth shows the frightened speed and flexibility, the god has the ghosts to be not enough to describe. 只是初步的交手,索托斯就展现出惊悚的速度与灵活性,神出鬼都不足以形容。 Tick-tock ~ 滴答~ The blood drops following the Sothoth long sword, this has two meters the named distortion malicious long sword fully, very suitable Sothoth build. 鲜血顺着索托斯的长剑滴落,这把名为扭曲恶意的长剑足有两米长,很适合索托斯的体型。 Surges on Sothoth to the shining tentacle dark, if the Moon God image is dignified, that Sothoth is the god of disasters. 黝黑到发亮的触手在索托斯身上涌动,如果说月神的形象是威严,那索托斯就是恶神。 Is its sculpture as for that as well as below writing, clearly has human to try thinking highly, even believes in Sothoth, as for the result, looked that this world appearance can think. 至于那座属于它的雕塑,以及下方的文字,显然是有人类尝试过恭维,甚至信奉索托斯,至于结果,看这个世界的模样就能想到。 In the Su Xiao brain the thought racing, copes with Sothoth, hard headstrong is not obviously good, or the opposite party will not meet the tough head-on with toughness with him, Beast of Blood can the probability of hit opposite party be low, not to mention Deathly Stillness Descent, as for Apollo, that only possibly explodes itself. 苏晓脑中念头急转,对付索托斯,硬莽明显不行,或者说,对方不会和他硬碰硬,血之兽能命中对方的概率较低,更不用说死寂降临,至于阿波罗,那只可能炸到自己。 Is good is not strong because of the Sothoth defensive power and vitality, naturally, this is compares Moon God, Black King and Deba Mother blended body Cusca. 好在索托斯的防御力与生命力不强,当然,这是相比月神黑之王狄巴姆融合体・库斯卡等。 Su Xiao does not feel better by a Sothoth sword, the opposite party must unable to eat to capture by his blade. 苏晓索托斯一剑不好受,对方挨他一刀也要吃不了兜着走。 Interest that in the judgment this, on the Su Xiao face the reappearing smile, the fight changes, which side is first injured, which side will fall into the absolute disadvantage, till dying. 判断中这点,苏晓脸上浮现笑容,战斗变的有趣,哪方先受伤,哪方就会陷入绝对的劣势,直到死为止。 If makes Su Xiao catch the opportunity, blade + Beast of Blood, that Sothoth basically on severe wound, but was seized the opportunity by the opposite party, the Su Xiao big probability is cut to kill by three swords. 如果让苏晓逮到机会,一刀+血之兽,那索托斯基本就重伤,而被对方抓住机会,苏晓大概率会被三剑斩杀。 Titter! 噗嗤! The blood splashes in the chest of A' Mu, the space ripples remove, Sothoth appears in the A' Mu body first more than ten meters place, in that three pupils ice-cold, without other mood. 鲜血在阿姆的胸膛溅起,空间涟漪褪去,索托斯出现在阿姆身前十几米处,那三只眸子内只有冰冷,没其他情绪。 Grasps the A' Mu paralysis place of cold ice hammer in the place, puts out a big blood, does not use to restore the medicament the words, by a sword, it will die again absolutely! 手持寒冰锤的阿姆瘫座在地,吐出一大口鲜血,不使用恢复药剂的话,再挨一剑,它绝对会死! Circled in the above Baja eye beginning to rise light, the Boubo secretly milk A' Mu. 盘旋在上方的巴哈眼冒红光,布布汪则偷偷奶了阿姆一口。 From the fight to the present, Sothoth is in the absolute advantage, its speed is not quick, but does not give the opportunity that the enemy responded. 从战斗到现在,索托斯都处于绝对的优势,它的速度已经不是快,而是根本不给敌人反应的机会。 Sothoth tentacle surges, this seems like its habitual gesture. 索托斯身上的触手涌动,这似乎是它的习惯性动作。 Ripples spread in the air, Sothoth vanishes in same place, appears before the A' Mu body for the third time, in the hand under the long sword cuts, but cuts, but directly soars the strategic point. 道道涟漪在空气中蔓延,索托斯消失在原地,第三次出现在阿姆身前,手中长剑下斩,只是斩而已,但直奔要害。 When! 当! The air wave spreads, a long blade blocks the Sothoth third sword, at this time a Su Xiao foot steps in the shoulder of A' Mu, another foot steps the A' Mu bull horn. 气浪扩散,一把长刀挡住索托斯的第三剑,此时苏晓一只脚踩在阿姆的肩膀上,另一只脚踩住阿姆的牛角。 Sothoth grasps the sword only, another hand grasps to the half head on shoulder, after pulling, according to returning to the second half head, Su Xiao blocks its two swords, before this makes it remember for a long time a human, very powerful female human. 索托斯单手持剑,另一只手抓向肩膀上的半截头颅,扯下来后,按回到下半个头颅上,苏晓挡住它两剑,这让它想起许久之前的一名人类,很强大的雌性人类。 Even if it makes the collection that female human, the opposite party has not called out pitifully, in that 16 day, the opposite party has not even spoken a few words with it, let alone begs for mercy. 就算它将那个雌性人类制造成收藏品,对方也没惨叫一声,在那16个自然日中,对方甚至没和它说过一句话,更别说求饶。 In the Sothoth hand catches up, the Strength disparity, causing Su Xiao to fly upside down backward, but he held the horn of A' Mu, pulls A' Mu flies. 索托斯手中发力,力量的差距,导致苏晓向后倒飞出去,不过他抓住了阿姆的犄角,也将阿姆扯飞。 Brushes one, before the long sword , the half submerges the ground, is relaxed like the incision tofu. 刷拉一声,长剑前半截没入地面,如同切开豆腐般轻松。 Beyond more than ten meters, Su Xiao falls to the ground steadily, injection shots leaves from his sleeve cuff inside slip, pricks the shoulder of A' Mu. 十几米外,苏晓平稳落地,一根注射枪从他的袖口内滑出,刺入阿姆的肩膀。 After injecting Primordial Arcanum Elixir, A' Mu HP restores a big truncation, it stands up from the ground, keeps off before the Su Xiao body. 注射远古秘药后,阿姆生命值恢复一大截,它从地上站起身,挡在苏晓身前。 A' Mu, was too slow.” 阿姆,太慢了。” The A' Mu jar sound Weng Qi opens the mouth, somewhat rebukes oneself. 阿姆瓮声翁气的开口,有些自责。 Again a anti- sword.” “再抗一剑。” Su Xiao has not acted on own initiative, because that is not meaningful, overrunning that not seeks, is far less than to wait for the time. 苏晓始终没主动出手,因为那没任何意义,无谋的冲过去,远不如等待时机。 Un, before A' Mu dies, the master, will not die.” “嗯,阿姆死前,主人,不会死。” This was A' Mu had said in history longest a few words, was not solemn and stirring, was very natural. 这是有史以来阿姆说过最长的一段话,并不悲壮,很自然。 Hey, Sun Zei, has the skill also to cut your Uncle a sword.” “喂,孙贼,有本事也来砍你巴大爷一剑。” Although Baja shouted like this, but actually flies is quicker, the taunt turns over to the taunt, is intimate a sword, its undying still loses the battle efficiency even thoroughly. 巴哈虽然这样喊,但却飞的更快,嘲讽归嘲讽,挨上一剑,它就算不死也彻底失去战斗力。 Sothoth that the head restores raised the head slightly, looked at Baja, no longer paid attention. 头颅恢复的索托斯略微抬头,看了眼巴哈,就不再理会。 „, But is also very intelligent.” “切,还挺聪明。” The taunt failure, Baja continues to circle, waits for the opportunity. 嘲讽失败,巴哈继续盘旋,等待机会。 Sothoth has cut A' Mu, has the reason, because besides A' Mu, it really could not have cut others, Baja circles in stone Hashirama, is very difficult to catch, Boubo is integrating in the environment, Su Xiao is not obviously affable, perhaps a mistake, who cuts anyone. 索托斯一直砍阿姆,不是没原因的,因为除了阿姆外,它还真就砍不到别人,巴哈在一根根石柱间盘旋,很难捕捉到,布布汪正融入到环境中,苏晓明显不好惹,一个失误,说不定谁砍谁。 As for Caesar, Dominator the Sothoth choice disregards this green little thing, was too weak, disdains to it in small and weakly looks at opposite party one eyes. 至于凯撒,支配者索托斯选择无视这绿色小东西,太弱了,弱小到它不屑于去看对方一眼。 If Caesar knows that the idea of Sothoth, he will certainly give the thumbs-up, and supplements one: „Very right, please maintain this idea.” 如果凯撒知道索托斯的想法,他一定会竖起大拇指,并补充一句:“很对,请保持这种想法。” At this time the Caesar trauma area is very big, Su Xiao Fang Ming reveals the disadvantage, once Su Xiao died, he also lives is not long. 此时凯撒的心理阴影面积很大,苏晓方明显劣势,一旦苏晓死了,那他也活不长。 The space ripples spread in the main hall layer upon layer, Su Xiao is unable to use Shadow Blink now, here space is really unstable. 层层空间涟漪在大殿内扩散,苏晓现在无法使用龙影闪,这里的空间实在太不稳定。 Titter! 噗嗤! Also cuts the mark to appear on the chest of A' Mu together, this sword cut to the A' Mu nape of the neck, but supine body of A' Mu after critical juncture. 又是一道斩痕出现在阿姆的胸膛上,这一剑原本是斩向阿姆的脖颈,但阿姆在危急关头后仰身体。 Sothoth spreads out again, after it emerges out of thin air, two feet step in the ground. 索托斯再次拉开距离,它凭空出现后,两只脚踩在地上。 Ka ~ 咔哒~ The resounding sound transmits from the Sothoth under foot, the face of Su Xiao, Baja and on Boubo the reappearing smile, the counter-attack can start simultaneously. 脆响声从索托斯脚下传来,苏晓巴哈布布汪的脸上同时浮现笑容,反击可以开始了。 Sothoth looked at an under foot, a structure precise circular mechanical trap appears in its under foot. 索托斯看了眼脚下,一个构造精密的圆形机械陷阱出现在它脚下。 Bang! 轰! Magnetic Hunter Explosive, what a pity, Sothoth does not know the trace. 磁暴猎手爆炸,可惜,索托斯已经不知所踪。 The Su Xiao's pupil reduces slightly, the opportunity only has the flash, if misses, A' Mu that three swords on white Ai, these three swords were A' Mu resist intentionally. 苏晓的瞳孔略微紧缩,机会只有一瞬间,如果错过,阿姆那三剑就白挨了,这三剑是阿姆故意抗的。 A' Mu.” 阿姆。” Su Xiao opens the mouth at the same time, Sensor full, even achieves the excess load the degree. 苏晓开口的同时,感知全开,甚至达到超负荷的程度。 Ka ka ka...... 咔咔咔…… The close ice crystal emerges out of thin air, composes a shape of sword, the next quarter, Sothoth comes, reason that has this situation, was on the Sothoth sword contaminated the blood of A' Mu. 细密的冰晶凭空出现,组成一把剑的形状,下一刻,索托斯就现身,之所以出现这种情况,是索托斯的剑上沾染了阿姆的鲜血。 A' Mu within the body has Ice Energy, if not it deliberately suppresses, the blood on sword has frozen. 阿姆体内有冰能量,如果不是它刻意压制,剑上的鲜血早就冻结。 Su Xiao bends down the body lowly, bang runs out, plunders together the remnant shadow. 苏晓低俯身体,轰的一声冲出,掠出一道残影。 Zheng! 铮! The long blade brittle cry, cut to empty, but, this also within plan. 长刀脆鸣,斩空了,但,这也在计划之内。 Sothoth appears beyond dozens meters, it looked at ice crystal on the sword, a black tentacle entangles on the long sword, breaks to pieces ice crystal. 索托斯出现在几十米外,它看了眼剑上的冰晶,一根黑色触手缠在长剑上,将冰晶勒碎。 When Sothoth preparation again space shuttling, cuts the head of A' Mu, the aching feeling from its within the body transmits. 就在索托斯准备再次穿梭空间,斩下阿姆的头颅时,疼痛感从它体内传来。 Tittered ~ 噗嗤~ A blue sharp thorn from its chest broken body, is contaminating some black bloodstains. 一根蓝色尖刺从它胸口破体而出,沾染着些许黑色血迹。 „After the ass, thunder!” “腚后雷!” Baja in upper air dives , the front surface plunges Sothoth, at a rate of Sothoth, Baja this obviously commits suicide the attack of nature. 高空中的巴哈俯冲而下,迎面扑向索托斯,索托斯,巴哈这明显是自杀性质的攻击。 Sothoth moves half meter forward, a sword cuts, these half meter plays the crucial role, destroyed throwing of Baja to strike the rhythm, seemed like, before looking like Baja delivered on own initiative, gives Sothoth to cut. 索托斯向前移动半米,一剑斩出,这半米起到关键作用,破坏了巴哈的扑击节奏,看上去,就像是巴哈主动送上前给索托斯砍。 Collapsed, the metal filament line stretches straightly, the Su Xiao arm of not far away pulls, pulls Baja in midair, making the Baja danger evade almost must a sword. 崩的一声,金属线丝绷到笔直,不远处的苏晓手臂一扯,将半空中的巴哈扯回,让巴哈险险躲过几乎必中的一剑。 Ka ~ 咔哒~ The resounding transmits from the Sothoth waist place, in the Sothoth eye flashes through doubts, it had not detected that behind has the enemy. 脆响从索托斯的后腰处传来,索托斯眼中闪过一丝疑惑,它没察觉到身后有敌人。 Bang! 轰! Magnetic Hunter Explosive, after this is ass that Baja said thunder. 磁暴猎手爆炸,这就是巴哈说的‘腚后雷’。 Sothoth vanishes once again, what a pity, it has defeated, cut the A' Mu three swords after it, it defeated. 索托斯又一次消失,可惜,它已经败了,从它斩了阿姆三剑后,它就败了。 Blue crystals puncture to puncture from the chest of Sothoth, was Exiler, the fight just started, Su Xiao split the grains of dust size Exiler, the branch near A' Mu, and other Sothoth approached on own initiative, thus invaded the opposite party within the body. 一根根蓝色晶体刺从索托斯的胸膛刺出,是放逐,战斗刚开始,苏晓就将放逐分裂成尘粒大小,分部在阿姆附近,就等索托斯主动靠近,从而侵入对方体内。 The severe pain in chest, making the Sothoth movement one stiff, the howling broken wind sound/rumor raids from the front, is A' Mu. 胸膛内的剧痛,让索托斯的动作一僵,呼啸的破风声从前方袭来,是阿姆 Although Sothoth has doubts, but still it shuttled back and forth forward several meters, a sword cuts to the throat of A' Mu. 索托斯虽然疑惑,但依然它向前穿梭了几米,一剑斩向阿姆的喉咙。 The A' Mu cow eye stares, the previous that three swords, are it make the opposite party cut intentionally, only after waiting for Sothoth injured , weak several points. 阿姆的牛眼一瞪,之前的那三剑,是它故意让对方砍的,只等索托斯受伤后虚弱几分。 Bang! 轰! Also is an explosion transmits from the Sothoth under foot, bright as snow blade light for the first time presently. 又是一声爆炸从索托斯脚下传来,雪亮的刀光乍现。 Brushes one, Dragon Flash cuts into from the left shoulder of Sothoth, after having delimited the entire back, cuts the next more than ten swaying from side to side tentacles. 刷拉一声,斩龙闪索托斯的左肩斩入,划过整个脊背后,切下十几根扭动的触手。 Roar!” “吼!” The Sothoth pain roar makes noise, however, a fiercer more and brutal beast roar transmits, Beast of Blood. 索托斯痛吼出声,然而,一声更凶暴的兽吼传来,血之兽 bloody aura blasts out, in the ground presents a giant pit, Beast of Blood comes up empty-handed, Sothoth flickered to move away. 血气炸开,地面上出现一道巨大的凹坑,血之兽扑空,索托斯又瞬移走了。 You quite a while, Sun Zei.” “等你半天了,孙贼。” Baja does not know when appears after the Sothoth brain, Sothoth vanishes directly. 巴哈不知何时出现在索托斯脑后,索托斯直接消失。 Titter! 噗嗤! The long blade has cut, the Sothoth foot next station that just came to cannot stand firm, because, its both legs were cut, this is the Sothoth weakness, in Ancient god, its maneuvering force goes near absolutely, but the defensive power is the setting the base rank, Sothoth is extremely strong and extremely weak joint entity. 长刀斩过,刚现身的索托斯脚下站立不稳,因为,它的双腿被斩下来了,这就是索托斯的弱点,古神中,它的机动力绝对靠前,但防御力属于垫底级别,索托斯是极强与极弱的结合体。 Sothoth thinks space shuttling, spreads out with Su Xiao, but this time it could not have achieved, a numbness floods its whole body, control effect triggering of Azure Steel Shadow. 索托斯又想穿梭空间,与苏晓拉开距离,但这次它已经做不到,一种麻木感充斥它全身,青钢影控制效果触发。 The dense and numerous cutting glow appear before the Sothoth body, on its torso and nape of the neck proliferate to cut the mark instantaneously, on the half head was cut once again. 密密麻麻的斩芒出现在索托斯身前,它的躯干与脖颈上瞬间就遍布斩痕,上半截头颅又一次被斩下。 Azure... steel!” “青…钢!” In the Sothoth eye emerges panic-stricken, in the mouth makes the depressed sound, cut off because of the both legs, it is falling down to the ground, eye and Su Xiao's looking at each other. 索托斯眼中涌现一丝惊恐,口中发出沉闷的声音,因双腿被斩断,它正向地上栽倒,眼睛与苏晓的对视。 The long blade brittle cry, Dragon Flash passes through the head of Sothoth, sews it on the ground, Su Xiao both hands grips tightly the hilt, steps in its nape of the neck, the stone quarry appears together loudly, Sothoth does not see the beforehand arrogance, was stepped in the ground. 长刀脆鸣,斩龙闪贯穿索托斯的头颅,将它钉在地上,苏晓双手紧握刀柄,一脚踩在它的脖颈上,一道石坑轰然出现,索托斯再也不见之前的高傲,被踩在地上。 Extinguishing Law,...... was sorry.” 灭法,者……抱歉。” Sothoth said the language of human, the not classified as this world's human language, its body loses the activeness fast, its this is not apologizing, but is dreading, if or in the Extinguishing Law time, like Sothoth such rampant Ancient god, once were discovered by Extinguishing Law, will be tidied up by Extinguishing Law to is very miserable, dying is one type expects that type. 索托斯说出了人类的语言,不属于这个世界的人类语言,它的身体快速失去活性,它这不是在道歉,而是在畏惧,或者说,如果是在灭法时代,像索托斯这么嚣张的古神,一旦被灭法者发现,就会被灭法者收拾到很惨,死都是一种奢望那种。 Un?” “嗯?” Some Su Xiao doubts looks at Sothoth, but the movement on hand as if non-stop, a blade transverse cutting opens the head of Sothoth. 苏晓有些疑惑的看着索托斯,但手上的动作似乎不停,一刀横切开索托斯的头颅。 Outside world, sky over Hallow City. 外界,赫鲁城上空。 Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… The stuffy thunderclap crack, the dark cloud in sky diverges, sunlight directly shoots under. 闷雷声炸响,天空中的乌云散去,阳光直射而下。 The civilians in city stop the manual labor in hand, raises head the bathing sunlight, on their faces reappearing smile, even Bone Port escapee similarly so. 城内的平民们都停下手中的活计,仰头沐浴阳光,他们脸上都浮现笑容,就算是骨港亡命徒们都同样如此。 The moist street corner, a green shoot drills from the crevice, this world as if lived, starts to present the vitality. 潮湿的街道边角,一根绿色嫩芽从石缝内钻出,这个世界似乎都活了过来,开始出现生机。
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