RINAPE :: Volume #17

#1671: Was elected as the governor

The governors in California elect, is concerning Spielberg incessantly, Li Mu has a friendly chat over a cup of wine is extremely also paying attention with Leonardo, Tom Hanks who at this moment. 加利福尼亚的州长选举,不止是牵动着斯皮尔伯格的心,此时此刻正跟李牧把酒言欢的莱昂纳多、汤姆・汉克斯也都非常关注。 Spielberg chats the election result soon to make known, these two then hastily puts down the wine glass, the whole face said seriously: „Should Arnold this time the big probability election?” 斯皮尔伯格一聊到选举结果即将揭晓,这两人便急忙放下酒杯,满脸严肃的说:“阿诺德这次应该会大概率当选吧?” Spielberg shows a faint smile, looked at Li Mu, said assuredly: Has Mr. Li to help in secret, I thought that this time Arnold was elected is the ninety percent sure matter, we can here drinks, while is waiting for the news.” 斯皮尔伯格微微一笑,又看了看李牧,笃定地说:“有李先生暗中帮助,我觉得这次阿诺德当选是十拿九稳的事情了,我们可以在这里一边喝酒,一边等着好消息。” Leonardo suddenly realize, nods to say again and again: Steve, your such saying, I also thought that such words it seems like, we will return to Hollywood tomorrow, can participate in Arnold's campaign success party!” 莱昂纳多恍然大悟,连连点头道:“史蒂芬,你这么一说,我也想起来了,这么看来的话,我们明天回好莱坞,就可以参加阿诺德的竞选成功party了!” Tom Hanks approves to sigh: If Arnold were really elected, most should thank, should be Mr. Li!” 汤姆・汉克斯赞叹道:“如果阿诺德真的当选,最应该感谢的,应该就是李先生了!” Li Mu thinks the matter that Arnold Schwarzenegger campaigns for California governor, the corners of the mouth have wiped the light happy expression. 李牧想到阿诺德・施瓦辛格竞选加州州长的事情,嘴角抹过淡淡笑意。 How can I say, he understands suddenly, folk these mysterious god sticks and barefoot doctors, eat meal by anything. 怎么说呢,他忽然明白,民间那些故弄玄虚的神棍、赤脚医生,都是靠什么吃饭的了。 To put it bluntly, is peddles a psychology to repose, then makes money by the probability. 说穿了,就是兜售一个心理寄托,然后靠概率赚钱。 For example, in the value males and belittle females thought most intense stage, always some people buys on own initiative everywhere can live son's folk prescription, many rivers and lakes itinerant doctors vow solemnly to guarantee, pledged own medicine can wrap to have the son, even also pledged to refund money invalid, urgently the person who wanted a son will think that was worth trying, if after all were defeated, oneself can also bring back the wealth. 比如,在重男轻女思想最强烈的阶段,总有人主动到处求购能够生儿子的偏方,许多江湖游医都信誓旦旦的保证,承诺自己的药可以包生儿子,甚至还承诺无效退款,许多迫切想要个儿子的人都会觉得值得一试,毕竟如果失败了,自己也能拿回钱财。 Rivers and lakes itinerant doctor the role of acting, is that person who peddles the psychological sustenance, he has not actually had any actual impact on the result, he tosses the bait, then waits for the prey to swallow the bait, then waits for prey own probability, if ten people bought his medicine, five person had the son, he made the money of five people naturally, has the daughter as for remaining five, at the worst gives them money to retreat and that's the end. 江湖游医在这其中扮演的角色,就是兜售心理寄托的那个人,他其实对结果并没有造成任何实际影响,他只是抛撒出诱饵,然后等猎物上钩,然后再等猎物自己的概率,如果十个人买了他的药,五个人自己生了儿子,那他就自然而然的赚了五个人的钱,至于剩下五个生女儿的,大不了把钱退给他们就是了。 Li Mu although is insufficient is this from head to tail swindler, but he understands, Arnold Schwarzenegger, does not have to help even, can still be elected as California governor, but, if after his election, his big probability will be very grateful, thinks oneself helped his many. 李牧虽然不至于是这种彻头彻尾的骗子,但他心里明白,阿诺德・施瓦辛格,就算是没有自己帮助,也能当选加州州长,但是,如果他这次当选之后,他大概率会很感激自己,认为自己帮了他许多。 Possibly, entire Hollywood will feel, Arnold Schwarzenegger can be elected as in the California state, cannot leave own back to support. 可能,整个好莱坞都会觉得,阿诺德・施瓦辛格能够当选加州州上,离不开自己的背后支持。 However Li Mu is naturally impossible to divulge, such matter, is he as an additional dividend of rebirth, enjoys by all means with all one's heart is. 不过李牧自然也不可能说破,这样的事情,就是他作为一名重生者的附加红利,只管尽心享受就是。 California is the US (America) treasure trove, has the name of Jinzhou, the cow almost is very why fierce in this state on the cow. 加州是美国的宝地,有金州之称,牛就牛在这个州几乎干什么都很厉害。 Total output value entire US of California first, average per person gdp entire US first, not only has the Silicon Valley like this big gold ore, Hollywood also in its range, not only very draws richly, what also his mother is really the literary style two blossoms. 加州的总产值全美第一,人均gdp全美第一,不但坐拥硅谷这样的大金矿,就连好莱坞也在其范围内,不但贼拉有钱,而且他娘的真是文体两开花。 What is odder, this place agriculture is extremely also developed, similarly is situated in entire US first. 更离谱的是,这地方农业也极其发达,同样位居全美第一。 If wraps toward China, the cultural industry of this place, added together also to be stronger than a big truncation the cultural industry of Yanjing and Shanghai, the manufacturing industry also wants developed many compared with Guandong ranked the first, the agriculture also compared with Qilu ranked the first high many. 如果往华夏套一下,这地方的文化产业,比燕京沪市的文化产业相加起来还要强出一大截,制造业又比排名第一的粤省还要发达的多,农业也比排名第一的齐鲁高了不少。 Before the Li Mu rebirth, draws alone gdp of California, can arrange to arrive the world's sixth. 李牧重生之前,把加州的gdp单独拉出来,能排到世界第六。 Schwarzenegger is the governor in such a state, the light of future, it can be imagined. 施瓦辛格在这样一个州做州长,前途之光明,可想而知。 The US (America) unique political system, the state power is in addition enormous, even the legislative powers of most laws in state, therefore in this has the infinite possibility. 再加上美国独特的政治体系,州权极大,甚至多数法律的立法权都在州里,所以这里面更是有无限的可能。 Draws an analogy, if California through a bill, enters as well as promotes the local high-tech industry development for the promotion overseas capital, all overseas capital enterprises may obtain 30% reductions of tax in Silicon Valley, Muye Science and Technology can the economical fund be the astronomical figures every year. 打个比方,如果加州通过一项法案,为促进海外资本进入以及推动当地高新技术产业发展,所有海外资本企业在硅谷可获得30%税收减免,牧野科技每年能从中节省的资金就是天文数字了。 The Hollywood star and lead, supports Schwarzenegger's campaign, actually the reason of most core is also so, US (America) was a rich tax quite high country, although was better than Europe, but to US (America) these rich and powerful people, tax revenue in their eyes not lowest, was lower. 好莱坞的明星和名导们,都非常支持施瓦辛格的竞选,其实最核心的原因也是如此,美国本身是一个富人税比较高的国家,虽然比欧洲好了很多,但对美国那些富豪来说,税收在他们眼里没有最低,只有更低。 Therefore, the Hollywood stars also hope that can have more good policies, Arnold Schwarzenegger is a Hollywood star, moreover is the A-lister, he was elected as the words of governor, does not need to want also to know, he will certainly do some practical work for Hollywood. 所以,好莱坞明星们也希望能够有更多的利好政策,阿诺德・施瓦辛格本身就是一个好莱坞明星,而且是一线明星,他当选州长的话,不用想也知道,他一定会为好莱坞做些实事。 Li Mu has sent to Silicon Valley Muye Science and Technology now, immediately must send to Hollywood Muye Pictures, in the future, after Schwarzenegger was elected, oneself also really must have must deal with Schwarzenegger . 李牧现在已经把牧野科技送去了硅谷,马上又要把牧野映象送去好莱坞,未来,等施瓦辛格当选之后,自己还真是少不了要跟施瓦辛格打交道,。 In the impression Schwarzenegger previous life was two governors, enough eight years, have such a benevolent official, moreover reign for eight years, to Li Mu, are an excellent matter. 印象中施瓦辛格上辈子做了两届州长,足足八年,有这么一位父母官,而且在位八年,对李牧来说,也是一件绝好的事情。 party has conducted 11 : 30 pm. party一直进行到深夜11点半。 At this time, each Hollywood actors and staff on the scene, already somewhat burning with impatience, their some people uses can Browsing PDF A renovate official Twitter of California State authority unceasingly, hopes to see Schwarzenegger to be elected as the good news of California governor. 这时候,在场的每一位好莱坞演员、工作人员,都已经有些心急如焚,他们有些人使用可以上网pda不断刷新着加州州政府的官方twitter,希望看到施瓦辛格当选加州州长的好消息。 11.4 15, Spielberg's assistant, grasps a cell phone of Nokia side-slipping entire keyboard, the exciting looks at screen loudly exclaimed: California State authority sent Twitter! Schwarzenegger successfully was elected as California governor!” 十一点四十五分,斯皮尔伯格的助手,手持一台诺基亚侧滑全键盘的手机,兴奋不已的看着屏幕大吼道:“加州州政府发twitter了!施瓦辛格成功当选加州州长了!” His throat, making the audience fall into the revelry. 他这一嗓子,让全场陷入狂欢。 Very calm Spielberg, this while somewhat could not repress, he carries the wine glass on own initiative, shouts loudly: „, Making us cheer for Governor Schwarzenegger!” 就连一直都很淡定的斯皮尔伯格,这一会儿都有些按捺不住了,他主动端起酒杯,大声喊道:“诸位,让我们为施瓦辛格州长干杯!” Cheers!” “干杯!” All people from Hollywood, exciting can be seen in speech and appearance. 所有来自好莱坞的人们,都兴奋的溢于言表。 Li Mu although also was very at heart happy, but because has long known this result, therefore has not displayed unusual is pleasantly surprised. 李牧心里虽然也很高兴,但由于早就知道这个结果,所以也并没有表现的非常惊喜。 Schwarzenegger in the previous world end is the well-known Hollywood action star, he was elected as the governor in US (America) California suddenly, this news one acknowledged after the California government official, quick globally blasted out the pot, particularly on Weibo (Micro Blog) Twitter, becomes the first place of hot topic. 施瓦辛格早在上个世界末就已经是家喻户晓的好莱坞动作明星,他忽然当选美国加州的州长,这一新闻一经过加州政府官方承认,很快就在全球范围内炸开了锅,尤其是在微博twitter上,一跃成为了热门话题的榜首。 In fact, except for the US (America) person knows ahead of time Schwarzenegger must participate in beyond the campaign, fans of other national including China by this news shocking, didn't expect, a star video, turned around to campaign for the governor. 事实上,除了美国人提前知道施瓦辛格要参加竞选之外,其他国家包括华夏在内的粉丝都被这个新闻给惊呆了,没想到,一个影视明星,一转身就能竞选州长。 Moreover, participates in the campaign, what may not to imagine, muscle male who this actor comes, actually becomes the governor in California, making the heart of everyone shock. 而且,参加竞选也就罢了,可更让人没想象到的是,这名演员出身的肌肉男,竟然成为了加利福尼亚州的州长,让每一个人的内心都震撼不已。 When other person of revelries get up, Li Mu receives a call from US (America) suddenly. 就在其他人狂欢起来的时候,李牧忽然接到一个来自美国的电话。 He does not know those who make the phone call is, arrived at the retreat connection telephone, that side didn't expect broadcast the voice of Arnold Schwarzenegger unexpectedly. 他不知道打来电话的是谁,走到僻静处接通电话,没想到那边竟然传来了阿诺德・施瓦辛格的声音。 In the telephone, Schwarzenegger said grateful: Mr. Li, I am Schwarzenegger, calls to thank your excellency your excellency until now to my help, wants to share a good news with your excellency, I had successfully been elected as California governor, one week later will soon take up an official post!” 电话里,施瓦辛格感激的说:“李先生,我是施瓦辛格,给阁下打电话是想感谢阁下一直以来对我的帮助,同时也想跟阁下分享一个好消息,我已经顺利当选加州的州长一职,一个多星期之后即将走马上任!” Li Mu said with a laugh said: Congratulates your Arnold, I know that you can certainly campaign for successfully, really has not disappointed me.” 李牧笑着说道:“恭喜你阿诺德,我就知道你一定能够竞选成功,果然没有让我失望。” Schwarzenegger busy say/way: Mainly must thank your excellency help, you give my resources on Weibo (Micro Blog) Twitter, making me in a short time gain very high popular support.” 施瓦辛格忙道:“主要还是要感谢阁下的帮助,您在微博twitter上给我的资源,让我在很短的时间内就取得了很高的民意支持。” Li Mu said with a smile: Arnold, your I was also an old friend, did not use your excellency, was too estranged, you can call my name directly, or called my Li, Mr. Li directly, but do not use your excellency such phrase again.” 李牧笑道:“阿诺德,你我也算是老朋友了,不用一口一个阁下,太生分了,你可以直接叫我的名字,或者直接叫我李、李先生也可以,只是不要再用阁下这样的字眼了。” Good!” Schwarzenegger laughs, said: Mr. Li, I plan before next week will take office to do one to celebrate party, invitation will be my good friend, does not know that you will have the time to come?” “好的!”施瓦辛格哈哈一笑,说:“李先生,我计划在下周上任之前搞一个庆祝party,邀请的都是我的好朋友,不知道你有没有时间赏光?” Li Mu surprised asking: Where is at? Hollywood?” 李牧惊讶的问:“在哪?好莱坞吗?” Right. Schwarzenegger hastily said: „ At present what I establish provisionally is in Hollywood, if you have the matter, we can change other time, even I go to China.” “没错。施瓦辛格急忙说:“我目前暂定的是在好莱坞,不过如果你有事的话,我们可以换个其他时间,甚至我去华夏都可以。” Li Mu said with a smile: This was your elected party, how I can make you run up to China to come far away, that did not have the sincerity.” 李牧笑道:“这是你的当选party,我怎么能让你大老远的跑到华夏来,那也太没有诚意了。” Then, Li Mu hesitated for a moment, said: You subscribed the party time, I coordinate certainly a right time to pass to you support.” 说罢,李牧迟疑片刻,又道:“等你订好了party时间,我一定协调个合适的时间过去给你捧场。” As soon as Schwarzenegger listens to this saying, immediately is excited, blurts to ask: Mr. Li, what you said is real?” 施瓦辛格一听这话,顿时激动起来,脱口问道:“李先生,你说的是真的?” Li Mu said without hesitation: Naturally real, when the time our Hollywood sees.” 李牧毫不犹豫的说:“当然是真的,当时候我们好莱坞见。” That was good”! Schwarzenegger hastily said: When the time comes I meet certainly you to the airport personally!” “那太好了”!施瓦辛格急忙说道:“到时候我一定亲自到机场接你!” Considering that Schwarzenegger will be eight years of governor in the future, Li Mu felt oneself really need to go to US (America), on the one hand further pulls closer the relations with Schwarzenegger, on the other hand, can look at Muye Science and Technology that side business progress. 考虑到未来施瓦辛格会做八年州长,李牧觉得自己确实有必要到美国去一趟,一方面跟施瓦辛格进一步拉近关系,另一方面,也能去看一看牧野科技那边的业务进展情况。 If the time permits, oneself can also go to a Harvard again, sees Su Yingxue, has a look at Mark while convenient Zuckerberg as well as Facebook project progress sentiment to which step. 如果时间允许,自己还可以再去一趟哈佛,见见苏映雪,顺便看看马克扎克伯格以及faebook的项目进展情到了哪一步。 In addition, Li Mu also thinks that Silicon Valley knows the real situation, whom having a look at to suit in the near future, is the Weibo (Micro Blog) Twitter taking over a business hero. 除此之外,李牧还想到硅谷去摸摸底,看看谁适合在不久的将来,做微博twitter的接盘侠。 To most people, the long-range flight is not an easy matter, is good helps that frame brand-new Gulfstream G550 that Li Mu buys because of Chen Ze, has stopped in the China Airlines hangar in Capital International Airport was very long, the condition excellent, may fly momentarily. 对绝大多数人来说,长途飞行并不是一件容易的事情,好在陈泽李牧买的那架全新湾流g550,已经在首都机场的国航机库里停了很久了,状态绝佳、随时可飞。 When however passes specifically, but must wait for Schwarzenegger to reply specific time. 不过具体什么时间过去,还要等施瓦辛格回复一个具体时间。 Returns to the party scene, Spielberg beams with health is drawing Li Mu, asked him in a low voice: Mr. Li, looked a moment ago you go out to answer the telephone hurriedly, taking the liberty asked one, was Arnold hits?” 回到party现场,斯皮尔伯格满面红光的拉着李牧,低声问他:“李先生,刚才看你急匆匆出去接电话,冒昧的问一句,是阿诺德打来的吗?” Li Mu nods, invited oneself to participate in the election to celebrate the party matter Schwarzenegger to tell Spielberg. 李牧点了点头,把施瓦辛格邀请自己去参加当选庆祝party的事情告诉了斯皮尔伯格。 Spielberg listens, hastily closely examines: Mr. Li, did you decide?” 斯皮尔伯格听完,急忙追问:“李先生,那你决定去了吗?” Li Mu nods slightly, said with a laugh: Such big matter, naturally must go to one to support to him.” 李牧微微颔首,笑着说:“这么大的事情,自然是要去一趟给他捧捧场的。” Spielberg hastily said: That may really be good, my family also lives in Hollywood, in you arrived must come home is a guest!” 斯皮尔伯格急忙说:“那可真是太好了,我家也住在好莱坞,你到了一定要来家里做客!”
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