ROUIC :: Volume #10 Volume 10

#1143: Before the grand ceremony,( second)

When Chen Fan tries to break through Primal Infant, Chuzhou came two youngster. 就在陈凡试图突破元婴的时候,楚州来了两个年轻人 At this moment, entire Chuzhou changes to one huge to the extreme Super city, from the world, Japan, United States, Europe and other Cultivator of regions, performs all the gathering in this, even walks on the avenue, often can also see beyond Alien Race and even the day cultivator . 此刻,整个楚州都化作一个庞大到极点的超级城市,来自世界各地,日国美国、欧洲等诸多地域的修炼者,尽皆汇聚于此,甚至走在大街上,不时还能看到异族乃至天外修士 These usually have keen eyesight in withstand/top, Innate Golden Core cultivation base, in high rank cultivator that own domain possibly frequently kills people, now like an average person, on the face hangs the smile to walk on the street, an expression not unruliness. As seals god grand ceremony is getting more and more near, the Immortal Cultivator quantity of Chuzhou gathering are also getting more and more. 这些平时眼高于顶,先天金丹修为,在自家地盘可能动辄杀人的高阶修士们,如今就像一个普通人一样,脸上挂着笑容走在街道上,表情没有一丝桀骜。随着‘封神大典’的越来越近,楚州汇聚的修仙者数量也越来越多。 If some people stand in the Fog Mountain summit, overlooks Chuzhou. 若有人站在云雾山巅,俯瞰楚州 Can see, the little star light, gathering is common like the sea. That each star light, represents a Innate period Immortal Cultivator, but now Chuzhou, Innate realm cultivator far more than a lot of? 就能见到,一点点星光,聚集如同海洋一般。那每一点星光,都代表一位先天期的修仙者,而如今楚州,先天境界修士又何止千百位? Two youngster, a man and a woman. Male is dashing, but on the face is often hanging the smile of lazy evil charm. The female pure and clear as ice jade is cold, the skin is exquisite like the ivory fair quality of material, physique like stroking willow tree, drags with the wind. 两个年轻人,一男一女。男的英俊潇洒,只是脸上不时挂着慵懒邪魅的笑容。女子冰清玉冷,皮肤如象牙般白皙质地细腻,身姿像拂柳一样,随风摇曳。 Mediocre, hears this star to have can cut to kill Yì gān Son of God and Yin Haishen certainly generation of powerhouse, but from these people, cannot look. Majority is Innate Golden Core boundary cultivator , Primal Infant is all very few, depends on that several Daoist Magic incomplete false Primal Infant, can do to Everlasting Sect three your highness?” The male vision sweeps on the avenue the people, on the face has shown a disdaining smile. “不过如此,听闻此星有能斩杀易乾神子和尹海神将的绝代强者,但从这些人身上,根本看不出来。大部分全是先天金丹修士,元婴少之又少,就凭那那几个道法残缺的伪元婴,也能奈何无极宗的三殿下?”男子目光扫过大街上众人,脸上露出一丝不屑的笑容。 Possibly and even abandons Star Region in the entire Earth looks like, now Chuzhou this avenue Innate Golden Core, is the heyday to the apex scene, is in Heavenly Desolate Divine Domain, not necessarily has so many Golden Core cultivator . 可能在整个地球乃至遗弃星域看来,如今楚州这满大街先天金丹,乃是极盛到顶点的景象,便是天荒神域中,都未必有如此多金丹修士 But the man looks like, simply like clay chickens and pottery dogs. 可男子看来,简直如土鸡瓦狗 He in the old city that the starry sky deep place sees, any, compared with huge that Chuzhou comes, cultivator quantity also by far Chuzhou. If not has scruples in Legends that Killing Star, the man has soared, flies to the Northern Jade Faction station. 他在星空深处所见的古城,任何一座,都远比楚州来的庞大,修士的数量也远胜楚州。若非顾忌传说中的那个‘杀星’,男子早就腾空而起,飞向北琼派驻地了。 Careful, incessantly three your highness, similarly also have several your highness, as well as many gods, Elder(s) die in immortal within the earth. Everlasting Sect and Supreme Beginning God Realm, soft teaches spatially, the bright sign has broken to pieces, this on behalf, at least five Son of God above is dying in Earth, but also excluding Lin He Son of God of demon day sect, as well as Immortal Religion Son of God.” The females are saying with the chilly voice. “小心点,不止三殿下,同样还有数位殿下,以及诸多神将、长老陨落在仙土中。无极宗太初神境、蹑空教等,都已经有神牌碎掉,这代表着,至少有五位神子以上死在地球,还不包括魔日宗的林河神子,以及长生教的洛神子。”女子用清冷嗓音说着。 Yì gān adds on Longevity , entire eight Son of God die are abandoning Star Region, solar Son of God was missing. 易乾加上洛长生,整整八位神子陨落在遗弃星域,还有一个太阳神子失踪了。 This news must vibrate entire Star Ocean. 这消息必然要震动整个星海 Small Southern Heaven Realm many Star Region, boil. 南天境诸多星域,都为之沸腾。 That is Son of God. 那可是‘神子’啊。 Each immortal great sect in one generation, can only be born several existences. Is better than Emperor Apollo, one generation of Son of God also 56. Is regarded as the seed of Sect most core, is on the waiting list the founder level, in the future hopeful Prove the Dao Divine Transformation talent. Usually dies, can cause vibrates. Now eight Son of God die, vanishes, related to the entire eight big immortal gods. How major can Star Region not move? 每个不朽大教一代中,才只能诞生几位的存在。强如太阳神朝,一代神子也就五六人罢了。被视为宗门最核心的种子,候补教主级,未来有希望证道化神的天才。平时死上一位,都能引得一脚震动。如今八位神子陨落,一位消失,涉及到整整八大不朽神教。各大星域如何能不为之动弹呢? Various teaches the reaction speed to be extremely quick. 诸教反应速度极快。 They in abandoning Star Region, has laid down many seeds, spies and informer, so long as starts, easily searched for Earth, as well as in immortal earth all sorts. 他们在遗弃星域中,早就埋下了诸多种子、细作、耳目,只要一发动,轻易就搜寻到了地球,以及仙土上发生的种种。 Therefore quick. 于是很快。 Chen Fan's material, on swayed in major Star Region, each immortal great sect high-level table-top. 陈凡的资料,就摆在了各大星域,每一位不朽大教高层的案头。 Chen Beixuan, the birth was ordinary, Central Mainland China person, 38 years old, Golden Core cultivation base. Actually sidewise compression Heavenly Desolate, treads to extinguish Divine Emperor Mountain, first kills Longevity , latter kills Lin He, cuts dozens Primal Infant in immortal within the earth continually, sword flying immortal slaughter six big Son of God, are killed by shock Everlasting Sect three Son of God beyond the day by clone. 陈北玄,出生平凡,中土华族人,年仅三十八岁,金丹修为。却横压天荒,踏灭帝神山,先杀洛长生,后杀林河,在仙土中连斩数十元婴,一剑飞仙屠六大神子,更在天外以分身震死无极宗神子 Although the information on material are not many, but each, can be frightening, gathers in together, changes shakes the entire Star Ocean dreadful monstrous waves. 资料上的信息虽然不多,但每一条,都能让人心惊肉跳,汇聚在一起,更化作撼动整个星海的滔天巨浪。 Nine die Son of God, die in this named Chen Beixuan's China person hand unexpectedly. Moreover is his age also less than 40 years old, at this time merely only Golden Core? 九位陨落神子,竟然都是死在这个叫陈北玄的华族人手中。而且他年龄还不满四十岁,此时仅仅只是金丹 What? 什么? You think that I am mental handicap, can believe the material of your incomprehensible nonsense? 你以为我是智障,能信你这篇狗屁不通的资料? The high level that almost every receives the Chen Fan information, abandoning the informers in Star Region, stream of abuse that will scold. Some temperament explode, perhaps prepares to draw a sword to offend somebody. 几乎每一个接到陈凡信息的高层,都会把遗弃星域内的耳目们,骂的狗血淋头。有些脾气爆裂,说不定都准备拔刀伤人。 Was Chen Fan is too inconceivable. 实在是陈凡太不可思议了。 Even if the small south day of various territory cultivation speed is fastest, the highest level talent, builds Golden Core also to need 30 years, Primal Infant over 500 years. Chen Fan less than 40, not only builds to Golden Core, but also by Golden Core cultivation base steamroll Primal Infant. You have been since are at the challenge to be eternal the attempt. Divine Grade Golden Core is powerful, can contends in Golden Core Stage and Primal Infant. But where has Chen Fan this type, kills existence that Primal Infant such as kills the chicken, Son of God not his opponent? 哪怕小南天诸域修行速度最快,最顶级的天才,修成金丹也要三十年,元婴更在五百年以上。陈凡不满四十,不仅修成至金丹,还以金丹修为碾压元婴。你这是在挑战万古以来的尝试啊。神品金丹是强大,能在金丹期元婴相抗衡。但哪有陈凡这种,杀元婴如杀鸡,神子都非他对手的存在? This Chen Beixuan, certainly has been Primal Infant Peak, perhaps steps into certainly Divine Transformation Realm, otherwise so will not be powerful!” “这个陈北玄,一定早就是元婴巅峰,说不定更踏入准化神境界,否则绝不会如此强大!” Incessantly a great sect high-level assertion. 不止一位大教高层断言。 Over time but, accurate news come from Earth, the people have to accept reluctantly, Chen Fan truly is Golden Core. He from Earth to Heavenly Desolate, from Divine Sea, Innate and Golden Core, the cultivation vein is explicit. Moreover is always good at jumping the ranks the murder. His Golden Core Innate, cannot try it by the common sense, at least compared with same level strong big realm. 可是随着时间推移,一道道准确消息从地球传来,众人不得不勉强接受,陈凡确实还是个金丹。他一路从地球到天荒,从神海先天金丹,修行脉络非常明确。而且历来擅长越级杀人。他的金丹先天,决不能以常理来试之,至少比同层次强一个大境界 Accepted the Chen Fan's material, the major gods have no way to tolerate Chen Fan. 接受了陈凡的资料,各大神教更没法容忍陈凡 You are the world rare, the eternal rare talent, becomes Golden Core less than 40 annual repairs, looks such hundred years to be possible Prove the Dao Primal Infant. But for this reason, needs to eradicate you, otherwise allows your practice to get down again, some day when you to Primal Infant Peak is to throw off from the shrine Divine Transformation Great Power, tramples flat immortal great sect? 你是世所罕见,万古难得的天才,不满四十岁修成金丹,看这样子百年可证道元婴。但正因如此,才需要铲除你,否则容你再修炼下去,某天你到元婴巅峰时,是不是要把化神大能都从神坛上掀翻下来,把一个不朽大教都踏平? This is very possible. 这非常可能。 Chen Fan to seek revenge for the slightest grievance to be famous. Enmity of major god and Earth obviously also big, at this time Chen Fan did not have the ability. When he has one mounts the position of Divine Monarch naively, must report this enmity. 陈凡以睚眦必报著称。各大神教与地球的仇怨显然也不小,此时陈凡还没能力。等他有一天真登上神君之位时,必然要报此仇。 Naturally, this merely is some great sect high-level vigilant. genuine control various Divine Transformation Great Power of teaching, do not place in this minor matter the eye. Divine Transformation and Primal Infant difference, like the difference of god and person. 当然,这仅仅是一些大教高层的警惕罢了。真正统御各教的化神大能们,并不把这点小事放在眼中。化神元婴的差别,就像神与人的区别一样。 The Star Ocean deep place, hears Innate to cut Golden Core frequently, or Golden Core losses Primal Infant news. But never hears some people able by Primal Infant losses Divine Transformation. Because really Divine Transformation Great Power is more powerful than too many Primal Infant are too more, Divine Transformation stands erect there, is immortal great sect. Subordinate many Primal Infant, Golden Core, Elder(s), disciple wait/etc, are only the immaterial disciples and followers, so long as Divine Transformation still, one person may suppress planet, making trillion all living things bow the head not to dare to revolt. 星海深处,经常听闻先天金丹,或金丹元婴消息。但从未听说有人能以元婴化神。实在因为化神大能元婴强大太多太多,一尊化神屹立在那里,就是一个不朽大教。麾下的诸多元婴金丹长老、弟子等等,只是无关紧要的徒子徒孙罢了,只要化神还在,一人就可镇压一个星辰,让亿万众生俯首不敢反抗。 Teaches also to have Elder(s), was worried that this Chen Beixuan builds Primal Infant, threatens Great Power, I look have groundless fears purely. Since eternal, has not heard Primal Infant losses Divine Transformation, even the central Galaxy world, such hearsay is very few, extremely rare.” Delicate and pretty man walks, while sneers. “教中还有长老,担心这个陈北玄修成元婴,威胁到大能,我看纯粹杞人忧天。万古以来,不曾听闻元婴化神的,甚至连中央星河世界,这样的传闻都少之又少,凤毛麟角。”俊美男子一边走,一边冷笑。 Elder(s) and vice- founders, wisdom deep like sea, plans by far compared with me and others many of looking. Even if Chen Beixuan cannot threaten Divine Monarch. But if he really builds certainly Divine Transformation Realm, has been swept away all strengths. When Great Power has no way steps into abandons Star Region, this entire does Star Region, how could it not be take Chen Beixuan as to revere? We want to obtain the big chance on Central Mainland, goes bankrupt inevitably.” The physique such as willow leaf chilly female with the wind, is saying lightly, the line, does not know harvests many vision. 长老和副教主们,智慧渊深如海,算计远远比我等看的多。哪怕陈北玄威胁不到诸位神君。但他若真修成准化神境界,得到横扫一切的力量。在诸位大能没法踏入遗弃星域的时候,这整个星域,岂不都以陈北玄为尊?那我们想获得中土上的大机缘,必然破产。”身姿如柳叶随风的清冷女子,淡淡说着,一路行来,不知收获多少目光。 These two, come from Star Ocean great sect. 这两人,同样是来自星海大教 They look common, is only the ordinary mortal, in fact cultivation base is not weak in Yì gān, is immortal great sect rising typhoon faction pair of Son of God. The men called Qiao Zhen, the female called Qiao Yu, was pair of brother and sister, was the direct descendant descendant of rising typhoon god, the brother and sister became Son of God, was Star Ocean deep place illustrious young generation of powerhouse. 他们看着不起眼,只是普通凡人,实际上一身修为丝毫不弱于易乾,乃是不朽大教‘扶摇派’的一对神子。男子叫‘乔真’,女子叫‘乔御’,乃是一对兄妹,是扶摇神主的嫡系后代,兄妹二人同成神子,是星海深处赫赫有名的年轻一辈强者 Two people resemble the lover to loaf in the Chuzhou city. 两人似情侣般在楚州城中游荡。 But all passed by the pedestrian, sees two people, the person the wave separates automatically. They discussed Chen Fan and Northern Jade Faction blatantly, but the surroundings actually no one heard, was Peak Golden Core, chatted as before with two people brushed past. Two people and whole world separate general, not in this. 但所有路过行人,见到二人,人浪自动分开。他们公然讨论陈凡北琼派,但周围却无一人听到,便是巅峰金丹,也依旧谈笑与两人擦肩而过。二人似与整个世界割裂开来一般,并不在此界中。 Hey, for this so-called chance, eight Son of God die, the Emperor Apollo five your highness rebirths have refused stubbornly to know. But various great sect as before crazy, goes all out to send people to come Central Mainland, is really...” Qiao Zhen shakes the head. “嘿,为了这所谓机缘,已经有八位神子陨落,太阳神朝的五殿下更生死不知。但各大教依旧疯狂般,拼命派人前来中土,真的是...”乔真摇头。 Cautious word, this is the decision that god manages to teach, I can others as the disciple, how question Great Power? We here, stare at Chen Beixuan on the line. When seals god grand ceremony opening, the natural duty is accomplished.” Female Qiao Yu replied lightly. “慎言,此乃诸位神主掌教的决定,我等作为弟子的,怎可质疑大能?我们在这里,盯好陈北玄就行。等‘封神大典’开启时,自然任务完成。”女子乔御淡淡答道。 Correct, only Golden Core ants, dare to hold anything to seal god grand ceremony unexpectedly ‚’, must ascend a height to get a broad view the position of Divine Monarch, simply as laughable as the extreme. My rising typhoon teaches, many half Great Power level old Undying monster , can only be dormant to dive to cultivate/repair, does not dare to brave the name of Divine Monarch. One day inadequate Great Power, may not be politely called Divine Monarch on the 1st. Also only then abandons Star Region this group of barbarians indigenous, can do to deliver Golden Core to coronate the Divine Monarch joke.” Qiao Zhen sneers, in the eye disdains completely. 不错,区区一个金丹蝼蚁,竟然敢举行什么‘封神大典’,要登临神君之位,简直可笑到极点。我扶摇教中,多少半步大能级老不死怪物,也只能蛰伏潜修,不敢冒神君之名。一日不成大能,一日就不可被尊称神君。也只有遗弃星域这群蛮夷土著,才能搞出给金丹加冕神君的笑话。”乔真冷笑,眼中满是不屑。 Just wait, palm church criticizes all these.” “等着吧,诸位掌教会清算这一切的。” Female Qiao Yu looks that at present the raging fire boils the oil the scene, the tone faint reply, in the eye pupil a tranquility, as if this all living things, no one enters its. 女子乔御看着眼前烈火烹油的景象,语气淡漠回答,眼眸中一片平静,仿佛这芸芸众生,无一人入其眼般。 ... ... But enters Earth in more and more immortal great sect disciples, the secret ambush, the preparation sealed the god grand ceremony to approach. Makes Chen Fan of Primal Spirit palace deep place, arrived the most difficulty of breaking through Primal Infant. 而在越来越多的不朽大教弟子进入地球,暗暗潜伏,准备等封神大典来临的时候。造元神殿深处的陈凡,同时也到达了突破元婴的最难关。 .” “刺啦,刺啦。” His whole person void sits cross-legged, situated in the temple, assumes five heart upwards. Whole person lump of gold/metal clear and golden Golden Core, covers in the endless flame. Immortal Body, Immortal Soul and pill of immortality in the flame quenchings, is getting more and more fuzzy, as if must congeal a body. The three flowers of his top of the head, are accomplish to change to a body, forms a flower light group. 他整个人虚空盘腿,位于神殿正中间,呈五心朝天式。整个人似一坨金澄澄、黄灿灿的金丹般,笼罩在无尽火焰中。仙体仙魂、仙丹在火焰淬炼里,越来越模糊,仿佛要凝结成一体般。他头顶的三花,更是造就化作一体,形成一枚花型光团。 But breaks through this, merely to Primal Infant realm half. 但突破到此,仅仅是到了元婴境界的一半。 Then, the test of genuine arrives. 接下来,真正的考验才降临。 Bang! 轰隆! Makes in the Primal Spirit palace, in void, there is an invisible Law(s) fermentation, changes to azure Thunder and Lightning blasting open, appears in the Chen Fan whole body. That azure Thunder and Lightning, compared with any for a while, any is crowded. Each as verdant as the extreme, is full of the terrifying strength of Thunder and Lightning and Law(s), is Primal Infant touches, easily changes to the light smoke, is representing for day penalty the thunder of Law(s). Any Primal Infant saw, must tremble in fear alarmed and afraid. 元神殿内,虚空中,有无形的法则酝酿,化作一道道青色雷电炸裂,在陈凡周身浮现。那青色雷电,比任何一时,任何一刻都要密集。每一道都青翠到极点,充满恐怖的雷电法则之力,便是元婴触碰到,也轻易化作青烟,代表着替天刑罚的法则之雷。任何一尊元婴见到,都要惊惧震恐。 The tribulation of Primal Infant appears! 元婴之劫出现! PS: Two finished, the author fungus the adjustment next time, later renews ^ _ ^ earlier PS:两更完毕,作者菌去调整下时间,之后早点更新^_^
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