REE :: Volume #2

#152: ‚Goes out’

Villa Region has many people to form a team to the suburb to hunt and kill variation beast spontaneously, the meats also enriches, but also only limits Neo-Human this community, temporarily is unable to meet the needs of all ordinary people. 别墅区有很多人自发组队到郊外猎杀变异兽,肉类也随之丰富起来,但也只限新人类这一个群体,暂时无法满足所有普通人的需求。 Initially attacked Villa Region that batch of variation beast, besides being used to make massive medicinal pellet, Mu Xiao also left behind some lean meat, after Mu Xuanyin they took over the job of medicinal pellet, similarly leaves leeway the lean meat to supply the oneself person to eat, therefore people almost every meal did not lack the excellent meat. 当初袭击别墅区的那一批变异兽,除了用来制造了大量药丸之外,木萧还留下了一部分精肉,包括木绚音她们接药丸的工作之后,同样留有精肉供给自己人食用,所以众人几乎每餐都不缺优质的肉食。 Actually, before these ordinary meats gradually became fewer and fewer, was almost this time eliminated product, because the Neo-Human catastrophe eruption has days, in situation that machinery malfunctioned , the recent weather more and more burning hot high temperature, the meats of these refrigerations can deteriorate to become stale in addition, is unable to eat, only if were some seals well, had the meats of very good warranty, for example some advanced canned food and so on food, can eat reluctantly. 其实,以前那些普通肉类渐渐变得越来越少,差不多是这个时期被淘汰的产物,因为新人类灾难爆发已经有一段日子,在机械失灵的情况下,又加上最近天气越来越炎热高温,那些冷藏的肉类都会变质发臭,无法食用,除非是一些密封得好,拥有很好保质期的肉类,譬如一些高级罐头之类的食物,勉强还能食用。 However according to this weather continues under the high temperature, meats food of good warranty, does not place the cold air/Qi or the yin cool place again, sooner or later will also become one group of rotten meat, including most food is also same, will deteriorate under the high temperature, only then the grain grain is quite good to preserve, but if present does not provide for a rainy day, finally may also beset with a crisis in does not have food. 不过按照这个天气继续高温下,再好保质期的肉类食物,不放在有冷气或yin凉的地方,迟早也会成为一团臭肉,包括多数食物也是一样,都会在高温下变质,也只有五谷粮食比较好保存,但如果现在不未雨绸缪,最后也有可能陷入没有食物的危机之中。 A bigger influence, must have the stable food origin, otherwise is hard under the support, do not reclaim the development. 越大的势力,就必须有稳定的食物来源,否则难以支撑下,更别开垦发展了。 present can also depend upon this time outside plunders the commodity to support the development . Moreover the Villa Region population are not many, the complete person adds the 400 person, can support time by Law Firm basement these commodities only, Villa Region surrounding area ten li (0.5 km) available resource, was plundered bits and pieces again, the basic present Villa Region does not have person is hungry the belly. 现在这个时期还可以依靠在外面搜刮物资来支撑发展,而且别墅区人数不多,全部人加起来不到四百人,单靠律师楼地下室那些物资也能支持一段时间,再别墅区方圆十里的可用资源,都被搜刮得七七八八,基本现在别墅区没有人是饿着肚皮的。 ...... …… Mu Xiao has time does not have to eat meal well, today finally compiles the material, the appetite nature usually is much bigger. This, increased workload Xia Meiqin this beautiful woman supermodel, she had a perfection image for oneself fortunately before, the ruthless under hard labor has studied the cook, otherwise was not selected by Shangguan Yuanxin becomes one to have the opportunity to be close to the high-level opportunity. 木萧有一段时间没有好好吃饭,今天终于把资料编写好,胃口自然比平时大得多。这一下,忙坏了夏美琴这个美女名模,还好她以前为了自己有一个完美形象,狠下苦工学习过厨艺,不然也不被上官媛馨挑中成为一个有机会接近高层的机会。 Has many people to enter Mu Xiao, Shangguan Yuanxin, Zhou Xuan, An Rongru and Mu Xuanyin in Villa Region...... and the others the Core circles, is only such opportunity is rare, even a maid works, still some people rush responding to a call. 别墅区有很多人都想进入木萧上官媛馨周萱安蓉茹木绚音……等人的核心圈子,只是这样的机会非常难得,就算是一个女佣工作,也有人抢着来应召。 Because the side works in Mu Xiao and the others, definitely has not the poor reward, simultaneously can obtain the direction of evolution, even there is an opportunity to become Core one, and has certain position upgrade in Villa Region imperceptibly, for example that three maids in An Rongru villa, even Neo-Human must give precedence out of courtesy three points before them, such all sorts of advantage, are some peripheral personnel long for obtaining. 因为在木萧等人身边做事,肯定有不菲报酬,同时可以得到进化的指点,甚至有机会成为核心的一员,而且无形中在别墅区有一定地位提升,例如安蓉茹别墅里的那三名女佣,连新人类在她们面前都要礼让三分,这样种种好处,都是一些外围人员所渴望得到的。 Xia Meiqin made an almost two hours of food, has served food back and forth, that lush graceful tender body walks, the twin peaks that a pair stands tall and erect full, exude bounce to surge, the outstanding buttocks slender waist that slightly trembles loftily is elegant and charming, two slender do not lose the sex appeal white Nimei leg solid, under the skirt partly visible, shakes to shake white and tender, annoys the person recollections handsome, not seduction. 夏美琴足足做了差不多两个多小时的菜肴,一直来回上菜,那丰美曼妙的娇躯走起路来,一对饱满高耸的双峰,微微泛起巍巍颤颤的弹跳波荡,身后翘臀细腰摇曳生姿,两条修长结实而不失肉感的白腻美腿,在裙下若隐若现,白嫩嫩地晃来晃,惹人浮想翩翩,不尽的诱惑。 Mu Xiao this time does not have with An Rongru and Zhou Xuan tangled up happy love, agglomerated many physiology **, Xia Meiqin is a bright-colored charming best quality goods beautiful woman, her bright eyes and white teeth, the gentle pretty elegant, with creamy white skin beautiful jade, the graceful bearing graceful manner, figure tall is symmetrical, slender and delicate, but rich and smooth, the curve sex appeal, has almost with the Shangguan Yuanxin's devil gold stature compares, naturally held the vision of appreciation to look at several. 木萧这段时间没有安蓉茹周萱缠绵欢爱,积聚了不少生理**,夏美琴又是一个明艳妩媚的极品美女,她明眸皓齿,柔媚姣俏,肤如凝脂美玉,风姿绰态,身段高挑匀称,纤柔而丰润,曲线性感,几乎跟上官媛馨的魔鬼黄金身材有得一比,自然抱着欣赏的目光多看了几眼。 His just and honorable vision, slightly hot a point. 只是他光明正大的目光,微微火辣了一点。 The females are very keen, especially Xia Meiqin once walked randomly in the model to the circle of film and television, sees vision that the man contains fiery and holds, the keen feeling Mu Xiao gazes at to come repeatedly, then just like the line of sight of essence seems pair in a mature luster of the skin that greatly in comforting her is in full bloom in bud, can't help but a little faint trace soft wadding numb feeling. 女性都很敏锐,尤其夏美琴曾经游走在模特到影视的圈子之中,见惯男人蕴含火热和占有的目光,敏锐的感受到木萧多次注视而来,那宛如实质的视线仿佛是一双大在安抚她含苞怒放的成熟玉体上,不由有点丝丝软绵酥麻之感。 At this time two people live alone one room, Xia Meiqin think, even if Mu Xiao makes anything is still easy to oneself, thinks of here, she glances gradually the spring scenery class/flow rhyme, charmings on the cheeks to bring to wipe light blushing, a pair of white and tender beautiful leg subconscious clip / tight, rubs gently the rain and dew gently gradually the wet flower petal, a little anticipation forthcoming love matters. 此时两人独处一室,夏美琴想到就算木萧自己做什么也是轻而易举,想到此处,她眼波渐渐春色流韵,秀媚脸颊上带着一抹淡淡的红晕,一双白嫩美腿下意识夹/紧,轻轻磨蹭雨露渐湿的花瓣,有点期待即将发生的风流韵事。 If Xia Meiqin is Neo-Human, Mu Xiao does not mind on her indulges the release **, is only with the aptitude of her ordinary person, once does not have becomes the Neo-Human potential, later can only be a burden, because the ordinary person potential is limited, is unable with having infinite evolution possible Neo-Human compares. 如果夏美琴是一个新人类,木萧不介意在她身上放纵释放**,只是以她普通人的资质,一旦没有成为新人类的潜力,以后只会是一个负担,因为普通人潜力有限,无法跟拥有无限进化可能的新人类相比。 Initially Mu Xiao does not have accepted Shangguan Yuanxin's to suggest, info clerk Xia Meiqin is also this reason. 当初木萧没有接受上官媛馨的建议,收纳夏美琴也是这个原因。 Therefore, the Mu Xiao lunch satisfies the fine sights, after waiting to sweep clear the clean all meals, threw down lost incomparable Xia Meiqin, went out directly the parking lot, entered the base channel. 因此,木萧午饭只是满足一下眼福,等清扫了干净一切饭菜之后,丢下了失落无比的夏美琴,直接外出到停车场,进入基地通道。 Some base commodities have transported to a Villa Region storehouse, also formed the motorcade including some top vehicles, although most race cars, before placing, truly is the value not poor luxury goods, but places present available degree to be not quite high, but part is the good nuclear power all-terrain vehicle, is used to make the best transportation vehicle of short haul. 基地一部分物资已经运输到别墅区一个库房里,包括一些顶级车辆也组成了车队,虽然大部分跑车,放在以前确实是价值不菲的奢侈品,但放在现在可用程度不太高,不过还有一部分是不错的核动力越野车,用来做短途运输的最佳交通工具。 The motorcade needs large number of excellent models to join, the military chassis is best, has the ordinary vehicles does not have weaponry system, even the defense system is quite high-end, but military vehicle temporarily also only then five heavy-scale giant tiger, other vehicles are the transport vehicle and RV many, majority looks outside, re-equips, can become the transportation vehicle of motorcade journey. 车队需要大量优质车型加入,其中军用的车体是最好,有普通车辆没有武装系统,甚至防御系统都比较高端,不过军用车辆暂时也只有五辆重型巨虎,其它车辆都是运输车和房车多一点,大部分都是在外面找回来,加以改装,才能成为车队出行的交通工具。 The equipment of first motorcade, highest-end advanced , before is Shangguan Yuanxin, motorcade that composes. 第一车队的设备,最为高端先进,也就是上官媛馨之前组成的车队。 front section time, Duan Lingling and Yan Shaonan and Jiang Yunwei led dwelling, before them , the motorcade went out the commodity that plundered, transported completely. Because comes back Villa Region time, the vehicles must transport too many people insufficient, therefore deposited does not have of most commodities in the building to take, after Villa Region stabilized, they have time to conduct transportation back and forth. 前段时间,段玲玲严韶楠蒋云蔚带队回了住处一趟,把她们以前车队出外搜刮的物资,全部搬运了回来。因为回来别墅区的时候,车辆不足又要运输太多人,所以存放了大部分物资在楼中没有取走,直至别墅区稳定后,她们才有时间进行来回的运输。 Law Firm has the Twelve Shadows woman to be responsible for guarding in turn, Zhou Xuan they can be trustworthy, moreover they are quiet, never contacts with others on own initiative, except for the daily exercise body, accepts Zhou Xuan and the others the trainings, goes out regularly the hunting, does beyond the medicinal pellet work of Mu Xiao arrangement, they lived to form unusual dry and dull tasteless law, the bystander are unable to insert simply, some Neo-Human know that they received Zhou Xuan to regard as important very much, wants to flatter Zhou Xuan taking advantage of them, but they did not pay attention totally, treated indifferently, gradually in many eyes, they were a 12 iceberg, became the scenery of Villa Region a stream alternative. 律师楼十二名影子女人负责轮流驻守,周萱她们可以值得信赖,而且她们性情沉默寡言,从来不主动跟别人接触,除了每天锻炼身体,接受周萱等人的训练,定期出外狩猎,做木萧安排的药丸工作之外,她们生活形成了一个非常枯燥无味的规律,外人简直无法插入其中,有些新人类知道她们很受周萱看重,想借她们讨好周萱,只是她们一概不理会,冷漠对待,渐渐在很多人眼中,她们是十二座冰山,也成为别墅区一道另类的风景。 The Twelve Shadows woman, half of people became Neo-Human. 十二名影子女人,本来有一半人成为新人类 The other six people, they each time are wholehearted in the investment fight, the does not have anything distracting thoughts, train and concentrate on incomparably, perhaps experienced the day of that darkness dying embers, longs for the strength compared with anybody, importance that clear(ly) became aware the strength, thus was easier than to awaken the Neo-Human turning point others. 余下六人,她们每次一心一意投入战斗中,没有什么杂念,训练起来又专注无比,或许经历了那一段黑暗死灰的日子,比任何人都渴望力量,明悟力量的重要性,从而比其他人更容易觉醒了新人类的契机。 present the whole staff has become Neo-Human, learns the Zhou Xuan instruction refining body art first three styles. 现在她们已经全员成为了新人类,习得周萱传授的炼体术前三式 They became Neo-Human also to give Zhao Yiling and Tong Jingzhen power, participated in fight frequency clearly to increase, but two females could not find the Neo-Human turning point slowly, the mood was nothing more or less is a little desolate. However, has Mu Xuanyin and the others to console two females fortunately, fighting will does not have is negative, let alone the Zhao Yiling temper is the extreme type, is not better she more to go all out. 她们成为新人类也给了赵依凌童静珍的动力,参加战斗次数明显增多,不过两女迟迟也找不到新人类契机,心情不多不少有点落寞。不过,还好有木绚音等人劝解两女,斗志没有消极,更何况赵依凌性子本来就是极端类型,越是不行她越是拼命。 But the Twelve Shadows woman is not completely the Core personnel, is the undetermined Core personnel, they does not have authority enters the base temporarily, but is responsible for making guarding in Law Firm. 十二名影子女人还不完全是核心人员,属于待定的核心人员,她们暂时没有权限进入基地内部,只是在律师楼负责做驻守。 But some center great hall also people of research institute remain, most time are Aybar is responsible, Zhou Xuan and An Rongru, Jian Hanyao, Shangguan Yuanxin and Mu Xuanyin...... they will sometimes also come to guard the base in turn, because here is a Moon important base, Mu Xiao does not know that can some people walk, for the security must leave leeway the person to guard. 而研究所的中枢大堂也有人留守,大部分时间艾巴尔负责,周萱安蓉茹简涵瑶上官媛馨木绚音……她们有时候也会来轮流看守基地,因为这里是月球一个重要根据地,木萧不知道会不会有人找上门来,所以为了安全必须留有人进行看守。 With his guard, would rather the base is everyone common one polymerization place that discussed the matter. 与其看守,倒不如基地是大家共同一个商量事情的聚合地点。 Mu Xiao arrived at center great hall, at this time was responsible for guarding the person in base, Aybar this by one group of women mistreatment the pain compelled, naturally he did not think that is assignment that anything compelled painstakingly, instead had fun, uses here high-end equipment to make some computation to design. 木萧来到了中枢大堂,这时候负责看守基地的人,还是艾巴尔这个被一群女人‘欺负’的苦逼,当然他不觉得是什么苦逼的差事,反而乐在其中,利用这里的高端设备做些运算设计。 old boss, you went out.” Aybar saw Mu Xiao to arrive, stopped the work on LightBrain, thought the humorous regards. 老大,你出关了啊。”艾巴尔看见木萧到来,停下了光脑上的工作,自以为幽默的问候。 Un.” Mu Xiao has not understood his going out humor, but looks at the stereo imaging that his LightBrain appeared, is the Villa Region entire environmental situation, immediately understands he is making defense deduction, spoke thoughtlessly, Ding Qilue has an environment ability, you ask him to collect the information, recombination deduction, the result that results will be more accurate.” “嗯。”木萧没多理解他那句‘出关’的幽默,而是看了一眼他光脑浮现的立体影像,正是别墅区整个环境面貌,顿时明白了他在做防御推演,随口了一句,“丁奇略有一个环境能力,你找他搜集信息,再结合推演,那得出来的结果会精准很多。” I have looked for him, Yunwei has also provided some specialized opinions to me, soon can deduction have these villas, is most suitable to take the defense fortress, then transforms a fight lineup of closely linked......” “我找过他了,云蔚也提供过一些专业见解给我,不久可以推演出那些别墅,最为适合作为防御堡垒,然后改造成一个紧密连接的战斗阵形……” Aybar also thinks that the lengthy speech sues Villa Region reconstruction plan, but Mu Xiao broke the say/way directly: I come to take to select medicine...... I to suggest first to complete the Villa Region surrounding to excavate the trench, the work of construct defending city wall, considered finally you make this plan.” 艾巴尔还想长篇大论诉别墅区改造计划,但木萧直接打断了道:“我来只是取点药剂……不过我建议先做好别墅区外围开挖壕沟,还有建造护城墙的工作,最后才考虑你做这个计划。” Shangguan has arranged others to seek for the excavation machinery, so long as found machinery to prepare to begin construction, moreover defending city wall lacks person and the material seriously, construction project is very big, needs many building materials.” Aybar recently everyone's work item. 上官已经安排其他人寻找挖掘的机械,只要找到机械就准备动工,而且护城墙严重缺少人和材料,建造工程很大,需要很多建筑材料。”艾巴尔了最近大家的工作事项。 Tears down outside these building directly, not some most ready-made materials?” Mu Xiao toward depositing the medicine storehouse walks, while reminded: Work turns over to the work, but remembers that do not fall to upgrade of itself strength, because that is basic.” “直接拆掉外面那些建筑,不就有大部分现成的材料么?”木萧一边往存放药物的库房走,一边提醒道:“工作归工作,但记得别落下对自身实力的提升,因为那才是根本。” This I understand that......” Aybar sees the meaning that Mu Xiao does not have discussed that helpless also sat returns to the original position, continued to make the deduction design of oneself. “这个我明白……”艾巴尔木萧没有多谈下的意思,也无奈坐回原处,继续做自己推演设计。 In the medicine storehouse most precious Life Gene Potion, does not have ships back Villa Region, instead the precious medicine that plunders from outside deposits to be one of them. 药物库房里面大部分珍贵的生命基因药水,没有运回别墅区,反而一些从外面搜刮回来的珍贵药物都存放在其中。 Here has strong weaponry system, some time person of guards, naturally is used to deposit the precious goods the best place. 这里有很强的武装系统,时刻有人看守,当然用来存放珍贵物品的最佳地点。
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