RP :: Volume #25

#15: Eddy

A Su Xiao fist break glass window, jumps out of the window at the same time, the five fingers like the hook, prick the wall outer layer of hotel. 苏晓一拳打碎玻璃窗,跳出窗口的同时,五指如钩,刺入酒店的墙体外层。 Ka and kā bā...... 咔吧、咔吧…… The stone chip splash, Su Xiao starts to climb up to the hotel, arrives in the most above dome quickly, this is the highest place of island. 石屑飞溅,苏晓开始向酒店上方攀爬,很快抵达最上方的圆顶,这是达坦奥岛的最高处。 Dies out to appear in the Su Xiao hand, according to the direction that Boubo provides, Su Xiao through the telescopic sights seeks. 寂灭出现在苏晓手中,根据布布汪提供的方向,苏晓通过瞄准镜寻找。 Quick, a Little Black point appears in the Su Xiao's field of vision, the after multiple of enlargement telescopic sights, Su Xiao saw that a Giant Drill-Beaked Bird normal load a person is flying to the distant place. 很快,一个小黑点出现在苏晓的视野内,放大瞄准镜的倍数后,苏晓看到一只怪鸟正载着一个人向远处飞。 Su Xiao draws the Devouring Destruction bolt, now catches a living witness to be very valuable, therefore the first spear/gun cannot be Fruit Ability hits that animal, but wants while the opposite party hits remnant, but also makes the opposite party retain certain flying ability, falls into the sea from several hundred meters upper air, that Tenryūbito (Celestial Dragons) might be plunged to death. 苏晓拉动噬灭的枪栓,现在抓个活口很有价值,所以第一枪不能将那名动物系果实能力者打下来,而是要在将对方打残的同时,还让对方保留一定的飞行能力,从几百米高空掉入海中,那名天龙人很可能会被摔死。 Bang! 砰! The bullet is separated from the bore of gun, in the telescopic sights, Su Xiao saw quickly that only Giant Drill-Beaked Bird staggered, the flight altitude reduced fast. 子弹脱离枪膛,瞄准镜中,苏晓很快看到那只怪鸟踉跄了一下,飞行高度快速降低。 Bang! 砰! Also is a spear/gun, strikes to kill Prompt to appear, that only Giant Drill-Beaked Bird corpse falls in entering the sea. 又是一枪,击杀提示出现,那只怪鸟的尸体落入海中。 After Giant Drill-Beaked Bird falls in entering the sea more than ten seconds, dozens forms charge into the sea from the sand beach area, A' Mu in sand beach area one man guards the pass, these people of Icy Battle Hammer in hand scatter in all directions, but in these person as before reckless charging into seas that beat. 怪鸟落入海中十几秒后,几十道身影从沙滩区冲向大海,阿姆在沙滩区一夫当关,手中的寒冰战锤将这些人捶的四散开来,但这些人依旧不顾一切的冲向海中。 Leaps from the revelry hotel peak, Su Xiao hurries to the sand beach area. 从狂欢酒店顶端跃下,苏晓向沙滩区赶去。 In the steaming soup of hotel, Stuart body sits suddenly sets out. 酒店的蒸汤室内,斯图茜的尸体突然坐起身。 Who is, spoiled my plan.” “是谁,破坏了我的计划。” Whole body blood, scarlet | Fruit body Stuart stands up, this not only terrifying and strange, after she looks all around the situation in room, single-handed buckle in own chin place. 满身鲜血,赤|果着身体的‘斯图茜’站起身,这一幕既恐怖又诡异,她环顾房间内的情况后,单手扣在自己下巴处。 Ka. 咔吧。 Stuart nape of the neck was twisted and broken, the corpse falls to the ground again, Stuart is also hapless, lives is used one time, died is used one time. 斯图茜的脖颈被拧断,尸体再次倒地,斯图茜也是倒霉,活着被利用一次,死了又被利用一次。 Sand beach area. 沙滩区。 When Su Xiao arrives here, in the tourist who this took vacation already the escaping light, sand pits appeared in the seashore, inside can also see the corpse of distortion. 苏晓抵达这里时,之前在这度假的游客已经逃光,一道道沙坑出现在海边,里面还能看到扭曲的尸体。 A' Mu is carrying the Icy Battle Hammer guard here, the way simple and crude that he opposes the enemy, disregards the attack of enemy, directly is a hammer, a hammer pounds undying to make up several hammers again. 阿姆拎着寒冰战锤把守在此,他对敌的方式简单粗暴,无视敌人的攻击,迎头就是一锤,一锤砸不死就再补上几锤。 The sea surge comes, Boubo drags a middle-aged man roaming to come ashore. 海浪涌来,布布汪拖着一名中年男人游上岸。 Coughs......” “咳咳咳……” This is slightly obese, wears the middle-aged man of white extremely fat clothing to cough loudly, his hair becomes the dark green, after the sea water cut is wet, is pasted on the face. 这名略显肥胖,身穿白色臃肿衣物的中年男人大声干咳,他的头发成暗绿色,被海水侵湿后正贴在脸上。 Slow nearly two minutes, this seeing stars Tenryūbito (Celestial Dragons) slow god, around he somewhat vacant looking all around. 缓了近两分钟,这名眼冒金星的天龙人才缓过神,他有些茫然的环顾周围。 Who are you......?” “你们……是谁?” green-haired Tenryūbito (Celestial Dragons) tries to reorganize the hairstyle, the typical head may break, the hairstyle cannot be chaotic, after trying how several times, his hair as if there is oneself unique idea. 绿发天龙人试图整理发型,典型的头可断,发型不能乱,奈何尝试几次后,他的头发似乎有自己独特的想法。 You can present situation comprehension be kidnapping.” “你可以把现在的情况理解为绑架。” Su Xiao sizes up is reorganizing hairstyle Tenryūbito (Celestial Dragons) diligently, felt that the opposite party somewhat looks familiar. 苏晓打量正努力整理发型的天龙人,感觉对方有些眼熟。 This, how many Bailey do you want to demand?” “这样吗,你们想索要多少贝利?” green-haired Tenryūbito (Celestial Dragons) is calm, moreover unexpectedly, his clamoring father has not been Tenryūbito (Celestial Dragons) kind of words. 绿发天龙人还算镇定,而且出人意料的是,他并未叫嚣老子是天龙人一类的话。 This mister, some essential matters I wants to explain ahead of time, my name is Donquixote, if you are a pirate, should listen to this surname.” “这位先生,有件很关键的事我想提前说明,我姓唐吉诃德,你如果是海贼,应该听过这个姓氏。” Donquixote?” 唐吉诃德?” Su Xiao is more accidental, in the heart thinks, is it possible that kidnapped the Doflamingo relative. 苏晓更意外,心中不禁想到,莫非是绑架了多弗朗明哥的亲戚。 Right, Donquixote, to demand the ransom money, you and Shichibukai Doflamingo contact is the best choice, I have not been able dead, at least cannot now.” “没错,唐吉诃德,所以如果想索要赎金,你和七武海多弗朗明哥联络是最好的选择,我还不能死,至少现在不能。” green-haired Tenryūbito (Celestial Dragons) continues to rub the hair with both hands, the intention makes the hairstyle stand, restores the original head. 绿发天龙人继续用双手捋起头发,意图让发型立起来,恢复原本的头型。 Does not use, looks at this.” “不用了,看这。” Su Xiao to green-haired Tenryūbito (Celestial Dragons) finger beckoned, green-haired Tenryūbito (Celestial Dragons) hears the word looks like, a fist enlarges in him at present. 苏晓绿发天龙人勾了勾手指,绿发天龙人闻言看来,一只拳头在他眼前放大。 Bang! 砰! The body of green-haired Tenryūbito (Celestial Dragons) trembles, straight goes backward but actually, he comes to island, does not know that is strolls the joyhouse or handles matters, from his kidnapped calmness, the big probability is the latter. 绿发天龙人的身体一颤,直挺挺向后倒去,他来达坦奥岛,也不知是逛窑子还是来办事,从他被劫持后的镇定来看,大概率是后者。 After ten minutes, another side of island wharf, a luxurious steamship moves to the sea slowly, this ship just drove out of dozens meters away, the sailor on ship jumps into the sea like below stuffed dumpling. 十分钟后,达坦奥岛另一边的码头,一艘豪华大船缓缓驶向大海,这艘船刚驶出几十米远,船上的水手如同下饺子般跳海。 Fully about ten meters wide decks, that green-haired Tenryūbito (Celestial Dragons) becomes the big font to lie down above, several u shape iron hoops fix him in this. 足有近十米宽的甲板上,那名绿发天龙人成大字型躺在上面,几道u形铁环将他固定在此。 On the ship only remains Su Xiao, Boubo and A' Mu, wants to continue to operate this ship basic impossible, but this is unimportant, Su Xiao only need let this ship far away from island, later and others make an appearance on own initiative. 船上仅剩苏晓布布汪阿姆,想继续操纵这艘船根本不可能,但这不重要,苏晓只需让这艘船远离达坦奥岛,之后等一些人主动露面。 Previous Su Xiao reaches island shortly, felt that indistinctly has the vision of spying on, is not Brigade Regiment that ash-haired man, but another gang, the opposite party was very long with him, does not have the obvious evil intention, 上次苏晓登上达坦奥岛没多久,就隐约感觉到有窥探的目光,并非是旅团的那名灰发男人,而是另一伙人,对方跟了他很久,没有明显的恶意, After this time lands on the island, Su Xiao Sensor to similar vision. 这次登岛后,苏晓感知到了类似的目光。 The slight sound transmits from the hull, Su Xiao draws out Dragon Flash of waist, lifts the step to walk toward that Tenryūbito (Celestial Dragons). 细微的声响从船体下方传来,苏晓拔出腰间的斩龙闪,抬步向那名天龙人走去。 Please wait a bit, first do not kill him.” “请稍等,先别杀他。” The female voice transmits from the broad side together, quick, a fair arm holds the broad side, jumps onto the deck, the rear very diminutive form also leaps embarks. 一道女声从船舷外传来,很快,一只白皙的手臂抓住船舷,跃上甲板,后方一名很矮小的身影也跃上船。 Coming the person is a man and a woman, this young girl Su Xiao recognizes, Revolutionary Army Koala, the stature is plentiful, wears the pink continually clothes short skirt. 来人是一男一女,这少女苏晓认得,革命军克尔拉,身材丰满,穿着粉色连衣短裙。 As for that man, this is wears the dome, wears the dwarf of white suit, height not over one meter. 至于那名男人,这是名戴着圆顶帽,身穿白西装的侏儒,身高不超一米。 This person is Raise Marx, the renowned gambler, the life has not experienced the feeling of losing, but to twice marriage, he appeared in island is the normal situation. 此人名叫雷兹・马克斯,著名赌徒,一生没有体验过输的感觉,但离了两次婚,他出现在达坦奥岛是再正常不过的情况。 Su Xiao looks to these two, he and other person arrived finally. 苏晓看向这两人,他等的人终于到了。 That person......” “那个人……” Koala just opened the mouth, Su Xiao lifts the hand to break her. 克尔拉刚开口,苏晓就抬手打断她。 After your matters discussed that if I am also living.” “和你们的事之后谈,如果我还活着的话。” Koala and Raise Marx look at each other one, somewhat does not clarify the present situation. 克尔拉与雷兹・马克斯对视一眼,有些搞不清现在的情况。 The distant place island gradually vanishes in the line of sight. 远处达坦奥岛逐渐消失在视线中。 Bang, bang and bang...... 砰、砰、砰…… The airing sound transmits, wears white robe together, wears the form of mask to drop from the clouds, but in the sea level of not far away, but also is standing a woman of similar appearance, she has not worn the mask, in the sea of under foot has a whale shark. 气爆声传来,一道身穿白色长袍,戴着面具的身影从天而降,而在不远处的海面上,还站着一名类似打扮的女人,她没戴面具,脚下的海中有条鲸鲨。 In the deck, wears the man of white robe to take off on the face the face, this opens the distinctive face, on the left side cheeks has black Mark together, is the hoof of wyvern, if scar imprint, is the Tenryūbito (Celestial Dragons) slave, looks like tattoo Mark as for this black, does not know that represented anything. 甲板上,身穿白袍的男人摘下脸上脸庞,这是张棱角分明的脸,左侧脸颊上有一道黑色印记,是飞龙之蹄,如果是疤痕烙印,就是天龙人的奴隶,至于这种黑色酷似纹身印记,不知代表了什么。 Rips one, the man tears off white robe, reveals a black suit. 撕拉一声,男人扯下身上的白袍,露出一身黑色西装。 This cp0 member 's name is Eddy, previous time chases down Su Xiao's cp0 is he, as for standing in sea level woman, she is called the flower. 这名cp0成员名叫埃迪・克,上次追杀苏晓的cp0正是他,至于站在海面的女人,她被称为花。 Su Xiao takes Tenryūbito (Celestial Dragons) to go to sea, and other Eddy, he can determine, the subordinate of opposite party or opposite party has the tracking ability, his previous time has confirmed. 苏晓带上天龙人出海,就是在等埃迪・克,他能确定,对方或对方的部下有追踪能力,这点他上次验证过。 Su Xiao draws out Eddy, is not totally to criticize the gratitude and grudges, the opposite party is similar to one to puncture the card Su Xiao's throat place, does not solve this cp0 squad, after Su Xiao cannot start the plan, once by these person of tracking , he were not needed to think the participation withstood/top the war, will deal with the cp department to have a headache very much. 苏晓之所以将埃迪・克引出,并不是完全为了清算恩怨,对方就如同一根刺卡苏晓的喉咙处,不解决掉这个cp0小队,苏晓就不能开始之后的计划,一旦被这些人追踪,那他就不用想着参与顶上战争了,应付cp部门都会很头疼。 In island has Tenryūbito (Celestial Dragons), this is completely a coup, catches up with this to see from Eddy in a hurry. 达坦奥岛上有一名天龙人,这完全是意外之喜,从埃迪・克匆匆赶来这点就能看出。
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