RMJTIIW :: Volume #9

#827: Checking over one by one

Han Li is hesitating same place the long time, shortly, shakes the head, face upwards long exhales the one breath. 韩立在原地沉吟半晌,不久后,摇了摇头,仰天长长呼出一口气。 The present situation has been beyond control obviously he, can only walk one step to calculate one step. 眼下的情况显然已经由不得他,只能走一步算一步了。 He shakes the head, no longer thinks this matter, sat cross-legged to sit, took out black bone ring, was Daoist Master Shining Bone storage magical artifact. 他摇了摇头,不再多想此事,盘膝坐了下来,取出一枚黑色骨戒,正是照骨真人储物法器 These date and time he and Shi Chuankong has been hurrying along hurriedly, has not examined this ring with enough time, storage magical artifact that Great Encompassing Realm has, wants to come should not to disappoint him. 这些时日他和石穿空一直在匆忙赶路,没有来得及查看这戒指,一个大罗境存在的储物法器,想来应该不会让他失望吧。 During the consideration, Han Li emitted wisp of divine sense to submerge in black bone ring. 思量间,韩立放出了一缕神识没入了黑色骨戒之中。 His close eyes investigates the situation in bone ring, passed the less than half double-hour, opens the eye, pinches finger joints with the thumb flicks the sleeve wields. 闭目探查骨戒内的情况,足足过了小半个时辰,才睁开眼睛,掐诀拂袖一挥。 One azure multi-colored sunlight one volumes, the ground baseless are-and-a-half many eight foot high white stone columns, at the same time white bone token, a black relief. 一片青色霞光一卷而出,地上凭空多出八座半尺高的白色石柱,一面白色骨牌,还有一块黑色浮雕。 These eight white stone columns send out the intermittent bone white crystal light, is that eight white bones high mound. 这八座白色石柱散发出阵阵骨白色晶光,正是那八座白骨京观 Each white bones high mound sends out the astonishing bleached bone principle to fluctuate, eight are linked to each other, is astonishing, although at this moment unmanned stimulation of movement, the skeleton of his within the body was also inspired by this power of magical principle faintly, trembles. 每一座白骨京观都散发出惊人的枯骨法则波动,八座连在一起,更是惊人,此刻虽然无人催动,他体内的骨骼也隐隐被这股法则之力引动,震颤不已。 These eight white bones high mound should be Daoist Master Shining Bone life source demon artifact, by this Great Encompassing Realm demon cultivator is not known accumulated raised many date and time, therefore contains so fearful bleached bone principle. 这八座白骨京观应该是照骨真人本命魔器,被这位大罗境魔修不知蕴养了多少时日,所以才蕴含如此可怕的枯骨法则。 Although Han Li is unable to stimulate to movement these eight white bones high mound, but inside power of magical principle of rushing can actually use well. 韩立虽然无法催动这八座白骨京观,但里面的澎湃的法则之力却可以好好利用一下。 He shows a faint smile, pinches finger joints with the thumb wielding Profound Heavenly Bottle Gourd, a emerald green ray sprays, cling eight white bones high mound. 他微微一笑,掐诀祭出玄天葫芦,一股翠绿光芒从中喷射而出,卷住了八座白骨京观 Whiz, eight white bones high mound by received into Profound Heavenly Bottle Gourd , after Kā chā several , was twisted to break to pieces to open. “嗖”的一声,八座白骨京观收入玄天葫芦内,咔嚓几声后便被绞碎而开。 Eight groups of bone white light balls appear in Profound Heavenly Bottle Gourd, each group of light balls send out the remarkable power of magical principle fluctuation. 八团骨白色光球在玄天葫芦内浮现而出,每一团光球都散发出惊人的法则之力波动。 In Han Li eye one happy, these eight groups of bleached bone power of magical principle might are extremely strong, later can be own trump card to use. 韩立眼中一喜,这八团枯骨法则之力威力极强,以后可以作为自己的底牌来使用。 In his divine sense is just about to withdraw from Profound Heavenly Bottle Gourd, eight groups of bleached bone principle outbreaks change, each other fuses unexpectedly slowly together. 就在他神识正要退出玄天葫芦之时,八团枯骨法则突然发生变化,竟然彼此缓缓融合到一起。 Well!” In Han Li mouth light, in the surface reveals a surprise. “咦!”韩立口中一声轻咦,面上露出一丝诧异。 Eight groups of bleached bone principle quick thorough fusions, change into one group of almost/the same to be equivalent to 2-3 times of big bone white light balls, but in the light balls, appears indistinctly small section of iron grey bleached bone virtual image. 八团枯骨法则很快彻底融合,化为一团差不多相当于2-3倍大的骨白色光球,而在光球中间,隐约浮现出一小截灰白色的枯骨虚影 The principle fluctuation that the bone white light ball sends out, instead did not have so to be previously intense, when but Han Li looks at that section of bleached bone virtual image, had a heart to send the cold feeling. 骨白色光球散发出的法则波动,反而没有先前那么强烈,但当韩立看着其中的那一截枯骨虚影时,却有种心底发寒的感觉。 He gawked slightly, feels satisfied the great happiness very much. 他略微愣了一下,很快心中大喜。 If just that eight groups of bleached bone principles can be counted oneself trump card, that this section of bleached bone virtual image can be own trump card absolutely, under releases through the bottle gourd unexpectedly, or can pose the threat to Great Encompassing Realm cultivator. 如果刚刚那八团枯骨法则可以算作自己的一个底牌,那这截枯骨虚影绝对可以作为自己的杀手锏了,出其不意之下通过葫芦释放,或能对大罗境修士造成威胁。 Han Li felt bleached bone virtual image fearful aura carefully, this longing received Profound Heavenly Bottle Gourd. 韩立又仔细感受了一番枯骨虚影可怕气息,这才恋恋不舍的收起了玄天葫芦 He takes up white bone token immediately, above carved completely the innumerable small characters densely and numerously, was Daoist Master Shining Bone cultivation cultivation technique «Bleached bone Daoist scripture», some experiences of its cultivation. 他随即拿起面白色骨牌,上面密密麻麻刻满了无数小字,正是照骨真人修炼功法《枯骨真经》,还有其修炼的一些心得体会。 «Bleached bone Daoist scripture» comprehends and along the thing of carrying as a Great Encompassing Realm demon cultivator self-torture, natural no small matter, if outside place, does not know that many people can rob, but regarding Han Li, has no big using. 《枯骨真经》作为一名大罗境魔修苦修参悟并随身携带之物,自然非同小可,若是放在外面,不知有多少人会来抢夺,不过对于韩立来说,却没有什么大用。 Time Principle that he majors in now, and had collected the ancient book about this cultivation technique much, not and comprehends thoroughly, is impossible to give up halfway goes to cultivation brand-new cultivation technique, the truth of biting off more than one can chew he has then had profound understanding very much early. 他如今主修的还是时间法则,且已收集了不少关于此功法的典籍,还未及参悟透,不可能半途而废的去修炼一门全新的功法,贪多嚼不烂的道理他很早便已深有体会。 He slightly glanced over a front cultivation technique content greatly, has not examined carefully, is behind some cultivation attainments looks on the contrary very carefully. 他大略浏览了一下前面的功法内容,没有细看,反倒是后面的一些修炼心得看得很仔细。 After less than half quarter, he turns the hand to receive bone token, took up final that black relief. 小半刻钟后,他翻手收起骨牌,又拿起了最后的那只黑色浮雕。 This relief only then palm of the hand size, what carving is a three heads and six arms demon god, is sitting by a strange posture on the ground. 这块浮雕只有巴掌大小,雕刻的是一个三头六臂的魔神,正以一个怪异的姿势坐在地上。 Han Li is reading the black relief up and down, after the moment, forehead flashes, the crystal light projects together, submerges in the relief. 韩立上下翻看着黑色浮雕,片刻后眉心处一闪,一道晶光从中射出,没入浮雕之中。 The black relief as if lived came general, the hands and feet waved, makes various postures. 黑色浮雕似乎活了过来一般,手脚舞动,做出各种姿势。 Every time makes a posture, the relief back will reappear many small characters, seems explaining anything. 每做出一种姿势,浮雕背后都会浮现出许多蝇头小字,似乎在说明什么。 These small character Han Li actually did not know, seems like some classical Chinese literature. 只是这些小字韩立竟然一个也不认识,似乎是某种古文。 Han Li does not recognize this black relief is what treasure, but looks its unusually, by his psychic force stimulation, was then waved, therefore took. 韩立也不认得这黑色浮雕是何种宝物,只是看其奇特,被他的精神力一刺激,便自行舞动,所以就取了出来。 The posture of this relief, altogether 12 types, the back writing is also same, is corresponding altogether 12. 这个浮雕的姿势,一共十二种,背后的文字也是一样,对应着一共十二篇。 He slightly hesitates, turns the hand to take out blank jade memo, develops to write down 12 writing that behind the relief appears, plans to have the appropriate opportunity words in the future, finds the person to inquire. 他略一沉吟,翻手取出一块空白玉简,将浮雕背后浮现出的十二篇文字拓写了下来,打算日后有合适机会的话,找人询问一下。 The thing in black bone ring, naturally is not only these three types, some inside also many materials, demon essence stone, medicine pill and other thing. 黑色骨戒中的东西,自然不仅仅是这三样,里面还有许多材料,魔元石,丹药等物。 These thing quantities not only many, and is not too precious, he is disinclined one by one/each to comb. 只是那些东西数量既多,又算不上太珍贵,他懒得去一一梳理。 In addition, Daoist Master Shining Bone demon essence stone are many, 2 million, he in Demon Territory these days, should enough use fully, even can collect many valuable and rare treasure. 此外,照骨真人身上魔元石不少,足有两百万块,想必他在魔域的这段时间,应该是足够用了,甚至可以搜罗不少奇珍异宝 Fellow Daoist Crab, this storage ring troubles you to help me comb, if inside has the arriving thing that you use, takes away freely.” Han Li called Daoist Crab, handed over black bone ring. 蟹道友,这个储物戒指麻烦你帮我梳理一下,里面若有你用的到的东西,尽管拿去。”韩立蟹道人唤了过来,将黑色骨戒递了过去。 The Daoist Crab silent nod, received black bone ring, sat cross-legged to sit. 蟹道人默然点头,接过黑色骨戒,盘膝坐了下来。 The following time, Han Li has not remained in Flowering Branch Space, returned to the room quickly, this moment outside weather has gotten dark. 接下来的时间,韩立没有在花枝空间多留,很快返回了房间,此刻外面的天色已经黑了下来。 Suddenly, Han Li eyebrow raise, looks somewhere toward the room outside, the vision flashes. 突然间,韩立眉梢一挑,朝着房间之外某处望去,目光微闪。 Although flashes to pass, but his clear sense/telepathy to outside extremely weak aura, seemed just spying on itself. 虽然只是一闪而逝,不过他真切的感应到刚刚外面一股极为微弱的气息,似乎在窥探着自己。 He slightly one silent, does not have the investigation and going into seriously. 他略一默然,也没有探查和深究。 An own bystander arrives at Night Sun City, Shi Pokong sends people to monitor itself to be very normal, so long as the opposite party does not press hard on excessively, he naturally treated as has not seen. 自己一个外人来到夜阳城,石破空派人监视自己很正常,只要对方不过分紧逼,他自然就当做没看见了。 So thinking, Han Li is turning around to enter the inner room, sat cross-legged to sit on the bed. 如此想着,韩立转身走进了内室,在床上盘膝坐了下来。 Night of time in the past, the 2nd day early morning, bang bang the sound of knocking on a door transmitted from the garden quickly. 一夜时间很快过去,第二日一大早,一阵砰砰敲门之声从庭院外传来。 The Han Li look moved, stood up the body, arrived in the garden, opened the front gate, was actually Shi Chuankong. 韩立神色一动,站起了身来,来到庭院中,打开院门,却是石穿空 Last night Fellow Daoist Lì, rested can be good?” Shi Chuankong said a hello with a smile. 厉道友,昨夜休息的可好?”石穿空笑着打了一声招呼。 Who is in such a long time must calmest and steadiest thought. Come in quickly.” Han Li smiles, makes way a road, asking Shi Chuankong to come. “算是这么长时间里谁得最安稳的一觉了。快请进。”韩立笑了笑,让开一条路,请石穿空进来。 I do not go, this Shi just returned to Night Sun City, some lot need to process, this time came to have a matter to say with Fellow Daoist Lì.” Some Shi Chuankong complexion non- natures. “我就不进去了,石某刚刚返回夜阳城,有很多事情需要处理,这次过来是有件事情要和厉道友说。”石穿空面色有些不自然。 „, Had anything, Fellow Daoist Shi but said that might as well.” In the Han Li heart exudes not the good premonition, asked. “哦,有什么事情,石道友但说无妨。”韩立心中泛起不好的预感,问道。 About asking High Priest to be the matter of Fellow Daoist Weeping Soul treatment, I inquired the Third Brother yesterday, now the situation changes, High Priest has turned to my big brother at present, wants to ask High Priest to come somewhat to be perhaps difficult. However Fellow Daoist Lì relax/rest assured, the Third Brother has been trying to find the solution, in any event we will also invite High Priest, but also please wait for some time patiently.” Shi Chuankong hesitated, said. “是关于请大祭司啼魂道友治疗的事情,我昨日询问了三哥,现在情况有变,大祭司目前已经投靠了我大哥,想要请大祭司过来恐怕有些困难。不过厉道友放心,三哥已经在想办法,无论如何我们也会将大祭司请来,还请你耐心等待一段时间。”石穿空迟疑了一下,说道。 This...... is not the this Li urging in you, but middle grade Purple Sun Warm Jade in my hand remains not many, most can only insist the one or two/just a little ten years, but also please as soon as possible.” Han Li brow slightly wrinkle. “这……并非厉某催促于你,只是我手中的中品紫阳暖玉所剩不多,最多只能坚持一二十年了,还请你尽快。”韩立眉头微皱。 About Purple Sun Warm Jade, Fellow Daoist Lì does not need to be worried, the Third Brother has sent people to purchase, believes that soon can send.” Shi Chuankong hears word said. “关于紫阳暖玉,厉道友不必担心,三哥已经派人去收购了,相信用不了多久就能送来。”石穿空闻言说道。 If there is enough middle grade Purple Sun Warm Jade, pouring to support some date and time.” A Han Li complexion loosen. “若有足够的中品紫阳暖玉,倒可以多支撑些时日。”韩立面色一松。 Fellow Daoist Lì relax/rest assured, I, since complied with your matter, certainly will achieve, will not make you and others too long.” Shi Chuankong vision firm saying. 厉道友放心,我既然答应了你此事,一定会做到,不会让你等太久的。”石穿空目光坚定的说道。 Many thanks Fellow Daoist Shi took the trouble.” Han Li then nods. “多谢石道友费心了。”韩立这才点了点头。 Is, then, I want closed-door cultivation some time, attempts to attack Supreme Unity Realm, possibly has no way to call Fellow Daoist Lì. Has what matter, told directly the aide in mansion is.” Shi Chuankong said immediately. “还有就是,接下来,我要闭关一段时间,尝试冲击太乙境,可能没法过来招呼厉道友。有什么事情,直接吩咐府中的侍从就是。”石穿空随即说道。 That must first congratulate you ahead of time, with the Fellow Daoist Shi aptitude, advancement Supreme Unity Realm at that time ninety percent sure.” Han Li said with a smile. “那要提前先恭喜你了,以石道友的资质,进阶太乙境当时十拿九稳。”韩立笑道。 Receives the Fellow Daoist Lì auspicious words.” Shi Chuankong said with a smile. “承厉道友吉言。”石穿空笑着说道。 Two people also said in the entrance a conversation, Shi Chuankong then said goodbye to leave. 两人在门口又说了一会话,石穿空便告辞离开。 Han Li and other form leaves, the complexion sinks, stood same place the moment, then turned around to turn back the garden. 韩立等其身影离开,面色微沉,原地站立了片刻,然后转身走回了庭院。 The time passes by fast, was in an instant less than half month to pass by, Shi Chuankong had started closed-door cultivation. 时间飞快过去,转眼间小半个月过去了,石穿空已经开始了闭关 These days, Han Li is confined at home, has treated in the room. 这几日来,韩立足不出户,一直待在房间内。 But before Shi Chuankong true closed-door cultivation, Han Li once met with one time with him, planned that borrows some books to examine from his here, one is to examine whether to find related Weeping Soul immediately the related description of condition, secondly is to examine the content about spirit domain cultivation. 而在石穿空真正闭关之前,韩立曾与他会面一次,打算从他这里借阅些书籍查看一下,一则是想要查看一下能否找到有关啼魂当下状况的相关描述,二来则是想要查看一些关于灵域修炼的内容。 Previously with a Daoist Master Shining Bone war, won muddleheaded, Han Li always thought that some not too relax/rest assured, these that former's spirit domain and passing saw, took to his feeling to be very different, can he clarify this outcome what's the matter? 先前与照骨真人一战,赢得稀里糊涂,韩立始终觉得有些不太放心,前者的灵域与过往所见到的那些,带给他的感受很不一样,他必须弄清楚这究竟是怎么回事? Thinks that is related to this clan ancient book, Shi Chuankong will at least hesitate, actually thought that afternoon inadequately, he held one pile to mount the fine old book, delivered to nearby Han Li. 原以为事关本族典籍,石穿空至少会犹豫一下,却不成想当天下午,他就抱来了一摞裱装精美的古籍,送到了韩立跟前。 Just before leaving, but exhorts specially, these books are his Third Brother harbor, cannot damage, otherwise must draw on a Third Brother complaint surely, moreover in the books is equipped with restriction, only may consult, is not replicable. 临走时,只是特意嘱咐,这些书籍是他三哥私藏,不可损毁,否则定要招来三哥一通埋怨,另外书籍上设有禁制,只可查阅,不可复制。 After Han Li nods should next, Shi Chuankong then said goodbye to depart. 韩立点头应下之后,石穿空便告辞离去了。 After he walks in several days, Han Li has not worried to consult the old book, in any case before Shi Chuankong, had not said that has the borrowing time, after being familiar with the environment in several days garden villa, he starts to glance through these old books to get up earnestly. 他走之后的几日里,韩立并未着急查阅古籍,反正石穿空之前也没说有借阅时间,在熟悉了几日别苑里的环境后,他才开始认真翻阅这些古籍起来。 Ten several thick old books, the seal is the thick metal casts, the superficial chisels are all carving the fine flowers and unusual animals design, inside page is some animal skin, is soft, is resilient. 十数本厚厚的古籍,封皮都是厚实的金属铸成,表面全都錾刻着精美至极的花朵和异兽图案,里面书页则是某种兽皮,质地柔软,极具韧性。 The content that most old books carry, prohibits about the divine soul wound or Nascent Soul, middle is also mixing with several demon race secret techniques unexpectedly, should not for the secret that the bystander knows, actually all shows in Han Li outspokenly at present. 其中大多数古籍所载的内容,都是关于神魂创伤或是元婴封禁的,当中居然还夹杂着数种魔族秘术,本应是不为外人所知的秘密,却全都毫无保留地展现在了韩立眼前。 However, Han Li after all is not demon race, does not major in demon race cultivation technique, regarding this has also seen, has not tried the meaning of cultivation. 不过,韩立毕竟不是魔族,也不主修魔族功法,对此也只是一眼看过,并没有尝试修炼的意思。
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