RINAPE :: Volume #16

#1578: The destiny arrives

Has not seen Macmillan Family to lower the head the apology, had not seen that British Football Association comes out to apologize, had not seen that Fergusson was processed by British Football Association, has not attained the Christiano contract, Li Mu also to own two titter and related news conducts deeper step adding fuel to the flames in the network. 没见到麦克米伦家族低头道歉,没见到英足总出来道歉,没见到弗格森被英足总处理,更没拿到c罗的合约,李牧还在网络上对自己的两条titter以及相关的新闻进行更深一步的推波助澜。 YY started the new wave of push, the edition of YY net even started to do a news topic, started continuously to conduct a more detailed description to the entire event. yy又开始了新的一波推送,yy网的编辑甚至开始搞了一个新闻专题,开始不断对整个事件进行更为详细的描述。 British People, even the entire world pays attention to the people of FA Premier League, pays close attention to this matter, even Britain has many people to gather the headquarters of Man United team as well as British Football Association protested. 英国民众,甚至全世界关注英超的民众,都对这件事情密切关注,甚至英国国内已经有大量民众汇聚到曼联队以及英足总的总部进行抗议。 FA Premier League is the pride of British fan, but their didn't expect, this proud behind hidden the dirtiness that so indecently. 英超是英国球迷的骄傲,但他们没想到,这个骄傲背后隐藏着如此不堪入目的肮脏。 The media of entire Europe are paying attention, has not dared to conduct beyond the tendentious obvious report besides Boss Boss C now, other media are almost uniform are all attacking the ugly inside story of FA Premier League, and corruption of British Football Association cannot withstand. 全欧洲的媒体都在关注,除了bbc现在还不敢进行倾向性明显的报道之外,其他媒体几乎清一色全在抨击英超的丑恶内幕,以及英足总的腐败不堪。 The prestige of British Football Association drops to the historical limiting value. 英足总的声誉跌落到历史极限值。 The unceasing attack, making the senior officials of British Football Association start to worry to get angry crazily, they will unable to wait for tomorrow to announce again their newest disposal plans, will be too long because of this late time, does not know that what kind of altitude Li Mu will also make this matter rise. 外界的不断抨击,让英足总的高官们开始疯狂着急上火,他们等不及到明天再宣布他们的最新处理方案,因为这一晚的时间太漫长,不知道李牧还会让这件事情上升到怎样的高度。 While Fergusson leads to arrive in Old Trafford time, departed from the norm in the bus entrance waiting for a long time home game fan, held up the sign of protest, then uniform the loudness outside the car(riage) shouted: Ferguson, Shame On You!” 正当弗格森带队抵达老特拉福德球场的时候,在大巴入口等待已久的主场球迷一反常态,举起了抗议的牌子,然后在车外整齐划一的大声喊道:“ferguson,shame-on-you!” Fergusson, is ashamed for you!” “弗格森,为你感到羞耻!” Fergusson these years hound by the entire Man United players and British fans crazily, the heart deep place truly somewhat is also floating, the title of Knight makes him feel that an aloof superiority feeling, in the soccer circle, can attain k Boss E coach also his alone one after all. 弗格森这些年被整个曼联球员以及英国球迷疯狂追捧,内心深处也确实有些飘飘然,爵士的头衔又让他感觉到了一种超然的优越感,毕竟足球圈里,能拿到kbe的教练也就他独一份。 However, today all in turn. 但是,今天一切都反过来了。 fans and fans can make him feel aloofly, naturally can also make him feel that puts base and low that cultivates the behavior. 粉丝和拥趸们能让他感觉到超然,自然也能让他感觉到夹起尾巴做人的卑微。 Now, the Fergusson expression in bus is very ugly, has been far from the anger at heart, is regrets and flurried. 现在,大巴车里的弗格森表情特别难看,心里已经谈不上愤怒,全是后悔与慌乱。 After all in that pinnacle highly dull is too long, suddenly wants one types to throw off in the feeling of place, Fergusson especially is startled. 毕竟在那个极致的高度呆的太久,忽然要有一种被掀翻在地的感觉,弗格森心里格外惊慌。 To be honest, Fergusson's coaching skill and understanding of the soccer absolutely are the world top level, this is professional ability, but, professional ability strong person , a very easy suspect mistake, that is arrogant. 老实说,弗格森的执教水平以及对足球的理解绝对是世界顶尖水平,这是业务能力方面,但是,业务能力强的人,也很容易犯一个错误,那就是恃才傲物。 Felt own professional ability strong, the industry Mainland position is high, started to play the industry overlord, started to provoke the rule, to play with the rule even to dominate above the rule, like this could not distinguish clearly anything to make, anything should not the genius of doing, China in the history to stress one in the ancient times in a big way, the fate almost without exception, was all cut. 觉得自己业务能力强、自己业内地位高,就开始玩起了行业霸王,开始挑衅规则、玩弄规则甚至凌驾于规则之上,这样分不清什么该做、什么不该做的天才人物,华夏古代历史上一抓一大把,下场几乎无一例外,全被砍了。 At this time what Fergusson thinks, if the time backs up, oneself are willing to lead Cristiano Ronaldo, delivers to him the hand of Man City team personally. 弗格森此时想的是,如果时间倒退回去,自己愿意带着克里斯蒂亚诺・罗纳尔多,亲手把他送到曼城队的手里。 The bus of motorcade finally slow driving field from stream of people, when the car(riage) stops before the player entrance finally, Fergusson's first goes down the car(riage), unemotional entered the lounge of home game player. 车队的大巴终于从人流之中缓慢的驶入球场,当车终于在球员入口前停下时,弗格森第一个走下车,面无表情的走进了主场球员的休息室。 Head coach who the Fergusson 86 years becomes the Man United team, by today, have assumed about 20 years in Old Trafford, to here like family/home also familiar. 弗格森86年成为曼联队的主教练,到今天,已经在老特拉福德球场坐镇将近20个年头,对这里像家也一样熟悉。 The players follow in Fergusson's behind admission, everyone comes to the familiar players'lounge silently, opens own exclusive closet to prepare to change the clothes, while waits to listen respectfully to the head coach today's lineup arrangement and tactical arrangement. 球员们跟在弗格森的身后入场,大家默不作声的来到熟悉的球员休息室,一边打开自己的专属衣柜准备换衣,一边等着聆听主教练今天的阵容安排以及战术布置。 Fergusson although train of thought is extremely at heart chaotic, but forcefully was been calm by oneself, then has drawn the blackboard, starts to conduct the tactical set up formation on above soccer field frame chart. 弗格森虽然心里思绪极乱,但还是强行让自己镇定下来,然后拉过黑板,开始在上面足球场框架图上进行战术布阵。 Only what Fergusson rejoices, is good because of tonight's opponent Boulton is only a FA Premier League last stage team, the Man United team when facing such opponent, basically can the romp home. 弗格森心里唯一庆幸的是,好在今晚的对手博尔顿只是一个英超末流球队,曼联队在面临这样的对手时,基本可以轻易取胜。 The trainer walked at this time, read the list that Fergusson just improved , he wants to let Cristiano Ronaldo to go on stage, as to the response of Man City team, but, now this talent player who replaces Beckham had been delimited from the list by him, even on the bench will not have him. 助理教练这个时候走了过来,将弗格森刚改好的名单念了一遍,原本,他想让克里斯蒂亚诺・罗纳尔多登场,作为对曼城队的回应,不过,现在这个替代贝克汉姆的天才球员已经被他从名单中划了出去,甚至连替补席上都不会有他。 After the trainer read the list, Fergusson has drawn the formation chart on the blackboard, he opened the mouth saying: Tonight we do not have David Beckham, without Cristiano Ronaldo, therefore we hit one 4231, Scholes, your position must toward the premise......” 助理教练念完名单之后,弗格森已经在黑板上画好了阵型图,他开口道:“今晚我们没有大卫・贝克汉姆,没有克里斯蒂亚诺・罗纳尔多,所以我们打一个4231的,斯科尔斯,你的位置要往前提……” Is saying, the CEO David Gill whole face flustered pushing gate of Man United team enters suddenly. 正说着,曼联队的ceo大卫・吉尔忽然满脸慌张的推门而入。 David?” Sees David Gill, Fergusson thump. “大卫?”看见大卫吉尔,弗格森心里咯噔一下。 Normally, even if CEO comes to the scene to observe, still mainly accompanies the shareholder or the important guest in the theater box, will not go into the changing room, his expression at this moment fills let alone intense with not handles, looks does not seem like what good deed. 正常情况下,ceo就算来现场观战,也主要是在包厢里陪股东或者重要的客人,不会跑到更衣室来,更何况他此刻的表情充满紧张与无措,一看就不像是什么好事。 David Gill sympathizes with looks at Fergusson who and pities, asked low voice: Knight, can chat a meeting with you in secret?” 大卫・吉尔同情而又怜悯的看着弗格森,小声问道:“爵士,能跟你私下里聊一会吗?” Fergusson puts down the symbol pen, said to the players was sorry, then walked. 弗格森放下记号笔,对球员们说了一声抱歉,然后走了出来。 The entrance, David Gill is facing a face surprise Fergusson, does not know how all of a sudden should open the mouth. 门口,大卫・吉尔面对着一脸诧异的弗格森,一下子不知道该如何开口。 How to say? Told him directly: Knight, we receive the punishment notice that British Football Association working overtime issued, you had been banned life-long coaches the English Team? 怎么说?难道直接告诉他:爵士,我们收到了英足总加班下发的处罚通知,你已经被终生禁制执教英格兰球队? God! David Gill does not dare to imagine, what kind of attack this will create to Fergusson. 天啊!大卫・吉尔不敢想象,这对弗格森会造成怎样的打击。 Pours into the lifetime painstaking care in the man of Man United team, now not only need leave Man United, even must leave England, can find own space, this punishment, was really brutal. 一个把毕生心血都倾注在曼联队的男人,现在不但要离开曼联,甚至要离开英格兰,才能找到自己的一席之地,这个处罚,实在是太残酷了。 However, as CEO, David Gill is also very clear, in the punishment decision whole that British Football Association makes does not have the issue, they found the key point of issue, that is: Heavy fine others, preserve themselves. 不过,作为一个ceo,大卫・吉尔也很清楚,英足总做出的这个处罚决定整体上是没有问题的,他们找到了问题的关键点,那便是:重罚他人,保全自己。 When facing the Li Mu like this international big hooligan, British Football Association can only club the dead house slave randomly, comes to set the model to Li Mu, pointed at the body of house slave to say to Li Mu: You looked, I have not really taught with an improper method, I have not really harbored the house slave. 在面对李牧这样的国际大流氓时,英足总只能乱棍打死家奴,来向李牧做出表率,指着家奴的尸体对李牧说:你看,我真的没有管教无方,我也真的没有包庇家奴。 Behind this, British Football Association must have multi- feeling sad, David Gill can also be able to imagine, they make this decision, means, they have chosen comprehensively to Li Mu submit, who was incapable of saving Fergusson. 这背后,英足总得有多心酸,大卫・吉尔也能想象得到,他们做出这个决定,就意味着,他们已经全面选择向李牧屈服,谁也无力挽救弗格森了。 Fergusson looks at David Gill starts to speak but hesitates, the hesitant appearance, the brow is wrinkling asking tightly: „Does David, what matter have?” 弗格森看着大卫・吉尔欲言又止、犹犹豫豫的样子,眉头紧皱着问道:“大卫,到底有什么事?” David Gill looks at Fergusson, hesitates over and over, clenches teeth, said cruel-heartedly: Knight, we received the punishment notice of British Football Association a moment ago......” 大卫・吉尔看着弗格森,迟疑再三,还是咬了咬牙,狠心说道:“爵士,我们刚才接到了英足总的处罚通知……” Punishment?” Fergusson one tight, in the surface actually pretends calm asking: How many do they want to be barred from the game my? Four? Eight? Half season?” “处罚?”弗格森心里一紧,表面上却装作淡定的问:“他们是要禁赛我多少场?四场?八场?还是半个赛季?” Is barred from the game half season, in Fergusson's mind is the maximum penalties, he has prepared for half season not being able at this moment going on stage director team competition. 禁赛半个赛季,在弗格森心目中就已经是最大的处罚力度了,他此刻已经做好半个赛季不能上场指挥球队比赛的准备。 Unexpectedly, at this time, David Gill heaved a deep sigh, said: Knight, document of British Football Association said that because you provoked and trampled the soccer sports fair and just basic principle, to the reputation of English soccer, had very bad impact, therefore, British Football Association decided, banned life-long you advise the English Team, as well as holds public office in the English soccer system.” 不料,就在这个时候,大卫・吉尔长叹一声,道:“爵士,英足总的文件里说,因为你挑衅并践踏了足球运动公平公正的基本原则,对英格兰足球的口碑,带来了非常恶劣的影响,所以,英足总决定,终生禁制你指教英格兰球队,以及在英格兰足球体系内供职。” What?!” Fergusson has almost not halted falls down, David Gill fished his quick of eye and hand, makes him avoid throwing down fate. “什么?!”弗格森几乎一个没站住就摔倒在地,还是大卫・吉尔眼疾手快捞了他一把,才让他免于摔倒的下场。 Fergusson probably all of a sudden old more than ten years old, even the sound is shivering, the grief and indignation said: They do also rather went too far! When does British Football Association give a head coach to punish severely?!” 弗格森好像一下子老了十几岁,连声音都在颤抖着,悲愤不已的说:“他们做的也未免太过分了吧!英足总什么时候给过一个主教练这么严厉的处罚?!” David Gill nods, the sympathy said: They truly do too excessive......” 大卫・吉尔点点头,同情的说:“他们确实做的太过分了……” Meanwhile, David Gill was also sighing at heart: „ Fergusson Fergusson, British Football Association has not given any head coach, such harsh punishment, but, British Football Association so many head coaches, who no crime Li Mu such person! 同时,大卫・吉尔也不免在心里感叹:“弗格森啊弗格森,英足总是从来没有给过任何一个主教练,这么严厉的处罚,但是,英足总这么多主教练,谁也没的罪过李牧这样的人啊! A proper world's richest did not say, is the world's largest internet platform tycoon, the hand grasps the huge current capacity of global Internet users, the information delivery ability surpasses global any media, you annoyed him, but also drags down in the friends of British Football Association oneself, making British Football Association top of the head also fasten evil reputation, you also count on that now British Football Association can guarantee you? 一个妥妥的世界首富不说,还是世界最大的互联网平台大亨,手握全球网民的巨大流量,信息投放能力超过全球任何一家媒体,你惹了他也就罢了,还把自己在英足总的朋友拉下水,让英足总头顶也扣上了屎盆子,你现在还指望英足总能保你? Fergusson flurriedly and said rapidly: „It is not good, I must call Jimmy, asks this what's the matter!” 弗格森慌乱而又急促的说:“不行,我得给吉米打个电话,问问这到底是怎么回事!” Jimmy?” David Gill selected the eyebrow: Jimmy of British Football Association?” “吉米?”大卫・吉尔挑了挑眉:“英足总的吉米?” Fergusson nods saying: Right! He is the core high level of British Football Association, he has certainly the means to mediate......” 弗格森点头说道:“没错!他是英足总的核心高层,他一定有办法斡旋一下……” David Gill sighed, did not endure to say completely: Knight, Jimmy Goodman had removed from office, one hour ago matter, he should make the work connection now, therefore has not informed you with enough time.” 大卫・吉尔叹了口气,满是不忍的说:“爵士,吉米・古德曼已经被撤职了,一个小时前的事情,他现在应该正在做工作交接,所以没有来得及通知你。” What?!” Fergusson was shocked: „Did Jimmy remove from office? Aren't you joking with me? He is No. 3 character of British Football Association, how saying that removes from office removes from office?” “什么?!”弗格森愣住了:“吉米被撤职了?你不是在跟我开玩笑吧?他是英足总的三号人物,怎么说撤职就撤职?” David Gill said reluctantly: Only can say that the influence of this matter was too big, British Football Association shoulders very strong public opinion pressure now.” 大卫・吉尔无奈的说:“只能说这件事的影响太大了,英足总现在背负了非常强大的舆论压力。” Fergusson one treats all day in the training base, this matter makes the big noise in the outside world, he does not have an explicit cognition, hides in the safe room probably feels the storm, what heard is only the wind and rain sound, is involved, knows this storm fearfully the might. 弗格森一整天待在训练基地里,这件事在外界到底闹出多大的动静,他心里没有一个明确的认知,就好像躲在安全的房间里感受风暴,听到的只是风雨声,只有置身其中,才知道这场风暴的威力到底有多可怕。 Saw fermentation was similar, David Gill deeply inspires, said to Fergusson: Knight, I come, was mainly informs your club just-received, the punishment result by British Football Association being sent.” 眼看酝酿的差不多了,大卫・吉尔深吸一口气,对弗格森说:“爵士,我过来,主要是告知你一个俱乐部刚刚收到的、由英足总发来的处罚结果。” Fergusson looks at David Gill, at heart already unconscious even more flurried, he seemed to have felt arrival of destiny, he even suspected, oneself possibly did not resist. 弗格森看着大卫・吉尔,心里已经不自觉的愈发慌乱,他似乎已经感到了命运的降临,他甚至怀疑,自己可能根本抵抗不了。 At this time, a David Gill face regretted saying that and was sorry: Knight, British Football Association to your punishment is, can not teach in England Football Team life-long......” 这时候,大卫・吉尔一脸遗憾与抱歉的说道:“爵士,英足总对你的处罚是,终生不得在英格兰足球队执教……” You said anything......” “你说什么……” The feeling of liking a sudden thunderclap is this, Fergusson whole person somewhat cannot halt all of a sudden, holds the doorframe to stand firm the body slightly. 五雷轰顶的感觉莫过于此,弗格森整个人一下子有些站不住,扶着门框才稍微稳住身体。 David Gill repeated, said: British Football Association requests your excellency not to in the English soccer teach life-long, the effective date is today, is very regrettable, this year's competition, you cannot enter the stage on behalf of the Man United team......” 大卫・吉尔重复了一遍,道:“英足总要求阁下终生不得在英格兰足球执教,生效日期是今天,很遗憾,今年的比赛,你不能代表曼联队出场了……”
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