RINAPE :: Volume #17

#1672: Beginning a new career late in life

Schwarzenegger was elected as the news of California governor, spread over the entire world at this China midnight. 施瓦辛格当选加州州长的新闻,在这个华夏的午夜传遍了全世界。 For to Schwarzenegger a favor done at little or no cost, Li Mu lets Muye Science and Technology Weibo (Micro Blog) titter, YY and YY net synchronization issue news, was elected the news proliferation of globally California governor to add fuel to the flames Schwarzenegger. 为了给施瓦辛格一点顺水人情,李牧牧野科技微博titter、yyyy网同步发布新闻,为施瓦辛格当选加州州长的消息在全球范围内的扩散推波助澜。 With a Li Mu very similar point is, Schwarzenegger same has the extremely high popularity in the world, his «End matter» image is really classical, he popularity not Michael Jackson in the world is bad. 李牧很相似的一点是,施瓦辛格一样在全球拥有极高的知名度,他的《终结者》形象实在是太经典,以至于他在全世界的知名度一点也不比迈克尔・杰克逊差。 However, plays end matter action star, suddenly became the governor in California, this contrast makes the Entire world People shock. 不过,一个饰演“终结者”的动作明星,忽然成了加利福尼亚州的州长,这个反差让全世界民众大跌眼镜。 Li Mu had been shocked by this news in the past, he still remembers the own initial thought that he felt, an actor, can achieve the governor unexpectedly, this was too simply inconceivable, he even once suspected that Schwarzenegger buys votes, suspected that he does have the ability to manage big California. 李牧当年就被这个新闻所震惊过,他犹记得自己当初的念头,他觉得,一个演员,竟然能做到一州之长,这简直太不可思议了,他甚至一度怀疑施瓦辛格有没有贿选,更怀疑他到底有没有能力把偌大的加州管理好。 That time Li Mu has not known the US (America) politics, he used the situation of China government to wrap/sets of Schwarzenegger, felt like a China acrobatic fighting star, suddenly as if made by Heaven the senior official in economical most developed province, how listened to feel that had the intense not sense of reality. 那时候的李牧还不太懂美国政治,他用华夏官场的情况去套施瓦辛格,就觉得好像是华夏一个武打明星,忽然有一天成了经济最发达省份的高官,怎么听都感觉有强烈的不真实感。 Afterward, after gradually understands how the US (America) politics operated, Li Mu no longer was also surprised about this matter, an attorney can campaign for the president, a star was the governor also to have anything to make much ado about nothing. 后来,在逐渐明白美国政治是如何运作之后,李牧对这件事情也就不再惊讶了,就连一个律师都能竞选总统,一个明星做州长又有什么大惊小怪。 The ability that however on the other hand, Schwarzenegger is in power is a little truly awkward, the incumbent several years, have not basically made any true Joyo achievements, the government deficit, education, capital construction, entertainment, employment and economy, the whole is growing muddleheaded one group of bad debts, finally the term ended, the support level has fallen into the valley, comparing him takes office is close to 70% support levels, Schwarzenegger can be said as leaves the stage finally low-spirited. 不过话又说回来,施瓦辛格执政的能力确实有点尴尬,在任的几年时间,基本上没做出什么真正卓越的政绩,政府赤字不断增长、教育、基建、娱乐、就业、经济,整体都稀里糊涂一团烂账,最后任期结束,支持率已经跌入谷底,相比他就职是接近70%的支持率,施瓦辛格最后可以说是黯然退场。 Li Mu believes that at this moment, under is waiting for Schwarzenegger who focuses attention on the entire world takes office, certainly whole-hearted wants to display own politics, but, he definitely does not believe, from him becoming starting from that day, basically is going down hill. 李牧相信,此时此刻,等着在全世界瞩目下就职的施瓦辛格,一定满腔热血的想展现自己的执政能力,但是,他肯定不会相信,从他就任的那一天开始,基本上就是在走下坡路。 This is an eight-year downhill, what is most miserable, among this 2008 financial crisis, was almost also equal to that the cliff road, Schwarzenegger should shortly after taking office, feel the big pressure. 这是一条长达八年的下坡路,最惨的是,这中间还有2008年的金融危机,几乎等于是断崖路,施瓦辛格应该在上任后不久,就会感到偌大的压力。 ...... …… Next day, a US (America) cnn grade of popularity extremely high talk show, conducted an interview to Schwarzenegger. 翌日,美国cnn一档知名度极高的谈话节目,对施瓦辛格进行了一场专访。 Because Schwarzenegger was elected as the news of California governor to be at the most popular stage in the world, therefore this interview also attracted the common attention of entire US even world billions of audience. 由于施瓦辛格当选加州州长的新闻在全球正处于最热门的阶段,所以这场专访也吸引了全美甚至全球数以亿计观众的共同关注。 At the program, Schwarzenegger wears a very body-fusion suit to be on the stage, the charming suit hid his muscle completely, made the makings of his whole person have the tremendous changes. 节目上,施瓦辛格穿着一身非常合体的西装登上舞台,帅气的西装把他的肌肉完全隐藏了起来,也让他整个人的气质发生了翻天覆地的变化。 Overwhelming majority audience were used to him to demonstrate on the screen recklessly the image of muscle, saw suddenly he was so serious, was very suddenly difficult to adapt. 绝大部分观众都习惯了他在荧幕上肆意展示肌肉的形象,忽然看到他如此一本正经,一时间都很难适应。 Host cannot bear sigh: Arnold, to be honest, my the first time is saw with one's own eyes you to wear the suit, my really didn't expect, a that strong healthy mister and a that thick crazy movement actor, unexpectedly so side of gentleman.” 就连主持人也忍不住感叹道:“阿诺德,说实话,我这还是第一次亲眼看到你穿西装,我真没想到,一个那么强壮的健美先生、一个那么粗狂的动作演员,竟然还有如此绅士的一面。” Arnold Schwarzenegger very appropriate sitting on the single-seat sofa of interview, said with smile on the face: To be honest, when I start to get ready to campaign for the governor, I of suit and dress shoes by the mirror was also feared, I was asking to the mirror several times: I am , do I why want to put on this appearance?” 阿诺德・施瓦辛格非常得体的坐在访谈的单人沙发上,面带微笑的说:“说实话,当我开始准备竞选州长的时候,我也被镜子里西装革履的自己惊住了,我好几次对着镜子问:我是谁、我为什么要穿成这个样子?” Host was asking: How were you familiar with afterward?” 主持人笑着问:“那你后来是怎么习惯的?” Schwarzenegger shrugs the arm, said with a smile: In my looks at mirror strange that said to it: You must campaign for the governor, you must fulfil your political aspiration, you must make the entire world know, you not only can complete an actor, can complete a governor, to make California well, but completes all these first steps, from wearing the suit starts.” 施瓦辛格耸了耸肩膀,笑道:“我看着镜子里陌生的那个自己,对它说:你要去竞选州长,你要去施展自己的政治抱负,你要让全世界知道,你不仅仅能做好一名演员,更能做好一个州长、让加州变得更好,而做好这一切的第一步,就是从穿上西装开始。” The Host smile nods, simultaneously under the audience with stage applauds together, after applause, he said earnestly: I believe not only now California people, entire US, even all the people of the world are very curious, how do you want director California, you to prepare to bring which to change for California?” 主持人微笑点头,同时与台下的观众一起鼓掌,掌声过后,他认真说道:“我相信现在不只是加州人民,全美,甚至全世界人民都很好奇,你到底要怎么样主政加州,你准备为加州带来哪些改变呢?” Schwarzenegger must say earnestly: First, I must reduce the fiscal expenditures of California, to be honest, before I have not campaigned for the governor, cannot believe that the beforehand that group of people, can operate present this appearance California well unexpectedly.” 施瓦辛格务必认真的说:“首先,我要缩减加州的财政开支,说实话,我没有竞选州长之前,都不敢相信之前那帮人,竟然能把好好的加州经营成现在这个样子。” At this point, Schwarzenegger stretched out a finger, the mood somewhat said excitedly: You can imagine, California unexpectedly several billions USD financial deficits, the fiscal expenses of California had been in the crazy situation, money that these were wasted, is not the money of California government, these are completely the money of California taxpayer, even also included me as the actor the tax money of California contributing.” 说到这里,施瓦辛格伸出一根手指,情绪有些激动的说:“你能想象吗,加州竟然有数十亿美元的财政赤字,加州的财政开销已经到了疯狂的地步,这些被浪费掉的钱,不是加州政府的钱,这些全部都是加州纳税人的钱,甚至也包括了我作为演员为加州贡献的税金。” Host haha said with a smile: Oh, I believe that in this has certainly your many tax money, after all you are the Hollywood top actor, the salary reaches as high as Ten Million USD.” 主持人哈哈笑道:“噢,我相信这里面一定有你不少的税金,毕竟你是好莱坞顶尖演员,片酬高达千万美元。” Schwarzenegger said reluctantly: But you looked, we contributed so much money for California, the California government spent more money, but California actually becomes more and more bad, our education and medical problems are many, our government operating efficiency low, our paths are getting more and more rotten, environment to be getting more and more bad, these were former California government the places of dereliction of duty.” 施瓦辛格无奈的说:“可是你看,我们为加州贡献了这么多钱,加州政府花掉了更多的钱,可加州本身却变得越来越糟糕,我们的教育、医疗问题多多,我们的政府运转效率低下、我们的道路越来越烂、环境越来越差,这些都是之前加州政府的失职之处。” The support person asked: Arnold, you must take office next week, you and your team, has thought which aspects can on solve these problems that you spoke of a moment ago?” 支持人问:“阿诺德,下周你就要就职了,你和你的团队,有没有想过要就哪些方面来解决你刚才说到的这些问题呢?” Schwarzenegger said: We from the essence of each issue, will reduce the expenditures, to strengthen the government operating efficiency, to lighten people's foundation burden simultaneously, the concrete action, I will announce after being sworn in one after another.” 施瓦辛格说:“我们会从每一个问题的本质出发,缩减开支、增强政府运转效率、同时减轻民众的基础负担,具体的举措,我会在宣誓就职之后陆续公布。” Support person said with a laugh: Chatted the inauguration with us, personal party after inauguration, you were the Hollywood famous A-lister, I believe when the time comes should be many to the Hollywood star who you did support to the scene?” 支持人笑着说:“跟我们聊一聊就职典礼吧,还有就职典礼之后的私人party,你是好莱坞大名鼎鼎的一线明星,我相信到时候到现场给你捧场的好莱坞明星应该很多吧?” Schwarzenegger shows a faint smile, said earnestly: I want to invite the past entire Hollywood, does not only have such big location pitifully, this my election, could not leave the Hollywood film-maker to my support, California must become in the future well, could not leave the contributions of these elites.” 施瓦辛格微微一笑,认真的说:“我很想把整个好莱坞都邀请过去,只可惜没有这么大的场地,这次我的当选,离不开好莱坞电影人给我的支持,加州未来要变得更好,也离不开这些精英们的贡献。” The support person nods, said: Right, you as the incoming governor, I believe the California people pay attention how many star friends, not only you have, they pay more attention how many entrepreneur friends should be you have, after all economic development incomparable Joyo of California, there is a Silicon Valley this it industry cradle, should this inauguration , many entrepreneur appearances support?” 支持人点了点头,又道:“对了,你作为即将上任的州长,我相信加州人民关注的不只是你有多少明星朋友,他们更关注的应该是你有多少企业家朋友,毕竟加州的经济发展无比卓越,又有硅谷这个it产业摇篮,这次就职典礼,应该也有不少企业家到场支持吧?” Schwarzenegger said with a smile: I invited CEO of many Silicon Valley enterprise, even I did not invite in Silicon Valley Bill Gates, moreover Bill also accepted the invitation refreshedly, when the time comes I will also chat with Bill earnestly about Microsoft increase the matter that invests in California.” 施瓦辛格笑道:“我邀请了很多硅谷企业的ceo,甚至连不在硅谷的比尔・盖茨我也邀请了,而且比尔也非常爽快的接受了邀请,到时候我也会跟比尔认真聊一聊关于微软加大在加州投入的事情。” At this point, Schwarzenegger smiles, said: Right, I also invited a heavyweight entrepreneur.” 说到这里,施瓦辛格神秘一笑,道:“对了,我还邀请了一位更加重量级的企业家。” „?” Host surprised asking: Heavyweight entrepreneur? Compared with Microsoft Bill Gates also heavyweight?” “哦?”主持人惊讶的问:“更加重量级的企业家?比微软比尔盖茨还要重量级?” Right.” Schwarzenegger does intentionally mysterious nod. “没错。”施瓦辛格故作神秘的点了点头。 Host hastily closely examines: Who is that?” 主持人急忙追问:“那到底是谁呢?” Swa Xingedun, this said earnestly: Is the Muye Science and Technology chairman, Li Mu.” 施瓦辛格顿了顿,这才认真的说:“是牧野科技的董事长,李牧。” My God!” Host calls out in alarm one, said: Li Mu?! Has Wall Street estimate worth surpassed thousand hundred million USD Li Mu?” “我的上帝!”主持人惊呼一声,道:“李牧?!华尔街预估身价已超千亿美元李牧?” Schwarzenegger nods smiles, said: Thousand hundred million USD conservative estimates, according to the news that I obtain, the Muye Science and Technology estimate value early as before already in 2000 hundred million USD high and low, now the Weibo (Micro Blog) titter independent estimate value has achieved 4-5 hundred hundred million USD, in addition other industries of Mr. Li, believe his individual worth over 2000 hundred million USD are ninety percent sure.” 施瓦辛格点头一笑,说:“千亿美元只是保守估计,据我得到的消息,牧野科技的估值早依旧已经在两千亿美元上下,现在微博titter的单独估值都已经达到四五百亿美元,再加上李先生的其他产业,相信他的个人身价超两千亿美元已经是十拿九稳的了。” Host exclaimed said: 2000 hundred million USD individual wealth, this may really be too inconceivable!” 主持人惊叹不已的说:“两千亿美元的个人财富,这可真是太不可思议了!” Schwarzenegger said with a smile slightly: If you have the opportunity to interview Mr. Li, I believe that he will certainly not acknowledge oneself worth surpasses 2000 hundred million USD, he will not even acknowledge that oneself worth surpasses 1000 hundred million USD.” 施瓦辛格微微笑道:“如果你有机会采访李先生的话,我相信他一定不会承认自己的身价超过两千亿美元,他甚至不会承认自己的身价超过一千亿美元。” Host puzzled asking: Why?” 主持人不解的问:“为什么?” Schwarzenegger said: Mr. Li is quite always low-key, he too does not approve the estimate value, thinks that the estimate value is only a concept.” 施瓦辛格说:“李先生一向比较低调,他不太认可估值,认为估值本身只是一个概念。” Host curious asking: In the internet industry, the estimate value isn't very universal measurables?” 主持人好奇的问:“在互联网行业,估值不是一个非常普遍的衡量标准吗?” Schwarzenegger imitates the Li Mu's tone, said earnestly: „It seems in your family to have an ancient painting, others said that almost should be able value Ten Million USD, this Ten Million USD is the estimate value, when you take it goes to the market to sell, the highest price that the true buyer is willing to pay possibly only has 20 ten thousand USD, this 200,000 are its true value.” 施瓦辛格模仿李牧的口气,认真说道:“就好像你家里有一副古画,别人都说差不多应该能值一千万美元,这一千万美元就是估值,可是,当你拿着它去市场上销售的时候,真正的买家愿意出的最高价格可能只有二十万美元,这二十万才是它的真实价值。” Then, Schwarzenegger also said: I guess, after we only then and other Muye Science and Technology went on the market, can determine the Mr. Li real worth.” 说罢,施瓦辛格又道:“我猜,我们只有等牧野科技上市之后,才能确定李先生的真实身价了。” Host nods again and again, immediately asked: „Can Arnold, say how you do know Mr. Li? Probably before had not heard you did know?” 主持人连连点头,随即问道:“阿诺德,能不能说一说你是怎么认识李先生的?好像之前一直没听说过你们认识?” Schwarzenegger smiles, somewhat mysterious saying: We knew for a long time, but the Mr. Li conduct was always low-key, therefore few Zhixiao.” 施瓦辛格笑了笑,有些故弄玄虚的说道:“我们认识很长时间了,只不过李先生行事一向低调,所以外界很少知晓。” The Host to praise sighed: Can make Li Mu have no fear of great distances from China to attend your inauguration with celebrating party, believes that Mr. Li also attaches great importance to you, then I want to ask, this to you, can be promotes California and Li Mu in-depth cooperation, even with turning point of China in-depth cooperation?” 主持人赞叹道:“能让李牧不远万里从华夏过来参加你的就职典礼与庆祝party,相信李先生对你也是非常重视,那么我想问,这对你来说,会不会是个促进加州与李牧深度合作,甚至与华夏深度合作的契机?” A Schwarzenegger face said assuredly: I believe certain meeting.” 施瓦辛格一脸笃定的说:“我相信一定会的。” In ten thousand li (0.5 km) away China, Li Mu in own office, after looking at Schwarzenegger's interview video, again and again helpless shaking the head. 在万里之遥的华夏,李牧在自己的办公室里,看完施瓦辛格的采访视频之后,连连无奈的摇头。 Li Ziwei hands over one cup of coffee to him, while asked Li Mu: Chief Li, you felt Schwarzenegger said were too many?” 身旁的李紫薇一边给他递上一杯咖啡,一边问李牧:“李总,您是不是觉得施瓦辛格说的太多了?” Li Mu shakes the head, sighed: I thought purely his shrewd is insufficient, the patience is also insufficient, but after all is the statesman of beginning a new career late in life, without the means request are too many.” 李牧摇了摇头,叹道:“我只是单纯觉得他城府不够,耐性也不够,不过毕竟是半路出家的政治家,没办法要求太多。” Then, Li Mu said with a laugh said: This to us is the good matter, Schwarzenegger to is fuller, more that over -formal language said worried that I fell the chain, originally should be the matter that I took am helping him campaign for asks him to handle the matter to me, but if his such dai Chinese zither got down, quick must be he asks me to handle the matter to me.” 说罢,李牧笑着说道:“不过这对咱们来说是好事儿,施瓦辛格对外话说的越满,也就越担心我掉链子,本来该是我拿着帮他竞选的事情求着他给我办事儿,但如果他这么嘚瑟下去,很快就得是他求着我给我办事儿了。”
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