RINAPE :: Volume #17

#1669: Makes „nuclear bomb”

Dong Ai was pondering how to spend this 1.65 hundred million RMB time, the Veterans Don't Die about 1.9 hundred million RMB dispatching rules have been released. 董艾思考着怎么花这1.65亿人民币的时候,老兵不死将近1.9亿人民币的分配规则已经出台。 This sum of money, 60% are used to divide equally per capita to all statistics in the survival veteran of book, remaining 40%, divide first-level and second-level, the third-level different shifts, the special subsidy, and ingredient issue once received the veteran who affects or conceals identity to the special difficult veteran and meritorious Joyo veteran. 这笔钱,60%用来按人头均分给所有统计在册的幸存老兵,剩下的40%,分一级、二级、三级不同档位,专门补贴给特困老兵、功勋卓越的老兵、以及成分问题曾受到波及或者隐姓埋名的老兵。 The age of veterans has entered the extreme old age, the rest of the time are extremely precious, this sum of money, Li Mu does not prepare to make any managerial charitable foundation, sends to money with the quickest speed the veteran hand directly. 老兵们的年纪已经进入耄耋之年,剩下的时间太过宝贵,这笔钱,李牧不准备做任何经营性慈善基金,直接用最快的速度把钱发到老兵手上。 Has the bankcard, has the Veterans Don't Die charity foundation financial affairs department to unify to pay money directly, without the bankcard, the squad comprised of the foundation immediate staff, with the coordination of regional volunteers, sends to the cash the hand of each veteran directly. 有银行卡的,直接有老兵不死慈善基金会财务部门统一付款,没有银行卡的,由基金会直属工作人员组成的小分队,在各地志愿者的配合下,直接将现金发到每一位老兵的手上。 The group of survival veterans who because need to send the cash, basically all in poor area, even mountainous area, therefore Li Mu exhorts specially, the staff must provide in the veteran hand money, and entire journey camera record cash delivers the entire process, does not allow anybody to receive as agent for somebody else to receive fraudulently, the directly-related family member is not good. 由于需要发现金的这一批幸存老兵,基本上全都在贫困地区,甚至山区,所以李牧特别嘱咐,工作人员务必将钱发放到老兵本人手上,并且全程照片记录现金交付全过程,决不允许任何人代领冒领,直系亲属也不行。 Must achieve money hands over in the hand of veteran, how is decided to control by the veteran, if necessary, should help the veteran handle own bankcard on own initiative. 务必要做到把钱交到老兵本人的手上,由老兵决定如何支配,如果有需要,应该主动帮助老兵办理自己的银行卡。 Li Mu also stressed specially, the local volunteer must maintain the contact with old person to be unimpeded, if there is a anybody to covet old person's wealth, the volunteer should in the name of Veterans Don't Die charity foundation, report to the local municipal level police station immediately, and entire journey follows up the case to accept with the progress degree. 李牧还专门强调,当地志愿者要保持与老人的联络畅通,如果有任何人觊觎老人的这笔财富,志愿者应立即以老兵不死慈善基金会的名义,向当地市级公安局报案,并且全程跟进案件受理与进展程度。 Li Mu's past life saw various seeds female to gnaw the case that old, refused to support the old person crazily, in the poor area, the senior citizen who lost the labor force, because does not have the social security to support, was easier to encounter abandons raises, even was exploiting of children family member, this sum of money calculated, these truly in the veteran of poor area life, the subsidy that everyone can obtain over ten thousand Yuan, this sum of money placed the poor area is a great sum of money, Li Mu must guarantee absolutely after the old person received this sum of money, will not be implicated by this sum of money. 李牧上辈子见多了各种子女疯狂啃老、拒绝赡养老人的案例,在贫困地区,失去劳动力的老年人由于没有社保支撑,更容易遭到弃养,甚至是儿女亲人的盘剥,这笔钱核算下来,那些真正在贫困地区生活的老兵,每人能获得的补贴都在万元以上,这笔钱放在贫困地区绝对是一笔巨款,李牧必须要保证老人拿到这笔钱之后,不会被这笔钱所牵累。 Therefore, Li Mu besides letting the volunteer must follow up the veteran subsequent situation, but also requests the volunteer to act according to the actual situation of veteran, to the veteran proposed option that by stages receives, in order to avoid matter of talent can arouse jealousy happened, the remaining money place in the account of foundation, the produced all interest also all turn over to the old person to have. 所以,李牧除了让志愿者务必跟进老兵后续情况之外,还要求志愿者根据老兵的实际情况,给老兵提出分期领取的选项,以免怀璧其罪的事情发生,剩下的钱放在基金会的账户上,产生的所有利息也全归老人拥有。 The Li Mu's consideration is, one over 10,000 Yuan subsidy, may trigger crazy fight between children very much, the old person hand grasps the great sum of money, although will become the object who the children flatter suddenly, but once this sum of money was divided, old person's position likely suffers a disastrous decline. 李牧的考量是,一次一万元以上的补贴,很有可能引发子女之间的疯狂争抢,老人手握巨款,虽然一时间会成为子女争相讨好的对象,可一旦这笔钱被分走,那老人的地位很可能又一落千丈。 previous life, the national policy is getting better and better, without handing over the rural senior citizen of one cent social security, every month can still receive dozens Yuan even higher retirement subsidy, the city slicker possibly thought that this sum of money is few, but in poor area, because the old person had this national welfare allowances every month, recycles waste in the children eyes. 上辈子,国家政策越来越好,即便是没有交过一分钱社保的农村老年人,每月也能领取几十元甚至更高的养老补贴,城市人可能觉得这笔钱很少,但在贫困地区,正是因为老人每月有了这笔国家福利补贴,才在子女眼中变废为宝。 Every month dozens Yuan retirement subsidies can make the poor area abandon the matter of retirement person to reduce the majority, the veteran who if in the family/home has similar problem is willing to subsidize to analyze own veteran to receive monthly, his position at home, may from raise the peak lowly instantaneously. 每月几十元的养老补贴就能让贫困地区弃养老人的事情降低一多半,如果家里存在类似问题的老兵愿意把自己的这笔老兵补贴拆分成按月领取,那他在家里的地位,有可能从最低瞬间拔高到最高点。 Li Mu considers as finished a detailed account book, by the words of average per person 10,000 Yuan computation, receives 200 Yuan words every month, can receive for more than four years, however 200 Yuan moon/month income, have calculated high in this age and in the poor area. 李牧算了一笔细账,以人均一万元计算的话,每月领取两百元的话,足足可以领取四年多,而两百元的月收入,在这个年代、在贫困地区已经算高的了。 If the old person physical condition is good, even can each month receive 100 Yuan, divides eight -and-a-half years of time to receive. 如果老人身体状况好,甚至可以每月领取一百元,分八年半的时间领取。 Moreover, the Veterans Don't Die benefits is not only this, following that the usual cash subsidy and commodity subsidy, will also take care of your pennies and dollars will take care of themselves continuously, as the matter stands, the twilight years of old person had the relatively sufficient safeguard. 而且,老兵不死的福利绝不只是这一笔,平时的现金补贴、物资补贴也会源源不断、细水长流的跟上,这样一来,老人的晚年生活就有了相对充足的保障。 Saw that the day wanted coldly, after Li Mu this set of distribution plan subscribed, then requests to as soon as possible carry out landing, delivered to money the veteran hand as soon as possible, therefore the staff and volunteers of entire Veterans Don't Die charity foundation started to bustle about. 眼看天要冷了,李牧把这一套分配计划订好之后,便要求必须尽快执行落地,尽早把钱送到老兵手上,于是整个老兵不死慈善基金会的工作人员以及志愿者都开始忙碌起来。 Li Mu blackmailed Mars hundred million USD after all donation, in the spirit of the principle of honest code of honor, he made Muye Science and Technology make an announcement. 李牧毕竟是讹了玛氏一亿美元的“捐款”,本着诚实守信的原则,他让牧野科技发布了一篇公告。 In the announcement said: Saw that the board president in Mars Corporation goes to Yanjing to hold the press conference to apologize to Muye Science and Technology personally, Chairman Muye Science and Technology Li Mu is pleased, Li Mu hopes that Mars Corporation can learn the experience, in the long road of future development, do not make similar mistake again. 公告中称:看到玛氏公司的董事会主席亲自前往燕京召开新闻发布会向牧野科技道歉,牧野科技董事长李牧感到十分欣慰,李牧希望玛氏公司能够吸取经验教训,在将来发展的漫漫长路上,不要再犯类似的错误。 Meanwhile, Li Mu also appealed in this announcement: Hopes the physical enterprise in the world can have a sense of awe to internet, do not think that the internet resources are the new continent of without owner, who can hold the opportunity use. 同时,李牧也在这份公告中呼吁:希望全球的实体企业能够对互联网怀揣一颗敬畏之心,不要觉得互联网的资源都是无主的新大陆,谁都可以抓住机会利用。 The Li Mu's original words are: „The asset of internet Corporation is not the light asset, but is the virtual asset ; The resources of internet Corporation are not an open resources, but is the company exclusive resources ; The rights of internet Corporation, are consistent with the rights of Shiti Corporation, the physical enterprise must learn and internet Corporation makes the inequitable exchange, rather than invades recklessly.” 李牧的原话是:“互联网公司的资产并非是轻资产,而是虚拟资产;互联网公司的资源也并非开放资源,而是公司专有资源;互联网公司的权益,与实体公司的权益一致,实体企业要学会与互联网公司做等价交换,而不是肆意侵占。” Li Mu's this statement, triggering the consistent support of global internet enterprise with applauding, in this age, don't said China, even the Western developed country, the respect to internet Corporation rights was not enough. 李牧的这份声明,引发了全球互联网企业的一致支持与叫好,在这个年代,莫说华夏,就算是西方发达国家,对互联网公司权益的尊重都是远远不够的。 North America has the explicit number pirating attack laws and regulations, but some people thought as before the digital content right infringement is immaterial, thought that from some online download(ing) music piracies, movies and electronic books is the completely normal reasonable behavior, as everyone knows, the download(ing) music piracy, with steals D to the video store directly is the same behavior, the download(ing) pirating movie, with stealing dvd or does not buy a ticket to steal into the behavior of movie theater to have no difference, the download(ing) pirating electronic books, follows up the bookstore to steal the book is not different. 北美早就有明确的数字盗版打击法律法规,但依旧有人觉得数字内容侵权无关紧要,觉得从网上下载一些盗版音乐、电影、电子书籍是完全正常合理的行为,殊不知,下载盗版音乐,与直接到音像店偷d是一样的行为,下载盗版电影,跟偷盗dvd或者不买票溜进电影院的行为没什么区别,下载盗版电子书籍,也跟进书店偷书没什么两样。 Has such deviation cognition personally, what damn is, many enterprises have such cognition. 个人有这样的偏差认知也就罢了,最操蛋的是,很多企业也存在这样的认知。 previous life enjoying the sight and sound of the wind whipping up the water that some, the music piracy made long ago, the library and Tieba (Post It) pirating digit books were also sued by the innumerable writers jointly, using the N many years gradually to govern some fur/superficial knowledge, most fearful is, especially internet Corporation infringe upon the right, the foreign enemy plundered also even, the interior also had the traitor to China warlord to prey upon the common people, what matter his mother calculated. 上辈子的某度,盗版音乐早些年做的风生水起,文库、贴吧的盗版数字图书也被无数作家联名状告,用了n多年才逐渐治理了一些皮毛,最可怕的就是,特么的互联网公司自己侵权,外敌来掳掠也就算了,内部还有汉奸军阀鱼肉百姓,这他妈算哪门子事儿。 Therefore, Li Mu this announcement, and shearing meat of Mars Corporation apologized, hit unprecedented cardiotonic to proper internet Corporation, making them also dare with encroaching upon the enterprise of rights fights to the end with individual. 所以,李牧这篇公告,以及玛氏公司的割肉赔礼,给正经的互联网公司打了一针前所未有的强心剂,让他们也敢于跟侵犯自身权益的企业与个人斗争到底。 Meanwhile, gives the warning to all physical enterprises, do not think that you are sell the chocolate, to sell the chewing gum, can ride on the internet Corporation neck defecates, Li Mu seemingly is usually refined, but one was enraged, changes green giant vast to subdue|grams immediately, the entire domain hangs to hit, striking power no one can. 同时,也给所有实体企业敲响警钟,不要觉得你是卖巧克力、卖口香糖的,就可以骑在互联网公司脖子上拉屎,李牧平时看起来斯斯文文的,但一被激怒,就立刻变身绿巨人浩克,全领域吊打,攻击力无人能及。 After the announcement sends out, the physical enterprise started to face up to the virtual asset and related rights of internet industry, Mars also brought back all control of oneself official Twitter R account number finally, later, before Mars also received, that attire x hearts, honest discredited Muye Science and Technology on official Twitter R of various products, and product had had the problem publicly apologized. 公告发出之后,实体企业开始正视起了互联网行业的虚拟资产和相关权益,玛氏也终于拿回了自己官方twitter账号的所有控制权,随后,玛氏也收起了之前那颗装x的心,老老实实的在各产品的官方twitter上就抹黑牧野科技,以及产品曾经出现过的问题公开道歉。 Li Mu has not limited the Mars keyword again, also has not made water army continue to disseminate the black Mars post again, to Mars, the although gunsmoke diverges, flames of war to stop, but own territory by a wanton bombing, everywhere is remnants of destroyed buildings, the loss is serious. 李牧也没再限制玛氏的关键词,同时也没再让水军继续传播黑玛氏的帖子,对玛氏来说,虽然硝烟散去、战火停止,但自己的领地已经被一阵狂轰滥炸,到处是残垣断壁,损失惨重。 Mars although is the giant of food industry, but the food industry is a saturated market, the innumerable enterprises you struggle me to snatch in inside, each enterprise is the boat sailing against the current and if unable to move forward , one will inevitably lag behind, let alone Mars the black material was unceasing recently, oneself completely lost the right to speak of crisis public relations. 玛氏虽然是食品行业的巨头,但食品行业一直是一个饱和市场,无数企业在里面你争我抢,每一家企业都是逆水行舟、不进则退,更别说玛氏最近黑料不断,自己又完全丧失了危机公关的话语权。 Now, some sales volume varying degrees of Mars each product line slide, the opponent seized the chance to pursue to fiercely attack crazily, gnaws many Mars original shares. 现在,玛氏每一条产品线的销量都有不同程度下滑,对手趁机狂追猛打,啃噬掉了不少玛氏原本的份额。 Loss most miserable is the product line of pet grain. 这其中,损失最惨的就是宠物粮的产品线。 The hope holds in the Li Gouzi (Dog Child) Weibo (Micro Blog) unceasing in addition, the global popularity rises suddenly, spelled spreads the motionless channel full power, now basically some people come to cooperate on own initiative, even if oneself operate, encountered the resistance that is still smaller in the Hsin place, the short time, the sales volume turned one time to continue, the capacity card there, it is estimated that the sales volume can also clash new high again. 渴望在李狗子微博的不断加持下,全球知名度暴涨,原本拼全力都铺不动的渠道,现在基本上都有人主动上门合作,就算是自己经营,在新市场所受到的阻力也小了很多,短短时间,销量翻了一倍不止,要不是产能卡在那里,估计销量还能再冲新高。 The success of hope, highlighted the Weibo (Micro Blog) Twitter R commercial value enormously, as at present the global internet information and social network in the true sense, Weibo (Micro Blog) Twitter R can in a short time longing for advancing the entire world, naturally can advance the entire world other products. 渴望的成功,极大的凸显了微博twitter的商业价值,作为目前真正意义上的全球互联网资讯与社交平台,微博twitter能够在短时间内把渴望推到全世界,也自然能把其他产品推到全世界。 When the market widely believes, the Weibo (Micro Blog) Twitter R resources can with money equates, Wall Street issued their to the Weibo (Micro Blog) Twitter R platform estimate value. 当市场普遍相信,微博twitter的资源能跟钱划等号的时候,华尔街发布了他们对微博twitter平台的估值。 The capital empirical analysis in Wall Street looks like, on the Weibo (Micro Blog) Twitter R estimate value, has been able to achieve 400 hundred million USD only, making the entire world in an uproar. 在华尔街的资本经验分析看来,单就微博twitter的估值,已经能够达到四百亿美元,让全世界哗然。 This data looks very fearful, is very inconceivable, just established soon platform, why can attain 400 hundred million USD estimate values? 这个数据看起来很可怕,也很不可思议,一个刚创立不久的平台,为什么就能拿到四百亿美元的估值? In the analysis of Wall Street said like this: Weibo (Micro Blog) Twitter R, is the world's first super platforms that connected global almost all Internet users, in the subscriber can with, only then two models of products that it is on par, one is YY, immediately a Instant Messenger kind of product, belongs to Muye Science and Technology ; One is the YY net, synthesizes a Portal kind of product, belongs to Muye Science and Technology.” 华尔街的分析中是这样说的:“微博twitter,是世界上第一个连通了全球几乎所有网民的超级平台,在用户数量上能与它比肩的只有两款产品,一款是yy,即时通讯类产品,属于牧野科技;一款是yy网,综合门户类产品,也属于牧野科技。” Weibo (Micro Blog) Twitter R with the unique open platform pattern, in a short time becomes in the world the Nikkatsu user, the week live user as well as one of the moon/month live user highest three top products, moreover in such a short time proved oneself capability to create liquidity and potential realization space, such product, estimate value 400 hundred million USD are only a conservative amount.” 微博twitter以独特的开放式平台模式,在极短的时间内成为世界上日活用户、周活用户以及月活用户最高的三款顶尖产品之一,而且还在这么短的时间内就证明了自己的变现能力以及潜在的变现空间,这样的产品,估值四百亿美元只是一个保守数额。” 400 hundred million USD, are the conservative amounts, the expression of Wall Street, making many people stare dumbfounded. 四百亿美元,还是保守数额,华尔街的措辞,让许多人瞠目结舌。 But Li Mu did not think that 400 hundred million USD estimate values were high, on the contrary, he thought that this estimate value is too low. 李牧一点也不觉得四百亿美元的估值高了,相反,他觉得这个估值还太低。 Present Weibo (Micro Blog) Twitter R is what exists? It is a platform that fused Weibo (Micro Blog) and Twitter R, moreover it was born in chaos. 现在的微博twitter是什么存在?它是一个融合了微博twitter的平台,而且它诞生在了一片混沌之中。 Facebook now in Mark in Zuckerberg, but also is only a product that is all the rage North American University, the Microsoft msn family photo had struck back in mother 's womb by Li Mu, moves the internet time to be far away, in this case, Weibo (Micro Blog) Twitter R simply is invincible existence, if oneself suppress Facebook, the recompression lives in industry other to compete, in less than two years, the Weibo (Micro Blog) Twitter R market value may holds thousand hundred million USD above super high by the bubble and concept. faebook现在在马克扎克伯格手里,还只是一个风靡北美高校的产品,微软的msn全家福早就被李牧打回了娘胎里,移动互联网时代又相距甚远,这种情况下,微博twitter简直就是无敌的存在,如果自己压住faebook,再压住行业其他竞品,用不了两年时间,微博twitter的市值就有可能被泡沫和概念一路捧到千亿美元以上的超级高位。 If acts Weibo (Micro Blog) Twitter R at that time, will then pound Facebook and future fiercely moves the internet new product, can gain absolutely greatly gains two big waves especially, if when the time comes which unlucky egg will take over a business top Weibo (Micro Blog) Twitter R, will take three years and market values to owe 6-7 hundred hundred million USD in the hand, simply to playing to be the same. 如果在那个时候把微博twitter出手,然后猛砸faebook以及未来移动互联网的新型产品,绝对能大赚特赚两大波,到时候哪个倒霉蛋要是高位接盘微博twitter,在手里拿三年、市值亏个六七百亿美元,简直跟玩儿一样。 If occupies the objection to this number, can refer to US (America) online, the peak 1600 hundred million USD market values, ten years, fall 1500 hundred million USD...... 如果对这个数据有异议,可以参考一下美国在线,巅峰时期一千六百多亿美元的市值,十来年时间,一路跌出去一千五百多亿美元…… Li Mu believes that good that so long as operate, Weibo (Micro Blog) Twitter R can certainly turn into a nuclear bomb of pit deceased person, but, now what he has not wanted to be good: 李牧坚信,只要自己操作的好,微博twitter一定能变成一个坑死人的核弹,不过,他现在还没想好的是: When the time comes, this nuclear bomb, which silly bird making take over a business? 到时候,这个核弹,让哪个傻鸟来接盘呢?
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