RP :: Volume #30

#18: Once Old God

The dark cloud covers sky over Hallow City, after several fiery red clouds, is the sunlight that people long, had the sunlight to urge the crops to grow, what a pity, this regarding the Hallow City civilians was an expectation. 乌云笼罩在赫鲁城上空,几片火红的云朵后,就是人们渴望的阳光,有了阳光才能促使农作物生长,可惜,这对于赫鲁城的平民来讲是种奢望。 Even if in the morning, the pedestrian on street are not many, after all everyone is very busy, lazy will be equal to the hunger, the ignition feeling of gastric juice corrosion stomach pouch will make one gradually go crazy, makes very not sane matter. 纵使是上午,街道上的行人也不多,毕竟每个人都很忙碌,慵懒就等于饥饿,胃酸侵蚀胃囊的灼烧感会让人逐渐发疯,做出很不理智的事。 ~ 啪~ A section of dripping wet firewood cleft in two, the firewood person breathed the moment, sets up the second log, gets hold to entangle the shaft of dirty cloth strip. 一截湿淋淋的木柴被劈成两半,劈柴人喘了片刻,才立起第二根圆木,握紧住缠着肮脏布条的斧柄。 Su Xiao pauses in the Sorceror's Meet headquarters front, the construction that this stands tall and erect as if must prick in the dark cloud, indistinct can also see that above the construction is occupying anything, but under the sweep of mist, making one unable to see clearly that thing the complete picture. 苏晓停步在巫师会总部前方,这高耸的建筑似乎要刺入乌云内,隐约还能看到建筑上方盘踞着什么,但在薄雾的笼罩下,让人看不清那东西的全貌。 A Sorceror's Meet main entrance entire day opens, Su Xiao walks in the frontline, Boubo and A' Mu follows, Baja is routine squats on the shoulder of A' Mu, Caesar stealthy following in the rear, the makings are unique. 巫师会一层的正门全天开启,苏晓走在最前方,布布汪阿姆紧随其后,巴哈则是习惯性蹲在阿姆的肩膀上,凯撒则鬼鬼祟祟的跟在最后面,气质独特。 After Su Xiao enters Sorceror's Meet one, in directly soars the side staircase, this staircase assumes z character line of upward, no one handles because of long time, the in addition environment is moist, on the stair has pitch-dark dirt, stepping on to be very hard. 苏晓进入巫师会一层后,直奔里侧的楼梯,这楼梯呈z字行向上,因长时间没人打理,外加环境潮湿,台阶上有一层黑漆漆的污垢,踩上去很坚硬。 Is upward following the staircase, stopped the footsteps Su Xiao to ten, the object that looks like the tree root appearance seals up the stairway. 顺着楼梯向上,苏晓到了十层停住脚步,一层酷似树根模样的物体封住楼梯口。 Su Xiao according to the tree root level, the tree root level exudes ka ka the resounding sound single-handed, finally shrinks into the both sides walls. 苏晓单手按在树根层上,树根层发出咔咔的脆响声,最终缩入两侧的墙体内。 Do not be upward, knowing too is also a crime.” “别再向上了,知晓太多也是种罪。” Is rough-skinned, at the back of sits the woman of black wooden handle long spear/gun on the stair, her two eye sockets are downward, was obviously dug the eyeball livingly. 一名皮肤粗糙,背着把黑色木柄长枪的女人坐在台阶上,她两处眼窝向下凹陷,明显是被人活生生挖去眼球。 „......” “……” Su Xiao has not spoken, but passes through from female Sorcerer , to continue upwardly. 苏晓没说话,只是从女巫师身旁走过,继续向上。 Delivers you an advice, these people are only the cowards.” “送你个忠告,那些人只是懦夫而已。” The female Sorcerer side headdress toward Su Xiao, that chaotic hair hangs in the one side, she grinned to smile, revealed the full mouth metal tooth. 巫师侧头面朝苏晓,那乱糟糟的头发垂在一旁,她咧嘴笑了,露出满口金属牙。 Coward?” “懦夫?” The Su Xiao's footsteps stop, can appear on Sorceror's Meet over ten, naturally will not be the unimportant person. 苏晓的脚步停住,能出现在巫师会十层以上,当然不会是小人物。 They are the cowards, what are you?” “他们是懦夫,那你又算什么?” Su Xiao leaves behind these words , to continue to lift the step to walk toward the staircase. 苏晓留下这句话,继续抬步向楼梯上走去。 I? Un ~, has struggled the pitiful creature, the cowards were even inferior.” “我?嗯~,一只挣扎过的可怜虫,连懦夫都不如。” The shoulder of female Sorcerer shrugs, smiled appalling, the Caesar choice of team final side far away from her. 巫师的肩膀耸动,笑的让人毛骨悚然,队伍最后方的凯撒选择远离她。 Continues upwardly, Su Xiao has not seen other Sorcerer again, until arriving in 30, terminates the staircase to this, a corridor appears in the front. 继续向上,苏晓没再看到其他巫师,直到抵达三十层,楼梯到此终止,一条长廊出现在前方。 This corridor approximately five meters width, on the both sides walls has a candlestick every several meters, the arm thick gray candle is burning slowly, the wax oil stacks in the wall very high. 这长廊约五米宽,两侧的墙壁上每隔几米都有一处烛台,手臂粗的灰色蜡烛缓缓燃烧着,蜡油在墙边堆起很高。 Obviously, Sorceror's Meet ten some to 30 people handles, the big probability is that blind eye female Sorcerer, Moen the class/flow, is unable to compare favorably with this female Sorcerer strength, such person, but does odd jobs. 显然,巫师会的十层到三十层是有人打理的,大概率是那名盲眼女巫师,摩恩・迪之流,根本无法与这名女巫师的战力媲美,这样的人,只是打杂的。 Walks toward the corridor deep place, surroundings quiet only remains the sound of footsteps, marched forward more than 20 meters away, before Su Xiao arrives, before stone door that the video image sees. 向长廊深处走去,周围安静的只剩脚步声,行进了二十多米远,苏晓来到之前通过视频影像所见到的石门前。 In stone door uneven, looks very ancient, on the tan stone material can see motley red seal, somewhat seems like the blood fingerprint, somewhat seems like the face. 石门上凹凸不平,看起来很古旧,黄褐色的石材上能看到斑驳的红印,有些像是血手印,有些像是面孔。 Su Xiao puts out the iron sign obtained from Caesar that this thing is Sorceror's Meet issued, but had been transformed by Caesar. 苏晓拿出从凯撒那获得的铁牌,这东西原本是巫师会颁发,但被凯撒改造过。 My generous friend , not letting Caesar come.” “我慷慨的朋友,千万别,让凯撒来。” The Caesar half step goes forward, hints Su Xiao the iron sign to him, Su Xiao has not cared, throws to Caesar the iron sign. 凯撒快步上前,示意苏晓将铁牌给他,苏晓没太在意,就将铁牌抛给凯撒 Received the iron sign, the hand of Caesar puts in the pants pocket child, pulled out pulls out...... 接过铁牌,凯撒的手伸进裤兜子里,掏啊掏…… Sees this, Su Xiao decided that broken dog tag he does not want. 看到这一幕,苏晓决定,那破狗牌他不要了。 Caesar pulls out one group of light-green colloids finally, iron sign according to inside, fitting in stone door. 凯撒最终掏出一团浅绿色胶状物,将铁牌按在里面,贴合在石门上。 The iron sign is decayed at the visible speed, finally is reduced to ashes. 铁牌以肉眼可见的速度腐朽着,最终化为灰烬。 Ka and ka...... 咔哒、咔哒…… Under stone door hears the difficult gear fricative, the ear of Caesar pastes in stone door, after knocking, hinted this to open, in order to the security, he stepped the small broken step to run up to the team final side. 石门下方传来艰涩的齿轮摩擦声,凯撒的耳朵贴在石门上,敲了敲后,示意这门可以打开了,安全起见,他迈着小碎步跑到队伍最后方。 Su Xiao's pushes up stone door, is very heavy. 苏晓的手推上石门,很重。 Rumble...... 轰隆隆…… The dust scatters from the crack in a door, this dust-laden for a long time place, is opened today. 灰尘从门缝散落,这尘封许久的地方,今天被打开了。 Prompt: You have entered the old God Cult hall.】 提示:你已进入旧神教堂。】 Shoved open stone door, Su Xiao's wielded wielding in the front, scattered to choke the dust of nose. 推开石门,苏晓的手在面前挥了挥,驱散呛鼻的灰尘。 Looks to the front, this is a 300 square meters big or small church, the entire church seems very obsolete, the center has circular stepped stone steps, probably downward hollow more than ten meters depth, but in most below position, the stone carving, the stone carving concrete characteristics, the appearance has not even had, can only judge from the figure, this is the young woman image. 向前方看去,这是一处三百平米大小的教堂,整个教堂都显得很陈旧,中心处有圆形阶梯状石梯,大概向下凹陷十几米深,而在最下方的位置,有一座石雕,石雕没有具体的特征,连容貌都没有,只能从身形判断出,这是年轻女性形象。 Su Xiao looks to the church edge, the edge has three stone chairs, the doubling angular. 苏晓向教堂边缘看去,边缘有三张石椅,成对角形。 Three stone chairs have more than two meters widths, inlays in the wall, two are emptying, above can see the motley bloodstain, on the last stone chair sits a form. 三张石椅都有两米多宽,镶在墙壁内,其中两张空着,能看到上面斑驳的血迹,最后一张石椅上坐着道身影。 Is brings death.” “又是个来送死的。” The somewhat hoarse sound conveys, Su Xiao side looks, in the church open area, the form was being hung upside down together, the chains penetrates his ankle area, hangs him from a ground two meters place, the tattered linen entangles on his both feet, both legs and torso, to the nape of the neck, can see the burn from the slits, shocking. 有些沙哑的声音传来,苏晓侧头看去,在教堂内侧的空地上,一道身影被倒吊着,锁链穿透他的脚踝,将他吊在距离地面两米处,破烂的麻布缠在他的双脚、双腿以及躯干上,一直到脖颈,从缝隙间还能看到烧伤,触目惊心。 Su Xiao lifts the step to go forward, although in church ruined, but obviously is not dark, he saw clearly the appearance of this form, this is old man who cannot judge the age, he was too old, on the face full is the wrinkle, seems like a skeleton of skin and bones. 苏晓抬步上前,教堂内虽然破败,但不显黑暗,他看清了这道身影的容貌,这是名判断不出年龄的老头,他实在太老了,脸上满是皱纹,看起来就像一具皮包骨的骷髅。 „Is this Immortal Sorcerer? Caesar, you close stone door quickly, this old fogy should unable to see the wind, if died troubled.” “这就是不朽巫师凯撒,你赶快去关上石门,这老家伙应该不能见风,万一死了就麻烦了。” Baja starts his daily obscene talk, after all this old fogy opens the mouth is is brings death. 巴哈开始他的日常骚话,毕竟这老家伙开口就是一句‘又是来送死的’。 I do not have is so easy dead, if can die, I have extricated.” “我没那么容易死,如果能死,我早就解脱了。” The hung upside down old man opens a pupil, this is only the completely pale eye. 被倒吊的老头睁开一只眸子,这是只完全惨白的眼睛。 Daybreak?” 曙光?” The appearance of Su Xiao to Immortal Sorcerer is not accidental/surprised, or can negotiate normally, already good. 苏晓不朽巫师的模样并不意外,或者说,能正常交涉,已经算不错。 I am not, that side paranoia is, I am......” “我不是,那边的偏执狂才是,我是……” Hangs upside down the old man to stop speaking of this, thinks for nearly a half minute saying: 倒吊老头说到这停住,思索近半分钟才开口说道: I am Goose, a barely managing to maintain a feeble existence loser.” “我是古斯,一个苟延残喘的失败者。” Hangs upside down old man attitude that Goose shows, seems like does not care to anything. 倒吊老头・古斯所展现出的态度,似乎是对任何事都已经不关心。 Immortal Sorcerer Goose?” 不朽巫师・古斯?” The Caesar eyeful does not dare to believe that high and low sizes up hangs upside down the old man, some Su Xiao doubts looks to Caesar. 凯撒满眼不敢置信,上下打量倒吊老头,苏晓有些疑惑的看向凯撒 It is said Sacred Silver is he provides, naturally, this is the hearsay, the credibility not high......” “据说圣银就是他提供的,当然,这是传闻,可信度不高……” Sacred Silver.” 圣银。” Goose's two pupils open completely, is staring at Caesar, startled Caesar draws back continually two steps. 古斯的两只眸子全部睁开,直直盯着凯撒,惊的凯撒连退两步。 How long has not heard some people to take this thing, I was really initially stupid, unexpectedly is willing to burn oneself, quenches Sacred Silver, if I am Old God, is insufficient this appearance, I should not believe Daybreak, should not believe that Ray of Hope Nia, in the final analysis, their good, insufficient defeat wickedly these.” “多久没听到有人提这东西,当初我真蠢,居然愿意燃烧自己,去淬圣银,如果我还是旧神,也不至于这幅模样,我不应该相信曙光,也不应该相信希望之光尼亚,归根结底,她们的善,不足矣战胜那些恶。” Goose disclosed an important intelligence, he once was Old God, but after burning oneself, he no longer was, turns old man who was hung upside down. 古斯无意间透露出一个重要情报,他曾是旧神,但在燃烧自身后,他不再是,变成一个被倒吊起的老头。 Does not need to think so me, Old God has nothing greatly, in front of True God, collapsed at the first blow simply, loses, lost loses to even the sunlight, hahahaha......” “不用这么看我,旧神没什么了不起,在真正的神面前,简直不堪一击,输了啊,输到连阳光都失去,哈哈哈哈……” In self-ridiculing laughter, Goose closes the pupil, the second important intelligence, True God. 一阵自嘲的笑声中,古斯闭上眸子,第二个重要情报,真正的神
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