RP :: Volume #25

#26: Strongest

Ding! 叮! Bisento in Whitebeard hand punctures by the foot, wears him of white coat to bend down the body slightly lowly, both arms before the body overlapping, the double fist grips tightly, the familiar Whitebeard people know, this is he uses the Tremor-Tremor Fruit solid posture. 白胡子手中的薙刀刺在脚旁,身披一件白色大衣的他略微低俯身体,双臂在身前交叉,双拳紧握,熟悉白胡子的人都知道,这是他使用震震果实的姿势。 Whitebeard grinned to smile, the muscle of his chest tied tight, the blood vessel from sticking out of nape of the neck, an extremely terrifying constriction appeared. 白胡子咧嘴笑了起来,他胸膛的肌肉紧绷,血管从脖颈的隆起,一种极其恐怖的压迫感出现。 Prevents him!” “阻止他!” Sengoku on Sentencing Ground angrily roars, is sudden than the estimate that in the war starts, erupts to the highest tide stage directly. 处刑台上的战国怒吼一声,战争开始的比预想中更突然,直接爆发到最高潮阶段。 Aokiji on high place observation post seat vanishes suddenly, leaves behind wisp of cold air. 高处瞭望台座椅上的青雉突然消失,留下一缕寒气。 But in three Admiral not far away, is fair-skinned, small boy both hands about 10 hold the shoulder. 而在三名大将不远处,一名皮肤白皙,年龄在10岁左右的小男孩正双手抱肩。 Hey, what's all this about, in the original works Whitebeard does not want to trigger the sea-quake, causes the tsunami volume to Marineford, the present feeling...... does not seem like triggers the tsunami purely.” “喂喂,这是怎么回事,原著中白胡子不是想引发海震,导致海啸卷向马林梵多吗,现在的感觉……不像是单纯引发海啸。” The young boy as if very fears, most Sensor departments have the timid this weakness, the stronger Sensor department is so, because they can unable to see Sensor to the bystander, cannot hear, terrifying thing that can never contact. 小男孩似乎很恐惧,大多数感知系都有胆小这个弱点,越强的感知系越是如此,因为他们能感知到外人看不到,听不到,永远都接触不到的恐怖东西。 Isn't the sea-quake? Did you determine?” “不是海震?你确定?” The young boy behind one height about three meters, strongly to the strong male opens the mouth that letting the person blushes with shame. 小男孩身后一名身高三米左右,强壮到让人汗颜的壮男开口。 „It is not......” “绝不是……” Finishing speaking of young boy, stands Whitebeard on Moby Dick bow has instead shaken the fist to the body. 小男孩的话音刚落,站在莫比迪克号船头上的白胡子已经向身体两侧反挥拳。 Thump! 咚! The fist of Whitebeard like the hammer in the atmosphere, in the both sides air presents the fissure, the big lower hem that he wears flap flap makes noise. 白胡子的拳头如同锤击在大气上,两侧的空气中出现裂痕,他身披的大衣摆猎猎作响。 Ka ka ka ka ka ka...... 咔咔咔咔咔咔…… The Whitebeard body both sides air dehiscences, vibrates the point proliferation centered on him, starts to spread to the both sides outer harbors. 白胡子身体两侧的空气开裂,一股震动以他为中心点扩散,开始向两侧的外港扩散。 Navy on both sides Wai Port only felt that in the brain buzz, like knocked by a hammer on the head, feet of these Navy one soft, falls down directly, some puts out the blood, two fists, drop down two big piece of Navy. 位于两侧外港上的海军们只感觉脑中嗡的一声,如同被一锤子敲在脑袋上,这些海军的脚一软,直接瘫倒在地,有些更是哇的一声吐出鲜血,两拳,倒下两大片海军 Ka collapses! Ka collapses! 咔崩!咔崩! Before both sides Wai Port cracks, the flagstone in ground like the shatter glass, the fissure fast spreads in Navy under feet, the edge in u shape outer harbor must cave in immediately. 两侧的外港前端开裂,地面上的石板如同破碎的玻璃般,裂痕快速在一名名海军脚下蔓延,u形外港的边缘马上要塌陷下去。 Bang! 轰! The sea water splash outside harbor, starts crazy to well up to go to the sea but actually, the water temperature drops at the visible speed, revealing under the harbor full is the outer wall of moss. 港口外的海水飞溅而起,开始向大海中疯狂倒涌而去,水温以肉眼可见的速度下降,露出港口下方满是苔藓的外壁。 Whitebeard deeply inspires, his vital capacity, as if can inhale in the lung the surrounding air. 白胡子深吸了口气,他的肺活量之强,似乎能将周围的空气都吸入肺脏中。 The pricking transmits from the chest cavity of Whitebeard, this feeling is not strong, like by acupuncture. 刺痛感从白胡子的胸腔内传来,这感觉不算强,就像被针刺了般。 Your lung the failure, I have only been able againactivation it, making it continue to work for you, but must remember, this squeezes the staff like the black heart boss, excessively uses it, it will strike sooner or later. „ ‘你的肺已经衰竭,我只能重新‘激活’它,让它继续为你工作,但要记住,这就像黑心老板压榨员工,过度使用它,它早晚会罢工。“ After Whitebeard remembers the surgery success, Su Xiao to the words that he spoke, however, Whitebeard could not have attended to these now, he must make up and Navy disparity by one's effort. 白胡子想起手术成功后苏晓对他说的话,然而,白胡子现在已经顾不上这些,他要凭借一己之力补上己方与海军的差距。 Sengoku can direct the audience on Sentencing Ground, protects Navy this, Whitebeard is not good, he must after commencing of action, help one's own side create the advantage. 战国可以在处刑台上指挥全场,保护海军本部,白胡子却不行,他要在战斗开始后,就帮己方创造优势。 The double fist of Whitebeard just pounded, braves the cold air the form to appear before his body together not far away, is Aokiji. 白胡子的双拳刚砸下去,一道冒着寒气的身影出现在他身前不远处,是青雉 Two thorn lances.” “两棘矛。” Three ice forks appear above Aokiji, these brave the white clouds, situated in the ice fork thorn of ultra-low temperature to Whitebeard, the rapidness of speed, but raids the Whitebeard body side instantaneously. 三根冰叉出现在青雉上方,这些冒着白气,处于超低温的冰叉刺向白胡子,速度之快,只是瞬间就袭到白胡子身侧。 Thump! 咚! The Whitebeard side wields a fist, in the air the reappearing fissure, three ice forks were broken, although the Admiral strength is placed in that but now, a Aokiji person to Whitebeard, this is the wrong choice. 白胡子侧挥一拳,空气上浮现裂痕,三根冰叉被震碎,海军大将的实力虽然摆在那,可现在,青雉一个人对上了白胡子,这个是错误的选择。 Broken ice crystal everywhere splash, Aokiji partly squats in the place, prepares to freeze Moby Dick. 被震碎的冰晶漫天飞溅,青雉半蹲在地,准备冻结莫比迪克号 The hand of Aokiji according to the bow deck, Whitebeard had just lifted the hand to grip nearby Bisento, strides flushes away to Aokiji. 青雉的手刚按在船头甲板上,白胡子已经抬手握住一旁的薙刀,跨步向青雉冲去。 Aokiji this time feeling is not very wonderful, that coming constriction, making him stand up immediately, enters elementalization at the same time to a side leaps. 青雉此时的感觉很不妙,那种迎面而来的压迫感,让他马上站起身,进入元素化的同时向一旁侧跃。 The Aokiji body best pupil is three meters, may compare with Whitebeard, he is a dwarf. 青雉的身高足有三米,可与白胡子相比,他就是矮子。 Before Whitebeard , the step of flushing is seemingly unwieldy, but his speed is not slow, moreover every step is very steady, to feeling that the race is unable to repel. 白胡子前冲的步伐看起来笨重,可他的速度却不慢,而且每一步都很稳,给人种无法击退的感觉。 Bang! 砰! Bisento cuts by the Aokiji foot, leaps in the midair, an ice silk spreads from the Aokiji hand, that curving ice silk touches the Whitebeard lower abdomen place finally. 薙刀斩在青雉脚旁,跃在半空,一根冰丝从青雉手中蔓延,那弯曲的冰丝最终触碰到白胡子的小腹处。 The next quarter, Aokiji felt that the side waist place transmits strikes the feeling obtusely, although already elementalization, but on the Bisento is wrapping Haki/domineering , his internal organs that shakes pain. 下一刻,青雉感觉到侧腰处传来钝击感,虽然已经元素化,可薙刀柄上包裹着霸气,震的他脏器隐隐作痛。 Whiz, Aokiji was swept to fly with the Bisento handle by Whitebeard, the cold ice takes the Whitebeard lower abdomen to spread as the beginning, the Whitebeard body tightens, the ice layer of his body surface was shattered, the ice sludge falls on his. 嗖的一声,青雉白胡子薙刀握柄扫飞出去,寒冰以白胡子小腹为起点蔓延,白胡子身体绷紧,他体表的冰层破碎,碎冰落在他脚下。 Aokiji falls in entering the sea, sees this, the Whitebeard Pirate(s) pirates exudes the big roar, the morale rises sharply. 青雉落入海中,看到这一幕,白胡子海贼团的海贼们发出大吼声,士气大涨。 On Sentencing Ground, becomes kneeling position Ace mouth slightly, the whole face does not dare to believe looks at own father Whitebeard, his father several swept a moment ago flies Aokiji, somewhat goes beyond his comprehension category. 处刑台上,成跪姿的艾斯嘴巴微张,满脸不敢置信的看着自己的老爹白胡子,刚才他老爹几下扫飞青雉的一幕,有些超出他的理解范畴。 Ace knows certainly that Whitebeard body mode, his father the serious illness when the body, had seen his father saves him, that guilty conscience makes him feel like a knife twisting in the heart. 艾斯当然知道白胡子的身体状态,他老爹已经重病在身,看到他老爹来救他时,那种负罪感让他心如刀绞。 But now, Ace was a little ignorant, how his father sees not like the serious illness in the body, movement that particularly before inspired, according to the Ace memory, his father's pulmonary function is very bad, sometimes will be suppressed to awake because of the scant of breath in the night, after entire, midnight cannot fall asleep. 而现在,艾斯有点懵了,他老爹怎么看都不像重病在身,尤其是之前吸气的动作,根据艾斯的记忆,他老爹的肺功能很差,有时会在夜间因呼吸困难被憋醒,整个后半夜都睡不着。 Aokiji falls into the sea, this creates suddenly/violently to strike to the Navy morale, but Aokiji takes Admiral, he 2-3 will certainly not be solved by Whitebeard. 青雉掉入海中,这对海军的士气造成暴击,但青雉作为海军大将,他当然不会被白胡子2-3解决掉。 Ka ka ka...... 咔咔咔…… The cold air freezes the sea level, a manifestation lump of cold ice, becomes Aokiji of half squatting posture, in his eye seems to be thinking deeply about anything, the blood drops following his corners of the mouth, Whitebeard powerful does not dare to believe to him, is only the hesitant moment, he starts to freeze the sea level of harbor region, this is almost equal to helping the Whitebeard Pirate(s) manufacture foothold. 寒气将海面冻结,形成一坨寒冰,正是成半蹲姿势的青雉,他眼中似乎在思索什么,鲜血顺着他的嘴角滴落,白胡子强悍到他不敢置信,只是犹豫片刻,他就开始冻结港口区域的海面,这几乎等于帮白胡子海贼团制造落脚点。 Shortly, the sea level in u shape Port was frozen, Aokiji relieves elementalization, stands on the ice surface, he obtained an important intelligence, cannot Admiral to Whitebeard, die. 顷刻间,u形港内的海面被冻结,青雉解除元素化,站在冰面上,他得到了一个重要情报,就是绝不能一名大将对上白胡子,会死的。 Stands has not pursued in bow Whitebeard, he looks at the ice surface under ship, now he can determine, Sengoku arranged anything in the harbor, otherwise Aokiji will not help them make the foothold. 站在船首的白胡子并未追击,他看着船下的冰面,现在他能确定,战国在港口上布置了什么,否则青雉不会帮他们制造出落脚点。 Small, making Navy experience our fierce!” “小的们,让海军见识一下我们的厉害!” Roar!” “吼!” A famous pirate leaps from the ship, steps in the ice surface, this is the pirate biggest weakness, the direction depends entirely on the roar, Whitebeard has not ordered, they have disembarked to charge into the harbor. 一名名海贼从船上跃下,踩在冰面上,这就是海贼最大的弱点,指挥全靠吼,白胡子还没下令,他们已经下船冲向港口。 Bang, bang and bang! 轰、轰、轰! Three shells blast out on the ice surface, was the artillery sound of inner harbor. 三颗炮弹在冰面上炸开,是内港的炮响了。 Meets the approaching enemy.” “迎击。” Maintains the flank defense line.” “保持侧翼防线。” Quickly! Blockade inner harbor!” “快!封锁内港!” Navy jump down from the harbor, mounts the ice surface, in which company officer and field grade officer are numerous, in Summit Battlefield, they is only the small roles of some strengths, Smoker and Hina for the representative, these belong to elite in small role, since Smoker is Logia Fruit Ability, but in the battlefield can kill his person is too many. 一名名海军从港口上跳下,登上冰面,其中的尉官、校官众多,在顶上战场中,他们只算是有些实力的小角色,其中斯摩格媞娜为代表,这些属于小角色中的精英,既是斯摩格自然系果实能力者,但战场上能杀他的人太多。
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