REE :: Volume #2

#148: The conformity and development arrange

Mu Xiao does not pay attention to the people stunned facial expression, a language decided this matter. 木萧不理会众人错愕的神情,一语决定了这一件事情。 Zhao Yiling and Tong Jingzhen also a little handle, cannot think of a Mu Xiao arrangement such woman side them, but both females are not the stupid people, pondered a general idea understands clearly the Mu Xiao's intention, but teaches this woman to one, simultaneously makes this woman be the bodyguard, handles affairs in Villa Region conveniently. 赵依凌童静珍也有点措不及,想不到木萧安排这样一个女人在她们身边,但两女都不是笨的人,细想了一番大概了然木萧的用意,只是给一个教训这个女人,同时让这个女人做保镖,方便在别墅区行事。 Only then Aybar is a little disappointed, does not have obtains rewarding of Yun Shuxue this beautiful woman. Instead Ding Qilue feels at ease, understands that Mu Xiao really do not eliminate Yun Shuxue zi to tempt with hope, will otherwise not give a deadline conservative, will not arrange Yun Shuxue to protect these two young girls, obviously suppresses a oneself side people arrogance, punishes the impoliteness of Yun Shuxue. 只有艾巴尔有点失望,没有得到云舒雪这个美女的赏赐。反而丁奇略安心下来,明白木萧不是真的要剥夺云舒雪的zi诱和希望,否则不会留有余地给出一个期限,也不会安排云舒雪保护这两个少女,明显只是打压自己一方人的气焰,还有处罚云舒雪的无礼。 Comes relatively, Shangguan Yuanxin, Mu Xuanyin, Zhou Xuan, Yan Shaonan and Jiang Yunwei...... and other disaffection in female original heart and uncomfortable feeling also disappears. Including person involved Yun Shuxue, after listening to be clear Mu Xiao's words, that pale facial expression restored bloody gradually, but still regretted to impulse greatly, does not have develops in the direction that could not withstand luckily. She tightened the despair mood to obtain the moment to relax, the decision wanted at heart also in this Villa Region, did not oppose with this fellow......, but did everyone have the capital of opposing? 相对来,上官媛馨木绚音周萱严韶楠蒋云蔚……等女本来心中的不满和不舒服之感也随之消。包括当事人云舒雪,当听清楚了木萧的话之后,那惨白的脸容渐渐恢复血色,但依然大为后悔冲动出,幸好没有往那不堪的方向发展。她绷紧绝望的心情得到了片刻缓和,心里决定只要还在这个别墅区,就不跟这个家伙作对……可是大家还有作对的资本么? Perhaps these three owners are not convinced with are very unwilling, but what's the big deal? 或许这三名业主很不服气和很不甘心,但那又如何? In the past that 20 many owners only died to remain their five, the present entire Villa Region strongest battle efficiency is the Mu Xiao's person, in addition a Mu Xiao this person resisted night variation monster, moreover motorcade's critical moment appearance in the variation beast attack, saved most people's life without doubt, obtained few people's gratitude in disguised form. Therefore, Mu Xiao and motorcade stood erect the prestige in the Villa Region ordinary person mind, so long as then the Mu Xiao release point good intentions and protect their intentions, even bestow hope of their strength, wins over these strength base and low ordinary people absolutely with ease. 以往那二十多名业主只死剩他们五个,现在整个别墅区的最强战斗力都是木萧的人,加上木萧这次一人抵挡了夜间的变异怪物,而且车队在变异兽袭击的关键时刻出现,无疑拯救大部分人的性命,变相得到了一部分人的感激。因此,木萧和车队都在别墅区普通人心目中竖立了威信,只要接下来木萧释放点善意和保护他们的意向,甚至赐予他们力量的希望,绝对轻松拉拢这些力量卑微的普通人。 Villa Region has become his influence thoroughly, if given time loses order era to have the space in this chaos inevitably, specially no one knows that he had knowledge of many secrets...... this is also the matter that Ding Qilue and in Yun Shuxue their hearts dreaded alarmed and afraid. 别墅区已经彻底成为了他的势力,假以时日必然在这个混乱秩序时代有一席之地,特别无人知道他掌握了多少秘密……这也是丁奇略云舒雪他们心中最为惊惧忌惮的事情。 Mu Xiao displays many mysterious, in some people's mind will lay down the seed of dread gradually. 木萧表现出越多神秘,在一些人心目中渐渐就会埋下畏惧的种子。 This evening, Villa Region conforms finally truly together. 这一个晚上,别墅区总算真正整合在一起。 After Mu Xiao deter the Villa Region person, swept motorcade these Neo-Human, in their expression cocky, looks that kneels down Ding Qilue that and the others also does not have gets up, the corners of the mouth have the happy expression of ridicule slightly, lets Ding Qilue and the others deep sensation to aggrieved incomparable. 木萧震慑别墅区的人之后,扫了一眼车队那些新人类,他们每个人表情上神气活现,看着跪下还没有起来的丁奇略等人,嘴角微微有着嘲弄的笑意,让丁奇略等人深深感觉到憋屈无比。 You can.” Mu Xiao knocked on the desktop, the eye pupil bright glow sharp twinkle, as if such as a sharp sword, blows on motorcade these Neo-Human faces, on each sensation face thorn numb numb fresh pain. Immediately, in all will of the people one startled, immediately lowers the head, a clear possible oneself side to be happily excessive. “你们可以起来了。”木萧敲了敲桌面上,眼眸精芒锋利闪烁,仿佛如一把利剑,刮车队那些新人类脸上,每一个感觉脸上刺刺麻麻的生痛。顿时,所有人心里一惊,马上低下了头,清楚可能自己一方得意过头了。 Really they heard the Mu Xiao's words, in the heart slightly cool. 果然他们听到了木萧的话,心中微凉。 You very proudly? If you coerce their relied on the true strength are truly proud, rather than displays the pride of oneself taking advantage of my prestige, that instead makes my sensation you be only one crowd of bullying the weak by relying on powerful connections useless thing.” “你们很骄傲是吗?如果你们凭真正实力压服他们那才是真正骄傲,而不是借我之威来表现自己的骄傲,那反而让我感觉你们只是一群狐假虎威的无用之物。” Spreads the personality that Mu Xiao has been subject to changing moods in the motorcade, most people become with trepidation, for fear that he blames. 在车队中流传过木萧喜怒无常的性情,大部分人变得提心吊胆,生怕他怪罪下来。 Happen to you want to display the pride of oneself, a that then my second matter, satisfied your intention completely.” Mu Xiao said: Villa Region will reorganize tomorrow officially, starts to put into the development, who can look for the commodity of getting bigger and bigger value from outside, can obtain refining body art the law of exercise, from SSS constitution, breaks through Neo-Human Apex Body qualitative refining body art, person who obtains the commodity, but can also obtain the medicine that I make......” “正好你们都想表现自己的骄傲,那接下来我第二件事情,就完全满足你们心意了。”木萧道:“别墅区明天正式整顿,开始投入发展,谁能从外面找来越多越大价值的物资,可以获得炼体术的锻炼之法,也就是从3s体质,突破新人类顶尖体质的炼体术,其中获得物资的人,还可以得到我制造的药物……” Then, Mu Xiao lets Shangguan Yuanxin solution anything is refining body art, the effects of all sorts of medicines. 接下来,木萧上官媛馨解什么是炼体术,还有种种药物的功效。 Ding Qilue and the others also not clear anything is refining body art, but they in former hear of Mu Xiao, he have been capable of making to strengthen the constitution medicine. However, Ding Qilue and the others heard the breakthrough of SSS Grade constitution, saw in the motorcade Neo-Human to be full of the warm look, then listened to Shangguan Yuanxin's to explain refining body art...... 丁奇略等人还不清楚什么是炼体术,但他们在之前听木萧过,他有能力制造增强体质的药物。不过,丁奇略等人听到sss级体质的突破,又看到了车队里一个个新人类充满热烈的眼神,然后就听了上官媛馨的讲解炼体术…… After Shangguan Yuanxin ends, Neo-Human that motorcade these had a smattering of knowledge, is very at heart fiery immediately, obtained the refining body art fight absolutely more powerful than clearly several times present, meant that the survival capability increased. 上官媛馨完之后,车队本来那些一知半解的新人类,心里顿时无比火热,清楚得到了炼体术战斗绝对比现在强大几倍,意味生存能力大增。 Aybar and Cheng Shugao part follows earliest in Mu Xiao Neo-Human, they have repaired refining body art, but Mu Xiao has not permitted the private biography, they do not want to be exceeded, therefore has kept secret very much, but Zhou Xuan and other female unintentional also discloses some information, attracted the attention of motorcade many Neo-Human, had suggested that so long as tries hard to work for the motorcade, can obtain refining body art method of cultivation, present Mu Xiao gives was clear about the information, the person nature in motorcade hits a chicken blood core to be hot. 艾巴尔程书高这一部分最早跟在木萧身边的新人类,他们已经修有炼体术,但木萧过不准私传,他们也不想被人超越,所以一直保密得很,只是周萱等女有意无意也泄露出一些信息,吸引了车队很多新人类的关注,也暗示过只要努力为车队做事,就可以得到炼体术修炼之法,现在木萧给出了明确信息,车队里的人自然打了鸡血一样心热。 Neo-Human of other motorcade, Ding Qilue and Pang Xuejun and the others are extremely also excited, their constitution has been in SSS Grade peak to be very long, but does not have breaks through slowly, even absorbed strengthening origins unable to break this boundary, present knew realm that had Neo-Human Apex Body, not excited that was false. 别车队的新人类,丁奇略庞学军等人也极其心动,他们体质一直处于sss级巅峰很久,但迟迟没有突破,就算吸收强化源泉也无法突破这个界限,现在得知了有新人类顶尖体境界,不心动那是假的。 Ding Qilue understands why at this moment Mu Xiao has self-confident control all, originally he grasped mysterious method of cultivation, grasped everyone's most big in disguised form **, has anything more attractive than the strength in this Ending World era, had the strength to be equal to having all, but to obtain the strength from him, must submit, this was the information that he passed...... 丁奇略这一刻明白木萧为什么有自信掌控一切,原来他掌握了神秘修炼之法,变相掌握了所有人的最大**,在这个末世时代有什么东西比力量更加有吸引力,拥有力量就等于拥有了一切,但如果想从他中获得力量,必须臣服,这是他透出来的信息…… however, in this time Neo-Human, constitution only in SSS Grade peak, because Neo-Human Bloodline Gene and whole body organism does not have achieves the conjunction, did not have the help of miracle medicine to change like Mu Xiao from the beginning optimized Bloodline Gene, equal in Dazao good constitution foundation, like variation monster extreme gene, not stimulating the biggest potential to be a Apex Body degree. 然而,多数在这个时期的新人类,体质只在sss级巅峰,因为新人类血脉基因和全身肌体没有达到契合,不像木萧一开始就有奇迹药剂的帮助改变了优化血脉基因,相等于打造好了体质根基,更不像变异怪物极端基因,激发了最大潜力达到了一个顶尖体的程度。 But after crossing time, world will have the conjunction of transformation accelerate ripening Neo-Human Bloodline Gene and organism, thus many Neo-Human will promote Apex Body. Naturally, if present uses refining body art, will promote Apex Body to be only advantageous and harmless quickly, but can also exceed numerous Neo-Human. 但过一段时间之后,世界发生变化就会催熟新人类血脉基因和肌体的契合,从而有很多新人类晋升顶尖体。当然,如果现在利用炼体术,快加晋升顶尖体只会有利而无害,还可以超越众多新人类 Ding Qilue and the others in the heart enough struggled very much contradictory, accepted this strength very much clearly, meant that put on the shackles to oneself, later wants to be separated is difficult. 丁奇略等人心中够很挣扎很矛盾,明白接受了这种力量,意味给自己套上了枷锁,以后想脱离就难上加难了。 ...... …… Mu Xiao arranges Aybar and Jiang Yunwei and the others, coordinating Shangguan Yuanxin to plan a system of dedication value, makes the Villa Region person have a target direction explicitly, later high-end weapon, top grade medicine, method of cultivation and so on advantage, received exchange with dedication value completely. 木萧安排艾巴尔蒋云蔚等人,配合上官媛馨策划一个奉献值的制度,明确让别墅区的人有一个目标方向,以后高端武器、特级药物、修炼之法等等的好处,全部用奉献值来换取。 present has not established this system truly, but announced that knows to this crowd of Neo-Human, making them have a psychology to prepare, and stimulation mutual competition, strengthens everyone's sense of belonging to the Villa Region. 现在还未真正成立这个制度,只是预告给这一群新人类知道,让他们有一个心理准备,以及激发互相竞争,加强所有人对别墅区的归属感。 Finally, Mu Xiao several not too big nor too small things. 最后,木萧又了几件不大不小的事情。 Villa Region conducts the comprehensive water and comprehensive elimination flowers and plants trees. Meanwhile, plans to start to conduct from the Villa Region surrounding edge to unearth a trench, establishes a small city Villa Region. Naturally, this is a very big project, must have the relevant personnel, as well as related machinery tool. 别墅区进行全面储水、全面清除花草树木。同时,计划从别墅区外围边缘开始进行挖掘一条壕沟,把别墅区建立成一个的小城池。当然,这是一项很大的工程,必须有相关人员,以及相关的机械工具。 Under the Mu Xiao instruction discovers to understand that in the survivor the building talent, conducts the record sorting the personal ability of survivor, later goes out the collection commodity, looks for some building robot and building material and building machinery as far as possible comes back. 木萧吩咐下在幸存者之中找出懂得建筑的人才,把幸存者的个人能力进行记录分类,以后出外搜集物资,也尽量找一些建筑机器人和建筑材料、建筑机械回来。 He also told everyone clearly, if can rescue many to come back Villa Region as far as possible, because these develop Villa Region manpower resource, Neo-Human was also born in the ordinary person, cannot neglect this small and weak community. Moreover, Mu Xiao knows, wants to search for and seize the ordinary person becomes difficult, will have the formation of big or small influence world to a period, like gaining population, only then annexes a road to walk. 他也明确告诉所有人,如果可以就尽量救助多一点人回来别墅区,因为这些都是发展别墅区的人力资源,新人类也是在普通人之中诞生,不能忽略这个弱小群体。而且,木萧知道以后想寻获更多普通人会变得困难,世界到了一个时期就会有大小势力的形成,像获取人口只有吞并一条路可走。 Actually wants to obtain the population, can reproduce next generation, but must the tranquil time section, takes a completely safe calm and steady environment, human can give birth to reproduce a large number of people. 其实想获得人口,可以繁殖下一代,但就必须有一个平静的时间段,也要一个完全安全安稳的环境,人类才能生育繁殖出大量人口。 But the Neo-Human birth is not such difficulty, so long as grasped itself transformation, can make the ordinary female harbor oneself bloodline momentarily, if naturally the female is also Neo-Human, under both sides coordinate to be easier to have the oneself bloodline flesh and blood. 新人类生育不是那样的困难,只要掌握了自身变化,随时可以让普通女性怀有自己血脉,当然如果女性也是新人类,那双方配合之下更加容易有自己血脉骨肉。 And the Neo-Human birth was not pregnant like the past such long period, more powerful Neo-Human, more can control body all, including giving birth to time, the baby not adverse effect that was born ahead of time, because was the Neo-Human mother can strengthen the oneself bloodline energy on the baby, therefore in the future period, many baby birth was Apex Body. 其中新人类生育不像以往那样怀孕这么长时期,越强大的新人类,越可以控制身体一切,包括生育时间,提前出生的婴儿也不会不良影响,因为身为新人类的母亲可以把自己血脉能量加强在婴儿身上,所以在未来时期,很多婴儿一出生就是顶尖体 ...... …… At this time, Mu Xiao transmitted the right to speak to Shangguan Yuanxin, her strict order Villa Region must have peaceful order, forbade to humiliate small and weakly, massacred the ordinary person and wait/etc matter happened , after some arrangements, other Mu Xiao also does not have things wanted, the conference then dismissed, everyone...... the different mood thoughts leaves with warm, contradiction and hope. 这时候,木萧把话语权转交给了上官媛馨,她严令别墅区必须有一个安宁的秩序,禁止欺凌弱小,残杀普通人等等的事情发生,又了一些安排之后,木萧没有其余事情要,会议便解散,每一个人怀着热烈、矛盾、渴望……不同的情绪心思离开。 After other bystanders are exposed, only then Mu Xiao and Shangguan Yuanxin they stay behind, originally Yun Shuxue has treated behind Mu Xiao, she walks is not, does not walk is not, at heart annoying incomparable and disturbed unsettled. But Mu Xiao is also disinclined to pay attention to her, but Zhao Yiling and Tong Jingzhen understand this woman already, whatever they dispatch, therefore asked her first to return, tomorrow morning will come again. 其他外人走光之后,只有木萧上官媛馨她们留下,本来还有一个云舒雪一直待在了木萧背后,她走也不是,不走也不是,心里懊恼无比又忐忑不安。而木萧也懒得理会她,不过赵依凌童静珍明白这个女人已经任由她们差遣,于是叫她先回,明早再过来。 Yun Shuxue can only be filled with depressed departure. 云舒雪只能满心郁结的离开。 ...... …… You did not fear that woman, did harbor the illegal thoughts to Yiling and Jingzhen?” Say/Way that Zhou Xuan does not feel relieved: She is quite strong Neo-Human, if she wants leaves to Yiling and Jingzhen, that was equal to giving a bomb side Yiling and Jingzhen.” “你不怕那个女人,对依凌静珍怀有不轨心思了?”周萱不放心的道:“她可是一个实力不错的新人类,如果她想对依凌静珍出,那等于给了一个炸弹在依凌静珍身边。” „A more intelligent person, more treasures the oneself life, moreover she good to live with great difficulty, there is such a strength, so will not be stupid to Yiling and Jingzhen leaves.” Say/Way that Mu Xiao thinks otherwise, at heart clear Zhao Yiling is not a female who is easy to relax the guard, is uncertain she to suppress Yun Shuxue this woman. “越聪明的人,越珍惜自己的命,而且她好好不容易活下来,又有这样的实力,不会如此愚蠢对依凌静珍出。”木萧不以为然的道,心里清楚赵依凌不是一个容易放下戒心的女子,不定她可以压制住云舒雪这个女人。 Catches, Mu Xiao also said: present Villa Region only has their these five small fish, cannot turn the rough seas, so long as we excavate to select Neo-Human, forms a situation. At that time, their being unwilling will only be assimilated by the situation gradually.” 接住,木萧又道:“现在别墅区只剩下他们这五条小鱼,根本翻不起大浪,我们只要发掘出多点新人类,形成一个大势。那时候,他们的不甘只会渐渐被大势同化。” We whether to return to Law Firm?” “我们是不是可以回一趟律师楼了?” Shangguan Yuanxin does not care about these goose bumps obviously the minor matters. 上官媛馨显然不关心这些鸡毛蒜皮的小事。 Un.” Mu Xiao stands up saying: That.” “嗯。”木萧站起道:“那吧。”
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