REE :: Volume #2

#121: Fetters

The nighttime sky is cloudy, darkness covered great earth, building as if turned into shadow giant, overlooks the innumerable ghosts the revelries. Suddenly, has a stream shadow to flash to pass, a head of strengthened-type zombie flew, the falling ground makes rolls the trundle sound. 夜空乌云密布,黑暗覆盖了大地,一座座建筑仿佛化成了阴影巨人,俯视无数鬼怪的狂欢。忽然,有一道影子一闪而逝,一只强化型丧尸的脑袋飞了出去,掉落地上发出‘骨碌骨碌’的滚动声音。 The so absolutely terrified sound, caused the idea of surrounding zombie. 如此毛骨悚然的声音,引起了周围丧尸的主意。 In darkness has the sharp glimmer to bloom, suddenly departs a stream quickly such as ray of lightning, periphery cuts the heads of more than ten zombie continually, such as fruits fall, sending out is clearer rolls the trundle sound, appearing very strange dense/woods is cold. 黑暗中有锐利微光绽放,忽然飞出一道快如闪电的光芒,连斩周围十多只丧尸的脑袋,如一个个果实掉落,发出更加清晰‘骨碌骨碌’的滚动声音,显得十分诡异森寒。 Small crowd of zombie does not have send out the least bit to howl, was struck to kill completely. 一小群丧尸没有发出半点吼叫,就被全部击杀。 Mu Xiao walked from the jet black shadow, received zombie blood bead, to absorb strengthening origins fast, the next quarter and vanished in darkness. His going out main purpose is to hunt variation beast, if can seek variation beast, that was a sumptuous dinner. 木萧从漆黑阴影走了出来,快速收去了丧尸血珠、吸收强化源泉,下一刻又消失在黑暗之中。他外出主要目的是为了狩猎变异兽,如果能猎取一头变异兽,那就是一顿丰盛的晚餐了。 If present he knows that Villa Region has several hundred variation beast, definitely first time goes back to kill greatly kills especially, because that is meat resource of implication rich nutrition. 现在他知道别墅区有几百只变异兽,肯定第一时间回去大杀特杀,因为那可是蕴含丰富营养的肉食资源 Urban district variation beast was really short, wants to hunt for a variation dog or the variation cat is hard to search for and seize.” “市区变异兽实在太少了点,本想猎一头变异犬或变异猫都难以寻获。” Mu Xiao in nearby place that the motorcade stays overnight tonight, walked randomly the big half-turn, does not have discovered the variation beast trace, does not want to search far away from the motorcade, has in building that went back the motorcade to stay overnight, massacred on the road conveniently more than ten zombie, always compared with good of coming away empty. 木萧在车队今晚留宿的附近地方,游走了大半圈,没有发现变异兽的踪影,又不想远离车队搜索,只好回去车队留宿的大楼里面,顺手杀掉了路上十多只丧尸,总比空手而回的好。 Passes the night outside, must be sure to remember two key points ; first, to live above 20 building tall building, high higher good ; second, to live in the basement, the deeper the better, this can decrease by the probability of variation monster discovery. 在外过夜,必须切记两个重点,一是住在二十楼以上的高楼,越高越高好,二是住在地下室,越深越好,这样可以减低被变异怪物发现的几率。 The motorcade population are many, dusk time, under the Dan Miaoyi penetrate|thoroughly ability, found a 30 multi-layer tall building, inside zombie are quite few, only has 50~60. Takes the lead to slaughter by Mu Xiao, quick zombie sweeps clear. 车队人数较多,黄昏的时候,在单妙依透彻能力之下,找到了一座三十多层的高楼,里面丧尸比较少,只有五六十只。由木萧带头进去杀戮,很快丧尸就清扫一空。 Motorcade in day of nutrient solution and massive chinese medicinal material that swept a medicinal herb group, harvest unexpected many, cannot load separately, the 20 stage vehicles besides the carrying/sustaining personnel, other places crowded the commodity, in the present car(riage) becomes crowded, even the vehicle roof also bound the big pile of commodities. 车队在一天扫了一个药材集团的营养液、大量中药材,收获出乎意料的多,还有部分装不下,二十台车辆除了承载人员之外,其余地方都塞满了物资,现在车内又变得拥挤起来,甚至连车顶也绑扎了大堆物资。 Mu Xiao has to decide to stay overnight for night, tomorrow returns to Villa Region, after all the motorcade most increases five vehicles, but meant that lost the mobility of fight, goes back Villa Region would rather, unloads the commodity, then comes out to plunder. 木萧只好决定留宿一夜,明天返回别墅区,毕竟车队最多增加五台车辆,但意味失去了战斗的机动性,倒不如回去别墅区,卸下物资,然后再出来搜刮。 Must gain that thing as soon as possible, otherwise later transported the commodity is also slow and be too troublesome.” Mu Xiao enters the float elevator, pressed the 30 level, the secretly thought: Pitifully the space transport unit is the entire Earth network control, otherwise makes one not to use like this troublesome. But looks for that thing is quite solid, in any case sooner or later needs......” “必须尽快去获取那个物件,否则以后运输物资也太慢、太麻烦了。”木萧走进悬浮电梯,按了三十层,暗道:“可惜空间传送装置是全地球网络控制,不然弄上一台就不用这样麻烦。但还是去找那个物件比较实在,反正迟早都需要的……” When the gate of float elevator opens, Mu Xiao stopped the idea, walked at a moderate pace, seeing motorcade most ordinary people to prepare the dinner. Among present ordinary person still male female few, but the male and female proportion like before was not out of balance seriously, at night everyone compared to relax, among the men and women was cheerful and lively, the woman in the motorcade, was the treasure in male person eyes. 当悬浮电梯的门打开,木萧停止了想法,不紧不慢地走了出来,看见车队大部分普通人正在准备晚餐。现在普通人当中依然男多女少,但不像以前那样男女比例严重失调,夜晚大家都比较放松下来,男女之间都有说有笑,女人在车队里面,都是男人眼中的宝贝。 The motorcade is Shangguan Yuanxin several females has managed, female does not have receives any infringement and treats unfairly. 车队一直是上官媛馨几位女性管理,女性没有受到任何侵犯和不公对待。 Moreover, these first join the ordinary person of Mu Xiao camp, they also told these new people, old boss does not have the everything in disorder matter to happen possibly, otherwise was towed to feed zombie by old boss and so on and so on. 而且,那些最先加入木萧阵营的普通人,他们跟那些新加入的人也说了,老大不容许有乱七八糟的事情发生,否则就被老大拖去喂丧尸之类云云。 The motorcade has had these small stock rumors to spread, Shangguan Yuanxin also knows, but does not have prevents, after all can restrain the will of the people. Therefore, one group of men know one's place, the female position enhanced imperceptibly, has Shangguan Yuanxin they such powerful female to be the representative specially. 车队一直有这些小股流言传开,上官媛馨也知道,但没有阻止,毕竟可以约束人心。所以,一群男人非常安分守己,女性地位无形中提高了起来,特别有上官媛馨她们这样强大的女性做代表。 Therefore, Mu Xiao does not have makes an appearance, but the prestige stood erect imperceptibly, many dread his old boss, the female has the favorable impression of being able to say to Mu Xiao, after all present world has lost order, becomes terrifying and darkness, their does not have any security sense, scared startled shu mood, if with trepidation all day long, guards man who these harbor evil intentions, their heart spirit world will collapse absolutely. 因此,木萧没有多露面,但威信无形中竖立了起来,很多人都非常畏惧他这名老大,女性更对木萧有说不出的好感,毕竟现在世界已经失去秩序,变得恐怖黑暗,她们没有任何安全感,只有恐慌惊秫的情绪,如果终日还要提心吊胆,防范那些不怀好意的男人,她们的心灵世界绝对会崩溃。 Now, they have the peace of moment, all resulted in Mu Xiao to set such order, locked humane darkness. 如今,她们有片刻的安宁,全多得了木萧定下了这样的秩序,锁上了人性的黑暗 Lord Xiao......” 萧主……” The people of motorcade see Mu Xiao to come back, greeted. But Lord Xiao this title, is Shangguan Yuanxin helps Mu Xiao get up, she thought that one crowd of person old boss old boss are calling extremely in the uncouthness, instead this title appears the atmosphere. 车队的人见木萧回来,纷纷打招呼。而萧主这个称谓,是上官媛馨木萧起的,她觉得一群人老大老大叫着太过于俗气,反而这个称谓显得大气。 The Mu Xiao does not have anything opinion, accepted this title indifferently. 木萧对此没有什么意见,无所谓地接受了这个称谓。 In the past Mu Xiao treated frequently in the building does not go out, most people does not have person has seen one side him, has only heard related to his matter in the motorcade, therefore most ordinary people, sees he today. 以往木萧经常待在楼中不出外,大部分人没有人见过他一面,只在车队听闻过有关他的事情,所以大多数的普通人,还是今天才见他其人。 This morning, Mu Xiao in motorcade does not have performance extremely astonishing battle efficiency, only then in the dusk, he makes a move to sweep clear in building zombie, independent person such as overwhelmingly superior force general quick ruthless, effortless solves all zombie, even follows on the heels these people, to does not know finally, he used what ability to attack, in each individual heart exuded deep dread. 今天早上,木萧在车队没有表现太过惊人的战斗力,只有在黄昏的时候,他出手清扫大楼里面的丧尸,单独一人如秋风扫落叶一般快狠,不费吹灰之力就解决掉所有丧尸,甚至跟在后面那些人,到最后也不知道,他用了什么能力来攻击,每个人心中泛起了深深的畏惧 Mu Xiao deferred to Shangguan Yuanxin saying that only conducted the bang to kill zombie with telekinesis, weapon also does not have uses, to keep mysterious image until now, planted unknown and powerful seed in these ordinary will of the people, was helpful in drawing , the deter will of the people. 木萧按照了上官媛馨所说,只用念力进行轰杀丧尸,武器没有用,为了保持一直以来的神秘形象,在那些普通人心里种下未知和强大的种子,有助收拢、震慑人心。 Shangguan Yuanxin is not the beautiful look, is thoughts is close, the woman who is skilled in the scheme, otherwise she was impossible to become household inheritor before, but also a control big group. But she knows one's own strengths very much, understands that oneself such wisdom, where should use, where should not use. 上官媛馨不是只有绝美相貌,还是一个心思细密,精于心计的女人,否则她以前不可能成为一个家族继承者,还掌控一个大集团。而她很自量,明白自己这样的智慧,该用在什么地方,不该用在什么地方。 Actually she thinks that thing Mu Xiao also thinks, but in the Mu Xiao heart believes, all originate from the itself strength , without the strength to make multi- young master Burma is false. However, her opinion Mu Xiao can also accept, because only has the advantage like this, does not have fault. 其实她想到东西木萧也想到,只是木萧心中认为,一切来源于自身实力,没了实力做多少东西都是虚假。不过,她的意见木萧也是能接受,因为这样只有好处,没有坏处。 however, the motorcade had order, naturally had the steps among people, the ordinary person has the rest area of ordinary person, generally Neo-Human also has the oneself rest area. Therefore, Mu Xiao and Shangguan Yuanxin they as Core of motorcade, have the exclusive region, several are the pretty woman who takes care of voluntarily. 然而,车队有了秩序,自然有了人与人之间的阶梯,普通人有普通人的休息区,一般新人类也有自己的休息区。所以,木萧上官媛馨她们作为车队的核心,有专属的区域,还有好几名自愿做服侍的漂亮女人。 With these women, Shangguan Yuanxin has the idea of oneself, first some trivial matters do not need oneself to do personally, secondly can know that motorcade inside situation, moreover can transmit some information going out motorcades, can control. 用这些女人,上官媛馨自己的想法,一来有些琐碎事不用自己亲自做,二来可以得知车队里面的情况,三来可以传达一些信息出去车队,得以控制。 She regarded a group to come / operation, the basic unit to the motorcade understand, must stand firm the heart of basic unit personnel. 她把车队当成了一个集团来/经营,基层必须去了解,也必须稳住基层人员的心。 present, Mu Xiao trusts Shangguan Yuanxin gradually, she also has such trust tacit understanding, two people non- bosses and non- sweethearts, but is not the friend of opening heart, was the partner appears intimate...... formed marvelous relations from this. 现在,木萧渐渐信任上官媛馨,她同样有这样的信任默契,两人非上司、非情人,但不是交心的朋友,算是伙伴又显得亲密……由此形成了一种奇妙的关系。 ...... …… Mu Xiao went to the private dining room in this building, Shangguan Yuanxin they chooses here to make the dinner the place, the present dinner has prepared. 木萧来到这座大楼的私人餐厅,上官媛馨她们选了这里做晚饭的地点,现在晚饭已经准备好。 I said could not find variation beast.” Duan Lingling changes the fight barbaric style, grasps the flesh lump in knife and fork cutting tray, does not have makes the least bit sound slightly, the etiquette stance seems very proper. “我都说找不到变异兽的了。”段玲玲一改战斗野蛮风格,手持刀叉切割盘子里的肉块,丝毫没有发出半点声音,礼仪姿态显得十分到位。 Not only she, has the refined etiquette including Shangguan Yuanxin, Zhou Xuan, Sun Xinyue, Yan Shaonan, Dan Miaoyi and Jiang Yunwei. This is a big household required course, even the bodyguard must have certain individual training. But under contrast of their graceful etiquette, Lü Xiaoman, Zhao Yiling, Tong Jingzhen and Jiang Yue appeared ordinary. 不只是她,包括上官媛馨周萱孙新月严韶楠单妙依蒋云蔚都有雅致的礼仪。这是一个大家族必修课,就算是保镖也要有一定个人修养。但在她们优雅礼仪的衬托之下,吕晓蔓,赵依凌童静珍姜月就显得普通了点。 And Mu Xuanyin has their everyone does not have nature, as if not need deliberately to maintain what etiquette, each movement is the etiquette, honored that passes from the bone. 其中木绚音有她们所有人没有的一份自然,仿佛不用刻意保持什么礼仪,她本身每一个动作就是礼仪,有一种从骨子里透出来的尊贵。 If Shangguan Yuanxin they are the princess characters, Mu Xuanyin is the daughter of god. 如果上官媛馨她们是公主般的人物,木绚音就是神的女儿。 Before is very early, Shangguan Yuanxin notices on Mu Xuanyin sometimes to show one type expensively not the makings, she had probed Mu Xuanyin this issue, but Mu Xuanyin spoke frankly that cannot say, only if after the Mu Xiao's authorization. 在很早之前,上官媛馨就注意到木绚音身上有时候透出一种贵不可言的气质,她曾经试探过木绚音这个问题,但木绚音直言不能说,除非经过木萧的批准。 From now on, Shangguan Yuanxin does not have closely examines, but in the heart has understood, on Mu Xiao and Mu Xuanyin contained a big secret. 自此,上官媛馨没有追问下去,但心中已经明白,木萧木绚音身上蕴含了一个大秘密。 Mu Xiao does not have builds the speech of Duan Lingling, sat down directly Mu Xuanyin seat, quick has a pretty beautiful woman, hold to come one bowl of medicinal meal thick soup, placed his front. The present dinner they have slightly eat food supplements, is helpful in moistening and mixing the body function, maintains exuberant blood power. 木萧没有段玲玲的说话,直接坐下木绚音身边的座位,很快就有一名漂亮养眼的女人,盛来了一碗药膳浓汤,放在了他的面前。现在晚饭她们都有小小进补一番,有助滋润和调制身体机能,保持旺盛的血力 After dinner, Mu Xiao undertakes the work that stands night watch, he by far several people of making an inspection tour, saved manpower resource imperceptibly, moreover tomorrow will go back to have on the way must fight, recuperating mental will be very important. 晚饭过后,木萧承担守夜的工作,他一人远胜好几人的巡守,无形中节省了人力资源,而且明天回去途中少不了要战斗,养好精神很重要。 The so silent night, had his strongest man to be responsible for everyone's safety, Shangguan Yuanxin their body and mind relaxed, including motorcade everyone, they were short of the burden, were many stably, did not need to cross terrifying with trepidation at night. 如此寂静的黑夜,有他这个最强的男人负责大家的安全,上官媛馨她们身心都放松了下来,包括车队所有人,他们心里少了负担,多了安定,不用过着提心吊胆的恐怖夜晚。 The floor has many rooms, everyone found the rest place. Mu Xiao sits cross-legged alone in the outside hall, in the building has what sound, cannot hide the truth from his keen mental induction. 楼层有很多房间,每个人都找到了休息的地方。木萧独自盘坐在外面大厅,楼中有什么动静,瞒不过他敏锐的精神感应。 This evening's Mu Xiao does not have conducts immediately calmly cultivates, in Heaven Crystal that but part of mental strength, the irrigation harvests in the morning, lets Heaven Crystal little space, absorbs the itself mental strength aura, conducts recognizes lord. 这个晚上木萧没有立刻进行静修,而是将一部分精神力,灌注早上收获的天晶里面,让天晶一个小空间,吸收自身精神力气息,进行认主 Not only he, Shangguan Yuanxin and Lü Xiaoman, Mu Xuanyin and Sun Xinyue they handles the same matter in the room. Has is so similar to Heaven Crystal of cheating together, they only need successfully conduct recognizes lord, the strength can immediately upgrade several times. 不只是他,上官媛馨吕晓蔓木绚音孙新月她们在房间做同样的事情。有如此一块如同作弊器的天晶,她们只须成功进行认主,实力立刻就可以提升好几倍。 The mid-night, Mu Xiao Heaven Crystal little space, fulled floaded operation oneself mental strength finally, only when the Heaven Crystal record aura, can instant grasp the Heaven Crystal effect. 午夜时分,木萧终于将天晶一个小空间,灌满了自己精神力,只待天晶记录气息,就能一念之间掌握天晶的功效。 however, pouring into mental strength is also a consumption, Mu Xiao starts to sit in meditation, resumes the itself consumption mental strength. 然而,灌注精神力也是一种消耗,木萧开始入定,恢复自身消耗的精神力 Un?” “嗯?” Mu Xiao hears not far away to have the slight sound, opened the eye slowly. 木萧听见不远处有细微的动静,缓缓睁开了眼睛。 So long as constitution is powerful enough, the eye stimulates the night vision ability automatically. At this time, Mu Xiao looks to the jet black corridor, just like the daytime, sees dinner that attractively foreign style, the stature sex appeal wonderful graceful woman, was walking softly. 只要体质够强大,眼睛就自动激发夜视能力。此时,木萧望向漆黑的走廊,如同白昼一样,看见晚饭那名漂亮洋气,身材性感妙曼的女人,正轻手轻脚地走了出来。 „Do you have the matter?” Mu Xiao pressed brow, but quick extends, the facial expression becomes light. “你有事?”木萧蹙了蹙眉头,但很快又伸展开来,神情变得平淡。 Not... does not have......” “没…没有……” The women replied intensely, in that big lush luster of the skin, only wore the frail underpants, presents a pair of white and shiny slender beautiful leg, shoes also does not have puts on, is red the shining white jade foot, the skin is being fair and delicate, a pair of bright and intelligent eye pupil actually understands to bewitch not very much very much, the five senses have an obsequious attitude, the luster of the skin curve to fluctuate elegantly inborn, sends concave-convex, the walking chest front mighty waves are turbulent, have a pair of best quality goods abundant breast, the attractive desire of not being able to say. 女人紧张地回答,那高大丰美的玉体上,只穿了单薄的内衣裤,呈现一双白花花的修长美腿,鞋子也没有穿,赤着莹白的玉足,皮肤白皙而细嫩,一双水汪汪的眼眸不很大却很懂得勾魂,五官秀美天生带着一股媚态,玉体曲线起伏,凹凸有致,走起路来胸前波涛汹涌,有着一对极品丰乳,说不出的诱人欲念。 She also wants to say anything time, Mu Xiao breaks directly: Is all right goes back, do not handle the unnecessary matter.” 她还想说什么的时候,木萧直接打断:“没事就回去,别做多余的事情。” The woman foreign style cheek of becomes hot and hot, understands that this man completely understood oneself that thoughts, indirect rejected oneself, immediately sensation shames bashfully incomparable, the turning around half step went back to the room. 女人洋气的脸蛋变得又烫又热,明白这个男人看透了自己那点心思,间接性拒绝了自己,顿时感觉羞臊无比,转身快步走回了房间。 world many seductions, special chaos world, many people to survive, pays all, including the oneself body. 世界很多诱惑,特别混乱世界,很多人为了生存,付出一切,包括自己的身体。 Mu Xiao experiences many these seductions, if before, he can brutally play with these women, even if abandons the woman of relations, in the heart will not have least bit sensation, but he is unable to make beforehand that extreme callous oneself now. 木萧经历不少这些诱惑,如果是以前,他可以无情的玩弄这些女人,就算抛弃掉有过关系的女人,心中也不会有半点感觉,但如今他无法做以前那个极端冷酷的自己 Because heart spirit had the fetters, to have the thing that thought guardianship, had the responsibility that must shoulder...... 因为心灵有了羁绊、有了想守护的东西、有了必须承担的责任…… --- Thank: Half degree sentiment day and zhen yi and fish and Mo of tears bathe water, love flower, five big generous hit to enjoy! 感谢:半度情天、鎭乂、沐水、爱花儿的鱼、陌漢淚,五位大大的慷慨打赏!
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