REE :: Volume #2

#151: Variation Beast Medicinal Pellet

Starts to reorganize from Villa Region to the proper operation has crossed three days of time, Villa Region in these three days has new transformation every day, everyone crosses the enrichment to be incomparable, the motorcade in couple of days ago, was led, Jian Hanyao to lead, Ding Qilue to lead by Zhou Xuan, Duan Lingling led, Yan Shaonan to lead, was divided into five small motorcades respectively, invested outside search commodity, but revolved the Villa Region surrounding area ten kilometers to plunder all serviceable properties to come back, temporarily does not have conducted the far way to plunder the preparation of commodity outward. 别墅区开始整顿到正常运作已经过三天时间,在这三天里别墅区每一天都有新变化,每一个人过得充实无比,车队在前两天,由周萱带队、简涵瑶带队、丁奇略带队,段玲玲带队、严韶楠带队,各自分成五支小车队,投入了外面搜索物资,但只是围绕别墅区方圆十公里搜刮一切可用物资回来,暂时没有对外进行远途搜刮物资的准备。 Because Mu Xiao was using that 100 multi-thread variation beast blood and flesh physique recently, makes Variation Beast Medicinal Pellet massively. 因为最近木萧都在利用那一百多头变异兽血肉筋骨,大量制造出一种变异兽药丸 This medicinal pellet after many chinese medicinal material and medicine and blood bead, but also in addition blood and flesh manufacture of variation beast, can the meatball of named alternative, but inside included the rich drug efficacy, can treat as tonic food that appeases hunger, regardless of Neo-Human or the ordinary people can eat, but the edible quantity is different, after all Neo-Human and constitution and bloodline of carrying capacity ordinary person has the difference. 这种药丸经过多种中药材药剂血珠,还加上变异兽血肉制作而成,也可以名为另类的肉丸,只不过里面含有了丰富的药效,可以当作充饥的补品食物,而且不论新人类还是普通人都可以食用,只是食用数量有所不同,毕竟新人类普通人的体质血脉承受力存有差异。 But even if the ordinary person eats the limit, is unable to decrease them frantic about Variation Beast Medicinal Pellet, fills to earnestly seek to this medicinal pellet including Neo-Human. 但就算普通人食用有限制,也无法减低他们对变异兽药丸的狂热,包括新人类也对这一种药丸充满渴求。 Mainly is these medicinal pellet contains nutritious blood power, to expand air/Qi, strengthens muscle toughness, upgrade physical strength durability and other effects, medicinal pellet described with words of one group of vulgar men, simply is Great Power Pellet, the complete does not have side effect, a grain gets into the stomach, the entire queue fine tiger is fierce, the bug also changes the big dragon, the night governing several females are inadequate what issue. 主要是这些药丸蕴含滋补血力、壮大中气,增强肌肉韧性、提升体力持久性等功效,药丸用一群粗鄙男人的话来形容,简直就是大力丸,完全没有副作用,一粒下肚,整个人龙精虎猛,小虫也变巨龙,夜御几女根本不成什么问题。 Naturally, Variation Beast Medicinal Pellet to the ordinary person effect is especially obvious, but decreases relatively much regarding Neo-Human, to has promoted specially is Apex Body Neo-Human comes, medicinal pellet is only one type compared with the advanced nutrition good appeasing hunger food, like good military provisions. 当然,变异兽药丸普通人功效是尤为明显,但对于新人类相对减低不少,特别对已经晋升为顶尖体新人类来,药丸只是一种比高级营养好的充饥食品,像行军粮一样。 medicinal pellet most elementary one type that however, Mu Xiao emits outward, used is also the blood and flesh manufacture of ordinary variation beast, moreover manufactured medicinal pellet of strengthening version, for example with medicinal pellet that 30 giant wolf makes, is medicinal pellet that compares advanced, but only supplies the internal personnel to eat. 然而,木萧对外放出的药丸只是最低级一种,用的也是普通变异兽血肉制作而成,另外制作了强化版的药丸,例如用那三十巨狼做出来的药丸,就是一种比较高级药丸,但只供给内部人员食用。 Therefore, the motorcade does not conduct the far way, the people are also think that Mu Xiao variation beast, manufactures thing of medicinal pellet or the other big making up as soon as possible completely, planned that upgrade constitution small realm, prepares for sufficiently to continue the appearing on the market center to plunder the commodity outward thoroughly. 所以,车队不进行远途,众人也是想木萧尽快把全部变异兽,制作成药丸或其它大补之物,打算提升一个体质境界,做好充足准备才继续往外面市中心深入搜刮物资。 Before Mu Xiao and Shangguan Yuanxin, plundered the industrial districts in some secret enterprises custom-made, later Ding Qilue and An Rongru and other owners, provided the places of some secret industrial districts, plundered the goal to increase about three parts, if achieved the complete goal to plunder, that Villa Region had this huge commodity, Mu Xiao estimated that can resist the world forthcoming qualitative change. 之前木萧上官媛馨,定制搜刮一些隐秘企业的工业区,之后丁奇略安蓉茹等业主,又提供了一部分隐秘工业区的地点,搜刮目标增加三成左右,如果完成全部目标搜刮,那别墅区拥有这一股庞大物资,木萧估计可以抗过世界即将发生的质变。 , Also has strengthening version other medicine syntheses, medicated wines, medicinal meal and other producuction processes about Variation Beast Medicinal Pellet formula, Mu Xiao records in detail with LightBrain, then gave An Rongru and Mu Xuanyin taking care, later even he cannot use in Villa Region. 关于变异兽药丸配方、还有其它强化药剂的合成、药酒、药膳等制作过程,木萧都用光脑详细记录下来,然后交给了安蓉茹木绚音保管,以后就算他不在别墅区也可以利用。 Again, Mu Xiao not possible person of manufactures that completes too many medicines, therefore in the following day, Lü Xiaoman and Zhao Yiling, Tong Jingzhen and Mu Xuanyin, the Twelve Shadows woman, they becomes Mu Xiao apprentice. 再,木萧不可能一人完成太多药物的制作,所以在接下来的日子里面,吕晓蔓赵依凌童静珍木绚音,还有十二名影子女人,她们都成为了木萧身边的学徒 Mu Xiao taught carefully they dismember variation beast each part, uses these to eat, these are used as medicine, these have the spot poisonously also to manufacture the toxicant, instruction related variation beast knowledge. 木萧细心教导她们肢解变异兽每一个部分,利用那些可以食用,那些入药,那些有部位毒也可以制作成毒药,同时也传授相关变异兽的知识。 variation beast becomes the Villa Region hot topic all of a sudden, Mu Xiao also levies variation beast and medicinal herb publicly, each variation beast and each medicine, according to the strong and weak degree, can receive in exchange for one grain to 100 grain of Variation Beast Medicinal Pellet. 变异兽一下子成为了别墅区的热门话题,木萧也公开征收变异兽和药材,每一只变异兽、每一种药物,根据强弱程度,可以换取一粒至一百粒不等的变异兽药丸 Actually a ordinary poultry manufactures medicinal pellet, has about the 100 grain probably, but consumes medicine the type is quite many, but Mu Xiao can make a profit many. 其实一只普通家禽制作出来药丸,大概有一百粒左右,但消耗药物的种类比较多,但木萧还是可以从中获利得很多。 When this news sends out, immediately detonated everyone to surge upward, but stimulated mental. Soon, many people initiated the hunting action independently, regardless of Neo-Human and ordinary person also each other cooperates, after all the Neo-Human quantity is too small, if in addition several strong ordinary people, there is a certain battle efficiency available. 当这消息一发出,顿时引爆了所有人高涨而亢奋的精神。不久之后,很多人自主发起了狩猎行动,不论新人类普通人也彼此合作,毕竟新人类数量太小,如果加上几个强壮的普通人,还是有一定战斗力可用。 At this time, everyone had way forward diligently, Villa Region changed the beforehand death qi heavy atmosphere, became the vitality vigorous, regardless of male and female hōng hōng fierce to become powerhouse struggled. Although world was still full of the danger, but present everyone saw hope, rather than filled darkness likely in the past, no vitality despair. 这时候,每一个人都有了前进努力的方向,别墅区一改以前死气沉沉的气氛,变得朝气勃勃、不论男女轰轰烈烈为了成为强者而奋斗。虽然世界依然充满了危险,但现在大家看到了一个希望,而不是像以往充满黑暗,了无生机绝望 The seed of strengthen, germinates in Villa Region each individual heart always. 变强的种子,无时无刻在别墅区每一个人心中发芽。 ...... …… Because, section time has fight squads every other, seeks many domestic animal poultry class variation beast to come back, thus sped up the Mu Xiao's teaching process. Probably one week later, that Twelve Shadows woman, Lü Xiaoman, Zhao Yiling, Tong Jingzhen and Mu Xuanyin basically learned processing quite universal variation beast, mastered the medicinal pellet method of manufacturing. 由于,每隔段时间就有一支支战斗小队,猎取不少家畜家禽类的变异兽回来,从而加快了木萧的教学过程。大概一个星期之后,那十二名影子女人,还有吕晓蔓赵依凌童静珍木绚音基本学会了处理比较普遍的变异兽,也掌握了药丸的制作方法。 In this days, Mu Xiao took many teaching stuff and notes, including the Ability Origins classification, the characteristics of each origins system, what Neo-Human suits wait/etc. 这段日子里,木萧做了很多教学材料和记录,其中包括能力源泉的分类,每一种源泉体系的特征,适合什么样的新人类等等。 He the rebirth beforehand data intelligence, reorganizes part to record in LightBrain, caused reduced with An Rongru and Zhou Xuan intimate opportunity, but was together time to be many with Mu Xuanyin in disguised form. However two people have maintained the warm and close relations, but also does not have crosses any boundary, instead enjoys romantic love on this mental. 他把重生之前的资料信息,整理一部分记录到光脑里面,导致跟安蓉茹周萱亲热的机会减少了很多,但变相跟木绚音相处时间多了。不过两人一直保持温馨又亲密的关系,还没有越过任何界限,反而更享受这一种精神上的恋爱 Villa Region has Shangguan Yuanxin to manage to operate, high place building also installed five SSS Grade Nuclear Fission Ray Light Cannon that unloads from the laboratory, other S Grade and SS Grade firepower weapon, ten bio-machine dogs are responsible for going on patrol, Mu Xiao does not have what is good to be worried about the Villa Region issue, moreover Mu Xuanyin they have learned to manufacture medicinal pellet, these work can hand over by them are responsible. Therefore, the following day, Mu Xiao has handled the oneself matter night and day earnestly. 别墅区上官媛馨主持运作,高处建筑也加装了五门从研究室卸下来的sss级-核子分裂射线光炮,还有其它s级ss级火力武器,又有十只生化机械狗负责巡逻,木萧没有什么好担心别墅区的问题,而且木绚音她们已经学会制作药丸,这些工作都可以交由她们负责。所以,接下来的日子,木萧日以继夜一直埋头做自己的事情。 Mu Xiao constitution situated in Apex Body Four-layered Realm, has out of the ordinary Thought Divine Power, without fight, such ordinary staying up late, one month does not rest does not have anything to affect even, his mental is still exuberant, besides eating meal, he compiles some data intelligence in the room generally. 木萧体质处于顶尖体四重境,又有着非同凡响的意念神力,在不战斗的情况下,就这样平常的熬夜,就算一个月不休息都没有什么影响,他精神依然非常旺盛,除了吃饭之外,他一般都在房间编写一些资料信息。 Sometimes, Mu Xuanyin can come to accompany him with Zhou Xuan, but two females awake on the side bed, he maintains a work manner of highly efficiency, as if a workaholic is the same, whole person's consciousness invested in the oneself matter. 有时候,木绚音周萱会过来陪同他,但两女在旁边床上睡醒过来,他还是保持一个高效率的工作神态,就好象一个工作狂一样,整个人的意识都投入了自己的事情之中。 An Rongru only then goes out the hunting to come in Jian Hanyao, but saw Mu Xiao works earnestly, she also makes nearby accompaniment silently, sometimes Mu Xiao chatted several with her, but most Mu Xiao in the LightBrain compilation material, Mu Xuanyin will not disturb at this time, leaves time that two people lived alone. 安蓉茹只有在简涵瑶出外狩猎才会过来一趟,不过看到了木萧认真做事,她也只是默默做旁边陪同,有时木萧跟她聊几句,但多数木萧都是在光脑编写资料,这个时候木绚音也不会打扰,留给了两人独处的时间 Because Mu Xuanyin sensation oneself elder brother soon leaves Villa Region probably, not only stops is she, Shangguan Yuanxin and Zhou Xuan and other females have same sensation. 因为木绚音感觉自己哥哥好像快要离开别墅区,不单止是她,上官媛馨周萱等女子都有同样的感觉 They understand Mu Xiao to possibly make the breakthrough, therefore does not have has disturbed him, simultaneously their also does not have falls to itself battle efficiency upgrade, refining body art, hunts and kills variation monster upgrade Genetic Resonance frequency, they have to complete a quota every day, small progress. 她们明白木萧可能是为了做突破,所以一直没有打扰他,同时她们也没有落下对自身的战斗力提升,不论是炼体术,还是猎杀变异怪物提升基因共鸣次数,她们每天都有完成一个额度,有一个小进步。 Villa Region can describe with the rocket development, moreover in one group of ordinary people, often transmits some people to awaken the Neo-Human news, becomes Neo-Human to have must fight frequently, has Mu Xiao's medicinal pellet to strengthen the help of constitution, but this time climate has used to be hot madness to describe, but many constitution obtained temper and refine. 别墅区可以用火箭式发展来形容,而且一群普通人之中,不时传来有人觉醒成新人类的消息,成为新人类少不了要经常战斗,从中也有木萧的药丸加强体质的帮助,而这段时间气候已经用热得疯狂来形容,但很多人体质得到了淬炼 Because Shangguan Yuanxin is confirmed Mu Xiao's, sunlight really has the temper and refine constitution effect, but must pay attention to individual carrying capacity, if not pay attention, will very probably turn advantageously harmfully. 因为上官媛馨已经得到了木萧的证实,阳光确实有淬炼体质的效果,不过要注意个人承受力,如果不注意的话,很可能有利也会变成有害。 Current sunlight temper and refine constitution, but has the quite big effect on ordinary. 目前的阳光淬炼体质,只是对普通有比较大的效果。 Under all sorts of favorable development, often has ordinary person evolution to become Neo-Human, was not the surprised matter. 在种种有利情况之下,不时有普通进化新人类,也不是什么惊奇的事情了。 ...... …… After Villa Region entered the development, surrounding area ten li (0.5 km) variation monster was cleaned up gradually, each Neo-Human is energetic, vigor is exuberant, thus forms the powerful lifeform electromagnetic field that abundantly and rushes firmly and blazingly in Villa Region, variation monster was clear that what kind of dangerous threat feels Villa Region to have, therefore also does not have anything variation monster dares to attack, instead somewhat keen variation monster is far away from Villa Region gradually, vacates a bulk deathly stillness region. 别墅区进入了发展之后,方圆十里的变异怪物渐渐被清理,每一个新人类精力充沛,血气旺盛,从而在别墅区形成一股雄厚而刚强、炽烈而澎湃的强大生物电磁场,变异怪物清楚感受到别墅区有怎样的危险威胁,所以也没有什么变异怪物敢突袭过来,反而有些敏锐的变异怪物渐渐远离别墅区,空出一大块死寂区域。 Right now, many people became the ant to move to be the same, the thing that outside all can use moved back to Villa Region. 这下子,很多人成了蚂蚁搬家一样,外面一切能用上的东西都搬回了别墅区 Just before the end of second week, Mu Xiao more than ten days of does not have rests, the material of compilation, has completed this afternoon earnestly finally. 第二个星期快要结束的时候,木萧十多天没有休息,一直埋头编写的资料,终于在今天下午完成。 Had this material, I also felt relieved that goes out days, did not fear their battle efficiency stuck and not moving forward.” Mu Xiao conducted the encryption LightBrain, prepares to Mu Xuanyin and An Rongru taking care, but inside material is the related hundred Genetic Resonance evolution process, various Ability Origins characteristics introduced, including the pharmaceutical knowledge wait/etc, has big help to first phase Neo-Human. “有了这一份资料,我也放心出外一段日子,不怕她们战斗力停滞不前了。”木萧光脑进行了加密,准备给木绚音安蓉茹保管,而里面的资料是有关百次基因共鸣进化过程,还有各种能力源泉的特征介绍,包括药学的知识等等,对前期新人类有很大帮助性。 Ok, if ordinary Neo-Human resulted in this material, absolutely is existence that little gold/metal refers. 可以,如果一个普通新人类得了这一份资料,绝对是一个小金指的存在。 Compiled so many days, the Mu Xiao body and mental does not have what big weariness, is only a little dry and dull. 编写了这么多天,木萧身体和精神没有什么大的疲倦,只是有点枯燥 He soaked for quite a while to the bathroom comfortably, plans to have the lunch, compounds several medicine, helping oneself break through constitution, so long as promotes to Apex Body Five-layered Realm, leaves Villa Region, visits outside, is evolution realm makes the sprint. 他到浴室舒服泡了半天,打算吃过午饭,配制几份药剂,帮助自己突破体质,只要晋升到顶尖体五重境,就离开别墅区,到外面走一趟,为进化境界做冲刺。 After combing the hair and wash the face one, the Mu Xiao whole person god fresh air is bright, the heart feeling of dry and dull, having the room smelled food to be fragrant, this time Mu Xuanyin is not making medicinal pellet, in her oneself the business that looks for office that’ processes the survivor, or went hunting with Jian Hanyao this insane girl, in brief she passes every day very substantially. 梳洗一番之后,木萧整个人神清气朗,了心腔之中的枯燥之感,出了房间就闻到了一阵饭香,这个时间木绚音不是在制造药丸,就是在她那个自己找来的‘办公室’处理幸存者的事务,又或者跟了简涵瑶这个疯丫头打猎,总之她每天过得很充实。 Mu Xiao does not need to induce also knows that the person in kitchen is Xia Meiqin, she helped Mu Xuanyin make the management, Mu Xiao has long known very much, including and was the maid in this villa, the females of two beautiful appearance, this was Shangguan Yuanxin chooses. 木萧不用感应也知道在厨房的人是夏美琴,她帮助木绚音做管理,木萧很早已经知道,包括兼做了这个别墅的女佣,还有两名美貌的女子,这都是上官媛馨挑选过来的。 However, today only then Xia Meiqin prepares food here, that two beautiful appearance females not. 不过,今天只有夏美琴在这里做饭,那两名美貌女子不在。 frequency that Mu Xiao and Xia Meiqin are together alone are not many, in day that in he works earnestly, almost neglected existence of Xia Meiqin, only then eats meal meets 1~2, but does not have what is good to talk, after Xia Meiqin as if undergoes that seduction, does not dare to have what sound. 木萧夏美琴单独相处的次数不多,在他埋头做事的日子里面,几乎忽略了夏美琴的存在,只有吃饭的时候见得一两面,但没有什么好交谈,夏美琴仿佛经过那次诱惑之后,也不敢有什么动静。 At this time, Xia Meiqin heard some people to come behind, then looked, could not expect at this time Mu Xiao came out. 这时,夏美琴听到身后有人过来,回头一看,预料不到这个时候木萧出来。 front section time Mu Xuanyin is not, Xia Meiqin is the meal that makes stays in the kitchen, waits for Mu Xiao oneself to bring to eat, if Mu Xuanyin in the villa, Mu Xiao will come out by drawing, there is Mu Xuanyin to dare to disturb Mu Xiao, Xia Meiqin does not dare to do this, but present sees Mu Xiao to come out, has probably also completed the appearance of work, immediately a little feels helpless. 前段时间木绚音不在,夏美琴都是做好的饭菜留在厨房,等木萧自己拿来吃的,如果木绚音在别墅,木萧才会被拉出来,也有木绚音敢打扰木萧,夏美琴可不敢这样做,但现在看到木萧出来,好像还一副已经做好了工作的样子,顿时有点不知所措。 Mu Xiao sits on the table, looked at a little busy foot chaotic Xia Meiqin, asked: Xuanyin?” 木萧坐在餐桌上,看了一眼有点忙脚乱的夏美琴,问道:“绚音呢?” She... she left with the Zhou Xuan motorcade probably.” A Xia Meiqin pair of clear and bright eye pupil, a little natural bewitches the charming, cautious say/way. “她…她好像跟了周萱的车队出了。”夏美琴一双水盈盈的眼眸,有点天然的勾魂妩媚,小心翼翼的道。 „.” Mu Xiao said: Has anything to eat, tip.” “哦。”木萧道:“有什么东西吃的,先端上来吧。” Un.” “嗯。”
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