RINAPE :: Volume #16

#1594: Li Mu's variety first show

At first, according to the Li Mu's request, Larry Page, even if, in program finally broadcasts in the publication the mirror, cannot certainly mention his actual status, only called him to be OK for the foreign friends. 最初,按照李牧的要求,拉里・佩奇就算在节目的最终播出版里出镜,也一定不能提及他的实际身份,只称呼他为外国友人就可以了。 However that is before Li Mu prepares to seize by force the Google stock, both sides in at daggers drawn stage, but now, Google has sheared the meat to join own camp, in this case, naturally does not need to make the hidden to process to Larry Page's status. 不过那是在李牧准备豪夺谷歌股份之前,双方正在剑拔弩张的阶段,但是现在,谷歌已经割肉加入了自己的阵营,这种情况下,自然也就不需要对拉里・佩奇的身份做隐藏处理。 Therefore, in television, when whole face exhausted Larry Page sits under the tree, on the screen presented one line of captions: This US (America) friend, is Google founder & ceo, Larry Page......” 所以,电视里当满脸疲惫的拉里・佩奇坐在树下的时候,屏幕上出现了一行字幕:“这位美国友人,是谷歌创始人&ceo,拉里・佩奇……” Just like Zhao Ziqiu, innumerable audience, when sees this line of captions, surprised. 赵子秋一样,无数观众在看到这行字幕的时候,惊讶不已。 First what is surprised, Larry Page such worth several billions USD Silicon Valley big shot, a person at the back of a shoulders package, go into some China mountain village to look for Li Mu unexpectedly, his entire clothes, do not seem like a billionaire, instead probably Western society common hanging silk backpacker. 首先惊讶的是,拉里・佩奇这样一个身价数十亿美元硅谷大佬,竟然一个人背着一个双肩包,跑到华夏某个山村里来找李牧,他的整个穿着打扮,一点也不像是一个亿万富翁,反而像是一个西方社会常见的吊丝背包客 What next is surprised, Larry Page receives such treatment in the program group unexpectedly, exactly said, does not have the treatment from the start, a camp stool does not give, oneself sit under the tree looks at Li Mu fishing...... 其次惊讶的是,拉里・佩奇竟然在节目组就受这样的待遇,确切的说,是压根没有待遇,连个马扎也不给,就自己坐在树底下看李牧钓鱼…… Asking of Zhao Ziqiu very surprise: Why this Larry Page rushes to the shooting location to look for your Ah? to look that far away you do not treat probably see his appearance.” 赵子秋很是诧异的问:“这个拉里・佩奇为什么大老远跑到拍摄地找你啊?看你好像不太待见他的样子。” Li Mu was asking: „Did this look by you?” 李牧笑着问:“这都被你看出来了?” Yes......” Zhao Ziqiu is pointing on the screen Li Mu that fishes, said: You looked from the start continually has not looked at his one eyes, patronized was fishing, normally, had the friend to come far away, must first entertain the friend to be right.” “是啊……”赵子秋指着屏幕上正在钓鱼的李牧,说:“你压根连看都没看他一眼,光顾着钓鱼了,正常情况下,有朋友这么大老远过来,肯定得优先招待朋友才对。” Li Mu haha said with a smile: At that time he with me was also not a friend, was the opponent, the present was a friend.” 李牧哈哈笑道:“当时他跟我还不是朋友,是对手,现在算是朋友了。” Zhao Ziqiu spits the tongue: Good, you are also enough bad.” 赵子秋吐了吐舌头:“好吧,你也是够坏的。” In the television, a Larry Page face disheartened appearance, seeming like is quite truly dispirited. 电视里,拉里・佩奇一脸丧气的样子,看起来确实相当颓废。 Li Mu looks at, feels like very interesting actually. 李牧看着,心里倒是觉得很有意思。 In his opinion, before the lens, pitiful Larry Page, takes the consequences for own actions completely, he and Google high level, are completely one group of will insufficiently firm two sickness patients. 在他看来,镜头前可怜兮兮的拉里・佩奇,完全就是自作自受,他和谷歌的高层,完全就是一群意志不够坚定的中二病患者。 Initially oneself benign must work with them, finally their strengths, 0% more than ten stocks did not hate to take outward. 当初自己和颜悦色的要跟他们合作,结果他们那股劲头上来,百分之十几的股份都舍不得往外拿。 Finally oneself registered a Shell simply, looks to sing a play Baidu, gets angry with them officially, Larry Page can only run personally looks oppressively, then the little darling puts out 30% stocks to do obeisance the wharf, this is typical does not know the good and evil. 最后自己干脆注册了一个空壳公司,把百度找来唱一台戏,跟他们正式翻脸,拉里・佩奇就只能亲自跑这么远来找虐,然后乖乖拿出30%股份拜码头,这就是典型的不识好歹。 Also hopes that Larry Page this lens can disseminate the overseas to go, making overseas these internet elites look at Larry Page to seek the oppressive appearance, quite makes them take warning. 也希望拉里・佩奇这一段镜头能够传播到海外去,让海外那些互联网精英们看一看拉里・佩奇求虐的样子,也好让他们引以为戒。 In content then, Li Mu displays in the program, should not have the appearance that like a richest family. 而后的内容中,李牧在节目里表现得,一点也不像一个首富应该有的样子。 «In Life that previous life Yearns for», Executive of hundreds of millions sale prices to the rural area, various aspects can obviously be able to see, he has no idea to the village life completely, but Li Mu is entirely different from him. 上辈子《向往的生活里》,几亿身价的老总到了农村,各方面都能明显看得出,他对农村生活完全两眼一抹黑,可李牧却与他截然不同。 Li Mu although is not the rural area grows up, but grandparent in countryside, therefore in childhood also frequently in village life, because of this , he when the mushroom room can fast adaptation that village life, even also has words at fingertips and writes with facility to various life skills of rural area. 李牧虽然不是农村长大,但爷爷奶奶就在乡下,所以小时候也经常在农村生活,正因为如此,他在蘑菇屋的时候才能快速适应那种乡村生活,甚至对农村的各种生活技能也信手拈来。 For example, the entire process that Li Mu lights a fire, was recorded by the camera entire journey. 比如,李牧生火的全过程,就被摄像头全程记录了下来。 In the past, including Peng Yuyan as well as other honored guests, they have not lit a fire in the rural area the skill of preparing food, the before top of rural area prepared food every day, burnt, how to burn also has very big art. 以往,包括彭于彦以及其他嘉宾在内,他们并没有在农村生火做饭的技巧,农村的灶台每天做饭之前才烧起来,怎么烧也有很大的讲究。 Help/Gang Huang Lei of Li Mu in the television in the technique that lights a fire especially is adept, he takes the straw and corn straw that the newspaper, seasoned, then chops the good firewood. 李牧在电视里帮黄雷生火的手法就格外娴熟,他拿了报纸、晒干的麦秆以及玉米秸,然后才是劈好的木柴。 Lighting a fire time, first forces in the straw the top, then loses to ignite the straw with the newspaper ignition, invests the corn straw again, draws the bellower to make the furnace burn down, at this time hurried to throw again the most difficult fever firewood, waited for the straw to outburn was similar, the firewood that the corn straw also burnt had been ignited , and fever was more prosperous. 生火的时候,先把麦秆塞进灶台里,然后用报纸点燃丢进去将麦秆引燃,紧接着再投入玉米秸,拉动风箱让炉火烧起来,这时候赶紧再把最难烧的木柴丢进去,等麦秆烧完了、玉米秸也烧的差不多了,木柴就已经被引燃并且越烧越旺了。 A series of flows that Li Mu lights a fire are clear, moreover operates also to have the orderliness, has not been thrown into confusion, later the captions 11 labelled several steps that he lit a fire in side, and was joined to a paragraph of writing: Top lighting a fire standard demonstration.” 李牧生火的一系列流程非常清晰,而且操作上也非常有条理,一点都没有手忙脚乱,后期字幕在旁边把他生火的几个步骤一一标注了出来,并且配上了一段文字:“灶台生火标准示范。” Except for lighting a fire, the use pressed well aspect, Li Mu also shows oneself experience about the village life. 除了生火,使用压水井这方面,李牧也展现出了自己关于农村生活的经验。 Bothers the pressure well of room to have an issue, presses the non- water leakage directly, must first go but in actually part of pilots, then fierce pressure meets the water leakage, but this issue before then, many honored guests have not found out, came on a pressure, pressed discovered that the non- water leakage gave up directly, then looked based in the honored guest responded that the pressurised water well has problems. 蘑菇屋的压水井有一个问题,直接压不出水,必须先倒进去一部分引水,然后猛压一阵才会出水,但是这个问题在这之前,很多嘉宾都没摸清楚,来了就一阵压,压了发现不出水就直接放弃了,然后去找常驻嘉宾反应压水井出了问题。 The audience also know, this pressure well must have the pilot to be able the water leakage, therefore was also used to see each honored guest to be at a loss, then looked based in the repertoire that the honored guest requested reinforcements. 观众也知道,这个压水井必须有引水才能出水,于是也就习惯了见每一位嘉宾都束手无策,然后找常驻嘉宾求援的套路。 However, on the television, after Li Mu presses several discovered the non- water leakage, directly with the vessel for baling out water from nearby barrel scooped up one bowl of water, after pouring goes, then presses several, the water then gradually started to gush out. 不过,电视上,李牧压了几下发现不出水之后,直接用水舀从旁边的桶里舀了一碗水,倒进去之后接着压了几下,水便逐渐开始涌出。 These slight detail performance, making the audience to Li Mu more several points of warm feelings, made Li Mu before the audience meets the rusticity. 这些细微的细节表现,让观众对李牧更多了几分亲切感,也让李牧在观众面前变得更接地气。 Waited till Li Mu to bring they walked into the mountain to seek to know turtle that plot the time, Li Mu could not have seen slightly the condition of billionaire on the screen, the completeness was the young fellow who a rural area walked. 等到了李牧带他们进山寻找知了龟那一段剧情的时候,李牧在荧幕上已经看不出丝毫亿万富翁的状态,完完全全就是一个农村走出来的小伙子。 When audience looks at Li Mu leads these honored guest familiar and easy sneaking in woods, then very skilled just broke out from the ground knew the monkey that these holds, they even think, the Li Mu experience is so rich, he should is based in the honored guest. 当观众看着李牧带领这些嘉宾轻车熟路的钻进树林、然后非常熟练的将那些刚刚破土而出的知了猴一个一个的抓住,他们甚至以为,李牧经验这么丰富,他才应该是常驻嘉宾。 However, most audience cared that is actually this thing should how eat. 不过,大部分观众更关心的,是这东西究竟应该怎么吃。 China is bounteous, the person habits and customs of each place were also various, know monkey type of thing, although had in the whole country, the person who however ate were not many. 华夏地大物博,每个地方的人生活习惯也各不相同,知了猴这种东西,虽然在全国各地都有,但是吃的人并不多。 Had to eat to know the audience of monkey custom, saw here to feel quite at home, but without the audience of such custom, filled at heart was shocking and curious. 有吃知了猴习惯的观众,看到这里倍感亲切,但没这么习惯的观众,心里也充满了震惊与好奇。 Saw behind, Li Mu knows the monkey belt/bring to go back to wash a big pile, to process then to admit in the wok with cooking oil cleanly to explode golden yellow, many audience looked fascinated, while was also anticipating when these honored guests ate to know the monkey performance later, 看到后面,李牧把一大堆知了猴带回去洗干净、处理好然后放进油锅里炸成金黄,许多观众一边看得入迷,一边也都在期待着这些嘉宾待会吃知了猴时的表现, This bridge section classical plot, yes, somebody or, but certain people do not eat from the beginning, finally clenches teeth to eat a point to try, the result discovery is very delicious, therefore keeps eating. 这种桥段的经典剧情,就是,某个人或者而某些人一开始死活不吃,最后咬牙吃一点试一试,结果发现很好吃,于是吃个不停。 Such plots, basically can support a volume of variety show, if several, that this volume to the audience, could be said as very attractive. 有一个这样的剧情,基本上就能支撑起一集综艺节目了,如果有几个,那这一集对观众来说,就可以说是很好看了。 Wang Jingze like «Distortion Recording» , the audience looked this person supposes, anticipation is that moment that sees him to admit defeat, so long as he admitted defeat, everyone hi. 就像《变形记》里的王敬泽,观众看这种人设的时候,期待的就是看到他服软的那一刻,只要他服软了,大家就嗨了。 Huang Lei to knowing the monkey had no too major acceptance difficulty actually, took up the chopsticks to eat directly, He Jiong a little hesitated slightly, but without hesitant dozens seconds, then also took up the chopsticks, to pick one toward the mouth stopper. 黄雷对知了猴倒是没什么太大的接受困难,直接拿起筷子就吃了,何囧稍微有一点犹豫,不过没犹豫过几十秒,便也拿起筷子、夹起一只就往嘴里塞。 After their two people have eaten, to knowing the appraisal of monkey was high, but this to Peng Yuyan, has not had any forward impact, his looks at knew in the look of monkey to fill to dread as before. 他们两个人吃过之后,对知了猴的评价都非常高,但这对身边的彭于彦来说,没带来什么正向的影响,他看着知了猴的眼神里依旧充满畏惧。 Young people who Peng Yuyan this life does not dare to attempt, under Li Mu's many encourage, blows up the courage attempt to eat one, originally when his expression to knowing the monkey put in the mouth the incomparable pain and fear, but when really he chews in the mouth, all fears and worries all vanish into thin air in this flash. 彭于彦这种死活都不敢尝试的年轻人,在李牧的多番鼓励下,才鼓起勇气尝试吃一只,原本他的表情一直到把知了猴放入口中时都还是无比痛苦与恐惧,可真当他在口中嘴嚼的时候,所有的恐惧和担心全都在这一瞬间烟消云散。 When he beams from ear to ear, the whole face pleasantly surprised praise knew the monkey flavor super stick, all audience in this moment realized long-awaited crisp, this is the charm of variety show is. 当他笑逐颜开、满脸惊喜的夸赞知了猴味道超级棒的时候,所有的观众都在这一刻体会到了期待已久的爽点,这就是综艺节目的魅力所在。 But Larry Page, US (America) comes was also forced somebody to do something he incapable by Li Mu, the audience to the foreigner who such other side of the ocean came, in the subconscious filled with the similar anticipation. 而紧接着,美国来的拉里・佩奇也被李牧赶鸭子上架,观众对这样一个大洋彼岸过来的老外,潜意识里更充满了同样的期待。 This psychology, does not dare to say in the world, at least in the entire East Asian Nationality is widespread, the China person, is Japan & South Korea, pays great attention to the westerner's appraisal to its thing, if the westerner likes having the Chinese meal, the China people will feel very happy, if the westerner likes eating the sushi, the Japanese will also feel very happy, is stemming from this psychology, therefore the audience to the Larry Page following performance full is the anticipation, was anticipating he can like this type of China place good food. 这种心理,不敢说在全球,起码在整个东亚民族都是普遍存在的,无论是华夏人,还是日韩,都非常注重西方人对本国事物的评价,西方人如果喜欢吃中餐,华夏人民会觉得很开心,西方人如果喜欢吃寿司,日本人也会觉得很开心,正是出于这种心理,所以观众对拉里・佩奇接下来的表现满是期待,期待着他能够喜欢这种华夏地方美食。 Larry Page has not truly disappointed the audience, the fear degree that he most starts be stronger than several points Peng Yuyan, when was forced can only brace oneself the attempt, his face resembles is dying simply resembles. 拉里・佩奇也确实没让观众失望,他最开始的害怕程度要比彭于彦更强几分,在被逼无奈只能硬着头皮尝试的时候,他的脸简直像快死了似的。 However, after Larry Page tastes to truly knowing the flavor of monkey, his performance completely turned into another person. 但是,当拉里・佩奇真正品尝到知了猴的味道后,他的表现完全变成了另一个人。 Afterward on the television screen the style changes suddenly, Peng Yuyan and Larry Page start to snatch the food unexpectedly on own initiative. 随后电视荧幕上画风突变,彭于彦和拉里・佩奇竟然开始主动抢食。 After a Larry Page such foreigner also completed from, to frightened accepting arrives again snatches the transformation of food, the crisp point of this issue of program has exceeded the expectation of audience. 当拉里・佩奇这样一个老外也完成了从恐惧、到接受再到抢食的蜕变之后,这一期节目的爽点已经超出了观众的预期。 The Zhao Ziqiu volt looks in the Li Mu bosom with great interest, to finishing also having not given full expression, cannot bear sigh: Before had not thought that a grade can also be so attractive at the variety show of rural experience life, after this grade of program since I looked at the first issue, one issue has not fallen, simply was too interesting.” 赵子秋伏在李牧怀里看的津津有味,一直到结束了都还意犹未尽,忍不住感叹道:“以前从来没想过,一档在农村体验生活的综艺节目也能这么好看,这档节目从我看了第一期之后,就一期也没有落下过,简直是太有意思了。” Saying, her is asking Li Mu: How do you think of such program form?” 说着,她问李牧:“你是怎么想到这样的节目形式的?” Li Mu said with a smile: „The audience looked that at the variety show that in the studio shot, therefore so long as now moves from the indoor the variety show, basically succeeded half, remaining, looks for a good breakthrough point, this breakthrough point was: Host and honored guest moves after the studio must make anything, they can come the rural experience life together, can make interesting Game in each corner of each city together, even can also be the father leads the child to experience the life to each place, does not sound like very interesting, but when really some people present such program before you, you will discover its unique merit.” 李牧笑道:“观众看多了在演播室里拍摄的综艺节目,所以现在只要把综艺节目从室内搬出来,基本上就成功了一半,剩下的,就是找一个好的切入点,这个切入点就是:主持人和嘉宾从演播室搬出来之后到底要做什么,他们可以是一起来农村体验生活,也可以一起在各个城市的各个角落做着有意思的游戏,甚至还可以是爸爸带着孩子到各个地方去体验生活,听起来好像不是很有意思,但真当有人把这样的节目呈现在你面前的时候,你就会发现它的独特之处了。”
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