REE :: Volume #2

#147: Giving loyalty to

In the garden of quiet cold deathly stillness, the night wind such as deep cold water, drenches everyone all over the body lives cold, panic-stricken unsettled looks that in the midair a graceful tender body unceasingly struggles, like a butterfly that is stranded in the spider web, cannot work loose destiny that allows to be oppressed. 幽冷死寂的花园之中,夜风如一泓冷水,淋得所有人遍体生寒,惊骇不安的看着半空中一具婀娜多姿的娇躯不断挣扎,如同一只困在蜘蛛网的蝴蝶,挣脱不开任人宰割的命运 In the ground two men, lost the consciousness, another pain covered the chest, spat a blood, the forced smile. 地面上两个男人,一个失了意识,另一个痛苦捂住了胸口,吐了一口血,苦笑不已。 Mu Xiao haughty sits, the facial expression is indifferent, does not get angry, but the prestige, that slender strong body, contains exuberantly such as fire the strength of vigor, the abundant pressure that sends out must look like mountain unshakeable, forms atmosphere that surrounding sinks to congeal depressing, just like a giant stone to press in the people heart, the atmosphere is hard to breathe. 木萧大马金刀坐在此间,神情淡然,不怒而威,那修长健硕的躯体,蕴含旺盛如火的血气之力,散发出来的雄厚威压得像一座高山般不可撼动,形成周围一股压抑沉凝的气氛,犹如一块巨石压在众人心头上,大气都难以喘一口。 powerhouse is to revere, isn't the weak one you clear to present for inferior...... this truth?” The Mu Xiao facial expression is solemn, bright glow of pupil glittering startled fear will of the people, present Villa Region does not need individual will, I once gave the opportunity that you chose tolerantly, but in I leave in Villa Region this days, you not only does not have grasps well, gives back to me to play superficial one set, back one set of inferior acrobatics, when really I am an ignorant weak child, whatever you play, big show the superiority feeling of your schemes and tricks?” 强者为尊,弱者为卑……难道这个道理到现在你们还不明白么?”木萧神情冷峻,眸光闪烁惊慑人心的精芒,“现在别墅区不需要个人意志,我曾经宽容给了你们选择的机会,但在我离开别墅区这段日子里,你们非但没有好好把握,还给我玩表面一套,背后一套的低劣把戏,真当我是一个无知软弱的小孩任由你们玩耍,大秀你们阴谋诡计的优越感了?” The scene condensation in garden, peripheral withered the flowers and plants that turned yellow as if to tie cold frost. In the Villa Region side of storm eye center, the faces of other that three owners sink to congeal to drop the water leakage, their surface strong self-stabilization, actually at heart unsettled, including that several ordinary Neo-Human faces also to have the scared look, only then Pang Xuejun side a man and a woman kept quiet, but Mu Xiao swept one slightly coldly, immediately they are also trembling. 花园里的场面更加冷凝,周边枯萎发黄的花草仿佛都结上了一层寒霜。处于暴风眼中心的别墅区一方,余下那三位业主的面庞沉凝得滴出水来,他们表面强自镇定,实则心里非常不安,包括了那几名普通新人类脸上也有了惧色,只有庞学军身边一男一女保持安静,但木萧微微冷冽地扫了一眼过,顿时他们心里也在打颤。 „The Shuxue does not have blunder, hope you can put her.” 舒雪没有大错,希望您能放了她。” The Ding Qilue facial features stand up from the ground bitterly and astringently slowly, took to wipe the blood on mouth from the bag mouth, the attitude respectful say/way: We acknowledged that does not have is good to look after Madam An and Miss Hanyao, but their two people have the sufficient strength to protect itself, even in the constitution aspect outstanding our complete person, does not insert struggle between other owner and Madam An as for us, maintains the peace of Villa Region, otherwise the strength under variation beast attack perhaps our does not have resistance. Again, our does not have has felt embarrassed them, according to you told that turned in blood bead, we wrong are insufficient dead......” 丁奇略面容苦涩缓缓从地上站起,从袋口抽出帕抹了抹嘴上的鲜血,态度恭敬的道:“我们承认没有好照料安夫人涵瑶小姐,但她们两人有足够力量保护自身,甚至在体质方面优异过我们全部人,至于我们不插其他业主和安夫人之间的斗争,也是维护别墅区的安宁,否则变异兽来袭也许我们没有抵抗下的力量了。再,我们没有为难过她们两人,也按照你吩咐上缴了血珠,我们错不至于死……” Ding Qilue understands to grasp the key point very much, avoids the struggles of beforehand Villa Region An Rongru and these owners, moreover his also sensation to Mu Xiao does not have killing intentions, understands that this is a Mu Xiao's lesson, or is a demonstration of authority, the true intention is to think oneself side troops submits to thoroughly. 丁奇略很懂得抓住重点,回避之前别墅区安蓉茹和那些业主的斗争,而且他也感觉木萧没有杀机,明白这是木萧的一个教训,或者是一个下马威,真正用意是想自己一方人马彻底臣服。 Snort!” Jian Hanyao cold snort/hum, to the Ding Qilue words, indifferent expression. “哼!”简涵瑶冷哼了一声,对丁奇略的话,不置可否 If you handled the overdone matter, you think that also has the life to stand before me the words?” Mu Xiao looked at one indifferently, in the midair struggles more and more weak Yun Shuxue, her eyeball turns upward, the rich and smooth white and tender face becomes purple-red, the small mouth puts out the bright red tongue slightly, is uncomfortable has approached suffocates. “如果你们做了过火的事情,你认为还有命站在我面前话?”木萧冷眼看了一眼,半空中挣扎越来越来无力的云舒雪,她眼珠往上翻,丰润白嫩的脸庞变得紫红色,小嘴微微吐出鲜红的舌头,难受得已经临近窒息。 Suddenly, Thoughtsource Power throws, the Yun Shuxue abundant graceful tender body, has drawn the a stream exquisite parabola, falls behind Mu Xiao, at this time everyone heard his faint words. 忽然,念源力一抛,云舒雪丰盈曼妙的娇躯,划过一道优美的抛物线,落在木萧背后,这时候所有人听到了他淡漠的话。 She has this to me is disrespects, after punishment makes my female slave. If not comply with, dead end, if there is a betrayal, where no matter escapes, is the dead end......” “她对我出这是不敬,作为处罚以后就做我的女奴。若不遵从,死路一条,若有背叛,不管逃到什么地方,也是死路一条……” The conference arrives at present from the beginning, Shangguan Yuanxin does not have are too from beginning to end many surprisedly, included Mu Xiao to give in her the Villa Region biggest power, she was also one mind like still water, the calm free facial expression, when heard Mu Xiao to disparage female slave Yun Shuxue. Her black eyebrow selected to return to slightly normal. 会议一开始到现在,上官媛馨从头到尾没有太多惊讶,包括了木萧别墅区最大的权力给予她中,她也是一副心如止水、淡定自若的神情,只是当听到了木萧云舒雪贬低成女奴。她黛眉微微挑了一下又恢复了平静。 ...... And other females a little swept Mu Xiao as for Zhou Xuan, Mu Xuanyin, Zhao Yiling, Sun Xinyue and Yan Shaonan accidentally/surprisingly, their clear Mu Xiao's personality, is not a forcing someone to do something against his will villain, does not understand why Mu Xiao shames Yun Shuxue like this, perhaps in other person of eyes, Mu Xiao settled on the Yun Shuxue beauty, but they do not think are this, because their does not have has been forced to receive by Mu Xiao for the woman has proven this point. 至于周萱木绚音赵依凌孙新月严韶楠……等女有点意外扫了一眼木萧,她们清楚木萧的性情,不是一个强人所难的恶棍,不明白木萧为什么这样羞辱云舒雪,也许在其他人眼中,木萧是看中了云舒雪的美色,但她们不认为是这样,因为她们一直没有木萧强制收为女人就已经证明了这一点。 however, Yun Shuxue in the light ripe female stage, the stature sends plentifully wonderfully, ripe, but is not colorful, noble, but Athens, fair gently beautiful is passing charming faintly, bright eyes and white teeth, the cheeks are full, seem polished, the exquisite nose, the snow white skin...... truly is a beautiful woman who has the noble air. 然而,云舒雪处于轻熟女的阶段,身材丰腴妙致,熟而不艳,高贵而雅典,白皙柔美中隐隐透着一股妩媚,明眸皓齿,脸颊饱满丰腴,显得珠圆玉润,小巧的鼻子,雪白的皮肤……确实是一个有贵气的美丽女人。 Many men on the scene suspected, Mu Xiao settled on the Yun Shuxue beauty. 在场很多男人怀疑,木萧是看中了云舒雪的美色。 But Shangguan Yuanxin understands quickly Mu Xiao's intention, shaming Yun Shuxue is actually suppresses an owner side the arrogance, making in their subconscious lose in the past the dignity in heart. 上官媛馨很快就明白了木萧的用意,羞辱云舒雪其实是打压业主一方的气焰,让他们潜意识里一个个失以往心底里的尊严。 At this time, in rear returns to Yun Shuxue that comes pantingly to hear oneself to turn into female slave distressedly, almost ashamed and resentful yu certainly, but present can only control the oneself reason, cannot leave, otherwise was definitely killed, only will then win over others to break away from the control of Villa Region from now on, but if he has the illegal thoughts tonight, can only maintain oneself these many years of pure and chaste at risk of life. 此时,在后方狼狈回过气来的云舒雪一听到自己变成女奴,差点羞愤yu绝,但现在只能控制住自己的理智,不能在出,否则肯定被杀,只有过后拉拢其他人脱离别墅区的控制,但如果今晚他有不轨心思,只能拼死保持自己这多年的贞洁。 Neo-Human had the strength mentality to have the superiority feeling, noble person who especially some once kept aloof, therefore Yun Shuxue is unable to accept a base and low status. 新人类有了力量心态有了优越感,特别是一些曾经高高在上的高贵之人,所以云舒雪无法接受一个如此卑微的身份。 Then the Mu Xiao's words, her whole body feels cold gradually, facial features blanch, even these have the owner of disloyalty, the whole body such as was blown by the cold wind, can't help but trembles. 只是接下来木萧的话,她渐渐全身发冷,面容发白,甚至那些有异心的业主,浑身如被冷风一吹,不由瑟瑟发抖。 „...... Do not think that was separated from Villa Region you to obtain peacefully, so long as you dare to betray, that life only then can not be peaceful, because here is the influence that I rose, the traitor will become my influence must kill the list, moreover on Earth, only then I grasped to train the Neo-Human method, present my woman was the best example, each of them was more powerful than you, later only then more and more powerhouse were born in this, didn't my influence possibly rise? Escaped the temporary person, could not escape for a lifetime, finally traitor only then chased down destiny, my influence is getting bigger and bigger, covers the dark cloud of your top of the head to be only getting stronger and stronger. Does not fear to tell you, the world crisis just started, most when darkness also does not have arrives, although does not know whether you can live, but I know that you flee Villa Region, means that lost my direction and asylum, death follows your side...... to be most important you to lose every time, I to the strength that you bring.” “……别以为脱离了别墅区你们可以得到安生,只要你们敢背叛,那此生只有不得安生,因为这里将会是我崛起的势力,背叛者将会成为我势力的必杀名单,而且地球上只有我掌握训练新人类的方法,现在我身边的女人是最好的例子,她们每一个人都比你们强大,以后只有越来越多强者在此诞生,那我的势力怎么可能不崛起?逃得了一时的人,逃不掉一辈子,最终背叛者只有被追杀的命运,我势力越来越大,笼罩你们头顶的乌云只会越来越浓厚。不怕告诉你们,世界危机才刚刚开始,最黑暗之时还没有到来,虽然不知道你们能否活下,但我知道你们逃离别墅区,意味着失了我的指引和庇护,死亡每时每刻都跟随你们身边……最重要你们将会失,我给你们带来的力量。” Whether the Mu Xiao final words saying things just to frighten people, a person of Villa Region side cannot affirm, but they only know that Mu Xiao definitely had the capital of rise, Mu Xiao short time comes back, led a pair of motorcade, there are Zhou Xuan and the others the powerful battle efficiency, without doubt was a swayed in front fact, Mu Xiao really has to train the Neo-Human method. 木萧最后的话是否危言耸听,别墅区一方的人不敢肯定,但他们只知道木萧绝对有崛起的资本,木萧短短时间回来,带领了一对车队,又有周萱等人强悍的战斗力,无疑是一个摆在面前的事实,木萧确实有训练新人类的方法。 But refining body art that method these owners do not know. 而那方法正是那些业主不知道的炼体术 Suddenly, Villa Region that four ordinary Neo-Human, looked at one mutually, bends the waist to kneel to Mu Xiao. 忽然,别墅区那四名普通新人类,互相看了一眼,弯下腰向木萧跪了下来。 Lord Xiao, we are willing to give loyalty to!” 萧主,我们愿意效忠!” They have been suppressed the head in Villa Region by one group of owners, a ship of present owner side had submerged quickly, yesterday and they have also obtained a big information from Neo-Human of motorcade today, including Mu Xiao in the title of motorcade, simultaneously understands after all sorts of advantage that joins the motorcade, immediately unified the opinion, but among them has a person to display eagerly, was stroked by Mu Xiao fainted, but their four people seized this giving loyalty to opportunity. 他们一直在别墅区都被一群业主压住了头,现在业主一方的船已经快沉没,昨天和今天他们又从车队的新人类得到过不小信息,其中包括了木萧在车队的称谓,同时明白了加入车队的种种好处之后,马上了统一了意见,只是他们当中有一个人急于表现,才被木萧一击打晕了过,但他们四人还是把握了这一个效忠的机会。 Lord Xiao, I... my I am also willing to give loyalty to......” that originally by Mu Xiao strikes to faint Neo-Human, some time ago had waked, but heart startled Mu Xiao blames, pretends does not have to wake up, but when heard other four people of statements, he not only the does not have hate, instead does not want to miss like this golden opportunity, is impatient standing up statement that tumbles. 萧主,我…我我也愿意效忠……”那个本来被木萧击晕过的新人类,不久前已经醒了过来,只是心惊木萧怪责下来,才假装没有醒来,但当听到了其余四人的表态,他非但没有怨恨,反而不想错失这样的大好机会,心急得连滚带爬的站起表态。 Mu Xiao does not have looks at that five Neo-Human, only then Shangguan Yuanxin made the potential simply, a Cheng Shugao big uneducated person, but thoughts close tight, called that five Neo-Human to join on the side of the motorcade immediately on, indirect that was the oneself person, created owner side solitary and strange opposite imperceptibly, as if does not have answered, they will lose all. 木萧没有多看那五名新人类,只有上官媛馨简单做了势,程书高一个大老粗,但心思细密的紧,马上唤过了那五名的新人类加入车队一边上,间接性那就是自己人,无形中造成了业主一方孤伶伶又陌生的一个对立面,仿佛没有答复,他们将会失一切。 You?” The Mu Xiao leisure carrying teacup, imitates like chatting tone, but sensation of fact many to concealing incomparable killing intentions. “那你们呢?”木萧慢条斯理的端起茶杯,彷如闲聊般的语气,但事实很多人的感觉到暗藏了无比的杀机 We are willing to give loyalty.” Pang Xuejun and a man and a woman stand up, compare their surface tranquil many, understands that something are inevitable, now under the survival is their present first important matter, second is becomes incomparably powerful. “我们愿意效忠。”庞学军和一男一女站起,相比他们三人表面平静的多,明白有些事不可避免,如今生存下是他们现在第一要务,第二就是变得无比强大。 They just think that the kneeling down surface is loyal, but the invisible strength limited them to kneel down. 他们刚想跪下表面忠心,但有一股无形的力限制了他们跪下。 Your does not have anything mistake, even has to protect Rongru and Hanyao secretly, therefore you did not use this set.” Mu Xiao indifferent say/way: So long as you will do one's best in the future, I will not treat unjustly your.” “你们没有什么过错,甚至暗地里有回护过蓉茹涵瑶,所以你们不用来这一套了。”木萧淡然的道:“只要你们日后尽心尽力,我不会亏待你们一人。” Yes, Lord Xiao.” “是的,萧主。” Three people are the people of sinking reality, complied with the sentence simply, sat the original position. 三人都是沉实之人,简单应了句,坐回了原处。 I had given loyalty, that gives loyalty to again one time.” “我本来已经效忠,那就再效忠一次吧。” On the Ding Qilue face slightly has the bitterness and astringency, the clear situation, has had the single foot to kneel down. 丁奇略脸上略有苦涩,明白大势已,只好单脚跪下。 Oppression again and again, Mu Xiao has the complete overwhelming strength, every tramples their dignity one time ruthlessly, particularly these time is clearer, can write off them momentarily, Mu Xiao does not need their strengths, but is they need the Mu Xiao's strength, because Mu Xiao has ability cultivation many powerhouse, do they exist to Mu Xiao does not have any influence. 三番四次的压迫,木萧有完全的压倒性的力量,每一次都是狠狠践踏他们尊严,尤其是这一次更加明确,随时可以抹杀掉他们,木萧不需要他们的力量,而是他们需要木萧的力量,因为木萧有能力培养更多强者,他们存不存在对木萧没有任何影响。 But Mu Xiao is not the person of bloodthirsty, does not want to leave behind the cruel unkind image in other Neo-Human at heart, again their also does not have what big mistake, if naturally they do not give loyalty to meaning to have the disloyalty of revolting, that is a very good murder excuse. 只不过木萧不是嗜杀之人,也不想在其他新人类心里留下残暴不仁的形象,再他们也没有什么大过错,当然如果他们不效忠意味有叛变的异心,那是一个很好的杀人借口。 Finally three owners are bearing a shame, kneels down to submit, even if disloyalty, by Mu Xiao more and more powerful strength squash...... 最终三名业主忍住着一股羞辱,跪下臣服,纵使还有异心,也会被木萧越来越强大的力量压碎…… You?” The sound of Mu Xiao cool tones resounds. “那你呢?”木萧冷调的声音响起。 This only has person does not have to take a stand, that is rear Yun Shuxue. 这处只有一个人没有表态,那就是后方的云舒雪 Presents everyone's attention to concentrate to arrive at the rear area completely, moreover presents everyone is Neo-Human, thus resulted in a greatest invisible pressure. At this moment, in the air of Yun Shuxue breath, seemed full of the death flavor, because understands oneself, once ‚’ character, death will not arrive on oneself, if complies to mean that oneself becomes at present female slave of this man. 在场所有人的注意力全部集中到后方,而且在场每一个人都是新人类,从而造成了一股莫大无形压力。这一刻,云舒雪呼吸的空气之中,仿佛充满了死亡的味道,因为明白自己一旦出一个‘不’字,死亡就会降临自己头上,若一旦答应意味自己成为眼前这个男人的女奴 The Yun Shuxue body trembles unceasingly, the lip turns white withered, was anxious to grasp the mud to get sucked into the nail deeply, lowered the head difficult incomparable speaking. 云舒雪身躯不断发抖,嘴唇都干枯发白,紧张得里抓得泥巴都深深陷进了指甲之中,低头艰难无比的出言。 I... I... I... am willing... to be willing... to give loyalty to...” “我…我…我…愿…愿…效忠…” After having these words, her whole body strength seemed drained was the same, previous period words that but Mu Xiao resounds suddenly, makes her fearful and apprehensive. 当出了这一句话之后,她浑身力量仿佛被抽干了一样,但木萧忽然响起的前段话,又让她胆战心惊。 I your bestow......” “那我把你赐予……” Un? 嗯? Everyone is astonished however, cannot think that Mu Xiao sends out Yun Shuxue this big beautiful woman, immediately motorcade one group of men sent out the wolf same vision, Aybar also raised the chest slightly, thinks that oneself was certainly obtained this beautiful woman to reward by Mu Xiao's thinking highly of deeply. 所有人讶然,想不到木萧云舒雪这个大美女送出给下,顿时车队一行男人散发狼一样的目光,艾巴尔也微微提起了胸膛,认为自己深受木萧的器重肯定得到这个美女赏赐。 After Yun Shuxue greatly promising oneself, felt despair miserably, the facial features as if lost bloody. But opens the mouth saving that Ding Qilue prepares to make a decision, Yun Shuxue received catastrophe oneself to have part of responsibility after all. 云舒雪大有为自己以后凄凉感到绝望,面容仿佛失了血色。而丁奇略准备决断的开口挽救,毕竟云舒雪受了灾难自己有一部分责任。 however, Shangguan Yuanxin and Mu Xuanyin, Zhou Xuan and Zhao Yiling...... and other females a little are also discontented, thought that Mu Xiao sends out the woman at will, they as the female are side Mu Xiao the close person, has to plant not too comfortable sensation at heart, their rather Mu Xiao received this woman not to want Mu Xiao to have such action. 然而,上官媛馨木绚音周萱赵依凌……等女子也有点不满,觉得木萧把女人随意送出,她们身为女性又是木萧身边亲密之人,心里有种不太舒服的感觉,她们宁愿木萧收了这个女人也不愿意木萧有这样的举动。 Mu Xiao's decides more than everyone expected. 只是木萧的决定大出所有人意料。 I your bestow Yiling and Jingzhen, later by your guardianship their lives, until their two people become Neo-Human, you can restore zi to tempt the status.” “那我把你赐予依凌静珍,以后由你守护她们两人的性命,直至她们两人成为新人类,那你可以恢复zi诱身份。”
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