RMJTIIW :: Volume #14

#1375: Heavenly Dao finally

The mighty currents of seven implication unsurpassed principles from toward Gu Huojin sweep across in all directions, but, Gu Huojin places above the wheelchair, were many besides the surface in segregated heavily, has not had slightly the flurried feeling. 七股蕴含无上法则的洪流从四面八方朝古或今席卷而至,古或今身处轮椅之上,除了面上多了一分凝重之外,并未有丝毫慌乱之感。 In seven principle mighty currents will soon submerge its body figure, its whole body exudes the big flake gold light again. 就在七股法则洪流即将将其身形淹没之际,其周身再次泛起大片金光。 But in this golden light, his whole person slightly one fuzzy, then moved sideways to avoid seven people of attacks again, came to beside in Wanli. 而在这金光之中,其整个人只是略一模糊,便再次闪身避开了七人的攻击,现身于万里之外。 But its side stands firm body figure, the top of the head sky one gloomily, may cover ten thousand li (0.5 km) void dark red giant palm to reappear fully, grasps suddenly absorbs under. 但其方一稳住身形,头顶天空一黯,一只足可覆盖万里虚空的暗红巨掌浮现而出,猛然抓摄而下。 The giant palm has not fallen, under that its covers had been covered by garnets void. 巨掌尚未落下,其所覆盖的下方虚空已然被一片暗红色所覆盖。 Under the palm, huge incomparable hexagonal wheel disk virtual image appears, rotates turning round fast, invisible strength one press toward under. 掌心下方,一尊巨大无比的六角轮盘虚影浮现而出,滴溜溜飞快转动间,一股股无形之力朝下方一压而下。 In a twinkling, is centered on Gu Huojin, void becomes twists one piece all around, forms void vortex that tens of thousands of sizes varied, dense and numerous wraps in which Gu Huojin. 霎时间,以古或今为中心,周遭虚空变得扭曲一片,形成了成千上万个大小不一的虚空漩涡,密密麻麻的将古或今包裹其中。 Each vortex revolves, exudes big piece shining, including forms are dodging fast extinguish, sends out vast aura that is unable to explain. 每一道漩涡旋转间,都泛起大片流光溢彩,其中有一道道身影在飞快闪灭,散发出一股无法言喻的浩瀚气息。 However this time Gu Huojin actually does not dodge does not evade, among whole body light streams golds, haunched not a big golden light space, keeping these vortex from near body, is only the vortex are getting more and more, making its golden light space of haunching appear some distortions, is unable to see clearly including it. 然而此时的古或今却是不闪不避,周身光流间,撑起了一个不大的金光空间,使得那些漩涡无法近身,只是漩涡却越来越多,使其撑起的金光空间显得有些扭曲,连其无法看清了。 Above the dark red giant palm, Samsara Palace Master body figure appears. 暗红巨掌上方,轮回殿主身形浮现而出。 This time he, body figure before compares, appeared thin many, a clothes robe flap flap, somewhat was against the wind empty. 此时的他,身形与之前相比,显得瘦削了不少,一身衣袍迎风猎猎,有些空空荡荡。 His face begins to be covered by fierce dark-red traces, on the hollow-cheeked face looks dignified, in the mouth said slowly: 其脸上手上已然被一道道狰狞的暗红色纹路所覆盖,双颊凹陷的脸上神情凝重,口中缓缓说道: „, Gu Huojin had been surrounded by me temporarily, do not stint your principles again, the success or failure depends on this!” “诸位,古或今已被我暂时困住,别再吝惜你们的法则了,成败在此一举!” Finishes barely the words, body figure that six colors vary from six directions, has been speeding away to go toward Gu Huojin, six by far previous power of magical principle, if also moves mountains general, toward Gu Huojin in oppression, but. 话音未落,六道颜色不一的身形已然从六个方向,朝着古或今所在疾驰而去,六股远胜此前的法则之力,也如排山倒海一般,朝着古或今所在压迫而至。 100000 miles away, the person of surrounding locked fighting of this heaven-shaking divine sense, had been startled dumbfoundedly by these scenes. 100000里外,围观之人纷纷将神识锁定了这一场惊天之斗,早已被这一幕幕景象惊得目瞪口呆。 Is this world to reaching the struggle to powerhouses, had been aloof the principles governing relationships between people, this is the contest between principles, is the struggle of true Great Dao. 属于这世间至臻至强者之间的斗争,早已超脱了伦常,这是属于法则之间的较量,乃是真正的大道之争。 At this moment, this Heavenly Court first person, control time Great Dao Dao Ancestor, seemed to have fallen into the hopeless situation. 只是此刻,这位天庭第一人,掌控时间大道道祖,似乎已陷入了绝境。 Gu Huojin is strong, only the person, Samsara Palace Master and Demon Lord two people of principles have been possible to contend with it, perhaps in addition several other Dao Ancestor, he is doomed today.” 古或今再强,也仅有一人,轮回殿主魔主二人的法则已可与其抗衡,再加上其他几位道祖,今日他恐怕是在劫难逃了。” „, This Bodhi Feast, will become this......” “没想到,这菩提宴,会成这样……” Can cloud over?” “是要变天了吗?” ...... …… Gu Huojin oneself come turns a blind eye regarding dark red vortex and to six forms that all around, but lifts the head slightly, in the mouth muttered: 古或今对于周遭的暗红漩涡和冲自己而来的六道身影视若无睹,只是微微抬起头颅,口中喃喃自语了一声: Finally to this moment......” “终于到这一刻了……” Meanwhile, the Heavenly Court deep place, Gu Huojin beforehand closed-door cultivation that golden palace trembles fiercely, suddenly rupturing opens. 与此同时,天庭深处,古或今之前闭关的那个金色宫殿剧烈震颤,突然爆裂而开。 The innumerable colorful spheres fly to shoot, during submerges is void. 无数五颜六色的圆球飞射而出,没入虚空之中。 The dusky sky exudes rays suddenly, each color varies, as if innumerable rainbows are hanging in the space, each other interweaves, brilliant incomparable. 灰蒙蒙的天空突然泛起一道道光芒,每一道都颜色各异,仿佛无数彩虹般悬挂在天上,彼此交织,绚烂无比。 The arrangement disorder disorder of these rays, in actually have the methodicalness at first sight, as if a scattered and organized giant checkerboard, covers sky over Heavenly Court. 这些光芒的排列乍一看紊乱无序,实则内有章法,仿佛一座错落有致的巨大棋盘,笼罩在天庭上空。 These rays extend to go toward the distant place, until the field of vision end, does not know that extends far. 那些光芒朝着远处延伸而去,直到视野尽头,不知延伸出多远。 Each ray sends out different power of magical principle, each other interlocks in the same place, under full cover. 每一道光芒都散发出迥异的法则之力,也彼此交错在一起,铺天盖地罩下。 Rushes to the Gu Huojin six forms, Yin Chengquan, black strongman-type big guy, cape man three people of bodies suddenly stiff there, one grey two black, since three rays leap from three human bodies, the direct impact horizon goes. 冲上古或今的六道身影中,阴丞全,黑金刚大汉,还有斗篷男子三人身体突然僵硬在了那里,一灰二黑,三道光芒从三人体内腾起,直冲天际而去。 All mentioned complex, actually suddenly then completed! 一切说来复杂,其实眨眼间便完成了! Bang! 轰隆! Is higher than the day, drops from the clouds the serious pressure that the place is thicker, covered all. 一股比天高,比地厚的沉重威压从天而降,笼罩了一切。 This seems like the prestige of Heaven and Earth Great Dao, any exists, even if Dao Ancestor , compared with it still sees trivial. 这似乎是天地大道之威,任何存在,即便是道祖,和其相比也显得微不足道。 Nearby void one tight, presents everyone body one becomes heavy incomparable, cannot move. 附近虚空一紧,在场所有人身躯一下变得沉重无比,丝毫动弹不得。 This also does not have any, the people within the body power of magical principle uncontrolled fluctuation on the scene, is all common with sky rainbow mutually sense/telepathy. 这还没有什么,在场众人体内法则之力尽数不受控制的波动起来,和天空道道彩虹互相感应一般。 The Gu Huojin above high vacancy, Samsara Palace Master within the body power of magical principle is also same, uncontrolled trembling, the whole body as if lived by the iron hoop band, by his magical powers magical power, cannot move unexpectedly. 古或今上方高空处,轮回殿主体内法则之力也是一样,不受控制的震颤,全身仿佛被铁箍箍住,以他的神通法力,竟然丝毫动弹不得。 That only controls the Disc of Six Paths of Samsara dark red giant palm to rupture to open with Disc of Six Paths of Samsara suddenly together, changes into the everywhere dark red ray, spheres Gu Huojin over ten thousand samsara vortex, is also defeated and dispersed loudly. 那只掌控着六道轮回盘的暗红巨掌突然与六道轮回盘一道爆裂而开,化为漫天暗红光芒,围住古或今的上万轮回漩涡,也随之轰然溃散。 Demon Lord, Li Yuanjiu, Chi Rong and the others, distant place True Monarch Cang Wu and other Dao Ancestor of the situations, just like Samsara Palace Master, the whole body will become the unable to move slightest shortly. 魔主,李元究,赤融等人,还有远处的苍梧真君道祖的情况,和轮回殿主一样,顷刻间全身变得动弹不得分毫。 Incessantly Samsara Palace Master and the others, Chen Ruyan, Dao Ancestor Yin Ming, a Dao Ancestor Bai Yun and other Heavenly Court side of Dao Ancestor are also same, was imprisoned there. 不止轮回殿主等人,陈如烟,隐明道祖,白云道祖天庭一方的道祖也是一样,被禁锢在那里。 Presents everyone to revolt all furiously, but the strength of surrounding restriction is vast, how to them diligently, as if the fly wasp to shake the tree, does not have the slight effect. 在场所有人无不奋力反抗,但周围的这股禁制之力浩大无比,任凭他们如何努力,都仿佛蚍蜉撼树,没有丝毫效果。 The day, I waited till finally, I have too for a long time waited for......” Gu Huojin actually as if to relax, said. “这一天,我终于等到了,我已等了太久了……”古或今却仿佛松了口气般,如此说道。 You have collected all power of magical principle, completed Three Thousand Divine Dao Great Array?” The Samsara Palace Master sinking sound said. “你已经搜集到了所有的法则之力,完成了三千道神大阵?”轮回殿主沉声说道。 It seems like palace master also knows the fur/superficial knowledge about Three Thousand Divine Dao Great Array, must stimulate to movement this, not must be uneven all principle collections, actually only need collect to surpass more than 50% principles, will take on the 36 principle collection of great array core entire, then can stimulate to movement this.” Gu Huojin looks to Samsara Palace Master, said. “看来殿主三千道神大阵也只是了解皮毛,要催动此阵,并非一定要将所有法则集齐,其实只需收集超过一半以上的法则,同时将担当大阵核心的三十六种法则集全,便可以催动此阵。”古或今看向轮回殿主,说道。 I lead Demon Territory and Desolate Wilderness Territory person enter Heavenly Court, including here all, is the bureau under your arrange/cloth, the goal is to bring in everyone, catches the whole lot in a dragnet?” Samsara Palace hears this words, saying that the vision flashes. “那我引领魔域蛮荒界域的人进入天庭,包括这里的一切,都是你布下的局,目的是要将所有人引来,一网打尽?”轮回殿听闻此话,目光闪动的说道。 This truly was my arrange/cloth for a long time bureau, but the main purpose was not for you, but was their three.” Gu Huojin is saying, looks to the Yin Chengquan three people. “这确实是我布了许久的局,不过主要目的不是为了你们,而是他们三位。”古或今说着,看向阴丞全三人。 They?......” The Samsara Palace Master vision moves, loses the sound said. “他们?难道……”轮回殿主目光一动,失声道。 Even if a 36 principle, wanting the volume still extremely to be all difficult, especially several principles are born in Grey World. My these years many plan, sends people to infiltrate Grey World unceasingly, actually also only collected two types, remaining three actually built Dao Ancestor, this Gu had no alternative, has then your excellency to invade the Heavenly Court time, supposed the bait, drew out their three. Their three people do not come, my great array is out of the question radically.” Gu Huojin shakes the head, sighs. “即便是三十六种法则,想要集全也极难,尤其其中几种法则乃是诞生于灰界。我这些年来多番谋划,不断派人渗透进灰界,却也只收集了两种,剩下的三种却都修成了道祖,古某无可奈何,只好接着阁下侵入天庭的时机,设下诱饵,引出他们三个了。他们三人不来,我的大阵根本无从谈起。”古或今摇了摇头,叹了口气道。 Good, good, good! Your excellency is really the scheme direct access to the highest authorities, all our actions in manipulated, admire, admire.” The Samsara Palace Master complexion fluctuates, said with a smile miserably. “好,好,好!阁下真是计谋通天,我们的一切举动都在算计之内,佩服,佩服。”轮回殿主面色变幻,惨笑道。 You are this world, has the qualifications of my personally explanation only, what a pity is, you could not see true Heavenly Dao that I will soon create.” Gu Huojin smiles one pale, lifts the hand to strike. “你是这世间,唯一有资格让我亲口解释之人,可惜的是,你看不到我即将创造的真正天道了。”古或今淡笑一声,抬手一击而出。 bo bo bo bo bo “啵”“啵”“啵”“啵”“啵” Samsara Palace Master, Demon Lord, Yin Chengquan, black strongman-type big guy, cape man five people of chest front golden light flashes, emit a golden arm respectively, passes through three people of bodies. 轮回殿主,魔主,还有阴丞全,黑金刚大汉,斗篷男子五人胸前金光一闪,各自冒出一只金色手臂,将三人的身体贯穿。 Since golden mist leaps from the arm, covers five people of bodies. 一股金色雾气从手臂上腾起,笼罩住五人的身体。 Five people of full bodies shrink immediately rapidly, in an instant changed into a skeleton, bang blasting open opens. 五人身上饱满的皮肉顿时迅速缩水,转眼间化为了一具骸骨,“砰”的一声炸裂而开。 The body of Samsara Palace Master and Demon Lord changed into the ash to fly directly, but the Yin Chengquan three people actually turned into ash, two black, three groups of rays. 轮回殿主魔主的身体直接化为了灰飞,但阴丞全三人却变成一灰,两黑,三团光芒。 palace master!” 殿主!” Demon Lord!” 魔主!” Demon Territory several Dao Ancestor, Desolate Wilderness Territory Bai Ze and the others the complexion big change, in the eye exudes the desperate color. 魔域几位道祖,还有蛮荒界域白泽等人面色大变,眼中更泛起绝望之色。 Gu Huojin is unemotional, pinches finger joints with the thumb. 古或今面无表情,掐诀一点。 Three groups of principle rays of Yin Chengquan three people of institute soar to the heavens to fly, integrates in the giant checkerboard of midair. 阴丞全三人所化的三团法则光芒冲天飞去,融入半空的巨大棋盘内。 The midair ray flashes, appears grey two black three rays. 半空光芒一闪,浮现出一灰两黑三道光芒。 Bang! “轰”的一声! Say/Way ray bright, innumerable rune in midair flies to shoot suddenly, covers all the entire backdrop. 半空中的道道光芒骤然一亮,无数符文从中飞射而出,将整个天幕尽数遮盖住。 The sky projects, but below pressure suddenly heavy time, the tumult of people within the body power of magical principle suddenly was also more intense. 天空投射而下的威压骤然沉重了倍许,众人体内法则之力的骚动也猛然强烈了很多。 The sad and shrill pitiful yell sound gets up, the under cultivator body shivers, in ray following the crowd human body gushes out a continuously, flies toward the sky. 凄厉的惨叫声响起,下方修士身躯颤抖不已,一缕缕光芒从众人体内涌出,朝着天空飞去。 These rays are not only power of magical principle, immortal spirit strength of people within the body also suction by magical array of midair, flutters to go toward the sky. 那些光芒不仅仅是法则之力,众人体内的仙灵力也被半空的法阵吸走,朝着天空飘荡而去。 Not is only Demon Territory Desolate Wilderness Territory, Grey World, Heavenly Court cultivator within the body power of magical principle and immortal spirit strength is also gushing out, suction by Three Thousand Divine Dao Great Array, Dao Ancestor Bai Yun and the others were no exception. 不光是魔域蛮荒界域,灰界,天庭修士体内法则之力仙灵力也在涌出,被三千道神大阵吸走,白云道祖等人也不例外。 Silk threads power of magical principle departs from several human bodies, flutters toward the sky. 丝丝缕缕的法则之力从几人体内飞出,朝着天空飘去。 In the people on the scene, having Gu Huojin one person is not unusual. 在场众人内,只有古或今一人并无异常。 Supreme! What your makes? Weren't you commitment can lead three of us to exceed the Heavenly Dao before together? Why can absorb our power of magical principle?” Dao Ancestor Bai Yun and the others in the surface change color, startled looks to Gu Huojin. 至尊!您这是做什么?您之前不是承诺会带我们三人一同超越天道吗?为何要吸取我们的法则之力?”白云道祖等人面上变色,惊慌的看向古或今 Three Thousand Divine Dao Great Array, once starts, is this world finally the start, will belong to all of this world to become the past, I could not control all these. For the true Heavenly Dao, your three also sacrificed.” Gu Huojin said lightly. 三千道神大阵一旦启动,便是这世界终焉的开始,属于这世界的一切都将成为过去,我也控制不了这一切。为了真正的天道,你们三位也牺牲一下吧。”古或今淡淡说道。 Dao Ancestor Bai Yun and the others complexion „”, becomes pale incomparable. 白云道祖等人面色“唰”的一下,变得苍白无比。 Gu Huojin no longer pays attention to several people, body figure moves, upward fly goes. 古或今不再理会几人,身形一动,向上飞遁而去。 Millennium darkrooms, a lamp is bright, you look eventually too shallowly, unique does not have/leave on this day a circulation. Such being the case, makes me come for this way of the world to open the day, rebuilds a powerhouse not to have the moment, without Heavenly Dao oppression brand-new Heaven and Earth!” Before Gu Huojin sweeps the body void, the vision seemed penetrated the eternal years, in the eye reflected completely the earnest ray. “千年暗室,一灯即明,你们终究还是看得太浅,超脱不出这天道循环。既然如此,就让我来为这世道重新开天,重造一个强者无矩,没有天道欺压的崭新天地!”古或今一扫身前虚空,目光好似穿透了万古岁月,眼中映满了热切的光芒。 after speaking, his body figure tall plunders, rose like a round of golden scorching sun again slowly, arrived at above the Nine Heavens. 一语说罢,他身形再度高掠而起,如同一轮金色骄阳冉冉上升,来到了九天之上 Sees only its single-handed and refers, paddles toward own forehead one, then appears like screw rune/symbol mark who the iron burnt above, middle is glittering the flame ash fire scarlet ray. 只见其单手并指,朝着自己的眉心一阵划动,一个如同烙铁烧灼出来的螺旋符纹便出现在了其上,当中闪烁着火焰余烬般的猩红光芒。
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