ROUIC :: Volume #11 Volume 11

#1198: Going out

When Chen Fan closes up painstaking cultivation when immortal earth, only misses last. 陈凡在仙土内闭关苦修,只差最后一步时。 The Star Ocean deep place, vast radiant planet, the innumerable essence are similar to the waterfall to sprinkle above, thunder in between Heaven and Earth, the planet volume is several hundred times of Earth, innumerable cultivator dance in the air above, even many Primal Infant powerhouse. Such planet, may can be called ‚the Life big star, sufficiently nurture from generation to generation cultivation. 星海深处,一颗浩大璀璨的星辰,无数精气在其上如同瀑布般洒落,一条条道则在天地间轰鸣,星辰的体积是地球的数百倍,无数修士在其上飞舞,甚至不乏元婴强者。这样的星辰,可称得上‘生命大星’,足以哺育一代又一代修行者。 Feather Mountain star. 羽山星。 This is a famous big star, situated in Everlasting Sect, Immortal Religion, Emperor Apollo and other area peripheral zones, under nobody's jurisdiction region, therefore causes it to be very lively, innumerable Immortal Cultivator and big chambers of commerce come here, enables its to become small Southern Heaven Realm illustrious shopping Holy Land, even there are sneaked across this by the murder suspect who major gods issue a warrant for arrest much. So long as you do not leave this star, these gods also turn a blind eye. 这是一颗久负盛名的大星,位于无极宗长生教太阳神朝等疆域边缘地带,三不管地域,所以造成其无比繁华,无数修仙者和大商会到这里,让其成为小南天境赫赫有名的购物圣地,甚至有不少被各大神教通缉的凶杀犯偷渡到此。只要你不离开此星,那些神教们也睁一只眼闭一只眼。 But today. 但今天。 The Feather Mountain on-board atmosphere, actually incomparably with deep veneration, the law enforcement team of teams of management meeting subordinates, wears black War Armor , wears the black iron helmet, grasps to fight the dagger-axe facial features to wither, fills the entire sky, displays intermittently, murderous aura densely. As long as in the city has to dare unruly, immediately cuts to kill at the scene, many people do not dare to open the mouth the speech loudly. 羽山星上的气氛,却无比肃然,一队队管理会下属的执法队,身穿黑色战甲,头戴黑铁盔,手持战戈面容肃杀,充满整个天空,阵阵罗列,杀气森森。城中但凡有胆敢桀骜不驯的,立刻当场斩杀,许多人连说话都不敢大声开口。 What's the matter? Feather Mountain star many years have not declared martial law, the previous martial law, the probably old star lord die, the nova lord ascends the throne.’ ‘到底怎么回事?羽山星很多年没戒严了啊,上一次戒严,好像是老星主陨落,新星主登基的时候。’ Yes, had the big shot to come? Is immortal Great Sects Elder(s) kisses/intimate to?’ ‘是啊,难道有大佬来了?难道是不朽大教的长老亲至?’ ‚It is not clear.’ ‘不清楚啊。’ The people are bewildered. 众人莫名其妙。 The Feather Mountain star highest manager, is the management meeting that numerous Primal Infant Elder(s) composes. 羽山星最高管理者,是一众元婴长老组成的管理会。 Do not look at Primal Infant cultivator in extraterrestrially, such as was killed the chicken to slaughter by Chen Fan generally, but in planet, is pivotal big person of the hour. Is better than the Feather Mountain star, assumes personal command on dozens Primal Infant. 别看元婴修士在地球外,被陈凡如杀鸡一般屠杀,但在一个星球之中,还是举足轻重的大人物。强如羽山星,也就数十位元婴坐镇罢了。 The Feather Mountain star present age star main has duplicate sea sword Sun Yu of name. Sun Yu is established Primal Infant, cultivation base advances into Primal Infant Peak early. Although does not have half step Divine Transformation Domain, but his Sword Technique is very excellent, rare opponent in the boundary of Primal Infant, a duplicate sea sword, a sword departs it is said that may change to thousand li (500 km) vast ocean, earth-shaking, is small Southern Heaven Realm illustrious person of the hour. 羽山星当代星主是有‘覆海剑’之称的孙雨。孙雨乃老牌元婴,一身修为早早跻身元婴巅峰。虽然没有半步化神领域,但他剑术无比高超,在元婴之境中罕有对手,一柄‘覆海剑’,据说一剑飞出,可化作千里汪洋大海,翻天覆地,乃是小南天境赫赫有名的人物 But at this moment. 但此刻。 Wears the black long gown, above is embroidering the star mark, facial features old man with deep veneration, respectful stands hands tied outside Feather Mountain star main hall, the atmosphere does not dare to have one. 诸位身穿黑色长袍,上面绣着星纹,面容肃然的老者,正恭恭敬敬束手立在羽山星大殿外,大气也不敢出一个。 They are trembling, the vision looks continually to the guts of main hall does not have, these old men, impressively are Primal Infant Elder(s) of Feather Mountain star, originally their position venerates, the stamping the feet entire Feather Mountain star vibrates, but actually enters the right of palace not to have at this time continually. Many cultivation base powerful guards, watertight that encircles the main hall, is ready in full battle array. 他们颤颤巍巍,目光连瞄向大殿的胆量都没有,这些老者,赫然是羽山星的诸位元婴长老们,本来他们地位尊崇,跺跺脚整个羽山星震动,但此时却连进殿的权利都没有。诸多修为强悍的侍卫,更将大殿围的水泄不通,严阵以待。 But in main hall. 而大殿内。 Arrives like the mountain pressure, the innumerable sacred aura stuff in the palace, changes to Divine Country to be the same this place. Generally Primal Infant to this, perhaps instantaneously pressed kneeling place kotows. Only shakes the peripheral Star Region duplicate sea sword famously, wields a star Feather Mountain star lord Sun Yu, cautious bending the waist standing is one of them, serves tea to pour water to do the work of waiter. 更有如山般的威压降临,无数神圣气息充塞殿内,把此地化作神国一般。一般元婴到此,恐怕瞬间就被压的跪地叩首。只有名震周边星域的覆海剑,执掌一星的‘羽山星主’孙雨,小心翼翼的弯腰侍立在其中,端茶倒水做着侍者的工作。 In the palace sits well two people. 殿中端坐两人。 A person of azure clothes, shoulders the long sword, straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards star, the finger slender pure white middle-aged man. 一人一袭青衣,背负长剑,剑眉星目,手指修长洁白的中年男子。 The male surface pupil is chilly, which sits well , seems the entire main hall and even the Universe center, anybody vision sees him, seems similar to looks straight ahead a to attacking the Nine Heavens divine sword sharply. That sharp point, even stabs others soul sufficiently. The men look strangely, but Sun Yu is looking at him, the vision actually worships general, wants respectful hundred times compared with own teacher. The azure clothes person has the prominent status, a son who such as the Emperor Apollo two imperial princes and Golden Crow Great Emperor most do not like, from small dissolute, abandons oneself to Bohemianism, is known as without the liquor not happy declining royalty. 男子面眸清冷,端坐在哪,仿佛就是整个大殿乃至宇宙的中心,任何人目光看到他,仿佛都如同直视一柄锐利到直插九天的神剑般。那股锐利的锋芒,甚至足以刺伤别人灵魂。男子看着陌生,但孙雨望着他,目光却敬若神明一般,比最自己的师尊还要恭敬百倍。青衣人有许多显赫的身份,如太阳神朝的二皇子、金乌大帝最不喜欢的一个儿子、从小浪荡,放浪形骸,号称无酒不欢的‘破落皇族’。 But more people, will politely call its one respectfully Sword Saint! 但更多人,会恭恭敬敬的尊称其一句‘剑圣’! Sword Saint Qin Shang! 剑圣秦殇! Peerless existence that once a person of sword, pressed immortal Sect bowed the head. Then takes a broad view at small Southern Heaven Realm, in many powerhouse, he can arrange first five, even first three! 曾一人一剑,压的一个不朽宗门俯首的绝世存在。便是放眼小南天境,诸多强者中,他都能排进前五,甚至前三! Yes, this is Great Power, genuine Divine Transformation Great Power. 是的,这是一位大能,真正化神大能 So long as thinks, oneself gives Divine Transformation Great Power to serve tea to pour water, Sun Yu cannot bear trembling that is from the heart. No one can serve Divine Transformation, is illustrious Sword Saint Qin Shang. Although comes to this, merely was Qin Shang clone, this Great Power true body, does not know that also in which Star Ocean strategic place, quenchinged Sword Intent, but let Sun Yu excited shivering as before. 只要一想到,自己给一位化神大能端茶倒水,孙雨就忍不住发自内心的颤栗。不是谁都能亲身侍奉一位化神,还是赫赫有名的‘剑圣’秦殇。尽管到此来的,仅仅是秦殇的一个分身,这尊大能的真身,不知道还在哪个星海险地之中,淬炼剑意,但依旧让孙雨激动的颤抖。 But another person that sits, is youth, wears a purple robe, in the foreheads has Purple Qi to ascend continuously, the double pupil opens and closes, visibles faintly nine purple gold color talisman ups and downs in his pupil. 而坐着的另一人,则是个青年,身穿一袭紫袍,眉宇间有一缕缕紫气升腾,双眸开合中,隐约可见九枚紫金色的符箓在其眼眸中沉浮。 youth only then Primal Infant cultivation base, but he and Sword Saint Qin Shang sat facing each other to stand, calm calm, did not have tiny bit cramped urgent, as if the opposite sat well, was not solemn Great Power clone is ordinary. In the entire palace Qin by the imposing manner that dies young is covered completely, only has youth in three zhang (3.33 m) place, Purple Qi ascends, melting is the territory. 青年只有元婴修为,但他与剑圣秦殇对坐而立,从容淡定,没有一丝一毫的局促紧迫,仿佛对面端坐的,并非是堂堂大能分身一般。整个殿内全部被秦殇的气势笼罩,只有青年所在三丈之地,紫气升腾,化地为域。 To this youth, Sun Yu cannot see through, two people cultivation base seems like the phase difference to be similar, but Sun Yu only felt, youth probably only needs to stretch out a pinky, can duplicate sea sword be easily ground into dust his. Even incessantly youth, in behind youth are setting up two a man and a woman aides, the male height zhang (3.33 m) two are throwing over the iron armor, such as the mountain towers ; The female appearance is certainly colorful, the graceful bearing is magnificent, endures compared with small Southern Heaven Realm highest level Fairy Maiden. Two people aura is also very terrifying, immeasurably deep, making in Sun Yu heart dread slightly. 对这青年,孙雨丝毫看不穿,两人修为看似相差仿佛,但孙雨只感觉,青年可能只需要伸出一根小拇指,就能轻易将他这位‘覆海剑’碾成齑粉。甚至不止青年,在青年背后立着的两个一男一女侍从,男的身高丈二披着铁甲,如山岳耸立;女子容貌绝艳,风姿华丽,堪比小南天境最顶级的仙子。两人气息也无比恐怖,深不可测,让孙雨心中都微微畏惧。 But, even if his cultivation base is strong, eventually is Primal Infant, how can treat as an equal to solemn Sword Saint? Even if only has clone, is not right.’ ‘可是,哪怕他修为再强,终究是元婴,怎能与堂堂剑圣平起平坐?哪怕只有一个分身,也不对啊。’ Sun Yu has doubts. 孙雨疑惑。 Great Power is what kind of person of the hour, occupies above Nine Heavens high, just like True Dragon general existence. 大能是何等人物,高居九天之上,宛如真龙一般的存在。 Sword Saint Qin Shang clone arrived, entire Feather Mountain on-board, incomparably trembled in fear. From Elder(s) and star lord, to most common law enforcement disciple, as in reverential awe as the extreme, puts down in the hand all things, all obeyed regarding Qin Shang. It can be said that this moment this main hall, had gathered in the entire Feather Mountain on-board, several hundred hundred million people of vision. 剑圣’秦殇的分身降临,整个羽山星上下,都无比震恐。大到长老、星主,小到最普通的执法弟子,都诚惶诚恐到极点,放下手中所有事情,一切都听从围绕秦殇而来。可以说,此刻这座大殿,已经汇聚了整个羽山星上下,数百亿人的目光。 Is better than the lord of Sun Yu solemn star, must serve tea to pour water in this, many Elder(s) outside palace respectful like aide. 强如孙雨堂堂一星之主,也得在此端茶倒水,诸多长老在殿外恭敬如侍从。 This is the prestige of Great Power. 这就是大能之威。 Does not say a word, words, his arrival arrived like ancient Earth emperor, every action and every movement are affecting billion people. 不发一言,不出一话,他的到来就像古代地球皇帝降临般,一举一动都影响着千百万人。 Therefore Sun Yu jumps over in the palace is treating, looks at that purple clothes youth calm calm appearance, more felt that the back sends coolly. Then is remote antiquity Elder(s) of immortal god to this, does not dare to sit facing each other with Great Power. 所以孙雨越在殿内待着,看那紫衣青年淡定从容模样,越感到背脊发凉。便是不朽神教的太上长老到此,也不敢与大能对坐啊。 This absolutely is extraordinary big person of the hour, perhaps is some Great Power son of first wife, or... from small Southern Heaven Realm?’ Thinks of this, Sun Yu holds breath cold air. ‘这绝对是一尊了不得的大人物,说不定是某位大能的嫡子,又或者...来自小南天境之外?’一想到这,孙雨就倒吸一口凉气。 He looks at youth that year the light appearance, as well as a purple clothes, in the heart cannot bear emit some thought with amazement, the respectful color on face is even more thick, the movement is also more careful. 他看着青年那年轻的容貌,以及身上一袭紫衣,心中忍不住冒出一些骇然的念头,脸上的恭敬之色越发浓密,动作也更加小心谨慎。 But regardless to Qin Shang, were purple clothes youth, Sun Yu and even the entire Feather Mountain star, in their eyes, like trivial ant, do not need to care. To their realm, only then with is Divine Transformation, or status enough person, can push in the view. 但无论对秦殇,还是紫衣青年来说,孙雨乃至整个羽山星,在他们眼中,都如同蝼蚁一般,根本无需在意。对他们这个境界而言,只有同为化神,或者身份足够的人,才能挤入眼帘。 Sees you previous time, is 300 years ago, at that time this place went to Violet Firmament Holy Land, visits your teacher in a Yuan ancient person, consults to refine the say/way of god to him. At that time you were only a youngster, just entered on person Disciple. Without thinking for short 300 years, moves Star Ocean, becomes Violet Firmament Holy Land candidate Holy Child.” Qin Shang light say/way. “上一次见到你,还是三百年前,当时本座前往紫霄圣地,拜会你师尊‘元古上人’,向他请教炼神之道。那时你才只是个少年,刚入‘上人’门下。没想到短短三百年,就名动星海,成为紫霄圣地的候补圣子。”秦殇淡淡道。 Violet Firmament Holy Land?’ Is on the waiting list Holy Child?’ 紫霄圣地?’‘候补圣子?’ These two words listen in Sun Yu er, straight such as two startling thunderclap are common, frighten him to carry the hand of teapot slightly to shiver, if not cultivation base is profound, the tea sprinkles. 这两个词听在孙雨耳中,直如两道惊雷一般,吓得他端着茶壶的手都微微颤抖一下,若非修为高深,茶水都洒出。 Stands in youth behind a man and a woman two people, immediately eye pupil charged, has swept Sun Yu like the sword sharply. 站立在青年身后的一男一女两人,顿时眼眸带电,锐利如剑般扫过孙雨。 youth does not care, sits well to say with a smile: 青年似不在意,端坐笑道: Only fame, how Divine Monarch praised, non- genuine Holy Child, was only the candidate. Although I person in school, but also hears a Divine Monarch person of sword, forcing, overawes the small Southern Heaven Realm matter. Teacher also once Kua said, by the Divine Monarch strength, do not say in this trivial small Southern Heaven Realm, is takes a broad view at entire Southern Heaven Realm, purely by Sword Technique, can be first ten.” “区区一点名气,怎得神君夸奖,又非真正圣子,只是候补罢了。我虽人在门派中,但也听闻神君一人一剑,力压一宗,威震小南天境的事情。师尊还曾夸说,以神君的实力,不要说在这区区小南天境中,就是放眼整个‘南天境’,纯以剑术,也能位列前十。” You, if genuine Holy Child, perhaps my father and big brothers cannot sit still, must make an exception to go out to greet you.” Qin Shang chilly say/way. “你若是真正圣子,恐怕我那父亲与大哥都坐不住,要破例出关迎接你了。”秦殇清冷道。 If his these words were heard by the small Southern Heaven Realm person, it is estimated that the soul frightens. 他这句话若被小南天境的人听到,估计魂魄都吓出来。 But Violet Firmament Holy Land status, truly incomparably to high, control peripheral many Star Region, are small Southern Heaven Realm peripheral powerful most ancient Dao Lineage, has the ancient sage to assume personal command. Solemn Holy Child goes out, that is the earth-shaking important matter, shakes the livelihood sufficiently, is Great Power must give the respect. 紫霄圣地的身份,确实无比至高,统御周边诸多星域,乃是小南天境周边最强大最古老的道统,有古圣人坐镇。堂堂圣子从中走出,那是惊天动地的大事,足以撼动日月,便是大能也得给予尊重。 But, on the person these words erroneous approved. This Divine Monarch strength were clear, can also assume the power and prestige in this small Southern Heaven Realm, if really arrived at Southern Heaven Realm, let alone first ten, first 20 first 30 do not have the share of place even.” Qin Shang shook the head. Right, your time came my, why? Small Southern Heaven Realm, not compared with genuine Southern Heaven Realm lively, is only the place of remote place, even expert talent few.” “不过,上人这句话谬赞了。本神君的实力自己清楚,在这小南天境还能呈呈威风,若真到了南天境,别说前十,就算前二十前三十也没本座的份。”秦殇摇头。“对了,你此次来我这,到底为何?小南天境,不比真正的‘南天境’繁华,只是穷乡僻壤之地,连高手天才都没有几个。” Incessantly Qin Shang. 不止秦殇。 Including standing is also curious in nearby Sun Yu. 包括站立在旁边的孙雨也好奇。 The youth status is simply shocking, although is not genuine Holy Child, but is on the waiting list Holy Child, that is also extraordinary. No wonder can let solemn Great Power Qin Shang, one side has to send out clone to see. 青年的身份简直骇人听闻,尽管并非真正圣子,只是个‘候补圣子’,那也了不得。难怪能让堂堂大能秦殇,都不得不派出分身来见一面。 Stands to these Universe apex God's favored one, our small Southern Heaven Realm, are really places of the remote place.’ In Sun Yu heart bitter and astringent. ‘对这些站在宇宙顶点的天之骄子来说,我们这小南天境,真是个穷乡僻壤之地啊。’孙雨心中苦涩。 Reported Divine Monarch, my family Holy Child trip besides travelling the major Star Region growth experiences, was hears to abandon Star Region to seem what Great Power to be reincarnated, saw especially, looked whether he was really worthy of the reputation.” youth behind certainly colorful Fairy Maiden respectful say/way. “禀神君,我家圣子此行除了游历各大星域增长见识外,就是听闻遗弃星域似有个什么大能转世,特地来见见,看他是否真的名副其实。”青年身后的绝艳仙子恭敬道。 youth smiles not to speak, resembling is the approval. 青年笑而不语,似是赞同。 The double pupil of Qin Shang ancient well without ripples looked at his one eyes, has not said anything. 秦殇古井无波的双眸望了他一眼,没有说什么。 Violet Firmament Holy Land candidate Holy Child, when competing only Holy Child position, often will go out to seek for young supreme talent, to take follower and supporting. Many Star Region talents, expected that follows these to be on the waiting list Holy Child, in the future will have to ascend a height to get a broad view the Divine Transformation opportunity. Even some age enormous half Great Power, is willing to condescend to take the follower. youth this comes, obviously was hears the Chen Fan's news, the heart movement, wants to gather Chen Fan to be the subordinate. 紫霄圣地的候补圣子们,在争夺唯一的‘圣子’之位时,往往都会外出寻找年轻天骄,以作为追随者和奥援。许多星域的天才们,也期望追随这些‘候补圣子’,日后有登临化神的机会。甚至连一些年龄极大的半步大能,也愿意屈尊作为追随者。青年此来,显然是听闻陈凡的消息,心动了,想招揽陈凡做手下。 That person of situation is special, the non- general Great Power reincarnation, has Divine Transformation cultivation base Heaven Treading die continually in his hand, is you perhaps somewhat is then troublesome.” Qin Shang light say/way. “那人情况特殊,非一般的大能转世,连拥有化神修为踏天陨落在他手上,便是你恐怕有些麻烦。”秦殇淡淡道。 Divine Monarch does not need to worry, the little nephew has to haggle over.” youth stoops slightly, is saying respectfully, but in eye pupil own arrogance. 神君无需担忧,小侄自有计较。”青年微微弯身,恭敬说着,但眼眸中自有傲气。 Good.” “好。” Qin Shang was only a nod. 秦殇只是一点头。 The next quarter, his azure clothes form as before, disappears in the main hall, that also extinguishes like the terrifying aura that the mountain pressure gets down instantaneously, making Sun Yu and others unable to bear be able finally straight body relieved. Only is left over purple clothes youth, is sitting well as before with a smile tea. 下一刻,他青衣如旧的身影,就消失在大殿中,那股如山般威压下来的恐怖气息也瞬间消弭,让孙雨等终于忍不住能直身长舒一口气。只剩下紫衣青年,依旧在端坐笑着饮茶。 Quick. 很快。 Violet Firmament Holy Land is on the waiting list Holy Child Yang Xuan in the Asuwayama star, must convene the entire small Southern Heaven Realm talents. The news spreads, entire small Southern Heaven Realm vibrates. Instantaneously, the Feather Mountain star becomes many Star Region emphases. 紫霄圣地候补圣子‘杨轩’驻足羽山星,要召集整个小南天境的天才们。消息传出,整个小南天境为之震动。瞬间,羽山星成为了诸多星域的关注点。 But at this time. 而此时。 Chen Fan shoves open to close up the front door slowly. 陈凡缓缓推开闭关大门。 PS: Went out finally, the ashamed tears rush, next month must the going all out effort, strive to make before dawn (3 - 5 am) sword god ^ _ ^. PS:总算出关了,惭愧的泪奔,下个月就要拼命努力啦,争取做回五更剑神^_^。
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