RINAPE :: Volume #17

#1674: Walked transports/fortunes greatly

Felix to inviting Li Mu mounts the 《Time Magazine》 US (America) version title page the matter to have very big opinion, thinks that Li Mu does not match to mount the 《Time Magazine》 US (America) version title page in any event. 菲利克斯本身就对邀请李牧登上《时代周刊》美国版封面的事情有很大的意见,认为李牧无论如何都不配登上《时代周刊》美国版封面。 But what his didn't expect is, Li Mu does not seem interested on this title page, even also set a series of unthinkable requests. 但他没想到的是,李牧似乎对上这个封面并不感兴趣,甚至还提出一连串匪夷所思的要求。 Until now, Time although uses the child to make the title page, but these children in had the representative of extraordinary significance at that time, for example the snapshot and feature article of war of refugee children African disadvantaged children, besides this type, they have not needed one childhood picture of adult to take the title page immediately. 迄今为止,时代周刊虽然用过儿童做封面,但那些儿童都是在当时有非凡意义的代表人物,例如非洲贫困儿童的抓拍、战争难民儿童的特写,除了这种,他们还从来没有用过一个当下成年人的儿时照片作为封面。 Moreover, was the title page character by Time invitation, but the litigant accepts the face of interview not to give unexpectedly, this was too much too. 而且,都被时代周刊邀请做封面人物了,可当事人竟然连接受采访的面子都不给,这实在是有点太过分了。 Most keeps Felix from accepting, is Li Mu declines in the report of Time to mention God unexpectedly! 最让菲利克斯无法接受的,是李牧竟然拒绝时代周刊的报道中提及上帝! US (America) although was known as that is the world's largest immigration country, but in the bone of this country is actually a puritancal country, the traditional US (America) person believes in God, simultaneously esteems the Second Amendment, can say that a hand is used to take Holy Bible, another hand is used to take the rifle. 美国虽然号称是世界上最大的移民国家,但这个国家的骨子里其实是一个清教徒式的国家,传统的美国人信奉上帝,同时又推崇第二修正案,可以说一只手用来拿圣经,另一只手用来拿步枪。 Is such country, had implemented the severe prohibiting alcohol command, and will abort delimits to violate the law, the president takes office wants the hand according to reads out in «Holy Bible» vowed, thus it can be seen their esteem to religion deep-rooted. 就是这样的国家,曾经实行过严苛的禁酒令,并且将堕胎划定为犯法,总统就任都要手按在《圣经》上宣读誓言,由此可见他们对宗教的推崇有多根深蒂固。 But, Li Mu does not like this feeling. 可是,李牧偏偏不喜欢这种感觉。 He respects in the world each belief, but he as an atheist, is not willing to have the relation with any religion. 他尊重世界上每一种信仰,但他作为一个无神论者,也不愿意与任何一种宗教产生联系。 Felix angry conveyed the Li Mu's words to the high level of Time Warner, protested: Li Mu does not make us in mention God about his report in unexpectedly, this is to the insult that we believe! We cannot such to mount our magazine covers.” 菲利克斯愤怒不已的把李牧的话转达给了时代华纳的高层,抗议道:“李牧竟然不让我们在关于他的报道中提及上帝,这是对我们信仰的侮辱!我们绝不能让这样的人登上我们的杂志封面。” The high level of Time Warner said indifferently: Li Mu is not the US (America) person, is not the Puritan, he does not hope you in mentioned God about his report, did not interfere with you freedoms in other articles, what this had not right?” 时代华纳的高层却非常无所谓的说:“李牧不是美国人,也不是清教徒,他只是不希望你在关于他的报道中提及上帝,又不干涉你在其他文章中的自由,这有什么不对劲的吗?” Felix argued strongly based on reason: „We are a puritanism country, this is our beliefs and traditions!” 菲利克斯据理力争道:“我们是一个清教国家,这是我们的信仰和传统啊!” The high level of Time Warner asked him: What's the big deal? Because we have our beliefs and traditions, can request others with this? I asked you, if you were a manager in McDonald's Restaurant, some guest in the fries that requested him to order do not put the ketchup, did this have any mistake? The fries that because your restaurant provides have the ketchup, requests him to also probably eat?” 时代华纳的高层反问他:“那又怎么样?难道因为我们有我们的信仰和传统,就要用这个去要求其他人吗?我问你,如果你是一间麦当劳餐厅的经理,某一位客人只是要求他点的薯条里不要放番茄酱,这有任何错吗?难道因为你餐厅提供的薯条都有番茄酱,就要求他必须也要吃?” Felix is all of a sudden dumbfounded. 菲利克斯一下子哑口无言。 His didn't expect, this usually the uncommunicative high level, doing to debate that is so unexpectedly talkative, several words having no way out that oneself stop up. 没想到,这位平时寡言的高层,搞起辩论来竟然这么健谈,几句话就把自己堵的无路可走。 At this time, the opposite party clears throat, said: Felix, we knows that what person you are, but I must remind you, usually you do to discriminate indifferently, everyone somewhat shameful thing, but you best deadlock to me your personal views in your at heart, if you dare to bring to the work, I immediately to the board of directors propose that replaces you! Even you in daily life, if divulges and to get the handle, I will also certainly inform the board of directors, and requested earnestly the board of directors to pick off you seriously!” 这时候,对方清了清嗓子,又道:“菲利克斯,我们都知道你是什么样的人,不过我得提醒你,平时你心里搞搞歧视无所谓,每个人心里都有些见不得人的东西,但是你最好把你这些个人观点给我锁死在你的心里,如果你敢带到工作中来,我立刻向董事会提出换掉你!甚至你在日常生活中如果泄露出来、被人抓住把柄,我也一定会告知董事会,并郑重恳请董事会把你拿掉!” Felix by the back that the opposite party severe tone frightens one cool, hastily traded an tone, respectful saying: You could rest assured that I keep certainly firmly in mind your confession, does not give the company and individual provokes troublesome......” 菲利克斯被对方严厉的语气吓的背后一凉,急忙换了个语气,恭恭敬敬的说道:“您放心,我一定牢记您的交代,绝不给公司和个人招惹麻烦……” The opposite party un, said: You really have several are best, matter that Li Mu is the title page character, you must to me whole-heartedly, Wall Street generally believe now, at Li Mu such development speed, his worth might in the next five years over 5000 hundred million USD very much, you know that what concept this will be? If offended him, to miss this opportunity, you can also tidy up prepare to leave!” 对方嗯了一声,道:“你心里真有数就最好,李牧做封面人物的事情,你必须给我全力以赴,现在华尔街普遍认为,以李牧这样的发展速度,他的身价很有可能在未来五年内超过五千亿美元,你知道这是什么概念吗?如果得罪了他、错失了这个机会,你也可以收拾收拾准备走人了!” Felix had a scare by this number, in five years over 5000 hundred million USD? Was this number too also fearful? Possibly? 菲利克斯被这个数字吓了一跳,五年内超过五千亿美元?这个数字也太可怕了吧?可能吗? Felix timid complies, while looks for opportunity with oneself friend relation in Wall Street, inquired the possibility of his news in secret. 菲利克斯一边唯唯诺诺的答应下来,一边找机会跟自己在华尔街的朋友联系,私下里询问他这个消息的可能性。 His friend, long ago was also the high technology and new technology talent who Silicon Valley started an undertaking, because of the reason of family industry, arrived at Wall Street to be the financial analyst afterward, can say that he compared a common native of Wall Street to understand internet. 他的这位朋友,早些年也是硅谷创业的高新技术人才,但后来因为家族产业的缘故,来到华尔街做了金融分析师,可以说他比一般的华尔街人更懂互联网 Actually Felix also knows, the Li Mu present theory worth has achieved thousand hundred million USD, but, because had just experienced the internet bubble not, he did not think that these thousand hundred million USD have what extraordinary, around 2000, many internet Corporation market value rises dramatically, but this bubble wealth also quick, today Li Mu or the God's favored one who comes to go quickly perhaps, the bubble will burst tomorrow again, he turned into trillion lost/carrying old men. 其实菲利克斯也知道,李牧现在的理论身价早已经达到千亿美元,但是,由于刚经历过互联网泡沫不就,他不觉得这千亿美元有什么了不起,2000年前后,很多互联网公司市值暴增,但这种泡沫钱财来得快去的也快,今天李牧还是天之骄子,没准明天泡沫再次破裂,他就变成亿万负翁了。 What Felix didn't expect is, he inquired after YY this friend, the opposite party gives him to reply one immediately: In five years break through 5000 hundred million USD, are only Wall Street this group of fellow's superficial judgments, I thought that by the Li Mu current layout, in three years has the possibility.” 菲利克斯没想到的是,他在yy上询问了这位朋友之后,对方立刻给他回复了一句:“五年内突破五千亿美元,只是华尔街这帮家伙肤浅的判断,我觉得以李牧目前的布局,三年内就有可能。” Three years? Were you insane? Why can Li Mu achieve?!” “三年?你疯了吧?李牧凭什么能做到?!” Felix also wants to obtain despises the Li Mu's opinion, didn't expect this friend esteems about Li Mu's, unexpectedly tall passed/lived Wall Street universal cognition. 菲利克斯本来还想得到一些看低李牧的言论,没想到自己这个朋友对李牧的推崇,竟然高过了华尔街普遍的认知。 But his friend explained: In Li Mu has several call circuits potentially large, for example he acquired Apple Corporation a while ago, and has not opened any employee in Apple Corporation, Apple has also had no new movement, this sharply contrasted sign showed that Apple should do the large-scale research and development effort, Li Mu may do any big movement very much.” 而他的那位朋友解释道:“李牧手里有好几个潜力巨大的业务线,比如他前段时间收购了苹果公司,而且没有开掉苹果公司的任何一名员工,偏偏苹果又一直没有什么新动作,这种反差极大的迹象表明苹果应该是在做大规模的研发工作,李牧很有可能在搞什么大动作。” „The Li Mu's Taobao net does very well, the necessary light casting wrapped the efficient logistics also to achieve the technique content entire industry leading level, the internet development was so rapid, the e-Commerce market share was also getting bigger and bigger, the Li Mu's Taobao net light/only depended on the China market to make the unicorn, if Li Mu decided that made the Taobao net go out the gate, this call circuit might become the future online Wal-Mart very much.” 李牧的淘宝网做得非常好,配套的小件包裹高效物流也做到了技术含量全行业领先的水平,互联网发展这么迅速,电子商务的市场份额也越来越大,李牧的淘宝网光靠华夏市场就能做成独角兽,如果李牧决定让淘宝网走出国门,这条业务线很有可能成为未来的线上沃尔玛。” Asking that Felix has doubts: Online Wal-Mart? Such god who that Taobao net really some you said?” 菲利克斯疑惑的问:“线上沃尔玛?那个淘宝网真有你说的这么神?” The opposite party send in a smile the expression, said: „Everyone looked that the starting point of issue is different, the angle is not same, but I felt, if Li Mu will take, to make the globalized operation Taobao this set of thing in the future, absolutely is a giant opportunity.” 对方发来一个微笑的表情,道:“每个人看问题的出发点都不一样,角度更不相同,不过我个人觉得,如果李牧将来把淘宝这一套东西拿出来、做全球化运作,绝对是一个巨大的商机。” Saying, the opposite party was also saying: Moreover, Li Mu has started to do the data processing center in the all over the world, currently has no internet Corporation to be able in the data-handling capacity to place on a par with Muye Science and Technology, now the Muye Science and Technology data processing center not only can meet Muye Science and Technology own need comprehensively, even started to make to Boss business, they opened oneself redundancy the data-handling capacity to other internet enterprises, the prospect of this call circuit is also very broad, even can develop to the markets of ten thousand hundred million USD scales in the next ten years, therefore, if Li Mu these call circuits developed smoothly, three years 5000 hundred million USD sale prices, I thought that at all was not anything.” 说着,对方又道:“而且,李牧早就开始在世界各地搞数据处理中心了,目前没有任何一家互联网公司能在数据处理能力上跟牧野科技相提并论,现在牧野科技的数据处理中心不但能够全面满足牧野科技自身的需求,甚至开始做tob业务了,他们开放自己冗余的数据处理能力给其他互联网企业,这条业务线的未来前景也十分广阔,甚至在未来十年内能发展到万亿美元规模的市场,所以,如果李牧这些业务线都发展顺利的话,三年五千亿美元身价,我觉得根本不算什么。” Felix cannot bear ask: „Does data processing business have such big market space?” 菲利克斯忍不住问:“数据处理业务有这么大市场空间吗?” The opposite party said: Looks very scary, but calculates slightly knew, the global 6 billion people, Wal-Mart covered in the offline retail less than 1 billion people, has about 3000 hundred million USD market values, in the first ten people of global rich and powerful people ranking, having half was the Wal-Mart founder family's children, Li Mu covered the global about 1 billion Internet users, the internet service that in the future these Internet users will use, had possibility half to depend upon the Muye Science and Technology data processing center support, you said that this inside did have big room for profits?” 对方说:“看起来很吓人,但稍微算算就知道了,全球六十亿人,沃尔玛只是在线下零售上覆盖了不足十亿人,就已经拥有了将近三千亿美元的市值,全球富豪排行榜的前十人里,有一半都是沃尔玛创始人家族的子女,李牧覆盖了全球将近十亿的网民,未来这些网民所使用的互联网服务,有可能一半都依靠牧野科技的数据处理中心支撑,你说这里面有多大的利润空间?” At this point, he supplemented one: Moreover the most important thing is, the growth of global Internet users, grows the customer number that Wal-Mart covers is much faster, crosses several again year after year, the global Internet users number may over 2 billion people and 3 billion people, if that day truly arrives, the Muye Science and Technology data processing business will certainly gain turns.” 说到这里,他又补充了一句:“而且最重要的是,全球网民的增长速度,比沃尔玛覆盖的顾客数增长要快得多,再过几年年,全球网民数量有可能超过二十亿人、三十亿人,如果真有那天,牧野科技的数据处理业务一定赚翻了。” Felix is shocked, cannot bear closely examine: Since some businesses make money, other why enterprises haven't started?” 菲利克斯震惊不已,忍不住追问:“既然这部分业务这么赚钱,那为什么其他企业没有开始着手呢?” The opposite party return to the covered passageway: Was too expensive, the threshold is too high, handles such matter, was equal to from all over the world investment construction massive hub airports and purchase large number of airplanes are used in the transportation between hubs, few companies can play, has Muye Science and Technology this super player let alone, I thought that at Muye Science and Technology present development speed, in the future global internet at least 50% data processing businesses in their hands, really will be gain by that time turn.” 对方回复道:“太贵了,门槛太高,做这样的事情,等于是在全球各地投资修建大量的枢纽机场、购置大量飞机用于枢纽之间的运输,没几家公司玩得起,更何况还有牧野科技这个超级玩家在,我觉得以牧野科技现在的发展速度,未来全球互联网至少又50%的数据处理业务在他们的手上,到那时候就真的是赚翻了。” The prospect of cloud computing , understands the internet person at this stage truly, can look, Felix naturally knows nothing, staring dumbfounded that but, through a friend such analysis, his whole person has been startled. 云计算的前景,在这个阶段,只有真正懂互联网的人,才能够看得出来,菲利克斯自然是一窍不通,但是,通过朋友这么一番分析,他整个人已经惊的瞠目结舌。 Said to the Chief Fang knot: Actually Li Mu present ability, so long as do not choose the wrong general orientation, what basically makes to succeed, you looked that the influence of your Time is very probably big, but in fact, a recommendation of your title page character, puts in the ability with the YY net or compared with the saturated delivery of Weibo (Micro Blog) titter, missed incessantly a magnitude, I felt Li Mu, so long as wants, can replace silent multi- Kecheng momentarily is the new media tycoon, when the time comes media like your Time, what remaining is only many years operates the symbolic significance that you understand symbolic significance that I said? Was everyone no longer pays attention to Time to write anything specifically, who they only paid attention to this issue to mount Time.” 方总结道:“其实李牧现在的能力,只要别选错大方向,基本上做什么都能成功,你看你们时代周刊的影响力好像很大,但实际上,你们一次封面人物的推荐,投放能力跟yy网或者微博titter的饱和投放相比,差了不止一个数量级,我觉得李牧只要愿意,随时可以取代默多克成为新的传媒大亨,到时候像你们时代周刊这样的媒体,剩下的只是多年经营起来的象征意义,你明白我说的象征意义吗?就是大家不再关注时代周刊里具体都写了什么,他们只关注这一期有谁又登上了时代周刊。” Felix exclaimed in surprise that in the conclusion of friend, currently has many data to indicate this point, the sales volume of Time has been sliding unceasingly, but the title page character of each issue of Time will be reported by other media, said, everyone the concern over Time, majority wants to have a look at its title page now. 菲利克斯惊叹于朋友的这个结论,现在已经有很多数据表明了这一点,时代周刊的销量一直在不断下滑,而每一期时代周刊的封面人物都会被其他媒体报道一番,说实在点,大家现在对时代周刊的关注,大部分只是想看看它的封面。 At this time, the friend asked one suddenly: Right, did you try to invite Li Mu? If Li Mu wants on your title page, you may really walk transport/fortune greatly!” 这时,那朋友忽然问了一句:“对了,你们有没有试着邀请一下李牧?如果李牧愿意上你们的封面,那你们可真是走大运了!”
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