REE :: Volume #2

#122: Both sides extreme

If you looked enough, other does not have things, should go back to rest.” “如果你看够了,又没有其它事情,也该回去休息了。” After the woman walked, Mu Xiao spoke a few words in peaceful building, then closed the eye, prepares to sit in meditation. 那女人走了后,木萧在安静的大楼里说了一句话,然后闭上了眼睛,准备入定。 You knew me here, rejected surrendering of Xia Meiqin, right?” “你知道我在这里,才拒绝了夏美琴的投怀送抱,是吗?” At this time, Shangguan Yuanxin their room direction, the slim and graceful young girls walked, her chilly speech voice, at the silent night, appearing was especially limpid and icy cold, as if one type washed off the heart spirit distracting thoughts, let a person mind clear wonderful effectiveness, but she has the interrogation tone, became does not ask for happily. 这时候,上官媛馨她们房间方向,有一个亭亭玉立的少女行走了出来,她清冷的说话声音,在寂静的夜晚,显得格外清澈而冰凉,仿佛有一种洗去心灵杂念,让人头脑一清的神效,只是她带着质问的口吻,就变得不太讨喜了。 Your brain bored.” Mu Xiao opened the eye, the pupil light such as stars in night, is gazing at Zhao Yiling in darkness, why do I want to accept surrendering of strange woman?” “你脑子到底有多无聊。”木萧又睁开了眼睛,眸光如黑夜中的星辰,注视着黑暗里的赵依凌,“我为什么一定要接受陌生女人的投怀送抱?” „Don't you know her?” Zhao Yiling willow eyebrows one pressed. “难道你不认识她?”赵依凌柳眉一蹙。 „Is she very famous?” Mu Xiao asked. “她很有名?”木萧反问道。 She is an international level supermodel, before Ending World, did she also attend one set of fiery red movie to do to act the leading role in...... you not to look?” Zhao Yiling words pale such as deep clear water, obviously does not believe that Mu Xiao does not know the Xia Meiqin status. “她是一位国际级名模,在末世没发生之前,她还参加了一套火红的电影做主演……你没看吗?”赵依凌话语淡如一泓清水,显然不太相信木萧不知道夏美琴的身份。 „, Is she.” Mu Xiao remembers first phase to remember, probably really has such a woman. “哦,原来是她。”木萧才想起前期记忆,好像确实有这样一个女人。 Just rebirth came back, where Mu Xiao had time to reorganize oneself good guy these immaterial memories. Only if there is a some turning point, these memories will reappear automatically, present he recalled previous life Road of Evolution, did not care oneself once lived on trivial matter. 重生回来,木萧哪里有时间整理自己‘好好先生’那些无关紧要的记忆。除非有某个契机,这些记忆才会自动浮现,现在他多数回想上一世进化之路,不关心自己曾经生活上的琐碎事情。 Dinner these women, their status was very once prominent, very famous......” “晚饭那些女人,她们身份曾经都很显赫,很有名……” Her does not have said, Mu Xiao does not break to ask patiently: What do you actually want to say?” 没有说完,木萧不耐烦地打断问道:“你到底想说什么?” I want to say that you open the mouth they not to reject your any request, your side does not lack the woman, but why you also leave behind the person who my made you not be willing to contact, why actually must pay attention to me.” “我想说,你开口她们不会拒绝你任何要求,你身边根本不缺女人,但你为什么还留下了我这个让你不愿意接触的人,却为何又要关注着我。” Zhao Yiling is aloof beside cold vision, that deep place hid to feel inferior with has a pride stubbornly and, was contradictory, like this time mood. She could not have borne in the heart that strange sensation that is intense nearly the suffering, wanted to find an answer tonight. 赵依凌拒人千里之外的冷眸,那深处藏住了自卑和倔强、又有一份骄傲,非常矛盾,就像此时的心情。她已经忍不住心中那一股强烈得近乎煎熬的奇怪感觉,非要今晚找到一个答案。 This fellow was too sensitive.” “这家伙太敏感了点。” Say/Way that in the Mu Xiao heart sighed, oneself truly avoided with Zhao Yiling's unintentionally contacts, mainly does not want to contact her emotion forbidden area, but cannot think that she discovered this point unexpectedly sensitively, moreover she thought leaning certain things probably. 木萧心中叹息的道,自己确实有意无意地回避跟赵依凌的接触,主要是不想接触她情感这一块禁区,但想不到她居然敏感地发现了这一点,而且她好像想偏了某些事情。 I acknowledged that is in suspense to you, does not want to contact you as for me, is not the status of your ordinary person, but is the potential that you contained made me be afraid.” Mu Xiao understands, if covers up again, possibly triggering cannot the expectation change, decides to speak frankly saying: Your emotion is together a forbidden area, if collapses spoilt, you greatly possibly enter extreme very much......, but I possibly am you enter the extreme turning point.” “我承认对你放心不下,至于我不想接触你,并不是你普通人的身份,而是你蕴含了让我害怕的潜质。”木萧明白如果再遮掩下去,可能触发不可预料之变,决定坦言说道:“你情感是一块禁区,如果崩坏掉,你很大可能走进极端……而我可能是你走进极端的契机。” Why do you leave behind me in the side?” Zhao Yiling held what sensation probably, but this type of sensation one group of fog, want to hold probably actually dissipate, only clear is Mu Xiao does not have lies. “那你为什么留下我在身边?”赵依凌好像抓住了什么感觉,但这种感觉好像一团雾,想抓住却消散,唯一清楚就是木萧没有说谎。 I had said that has the guilt to a person, but that person looks like you very much......” Mu Xiao in another way, explained that oneself and between her bad karma relates, „, but actually that person possibly is you, because I once foresaw oneself future all transformation, your I have had relations, but this relations collapse spoilt finally, your I withstand the evil consequence that oneself made.” “我曾经说过对一个人有愧疚感,而那人很像你……”木萧以另一种方式,解释自己和她之间的那段孽缘关系,“但其实那人可能就是你,因为我曾经预见了自己未来的一切变化,你我有过一段关系,只是这段关系最后崩坏掉,你我都承受了自己所做的恶果。” In others eyes, Mu Xiao has had the foresee ability of being prescient, Zhao Yiling from the Shangguan Yuanxin spoken language, in addition oneself personally experienced, starts a little to believe words that Mu Xiao spoke. When Mu Xiao said two people future has had relations, the Zhao Yiling heart has a stabbing pain inexplicably, probably the pain of the unknown time-space puncture coming. 在别人眼中,木萧一直有先知先觉的预知能力,赵依凌上官媛馨言语中,加上自己亲身体会,开始有点相信木萧所说的话语。当木萧说了出两人未来有过一段关系的时候,赵依凌心脏莫名有着一阵刺痛,好像从未知时空穿刺过来的痛苦。 „Were you all right?” Mu Xiao sees her tender body to tremble suddenly, is pale, in heart can't help but one startled, what situation doesn't she have? “你没事了吧?”木萧见她娇躯忽然一颤,脸色发白,心中不由一惊,她不是出现什么情况吧? Probably is very at heart painful, but why does not know feels pain, this is the prediction that I listened not supposed to listen , the evil consequence of withstands?” On Zhao Yiling face pale, closely covered the intermittent stabbing pain chest. “好像心里很痛,但不知道为什么发痛,这是我听了不该听的预言,所承受的恶果吗?”赵依凌脸上苍白,紧紧捂住了阵阵刺痛的胸口。 The causes and effects lines of world innumerable being able to see, Mu Xiao rebirth had provoked the world's causes and effects line, the causes and effects line that originally he and Zhao Yiling has encountered provoking, mysteriously and inexorably had the mysterious and invisible mighty force. 世界无数看不见的因果线,木萧重生本来已经撩拨了世界的因果线,本来他和赵依凌存在的因果线又遭到了撩拨,冥冥之中产生了神秘而无形的伟力。 world has not really been able to estimate with the common sense!” Mu Xiao stands up suddenly, walks in front of Zhao Yiling quickly, at this time cannot attend to her anything emotion forbidden area, holds her slender and delicate body directly in the bosom, her body upper body fragrance and touch, such as the past knew well. 世界果然已经无法用常理来揣度!”木萧骤然站起,快步走来赵依凌面前,此时顾不了她什么情感禁区,直接将她纤柔的身子抱在怀中,她身上体香与触感,如往日般熟识。 At this moment, Mu Xiao sensation oneself thought mistakenly certain things probably. 这一刻,木萧感觉自己好像想错了某些事情。 You...... you did not say that doesn't want to contact me?” Zhao Yiling has not shoved open Mu Xiao's to hug, blanch face started to return to warmer weather, has blushed lightly, in the heart that intermittent stabbing pain passed gradually, presented unexplained sensation unusually. “你……你不是说不想接触我么?”赵依凌没推开木萧的拥抱,发白的脸儿开始回暖,有了淡淡红晕,心中那一阵阵的刺痛渐渐流逝,奇特的出现了一股说不清道不明的感觉 I do not know that is to is wrong, but if the ignores you continue to indulge in flights of fancy, that likely creates the blunder.” Mu Xiao looks down in the bosom her clear and attractive pure white face, the facial expression becomes suddenly earnest and rigorous, can give me one to consider your opportunity? Regardless of later what happened, you still stand side me, lets my guardianship you.” “我不知是对是错,但如果放任你继续胡思乱想下去,那很可能造成大错。”木萧低头看着怀中她那张清丽素白的脸儿,神情忽然变得认真而严谨,“可以给我一个照顾你的机会吗?无论以后发生什么事,你依然站在我身边,让我守护着你。” „...... Found the answer probably.” Zhao Yiling shoved open this bosom that gently made oneself linger , the facial expression replied similarly earnestly: If I can become Neo-Human, I will consider your tonight's speech.” “……好像找到了答案。”赵依凌轻轻推开了这个让自己依恋的怀抱,神情同样认真地回答:“如果我能成为新人类,我会考虑你今晚的说话。” If her thin red the lips of fat paper sips the frontline, the pupil ice carves likely bright, is firmly sharp and frail, but has oneself one to insist. 她薄红若脂纸的双唇抿成一线,眸子像冰琢似的明亮,坚锐而又脆弱,但有着自己一份坚持。 Good.” Mu Xiao helped her manage the forehead disorderly bangs, remembers oneself that do not force was too tight, something can ask me saying that since I did not avoid you, do not hide sensation in the heart.” “那好。”木萧帮她理了理前额凌乱的刘海,“记得别逼迫的自己太紧,有事可以找我说,我既然不回避你,你也别将感觉隐藏在心中。” Un.” Zhao Yiling has transferred the body, prepares to go back to the room, suddenly then asked: You can tell me, future we what happened?” “嗯。”赵依凌转过身体,准备走回房间,忽然回头问道:“你能告诉我,未来我们发生了什么事情吗?” She a little cares. 她还是有点在意。 That is the evil that I make, that tragedy will not happen let alone again, you felt relieved.” Mu Xiao does not want gloomy ugly at the same time to present oneself, and wants is a normal person, will not so play dumb to uncover the oneself scar. “那是我做的孽,更何况那悲剧不会再发生,你放心。”木萧不想把自己阴暗丑陋一面呈现出来,而且只要是正常人,都不会如此犯傻揭自己疮疤。 The Zhao Yiling pupil light shows tender feelings, looked at Mu Xiao one, does not have closely examined, turned around to go back to the deep place room. 赵依凌眸光透出一丝柔情,看了木萧一眼,没有追问下去,转身走回了深处里面的房间。 She should not think that I am maintaining her, withstood the so-called sin?” Mu Xiao detected the tender feelings in her eye, can't help but smiled bitterly, there is no interest in planting willows, yet the willows still provide shade sensation. “她该不会以为我在维护她,承受了所谓的罪孽吧?”木萧察觉了她眼中的柔情,不由苦笑了起来,有一种无心插柳柳成荫感觉 But before the recollection, intends to avoid to contact her emotion area, probably had the counter-effect, making her care...... 但回想之前有意回避接触她情感区,好像产生了反效果,让她更加在意…… Suddenly, Mu Xiao had a clear(ly) to become aware, Zhao Yiling had both sides extreme nature, extreme extreme hatred, possibly was the extreme extreme love. If initially that bad karma were the hatred, that present this possibly is her love...... 忽然,木萧有种明悟,赵依凌有两面极端性,一面极端偏激的仇恨,一面可能是极端偏激的情爱。如果当初那段孽缘是仇恨的话,那如今这一段可能是她的情爱…… If oneself does not have accepts this affections, perhaps will get down possibly to stimulate her sickness tender symptom for a long time, perhaps she wants completely all means that to massacre all oneself all women...... 自己没有接受她这一份爱意,或许长久下去可能又会激发她的病娇症状,她说不定想尽一切办法,杀掉一切自己身边一切女人…… Zhao Yiling is beyond a model the person of cold internal heat, when her real blackening, that is truly is cold frozen others, burns down her oneself. 赵依凌是个典型外冷内热的人,当她真正黑化,那就是真正冷得冰封别人,焚烧她自己 Mu Xiao thought of here, a little rejoiced oneself discovers early, before with enough time the recovery, wrong judgment. 木萧想到了此处,有点庆幸自己发现得早,来得及补救之前错误的判断。 But perhaps from the tonight's Zhao Yiling's manner, she truly to the oneself a little favorable impression, the does not have anything aversion, her present also does not have gives birth probably at least, the love of truly being dead set on, but there is a start, ramstam who she walks completely. 而从今晚赵依凌的举止来看,她好像确实对自己有点好感,起码没有什么厌恶情绪,或许她现在没有生出,真正死心塌地的情爱,但有了一个开始,她绝然是一路走下去的固执者。 Yiling and Yiling, you perhaps are really my demon obstacle.” Mu Xiao cannot shake the head to think that the senseless matter, returning to the seat to start to sit in meditation to restore mental strength. 依凌依凌,你或许真是我的魔障。”木萧摇了摇头不去想无谓的事情,回到座位开始入定恢复精神力 A night does not have the words. 一夜无话。 In the morning 10 o'clock about, Shangguan Yuanxin they get out of bed, because their mental strength also exhausted last night, compared with usually late. 早上十点钟左右,上官媛馨她们才起床,因为昨夜她们精神力也耗尽,比平时晚了起来。 Mu Xiao Bloodline Gene is different they, mental strength restored quickly, almost to return fully. 木萧血脉基因不同她们,精神力恢复得很快,差不多回满了。 Has the breakfast, the motorcade has prepared set off, night these matter as if does not have happen, all as before. Only has the Mu Xiao look to contact the Zhao Yiling's time, she a little helpless response, truly aggravates sexy supermodel Xia Meiqin including that stature, sees the Mu Xiao's time in the morning, in the facial expression some are not comfortable. 吃过早饭,车队准备出发,夜里那些事情仿佛没有发生,一切依旧。唯有木萧眼神接触赵依凌的时候,她才有点不知所措的反应,包括那个身材确实惹火性感的名模夏美琴,在她早上看见木萧的时候,神情上也有些不自在。 Zhou Xuan pinched Mu Xiao several secretly, he discovered that last night matter, everyone is also well aware. 还有周萱偷偷捏了木萧几下,他才发现昨夜的事情,大家也是心知肚明。 After all they are the Apex Body natures, the outside sound cannot hide the truth from their sensitive touch. 毕竟她们都是顶尖体质,外面动静瞒不过她们灵敏的触感。 Because Shangguan Yuanxin they too get out of bed late, zombie of outside several streets, were swept clear early cleanly by other Neo-Human, first can make the motorcade start smoothly, secondly other Neo-Human also hug is hunting and killing zombie, earns Evolution Power Origins and blood bead, the thoughts of strength. 由于上官媛馨她们太晚起床,外面好几条街道的丧尸,都早早被其他新人类清扫干净,一来可以让车队顺利地启程,二来其他新人类也抱着猎杀丧尸,赚取进化力源泉血珠,增强实力的心思。 Five heavy-scale steel giant tiger as the trailblazer, lead rear ten multipurpose luxurious RV, five firm emergency tow trucks, the full speed travel, according to the Villa Region route return trip, does not plan to delay enormously and powerful on the way, only if meets the situation that has to fight. 五台重型钢铁巨虎作为开路先锋,带领后方十台多功能豪华房车,还有五台坚固的保险车,浩浩荡荡地全速行驶,按照别墅区的路线回程,途中不打算耽误,除非遇上不得不战的情况。 On RV, Mu Xiao still sits together with Shangguan Yuanxin, chatted the function about Heaven Crystal thin, as well as they poured into Heaven Crystal last night, has does not have to have other problems the matters. 一辆房车上,木萧依然跟上官媛馨同座,细聊了关于天晶的功能,以及她们昨晚灌注天晶,有没有出现其它问题的事儿。 Until, after the Heaven Crystal matter finishes talking, asking that Mu Xiao chatted at will: That Xia Meiqin, did that four women, where you save them?” 直至,天晶的事情谈完之后,木萧随意闲聊的问道:“那个夏美琴,还有那四名女人,你是在什么地方救了她们的?” Few days ago, our motorcade stayed overnight at night outside, we discovered their five people in a building.” “前些日子,我们车队夜晚在外留宿,我们在一座大楼发现了她们五人。” Shangguan Yuanxin said lightly: Their five people of status are not the red star is the supermodels, is unable to leave alone like other ordinary people, otherwise causes one crowd of hormone excessively abundant male gender struggles, disrupted order of motorcade. To avoid these matter happened, I keep the side to do to take care of the work them, quite makes these male gender understand, they want to bump these five women, must undergo my authorization......” 上官媛馨平淡地说道:“她们五人身份不是当红的明星就是名模,无法像其他普通人一样放任不管,否则引起一群荷尔蒙过盛的雄性斗争,扰乱了车队的秩序。所以为了避免这些事情发生,我把她们留在身边做服侍工作,好让那些雄性明白,他们想碰这五个女人,必须经过我的批准……” , She then said: Naturally, you are not one of them.” 顿了一下,她接着道:“当然,你不在此列。” That is really honored.” Mu Xiao thought otherwise the sentence, the say/way of stunning the world: Last night Xia Meiqin was you arranges her to come right? If does not have your authorization, I think that she does not dare to make a decision without authorization, sends out such enticing.” “那真是荣幸。”木萧不以为然回了句,语出惊人的道:“昨夜夏美琴是你安排她来的对吧?如果没有你的批准,我想她不敢擅作主张,发出这样的勾引。” Right.” The Shangguan Yuanxin facial expression is tranquil, hides the truth from this man clearly, say/way that has to speak frankly: The character who in our Core needs public relations, is responsible for processing ordinary person community, regardless of later or present, the community number of ordinary person, compares Neo-Human, this community also has the value of existence. Therefore, Xia Meiqin is a very good candidate, in her heart also some consciousness, moreover her body still keeps pure, so long as you become her first man, later in her emotion will be in favor of you.” “没错。”上官媛馨神情平静,明白瞒不过这个男人,只好直言的道:“我们核心之中需要一个公关的人物,负责处理普通人这一个群体,不论以后还是现在,普通人的群体数量,远比新人类,这个群体又有着存在的价值。所以,夏美琴是一个很好的人选,她心中也有了觉悟,而且她身子依然保持纯洁,只要你成为她第一个男人,以后她情感上会偏于你。” In finally, her added one: I had solicited the suggestions of Zhou Xuan, she agreed to my approach.” 在最后,她还说了一句:“我已经征求了周萱的意见,她同意了我的做法。” „Won't you consider too many?” Mu Xiao indifferent expression say/way. “你不会考虑得太多了么?”木萧不置可否的道。 This is world's transformation, making us have to consider.” Shangguan Yuanxin said. “这是世界的变化,让我们不得不考虑。”上官媛馨道。 In our Core also some people can do this work, does not need Xia Meiqin.” Mu Xiao said: For example Jiang Yue and Yunwei, Tong Jingzhen is a very good candidate.” “我们核心之中也有人可以做这份工作,不一定要夏美琴。”木萧说道:“譬如姜月云蔚,童静珍都是一个很好的人选。” Jiang Yue and Yunwei, you did not think that used a talented person in an insignificant position?” Shangguan Yuanxin said: However Tong Jingzhen gets along with people experience is too shallow, on the contrary Xia Meiqin in mingling among interpersonal relationship complex circle, her body still keeps pure, showed sufficiently she is one astute and has the woman of method, if were not world compelling her entered the hopeless situation, she will not easily reply.” 姜月云蔚,你不觉得大材小用了么?”上官媛馨说道:“而童静珍处世经验太浅,相反夏美琴在混迹在人际关系复杂的圈子里面,她身子依然保持纯洁,足以证明她是一个精明和有手段的女人,如果不是世界把逼她入了绝境,她也不会如此轻易应答下来。” Did not fear that she snatched your position, replaced you to exist?” Mu Xiao teased to say with a smile suddenly. “不怕她抢了你的位置,取代了你存在么?”木萧忽然打趣笑道。 Her does not have such ability.” The Shangguan Yuanxin unimpressed words, contained the absolute self-confidence and pride. however, Mu Xiao smiles, does not have talked, finally only said that this matter reaches a deadlock for the time being, do not go to make the senseless arrangement. “她没有这样的能力。”上官媛馨不咸不淡的话语,蕴含了绝对的自信和骄傲。然而,木萧笑了笑,没有搭话,最后只说了一句,这件事情暂且搁浅下来,别去做无谓的安排。 The motorcade to/clashes horizontally passes through, several waves of zombie by five steel giant beast, were hit strongly. Most one time zombie that has dozens streets wells up, breaks through for the motorcade fast, Mu Xiao coordinates dashing of heavy-scale giant tiger by telekinesis, rumbled harsh and unreasonable a bloody road. 车队一路横冲穿越,有几波丧尸都被五台钢铁巨兽,强硬撞开。最多一次有几十条街道的丧尸涌来,为了车队快速突围,木萧念力配合重型巨虎的冲撞,横蛮地轰出了一条血路。 In the afternoon 3 o'clock about, the motorcade entered the Villa Region development region. At this time, Mu Xiao discovered the suburb has not right atmosphere. 下午三点钟左右,车队进入了别墅区的开发区域。在这时候,木萧发现了郊外有一股不对劲的气氛。
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