ROTSSG :: Volume #22

#2199: Excelling all other competitors

Black Flame?” Sand Bone one hear, the corners of the mouth raise, in the vision is passing an excitement, originally you time are make our Flower of Seven Sins action be defeated that Zero Wing Guild Guild Master, heard that you beat the Sword Demon old ghost, it seems like that this is not the lie, such strong Strength attribute, you had the qualifications to make me play with you earnestly.” 黑炎?”沙骨一听,嘴角微扬,目光中透着一丝兴奋,“原来你就是让我们七罪之花行动失败过一次的那个零翼公会会长,听说你击败了剑魔老鬼,看来这不是假话,这么强的力量属性,你有资格让我认真跟你玩一玩了。” Was saying the Sand Bone imposing manner suddenly changes. 说着沙骨的气势猛然一变。 If Sand Bone just like an emerging fierce tiger before, then now the probably tranquil sea, making people unable to feel any aura, is actually hiding the giant crisis. 如果说之前沙骨犹如一头出笼的猛虎,那么现在就好像是平静的大海,让人感觉不到任何气息,却隐藏着巨大的危机。 Black Flame you were careful, his attacking track is unable to forecast flexibly.” Looks Sand Bone that the imposing manner changes suddenly, Yi Yun reminds to Shi Feng repeatedly. 黑炎你小心,他的攻击轨迹灵活多变根本无法预测。”看着气势突变的沙骨,怡芸石峰连声提醒道。 Shi Feng's makes a move indeed to make her be surprised, moreover Strength compares to Sand Bone also to win unexpectedly to plan. 石峰的出手的确让她感到意外,而且力量竟然比起沙骨还要胜出一筹。 However she after Sand Bone conducted short fight, has understood the fearfulness of Sand Bone. 但是她跟沙骨进行了短暂的交手之后,已经明白沙骨的可怕。 Is fiercer than Common expert to their such expert, is completely because they can see through the attacking track of enemy, thus makes correct Defense, or was found the crevice to give the fatal attack. 向她们这样的高手之所以比普通高手更厉害,完全是因为她们可以看穿敌人的攻击轨迹,从而做出正确的防御,又或者是找到空隙给与致命的攻击。 Even Control of Domain expert is still more sensitive than her, the ability of process information is stronger, is more accurate to the assurance of distance. 就算是掌握域高手也只是比她更为敏感,处理信息的能力更强,对距离的把握更加精准而已。 But she facing the Sand Bone offensive, the feeling that the unexpectedly one types are unable to start, is unable to make ahead of time sentences in advance, conducts most effective Defense. 可是她面对沙骨的攻势,竟然有一种无从下手的感觉,根本无法提前做出预判,进行最有效的防御 She has Shield Warrior of shield like this, in addition so, changed into Berserker, Swordsman and Assassin such melee Class more difficult to deal with. 她这样持有盾牌的盾战士尚且如此,换成狂战士剑士刺客这样的近战职业就更难对付了。 However Yi Yun has not said, Sand Bone to Shi Feng used the charge, the whole person to change into a shadow, almost appeared before the Shi Feng's body instantaneously. 然而怡芸还没有说完,沙骨就对石峰用出了冲锋,整个人化为一道黑影,几乎是瞬间出现在石峰的身前。 Facing this amazingly quick general charge . Moreover the Additional certain dashing stun effect, Common expert can only open stun immunity Skill to resist ahead of time, but various main job Skill of Shi Feng in regarding God's Domain grasps is very clear, when the charge has not been close to his 1 yard range will not produce the stun results, immediately is wielding a sword to Sand Bone directly. 面对这神速一般的冲锋,而且附带一定的冲撞眩晕效果,普通高手只能提前开启眩晕免疫技能才能抵抗,不过石峰对于神域里的各大职业技能把握的都很清楚,在冲锋没有接近到他一码范围时是不会产生眩晕效果的,随即直接对着沙骨挥出一剑。 Sword-Light Phantom! 剑光虚影 Ten sword light direct impact Sand Bone go. 十道剑光直冲沙骨而去。 player in the charge condition moves very Hard, even Control of Domain expert, is impossible to block ten sword light in the charge condition, so long as long as was hit together, was attacked by High Lord Rank, causing the figure is not steady, in the expert confrontation of their level, that is fatal. 在冲锋状态下玩家活动起来可是很困难的,就算是掌握域高手,在冲锋状态下也不可能挡住十道剑光,而但凡只要被命中一道,受到大领主级的冲击,导致身形不稳,在他们这种层次的高手交锋中,那可是致命的。 Ten sword light must hit shortly Sand Bone, Sand Bone is on site suddenly changes, charges is forced to cancel, then the double sword brandishes, with Whirlwind Strike, deflected ten sword light directly, before taking advantage of opportunity arrived at the Shi Feng's body, two great swords change into the great sword that a blue light blooms suddenly, to was cutting suddenly. 眼看十道剑光就要命中沙骨,沙骨突然临场一变,冲锋被强制取消,转而双剑挥舞,用出了旋风斩,直接把十道剑光偏转,顺势来到了的石峰的身前,两把巨剑突然化为一把蓝光绽放的巨剑,对着猛然砍了下去。 „Did two swords fuse?” Yi Yun was dull. “两把剑融合了?”怡芸不由呆了。 In Thunder God Secret Realm, besides inside drops unique transmission stone, any other item is unable to use, wraps on weapon equipment Additional Magic Skill is also the same. 雷神秘境中,除了里面掉落的特有传送石外,其他任何道具是无法使用的,包裹武器装备上面附带魔法技能也一样。 At this time the two great swords in Sand Bone hand can fuse unexpectedly is a more powerful great sword, simply is inconceivable. 此时沙骨手中的两把巨剑竟然能融合为一把更强大的巨剑,简直不可思议。 Moreover blooms the blue light great sword prestige to be full, the feeling that the space as if one types must be torn, the might surpasses High Lord Rank to leave absolutely, very close to Peak High Lord of the same class. 而且绽放着蓝光的巨剑威能十足,就连空间仿佛都有一种要被撕裂的感觉,威力绝对超过大领主级别,很接近同级别的高等大领主了。 When the great sword soon falls shortly, the great sword of blooming blue light changes into four immediately, even if Control of Domain expert changes facing this sudden being on site still feels to find it hard to cope with. 眼看巨剑快要落下时,绽放蓝光的巨剑顿时一化为四,就算是掌握域高手面对这突然的临场一变也感到应接不暇。 „Does the weapon fusion add the 4-layer shadow to cut?” Shi Feng looks at the attack four sword light, secret surprised. 武器融合加四重影斩?”石峰看着来袭的四道剑光,也不由暗暗惊讶。 But the weapon fusion Berserker super Rare Skill, uses Tier 5 profession not eliminated Skill even, the Rare degree is as good as Lesser Legendary Item completely, even must Rare, because the weapon fusion can make the weapon quality promote forcefully first-level. 武器融合可是狂战士的超级稀有技能,就算使用到五阶职业也不会被淘汰的技能,稀有程度完全不亚于一件传说级物品残片,甚至还要更为稀有,因为武器融合可以让武器的品质强行提升一级。 If two weapon are Dark Gold Level, after the fusion, can turn into a Epic Level quality weapon, but two Epic Weapon can propose the rise to Lesser Legendary Item degree, although Duration is very short, only has 20 seconds. 假如两把武器暗金级,融合之后就可以变成一把史诗级品质的武器,而两把史诗级武器可以提升到传说级物品残片的程度,虽然持续时间很短,只有二十秒而已。 When weapon on player turns into Lesser Legendary Item from Epic Level suddenly, the disparity of this strength is not the 1-Star least bit, sufficiently was fatal in the top expert showdown. 但是当一个玩家手上的武器史诗级突然变成传说级物品残片,这个战力的差距可不是一星半点,在顶尖高手的对决中都足以致命了。 weapon fuses this move many only to fuse Lesser Legendary Item luckily, if can fuse Legendary Level weapon, can be close to Invincible in Tier 5. 幸好武器融合这一招最多只能融合成传说级物品残片,要是能融合成传说级武器,在五阶中都能接近无敌了。 But four swift and violent sword light twinkling, Sand Bone have been ready Shi Feng opened life-saving skill to be able. 四道迅猛的剑光瞬息而至,沙骨已经做好了石峰开启保命技能的准备。 But Shi Feng to such has not opened the life-saving skill energy that Sand Bone thinks, saw only Shi Feng to pull out waist another long sword, moves forward to meet somebody directly. 可是石峰并没有向沙骨想的那样开启保命技能,只见石峰抽出了腰间另一把长剑,直接迎了上去。 Sword Light Samsara! 剑光轮回 Time four powerful incomparable sword light were not said by the deflection forcefully, two turn over unexpectedly attacks to Sand Bone, suddenly makes Sand Bone be caught off guard, can only with fusing weapon resists together sword light reluctantly, but the body was hit by another sword light directly, the whole person seems like the shell to depart beyond more than 30 yards generally, falls layer on layer/heavily falls on the place, HP falls below half directly, falls into the short time the heavily damaged condition...... 顿时间四道强悍无比的剑光被强行偏转不说,其中两道竟然翻转攻向沙骨,一时间让沙骨措手不及,只能用融合武器勉强抵挡住一道剑光,而身体被另一道剑光直接击中,整个人就好像是炮弹一般飞出三十多码外,重重摔落在地,生命值直接降到一半以下,陷入短时间的重创状态…… Suddenly full house for it one static. 骤然满场为之一静。 How is this possible?” Also stares with Qi Huang that Endless Scar fights. “这怎么可能?”跟未央浅痕战斗的岐凰也是一愣。 Sand Bone strength she in clear, but, use weapon fuses this move particularly, even she must evade the point temporarily, only if she uses Berserk Skill, in Thunder God Secret Realm this type of special place, Berserk Skill is unable to use, but now endured compared with eruption Sand Bone is striked to fly unexpectedly...... 沙骨的实力她在清楚不过,尤其是用处武器融合这一招,就算是她也要暂避锋芒,除非她用出爆发技能,不过在雷神秘境这种特殊之地,爆发技能是无法使用的,而现在堪比爆发的沙骨竟然被打飞了…… But the facial expression surprise that the distant place fights Hidden Spirit that also looks at with Huai Feng. 而远处跟槐枫交手的灵隐也看的神情诧异。 Black Flame?” Yi Yun looks that was struck Sand Bone that flies, looks to Shi Feng, as if the first time is knew Shi Feng to be the same, „is he so unexpectedly fierce?” 黑炎?”怡芸看着被击飞的沙骨,又看向身旁的石峰,仿佛是第一次认识石峰一般,“他竟然这么厉害吗?” „Has he been hiding the strength before?” Endless Scar surprise looks at Shi Feng, she knows that the Shi Feng level is very high, but has not thought that so will be high. “难道他之前一直在隐藏实力?”未央浅痕诧异的看着石峰,她知道石峰水平很高,但是没有想到会这么高。 The solemn Flower of Seven Sins' High Grade cadre, making major Super-Guild be apprehensive character, unexpectedly hit does not have the strength to hit back, this said that perhaps no one letter/believes. 堂堂七罪之花的高级干部,让各大超级公会都忌惮三分的人物,竟然被打的没有还手之力,这说出去恐怕都没有人信。 But while the people fall into short silent, Shi Feng also looked at Thunder Sound Temple. 而就在众人陷入短暂寂静的同时,石峰也把目光转向了雷鸣殿 Everyone removes toward the Thunder Sound Temple side hall! I shield!” Shi Feng immediately in the group chatted said. “所有人都往雷鸣殿的偏殿撤!我来掩护!”石峰随即在团聊中说道。 In Magic Array, the attribute of people was suppressed, wants to beat Flower of Seven Sins' these people to have a dream radically, although he can defeat Sand Bone, but is actually not able to strike to kill Sand Bone, but this time Flower of Seven Sins' Heal(er) has let Sand Bone restore full health, but he can use the Sword Light Samsara number of times to be limited, sooner or later will be consumed. 魔法阵中,众人的属性被压制,想要击败七罪之花的这些人根本就是做梦,他虽然能击败沙骨,但是却无法击杀沙骨,只是这点时间七罪之花的治疗就已经让沙骨恢复满血,而他能使用剑光轮回的次数有限,迟早会被耗死。 The only hope is the Thunder Sound Temple side hall. 唯一的希望就是雷鸣殿的偏殿。 The emperor day very clear Thunder God secret-key represents anything probably, from beginning to end does not have the movement/mobile half step, has been watching the Thunder Sound Temple main hall front door, but more than ten long-distance profession before the emperor day body, was unable to break through, but the Thunder Sound Temple side hall is Level achieves Level 90 special 100-Man Dungeon, regarding present player was the place of death, but always compared outside is killed to be much better by Flower of Seven Sins. 帝天好像很清楚雷神秘钥代表什么,从头到尾都没有移动半步,一直守着雷鸣殿的正殿大门,而在帝天身前还有十多名远程职业,根本无法突围,而雷鸣殿偏殿是一个等级达到90级的特殊百人团队副本,对于现在的玩家来说是死亡之地,但是总比在外面被七罪之花干掉好多了。 Samsara looked at a Thunder Sound Temple side hall, discovered that the Dungeon mouth demonstration is the scarlet red , indicating that Dungeon Level is far higher than their present Level, but enters in Dungeon always to compare outside is killed. 轮迴看了一眼雷鸣殿的偏殿,发现副本口显示为深红色,表示副本等级远高于他们现在的等级,不过进入副本里面总比在外面被干掉强。 Everyone listens to Shi Feng's, maintains Formation to go forward toward the side hall!” Samsara said. “所有人听石峰的,保持阵型朝偏殿前进!”轮迴说道。 I lead the way, shield me!” Endless Scar looked at a surrounded situation, clenches teeth to say. “那我来开路,掩护我!”未央浅痕看了一眼被包围的态势,咬牙说道。 Was saying Endless Scar makes edges of more than ten Element surround in the whole body, forms a long-distance Defense net, resists from the long-distance attack, immediately starts chanting Magic, no longer pesters with Qi Huang. 说着未央浅痕就让十多把元素之刃在周身环绕,形成一层远程防御网,抵挡来自远程的攻击,随即开始吟唱魔法,不再跟岐凰纠缠。 The time looked all around space starts becomes fuzzy, powerful Strength emits from all around space unceasingly, is oppressing the entire space, but magic power of entire space also starts Berserk to get up, even somewhat affects player faintly. 顿时间就看四周的空间开始变得模糊,一股强大的力量不断从四周的空间中冒出,压迫着整个空间,而整个空间的魔力也开始狂暴起来,甚至隐隐有些影响到玩家 „To break through, without is so easy! Everyone first gets rid of her!” Qi Huang saw Shi Feng and the others the ideas, aims at Endless Scar to say. “想突围,没那么容易!所有人优先干掉她!”岐凰看出了石峰等人的想法,指向未央浅痕说道。 As Qi Huang issues the order, eight Flower of Seven Sins' cadres charged into Endless Scar, must prevent Endless Scar Method. 随着岐凰下达完命令,八名七罪之花的干部就冲向了未央浅痕,要阻止未央浅痕的施法。 But eight Flower of Seven Sins' cadres rush to a Endless Scar less than 20 yards distance, innumerable sword light raid suddenly, Thousand Blade Streaming Light that Shi Feng uses, making the Flower of Seven Sins' cadres have to draw back hastily. 可是八名七罪之花的干部才冲到未央浅痕不到二十码的距离,无数的剑光突然袭来,正是石峰用出来的千刃流光,让七罪之花的干部们不得不连忙退开。 Saw only presents one a depth of 2-3 meters big hole in the Flower of Seven Sins' cadre and Endless Scar middle, direct both sides gave to separate. 只见在七罪之花的干部和未央浅痕的中间出现了一个深达2-3米的大坑,直接双方给隔开。 Wants, asked me to say again.” Shi Feng suddenly appeared in the Endless Scar side, calmly looks at eight Flower of Seven Sins cadres who eyed covetously, said with a smile lightly. “想要过去,问过我再说吧。”石峰突然出现在了未央浅痕的身旁,静静看着虎视眈眈的八名七罪之花干部,淡淡笑道。 Black Flame you court death!” Qi Huang is angry, immediately started most Inheritance skill Ice Snow God's Spear. 黑炎你找死!”岐凰大怒,随即发动了最传承技能冰雪神枪 Enough several hundred spear of frost cold fall under the control of Qi Huang directly to Shi Feng and Endless Scar, planned that rumbles directly to become dregs two people. 足足数百道寒冰之枪岐凰的操控下直接落向石峰未央浅痕,打算把两人直接轰成渣。 But other eight Flower of Seven Sins' cadres have not stopped, attacks to Endless Scar. 而其他八名七罪之花的干部也没有停下来,也同时攻向未央浅痕 Although Shi Feng Strength is powerful, but also defeated Sand Bone, but they may be top expert , what degree can Shi Feng protect jointly? 虽然石峰力量强大,还击败了沙骨,但是他们可都是顶尖高手,联手之下,石峰又能保护到什么程度? Has not waited for the people approaches to a Endless Scar 15 yards range, all around temperature drops suddenly substantially, everyone feels a chill in the air, Movement Speed and attribute following is also down slightly. 还不等众人接近到未央浅痕十五码范围,骤然四周的温度大幅下降,所有人都感到一阵寒意,移动速度和属性也跟着略有下降。 Nether Cold Domain! 幽寒领域 With Nether Cold Domain in Thunder God Secret Realm is only Tier 0 Skill, but eventually is Domain Skill, most suitable group war, moreover Shi Feng can control six quiet cold air/Qi simultaneously, although each quiet cold air/Qi has he 70% Strength levels, 70% attributes, have compared the Flower of Seven Sins cadre on the scene to be high. 随着在雷神秘境幽寒领域只是零阶技能,但终究是领域技能,最适合群战,而且石峰能同时操控六道幽寒之气,虽然每一道幽寒之气都有他本人70%的力量水平,不过70%的属性,已经比在场的七罪之花干部高了。 Sword Path! 剑之轨迹 The time is centered on Shi Feng, in 15 yards appeared the stars of encirclements in the radius, compared to use Sword Path that the double sword displayed more perfect, complete Defense lived in several hundred spear of frost cold that fell, keeping eight cadres from stepping into 15 half step. 顿时间以石峰为中心,在半径十五码内浮现出了一颗颗环绕的星辰,相比使用双剑施展的剑之轨迹更加完美,完全防御住了落下来的数百道寒冰之枪,让八名干部无法踏入十五内半步。 This...... was also too strong!” Burning Sea looks the cadre who eight are unable to be close, is flabbergasted to say. “这……也太强了吧!”灼海看着八名无法接近的干部,不由咋舌道。 He facing three Flower of Seven Sins' cadres and long-distance attacks, has felt strenuous incomparable, once for a while will also be hit, is present Shi Feng facing eight cadre and Qi Huang crazy fierce attacks, is unexpectedly safe and sound, simply on monster. 他面对三名七罪之花的干部和远程袭击,已经感到吃力无比,时不时还会被击中,可是现在石峰面对八名干部和岐凰的狂猛攻击,竟然安然无恙,简直就怪物。 Regarding this Shi Feng is also very surprised, because his didn't expect Life Elixir effect is so good, Sword Path that lets had the further promotion, otherwise Defense gets up so is not absolutely smooth. 对此石峰也挺惊讶,因为他没想到生命药剂的效果这么好,让的剑之轨迹有了进一步的提升,要不然防御起来绝对没有这么顺利。 As Shi Feng resisted the moment time, when Stamina only had half, Endless Scar also chanting ended Magic finally. 随着石峰抵挡了片刻时间,体力只剩下一半时,未央浅痕也终于吟唱完了魔法 Sees only the ground to emit the terrifying air currents, each air current has is as good as the High Lord Rank might, making Flower of Seven Sins' member have to first various means evasion, this makes the Samsara people be able to extricate. 只见地面冒出一道道恐怖的气流,每一道气流都有不亚于大领主级的威力,让七罪之花的成员不得不先办法各种回避,这让轮迴众人得以解脱。 Quickly! How long this Magic could not continue!” Endless Scar said. “快!这个魔法持续不了多久!”未央浅痕说道。 As soon as the people listen, all got rid of Flower of Seven Sins' member, is led to charge into the Thunder Sound Temple side hall by Shi Feng directly, Flower of Seven Sins' member can only look helplessly. 众人一听,也全部摆脱了七罪之花的成员,由石峰带队直接冲向雷鸣殿的偏殿,七罪之花的成员只能眼睁睁看着。 In Shi Feng and the others soon enter the side hall, a chill in the air raids suddenly, making one of the Shi Feng instinct startled, cannot bear turn the head to look that to place that the chill in the air raids. 就在石峰等人快要进入偏殿时,一股寒意突然袭来,让石峰本能的一惊,忍不住转头看向寒意袭来的地方。 Black Flame? Very good! I remembered you.” Stands calmly is looking at Shi Feng in the main hall entrance emperor day, ice-cold said. 黑炎是吗?很好!我记住你了。”站在正殿大门口的帝天静静望着石峰,冰冷说道。 The emperor day ice-cold words make the people on the scene feel that the whole body trembles, as if stared by Death God generally, did not assign completely as one pleases. 帝天冰冷的话语让在场众人都感到全身一颤,仿佛被死神盯上了一般,完全命不由己。 Right? I am waiting!” Shi Feng looked at an emperor day, said with a smile. “是吗?那我等着!”石峰看了一眼帝天,笑着说道。 The emperor day great strength, he is getting up former life to like thunder reverberating in one's ears, after all struck to kill Super-Guild Guild Master expert repeatedly, caused major Super-Guild to want jointly to cope with Flower of Seven Sins. 帝天的强大,他在上一世就如雷贯耳,毕竟是多次击杀了超级公会会长高手,引得各大超级公会都想要联合对付七罪之花 However he had offended the emperor day in any case, spoiled the emperor day original plan, then he does not mind that now is offending, after all present he was not past he, but stood in God's Domain peak expert. 不过他反正已经得罪了帝天,破坏了帝天原本的计划,那么他现在也不介意在多得罪一下,毕竟现在的他也不是过去的他了,而是站在神域巅峰的高手 Was saying Shi Feng also led Samsara and the others to enter the Thunder Sound Temple side hall under attention of Flower of Seven Sins people. 说着石峰也带着轮迴等人在七罪之花众人的瞩目下进入了雷鸣殿的偏殿。
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