ROTSSG :: Volume #27

#2689: Simplified version Holy Devour

Chapter 2689 第2689章 Simplified version Holy Devour 简化版圣噬 In the abyss dike after Shi Feng wields the next sword, the time sword light place visited changes into one group of deep red Flaming Roar. 深渊岩壁中在石峰挥下一剑之后,顿时间剑光所过之处化为一团真红烈焰 Deep red Flaming Roar appears lets entire space one turbulence directly, as if entire space must be burnt piece of Nothingness by this flame. 真红的烈焰出现直接让整个空间都一阵动荡,仿佛整个空间都要被这火焰燃烧成一片虚无 Sees only deep red Flaming Roar instantaneous Devour to all around dike. 只见真红的烈焰瞬间吞噬向四周的岩壁。 Bang! 轰! With a explosion sound, the innumerable crushed stones blast open, half the dike space of room size changed into a hut size directly the space, moreover all around dike seems like polished is generally smooth...... 随着一声轰响,无数的碎石炸裂开,原本半个房间大小的岩壁空间直接化为一片小屋大小的空间,而且四周的岩壁就好像是被打磨过一般非常平滑…… powerful!” 好强!” Shi Feng looks that at present suddenly empties a cavern, surprised that in the heart could not say. 石峰看着眼前突然空出来一片洞窟,心中说不出的惊讶。 He wanted to try, didn't expect really used, Holy Devour that although used at this time compared the Heavenly Blue Saint second sword to be worse, even can say that was incomplete, but so the might was close to the prestige of High Grade Legendary absolutely. 原本他只是想要试一试而已,没想到真的用出来了,虽然此时用出来的圣噬相比苍蓝圣者的第二剑差许多,甚至可以说并不完整,但是如此威力绝对接近高级传奇之威了。 Had such destructive power, made a connection goes to the inheritance fragment the efficiency to promote dozens times to continue. 有了这样的破坏力,打通前往传承碎片的效率可是提升了数十倍不止。 But in the Shi Feng plan uses Holy Devour again, the mind also feels stun, even some thorns hurt, before seeming like, uses the brain to be excessively same. 而就在石峰打算再一次用出圣噬时,头脑也是感到一阵眩晕,甚至有些刺疼,就好像是之前用脑过度一样。 Holy Devour regarding the present my really some reluctantly?” The Shi Feng forced smile said. 圣噬对于现在的我果然还是有些勉强了吗?”石峰苦笑道。 Although Holy Devour this move indeed used, but looked like to the consumption of his spirituality uses more than ten moves of Bronze Combat Technique to be the same instantaneously, consumed simply terrifying. 虽然圣噬这一招的确用了出来,但是对他精神的消耗就像是瞬间用出了十多招青铜战技一样,消耗简直恐怖 This does not use 34, his spirituality will be consumed, moreover this is because his spirituality level achieved Tier 4, without reaching the Tier 4 level, perhaps that he must before all of a sudden by forcefully the log out rest. 这样不用三四下,他的精神就会被消耗一空,而且这还是因为他的精神水平达到了四阶,要是没有达到四阶水平,恐怕之前那一下子他就要被强行下线休息了。 But sits rest restore when the Shi Feng preparation, pondered how unexpectedly possibly improves Holy Devour, reduces the consumption of spirituality, was rumbled abyss dike of large cave/hole also to tremble a moment ago suddenly by Shi Feng. 而在石峰准备坐下来休息恢复,思考一下怎么竟可能完善圣噬,减少精神的消耗时,刚才被石峰轰出一个大洞的深渊岩壁也突然震颤起来。 Has not waited for Shi Feng to respond, was rumbled the dike that scatters in all directions broken to condense the same place suddenly, forms a build to have one person to come the high Humanoid rock puppet fully, blows out a magic power fluctuation of terrifying, makes all around space all Magic Element be frozen directly, is unable to keep player from transferring magic power. 还不等石峰反应过来,被轰碎四散的岩壁突然凝聚到一起,形成一个体型足有一人来高的人型岩石傀儡,爆出一股恐怖魔力波动,直接让四周空间的所有魔法元素都被冻结,根本无法让玩家无法调动一丝外界的魔力 Outlet Guard puppet, non- Elements Lifeform, Peak High Lord, Level 121 levels, HP 53.5 million. 外道守护傀儡,非元素生物,高等大领主,等级121级,生命值5350万。 Non- Elements Lifeform?” Shi Feng looks at the sudden rock puppet, in the heart some surprise. “非元素生物?”石峰看着突然出现的岩石傀儡,心中有些诧异。 Because God's Domain inside and no non- Elements Lifeform in his memory, if not Elements Lifeform, directly labelling will be what race, such as giant, Elf, wild animal, magic beast wait/etc. 因为在他的记忆中神域里面并没有什么非元素生物,如果不是元素生物的话,会直接标注是什么种族,就如巨人、精灵、野兽、魔兽等等。 However has not waited for Shi Feng to respond that what happened, the rock puppet moved sideways to appear on one in front of Shi Feng's, the arm that two changed into the rock sharp blade destroyed the space instantaneously, the flash was ten Chop, the speed response quick at all is not Peak High Lord may compare, pursued the Tier 4 Legendary monster completely. 然而还不等石峰反应过来发生了什么事情,岩石傀儡就一个闪身出现在了石峰的面前,两只化为岩石利刃的手臂是瞬间破坏空间,一瞬间就是十多道斩击,速度反应之快根本不是外界的高等大领主可比,完全直追四阶传奇怪物。 However Shi Feng oneself am not am a vegetarian, as Control of Domain expert, oneself attribute is not under the same rank Legendary monster completely, the Legendary monster attack of the same class is very difficult to hit him, let alone is only speed and response in the Legendary Level rock puppet. 不过石峰本人也不是吃素的,作为掌握域高手,自身属性完全不在同级别传奇怪物之下,同级别的传奇怪物攻击都很难击中他,更别说只是速度和反应在传奇级的岩石傀儡。 Sees only Abyssal Blade in Shi Feng hand to change into everywhere stars. 只见石峰手中的深渊者化为漫天星辰。 Sword Light Samsara! 剑光轮回 pēng pēng pēng...... 砰砰砰…… Ten Chop of rock puppet were separated instantaneously did not say, jet black sword glow instead Devour to rock puppet. 岩石傀儡的十多道斩击是瞬间被弹开不说,一道道漆黑剑芒反而吞噬向岩石傀儡。 Jet black sword glow falls on the rock puppet shortly, in the time entire dike cavern reverberates a clear metal collision sound. 眼看漆黑剑芒落在岩石傀儡身上,顿时间整个岩壁洞穴中回荡起一身清脆的金属碰撞声。 Sees only sword glow to hit the body of rock puppet not only not to receive any damage, instead Shi Feng could not have borne draw back half step, grasps the arm of Abyssal Blade is being trembles, cut probably in the god iron general. 只见剑芒击中岩石傀儡的身躯不仅没有受到任何损伤,反而石峰还忍不住退了半步,握着深渊者的手臂是一阵震颤,就好像是砍在了神铁上一般。 What monster is this?” Shi Feng looks to return safe and sound, even can say that even HP has not fallen a points rock puppet, in the vision full is incredible. “这到底是什么怪物?”石峰看着毫发无伤,甚至可以说连生命值都没有掉一点的岩石傀儡,目光中满是不可置信。 His hand the skin of Abyssal Blade even high-rank Legendary can scratch, but chops now time on the body of rock puppet including white mark not also even, HP has not even fallen unexpectedly, this Defense simply heaven defying. 他手中的深渊者可是连上位传奇的皮肤都能划伤,可是现在劈在岩石傀儡的身上连一次白痕都没有也就算了,竟然连生命值都没有掉一点,这防御简直逆天 Shi Feng however is surprised and surprise has not made the movement of rock puppet stop, attacks Shi Feng unceasingly. 然而的石峰惊讶和诧异并没有让岩石傀儡的动作停下来,还是不断对石峰进行攻击。 Fought continually for several minutes, the movement slight weaken of rock puppet with the stop, has not looked like does not know that the exhausted machinery is the same, is a point with does not have to over a hundred swords that the rock puppet cuts as for Shi Feng, even had not affected with Light Shadow. 一连战斗了数分钟,岩石傀儡的动作都没有丝毫的衰减和停顿,就像是不知疲累的机械一样,至于石峰对岩石傀儡砍的上百剑也是一点用都没有,甚至用出了光影都没有丝毫作用。 Invincible?” 无敌吗?” Regarding the continuous attack unceasing rock puppet, Shi Feng felt a parade is big. 对于连续攻击不断的岩石傀儡,石峰是感到一阵头大。 He had seen the hope obtained the inheritance fragment, the didn't expect destruction dike can present such monster, obviously HP only then five 10 million, want to solve to be very small things, but did not injure...... 原本他已经看到了得到传承碎片的希望,没想到破坏岩壁会出现这样的怪物,明明生命值只有五千万而已,想要解决应该是很轻松的事情,可就是伤不了…… If fighting like this, does not need he to gain the inheritance fragment dead of exhaustion while still alive. 要是在这样战斗下去,不用等他下去获取传承碎片就会被活活累死。 Saw that time 1 0.1 drops of passing, fought unknowingly for more than ten minutes, launched an attack to attempt in view of rock puppet all the possible weakness, but still had no effect. 眼看时间一点一滴的流逝,不知不觉又战斗了十多分钟,针对岩石傀儡各种可能的弱点都进行了一遍攻击尝试,但依然没有任何效果。 But Shi Feng also felt that Stamina and spirituality in slide unceasingly rapidly, if fights in by such offensive, without the magic power supplement restore effect, are most is fighting for one hour he because Stamina and spirituality will exhaust are killed. 石峰也感到体力精神在不断飞速下滑,要是在以这样的攻势战斗下去,没有魔力的补充恢复效果,最多在战斗一个小时他就会因为体力精神耗尽被干掉。 Spelled!” Shi Feng clenches teeth, direct two-handed holds up Abyssal Blade to use Holy Devour to the rock puppet again, „, if not good, can only use Berserk Skill!” “拼了!”石峰咬了咬牙,直接双手举起深渊者再次对岩石傀儡用出圣噬,“要是再不行,就只能使用爆发技能了!” Holy Devour can be said as him at present in the limit might that under the Common condition can play, if unable to create damage to the rock puppet, only then uses a Berserk Skill this method to exceed Holy Devour Strength. 圣噬可以说是他目前在普通状态下能发挥出来的极限威力,如果还是无法对岩石傀儡造成伤害,就只有用出爆发技能这一种方法才能超越圣噬力量 Time sword light flashes through together, terrifying Flaming Roar direct Devour entire rock puppet. 顿时间一道剑光闪过,恐怖烈焰直接吞噬了整个岩石傀儡。 Bang! 轰! Sees only by the rock puppet who deep red Flaming Roar hits such as shell general seal on the dike, should the body of indestructible rock also present cracks, HP was also slid visible great length, had 3.7 million. 只见被真红烈焰击中的岩石傀儡如炮弹一般印在岩壁上,原本应该坚不可摧的岩石之躯也出现了一道道裂纹,生命值也是肉眼可见的下滑了一大截,足足有三百七十万之多。 Was effective?” Shi Feng looks to lie down rock puppet, a surprise. “有效了?”石峰看着躺倒在地的岩石傀儡,一阵诧异。 Before used Light Shadow to have no function, was second sword Holy Devour one, the simply effect is outstanding, goes far beyond his imagination. 之前用出光影都没有任何作用,可是第二剑圣噬一出,简直效果拔群,远远超过他的想象。 Broke the Defense limiting value? 打破了防御的极限值? „It is not right, even if will break the Defense limiting value not to present such good effect.” Shi Feng shook the head to overrule this idea. “不对,就算是打破了防御的极限值也不会出现这么好的效果。”石峰不禁摇头否决了这种想法。 Breaks monster Defense limiting value matter he to meet, but will not present zero to 3.7 million damage transformations absolutely, even if has not broken the Defense limiting value, the monster will still receive damage. 打破怪物防御极限值这种事情他不是没有遇见过,但绝对不会出现零到三百七十万的伤害转变,而且就算没有打破防御极限值,怪物本身也会受到伤害 Non- Elements Lifeform, magic power shield, Holy Devour?” Shi Feng looks at the rock puppet who and stands, in the brain is pondering unceasingly what's the matter. “非元素生物,魔力屏蔽,圣噬?”石峰看着又站起来的岩石傀儡,大脑中不断思考着是怎么回事。 At present although he injured the rock puppet with Holy Devour, but Holy Devour this move of he now is most in can use twice, will possibly use his spirituality condition to fall into the dispirited again a time, therefore his present situation has not had many improvements, must find the wound to the reason of rock puppet, otherwise he started the eruption to fight is also only unproductive, wasted Skill. 眼下他虽然用圣噬伤到了岩石傀儡,可是圣噬这一招他现在最多在能使用两次,甚至可能再用一次他的精神状态就会陷入萎靡,所以他眼下的情况并没有得到多少改善,必须要找到伤到岩石傀儡的原因,要不然他开启爆发来战斗也只是徒劳,浪费技能罢了。 Immediately Shi Feng used several Light Shadow to this rock puppet shatter body, but the rock puppet with returned safe and sound a moment ago same, as if presented the crack body not to affect Defense of rock puppet. 随即石峰又对这岩石傀儡破碎的身躯用出了几次光影,而岩石傀儡还是跟刚才一样毫发无伤,仿佛出现裂纹的身躯并没有影响到岩石傀儡的防御 Since Light Shadow does not have the effect, it seems like can only use another means.” “既然光影还是没有效果,看来只能用另一个办法了。” Looks that the both arms of rock puppet cut once again, a Shi Feng side step arrived at the rock puppet behind, transfers magic power of whole body to start to pour into on Abyssal Blade, seems like with Holy Devour is ordinary, magic power that condenses was actually concentrates not to send, making on the Abyssal Blade sword blade ignite deep red Flaming Roar, to the back of rock puppet is being a sword. 看着岩石傀儡的双臂又一次斩下来,石峰一个侧步来到了岩石傀儡的身后,调动起全身的魔力开始灌注在深渊者上,就好像是用出圣噬一般,不过凝聚的魔力却是凝而不发,让深渊者的剑刃上燃起了真红的烈焰,对着岩石傀儡的后背就是一剑。 sword light Blink! 剑光闪烁 Sees only the body of indestructible rock this time to be passed through by the deep red sword unexpectedly completely, carried off rock puppet 1.6 million points damage directly. 只见原本坚不可摧的岩石之躯这次竟然被真红之剑完全贯穿,直接带走了岩石傀儡一百六十万点的伤害 Really so!” Shi Feng looks that injured rock puppet two eyes shines. “果然如此!”石峰看着受伤的岩石傀儡不由双眼发亮。 Holy Devour can create damage to the rock puppet, is Light Shadow is not good, even attacks the Defense shatter point is not good, explained that with the Defense value of rock puppet irrelevant, diversities that remains, is magic power the law of utilization. 圣噬能对岩石傀儡造成伤害,可是光影却不行,甚至就连攻击防御破碎点都不行,说明跟岩石傀儡的防御值无关,剩下来的不同点,就是魔力的运用之法。 Light Shadow is enables the magic power shape, Holy Devour actually to make magic power erupt, later makes magic power substantializing display the huge destructive power, or is destroys the material the essence. 光影是让魔力化形,圣噬却可以让魔力爆发,之后让魔力实质化发挥出巨大的破坏力,或者说是破坏物质的本质。 At present although he has not used Holy Devour, but makes magic power substantializing also condense on the sword blade, this can consumption on maximum reduced magic power and spirituality, but can also have the effect of magic power substantializing, but the might and scale want to be smaller compared with Holy Devour, it can be said that Holy Devour simplified version. 眼下他虽然没有用出圣噬,但却让魔力实质化并且凝聚在剑刃上,这样可以最大限度的减少魔力精神上的消耗,还能拥有魔力实质化的效果,只是威力和规模比起圣噬要小很多,可以说是圣噬的简化版。 But has the success that these attacked time, Shi Feng also no longer delays the time, launches to the outlet Guard puppet directly attacks crazily. 而有了这一次攻击的成功,石峰也不再拖延时间,直接对外道守护傀儡展开狂攻。 Outlet Guard puppet's strength are many compared with the Tier 4 Legendary monster difference, truly difficult to deal with is unable to create damage, so long as can create damage, HP that five 10 million raise one's head does not take two minutes to handle regarding Shi Feng. 外道守护傀儡本身的战力比起四阶传奇怪物差不少,真正难对付的就是无法造成伤害,只要能造成伤害,五千万出头的生命值对于石峰来说根本不需要两分钟就可以搞定。 Saw only the time just over the past one minute half bell, HP of outlet Guard puppet also the nulling operation under the Shi Feng's last sword, the body of hard rock changed into the innumerable crushed stones to scatter in the place. 只见时间刚刚过去一分半钟,外道守护傀儡的生命值也在石峰的最后一剑下化归零,坚硬的岩石之躯化为无数碎石散落在地。 But the death of outlet Guard puppet made Shi Feng's experience bar rise one section not to say instantaneously instantaneously, black fog also sneaked into the Shi Feng's chest suddenly, at present is emits shatter picture fragments, near the ear also follows to resound together the System prompt sound. 而外道守护傀儡的死亡瞬间让石峰的经验条瞬间上涨了一截不说,一道黑雾也是突然窜入石峰的心口,眼前是冒出一段段破碎的画面片段,耳边也跟着响起一道系统提示音。 System: player obtains strength of 5 points inheritance, at present reaches the Tier 4 inheritance value 0.5%, when the inheritance value achieves 85% then to attempt to open Tier 4 inheritance. 系统:玩家获得传承之力五点,目前达到四阶传承值0.5%,当传承值达到85%即可尝试开启四阶传承 „The strength of inheritance?” Shi Feng looks at the System prompt startled. 传承之力?”石峰看着系统提示不由惊了。 Complete didn't expect strikes to kill the outlet Guard puppet to obtain the strength of inheritance unexpectedly, this may arrive at the abyss to place to gain the inheritance fragment below more relaxed. 完全没想到击杀外道守护傀儡竟然能获得传承之力,这可比下到深渊身处获取传承碎片轻松多了。 But with the death meeting of outlet Guard puppet, the outlet Guard puppet had not blown out more than ten splendid light Blink Item(s) calmly float in the midair, making all around magic power be pursued...... 而随着外道守护傀儡的死亡没一会,外道守护傀儡也爆出了十多件华光闪烁物品静静悬浮在半空中,让四周的魔力都被驱逐一空…… ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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