ROTSSG :: Volume #27

#2690: Metal that is unable to find out by secret inquiry

Chapter 2690 第2690章 Metal that is unable to find out by secret inquiry 无法探知的金属 Good fierce magic power pursuit!” “好厉害的魔力驱逐!” Looks at more than ten drop item of static float in midair, in the Shi Feng heart full is the surprise and surprise. 看着静静漂浮在半空中的十多件掉落物品,石峰心中满是诧异和惊奇。 Monster drop item he can say that saw, the Saint tune repercussions that drop item triggered have met, but drop item of outlet Guard puppet was actually he first time sees in God's Domain. 怪物的掉落物品他可以说见多了,就连掉落物品引起的圣曲回响都遇见过,但是外道守护傀儡的掉落物品却是他在神域里面头一次见。 Because is centered on these drop item at this time, the radius in 50 yards actually did not have magic power not saying that his magic power also in unceasing was pursued, let his magic power is the crazy outflow...... 因为此时以这些掉落物品为中心,半径五十码内竟然没有一丝的魔力不说,他自身的魔力也在不断的被驱逐出去,让他的自身魔力是疯狂流失…… If because of his unlocking Epic Level the body of magic power, own magic power quantity were not astonishing, changes into body of other Silver Rank magic power player, although is insufficiently fatal, but can also faint instantaneously. 如果不是因为他解锁了史诗级魔力之躯,自身的魔力量非常惊人,换成其他白银级魔力之躯的玩家,虽然不至于致命,但也会瞬间昏死过去。 Regarding this Shi Feng does not dare to have the least bit to hesitate, not saying anything further rushes, wants all drop item info clerks. 对此石峰也不敢有半点犹豫,二话不说就冲上去,想要把所有掉落物品收纳一空。 However touched these drop item instances in Shi Feng, in the mind also emitted a System prompt sound. 不过在石峰碰触到这些掉落物品的瞬间,脑海中也冒出了一条系统提示音。 System: This Item(s) is may not info clerk Item(s), has extremely strong repel effect on magic power, if will receive the Epic Level inventory space to have certain danger, whether can the forcing info clerk to the Epic Level inventory space? 系统:该物品为不可收纳物品,对魔力有极强的排斥效果,如果收入史诗级背包里空间会有一定的危险,是否要强行收纳到史诗级背包空间? Can't info clerk Item(s)?” Shi Feng looks, although in heart very surprise, but first received the Epic Level inventory space forcefully. “不可收纳物品?”石峰一看,虽然心中很是诧异,不过还是先强行收入史诗级背包空间中。 At this time if these drop item he does not receive in inventory quickly, solely that covered the radius 50 yards pursuit magic power effect on want his life sufficiently. 此时这些掉落物品如果他不赶快收入背包里中,光是那笼罩半径五十码的驱逐魔力效果就足以要了他的命。 As each article drop item was received in Epic Level inventory, magic power of entire dike space also starts restore to come gradually, making Shi Feng deeply relax. 随着一件件掉落物品被收入史诗级背包中,整个岩壁空间的魔力也开始渐渐恢复过来,让石峰深深松了一口气。 that was close, these Item(s) simply were too strange, if in evening's several seconds, my magic power perhaps by these Item(s) pursuing.” Shi Feng sits, somewhat dreads looks at ten five pieces drop item in inventory space. 好险,这些物品简直太诡异了,要是在晚上几秒的时间,我自身的魔力恐怕都会被这些物品给驱逐一空。”石峰坐下来,不禁有些忌惮的看着背包空间中的十五件掉落物品 Before coped with the outlet Guard puppet is very exaggerating, can make magic power in region be frozen unexpectedly, keeping player from using slight magic power, can only use Magic Skill by player own magic power, this to player focusing on Magic Skill was very fatal. 之前对付外道守护傀儡就已经很夸张了,竟然可以让区域内的魔力被冻结,让玩家根本无法动用外界的丝毫魔力,只能凭借玩家自身的魔力来使用魔法技能,这对以魔法技能为主的玩家来说可是很致命的。 Now these drop item are more exaggerating, makes a radius 50 yards range magic power be pursued directly, magic power that he contains does not let off, this matter simply hears something never heard of before. 现在这些掉落物品更夸张,直接让半径五十码范围的魔力都被驱逐出去,就连他自身蕴藏的魔力都不放过,这种事情简直闻所未闻。 If these Item(s) keep these from gathering cannot info clerk Item(s) player meet, absolutely is the dead end. 这些物品要是让那些无法收取不可收纳物品玩家遇到,绝对是死路一条。 However turns over to surprisedly surprisedly, Shi Feng cannot bear examine these Item(s). 不过惊讶归惊讶,石峰还是忍不住查看起这些物品 After the Shi Feng use observes Skill investigates these Item(s), the whole person tarries. 而当石峰使用观察技能探查这些物品后,整个人更是呆住了。 Because this drops ten five pieces metal remnant blocks are unable to be investigated, even opened All-knowing Eye to be useless, can demonstrate only the information that was the unknown metal, should be the remnant block that weapon crushed...... 因为这掉落的十五件金属残块都无法被探查,甚至就连开启了全知之眼都没有用,唯一能显示出来的信息就是未知金属,原本应该是一件武器粉碎成的残块…… Crap! This is what weapon, was good, was only the remnant block has such strong Strength merely, these Legendary Level weapon perhaps also no more than so.” Shi Feng looks at the All-knowing Eye retrieval the information, in the vision full is incredible. 我靠!这到底是什么武器,也太牛了吧,仅仅只是残块就有这么强的力量,那些传说级武器恐怕也不过如此了吧。”石峰看着全知之眼检索的信息,目光中满是不可置信。 These Lesser Legendary Item many in God's Domain is only because the core is damaged, is unable to play the original might, however weapon became innumerable broken, that may not be piece, that was the abandonment. 神域里的那些传说级物品残片多少只是因为核心受损,无法发挥出原本的威力罢了,然而一把武器都碎成无数块了,那可就不是什么残片了,那是报废。 But the present remnant block really also has such terrifying pursuit magic power effect, is Legendary Level weapon that he knows perhaps is not good. 可是眼下的残块竟然还有如此恐怖的驱逐魔力效果,就是他所知的传说级武器恐怕都没有那么牛。 But regarding the unknown metal remnant block, Shi Feng does not want is too many, but received the inventory space, after the food and drink rested some time, starts to shell the abyss the dike. 而对于未知的金属残块,石峰也没有想太多,只是收入背包空间里,在吃喝休息了一段时间后,又开始轰击深渊的岩壁。 Now since knows that the outlet Guard puppet can obtain the strength of inheritance, but the outlet Guard puppet is the thing that because the bombardment dike makes, he naturally cannot let off this killing two birds with one stone good chance. 如今既然知道外道守护傀儡可以得到传承之力,而外道守护傀儡是因为轰击岩壁弄出来的东西,他自然不会放过这个一箭双雕的好机会 However later is not will present the outlet Guard puppet to the bombardment of dike each time, almost shells talents to present 1-2 outlet Guard puppets the 34 times, making the promotion of strength of inheritance not imagine is so quick, because restore Stamina and spirituality are not quick in Bottomless Abyss, even if depends upon the High Grade good food and drink comes restore, speed is still not quick, almost can only catch up with normal restore speed in Small Town reluctantly. 不过之后对岩壁的轰击并不是每次都会出现外道守护傀儡,差不多轰击三四次才会出现1-2外道守护傀儡,让传承之力的提升并没有想象中那么快,而且因为恢复体力精神无底深渊中并不快,哪怕依靠高级的美食和饮料来恢复,速度依然不快,差不多只能勉强赶上在小镇里面的正常恢复速度 Good Shi Feng is prepared regarding the matter of place of inheritance early, in advance makes Melancholic Smile collect a lot of High Grade food and drinks, special grain bin in Guild Warehouse, after these member use of Class Change Tier 4, therefore he prepared, in addition the body also has the Epic Level inventory space, ate and drank in the place of inheritance unceasingly for both months enough. 还好石峰对于传承之地的事情早有准备,预先就让忧郁微笑去收集大量的高级吃喝,专门囤在公会仓库中,为那些以后转职四阶成员使用,所以他备了很多,加上身上又有史诗级背包空间,就是在传承之地不断吃喝两个月都够了。 As shells the dike unceasingly and strikes to kill the outlet Guard puppet, Shi Feng's Experience Point(s) is not only promoting crazily, to Holy Devour of simplified version is also more and more experience, but the outlet Guard puppet drops unknown metal remnant block quantity with strikes to kill unceasingly, the drops quantity is also more and more scarce. 而随着不断轰击岩壁和击杀外道守护傀儡,石峰的经验值不仅在疯狂提升,就连对简化版的圣噬也是越来越熟练,只是外道守护傀儡掉落的未知金属残块数量随着不断击杀,掉落数量也是越来越稀少。 More than ten that from most starts, slowly turned into several, behind arriving is 1-2 drops. 从最开始的十多块,慢慢变成了几块,到后面都是1-2的掉落 The time passes, Shi Feng spent nine days in the Bottomless Abyss dike imperceptibly, nine days of let Shi Feng's Experience Point(s) is the promotion is rapid, direct rise to 124 levels, if because of Demon God's Curse, have not been able rise to Level 125 this small threshold. 时间流逝,石峰在不知不觉中就在无底深渊的岩壁中度过了九天的时间,九天的时间让石峰的经验值是提升飞速,直接升到了124级,如果不是因为魔神的诅咒,都已经能升到125级这个小门槛了。 Also accumulated as for the strength of inheritance 83%, from 85% bottom lines only missed final 2%, the unknown metal remnant block also collected 96. 至于传承之力也积累到了83%,距离85%的底线只差最后的2%,未知金属残块也收集到了96块之多。 But nine days in the outside world are also the change a great deal. 而九天的时间在外界也是变化良多。 Deposit 50 bottles of Level S Nutrient Fluid that because Muxin gives, Shi Feng one bottle was also supplemented every day reluctantly the energy that some brains needed, making the physical condition good many, but wanted true restore to come, needed Life Elixir to be good. 因为暮芯给的订金五十瓶S级营养药剂,石峰每天一瓶也算是勉强补充了一些大脑所需要的能量,让身体状况好了不少,不过想要真正恢复过来,还是需要生命药剂才行。 In addition lost some Zero Wing main force group member in Space-Time labyrinth to come out from inside finally, but Fire Dance, Aqua Rose, Gentle Snow and other more than people, because the halfway took the different roads with these people, now is also stranded in the Space-Time labyrinth does not know. 此外就是迷失在时空迷宫中的一些零翼主力团成员终于从里面出来了,只是火舞水色蔷薇白轻雪等二十多人因为半路跟这些人走了不同的路,现在还被困在时空迷宫中而不知。 But returns of Zero Wing main force group many member, one lets become on power and influence abundant Zero Wing even more powerful, unceasing guide/raid many ultra-large dungeon team and large dungeon team, making Guild Warehouse dungeon team material one rich many. 零翼主力团诸多成员的回归,也一下让原本就威势正盛的零翼变得如虎添翼,不断攻略了诸多超大型团队副本大型团队副本,让公会仓库团队副本材料一下丰富不少。 In addition West Continent Rare Material, Melancholic Smile and the others also manufactured Level 120 weapon equipment group after group, surpassed these Super Organization in the Level 120 weapon equipment aspect completely, suddenly let Zero Wing does not have two in peripheral more than ten Kingdom and Empire crest of wave, many expert player even well-known Adventure Group joined Zero Wing. 加上西大陆稀有材料,忧郁微笑等人也制作出了一批接一批的120级武器装备,在120级武器装备方面是完全超过那些超级势力,一时间让零翼在周边十多个王国帝国的风头无二,诸多高手玩家甚至知名冒险团加入零翼 However because of this matter, another more astonishing matter was also exploded. 不过也因为这件事情,另一件更惊人的事情也被爆了出来。 Zero Wing mysterious Guild Master Black Flame's true status! 零翼神秘会长黑炎的真正身份! This news, makes the God's Domain major influences cause a stir instantaneously, the especially those compose Super Organization of union with Zero Wing, such as War Spirit Uprise, Crimson Emperor and Heavenly Secret Pavilion, each and everyone has not thought that Zero Wing unexpectedly is really a not slightly backer and background Guild, complete starting from scratch, is developed the present scale from Shi Feng...... 这个消息一出,瞬间让神域的各大势力都为之轰动,尤其是那些跟零翼组成同盟的超级势力,如战魂不落赤帝天机阁,一个个都没有想到零翼竟然真的是一个没有丝毫靠山和背景的公会,完全的白手起家,由石峰一路发展到现在的规模…… Also because of this matter, the God's Domain major influences not dreaded to the Zero Wing's action again, starts to aim at Zero Wing's inner member, simultaneously pounded down so much funds to rob the Heavenly Battle Training Hall's student and virtual to fighting hall's the customer, even also asked for the sky-high price to dig Zero Wing's core member, let Zero Wing's inner member and core member one was short of one in large numbers. 也因为这件事情,神域的各大势力对零翼的行动再无忌惮,明里暗里都开始针对零翼的内部成员,同时砸下了大量的资金抢夺天斗训练馆的学员和虚拟对战馆的客户,甚至还开出天价挖零翼的核心成员,让零翼的内部成员核心成员一下少了一大批。 Guild Master, more than ten core member leave job today, simultaneously the training center student of Master Lei Bao that side management the students by several training centers was also provoked to the war, many people were injured, but Master Lei Bao in the road of going home by -and-a-half Grandmaster mysterious expert challenge severe wounds, was also said does not leave Zero Wing also to have the next time, in addition several Super Organization representatives want to talk with us, said that if makes them buy stock in Zero Wing, they on can solve these matter.” Liang Jing puts out today's information to compile in lounge gives Shi Feng, helpless said, what was most important before was us, to that batch of Level S Nutrient Fluid and most High Grade of synthetic training device channel business in secret high price order, now that side said that will not sell to us, moreover our Guild's daily Quest request was a person did not have , us can only depend upon a huge amount of gold coins transactions to maintain daily Guild this way to revolve.” 会长,今天又有十多名核心成员离职,同时雷豹大师那边管理的训练馆学员也被好几家训练馆的学员挑衅对战,不少人都被打伤,而雷豹大师也在回家的路被一位半步宗师的神秘高手挑战重伤,说是不离开零翼还会有下一次,此外还有好几个超级势力的代表过来想要跟我们谈话,说要是让他们入股零翼,他们就能解决这些事情。”梁静休息室中拿出了今天的信息汇总交给石峰无奈说道,“不过最重要的还是我们之前向渠道商暗中高价订购的那批S级营养药剂和最高级模拟训练器材,现在那边说是不会对我们出售了,而且我们公会的日常任务委托也是一个人都没有了,在这样下去,我们就只能依靠大量的金币交易来维持日常公会运转了。” I understood, currently first takes that side silver wing city credit points and gold coins income fills.” Shi Feng nods saying that right, you can check are that Super Organization send expert to the hand that Lei Bao moves?” “我明白了,目前就先拿银翼城那边的信用点金币收入来填补吧。”石峰点了点头说道,“对了,你能查到是那个超级势力高手雷豹动的手吗?” That side I had been checking through Heavenly Secret Pavilion, deep of very opposite hidden, but was checked, is Dragon Heart Island that side Battle Blood Adventure Group asks the person to do.” Liang Jing said. “那边我已经通过天机阁在查了,对面隐藏的很深,不过还是被查到了,是龙心岛那边的战血冒险团请人做的。”梁静说道。 Battle Blood?” In the Shi Feng spoken language some ice-cold say/way, look like these Super Organization also are really each and everyone thought that my Zero Wing is good to bully, when really I do take their means?” 战血?”石峰言语中有些冰冷道,“看来这些超级势力还真是一个个都觉得我零翼好欺,真当我拿他们一点办法都没有?” Guild Master that Battle Blood in Dragon Heart Island, that is not our home games, moreover Star Ring and other Super Organization also with the Battle Blood alliance, there is a medium fort as the support, we now defend to be beset with problems in the silver wing city and Stone Forest City, if sending large quantities of expert in the past, perhaps......” Liang Jing one hear, consoles to say hastily. 会长战血远在龙心岛,那并非是我们的主场,而且星环超级势力也跟战血联盟,又有中型要塞作为支撑,我们现在在银翼城和石林城守备就已经捉襟见肘,要是在派大批高手过去,恐怕……”梁静一听,连忙劝解道。 I understand, this matter I alone went enough.” “我明白,这件事情我一个人去就够了。” Shi Feng said lightly sits directly meets in Virtual Reality Capsule, enters God's Domain again. 石峰平淡的说了一句就直接坐会虚拟实境仓中,再一次登入神域 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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