RP :: Volume #28

#25: Adjutant, serious, cannot smile

If there is this opportunity, 70% assurances.” “如果有这种机会,70%把握。” The Su Xiao tentative plan are too much Old Saint King to cope with the Moon God's Maiden method, has not thought of the opposite party only in this direct way. 苏晓设想过很多种老圣王对付月神女的方法,唯独没想到对方会以这种直接的方式。 Right, it seems like saved you to come out initially, is the correct choice.” “是吗,看来当初救你出来,是正确的选择。” A Old Saint King thread of conversation revolution, kept silent about the plan, started to mention the Undying Crystal Goddess Statue theft case. 老圣王话锋一转,绝口不提刚才的计划,开始说起不朽水晶女神像被盗案。 Discussed one hour, Su Xiao leaves the greenhouse, disclosed through Old Saint King some information that he knows a matter, this old fogy wants to do dead Moon God's Maiden in a short time, the concrete plan is unknown temporarily. 足足谈了一个多小时,苏晓才离开花房,通过老圣王透露出的部分信息,他得知一件事,这老家伙想在短时间内搞死月神女,具体计划暂时不得而知。 It is not the positive/direct storm, if Old Saint King such does, Su Xiao will draw a sword to cut Old Saint King a moment ago, because makes such stupid choice Old Saint King, likely by others control. 并不是正面强攻,如果老圣王那样做,苏晓刚才会拔刀斩了老圣王,因为做出那样愚蠢抉择的老圣王,很可能是被他人控制 A Old Saint King arrangement for a long time plan will soon start, as for the detail of plan, Old Saint King had not disclosed temporarily. 老圣王一个筹备已久的计划即将开始,至于计划的细节,老圣王暂时没透露。 Su Xiao just returned to the house, the Boubo front surface runs. 苏晓刚返回住宅,布布汪迎面跑来。 woof.” “汪。” The Boubo expression is somewhat anxious. 布布汪的表情有些焦急。 Authenticity that determines this information?” “确定这个情报的真实性?” woof( is very definite, personally woman said).” “汪(很确定,那女人亲口说的)。” Really, that side could not sit still.” “果然,那边也坐不住了。” Su Xiao knew an important intelligence from the Boubo mouth, Moon God's Maiden bribed an assassin from Riordan Empire, prepared to assassinate Old Saint King, the sentiment, Moon God's Maiden in this waits for Old Saint King, Riordan Empire to be just a scapegoat, if the assassin in that country's assassinated Old Saint King, this conformed to the common sense very much. 苏晓布布汪口中得知一个重要情报,月神女买通了一名来自洛丹帝国的刺客,准备刺杀老圣王,感情,月神女在这等着老圣王,洛丹帝国刚背锅,如果那国的刺客来刺杀老圣王,这很符合常理。 Was sent by Moon God's Maiden by the great expectations assassin, its strength can be imagined, do not forget, Moon God that she believes that is not illusory existence, might give her to help in some aspect. 月神女寄以厚望的刺客,其战力之强可想而知,不要忘记一点,她所信仰的月之神,并非虚无缥缈的存在,很可能会在某方面给予她帮助。 The relations of Daybreak Empire and Ximoro Empire just stabilized, the confrontation of Old Saint King and Moon God's Maiden falls into the superheating immediately. 黎明帝国西莫罗帝国的关系刚稳定,老圣王月神女的交锋马上陷入白热化。 Assassination......” “刺杀……” Su Xiao felt that Moon God's Maiden is not only the simple assassination, possibly many subsequent hands are also waiting, do not forget, the opposite party can foresee the future, although has not been clear about that ability powerful to what degree, but can only indicate the flash even, is still very extraordinary ability. 苏晓感觉月神女不会只是简单的刺杀,可能还有很多后手等着,别忘记,对方能预见未来,虽然还不清楚那种能力强大到何种程度,但就算只能预示一瞬间,也是很了不得的能力。 Although Su Xiao stands Old Saint King, but his clear matter, Old Saint King is also good, Moon God's Maiden, so long as they decide the victory and defeat, who won, later must cope, certainly is oneself, this without a doubt, 9th Regiment learns from another's mistakes, discussed the former friendship with the hierarch? Discussed how many merits once performed? Washes to rest. 苏晓虽然是站在老圣王这边,但他清楚一件事,老圣王也好,月神女也罢,只要他们决出胜负,无论是谁赢了,之后要对付的,一定是自己,这点毋庸置疑,第九部队就是前车之鉴,和掌权者谈旧情?谈曾经立下多少功绩?洗洗睡吧。 The Su Xiao's ultimate goal only then one, is completed to awaken mission, at present awakens the mission card to strike to kill Earth Dragon Tanm. 苏晓的最终目的只有一个,就是完成觉醒任务,眼下觉醒任务卡在击杀地龙塔门 Or while Old Saint King wins, he should worry that truly, is the blade in Su Xiao hand can cut his head. 或者说,在老圣王获胜的同时,他真正应该担心的,是苏晓手中的刀会不会斩下他的头颅。 Is getting more and more interesting.” “越来越有意思。” Su Xiao lights cigarette, just the spout light smoke, a bell whining noise transmitted, that is the sound of empire bell, one was the Moon Goddess praying day, two were the empire celebration days, three were the enemy invades one's territory. 苏晓点燃一支烟,刚吐出口青烟,一声钟鸣声传来,那是帝国钟的声音,一声是月之女神祈福日,两声是帝国庆典日,三声是敌国来犯。 When... when... when... when... works as! 当…当…当…当…当! After bell who five resound through the empire capital called, entire empire fell into the deathly stillness, in a while, Su Xiao heard to weep and wail the sound indistinctly. 五声响彻帝国首都的钟鸣后,整个帝国陷入死寂,没过多久,苏晓隐约听到哭喊声。 Five empire clocks, leave the world on behalf of Saint King! 五声帝国钟,代表圣王离世! Su Xiao has also seen right in front of one Old Saint King in the morning, moreover this type of public form bell, does not die on behalf of Old Saint King of the accident/surprise. 苏晓上午还面见过老圣王,而且这种公开形式的鸣钟,代表老圣王不是死于意外。 Su Xiao takes Boubo, Baja and junior assistant, the half step hurries to the house, directly soars Rwandan Palace. 苏晓带上布布汪巴哈小副官,快步向住宅外赶去,直奔卢伦费宫 Along the way on the street, Su Xiao sees lots of civilians and armies. 沿途所过的街道上,苏晓看到大量平民与军队。 Before Su Xiao arrives in the Rwandan Palace gate , the place of seeing overspreads white flower, the number the unclear soldier and empire official knees down, the right arm grasps to twist with the chest front, the expression is serious, some people cry. 苏晓抵达卢伦费宫门前时,入目之处铺满白花,数之不清的士兵与帝国官员单膝跪地,右臂握拳曲与胸前,表情沉重,有些人更是落泪。 Su Xiao passes through the both sides to overspread the white flower paved pathway, according to the direction of crowd, directly soars in Rwandan Palace the rear end assembly hall. 苏晓走过两侧铺满白花的甬路,根据人群的方向,直奔卢伦费宫中后侧的礼堂。 Before the assembly hall, is towering stone columns, the wail sound is lingering on faintly. 礼堂前耸立着一根根石柱,哭嚎声不绝于耳。 King, how you goes to us, this morning, this morning you also......” “王啊,您怎么就离我们而去,今早,今早您还……” The finance officers kneel in the assembly hall, nasal mucus tears, performing skill explosive table, Old Saint King before and Su Xiao vague has raised, prepares to tidy up the finance officer. 财务官跪在礼堂内,鼻涕一把泪一把,演技爆表,老圣王之前和苏晓隐晦的提过,准备收拾财务官。 In thin that the finance officer surface cries crash-bang, in the heart is laughs actually absolutely three, and angrily roars: Old thing, you special died finally.’ 财务官表面哭的稀里哗啦,实则心中绝对是大笑三声,并怒吼:‘老东西,你特么终于死了。’ But the truly sad person, is not no, King's Sword Soshite is deeply grieved, he stands erect inside the assembly hall front door, shakes in the hand of sword hilt the blue vein to stick out suddenly. 而真正伤心的人,并不是没有,王剑修思特就是悲痛欲绝,他直立在礼堂大门内侧,握着剑柄的手上青筋暴起。 Soshite, Saint King cause of death.” 修思特,圣王的死因。” Dies from illness, his physical state...... could not have shouldered.” “病故,他的身体情况……早就扛不住。” King's Sword Soshite nods to Su Xiao, this fellow is Old Saint King many officials pure running water, he can live now, only because of a point, is loyal, moreover his brain is not too actually good, otherwise something should he do, rather than Su Xiao. 王剑修思特苏晓点头,这家伙算是老圣王身边众多官员们中的一股清流,他能活到现在,只因为一点,就是忠诚,而且他的脑子其实不算太好,否则有些事都应该他去做,而不是苏晓 King's Sword Soshite wiped tears, looks to the assembly hall crystal sarcophagus, Old Saint King is lying down in inside. 王剑修思特抹了把眼泪,看向礼堂内侧的水晶棺,老圣王正躺在里面。 Before Su Xiao lifts the step arrives at the crystal sarcophagus, this coffin is also 50 centimeters depth, the surface is carving the trace. 苏晓抬步来到水晶棺前,这棺材也就是五十公分深,表面雕刻着纹路。 Su Xiao is sizing up Old Saint King in crystal sarcophagus, at this time Old Saint King complexion wax yellow, both hands keep flat in the chest front, wears a white clothing, the body lower berth white flower. 苏晓打量着水晶棺内的老圣王,此时老圣王脸色蜡黄,双手平放在胸前,身穿一身白衣,身下铺着白花 Does not know is coincidence, who also or does, small white flower stands on the Old Saint King ear, seems like the Old Saint King ear to clamp a little flower, the sad atmosphere is suddenly happy, a nearby junior assistant expression distortion, wants to smile, but there are does not dare. 不知道是巧合,又或者是谁作死,一朵小白花立在老圣王耳上,看起来就像是老圣王耳朵在夹着一朵小花,悲伤的气氛突然就欢乐起来,一旁的小副官表情一阵扭曲,想笑,但有不敢。 The tinsel springs from the Su Xiao's sleeve cuff, he kicked under the calf of junior assistant, keeping off that the junior assistant expression twists funnily side him. 金属丝从苏晓的袖口内弹出,他踢了下小副官的小腿,小副官表情滑稽又扭曲的挡在他身旁。 After tunnelling everyone's vision, the tinsel in Su Xiao hand springs, entangles on the Old Saint King nape of the neck. 挡住所有人的视线后,苏晓手中的金属丝弹出,缠在老圣王的脖颈上。 The blood stops flowing, the cell situated in the necrosis, all internal organs stops working gradually, Nervous System also in fast necrosis. 血液停止流动,细胞处于逐步坏死中,所有脏器都停止工作,神经系统也在快速坏死中。 This physical state showed, Old Saint King indeed has died, moreover his cause of death not fishy, the heart is the excess load work, inside also three unusual item, without these three things, Old Saint King may in die of the cardiopulmonary failure. 这种身体情况表明,老圣王的确已死,而且他的死因并不蹊跷,心脏已是超负荷工作,里面还有三种超凡物品,没有这三个东西,老圣王可在早就死于心肺衰竭。 Su Xiao always felt inconceivable that this old fogy dies, such character, one did die? 苏晓总感觉这老家伙死的不可思议,这样的人物,嘎巴一下就死了? Does not know is the misconception, Su Xiao always felt, this old fogy meets in the dying sickness startled to sit up, suddenly lives on the sudden rising. 不知是不是错觉,苏晓总感觉,这老家伙会垂死病中惊坐起,突然就诈尸活过来。 Makes Su Xiao feel incorrect is, Moon God's Maiden has not arrived unexpectedly, even if both sides are fighting, but did not arrive at this time, really cannot be justified. 更让苏晓感觉不对的是,月神女居然没到场,就算双方在斗,但这种时候不到场,实在说不过去。 Moon God's Maiden is not does not want to come, is not does not know this good news, but is she simply does not have the time. 月神女不是不想来,也不是不知道这‘喜讯’,而是她根本没时间。 At this time the Moon God monastery scene, is very similar to Rwandan Palace, all Moon Apostle kneel to hold in the place. 此时月神修道院的情景,与卢伦费宫很相似,所有月使徒都跪扶在地。 Right above Moon God monastery, a huge virtual reflection float here, virtual reflection assumes the human form, the conservative estimate has more than 200 meters high, the image and Moon Goddess statue has no difference, Moon Goddess, arrived! 月神修道院正上方,一道巨大的虚影漂浮在此,虚影呈人形,保守估计有两百多米高,形象与月之女神雕像没任何区别,月之女神,降临了! Many followers kneel to bend down in the garden, Moon God's Maiden in the frontline, she felt at this time is not very wonderful, is not wonderful, the sense of crisis of fine body hair erectness floods in her heart, the goddess should not, impossible arrives, because...... Moon Goddess has fallen from the sky, present Moon God, is not the goddess. 众多信徒跪伏在庭院内,月神女则是在最前方,她此时感觉很不妙,非常不妙,寒毛直立的危机感充斥在她心中,女神不应该,也不可能降临,因为……月之女神已经陨落,现在的月之神,并非是女神。
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