RINAPE :: Volume #18

#1760: According to my rule plays

Li Mu selected Brother Liu, later then changed a topic, said to him: In the future Brother Liu, you must manage possibly is several million people of Driver teams, the manpower as well as a series of imputed costs will be high, therefore in the future we if certainly wants the means to conduct the reasonable cost control, this you must use the brain, how thinks to save the cost.” 李牧点了一下刘师兄,随后便换了个话题,对他说:“刘师兄,未来你要管理的可能是几百万人的骑手团队,人力以及一系列的附加成本会非常高,所以未来我们一定要想办法进行合理的成本控制,这个你要多动脑,想想如何节省成本。” Brother Liu thinks, said: At present the maximum cost is the hardware, Ele.me distributes the special-purpose battery-powered bicycle, a purchase price wants small several thousand, achieves 1 million people of scales the words, this was small billions, this asset heavy was a little scary.” 刘师兄想了想,说:“目前最大的成本就是硬件,饿了么配送专用的电动自行车,一辆的采购价就要小几千块,做到一百万人规模的话,这就小几十亿了,这个资产重的有点吓人。” Li Mu shows a faint smile, said: This cost we only undertake in the first-tier city temporarily, on the one hand is because the first-tier city has the quite strict limit to the motorcycle mostly, our Driver need the battery-powered bicycle to come safe legitimate sending ; On the other hand, stems from the propaganda to the enterprise image, must therefore in the first-tier city unified tool.” 李牧微微一笑,道:“这个成本我们暂时只在一线城市承担,一方面是因为一线城市大都对摩托车有比较严格的限制,我们的骑手需要电动自行车来安全合法的进行派送;另一方面,也是出于对企业形象的宣传,所以要在一线城市统一工具。” Saying, Li Mu, said: Waits for call circuits start to sink from the first-tier city, below the second-tier cities city, had not banned the city of rubs particularly temporarily explicitly, we can adopt the way of transportation vehicle subsidy, encouraging Driver to supply for oneself the transportation vehicle, Driver, if supplies for oneself the transportation vehicle, we extra pay certain amount to Driver every month the transportation vehicle subsidy expense.” 说着,李牧顿了顿,又道:“等我们的业务线开始从一线城市进行下沉,到了二线城市以下的城市,尤其是暂时还没有明确禁摩的城市,我们可以采取交通工具补贴的方式,鼓励骑手自备交通工具,骑手如果自备交通工具,我们每月额外给骑手支付一定金额的交通工具补助费用。” In addition has the cell phone, if Driver have the cell phone, we can also give every month about dozens Yuan Instant Messenger subsidy, when the time comes communicates with the movement, making them allow the Driver genuine article also to clear the Ele.me staff hiring by the month meal, one month also on 20 Yuan, we can subsidize Driver every month 40 to 50, encourages them to purchase the Instant Messenger tool, the cost that the dilution we need to pay in a short time.” “另外还有手机,如果骑手自己有手机,我们也可以给予每月几十元左右的通讯补贴,到时候跟移动沟通一下,让他们允许骑手的老号也开通饿了么员工包月套餐,一个月也就二十块钱,我们可以补贴骑手每月四十到五十,来鼓励他们自己购买通讯工具,摊薄我们在短时间内需要支付的成本。” Present stage, the expense that because Driver orders uses the message the situation, therefore Ele.me in the development, had established in -depth cooperation relations with the China mobile. 现阶段,因为骑手接单的费用全部采用短信的形势,所以饿了么在开发的时候,就已经与华夏移动公司建立了深度合作关系。 At present, Ele.me system issues the order message to Driver, what with is the motion message connection, in the form of hiring by the month, to the mobile payment certain hiring by the month expense, then system can the infinitude issue the information to Driver every month. 目前,饿了么系统骑手下发订单短信,采用的是移动的短信接口,以包月的形式,每月向移动支付一定的包月费用,然后系统就可以无限量向骑手发布信息。 The cell phone card of Driver use also has the special hiring by the month meal, in each card 20 yuan hiring by the month expense, Driver can the infinitude reply the Ele.me official message, simultaneously every month 2000 minutes of local messages, the work of basically enough Ele.me Driver needs. 骑手使用的手机卡也有专门的包月套餐,每张卡二十元钱的包月费用里,骑手可以无限量回复饿了么官方短信,同时每月有2000分钟本地通话,基本足够饿了么骑手的工作所需。 The present stage, the cell phone Instant Messenger expense is quite expensive/noble, this meal could be said as very cost-effective, but this was also because Muye Science and Technology and Taobao Science and Technology fame was too big . Moreover the social influence has been very strong, moved except for putting a person under obligation, wanted the abundant reputation. 现阶段,手机通讯费用还比较贵,这个套餐可以说是非常划算了,但这也是因为牧野科技淘宝科技的名气太大,而且社会影响力一直很强,移动除了卖个人情,也愿意博个名声。 Moreover, once the Ele.me Driver quantity breaks through certain magnitude, when the time comes the income of this call circuit also meets geometrical time of growth, to moving is also a super client. 而且,一旦饿了么骑手数量突破一定量级,到时候这条业务线的收入也会几何倍增长,对移动来说也是一个大客户。 Confessed that the issue of Driver team, Li Mu continues saying: Then, is our service management system, to put it bluntly, from pre-sale to selling, again to post-sale complete set services structure.” 交代完骑手团队的问题,李牧继续说道:“接下来,是我们的服务管理体系,说白了,也就是从售前到售中,再到售后的全套服务体系。” User orders the beforehand pre-sale consultation is not many, but not many does not represent not to have, must therefore probably guarantee that the official customer service can respond to the consultation issue of user in one minute, simultaneously wants the business to guarantee to keep the telephone number on Ele.me remains unimpeded in the business hour, if the user sues the business not to receive a telegram promptly, we must deduct their prestige weights.” “用户下单之前的售前咨询并不多,但不多不代表没有,所以要务必确保官方客服可以在一分钟内回应用户的咨询问题,同时要商家确保留在饿了么上的电话号码在营业时间内保持畅通,如果用户投诉商家接电不及时,我们也要扣除他们的信誉权重。” Sells must guarantee that the Driver telephone can make a connection, Driver cannot any reason, the request user allow him to confirm the delivery ahead of time, otherwise once were discovered, the first warning processes, the second direct dismissal.” “售中还要确保骑手的电话可以打通,骑手不得以任何理由,要求用户允许他提前确认送达,否则一经发现,第一次警告处理,第二次直接开除。” Post-sale wants the specific event rank, if the food security problem, must highest rank processing, the official customer service unable to kick the issue completely to the business and user solves, must be responsible for supervising each suit and rights protection, must determine that the issue is solved completely, may end the attention.” “售后一定要确定事件等级,如果是食品安全问题,一定要最高级别优先处理,官方客服绝不可以将问题全部踢给商家与用户自行解决,一定要负责监督每一个投诉与维权,必须确定问题全部解决,才可结束关注。” previous life, Taobao although beforehand barbaric growth time tolerates to the seller very much, but that is because Boss Ma can see clearly the situation. 上辈子,淘宝虽然之前野蛮生长的时候对卖家很是纵容,但那是因为马老板非常能看清形势。 At the beginning of the undertaking of Taobao, the most important urgent matter, the seller in ebay this type of platform, attracts Taobao to come up comprehensively, therefore he gives the seller to give the green light. 淘宝的创业之初,最重要的当务之急,是将ebay这种平台上的卖家,全面吸引到淘宝上来,所以他给卖家一路开绿灯。 Does not receive any sale to be divided into and relax the shop verification condition, to selling the shop owner few achievement even non- achievement of counterfeit goods, is the attitude of this nearly harbor, made Taobao attract lots of individual shop merchant rapidly, afterward, this group of people also fished the first pot of gold/metal on Taobao mostly. 不收任何销售分成、放宽店铺审核条件、对卖假货的店主少作为甚至不作为,正是这种近乎包庇的态度,才让淘宝迅速吸引了大量个体网店商户,后来,这批人也大都在淘宝上捞到了第一桶金。 At that time Boss Ma knows, wants to make an ultra-large market, the first matter first did not face the customer to create the propaganda, but must first invite businessmen to open company, only then invited businessmen to open company as soon as possible, fills up with massive shops and commodity the markets, the customer can come the expense. 那个时候马老板就知道,想做一家超大型商场,第一件事绝不是先面对客户做宣传,而是要先招商,只有尽快招商、用大量店铺和商品把商场填满,顾客才会过来消费。 Therefore, people said afterward some multipurpose treasures, actually have the gene, from the beginning was doomed, this will be a zero threshold will open the e-Commerce platform in shop, in the barbaric growth phase, almost without you thing that will unable to buy from Taobao. 所以,人们后来说万能的某宝,其实是有基因在的,从一开始就注定了,这将是一家零门槛开网店的电商平台,在野蛮生长阶段,几乎没有你从淘宝买不到的东西。 However completes inviting businessmen to open company after the market, Boss Ma changes the attitude immediately, he starts little, even comprehensive reversing to user, he increased the request to the shop, even the request shop payment earnest money, has the dispute time, even first will also pay the expense to the user, the issue of sellers, platforms and user three parties, turns into the issue between seller and platform directly. 但是在商场完成招商之后,马老板立刻转变了态度,他开始一点点的、甚至全面的倒向用户,他增加了对店铺的要求,甚至要求店铺缴纳保证金,发生纠纷的时候,甚至还会先向用户垫付费用,把卖家、平台、用户三方的问题,直接变成卖家和平台之间的问题。 The sellers have the inherent advantage and right to speak to the buyer, but the platform to the seller, has the inherent advantage and lives to kill the power, a seller dares to neglect his buyer, but does not dare to neglect the platform, otherwise the platform directly conducts the harsh punishment to it, even forces to close directly, he will lose seriously. 卖家对买家有先天优势和话语权,而平台对卖家,更是有先天优势和生杀大权,一个卖家敢怠慢他的买家,但绝不敢怠慢平台,否则平台直接对它进行严厉处罚,甚至直接强制闭店,他将损失惨重。 This point, proved Boss Ma is astute as an pinnacle of businessman, whom should sacrifice to cater to anyone, he was clear compared with anyone. 这一点,证明了马老板作为一个生意人的极致精明,该牺牲谁来迎合谁,他比谁都清楚。 Li Mu is not willing to take the Boss Ma old route, although he has made Ele.me, but he does not prepare to kneel to lick the business from the beginning, because he has many places to be different from Boss Ma. 李牧不愿走马老板的老路,虽说他已经做起来饿了么,但他不准备在一开始就去跪舔商家,因为他跟马老板有很多地方是不一样的。 First, his character is different from Boss Ma, he starts from undertaking First Day, does not plan by kneeling money-making ; 首先,他的性格跟马老板不一样,他从创业第一天开始,就不打算靠跪着赚钱; Next, his Ele.me now is alone one in industry, not like Taobao just did, having the powerful enemy needs to attack and capture, therefore the present stage, oneself are the dining business makes the only choice of e-Commerce, you want to make money, comes to play according to my rule, if you do not want to make money, or does not want to obey my rule, you play at the same time, is impossible to have any other platforms to compete with me again. 其次,他的饿了么现在是行业内的独一份,不像淘宝刚做的时候,有强敌需要攻克,所以现阶段,自己就是餐饮商家做电子商务的唯一选择,你想赚钱,就过来按我的规则玩,你要是不想赚钱,或者不想遵守我的规则,那你就一边玩去,不可能再有任何一个其他平台能跟我竞争。 Li Mu thinks is very clear, prepares 2 billion operation funds, prepares at least 2 billion arms ammunition again ahead of time, these 2 billion arms ammunition, are once has the competitor to appear, immediately with pounds the fierce fever fiercely, burns unable to burn till the opposite party. 李牧想的很明白,准备二十亿运营资金,再提前准备至少二十亿枪炮弹药,这二十亿枪炮弹药,是一旦有竞争对手出现,立刻拿出来猛砸猛烧,烧到对方烧不起为止。 The taking taxi software and reservation software once experienced the overroasting money war, don't you want to snatch the user with me? My user subsidy five, you with? You must with, my subsidy eight, you must also with, my subsidy ten, you again with, my subsidy 15. 打车软件和订餐软件都曾经经历过烧钱大战,你不是想跟我抢用户吗?我一个用户补贴五块,你跟的起吗?你要跟的起,我就补贴八块,你要还跟的起,我就补贴十块,你再跟,我就补贴十五。 Continuously subsidy when? The subsidy till you cannot follow, not to have money, to want coolly. 一直补贴到什么时候呢?一直补贴到你跟不起了、没钱了、要凉了为止。 This looks like a gambling house, bet whose sign is not good, but is money that who takes are more. 这就像是一把赌局,赌的不是谁的牌好,而是谁拿出来的钱更多。 Everyone makes to sit together, throws money toward the table on together, who cannot throw who is first eliminated, who throws finally, all takes on the winner. 大家约好坐在一起,一起往桌子上扔钱,谁扔不起谁先出局,谁扔到最后,就赢者全拿。 Immediately, Li Mu also announced own technology management system. 随即,李牧又宣布了自己的技术管理体系。 The technical management, is the website complete set technology, the onstage must guarantee that can visit under the huge current capacity as before smoothly, this point very can be solved, has the Taobao construction there, Ele.me picks ready-made. 技术管理,就是网站的全套技术,前台要保证在巨大流量下依旧可以流畅访问,这一点很好解决,有淘宝的架构在那里,饿了么捡现成的就可以。 Is order handling system, each order average treatment time of Taobao order is two three days about, that is, the user from ordering, to receiving goods, takes 48-72 hours generally. 还有就是订单处理系统,淘宝订单的每个订单平均处理时间为两三天左右,也就是,用户从下单,到收货,一般需要48-72小时。 However, the Ele.me meal order, only takes a half hour generally. 但是,饿了么点餐订单,一般只需要半个小时。 This also means, system must process the order of day quantity every day, and order retention of data in server. 这也就意味着,系统每天要处理天量的订单,并且将订单数据保留在服务器。 This set, must improve by the Muye Science and Technology development team, after all the Muye Science and Technology R & D team, has expanded the industry top degree now, the reserve power of technology development is powerful. 这一套,也要靠牧野科技的开发团队去完善,毕竟牧野科技的研发团队,现在已经壮大到了行业顶尖的程度,技术开发的储备动力还非常强大。 The final safety management system, is the security system of one set of online offline, online must resist the technological attack and resistance to brush the impact of current capacity maliciously, but must ensure the user information security and order data security. 最后的安全管理体系,是一整套线上线下的安全体系,线上要抵御技术攻击、抵御恶意刷流量的冲击,还要确保用户信息安全、订单数据安全。 As for offline, must take into consideration were more. 至于线下,要顾及到的就更多了。 First, must guarantee that distributes the Driver security. 首先,要确保配送骑手的安全。 This is mainly the traffic safety and ensure accidental/surprised little happened as far as possible, but, must have an emergency response plan. 这主要是交通安全,确保意外尽量少发生,而发生之后一定要有一个应急处理方案。 Li Mu favors making enterprise the safety fund, for example can choose to pay 10 Yuan safety fund per month per person, this sum of money will be used in all Driver personal safety, once there is Driver to have the accident/surprise in the work process, immediately conducts the rescue and damage control with this fund. 李牧倾向于做企业内部的安全基金,比如每人每月可以选择缴纳十元安全基金,这笔钱将用于所有骑手的人身安全,一旦有骑手在工作过程中出现意外,立刻用这笔基金进行救助和善后。 If this fund is unable to make ends meet, showed that the Driver security the issue hidden danger is too big, but also needs to continue to strengthen to training of Driver safety consciousness ; 如果这个基金入不敷出,就证明骑手安全的问题隐患太大,还需要继续加强对骑手安全意识的培训; If this fund can slightly have the surplus, then showed that everyone's security problem obtained the good promotion, surplus money, so long as over one month needs, can suspend collecting the security gold/metal. 如果这个基金能略有结余,则证明大家的安全问题得到了较好的提升,剩余的钱,只要超过一个月的所需,就可以暂停收取安全金。 For example, Driver hands over 10 Yuan and in February to hand over 10 Yuan and in March also to pay 10 Yuan in January, in the first quarter pays 30 Yuan safety fund, after three months of settlement, discovered that the fund also has 1/3, then completely Driver do not pay the one cent in April again. 比如,骑手1月份交十元、2月份交十元、3月份也交十元,第一季度共缴纳三十元安全基金,三个月的结算之后,发现资金还剩下三分之一,那么四月份全部骑手都不要再交一分钱。 If to April, the fund had the disbursement later, total quantity to drop, in May/five months, according to everyone ten Yuan collects the fund again. 如果到了四月,基金有了支出之后、总量下降,那么在五月的时候,再按每人十元收取基金。 Naturally, this is the voluntary participation, so long as participated, in the event of accidental/surprised can be subsidized, but if not participate, the extra subsidy did not have, can only conduct the payment of ordinary accident insurance by the insurance. 当然,这个是自愿参与的,只要参与了,一旦发生意外就可以得到补助,但如果不参与,额外的补助就没有了,只能由保险来进行普通意外险的赔付。 Actually, these 10 Yuan, quite therefore Driver bought an extra accident insurance in the company, what is different from the insurance of insurance company, Li Mu will not take away this inside one cent, all money, entirely will be used in the Ele.me Driver community. 其实,这十元,就相当于是骑手们在公司内部又买了一个额外的意外险,不过与保险公司的保险不同的是,李牧不会拿走这里面的一分钱,所有的钱,都将完全用于饿了么骑手群体。
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