RP :: Volume #30

#21: One on One Duel

10 : 00 am, Hallow City, Area Sacred Silver. 上午10点,赫鲁城,圣银 Su Xiao goes out from the Sorceror's Meet main entrance , compared to sit old Sorcerer of wheelchair, Daybreak is more credible, at least she does not keep guessing, asked that anything said anything. 苏晓巫师会的正门走出,相比坐轮椅的老巫师,曙光要靠谱很多,至少她不卖关子,问什么就说什么。 Walks on the streets of some mud, the general idea of Su Xiao basic understanding matter, he entirely does not certainly believe that Daybreak and Goose's words, from the beforehand known intelligence analysis, the position that Daybreak will provide should not have the false, will be worth exploring. 走在有些泥泞的街道上,苏晓基本了解事情的大概,他当然不会完全相信曙光与古斯的话,从之前已知的情报分析,曙光所提供的位置应该不会有假,值得去探索。 According to Daybreak said that Dominator in Bone Port, as for the Dominator ability, Daybreak and Goose was not clear, when they crusaded against Dominator, but also without Official made war, Sorcerer of one's own side walked on the violent. 根据曙光所言,支配者骨港内,至于支配者的能力,曙光与古斯都不清楚,他们讨伐支配者时,还没正式开战,己方的巫师们就暴走了。 Truly with only has Nia that Dominator has fought, did to Nia dead in battle for many years, before dying, has not fed in the information, looked for Daybreak until Dominator, she knows that Nia has died. 真正与支配者交过手的只有尼亚,奈何尼亚已战死多年,死前没传回情报,直到支配者找上曙光,她才知道尼亚已死。 Compared Ancient god, where Su Xiao more curious Offender runs went, like Sorceror's Meet headquarters place, has not seen Offender unexpectedly, this was the Anomaly situation. 相比古神,苏晓更好奇违规者们都跑哪去了,像巫师会总部这种地方,居然没见到一名违规者,这是很异常的情况。 Even, in Hallow City basically cannot see Offender, as well as other Paradise Contractor, this is not very normal. 甚至于,赫鲁城内也基本都看不到违规者,以及其他乐园契约者,这很不正常。 Su Xiao does not have the energy to investigate these temporarily, the Main Mission second point of time limit more than half . Moreover the situation of summer also temporarily unknown. 苏晓暂时没精力调查这些,主线任务第二环的时限已过半,而且夏的情况也暂时未知。 During the thinking, Su Xiao had/left Area Sacred Silver, enters Area Bone Port, morning Bone Port, common social practice still like that simple and honest, after witnessing the large-scale fighting of two groups of factions, Su Xiao arrives in the third block. 思索间,苏晓出了圣银,进入骨港,上午的骨港,民风依然那般淳朴,目睹了两伙帮派的大规模械斗后,苏晓抵达第三街区。 Baja after investigates one, locked several stone building in third block, according to Daybreak said that Dominator on deep sleep in nearby region. 巴哈在空中侦查一番后,锁定了第三街区内的几栋石楼,根据曙光所言,支配者就沉睡在附近区域内。 Stands in front of a 2nd Layer short building, Su Xiao loosens the waist to turn over to Dragon Flash in sheath, grasps Dragon Flash in the hand, in order to avoid has the sudden outbreak. 站在一栋二层矮楼前,苏晓解下腰间归鞘中的斩龙闪,将斩龙闪握在手中,以免出现突发状况。 Thump, thump and thump. 咚、咚、咚。 Su Xiao sounds the door, the following Caesar some surprise, because in his opinion, Su Xiao will trample the gate to go in directly. 苏晓敲响房门,后面的凯撒有些诧异,因为在他看来,苏晓会直接踹门进去。 No one opens the door, but in the room has the aura of living person. 没人开门,但房间内有活人的气息。 Bang! 砰! The door was trampled broken by Su Xiao, the broken wooden splash, wears the tattered clothing together, the hand grasps the dead fish blade old man front surface to clash, right, the Bone Port old gentlemen are so valiant. 房门被苏晓一脚踹碎,碎木飞溅,一道身着破烂衣物,手握杀鱼刀的老汉迎面冲来,没错,骨港的老爷子都这么彪悍。 The hand grasped the dead fish blade old gentleman just to run out of several to stop, he carefully examined the Su Xiao moment, looked to Baja on A' Mu and his shoulder. 手握杀鱼刀的老爷子刚冲出几步就停下,他审视了苏晓片刻,又看向阿姆与其肩膀上的巴哈 The old gentleman hesitant moment, abandons dead fish blade, squatting of expression some not indignation on the ground. 老爷子犹豫片刻,就扔下杀鱼刀,表情有些不忿的蹲在地上。 In cabinet also remains half piece of bread, under the bed has 5 copper coin, took walked quickly.” “柜里还剩半块面包,床下有五铜币,拿了就快走。” The judgment of old gentleman is quite wise, if before he armed with knife to rush a moment ago, now should not squat on the ground. 老爷子的判断相当明智,如果他刚才持刀冲上前,现在应该不是蹲在地上。 After Su Xiao enters stone building, first examines one, no harvest, inspects is regarded storage Wujian 2nd Layer. 苏晓进入石楼后,先是查看一层,没什么收获,又检查被当成储物间的二层 Gratuity given to a gatekeeper by visitor requesting audience with powerful official.” “门钱。” Su Xiao ejects a silver coin, squats to lift the hand to catch in the old man of ground subconsciously, looks at this charming gloss, the old man throws in the entrance the silver coin directly. 苏晓抛出一枚银币,蹲在地上的老头下意识抬手接住,看到手中这迷人的光泽,老头直接将银币抛入口中。 The first residents search for fruitless, Su Xiao knits the brows slightly, after the Bone Port third block, he felt that Dominator is unlikely in this broken place deep sleep, one share fish and shrimp rotten stink. 第一栋民宅搜寻无果,苏晓略微皱眉,到了骨港的第三街区后,他感觉支配者不太可能在这破地方沉睡,一股子鱼虾腐烂的臭味。 The suspicious construction of Baja locking altogether has five, five buildings each other are neighboring, the information that if Daybreak provides is correct, Dominator certainly in this region. 巴哈锁定的可疑建筑共有五栋,五栋建筑彼此相邻,如果曙光提供的情报正确,支配者一定在这片区域内。 Su Xiao sounds the door of second stone building, still does not have the sound, after the old means open the door, light fishy smell sweet taste wells up. 苏晓敲响第二栋石楼的房门,依然没声音,老办法开门后,一股淡淡的腥甜味涌来。 Ka and ka ~ 咔、咔~ Clear chews to transmit from the room, a build slightly small white goat is gnawing to eat the small seedling, various room luxuriant growth of leaves and branches, the ground is spreading an animal corpse, but these small seedlings, grow from these corpses. 清脆的嘴嚼声从房间内传来,一只体型略小的白色山羊正啃食着小树苗,房间各处枝繁叶茂,地面铺着一层动物尸体,而那些小树苗,就是从这些尸体上生长出。 Really will not give up.” “果然不会善罢甘休。” In the mouth chews white goat of tender leaf to sit on the ground, the mouth spits the criticism/human language. 口中嘴嚼着嫩叶的白山羊坐在地上,口吐人言。 Zheng ~ 铮~ The long blade in Su Xiao hand comes out of the sheath, the racing wells up of Azure Steel Shadow energy on the Dragon Flash knife. 苏晓手中的长刀出鞘,青钢影能量在斩龙闪的刀身上奔涌。 Do not rest, the guest has walked, massacres him, or...... fell by the homicide, this guest may be extraordinary.” “别睡了,客人已经找上门,杀掉他,或是……被他杀掉,这客人可了不得。” The hair of white goat body surface falls off fast, finally the entire body changes into the flying ash, completed the early warning work. 白山羊体表的毛发快速脱落,最终整个身体都化为飞灰,完成了预警工作。 white goat dissipates at the same time, various animal corpses in room also start to evaporate, reveal some floors of becoming dark. 白山羊消散的同时,房间内的各类动物尸体也开始蒸发,露出有些发黑的地板。 Su Xiao's Sensor full, A' Mu and Baja keep off in his body side, Boubo integrate in the environment, as for Caesar, this goods does not know where runs goes. 苏晓的感知全开,阿姆巴哈挡在他身侧,布布汪融入到环境内,至于凯撒,这货早就不知跑哪去。 Creaks and creaks ~ 嘎吱、嘎吱~ Su Xiao steps in the obsolete floor, in the hand the long blade refers to the ground slantingly. 苏晓踩在陈旧的地板上,手中长刀斜指地面。 Zheng. 铮。 Cuts quickly to the blade of limit, dark falls to the shining tentacle in the place, but also swaying from side to side. 快到极限的一刀斩出,一根黝黑到发亮的触手掉落在地,还扭动着。 The knife point pierces the black tentacle, selects to fly the tentacle, after Su Xiao leaps, leaps stone building from the main entrance, after completing the preliminary probe, knows perfectly well Dominator in stone building, but also continues to inside explores, that will be the horror film can have the brain remnant plot that Su Xiao naturally this. 刀尖刺穿黑触手,将触手挑飞出去,苏晓后跃,从正门跃出石楼,完成初步的试探后,明知支配者在石楼内,还继续向里面探索,那是恐怖片才会有的脑残情节,苏晓当然不会这样做。 Stands in the stone building front, Su Xiao bends down the body slightly lowly, the next quarter, Blade Aura interlocks to cut, cuts from various stone building places. 站在石楼前方,苏晓略微低俯身体,下一刻,刀芒交错斩出,从石楼各处切割而过。 Sees this, in nearby A' Mu hand produces the giant cold ice hammer, pounds loudly in stone building. 见此,一旁的阿姆手中生成把巨型寒冰锤,轰然砸在石楼上。 Bang! 砰! The stone scatters, stone building was razed to the ground, the ground only remains a stretch of uneven ice layer. 石块四溅,石楼被夷为平地,地面仅剩一片凹凸不平的冰层。 After stone building was rumbled flies, a close fissure appears in the midair, this fissure like destroyed mirror, such static from a ground two meters place. 石楼被轰飞后,一片细密的裂痕出现在半空中,这裂痕如同被打碎的镜子,就那样静止在距离地面两米处。 Su Xiao cut a blade conveniently, pale blue Blade Aura passed over gently and swiftly, has cut from these black fissures, has not caused the essence damage. 苏晓随手斩出一刀,淡蓝色刀芒掠过,从那些黑色裂痕上斩过,没造成实质伤害。 Spatial Nature.” 空间性质。” Su Xiao lifts the hand to hint Boubo, A' Mu and Baja to disperse, deals with the Spatial Nature enemy, the centralism is not doing well together is rolled to extinguish. 苏晓抬手示意布布汪阿姆巴哈都散开,对付有空间性质的敌人,集中在一起弄不好就会被团灭。 Tick-tock and tick-tock ~ 滴答、滴答~ The black mucilage drops from the fissure, most starts a little bit to fall, after several seconds, is similar to lets loose the valve, the black mucilage wells up crazily, inside can also see to the shining tentacle dark. 黑色粘液从裂痕内滴落,最开始还是一滴滴落下,几秒后就如同放开阀门般,黑色粘液狂涌,里面还能看到黝黑到发亮的触手。 The black mucilage spreads on the ground, after Su Xiao again leaps, in order to avoid being touched by this type of unknown liquid. 黑色粘液在地上蔓延,苏晓再次后跃,以免被这种未知液体触碰到。 Most one minute, the black mucilage flows out a big beach/pool, affects the peripheral several hundred meters region. 最多一分钟时间,黑色粘液就流出一大滩,波及周边几百米区域。 The pricking transmits on Su Xiao, he looks to oneself back of the hand, black Array Chart is outlining together fast. 刺痛感在苏晓手上传来,他看向自己的手背,一道黑色阵图正快速勾勒着。 Su Xiao just about to tears off the skin on back of the hand, detected that periphery is not right, the surrounding scene presents the double image, has to plant does not wear the 3D eyeglasses to look at the feeling of 3D movie. 苏晓刚要将手背上的皮肤扯下,就察觉到周围不对,周围的景象出现重影,有种不戴3d眼镜看3d电影的感觉。 The shatter sound transmits from the surroundings, Su Xiao looks to A' Mu, A' Mu is looking at dumbly in same place, half body blurred. 破碎的声响从周围传来,苏晓看向阿姆,阿姆正呆立在原地,半个身体都模糊了。 Su Xiao just about to activates the Shadow Blink ability, nearly frightened sense of crisis emerges, now uses Shadow Blink, will die absolutely. 苏晓刚要激活龙影闪能力,一种近乎惊悚的危机感涌现,现在使用龙影闪,绝对会死。 Bang! 轰! The ground of Su Xiao under foot cracks, he disappears instantaneously on the spot. 苏晓脚下的地面崩裂,他瞬间就消失在原地。 Bang, Su Xiao tramples on the side waist of A' Mu, A' Mu flies directly horizontally. 砰的一声,苏晓一脚踹在阿姆的侧腰上,阿姆直接横飞出去。 Su Xiao falls to the ground at very slow speed, his surrounding world was shattered, the whole person was inhaled together in black Uzumaki. 苏晓以很缓慢的速度落地,他周围的世界破碎,整个人被吸入一道黑色漩涡内。 „Very Yin, this Ancient god.” “挺阴嘛,这古神。” Baja dives from the upper air, by its fight IQ, has assessed the current situation. 巴哈从高空俯冲而下,以它的战斗智商,已经判断出当下的情况。 Dominator is the preparation drags away A' Mu, solutions, is One on One Duel of popular name. 支配者是准备将阿姆拖走,一个一个解决,也就是俗称的单挑 But the present result is, Su Xiao dragged away by Dominator, goes to One on One Duel with the opposite party. 而眼下的结果是,苏晓支配者拖走了,和对方去单挑
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