ROTSSG :: Volume #22

#2198: Black Flame acts

An emperor day words saying ended, the Flower of Seven Sins' cadres also extracted weapon, killing intent increase, the power and influence of sending out seem like the volcanic eruption to be common, even if were the complexion that Yi Yun looked is pale. 帝天话一说完,七罪之花的干部们也都抽出武器,杀意大增,散发出来的威势就好像是火山爆发一般,哪怕是怡芸都看的脸色铁青。 Before imposing manners of these person desirably restraining, but could also not see anything, but the aura powerful incomparable, casual people of these people made Yi Yun feel the fatal threat at this time. 之前这些人刻意收敛的气势,还看不出什么,但此时这些人的气息都强大无比,随便一人都让怡芸感到了致命的威胁。 If more than 30 people on, this Strength simply is unable to estimate together. 三十多人要是一起上,这力量简直无法估量。 „To make us not feel better, depends on your only ten people also to match?” Sand Bone looks that Yi Yun sneers saying that makes each of you hand over two Epic Level Item(s) favors you, each and everyone should not be unappreciative, even Thirteen Royal Courts' these old codgers all came, they do not dare to say one before the emperor day big brother!” “想让我们不好过,就凭你们区区十人也配?”沙骨看着怡芸冷笑道,“让你们每人交出两件史诗级物品是抬举你们,一个个别不识抬举,就算是十三王庭的那些老不死全来了,在帝天大哥面前他们也不敢多说一句!” Regarding these words that Sand Bone spoke, Samsara on the scene and the others have not spoken a few words. 对于沙骨说的这番话,在场轮迴等人是没有说一句话。 Because Sand Bone said not wrong, although Thirteen Royal Courts is established Super-Guild, background is extraordinary, these old monsters in Guild were the strength, but compared the emperor day on the scene, emperor day behind Flower of Seven Sins, at all was not anything. 因为沙骨说的并没有错,虽然十三王庭是老牌的超级公会,底蕴非凡,公会里的那些老怪物更是实力了得,但是相比在场的帝天,还有帝天身后的七罪之花,根本不算什么。 Let alone trains the top talent killing 78 times Yi Yun like this, even if Leader of a Guild were killed, Thirteen Royal Courts does not have point means to Flower of Seven Sins, can only endure. 别说是把怡芸这样培养出来顶尖天才给杀个七八次,就算是一会之长被干掉了,十三王庭也对七罪之花是没有一点都办法,只能忍着。 Can speak the last words with it, perhaps also only then that five big Super-Guild. 能与之叫板的,恐怕也就只有那五大超级公会了。 Samsara, the little miss in your team is very interesting, dares to speak the last words with me unexpectedly on own initiative.” The emperor day has not made the people sharply beginning, the vision shift to Yi Yun, smiles saying that this matter I many years had not met, really makes me feel somewhat fondly remembers, before everyone handed over two Epic Level Item(s) things even, now each of you hands over Epic Level Item(s) to leave, must hand over four to be good as for this girl!” 轮迴,你们队中的这个小姑娘很有意思,竟然敢主动跟我叫板。”帝天并没有让众人急着动手,目光转向怡芸,笑了笑说道,“这种事情我已经好多年没有遇到了,真让我感觉有些怀念,之前每人交两件史诗级物品的事情就算了,现在你们每人交一件史诗级物品就可以离开,至于这丫头要交四件才行!” You......” the Yi Yun anger, the emperor day are playing her radically. “你……”怡芸不由怒火,帝天根本就是在耍她。 Emperor day! I and your enmity does not need to implicate others, even if you can make drop rate of Thunder God secret-key increase, but you may not obtain!” Samsara looks that the emperor day anger shouted. “帝天!我和你的仇怨没必要连累其他人,就算你能让雷神秘钥的掉落率大增,但你也不一定能得到!”轮迴看着帝天怒喝道。 Emperor day move of simply is executing the heart, if the people in team really did that later the people did not have the face to meet. 帝天这一招简直就是在诛心,要是团队里的人真这么做了,以后众人也都没脸见面了。 Samsara that calculation do not threaten me, you think I will not have the preparation here stops up you?” The emperor day shot a look at Samsara, I can tell you clearly, in that moment that Magic Array opens, you had cursed the Magic blood incantation, the death penalty raise rise to 300%, as long as the death had probability drops Special Item to probably fall, after you die, I can also resurrect forcefully your one time, you thought that wanted to attain the Thunder God secret-key is very difficult matter?” 轮迴别那点小算盘来威胁我,你以为我会没有准备的在这里堵你?”帝天瞥了一眼轮迴,“我可以明确告诉你,在魔法阵开启的那一刻,你们就已经中了诅咒魔法血咒,死亡惩罚提升到300%,但凡死亡有几率掉落特殊物品都会必掉,等你们死后,我还能强行复活你们一次,你觉得想要拿到雷神秘钥是很难的事情吗?” Gave you chance, since you do not want to hand over, then remains!” “给了你们机会,既然你们不想交,那么就都留下来吧!” Was saying the emperor day waves, time Sand Bone and other more than expert charged into Samsara and the others. 说着帝天一挥手,顿时间沙骨等三十多名高手就冲向了轮迴等人。 It seems like did not have the means.” Samsara looks to walk killing intent greatly abundant Flower of Seven Sins step by step, immediately said, „can only spell, Formation conducts to adjust, Yi Yun you and I in most front, the old scholartree you go to Guard Heal(er), invisible assists Astray!” “看来是没办法了。”轮迴看着一步一步走来杀意大盛的七罪之花,随即说道,“只能拼了,阵型进行一下调整,怡芸你和我在最前排,老槐你去守护治疗,无形辅助未央!” Team Leader I in your words, have doubted before was too bored, now can play with top expert finally.” Invisible chaotic arrow exciting saying. 队长我可是早就在等你这句话了,之前一直打怪都太无聊了,现在总算能跟顶尖高手玩一下了。”无形乱箭兴奋的说道。 Yes! Captain Flower of Seven Sins', such character is not usually can meet casually, then I finally had chance to experience in Legend(ary) the Flower of Seven Sins' strength.” The sword invisible is also eager to try. “是啊!七罪之花的首领,这样的人物可不是平常能随便遇到的,这下我总算有机会见识一下传说七罪之花的实力了。”剑无形也是跃跃欲试。 Flower of Seven Sins continuously mysterious incomparable, generally carries out various types of entrusted Quest was outer member, true inner member very few saw, probably dry/does ministry-level member, each and everyone was hard to get hold can barely catch a glimpse. 七罪之花一直神秘无比,一般执行各种委托任务的都是外围成员,真正的内部成员很少见到,像是干部级的成员,一个个都是神龙见首不见尾。 Now can one fight with so many Flower of Seven Sins' cadres, regarding his battle maniac person, absolutely is the long-awaited matter. 现在能一下跟这么多七罪之花的干部交手,对于他这种战斗狂人来说,绝对是梦寐以求的事情。 Black Flame was sorry, you join the team to come across such matter.” Samsara looks at Shi Feng, a face apology said. 黑炎抱歉了,你才加入团队就遇到这样的事情。”轮迴看着石峰,一脸歉意道。 Regarding this nearby Endless Scar was also sorry to Shi Feng, after all Shi Feng was she said that has not actually thought that will come across such crisis. 对此一旁的未央浅痕也向石峰表示歉意,毕竟石峰是她介绍过来的,却没有想到会遇到这样的危机。 But they have not said anything in Samsara and Endless Scar, Sand Bone leads the Flower of Seven Sins' cadre to arrive to less than 30 yards place. 而在轮迴未央浅痕两人还没有说什么,沙骨已经带着七罪之花的干部来到了相距不到三十码的地方。 Time more than ten Flower of Seven Sins' long-distance profession launched the attack. 顿时间十多名七罪之花的远程职业就发动了攻击。 Enough several hundred Magic and arrow arrow flying shoots at Samsara and the others, accurate of these Magic arrow arrows at all are not Common expert may compare, moreover each and everyone is nimble and resourceful, Elf that as if dances in the air, is very difficult to stress certainly the attacking track. 足足数百道魔法和箭矢飞射向轮迴等人,这些魔法箭矢的精准度根本不是普通高手可比,而且一个个灵动无比,仿佛飞舞的精灵,很难抓准攻击轨迹。 Regarding this even if has achieved Realm of Vacuum Yi Yun facing these attacks, is a parade is still big, can only open Shield Wall to protect full power, this will be hit 2-3, making HP drop much, but the Samsara situation is relatively better, but facing the fusion attacks of several Magic, the figure cannot bear the retreat, the head emits each and everyone several hundred points impact damage. 对此就算是已经达到真空之境怡芸面对这些攻击,也是一阵头大,只能开启盾墙全力防护,就这样还是会被击中2-3下,让生命值下降不少,而轮迴的情况相对好一些,但是面对数道魔法的融合攻击,身形还是忍不住后退,头上冒出一个个数百点的冲击伤害 But invisible chaotic arrow that copes with the exquisite attack of monster, Sand Bone and the others who at this time are flushing described nominally, arrow arrows were not fended off by the make way, does not have magic damage to the Flower of Seven Sins' cadre half a point. 而无形乱箭那对付怪物的精妙攻击,此时在冲上来的沙骨等人身上形容虚设,一道道箭矢不是被闪开就是被挡开,根本无法伤七罪之花的干部半分。 Disparity of both sides is clear. 双方的差距是一目了然。 Has not waited for the invisible chaotic arrow to launch the tertiary wave attack, before Sand Bone and other more than Close Combat already rushed to Samsara and Yi Yun's body, three Flower of Seven Sins' cadres directly tied down Samsara, three people of offensive jointly like one person, in addition the long-distance assistance, keeping Samsara from leaving. 还不等无形乱箭发动第三波攻击,沙骨等十多名近战已经冲到了轮迴怡芸的身前,三名七罪之花的干部直接缠住了轮迴,三人联手的攻势如同一人,加上远程的辅助,让轮迴根本无法抽身。 But nearby Burning Sea facing flushing three cadres also retreat in defeat again and again, Endless Scar wants to help, but tied down by Qi Huang of distant place, has no time to divert attention radically. 而一旁的灼海面对冲上来的三名干部也是节节败退,未央浅痕想要去帮助,但是被远处的岐凰缠住,根本无暇分心。 Nearby Sand Bone comes, not saying anything further raises in the hand two great swords to divide to Yi Yun. 沙骨来跟前,二话不说就举起手中两把巨剑劈向怡芸 The chaotic wind cuts! 乱风斩! The time two great swords change into 16 afterimage, probably Viper plunge the Yi Yun's Defense dead angle generally. 顿时间两把巨剑化为十六道残影,好像是毒蛇一般扑向怡芸的防御死角。 In Thunder God Secret Realm, all player were suppressed Tier 0, eight afterimage that but Sand Bone wields can still cause sound air-splitting, Strength is not under Common High Lord absolutely. 雷神秘境中,所有玩家都被压制到零阶,可是沙骨挥动的八道残影依然能引起破空之音,力量绝对不在普通大领主之下。 The Yi Yun footsteps change, launches the Defense deflection again and again, one side wants Defense one attack that deflects Sand Bone. 怡芸脚步变化,连连展开防御偏转,想要一边防御一遍偏转沙骨的攻击。 Does not consider resources bite off more than can chew!” Sand Bone sneers, the Strength sharp bend. “自不量力!”沙骨冷笑一声,力量突转。 The original attacking track had the new change suddenly, enabling Yi Yun only Defense to deflect radically without enough time. 原本的攻击轨迹骤然产生了新的变化,让怡芸只能防御根本来不及偏转。 Although Yi Yun's Defense is comprehensive, seems like at the same time copper wall Iron Wall, however the Sand Bone level is one level above eventually, the attribute is also strong a section, powerful Strength attacks the shield unceasingly, will make Yi Yun have some flaws eventually, after first even/including more than ten swords, easily broke open Yi Yun's Defense, afterimage falls together directly to the Yi Yun's side abdomen, lets Yi Yun radically without enough time Defense. 怡芸的防御虽然全面,就好像是一面铜墙铁壁,但是沙骨的水平终究高出一筹,属性也强出一截,强大的力量不断冲击盾牌,终究会让怡芸产生些许的破绽,一连十多剑之后,轻易就破开了怡芸的防御,一道残影直接落向怡芸的侧腹部,让怡芸根本来不及防御 Seeing Yi Yun must be hit by a sword, but the great sword in Sand Bone hand actually stopped forcefully in the Yi Yun abdomen to less than three cuns (2.5 cm) place, was blocked by a azure long sword, is unable to go forward a point. 眼看怡芸要被一剑击中,可是沙骨手中的巨剑却硬生生停在了怡芸腹部相距不到三寸的地方,被一把青色的长剑挡住,根本无法前进一分。 This lets the Sand Bone surprise, his wielding prestige of the sword endures compared with High Lord of the same class absolutely, can keep off in this Thunder God Secret Realm no one, but cut in this looks like the long sword on cuts in the god iron general. 这让沙骨不由诧异,他的挥动的一剑之威绝对堪比同级别的大领主,在这雷神秘境根本无人能挡,可是砍在这把长剑上就像是砍在了神铁上一般。 Has not waited for Sand Bone to respond, sword light flashes through together, Sand Bone instinct wields the great sword to resist. 还不等沙骨反应过来,又是一道剑光闪过,沙骨本能的挥动巨剑抵挡。 Bang! 轰! As resounds, Sand Bone could not bear retrocede two steps, the great sword in hand was a tremor. 随着一声鸣响,沙骨忍不住后退了两步,手中的巨剑是一阵颤动。 „Who are you?” Sand Bone stares stubbornly is appearing side Yi Yun sudden the form, in the vision were many a dignity. “你是什么人?”沙骨死死盯着出现在怡芸身旁突然出现的身影,目光中多了一丝凝重。 Easily reduced and solved his offensive, Strength above him, this is not Common expert can accomplish absolutely, even Samsara does not have this ability. 轻易化解了他的攻势,力量又在他之上,这绝对不是普通高手能办到的,就算是轮迴也没有这个能耐。 Black Flame!” 黑炎!”
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