RP :: Volume #25

#24: The rescue, disintegrates, slaughters

Boubo leaves the room that Shichibukai is, starts to continue to investigate in the Navy base, quick, he found another noteworthy room, in this room jet black piece, more than ten forms or the stations or sitting, through the attire, Su Xiao judged that these are Contractor. 布布汪离开七武海所在的房间,开始在海军基地内继续侦查,很快,他找到另一处值得注意的房间,这房间内漆黑一片,十几道身影或站或坐,通过装束,苏晓判断出这些都是契约者 Everyone, does not need not to open the lamp, does here black paint jet black one piece, that two, you were really enough, the rapidness that the show love died, has not listened.” “各位,没必要连灯都不开吧,搞得这里乌漆墨黑一片,还有那两位,你们真是够了,秀恩爱死的快,没听过吗。” , In the room shines the light, what just now spoke was wears the black battledress, the whole body smell of gunpowder man. 啪的一声,房间内亮起灯光,方才说话的是名身穿黑色战斗服,满身火药味的男人。 Hey, said you.” “喂,说你们呢。” The brow tight wrinkle of battledress man, following his vision, can see that a pair in the men and women who on the single-seat sofa hug and kiss, their hands enter in the clothing of opposite party, such hugging and kissing of acting in a completely informal or uninhibited manner. 战斗服男人的眉头紧皱,顺着他的目光,能看到一对在单人沙发上拥吻的男女,他们的手伸入对方的衣物内,就那样旁若无人的拥吻。 Black Moon, their Envy. „ 黑月,他们嫉妒了。“ Rides to sit the woman opens the mouth on spousal leg, she is drawing the Purple eye shadow, but her lover is drawing the black eye shadow. 骑坐在爱人腿上的女人开口,她画着紫色眼影,而她的情侣则画着黑色眼影。 „ The way things should be, Envy makes people ugly. „ “人之常情,嫉妒使人丑恶。“ Named Black Moon man opens the mouth, but rides to sit on him, is drawing the Purple eye shadow woman named Flowery Shadow. 名为黑月的男人开口,而骑坐在他身上,画着紫色眼影的女人名叫花影 The vision of battledress man starts bad, then smiled, teased: My very curious matter, in you, if died, how long another can also live.” 战斗服男人的目光开始不善,转而笑了起来,调侃道:“我很好奇一件事,你们之中如果死了一个,另一个还能活多久。” Envy said Envy, why to speak this bullshit.” 嫉妒就说嫉妒,何必说这种屁话。” Black Moon is not angry, instead continues to hug and kiss with Flowery Shadow. 黑月并不恼怒,反而继续与花影拥吻。 Wish in you dead as soon as possible.” “祝你们之中尽快死一个。” Possibly is looks upsetly, the battle dress man the pass/test lights a lamp, others in room are silent, why when this is also at first reason that turns off a light , this is very the less seen the better strong to the affectionate couple, in Fifth Order known. 可能是看着闹心,作战服男人又关上灯,房间内的其他人都沉默不语,这也是为何最初时关着灯的原因,眼不见为净,这对鸳鸯很强,在五阶中小有名气。 After everyone of Boubo to room photographs, steps the cheerful step to continue to the upper layer investigates. 布布汪给房间内的每个人都拍照后,就迈着欢快的步伐继续向上层侦查。 In the submarine ship, Su Xiao puts down the military computer, looked for an allocating position to rest. 潜艇船内,苏晓放下军用电脑,找了个平摊的位置小憩。 Su Xiao here recreation mode, prepares to participate to withstand/top the war, Boubo Anomaly in Navy this is happy, it has submerged to detaining in the Ace underground prison cell, here at least guarded 500 elite Navy, five Major General Navy, two lieutenant generals. 苏晓这边休养状态,准备参与顶上战争,海军本部内的布布汪异常欢乐,它已经潜入到关押艾斯的地下牢房内,这里至少把守了五百名精英海军,五名海军少将,两名中将。 Had the dinner.” “吃晚饭了吗。” Garp sits cross-legged before the Ace prison cell, the expression on face cannot see is sad or disappointed. 卡普盘坐在艾斯的牢房前,脸上的表情看不出是悲伤还是失望。 „......” “……” In jet black prison cell slight breathing. 漆黑的牢房内只有轻微的呼吸声。 This possibly was the last meal, tomorrow morning will perhaps not have the breakfast.” “这可能是最后一餐了,明早或许不会有早餐。” After Garp said these words, the whole person seemed like older. 卡普说出这句话后,整个人看起来更苍老一些。 Hand lived by the handcuffs, cannot have the last meal like the dog.” “手被铐住了,总不能像狗一样吃最后一餐吧。” In the prison cell broadcasts the Ace weak sound, because originally the atmosphere is moved, expression very dignified Boubo, after hearing these words, is almost crooked the nose air/Qi, if it will speak, certainly will interrogate Ace: You have anything to discriminate to the dog!” 牢房内传来艾斯虚弱的声音,原本因气氛伤感,表情很凝重的布布汪,听到这句话后差点把鼻子气歪,它如果会说话,一定会质问艾斯:“你对狗有什么歧视!” This, yeah ~ “这样吗,哎~” Garp stands up, the arm searches into the prison cell. 卡普站起身,手臂探入牢房内。 Mr. Garp.” 卡普先生。” A Major General Navy the half step goes forward. 一名海军少将快步上前。 I feed my grandson to have a dinner, has anything...... „ “我喂我孙子吃个晚饭,有什么……“ Matter that Mr. Garp, this does not have the means.” 卡普先生,这也是没办法的事。” Hears these words, the hand of Garp one stiffly, after ponder moment, stands up. 听到这句话,卡普的手一僵,沉思片刻后站起身。 Brummer, asked.” 布卢默,拜托了。” Leaves behind these words, Garp walks toward the underground prison. 留下这句话,卡普向地下监狱外走去。 ...... …… morning sun raises from the horizon slowly, from sentences publicly also remains for 3 hours 17 minutes. 朝阳缓缓从地平线升起,距离公开处刑还剩3小时17分。 , , ...... 哒,哒,哒…… The sound of footsteps reverberates in an upward underground walk, Ace was tying hands behind the back the both arms by the shackles, is walking up the stair step by step, but in him behind, is two unemotional prison guards, they come from Impel City. 脚步声在一条向上的地下通道内回荡,艾斯被镣铐反缚着双臂,正一步步走上台阶,而在他身后,则是两名面无表情的狱卒,他们来自于推进城 In the square before Navy this, the dense and numerous Navy gatherings in this, tens of thousands, stand in the stage fully Officer Navy deeply inspire. 海军本部前的广场上,密密麻麻的海军汇聚于此,足有几万,一名站在高台上海军军官深吸了口气。 Do not lower one's guard, regardless has anything only to remain for three hours, at the appointed time all will finish!” “不要麻痹大意,无论发生什么都只剩三小时,到时一切都会结束!” Shout reverberation of Officer Navy in less than half harbor. 海军军官的喊声回荡在小半个港口。 Roar!” “吼!” The mountainous cry tsunami shout links up into a single stretch. 山呼海啸般的喊声连成一片。 In the square after harbor full is Navy, is higher than a section of inner harbor to stand again backward five Knight of the Sea, can see from the Moria expression, three hours ahead of schedule makes him stand, making him very uncomfortable. 港口后的广场上满是海军,再向后高出一截的内港正站着五名王下七武海,从莫利亚的表情能看出,提前三小时让他站在着,让他非常不爽。 Crossed Shichibukai, in Nei Port is tens of thousands Navy soldiers, later is several giant lieutenant generals, again backward is standing tall and erect Sentencing Ground. 过了七武海,内港中又是几万名海军士兵,之后则是几名巨人中将,再向后就是高耸的处刑台 Navy this under and on the Sentencing Ground orthogonal stand suspend three seats, Admiral Akainu are sitting above, from the Navy angle, Akainu bears the burden of responsibility, is only the attitude blood and iron. 海军本部下方与处刑台平齐的看台上摆着三把座椅,海军大将赤犬正坐在上面,以海军的角度来讲,赤犬可谓是任劳任怨,只是作风铁血。 If Whitebeard Pirate(s) from outside harbor attack, they must go against everywhere shell to land on the island. 如果白胡子海贼团从外港口进攻,他们就要顶着漫天的炮弹登岛。 It can be said that the entire world newspaper reporters are paying attention to Marineford, because of being to public sentencing of Ace, has reflection Den Den Mushi to retransmit on Marineford not far Sabaody Archipelago sentences publicly. 可以说,全世界的报社记者都在关注着马林焚多,因是对艾斯的公开处刑,位于马林焚多不远的香波地群岛上有映像电话虫转播公开处刑。 Sabaody Archipelago Area 66, here is the Navy station, but today, here is all reporters opens. 香波地群岛66区,这里是海军驻地,但今天,这里为所有记者开放。 In a stretch of open area, several screens were built, the under standing reporter, looks at their facial expressions, seems more anxious than Marineford Navy. 一片空地上,几面荧屏被架起,下方站满记者,看他们的神情,似乎比马林焚多海军更紧张。 Marineford, standing tall and erect Sentencing Ground, Ace was instead beaten the both arms by the Seastone handcuff, the iron chain that the Seastone handcuff connects fixes on his body both sides Sentencing Ground, letting him only to maintain the kneeling position, lowers the head. 马林焚多,高耸的处刑台,艾斯海楼石手铐反拷双臂,海楼石手铐连接的铁链固定在他身体两侧处刑台上,让他只能保持跪姿,低着头。 Wears Sengoku of Navy formal dress to stand side Ace, the bearing is straight, his later words, will be known by entire world, therefore his obviously is very serious. 身穿海军正装的战国站在艾斯身旁,站姿笔直,他之后的话,会被全世界所知,因此他显的很严肃。 Ace, in report your father's name.” 艾斯,报上你父亲的名字。” The Sengoku Zhongping is carrying Den Den Mushi, making his sound spread over the entire square. 战国手中平端着一只电话虫,让他的声音传遍整个广场。 Meanwhile, from a harbor half kilometer sea, in the submarine ship, Su Xiao turned on the military computer, in the link the Boubo monitoring control unit, on the screen just presented the picture, he did not feel right, this angle of view was somewhat high. 于此同时,距离港口半公里的海下,潜艇船内,苏晓打开军用电脑,链接上布布汪的监控装置,屏幕上刚出现画面,他就感觉不对,这视角有些高。 Boubo, where are you are at?” 布布,你这是在哪?” Perhaps is the Su Xiao's sound is somewhat sudden, the image on screen rocked slightly, quick, Su Xiao saw that two wear the white Navy trousers, the bearing straight leg, as the angle of view uppers shift, Su Xiao saw Sengoku that shamelessly, are most not over three meters from the lens. 或许是苏晓的声音有些突然,屏幕上的影像略微晃动了一下,很快,苏晓看到两条穿着洁白海军长裤,站姿笔直的腿,随着视角上移,苏晓看到了战国那老脸,距离镜头最多不超三米。 To the Sentencing Ground distant point.” “离处刑台远点。” Su Xiao's has not thought firmly, Boubo unexpectedly on Sentencing Ground, from Ace not over five meters. 苏晓的确没想到,布布汪居然就在处刑台上,距离艾斯不超五米。 Makes an appearance to return sometime from Whitebeard Pirate(s), taking this opportunity, Su Xiao examines the mission list, this time Main Mission is somewhat special. 距离白胡子海贼团露面还有一段时间,借此机会,苏晓查看任务列表,这次的主线任务有些特殊。 Main Mission ( optional ) 主线任务(可选)】 mission 1: Rescues Portgas D Ace. 任务一:营救波特卡斯·d艾斯 Difficulty: lv.48 难度:lv.48 Reward: Stone of Broken Shadow Soul shattered x1. 奖励:断魂影之石残缺x1。 Deadline: 5 hours. 期限:五小时。 penalty: Forced Execution. 惩罚:强行处决 ...... …… mission 2: Disintegrates Kurohige Pirate(s). 任务二:瓦解黑胡子海贼团 Difficulty: lv.46 难度:lv.46 Reward: The golden attribute selects x1 奖励:黄金属性点x1 Deadline: 12 hours. 期限:12小时。 penalty: Forced Execution. 惩罚:强行处决 ...... …… mission 3 ; Strikes to kill in Navy the above military officer. 任务三;击杀一名海军中将以上军官。 Difficulty: lv.40 ~ lv .47 难度:lv.40~lv.47 Reward: According to mission completion decides 奖励:根据任务完成度而定 Deadline: 6 hours. 期限:六小时。 penalty: Forced Execution. 惩罚:强行处决 ...... …… mission 4: Strikes to kill Whitebeard Edward Newgate 任务四:击杀白胡子・爱德华・纽盖特 Difficulty: lv.48 难度:lv.48 Reward: Growth Class Equipment treasure box 奖励:成长类装备宝箱 Deadline: 6 hours. 期限:六小时。 penalty: Forced Execution. 惩罚:强行处决 ...... …… Prompt: in Main Mission ( optional ) x4, only need complete one type, then avoids Forced Execution that other three main plot Mission Failure cause.】 提示:主线任务(可选)x4中,只需完成一种,即可免除其余三种主线任务失败所导致的强行处决。】 Su Xiao closes the mission list, this time Main Mission presents four unexpectedly simultaneously, moreover rewards one by one richly. 苏晓关闭任务列表,这次的主线任务居然同时出现四个,而且奖励一个比一个丰厚。
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